Heights 2011.06 Livin' La Vida Pura - Costa Rica

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traveller s tales 行者故事


La Vida
La Vida Pura, literally pure life , is a
Costa Rican saying that encapsulates a
philosophy of living well, enjoying life
and facing adversity with a positive spirit.
Used as a greeting, to bid farewell and as
an expression of thanks, the ubiquitous

phrase is the happy motto of the people

who, according to a 2010 Gallup survey, are
among the happiest in the world.
Text by Denise Lewis

“La Vida Pura”是哥斯达黎加的一句谚语,含义


Costa Rica, on the Central American

on its western side and the Atlantic
Ocean on the east. A gorgeous haven for
thrill-seekers, nature lovers and beach
worshippers alike, Costa Rica is a picture
perfect tropical holiday destination.

For Adventurous Souls

Whitewater rafting is a unique way to

experience Costa Rica. The country’s
mountainous topography offers various
rafting opportunities for people of all ages
and skill levels. Beginners will appreciate the
smooth stretches of water that allow you to
admire the natural beauty as you raft, while
hardcore enthusiasts can opt for the thrilling
Class IV+ whitewater courses. Pacuare River
is a popular location for rafting and all trips
start with a safety orientation and paddle
practice before the adventure begins. Be
sure to wear a swimsuit, waterproof rubber-
soled shoes, a sun hat or bandanna and
waterproof sunscreen.

Kayaking on Lake Arenal offers a less

frenetic, but equally awesome, experience.
The serene waters of the lake lie in the
shadow of the still active Volcano Arenal.

Clockwise from above: paragliding over the rainforest;

a heart-racing free fall; the famous Blue River waterfall

Above: white water rafting on the Pacuare River; below: a rockclimber scales the side of a mountain

an awe-inspiring place of cloud forests

and coffee plantations, monkeys, mists
and friendly locals. Given its altitude, it is
often shrouded in clouds that support an
Get there early enough and you’ll hear the
incredible biodiversity. Catching on tree
rumbling of the volcano and maybe even see
branches then dripping downwards, they
streaks of white or red as boulders tumble
nourish an entire ecosystem composed of
down the volcano’s side.
100 species of mammals, 400 species of
Bungee jumping is the ultimate rush for birds, tens of thousands of different insects
thrill-seekers and Costa Rica has several and over 2,500 varieties of plants, 420 of
variations on the free fall theme. One of which are orchids.
them is the traditional free fall from the
Explore the forest reserve at your own pace
Colorado River Bridge, one of the tallest
by walking along trails or hiking through
bridges in the Americas, which stands
the treetop pathways and hanging bridges,
admiring the spectacular views and dense
headlong off the bridge, towards the rocky
canopy life. Sliding from tree to tree via
riverbed before springing back through
the zip line, a series of secure steel cables
the lush green canyon. Alternatively, try
attached to platforms on either end, allows
bungee diving with a water touchdown –
for a different appreciation of the beauty of
experiencing a free fall before plunging into
the tropical forest. Platform rests give you a
the crystalline waters of Lake Arenal.
chance to take in the views. Sure, it can be
Ode to Nature Lovers daunting to slide in mid-air along lines that
Perched at 1,440 metres above sea level, metres above the ground – but this is tame
the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve is fare compared to the famous Tarzan Swing,

54 55
这种经历你将会终生难忘 。



where visitors are given the opportunity

to swing ape-style over a huge canyon
on a cable.

Monteverde also boasts a serpentarium

with many varieties of snakes, a frog pond
that is home to amphibian species like the
poison dart frog, a live bat exhibit, insect
exhibit, butterfly garden, horseback riding
and tours to a coffee plantation and
cheese factory.

