2nd General Science

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General Science
General Science Units
1. Unit of Power is Watt
2. Unit of Resistance Is Ohm
3. Unit of Conductivity is Mho
4. Unit of Energy is Joule
5. Unit of Distance Between Stars And Planets is Light Year
6. Unit of Wavelength is Meter
7. Unit of Volume is Liter
8. Unit of Frequency is Hertz
9. Unit of Rate of flow of water is Cusec
10. Unit of Length is Meter
11. Unit of Power is Watt
12. Unit of Resistance Is Ohm
13. Unit of Conductivity is Mho
14. Unit of Energy is Joule
15. Unit of Distance Between Stars And Planets is Light Year
16. Unit of Wavelength is Meter
17. Unit of Volume is Liter
18. Unit of Frequency is Hertz
19. Unit of Rate of flow of water is Cusec
20. Unit of Length is Meter
21. Unit of Power is Watt
22. Unit of Resistance Is Ohm
23. Unit of Conductivity is Mho
24. Unit of Energy is Joule
25. Unit of Distance Between Stars And Planets is Light Year
26. Unit of Wavelength is Meter
27. Unit of Volume is Liter
28. Unit of Frequency is Hertz
29. Unit of Rate of flow of water is Cusec
30. Unit of Length is Meter
31. Barometer measures Pressure
32. Voltmeter measures Voltage 33. Lactometer measures Purity of Milk.
34. Thermometer measures Temperature
35. nemometer measures Velocity Of Wind
36. Richter Scale measures Earthquake
37. Hygrometer measures Degree Of Humidity
38. Sphygmomanometer measures Blood Pressure
39. Geiger counter measures Radioactivity
40. Pyrometer measures Surface Temperature
41. Rain Gauge measures Rainfall
42. Seismograph measures Earthquake Recording
43. Ammeter measures Electric current
44. Altimeter measures Altitude
45. Anemometer measures Velocity and Direction of Wind
46. Barometer measures Atmospheric Pressure
47. Audiometer measures Improvement of Hearing Power
48. Calorimeter measures Quantity of Heat
49. Colorimeter measures Intensities of Colors
50. Algesimeter measures Sensitivity of Skin
51. Calorimeter measures Quantity of Heat
52. Colorimeter measures Intensities of Colors
53. Caffeine is the most important stimulant in tea leaves.
54. Acid rain contains high level of Sulphuric and nitric acid.
55. One gram of carbohydrates gives energy of the amount 4.1kcal
56. A man can survive without food for at least one month.
57. When a gas turns into a liquid, the process is called Condensation:
58. Yeast used in making of bread is Fungus.
59. The disease diphtheria affects the Throat in Human Body.
60. Liquids that evaporate quickly are known as Volatile liquids.
61. Spinach is a good source of Potassium.
62. The most abundant element in earth’s crust is Oxygen.
63. In human body Gall Bladder is part of the Digestive system.
64. Glaucoma is caused by increase in pressure within Eyeball.
65. Enzymes are made of Proteins.
66. One ounce is equal to 28.35 grams.
67. Bamboo is Grass.
68. Stomata are the tiny openings present on the epidermis of leaves
69. Paleontology is the study of the history of life on Earth as based on fossils. 70. Non-
bird dinosaurs lived between about 245 and 66 million
71. Years ago, in a time known as the Mesozoic Era.
72. The diameter of the earth is 12,742 km.
73. Mobile phone uses radio waves to transmit signals to a network of base stations
74. The pH of pure water (H20) is 7 at 25 degree Celsius.
75. The light-year is a unit of length used to express astronomical distances and is
equivalent to about 9.46 trilion kilometers (9.46x 1012 km).
