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Roll No.

_______________(To be filled by the candidate) TEST 2nd Half Book -X, 2022
Physics Paper Code-0901- Paper I (Objective type)
Time Allowed:15 Minutes Maximum Marks: 12
Note: Four possible answers A, B, C and D to each question are given. The choice you think is correct,
fill that circle in front of that question with Marker or Pen ink in the answer-book. Cutting or filling
two or more circles will result in zero mark in that question.

(D) (C) (B) (A) QUESTIONS Q.1

Chemical Burning of Nuclear Nuclear Release of energy by the sun

reaction gases fusion fission is due to

8.7 days 10.6 h 138 days 0.7 s Half-life of lead is 2

1.67*10-27J 1.6*10-19J 1.6*1019J 6.25*1018J 1eV=___________ 3

The brain of any computer

Memory Monitor ROM CPU 4
system is

AND gate can be formed by

NAND gate NOR gate OR gate NOT gate 5
using two _____

Principle of law of electrolysis

Fritz Newton Ampere Faraday 6
was given by

Power ratings of washing

1200W 900W 750W 800W 7
machine is

Ns = The turn’s ratio of transformer

Vs = Vp/10 Ns = Np/20 Is = 20xIp 8
10xNp is 20. It means

None of Ammeter is connected ____

Vertically Parallel Series 9
these in a circuit

Formula for current

I=Q/t I=EMF/t I=B/t I=k/t 10
measurement is ________

Which metal is used in

Silver Tungsten Iron Copper 11
electric bulb

Decrease Increase Increase
input The step-up transformer is 12
input voltage momentum charge

220404 phy-hb 02 x April 2, 2022 Page 1 of 3

Roll No. _______________(To be filled by the candidate) TEST 2nd Half Book -X, 2022
Physics (Subjective) Paper I (Essay Type)
Time Allowed 1.45 hours Maximum Marks:48
Part -I

Q2. Answer any Five parts from the followings. (5x2=10)

(i) What is Mutual Induction?
(ii) What is Fleming’s Left hand rule?
(iii) Define ADC and DAC?
(iv) What is half life?
(v) Define carbon dating.
(vi) What is ICT?
(vii) What is step-up and step-down transformer?
(viii) What is ohm?

Q3. Answer any five parts from the following. (5x2=10)

(i) Write 5 parts of CBIS?
(ii) What is cosmic radiation?
(iii) Define isotopes and give example
(iv) What is Joule’s Law?
(v) Draw the symbol and truth table of not gate.
(vi) Can a transformer work on DC?
(vii) Define electromagnet.
(viii) State lenz law?

Q4. Answer any five parts from the following. (5x2=10)

(i) What is kilowatt hour?
(ii) What is EMF?
(iii) Define current and ampere.
(iv) Why optical fibre is more useful tool for communication process?
(v) Define word processing.
(vi) Write general equation of beta decay and also write an example?
(vii) Write hazards of radiation?
(viii) What is fax machine?
Part -II
Note: Attempt any TWO Questions.

Q5. (a) Explain series combination of resistance (4)

(b) A transformer is needed to convert a mains 240V supply into a 12V supply.
If there are 2000 turns on primary coil, then find the number of turns on the
secondary coil? (5)
Q6. (a) Explain Fission reaction in detail (4)
(b) By applying a potential difference of 10V across a conductor, a current of
1.5A passes through it. How much energy would be obtained from the current
in 2 minutes? (5)

220404 phy-hb 02 x April 2, 2022 Page 2 of 3

Roll No. _______________(To be filled by the candidate) TEST 2nd Half Book -X, 2022
Q7. (a) Explain Transformer in detail? (4)
(b) Carbon-14 has a half-life of 5730 years. How long will it take for the quantity
of carbon-14 in a sample to drop to one-eighth of initial quantity (5)

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