For the Beach Boys… and Girls

With over 1,200 kilometres of coastline split

Costa Rica’s pristine beaches are the perfect
Clockwise from above: hanging bridges offer a great view of the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve;
hangout for sun worshippers. With their brightly coloured macaws are native to the region; stare into the crater of the Poas Volcano
Above: the widely photographed Red-Eyed Tree Frog is the most common tree frog in the country
beautiful coral reefs and year-round warm 上图:红眼树蛙是哥斯达黎加最常见的一种树蛙
water, they are also magnets for people
looking to dive amidst the diverse marine life,
哥斯达黎加地处美洲地峡的中心 , 西边濒临 当然,漂流之前的安全确保和划桨热身练
*VZ[H9PJHPZYLJVNUPZLKHZH[VWZ\YÄUN with nesting females. Even more exciting is
太平洋,东边紧靠大西洋。它是探险爱好 习是必不可少的 。 而且 , 漂流行头 —— 防水
destination on account of its impressive witnessing the hatchlings digging out of their
者、大自然爱好者和沙滩热爱者的绮丽天 上衣 、 背包 、 水上运动头盔 、 漂流鞋 、 救生
point breaks, beach breaks and perfect lefts ULZ[ZHUKTHRPUN[OLPY^H`ÅPWWLYZÅHPSPUN
堂 , 被誉为世界上风景如画的完美热带度假 衣 …… 一件都不可少哦 !
HUKYPNO[Z;VWZ\YÄUNZWV[ZPUJS\KL7SH`H like tiny oars, to the water’s edge where
目的地 。
Hermosa, Playa Grande, Pavones, Witches they disappear for years at a time. Turtle 阿雷纳尔湖上的皮艇漂流 , 虽然缺少了几分
Rock and Salsa Brava, where waves are watching is most popular at the Santa Rosa 天然的探险胜地 狂热 , 但是它有自己的独特之处 , 同样不失
challenging and surfers can expect hollow National Park, Las Baulas National Marine 为一种精彩的经历 。 平静的湖水微微荡漾 ,
and fast rides. Park, Ostional National Wildlife Refuge and 在急流中漂流是体验哥斯达黎加的最独特 阿雷纳尔火山的倒影依稀可见 。 如果你到达
Tortuguero National Park. 方式。哥斯达黎加的水资源丰富,河流众 目的地的时间尚早 , 还可以听见阿雷纳尔火
Costa Rica is also a favoured nesting ground 多,地势起伏大,可谓漂流胜地,而且不 山隆隆的轰鸣声 , 甚至还能看见巨石从山边
MVYZLH[\Y[SLZHUKÄ]LZWLJPLZVM[OLZL If you’re only criteria for a good beach is 同类型的河流提供了不同难易程度的漂流 滑落时红白相间的条纹 。
THYPULYLW[PSLZ[OL3VNNLYOLHK6SP]L9PKSL` a reliable supply of comfortable beach 方式,因此是全世界漂流者心中向往的天
Turtle, Leatherback Sea Turtle, Hawksbill and chairs, large umbrellas and cold drinks, 堂。初学者可以在平静的水域任意漂浮, 在哥斯达黎加体验一次蹦极则是寻求刺激的
[OL.YLLU;\Y[SLJVTLHZOVYLH[ZWLJPÄJ then practically any one of the white, 水面延伸开来 , 大自然的美景从眼前飘过 , 游客们的终极目的 。 哥斯达黎加有几个关于
times of the year to lay their eggs in huge yellow, grey or black sand beaches on the 令人心旷神怡 。 而技术娴熟者则可选择四级 自由飘落主题的蹦极胜地 。 其中之一是传统
holes that they dig in the sand. *HYPIILHUHUK7HJPÄJJVHZ[Z^PSSÄ[[OL 以上的急流课程,做一次深层次的探险。 的科罗拉多河大桥自由蹦极 , 科罗拉多河大
bill. Costa Rica is truly a slice of paradise P a c u a re 河 是 哥 斯 达 黎 加 最 受 欢 迎 的 漂 流 胜 桥是美洲最高的桥梁 , 在距河峡谷0米高的
At peak arrival season, the smooth beaches on earth that offers countless ways to 地之一 , 在这里漂流者们奋力划着皮艇 , 在 上空 。 头朝下从桥上飞跃下来 , 奔向岩石河
come to resemble a rocky shoreline, thick vacation. Your pura vida awaits. 湍急奔腾的河流浪尖上体会着惊险和刺激 。 床 , 犹如骤雨般穿梭在郁郁葱葱的绿色峡谷