76. The Energy possessed by water in a dam is Gravitational potential Energy.
77. The Blood Glucose level reduced by Insulin.
78. Influenza is caused by Virus.
79. Acetic Acid is used for seasoning of Food
80. Lipase enzyme bring about Hydrolysis of Fats.
81. Ascorbic Acid is a water soluble vitamin.
82. The disease diphtheria affects the Throat in Human Body.
83. Spinach is a good source of Potassium.
84. Insulin was discovered by Dr. F.G Banting.
85. Citrus Fruits are considered rich in Vitamin C.
86. Spleen is not an endocrine gland.
87. An instrument designed for testing the purity of milk is called Lactometer.
88. Autopsy is the Port-Mortem examination of a body.
89. Red Colour has largest & Blue colour has shortest wavelength.
90. Pomology is the study of cultivation of fruits.
91. Logarithem tables were invented by John Napier.
92. Most Commonly used bleaching agent is Chlorine.
93. The Planet with the shortest year: Mercury
94. ………… was the 2st mathematician who gave the concept of Set. George Cantor (b/w
95. Which is the biggest planet of the solar system in inner planets? Earth
96. Which is the 2nd month of Islamic calendar? Safar
97. Protective layer of Eye is? Sclera
98. Plasma is the …………. State of matter? Fourth 99. Histology is the study of Tissue
100. Robert Hooke discovered cell from Cork
101. end product of photosynthesis is Carbohydrate and oxygen
102. Hydrogen has …….. type of Isotopes: 3
103. Sum of proton & neutron is called Atomic Mass
104. Ink shell no of electron: 2
105. In Glucose no of Hydrogen is: 12
106. Leibniz calculator wad developed in: 1971 (Gottfried Wilhelm von
Leibniz (1646-1716) invented a calculating machine which was a
major advance in mechanical calculating.)
107. William Oughtred invented: Slide Rule two identical linear or circular
logarithmic scales held together and adjusted by hand
108. In very low temperature which from the following will freeze at last?
Sea Water
109. The nearest plant to the earth is? Venus
110. The position of an element in the Periodic Table is determined by its
………. Number: Proton
111. The Salinity of sea water is determined by the amount of common salt
(Sodium chloride in ………. Of sea water: 01 Kg
112. The Planet which is easily visible from the earth is? Venus
113. The bodyguard of earth is ……….that save the earth from many
comets and asteroids.
114. The planets visible to us without using a telescope are: 5
115. Biosensor is used to measure? Blood glucose level
116. The Principal constituent of the atmosphere of the earth isNitrogen
117. How many divisions does Fahrenheit have? 180
118. Speed of any object be changed by: Force
119. Unit of Decibel is denoted by: dB
120. Which particles of atom are not charged are called neutral? Neutron
121. Kingdom of Monera deals with? Bacteria
122. What is Eukaryotic Cell? Single Cell
123. Plants make their own food by? Photosynthesis
124. Animals with backbone are called? Vertebrates
125. The body of fish is covered with? Scales
126. Fishes take breath through their part called? Gils
127. Reptiles lay their eggs on? Land
128. Which insects are environment friendly? Earthworms
129. Which plant have parallel leaf venation? Monocot
130. Yeast is an example of? Fungi
131. Which is main causes of ozone depletion? Air pollution
132. What is the melting point of Ice? 0 degree c
133. How many primary teeth are there? 20
134. Lungs are protected by? Ribcage
135. Asthma is main disorder of? Lungs
136. Larva of butterfly is called? Caterpiller

137. Frog eggs are also called? Spawn

