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PRN NO. -: 1062211074


Summary -:
In India, online booking has surged. The majority of individuals who
book travel tickets online is escalating. Moreover, the movement from a
standard offline booking environment to an internet booking long - term
sustainable development client issues. The digital age has resulted in
significant changes in economic efficiency, but also the availability and
dissemination of data for players in the market. Meanwhile, many
customers prefer the traditional method of booking tickets, which
includes waiting in a large crowd. Customers can access a broad array of
services from online travel firms. However, they witness long crowds at
normal reservation offices.

Facts of the case -:

Srininandan Rao, the CEO of Ghom Can, a travel portal which has been
in operation for three years, wondered whether he could extend his
existing customers with their travel booking business or seek for another
e-enterprise. Many people nowadays rely upon online booking services,
and there are numerous offerings accessible, such as varied itinerary
options for the ideal vacation. They even provide a handy pick-up and
drop-off service. With such a wide selection of services that are
available at your fingertips, it is expected that an increasing number of
travellers would opt for these simple, quick, and convenient services
over the counter. It's also worth mentioning that several people who
really can book a ticket online can also use traditional travel booking
desks on occasion.

1. As Mr. Rao, the case's character, demands a particular answer, can expect a greater client base in the coming year? Will
online booking become profitable as an e-business in the next year
or two? That's what we'd call research work because it is seeking
for a solution input. Within the applied, a descriptive study
approach may be required.
2. According to the research, there has been a significant increase in
the number of clients who've already begun utilizing web sites for
travel-related information and booking. The concept of verifying it
through a systematic problem-solving procedure. The formulations
must begin with someone who can provide some insight into likely
patterns. Can be more profitable in the coming years,
according to research? Keeping existing customers is one of the
goals. Analyze their satisfaction level to see if they are likely to
switch in the future. What draws customers away from
competitors? Changing a customer's offline to online state.

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