PLC Rice Series: Low-Protein Rice Products: Mini Review

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J Nutr Sci Vitaminol, 65, S148–S152, 2019

Mini Review
PLC Rice Series: Low-Protein Rice Products

Norihiro Takei, Naoki Watanabe and Masanori Nakajo

Research and Development Division, Forica Foods Co., Ltd.,
4282–3 Horinouchi Uonuma, Niigata 949–7413, Japan

Summary  Dietary therapy through a low-protein diet (LPD) has long been used for pre-
serving the renal function of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Reducing the
amount of protein ingested from rice would make it possible to allocate the difference to
side dishes, thereby improving the quality of meals and facilitating adherence to LPD. If it is
possible to remove protein from rice, it would minimize the need to cut down on main dishes
and make it easier for patients to follow the LPD. We developed exclusive technology for
digesting and removing protein from rice grain using microorganism-derived enzyme prod-
uct, and technology for processing the Low-Protein Rice (LPR) thus obtained into a palat-
able food product. By combining these technologies, we can reliably manufacture delicious,
high quality, low protein rice product, which can be eaten repeatedly as staple. Our LPR
products, “PLC Rice” series are helpful to enhance the quality of mealtimes for CKD patients
by increasing their range of food choices. It is therefore reasonable to say that PLC Rice
products offer high added value, as it not only facilitates adhesion to LPD but also add sat-
isfaction and contentment to daily meals, helping to enhance the quality of life of patients
with CKD.
Key Words  chronic kidney disease, low protein diet, low protein rice

Dietary therapy through a low protein diet (LPD) has ity would be maintained, making it easier for patients
long been used to preserve the renal function of patients to follow the LPD. To address this issue, in 1992 the
with chronic kidney disease (CKD) (1–3). LPD restricts Niigata Agricultural Research Institute Food Research
the amount of protein in the total food intake and it low- Center developed technology (JP2706888B) using lac-
ers the production of urea nitrogen, an end product of tobacillus fermentation to reduce the protein, phos-
protein metabolism (4). It is considered that the level of phate, and potassium contained in white rice (WR) (9).
protein intake modulates the filtration load on the kid- However, their method posed technical challenges such
neys and tempers the decline of renal function (5, 6). as extremely long processing times and the difficulty of
Over the past 50 y, LPD have been successfully used to microorganism control hampering reliable production.
treat chronic renal failure in Japan (7). From clinical In 1994, Forica Foods Co., Ltd. (Niigata, Japan) built
findings, the recommended protein intake for Japanese on this technology to develop an exclusive proteolysis
CKD patients is under 0.5 g/kg BW/d (8). According technology (JP3156902B) utilizing an enzyme product
to this, a patient weighing 60 kg should ideally ingest which can break down protein in WR more quickly and
less than 30 g of protein per day. If the patient eats a reliably than lactobacilli fermentation (10). The follow-
bowl (approximately 165 g) of cooked rice 3 times a ing year, the manufacture and sales of “Cooked PLC
day, he/she will ingest 12.5 g of protein from the rice Rice 1/3 (PLC: Protein Low Content)” began.
and it would account for 40% of the protein allowance. PLC Rice is processed, protein reduced WR. The pal-
To keep with the allowance, the entire meal plan needs atability (quality) of this low protein rice (LPR) is such
to be adjusted. Since the easiest course of action is to that it can be eaten day after day. The PLC Rice products
cut down on foods which are high in protein, the main were developed to facilitate adhesion to the LPD, thereby
dishes, such as meats and fish, are usually reduced to improving the quality of life (QoL) of patients with CKD.
smaller servings. Such frugality compromises the qual- In this document, the manufacturing process for the
ity of mealtimes and makes patients difficult to adhere PLC Rice series will be described.
to the LPD, and as a result, be unable to reap the benefits
of LPD. Materials and Methods
Removing protein from rice grain would minimize Overview of Manufacturing method
the need to cut down on main dishes. Mealtime qual- The manufacturing flow of these products is outlined
in Fig. 1. Regardless of product form, low protein rice
E-mail: products need to have their rice protein content broken
Abbreviations: CKD: chronic kidney disease, LPD: low-pro- down and removed. The method employed by Forica
tein diet, LPR: low-protein rice, QoL: quality of life, WR: white Foods Co., Ltd. is based on the invention by Nakajo et
rice. al. (JP3156902B), and consists of utilizing protease to