138. Flash of body is made up of? Protein
139. Kwashiorkor disease is caused by deficiency of? Iron
140. Human beings are: Omnivores
141. Which are the only secondary consumers? Carnivores
142. Animals that eat primary secondary consumers are called? Tertiary
143. Solution is a kind of? Mixture
144. The process of separation of solute and solvent from the mixture is
called? Filtration
145. Water is a? Compound
146. The lowest temperature in laboratory thermometer is? 10 C
147. Secondary source of history is: Books written about historical periods
148. ………………. Are called wise humans. Neanderthal
149. The origin of species book was published in 1859
150. The revolution that started around 1769 is called Industrial
151. Charles Darwin gave Theory Evolution
152. Nature of water is Neutral
153. Litmus paper show color in basic medium Blue
154. Which one weak acid: Carbonic Acid
155. Which best describes milk? Slightly Basic
156. Which is strong base? Sodium Hydroxide
157. Sodium chloride in solid state ……………. Electric? Do not conduct
158. Orange Juice pH is? 4
159. Which one is table salt? Sodium Chloride
160. Molecular mass of ozone? 48
161. Work is ………….. quantity: Scalar
162. Unit of Power is Watt
163. Useable form of energy is: Kinetic Energy
164. Length b/w two particular points: Displacement
165. Rate of change of velocity? Acceleration
166. Unit of Charge is: Coulomb
167. Image formed in the eye? Retina
168. The message transfer from eye to brain Optic Nerve
169. The relationship b/w living organisms with environments is: Ecology
170. Tissue combines to form: Organ
171. DNA is present in: Nucleus
172. The Formula of Ozone layer is: 03
173. Acid rain contain: 𝐇𝟐𝐒𝐎𝟒/𝐇𝟐𝐂𝐎𝟑
174. The Unit of Distance: m/s
175. The storage form of Energy is: Lipids
176. Lipids stored in the: Liver & Muscle
177. In hair protein present that called: Keri Tin
178. Protein made up of? Amino Acid
179. The Amino Acid made of: Amino Group: Carboxylic Group 180.
CTRL +> key is used for Grow font:
181. HQ of UNESCO is in: Paris
182. The blood is: Tissue
183. The some no of proton and different no of neutron: ISO Tope
184. Similar atom joins to form: Element
185. The unit of Velocity 𝒎𝒔
186. The unit of weight: N
187. The unit of Force: N
188. The amino groups contains: Nitrogen & Hydrogen
189. The work divided by time is called: Power
190. Bacteria are: Decomposer
191. The carbon react with oxygen is called: Combustion 192. Tissue combines to form
193. Toggle case is option of: Change case
194. The pH of water is: 7
195. The magnitude of earthquakes can be measured by: Seismograph
196. The Chemical name of table salt is: Sodium chloride 197. The speed of sound
is………… the speed of light: Less
198. Pandemic Covid-29 is …………… disease: Viral
199. The lungs are …………………….. organs: Breathing
200. Earth is surrounded by layers of gases collectively called: Atmosphere
201 Similar body cells group together to form a: Tissue
202. What energy emerges from motion? Kinetic Energy
203. A single piece of coiled DNA is called: chromosome
204. Plants need which gas to perform photosynthesis: Carbon dioxide
205. Which nutrient plays an essential role in muscle building? Protein
206. Animals that suckle their young one are called: Mammals 207. Which material
has the highest transparency: Glass 208. Hydrogen gas is predominant in the sun.
209. Solar System consists of eight planets.
210. Vitamic- C protects skin of human body.
211. Wood is main raw material for the manufacture of Paper.
212. Jaundice affects the Liver in the human body.
213. Enzymes are made of Proteins.
214. The Acid prepared by Jabir Bin Hayyan is Sulphuric Acid.
215. Velocity is a Vector Quantity.
216. Biological death of a patient means death of tissues of the Brain. 217.
Cholesterol level is analyzed in Blood Sample
218. Optical Fibre Sytem is a Telecommunication system.
219. It is difficult to cook on mountains because of Low atmospheric pressure.
220. The Process of photosynthesis in plants takes place in Leaf.
221. The humidity in the air tells us about the ratio of water vapours in the Air.
222. Mitochondria is called the power house of the cell.
223. Phytoplankton are microscopic marine algae.
224. There are two moons of Mars.
225. Diameter of earth is 12,742 km.
226. Liquids which evaporate quickly are known as Volatile.
227. Troposphere is layer of atmosphere which lies close to earth.
228. Hydrogen is used in making Ghee.
229. Cornea is part of eye which can be donated.
230. Hardness of water can be removed by adding Sodium carbonate.
231. Accumulation of salts in kidneys results in Kidney Stone.
232. RNA is principally involved in the syntheses of proteins.
233. Sensory neurons carry message to brain and spinal cord.
234. The pancreas is an organ located in the abdomen.

235. Pancreas plays an essential role in converting the food we eat into fuel for the
body’s cells.
236. Lithotripsy is medical procedure that uses shock waves or a laser to break down
stones in the kidney.
237. Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun.
