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IronStrange oneshots

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Marvel
Relationship: Ironman/Doctor Strange, Tony Stark/Stephen Strange
Character: Stephen Strange, Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Gay, Marvel - Freeform, Fluff, Angst, How Do I Tag, Im new to ao3,
Help, two idiots in love, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental
Figure, Tony Stark/Stephen Strange Parenting Peter Parker |
Supremefamily | Strange Family, Hurt Stephen Strange, Hurt Tony
Stark, Protective Tony Stark, Protective Stephen Strange, Peter Parker
- Freeform, Cloak of levitation is called levi, Avengers - Freeform,
Insecure Stephen Strange, Car Accident, Trauma
Stats: Published: 2022-03-18 Chapters: 2/? Words: 2010

IronStrange oneshots
by funkywizard


just a bunch of one-shots of your favorite sorcerer and your favorite billionaire...alongside
with a cloak that has a mind of its own, and sometimes even involving Peter

started: 3/18/2022
ended: N/A


trigger-warnings will be advised at the top of the chapter if any.







panic attacks, car accident flashbacks, general flashbacks, self conscious Stephen


3rd person POV


That's was Tony was, confused. He hadn't seen his lover recently, he wasn't there when Tony woke
up either. Stark sighed heavily and ran a hand through his hair, Stephen was probably fine,
probably doing some 'wizard stuff', as Tony liked to call it. But it was just strange, he hadn't seen
Stephen at all today, he had asked the others about him and if they seen him as well, but it was the
same answer every time. Simply a 'no'. Tony tried not to think too much of the situation, since he
was quite the overthinker. He just was worried that his wizard could of possibly gotten hurt
somewhere, what if he was dying? Or was he ignoring Tony? The man quivered from the thoughts,
forcefully shaking them away before sucking in a sharp breath. He would just wait until his wizard
came back, should be easy enough?


He was up until almost two in the morning, but then again that was usual for him. Finally having
enough, he brought a hand up to his chin. "Friday, do you know where the wizard is?" Tony asked
the AI. He heard a brief: 'scanning' and waited rather impatiently. This wasn't like Stephen. "He is
located at The Sanctum" Friday replied. Tony's brows furrowed together, he had checked? Well,
not gone inside.. But--

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a door quietly open and the sound of a portal
closing, causing him to instantly look over. His eyes widened before softening as he saw Stephen
standing at the door, he was staring at the ground before looking at Tony. "I--" Strange was cut off
by Tony instantly going up to him and hugging him. "Where the hell have you been!? I've be so
worried, no one heard from you! I tried going to the Sanctum but I couldn't get inside-- not that
much of a surprise though.." Tony said, pulling back to caress Stephen's cheek. Something was off.
"I'm sorry- there just- there-" Stephen stammered, closing his eyes as he leaned into the others
touch. "I'm sorry, I just had alot going on in my head and didn't think to tell you" Stephen

Tony frowned slightly but didn't push it, he was worried, yes. Stephen had never acted like this
before. He softly shook his head. "It's fine hun." He said softly before speaking up again. "Let's get
to bed, its awfully late." Tony said with a small smile as Stephen agreed, dismissing the cloak off
his shoulders. Levi levitated off, nudging the doctor before nuzzling Tony's cheek. Stark laughed a
bit, softly brushing the cloak away. "Scram, Levi" He grinned as the cloak zoomed out of the room
like a dog.


It was rolling around four in the morning, Stephen was cuddled up to Tony's chest, and Tony's
arms were wrapped around Strange loosely. Everything was going fine, until Stephen started
having his nightmares again. About the same thing as the few previous nights, the accident. He
knew what happened was his own fault, and it was his own stupidity, but it still scared him. He got
antsy being in a car now, and would hold his breath if the car was going too fast or if it stopped

The sorcerer squirmed a bit in his sleep, soon starting to shake. He jolted awake with a loud gasp,
his eyes wide as he stared at his hands. They were shaking. And not the usual shakes, these were
violent shakes. It caused shots of pain to go through him. Strange hesitantly looked at Tony,
making sure he was still asleep before getting up. He rushed to the bathroom and hid in there as his
breathing quickened, the scene replaying in his head. "No, no.. Stop it" He pleaded quietly,
slumping against the side of the tub. He hadn't even realized he left the door open a little bit.
Strange bit back tears as much as he could, but eventually he crumbled.

Tony had woken up soon after that, his body was just used to waking up early. He groaned lightly
as his eyes fluttered open, feeling the bed for his lover. Stark was quick to get confused, sitting up.
Strange wasn't in the room. The billionaire stood up, not even bothering to put a shirt on as he
cautiously looked around. "Stephen?" He called out, at least looking for the cloak. Levi might of
known? He was snapped out of his thoughts once he saw the bathroom door cracked open the
slightest bit, alongside with a muffled sound coming from in there.

Tony approached the door, gently knocking and awaiting a response. When he got none, he
cautiously pushed the door open. Stephen tensed up but didn't look at Tony, simply choking out
another sob. The billionaire looked down at Stephen, instantly kneeling in front of him. "Hey,
hey..shh, shh. What's wrong hun?" Tony cooed, he was about to grab Stephen's hands but realized
how shaky they were, and how Stephen winced. It wasn't the shaking Tony was used to seeing, it
was violent, painfully violent. Stephen whimpered slightly, looking up at Tony. "It hurts" Strange
murmurs, hinting to his hands. Tony instantly understood and quickly went to calm Stephen down
again. "You're hyperventilating, calm down my love. Deep breaths, in and out-" Tony spoke softly,
trying to get Stephen to follow his breathing pattern.