PLC Rice Series: Low-Protein Rice Products S149

process protein (10). Protein digesting process

Raw materials The protein digesting process is broadly divided into
Raw materials of LPR are WR, pH adjuster, and enzyme digestion and washing. In the first step, surface
proteolytic enzyme. There is no particular restriction bran residue and germs are washed away with water.
on varieties of WR, either Japonica rice (short grain) The washed WR is placed in a reaction solution con-
or Indica rice (long grain) can be used. To control pH, taining dissolved enzyme mix (EM) consisted by some of
a suitable quantity of organic acid can be added (e.g. avobe and CA, and allowed to soak for a certain period
citric acid, lactic acid, fumaric acid, gluconic acid, and of time (up to 24 h) in a temperature and pH conducive
glucono delta-lactone). Out of these, citric acid (CA) is to enzyme activity. This breaks down the protein in the
chosen because of its high buffering properties, ability WR. Subsequently, thorough water washing removes
to maintain pH within the enzyme solution stably over a any unnecessary matter: rice protein decomposition
long period, and for having the smallest negative effect product, EM, and excess CA.
on the taste and aroma of cooked rice. Figure 2 shows the time lapsed changes of protein
As proteolytic enzyme, acidic protease approved by the mass in rice treated with enzyme with a single pro-
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as a food addi- tease derived from Aspergillus oryzae. Protein mass in
tive and available on the market is used. Each enzyme rice is highly dependent on enzyme concentration and
product is a crude enzyme product extracted from the reaction time. By adjusting these factors, the rice pro-
source microorganisms (e.g. Aspergillus oryzae, Rhizopus tein mass can easily be reduced to target levels. In the
niveus, and Aspergillus niger), and the main component actual process of protein enzyme treatment, EM is used
is protease in the aspartic protease family (EC 3.4.23).

Fig.  2.  The effect of processing time and enzyme con-

Fig.  1.  Production flow chart of PLC Rice. centration on protein removal.

Fig.  3.  The overview of PLC Rice products.

S150 Takei N et al.

Table  1.  Nutrient content in 100 grams of “Cooked PLC Rice” products.

Nutrient content in 100 grams of products (Mean1SD)

Content Unit WR
“1/3” “1/5” “1/10” “1/20” “1/25”

Calories kcal 168 16063.1 16266.8 16262.6 16067.1 16061.7

Moisture g 60.0 60.460.7 60.161.7 60.160.8 60.561.6 60.660.5
Total Protein g 2.5 0.560.1 0.560.1 0.660.1 0.360.1 0.560.2
Total Fat g 0.3 38.160.7 38.961.7 39.060.7 39.161.4 38.860.7
Total Carbohydrate g 37.1 0.8760.1 0.4460.0 0.2460.1 0.1360.0 0.1060.0
Ash g 0.1 0.160.0 0.160.1 0.160.1 060.0 060.1
Sodium mg 1 1.760.3 1.660.0 1.860.2 1.760.1 1.860.1
Potassium mg 29 0.660.3 0.560.2 0.960.2 0.660.1 0.760.2
Calcium mg 3 560.0 560.3 561.2 560.7 560.6
Phosphorus mg 34 1561.0 1561.5 1461.0 1360.7 1361.2

instead of a single enzyme, resulting in better removal thereby securing sterility of the product. In fact, since
rates and production efficiency compared to a single its adoption in 2004, there have been no incidents of
enzyme. This is likely to be because the combination of product spoilage or deterioration attributable to insuffi-
multiple enzymes each with different protein cleavage cient sterilization, proving the efficacy and safety of this
sites reduces the molecular weight of the decomposition technique.
product. The smaller the molecular weight of rice pro- According to our findings relating to “Pre-Cooked
tein, the easier it is to elute from the rice grain. PLC Rice,” drying steamed LPR to a moisture content of
Cooking method 15 to 26% yields desirable quality (particularly mouth-
These steps yield LPR (Raw LPR), which is raw, pro- feel) when it is cooked. By sealing this together with oxy-
tein reduced WR. Processing the Raw LPR requires gen absorber and maintaining an anaerobic state inside
special techniques and know-how to maintain their the package, it becomes possible to store it safely at room
shape while offering palatability. This is because Raw temperature. However, once the package is opened, new
LPR grains are extremely fragile, and when subjected oxygen flows into the package. The anaerobic state can-
to steaming or cooking like ordinary WR, they dissolve not be maintained and there is risk of mold and other
into a gruel-like mass which is far from delicious. In microbiological growth. A product with moisture level
order to solve this problem, we developed a method (WO higher than 20% requires refrigeration or freezing.
2017037799 A1) for processing LPR into a palatable, However, a product dried to a moisture level of 16 to
high quality product (11). 20% can be stored safely at room temperature. This is
due to the reduced water activity of the product, which
Results prevents mold etc. from proliferating after the package
Product overview and their nutrition is opened.
PLC Rice series are LPR products which are processed, Product safety and Quantities manufactured
protein reduced WR (Fig. 3). Nutrition information on In more than 20 y since its launch, nearly 100 million
PLC Rice products is shown in Table 1. Test samples PLC Rice products have been provided to CKD patients
were taken from at least three separate production days. through many hospitals throughout Japan. In these two
As shown in the Table, there is minimal interlot vari- decades of producing and selling PLC Rice series, there
ability of nutritional values, indicating extremely high have been any reports of health problems attributable
reproducibility. Particularly noteworthy is the protein to these products. Given the high frequency of LPD Rice
content, which demonstrates reliability in meeting the ingestion by CKD patients who eat it every day as part
respective target values. of their LPD, and the fact that PLC Rice products are
Microbiological safety of product composed almost entirely of natural ingredients derived
To store the packaged “Cooked PCR Rice” safely in from WR, it is reasonable to say that PLC Rice, regard-
room temperature, the contents must be sufficiently less of product form, is safe to eat and has no negative
sterilized and sealed in the sterile state. Raw LPR is health effects, even for CKD patients who ingest them
steamed with high temperature, high pressure steam in repeatedly over the long term.
a steaming device installed in a clean room. At the same
time, it undergoes thorough sterilization under condi- Discussion
tions which are equivalent to the 120˚C for 4 minutes One of the benefits of a low-protein diet is the preser-
(F053.1) stipulated in the Japanese Food Sanitation Act vation of the kidney function (12). Distinct mechanisms
for retort pouch food. Subsequently, the contents are could be identified: (i) improvement of hyperphospha-
kept sterile while sealing together with oxygen absorber, temia and hyperkalemia, (ii) decrease in urinary pro-
PLC Rice Series: Low-Protein Rice Products S151

