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1 (1 January 2022 to 9 January 2022)

When I joined the Bic Cello India Pvt. Ltd, it was the beginning of my internship journey. The head of
Plant- Human Resources Mr. Susanta Jena introduced us to colleagues and gave me general details
about company policy which we have to follow later on.

He arranged a safety induction meet with the company’s safety head, Mr. Akash Deep. He gave
introduction about the hazards which we may face in the company. He also took us for a plant visit
and told us about the plant division.

In the first week, we met with our industrial Mentor, Mr. Shantanu Panchal - the Industrial Project
leader in the manufacturing department of Bic Cello India Pvt. Ltd.

He then divided the work between us. I was given task to do the Times and Motion Study. He also
explained me in brief about the aim of this Internship Project.

The aim for me was “To Replace the simple table with Conveyor table, to increase the production
capacity” till 30th March-2022 in Maxwriter division under the guidance of him.

This week, he trained me in how to conduct Time and Motion study theoretically.

WEEK NO. 2 (10 January 2022 to 16 January 2022)

This week, our guide took me on the floor and introduced me to the Supervisors of different
divisions. He also introduced me to Mr. Sudeep Korde, the Production manager of the plant.

He showed me how to conduct Times and Motion studies on the floor. In this, I had done Times and
Motion study of the following product.

• Maxwriter
• Butterflow simply
• Trimate
• Sam-7
• Mayfair

At the end of the second week, our guide took the review and identified all the errors which were
there in the Time and Motion Study and later suggested me to restudy for the accurate data.

WEEK NO. 3 (17 January 2022 to 23 January 2022)

This week, I had taken the restudy of some products and updated the sheet with new data.

In this week our guide arranged a Line-Balancing training with Mr. Mihir Panchal - the Service
Provider of manufacturing Excellence department. He explained us about the line balancing.

Line balancing is a process in manufacturing, to create the layout of the production line and to
distribute the workload at various manufacturing stations to achieve the best talk time.
Here, the talk time is the product manufacturing time to fulfil customer’s demand. He also
explained the advantages of line balancing.

This week I had also done TMS for the following products.

• Jeeta ball
• Zebra
• Slimo

WEEK NO. 4 (24 January 2022 to 30 January 2022)

In the fourth week, the new task was to define the place for PMP in primate division. For
this, I got that division Production Capacity and calculated how much space is required for
pen, cap, and grip for production capacity.
I had discussed the plan with my guide and done changes according to his guidance and
alloted the place for the PMP in the Trimate division.
In this week I also did a Times and motion study with line balancing of the following product.
• Slimo
• Maxriter 5p blister
• Butterflow simple 1p box
• Mayfair 5p pouch

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