It took a while, but eventually Stephen had calmed down, his hands going back to their usual
shaking. The one Stephen and Tony were used to. "Good job, there we go.." Tony smiled softly
and caressed the doctors cheek. "Now, you don't need to tell me.. Only tell me if you're
comfortable with it, okay?" Tony started, Stephen simply nodded. "What happened?" Stephen
tensed a bit at the question before letting out a shaky breath. "I just- I just had" He paused, staring
down at the ground. "I suppose I just had a nightmare about uhm- The accident I was in-- The one
that made my hands like this. Stupid fucking ugly hands." Stephen said quietly, cursing under his
breath as well. Tony frowned, gently grasping one of Stephens hands before bringing it up to his
lips. He smiled warmly and kissed the doctors hands gently.

"You hands aren't ugly, they're beautiful. They prove how far you've come. From the accident to
now, and how even through your darkest times you still pushed through." The engineer spoke, he
wasn't really the best with situations like this. Stephen smiled slightly but his worries about himself
and his appearance crawled up the back of his neck, like a spider ready to bite down and leave him
in tears. "Thank you, god, I don't deserve you" Stephen said, ingulfing Tony into a hug. The shorter
male smiled and wrapped his arms around the doctor. "You deserve the world, what'dya mean?"
Tony said with a chuckle, his stomach doing flips once he heard Stephen laugh lightly. "Mmh, let's
get to bed now, it's still pretty early and I'm tired" He said, hesitating before letting go of Stephen
and standing up. Stark helped the sorcerer up, giving him another kiss on his hand before walking
out. Strange's cheeks heated up a bit from the action but he brushed it off, dusting off his clothing
before walking out.

Tony was already laying down, glancing at Stephen before softly patting the spot beside him.
Stephen smiled a bit and laid beside him, instantly snuggling up against his chest. Stark wrapped
his arms around him again. "If you have another nightmare then wake me up, alright?" He said
rather softly again, kissing the top of the sorcerer's head whom just nodded. Stephen rested his
hands on Tony's bare chest, keeping close to him. Tony smiled and pulled the blanket over the two
of them. Both of them fell asleep soundly, and Strange didn't wake up from a nightmare this time.
Chapter Summary

Stephen and Tony just switch outfits, it was Tonys idea.

Chapter Notes



funky wizard

funky billionaire

tony and stephen switching suits/outfits


See the end of the chapter for more notes

3rd person POV

Was it a horrible idea, or a great one? Both of them had no idea. Stephen was standing still,
refusing to move. Tony had begged him into swapping outfits for a bit. It was already a big mistake
in Stephen's head. Tony on the other-hand was struggling with the amount of belts. He bit his lip in
frustration, mumbling cusses to himself. He eventually figured it all out, after a solid 10 minutes.
The outfit was a bit long on him, due to Strange being a bit taller. Him being 5'9 whilst Stephen
was 6'1 inching to 6'2.. But with the Ironman suit it made him nearly 6'7.

"Tony are you really sure this was a good idea?" Stephen murmurs, glancing over at Tony. Stephen
didn't have the mask on yet, his worry clear as day once he saw Tony put the Eye of Agamotto
over his head, it slid onto place, the eye resting on his chest. The shorter male looked up at the
doctor and smiled. "C'mon, don't be such a coward. It's fine." Tony grinned, looking over at Levi.
The cloak thrashed around before going to Stephen, nesting on his shoulders. Tony pouted a bit.
"Damn it, the magic carpets like- the coolest part of the outfit" He complained.

In the blink of an eye, the Cloak of Levitation swerved over to Tony, lifting one of its edges and
slapping him, before wrapping around his head and shaking his around. Tony let out a strangled
noise in surprise, but in reality he found it more funny than scary. The sound though, worried
Stephen. "Cloak." He spoke, his tone low, a clear warning. The cloak was quick to let go of Tony
and turned itself to look at Strange. It was about to go back to Stephen's shoulders before being
pushed back by him. "Go to Tony, he's not gonna tear you in half, jeez" Stephen joked with a small
laugh. The cloak obeyed, going behind Tony before resting on his shoulders, adjusting himself so
he wasn't dragging on the ground.
Stephen had noticed that the more he moved, the less stiff the suit felt. It was certainly different
then what he was used to though, he wasn't used to being in a cocoon of metal. Tony on the other-
hand, was having the time of his life. He excitedly walked around, acting like a child who had
gotten drunk off of candy. Strange chuckled a bit at the others childish antics. Tony fidgeted with
the cape, before floating up in the air with the help of the cape. A wide smile formed on the
billionaire's face instantly as he looked over at Stephen, whos hand was resting on his own hip as
he watched with a small smile.

"This is way better than my suit oh my god" Tony exclaimed. "Can I keep the cloak?!" He joked,
Stephen laughed lightly and shook his head. "I don't think the cloak would want that" Strange
replied before looking down at his own hands, his eyes widening before softening when he
realized his hands weren't shaking, and that he could actually move them properly. He smiled,
unaware of Tony watching. Stark kept his eyes on Stephen, watching his facial expressions. When
he saw how the doctor reacted, he got an idea. He would try and make some stabilizer gloves for
Stephen, maybe they'd let him be able to be a surgeon again. His mind raced with ideas. He
brushed them off for now.

"You should try flying in the su--" Tony started, but was interrupted by Stephen "I'd rather not..I'm
not looking to pull a you and crash into basically everything" Strange grinned. Tony dramatically
gasped, flipping the other male off before turning his back to him. "Fine, be that way, you boring
doctor" Stark snorted, tipping his chin up as he ignored the other. Stephen laughed. "Cloak" The
sorcerer said softly, the cloak instantly moved from Tony's shoulders to Stephens. Tony perked up,
turning around swiftly and looking at Stephen. "I hate you."

"I love you too"

Chapter End Notes


AAAH, I'm so sorry thats so short

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