238. There is a hole in the Ozone Layer at South Pole.
239. Chronometer is invented by John Harrison.
240. Rain water is considered the purest form of water.
241. Insulin is secreted in Pancreas.
242. Spleen is not an endocrine gland.
243. Blood cells are produced by Bone-marrow.
244. The strongest muscle in the human body is in the Jaw.
245. Cholera diseases occur due to consumption of contaminated water. 246. Most
astronomers believe that origin of the Universe is Big Bang Theory 247. Hepatitis &
Jaundice are disease of Liver.
248. Creature having both male and female reproductive organs is known as
249. A low are storm with high winds rotating about a centre of low atmospheric pressure
is called cyclone.
250. The 1st Muslim scientist who presented the law of reflection and refraction is Ibn-ul-
251. The difference in the duration of the day and night increases as one move from
equator to poles.
252. Solar system was discovered by Nicolaus Copernicus.
253. Richest source of Vitamin D is Cod Liver Oil.
254. The substance that gives away electrons is oxidized.
256. Radioactive isotope of Uranium used in Nuclear Bomb is 92 U 235.
257. Rectified Spirit is a mixture of ethanol (95.6%) and water produced as an zoetrope
of distillation.
258. Silicon makes up 07.7 percent of Earth’s Crust; it is the 0nd most abundant element
in the crust, being surpassed only by oxygen.
259. One of the main function of the earth’s ozone layer is to filter out Ultraviolet rays.
260. A Light year is the distance a beam of light travels in a single Earth Year.
261. When a light ray enters from air into glass, its wavelength decreases.
262. An air bubble in water acts as a concave lens.
263. Cobalt 60 is generally used in radiation therapy because it emits gamma rays.
264. A thermos flask prevents the heat loss by conduction, convection and radiation.
265. Fish is first class protein as it contains essential amino acid 266. The unit of
capacitance is Farad.
267. Pacemaker is a small device that is placed in the chest to control abnormal heart
268. Vitamin soluble in water are Vitamin-B & Vitamin-C.
269. Vitamin soluble in fat are Vitamin-A, Vitamin-D, Vitamin-E and Vitamin-K 270.
Water Gas is a mixture of Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen 271. Most of the
weather disturbances take place in troposphere. 272. Auto analyses is use to
examine glucose, urea and cholesterol 273. The iron compound found in
hemoglobin as haematin.
274. A goniometer is a device that measures an angle or permits rotation of an object to
a definite position.
275. Lithium is the strongest reducing agent.
276. Aqua Regia is mixture Of one part 0t concentrated nitric acid and three parts of
concentrated hydrochloric acid.
277. The speed of revolution Of Earth round the sun is maximum when Earth is nearest
to the sun.
278. A bolometer is a device for measuring the power of incident electromagnetic
279. Transformer is device used to step up or step down the voltage.
280. Cadmium being a good absorber of neutrons is used as a controller in nuclear
281. Ribosome is called the factory of protein:
282. Gluten enteropathy is the inability to Absorb gluten, a protein found in wheat, 283.
Titanium is called the metal of future.
284. Thermal decomposition of alkanes in the absence of air is called Cracking
285. Fuse wire is made of lead and tin alley 286. Radio waves are
reflected from ionosphere.
287. 40° C and-40° F exhibit the same temperature.
289. Hormone Melatonin is secreted by Pineal body.
290. Vitamin-K is synthesized in our large intestine by the bacteria and from there it is
291. Electro Cardiograph (ECG) is used to find the abnormality of heart
292. Rocket propulsion is based on the conservation of linear momentum.
293. The velocity of escape from Earth's gravitation into space is 11.2 km/sec.
294. Luna-II was the first spaceship to land on moon.
295. The average density on Earth is 5.5 cubic centimeter.
296. Soap decreases the surface tension of solution hence clothes get cleansed. 297.
The British physicist who is generally regarded as the Discoverer of the electron, the
proton and the neutron is Sir Jospeph John Thomson.
298. Velocity of light, amplitude and wavelength changes in refraction of light but
frequency remains unchanged.
