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Vivek Education Society’s

Siddharth Nagar, Goregaon (W), Mumbai-400 104.



DATE :27/10/2021 TIME:3 Hrs


Q.1.A) Select the correct option and rewrite the sentences. (5)
1) .................. was regarded as Father of Scientific Management.
a) Henry Fayol b) F W Taylor c) Philip Kotler
2) The functions of management end with .....................
a) directing b) staffing c) controlling
3) Start Up India is an initiative of the ………………………….
a) RBI b) Government of India c) World Bank
4) Principle of ..................... is not applicable to life insurance.
a) insurable interest b) utmost good faith c) indemnity
5) …………… arranges the work in such a way that minimum conflicts
are raised.
a) Coordinating b) Organizing c) Controlling

(B) Match the pairs. (5)

Group 'A' Group 'B'
A Overdraft Facility 1 Private Warehouse
B Coordinating 2 To focus on the role of
C Henry Fayol 3 2019
D Start-up India 4 Current account
E Central Warehousing 5 French engineer
Corporation of India
6 Integration and
synchronization of the
efforts of group.
7 Government Warehouse
8 2016
9 German engineer
10 Savings account
(C) Give one word/phrase/term for the following sentence. (5)
1) The principle which is based on 'a place for everything and
everything in its place'.
2) It is the process of attracting, recruiting, selecting, placing,
appraising and remunerating the people.
3) An employee who has an authority and support of the organization
to implement his creative ideas.
4) It refers to the subject or entity i.e., life, property, cargo or ship
etc. which is insured against which the policy is taken.
5) Principle of Union is Strength.

(D) State whether following statements are true or false. (5)

1) NEFT stands for National Electric Fund Transfer.
2) Only some principles of management are important.
3) Cooperation is not necessary for smooth flow of organizational
4) An entrepreneur is basically an innovator.
5) Business services are important for the growth of business.

Q.2. Explain the following terms / concepts. (8)

1) Management
2) Entrepreneur
4) Principle of Unity of Direction

Q.3. Study the following case/situation and express your opinion. (6)
1) Mr. Harshad is an entrepreneur and engaged in production of eco-
friendly utensils. Both male and female workers are working in his
factory. All male employees are directly working on machines whereas
female employees are working in Packaging Department. Mr. Sharath is
working as Finance Manager while Mrs. Anita is working as HR Manager
who is responsible for recruiting employees in the factory. On this
i) Identify any one principle of management in above case.
ii) What is the designation of Mrs. Anita in this organization?
iii) Who is responsible for overall planning of the organization?

2) Mr. Suresh is a salaried person. He wants to take policy for his two
children which assures them protection as well as completes their
financial needs once they become major by age.
i) Suggest him a policy which can satisfy requirements of his
ii) Who are beneficiaries of policy?
iii) In above case which principle is involved?
Q.4. Distinguish between. (12)
1) Savings Account and Current Account
2) Planning and Controlling
3) Life Insurance and Fire Insurance

Q.5) Answer in brief. (8)

1) Explain any five principles of management of Henry Fayol.
2) Explain any five points of importance of directing.

Q.6) Justify the following statements. (8)

1) Principles of management are flexible in nature.
2) Cash can be withdrawn from ATM at any time.

Q.7) Attempt the following. (10)

1) Explain functions of warehouse.
2) Explain the importance of planning.

Q.8) Answer the following. (8)

1) Define bank. Explain different types of banks.


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