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Proposal for urban renewal solutions.

The researchers come up with different process to form a site development. First the
researchers identified the significant heritage site. Our aim is to rehabilitate, preserve and restore for
adaptive re-use. Example of this is the Quinta Market , it was built by the Spanish colonial government in
1851, the same year as the Divisoria Market in Tondo. The market was torn down and rebuilt in 2017
during the term of Mayor Joseph Estrada.

The FEATI University Salvador Araneta with his wife Victoria Lopez de Araneta founded on
March 6, 1946 the FEATI Institute of Technology. The educational institution focused on the fields of
engineering and technology. The FEATI University currently occupies as a 5 hectares (12 acres) campus.

In 1972, Henry Sy established the Shoemart and became the first SM Department Store. The
plaza Lacson Prior to World War II, Plaza Lacson was considered the heart of Manila, and constituted
part of the city's downtown area, which also included Plaza Santa Cruz, Rizal Avenue and Escolta Street.
Commercial activity shifted to here from Binondo in large part due to infrastructure improvements
made during the American colonial period to improve access to the northern half of the city, which were
centered on the plaza. 

According to the Republic Act 10066 ,  "National Cultural Heritage Act of 2009". Section
5. Cultural Property Considered Important Cultural Property. - For purposes of protecting a cultural
property against exportation, modification or demolition, the following works shall be considered
important cultural property, unless declared otherwise by the pertinent cultural agency: (f)Structures
dating at least fifty (50) years old; The solution therefore is to retain the said structures mentioned

The second process made was to identify the buildings to regulate or unify the facades, massing
and height to human scale. The building’s height should be maintain and follow hierarchy as they
approach the water. The massing of each building should be appropriate with the lot alloted to each
block and a space for sidewalk.

third process is to identify the area that requires rezoning in the area, reorganization and
regulation of land-use patterns and intensities. A healthy-urban-living with variety of uses including
retail,recreational,entertainment,utility,housing and open spaces. To redesign and redevelop
underutilized areas. So we provided an additional open spaces and build additional structures that can
accommodate improper vendors. Also build a medium rise structure for the informal settlers homing.

Then the fourth is to identify the pedestrian village. The placing of pedestrians of Carlos Palanca
street and surroundings to improve pedestrian and vehicular circulation through, pedestrian links and
surface tram connecting transit stops. To improved pedestrian circulation ground level linkages. We
replan the pedestrian of each street so that there will be no choke point for people and for people to
follow proper crossing. We added a plant on each sidewalk to add a fresh air within the site.

Then the fifth process is to identify sustainable design & riverfront/waterways rehabilitation,
redevelopment and revitalization. We construct parks in adjacent to the river. To integration of urban
green infrastructures-open spaces,greenways,green streets,stormwater run-off sorage and retention,
groundwater recharge, rainwater harvesting, bioswales and bioretention pond. The roof of each
structures are green roof to cleanse tha polluted air that the vehicle emmits.

Then the sixth was socio-cultural development but still we reatined the culture of the site but
improved. We alloted a structure to the vendors which is beside to the quinta market so that the
circulation within the marktets is easy to find items.

Then the seventh was promotion of multicultural corridor through community centers,
programmed bazaars/ night markets,cultural shows/exhibit,cultural pabilions and unity/cultural tower.
We merged the muslim community to the locals so that they can understand each other and

Then the eight is to management and maintenance of all urban infrastructure and utilities. To
prevent the flooding of the area and the maintain the façade and stability of the new structures. We
provided trashcans in each sidewalks so that there will be no garbage that will clog the catch basins and

Then the ninth establishment of materials recovery facility.

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