Clockwise from above: turtles dot the beach during nesting season; a water-Älled bromeliad
provides shelter to tadpoles; the beach at the Manuel Antonio Forest Reserve;
the tranquil waters of Lake Arenal; centre: caneÄelds at sunset;
Above: Costa Rica is a surfer’s paradise;
below: horseback riding is another way to explore the beautiful landscapes

有100多种哺乳动物、400多种鸟类和大约 哥斯达黎加也是海龟的繁殖栖息地 。 这里有

1,200种两栖类和爬行类动物,是自然爱好 五种海龟类型 : 洛哲 、 橄榄雷德利龟 、 棱皮
者的天堂 , 更是观鸟的最佳场所 。 海龟 、 玳瑁和绿海龟 。 每年到了繁殖季节 ,
海龟们都会在岸上的沙滩里产蛋孵化 。
调 , 在小径中穿梭 , 或徒步在丛林路径或悬 当繁殖高峰季来临,数以万计的母海龟来
桥上穿越 , 你可尽情欣赏壮观的景色 , 体验 这里筑巢产卵,平滑的海滩呈现出了一个
在高空穿越丛林的刺激 。 通过铁链在树与树 岩石般的海岸线。产卵后,海龟们慢慢爬
之间穿梭 , 一套安全的钢铁设备连接到平台 孩子们的海滩乐园 向海水边缘,然后慢慢消失,以待来年。
两端 , 给你一个欣赏热带森林美景的独特体 观望海龟已成为一项十分流行的活动,在
验 , 而平地小憩可以让你更好的欣赏林中美 哥斯达黎加太平洋和加勒比海沿岸 , 共约有 Santa Rosa国家公园、Las Baulas国家海
景 。 当然 , 在0多米高空中绵延00米的链 1 , 2 00 公 里 的 海 岸 线 。 其 原 始 海 滩 是 阳 光 热 洋公园、Ostional国家野生动物保护区和
锁上滑行也是一项艰巨的任务 。 可是 , 和闻 爱者聚会的完美场所。这里有美丽的珊瑚 Tortuguero国家公园都很受欢迎 。
名遐迩的泰山秋千相比 , 这个可就相对容易 礁 , 常年温暖的水域 , 吸引了无数潜水爱好
多了 , 在那里游客像猿一样在峡谷上空的缆 者 。 人们可以在水中观赏各种各样的海洋生 如果你只想要一个标准的海滩假日,这
绳上飘荡 。 物 , 可以追波逐浪 , 还可以在海边钓鱼 。 里有舒适的海滩躺椅、巨大的太阳伞和
蒙特沃德云雾森林保护区还因其里面的珍奇 哥斯达黎加是一个顶级冲浪胜地。其海滨 独具特色的白色、黄色、灰色和黑色的
生物让人叹为观止 。 除了形形色色的蛇类 , 激浪带给无数冲浪爱好者留下终生难忘的 海滩,一定是你理想的度假胜地。哥斯
它也是两栖动物的家 , 其中蛙类最为著名 , 印象 。 其著名的冲浪点有Playa Hermosa 、 达黎加的确是人间的一片天堂,为人们
比如箭毒蛙 ; 它还是蝙蝠和昆虫的活生生的 Playa Grande 、 Pavones 、 W itches Rock 提供了无穷无尽的度假方式。哥斯达黎
展览馆 , 还被称为蝴蝶园 、 骑马场 、 咖啡种 和Salsa Brava。游客可随意选择,尽享挑 加,还你一片纯净。
植园和奶酪加工厂 。 战和刺激 。


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