tein, (iii) improvement of subjective symptoms, (iv) are high in protein, the main dishes, such as meats and
prevention of complication, (v) good control even after fish, are usually reduced to smaller servings. Such fru-
indication of hemodialysis for better survival (13). As gality compromises the quality of mealtimes and makes
described above, the recommended protein intake for patients difficult to adhere to the LPD, and as a result, be
Japanese CKD patients is under 0.5 g/kg BW/d from unable to reap the benefits of LPD.
clinical findings (8). To keep with this recommenda- Substituting white rice by LPR is beneficial for Japa-
tion, the entire meal plan needs to be adjusted. Since the nese people becase it is easy to reduce the protein intake
easiest course of action is to cut down on foods which without changing dietary habit. Figure 4 shows the
how different proportions of a hypothetical patient’s
daily protein allowance of 30 g is taken up by eating the
same 165 g (1 serving) of WR or PLC as the staple food
3 times a day. Unprocessed WR translates to roughly
40% of the daily protein allowance, thereby leaving only
about 60% to be allocated to side dishes. By contrast,
LPR, even at the reduction rate of 1/3, only accounts for
8.4% of the daily allowance, leaving more than 90% to
be occupied by other dishes. The smaller the reduction
rate, the less protein from the staple, thereby permitting
the rest of the allowance to be filled by other foods. This
greatly expands the patient’s food choices.
Another dietary consideration for CKD patients is
the desirability of reducing phosphorus and potassium
intake in addition to protein. At the same time, there is
Fig.  4.  Relationship—Total protein allowance and pro- a need to ensure the patient takes in enough nutrients,
tein intake from staple out of total protein allowance. particularly energy. With PLC Rice products, not only
Bars with solid outline: Protein intake when ingest- can protein intake be reduced to the desired level, but
ing 165 g (1 serving) of regular rice or LPR 3 times a the products contain 50% less phosphorus and 95% less
day. Bars with dotted outline: Daily protein allowance
potassium compared to regular cooked rice while offer-
(30 g/d). White circle and solid line: Difference and
percentage—Total protein allowance and protein in-
ing the same energy as WR (Fig. 5) (14). PLC Rice series
take from staple out of total protein allowance. WR; satisfy the requirements of containing enough energy
White Rice, “1/3”; PLC Rice 1/3 (0.83% protein), source and low protein, low potasium and low phos-
“1/5”; PLC Rice 1/5 (0.5% protein), “1/10”; PLC Rice phate as “Medical rice” for CKD patients (13, 14).
1/10 (0.25% protein), “1/20”; PLC Rice 1/20 (0.125% We developed exclusive technology for digesting
protein), “1/25”; PLC Rice 1/25 (0.1% protein). and removing protein from WR using microorganism-

Fig.  5.  Nutrient content in “Cooked PLC Rice” series.

S152 Takei N et al.

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The authors appreciate to Dr. Shaw Watanabe (Life Food as medicine: The new concept of “medical rice”.
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