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21 In froth flotation, air is bubbled through an aqueous solution or slurry to which a foaming
agent (soap) has been added. The air bubbles carry finely dispersed solids and hydrophobic
materials such as grease and oil to the surface where they can be skimmed off in the foam. An
ore-containing slurry is to be processed in a froth flotation tank at a rate of 300 tons/h. The slurry
consists of 20.0 wt% solids (the ore, SG = 1.2) and the remainder an aqueous solution with a
density close to that of water. Air is sparged (blown through a nozzle designed to produce small
bubbles) into the slurry at a rate of 40.0 ft3 (STP)/1000 gal of slurry. The entry point of the air is
10 it below the slurry surface. The tank contents are at 75°F and the barometric pressure is 28.3
in. Hg. The sparger design is such that the average bubble diameter on entry is 2.0 mm.

(a) What is the volumetric flow rate of the air at its entering conditions?

(b) By what percentage does the average bubble diameter change between the entry point and the
slurry surface?

Pada titik masuk, P1 = (10 ft H2O) (29,9 in. Hg/33,9 ft H2O) + 28,3 in. Hg = 37,1 in. Hg.
Di permukaan, P2 = 28,3 in. Hg, V2 = volume gelembung saat masuk

1 x solid x solution 0,2

= + =
ρsl ρsolid ρ solution 0,8 cm
Rata-rata Kepadatan Bubur: (1,2)(1 g/cm¿¿ 3)+ =0,967 ¿
(1 )

ρ sl = 1,03 g 2,2 lb 5 x 10-4 ton 106 cm3 = 4,3 x 10-3 ton/ gal
Cm3 1000 g 1 lb 264,17 gal

a. 300 ton gal 40 ft3 (STP) 534,7 0R 29,9 in Hg = 2440 ft3/hr

hr 4,3 x 10-3 ton 1000 gal 4920R 37,1 inHg

P 2 V 2 nRT V 2 P 1 37,1
b. = =¿ = = =¿
P1 V 1 nRT V 1 P 2 28,3
% perubahan = x 100 %=10 %
2 mm
5.22 Several decades ago benzene was thought to be a harmless chemical with a somewhat
pleasant odor and was widely used as a cleaning solvent. It has since been found that chronic
exposure to benzene can cause health problems such as anemia and possibly leukemia. Benzene
has a permissible exposure level (PEL) of 1.0 ppm (part per million on a molar basis, equivalent
to a mole fraction of 1.0 X 10-6) averaged over an 8-hour period. The safety engineer in a plant
wishes to determine whether the benzene concentration in a laboratory exceeds the PEL. One
Monday at 9 a.m., 1 p.m., and 5 p.m., she collects samples of room air (33°C, 99 kPa) in
evacuated 2-liter stainless steel containers. To collect a sample she opens the container valve,
allows room air to enter until the container pressure equals atmospheric pressure, and then
charges clean dry helium into the container until the pressure reaches 500 kPa. Next, she takes
the containers to an analytical laboratory in which the temperature is 23°C, leaves them there for
a day, and then feeds gas from each container to a gas chromatograph (GC) until the pressure in
the container is reduced to 400 kPa. In the order in which they were collected, the samples that
pass through the GC are found to contain 0.656 j.Lg (microgram), 0.788j.Lg, and 0.910 j.Lg of
benzene, respectively.

(a) What were the concentrations of benzene (ppm on a molar basis) in the original room air at

the three collection times? (Assume ideal gas behavior.) Is the average concentration below the


(b) Why did the engineer add helium to the container after collecting the room air sample? Why

did she wait a day before analyzing the container contents?

(c) Why might a finding that the average benzene concentration is below the PEL not necessarily
mean that the laboratory is safe insofar as exposure to benzene is concerned? Give several rea-
sons, including possible sources of error in the sampling and analysis procedure. (Among other
things, note the day on which the samples were taken.)
Misal B = benzena

n1 n2 n3 = mol dalam wadah saat sampel dikumpulkan, setelah

helium ditambahkan, dan setelah gas diumpankan ke GC.