299. Pitch of sound is determined by its frequency.
300. Longitudinal waves can't be polarized.
301. Refractive index of red light is lesser than the refractive index for violet light.
302. Atomic bomb is based on nuclear fission.
303. Lysosome destroys itself such a process so it is called suicide vesicle (bag) of the
304. Chloroplast is called Kitchen of cell.
305. Ribosome is called the factory of protein.
306. Most of the weather disturbances take place in troposphere.
307. Goniometer is used to measure the angle of the crystal.
308. The speed of revolution of Earth round the sun is maximum when Earth is nearest
to the sun.
309. A bolometer is a device for measuring the power of incident electromagnetic
310. An air bubble in water acts as a concave lens.
311. Titanium' is called the metal of future.
312.` Steel is used for making permanent magnets,
313. Transformer is device used to step up or step down the voltage
314. Thermal decomposition of alkanes in the absence of air is called Cracking. 315.
The Chemical element with the lowest melting point is Helium and the element
with the highest melting point is Carbon.
316. Hansen's disease is commonly known as Leprosy.
317. Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming.
318. The part of the human body known as the mandible is Lower Jawbone.
319. The French microbiologist who discovered the process of pasteurization was Louis
320. The rarest blood type is AB- (Negative).
321. The main structural molecule in hair and nails is Keratin.
322. Fuse wire is made of lead and tin alloy.
333. A transformer works on the principle of electromagnetic induction. It brings abouta
change in the potential of an alternating current.
334. Lithium is the strongest reducing agent.
335. Uranus takes 84 years to complete one revolution round the Sun.
336. Methyl alcohol (CH30H), is also called wood alcohol, or wood spirit.
337. Radio waves are reflected from ionosphere.
338. Lack of proteins Causes kwashiorkor and Marasmus disease in children. 339.
Kwashiorkor: In this disease, hands and legs of children get slimmed and the
stomach comes out.
340 Marasmus: In this disease, muscles of children are loosened
341. The ozone layer protects the earth from the Ultraviolet rays sent by sun.
342. Carbohydrate content in potato (per 100g) is 20.3g,
343. The ozone layer is present in atmosphere above earth, the stratum of atmosphere
in which ozone layer is Stratosphere.
344. Pakistanis receive the largest dose of ionizing radiation from Natural sources.
345. In water pollution, industries are said to be the Point Sources
346. The gas associated with global warming is Co2
347. Liquid Ammonia is commonly used in cold storage in Pakistan. 348. Mango variety
having strong flavor is Langra 349. Richest source of Riboflavin is Bael.
350. The gas used for artificial ripening of green fruit is Ethylene.
351. The closest planet to Earth is Venus.
352. Sulfuric acid was prepared by Jabir bin Hayyan.
353. The name of disease called Lockjaw is Tetanus.
354. The longest and largest bone in human body is Femur.
355. Sonar is used to measure Ocean depth.
356. The branch of Physics which deals with atomic nuclei is called nuclear Physics.
357. Stone used in whitewash Stonelime.
358. Titanium is called the metal of future.
359. Cobalt-60 radioactive isotope is used to control Leukemia.
360. Uranus takes 84 years to complete one revolution round the sun. 361. Oxygen
was discovered by Joseph Priestley in 1774 362. Thermal decomposition of
alkanes is called Cracking. 363. The chemical element with the lowest melting
point is Helium 364. Fuse wire is made of lead and tin.
365. Methyl alcohol (CHYOH) is also called wood alcohol, or wood spirit.
366. Cresco graph is an instrument used in recording growth of plants, invented by Dr. J.
C. Bose. Grows
367. Light radiation is both of wave and particle nature.
368. An air bubble in water acts as a concave lens.
369. The colors in thin films of soap bubbles are seen due to interference of light.
370. When a light ray enters from air into glass, its wavelength decreases.
371. Steel is used for making permanent magnets.
372. Lenz's law is based on energy conservation.
373. Transformer is used for stepping up or stepping down the A.C voltage. 374.
Cadmium being a good absorber of neutrons is used as a controller in
nuclear reactor.
375. Cobalt 60 is generally used in radiation therapy because it emits gamma rays.
376. Infinite images of an object are formed that is placed between two parallel

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