Ninj = mol gas yang diinjeksikan

nB nair nHe = mol benzena dan udara dalam wadah dan mol helium ditambahkan

nBGC, mBGC = mol, g benzena dalam GC

yB = fraksi mol benzena di udara ruangan

a. P1 V1 = n1 R1 T1 ( 1= kondisi Ketika sampel sudah di gunakan)

P1 = 99 kPa

T1 = 306 K

n1 99 kPa 2L Mol.K =
101,3 kPa/atm 306 K 0.08206L.atm

n1 = 0,0078 mol = nair + nB

P2 V2 = n2 R2 T2 (2= kondisi Ketika dibebankan dengan He)

P2 = 500 kPa

T2 = 306 K

n2 = 500 kPa 2L Mol.K

101,3 kPa/atm 306 K 0.08206L.atm

n2 = 0,393 mol = nair + nB + nHe

P3 V3 = n3 R3 T3 (3= kondisi akhir)

P3 = 400 kPa

T3 = 296 K

n3 400 kPa 2L Mol.K =

101,3 kPa/atm 296 K 0.08206L.atm
n3 = 0,325 mol = (nair + nB + nHe)+ninj

ninj = n2 – n3

nB = nBGC x n2/ninj

nB 0,393 mol mBGC (g B) 1 mol =

0,068 mol 78 g

= 0,00741 . mBGC

yB (ppm) = nB/n1 x 106 = 0,0741. mBGC/0,078 x106 = 0,950 . mBGC

jam 9 pagi: yB = (0,950x106) (0,656 x106 ) = 0,623 ppm

jam 1 siang: yB = (0,950x106) (0,788x106) = 0,749 ppm

jam 5 sore : yB = (0,950x106) (0,91x106) = 0,864 ppm

b. Helium digunakan sebagai gas pembawa untuk kromatografi gas, dan untuk menekan wadah.

jadi gas akan mengalir ke ruang sampel GC. Menunggu sehari memungkinkan gas bercampur

cukup dan untuk mencapai kesetimbangan termal.

c. (i) Sangat sulit untuk memiliki silinder sampel yang benar-benar dievakuasi; sampel mungkin
menjadi encer untuk memulai.

(ii) Sampel diambil pada hari Senin setelah 2 hari tidak aktif di pabrik. Pembacaan harus
dilakukan pada hari Jumat.

(iii) Helium yang digunakan untuk gas pembawa adalah kurang padat dari benzena dan udara;
oleh karena itu, sampel yang disuntikkan di GC mungkin He- kaya tergantung di mana sampel
diambil dari silinder.

(iv) Benzena mungkin tidak merata di laboratorium. Di beberapa daerah konsentrasi benzene
bisa jauh di atas PEL.
5.23 A balloon 20 m in diameter is filled with helium at a gauge pressure of 2.0 atm. A man is
standing in a basket suspended from the bottom of the balloon. A restraining cable attached to
the basket keeps the balloon from rising. The balloon (not including the gas it contains), the
basket, and the man have a combined mass of 150 kg. The temperature is 24°C that day, and the
barometer reads 760mmHg.

(a) Calculate the mass (kg) and weight (N) of the helium in the balloon.

(b) How much force is exerted on the balloon by the restraining cable? (Recall: The buoyant
force on a submerged object equals the weight of the fluid-in this case, the air-displaced by the
object. Neglect the volume of the basket and its contents.)

(c) Calculate the initial acceleration of the balloon when the restraining cable is released.

(d) Why does the balloon eventually stop rising? What would you need to know to calculate the
altitude at which it stops?

(e) Suppose at its point of suspension in midair the balloon is heated, raising the temperature of
the helium. What happens and why?

Volume balon = ¿ π ¿

Mol gas dari balon

n(kmol) = 4189 m3 492 0R 3 atm 1 kmol = 515,9 kmol

5350R 1 atm 22,4 m3(STP)

a. He pada balon

m = (515,9 kmol) (4,003 kg/kmol) = 2065 kg He

mg = = 20.250
2065 kgN 9,807 m 1N
S2 1 kg.m/s2

P udara 1 atm
b. (P udara pada balon) V = nudaraRT => nair = . ngas = . 515,9 kmol=172kmol
P gas 3 atm
Fapung = Wudara = 172 kmol 29 kg 9,807 m 1N = 48.920 N
1 kmol S2 1 kg,m / s2

Balon tidak berubah ⅀F1=0

(2065+150)kg 9,807 m 1N
Fcable = Fapung – Wtotal = 48920N- = 27.197 N
S2 1 kg.m / s2

c. Ketika cable lepas Fnet( ) = 27200 N = Mtot a

a= = 12,3 m/s2 27200 N 1 kg.m / s2

(2065 +150) kg N

d. Ketika massa udara yang dipindahkan sama dengan massa balon + helium, balon berhenti

Perlu tahu bagaimana kepadatan udara bervariasi dengan ketinggian.

e. Balon mengembang, memindahkan lebih banyak udara gaya apung meningkat balon naik

sampai penurunan kepadatan udara di ketinggian yang lebih tinggi mengkompensasi volume

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