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Phase Delay Experiment


(Course Code: EEE476)

Submitted by:-

Mubassar Ahammed
Reg. No: 2016338022
Department of EEE, SUST

Submitted to:-
Md Rasedujjaman
Assistant Professor
Dept. of EEE, SUST

Submission Date: April 7, 2022

I, undersigned, Mubassar Ahammed, hereby declare that the work presented in this
report is my own work, carried out under the scientific direction of Md Rasedujjaman,
in accordance with the principles of honesty, integrity and responsibility. The report
was written completely by myself and comply the charter on the fight against scientific

Sylhet, April 7, 2022

1. Understanding the features of wave phase delay.

2. Take a phase delayed waveform measurement.

3. Measure phase delayed fading.

It is well known that the phase difference between any two port network is measured
by forming Lissajous figure using an oscilloscope (C R O ).Most of the time,such mea-
surements do not compare well with the expected values, at least for some frequency
regions. This is analyzed in detail here, as this is not only a pedagogical problem but
also a perturbing issue for us as we are doing the experiments on phase shifts. Very
sim ple circuits are considered here for experiment and analysis.
Multipath propagation is a phenomenon in radio communications that occurs
when radio signals travel along two or more paths to reach the receiving antenna.
Interference and phase shifting can occur when the same signal is received over
multiple pathways. Fading is caused by destructive interference, and it can render a
radio signal too weak to receive without distortion. Fading is caused by attenuation of
the radio signal as it travels from the transmitter to the receiver, as well as reflection
and dispersion of the transmitted signal [1] A schematic illustration of multipath
propagation by various techniques is shown below.

Figure 0.1: Schematic of multipath propagation

Figure 0.2: phase delay

The received signal power is proportional to the distance between the transmitter
and the receiver. The power loss is easily compensated for by increasing the broadcast
power by the same amount, and the receiver performance is unaffected. On the other
hand, shadowing, dispersion, and reflections create significant power variations in
the received signal. These inconsistencies could lead to severe receiver performance
loss [2].
The multipath characteristic of a mobile communications channel is measured by
delay spread. The time difference between the arrival of the earliest component (e.g.,
the line-of-sight wave if one exists) and the arrival of the latest multipath component
is generally referred to as the delay,[3]. There is simply a phase difference between
two waves E 1 and E 2 , where E 1 is a direct wave and E 2 is a reflected wave, both of
which have the same amplitude but have traveled different distances. We generate the
following waveform by superposing both waves:

E t ot = E 1 + E 2 = E 0 cos(w t − kx) + aE 0 cos[w t − k(x + x 0 )] (0.1)

where, a is the amplitude in relation to the direct wave amplitude, which ranges from
0 to 1. [4].
A Lissajous figure is one of an infinite number of curves that may be created by
joining two perpendicular oscillations. A pattern known as ’Lissajous Figures’ is
found when two separate waveforms are mutually perpendicular to each other. The
frequency of sinusoidal signals and the phase difference between two sinusoidal
signals are two key measurements that can be observed from the Lissajous figures.
An oscilloscope is frequently used to examine harmonic variable frequency, ampli-
tude, and phase correlations. By altering the phases, different Lissajous figures such
as a straight line, circle, and ellipse can be obtained.

Figure 0.3: Different Lissajous Figures

Working Principle of the Experiment

The goal of the experiment is to observe the phase delay’s features. As a result, atten-
uation is set to a specific value. The system works by selecting a desired frequency
from the computer screen, then selecting a phase delay value relative to a reflection
wave route to generate a phase delayed wave. At the combiner, which is located at the
output terminal of each path, a direct wave and a reflection wave are combined, and
the combined wave’s level value is shown. The adoption of a 21.7 MHz intermediate
frequency allows experiment equipment to be easily connected to the oscilloscope.

1. WATS-2002 Wave and Antenna Training System

2. RF Coaxial Cable

3. Yagi PCB Antenna

4. Antenna Mounter

5. Control Unit (Computer)

Figure 0.4: WATS-2002 Wave and Antenna Training System

Experimental Data
Combined Wave power:
From different phase delay value,system is receiving different combined wave power.

No. Phase delay [Degree] Fading level [dBm] Direct Received level [dBm]
01 0 -38.7 -40.3
02 10 -38.7.5 -37.5
03 20 -37.3 -38.9
04 30 -35.6 -42
05 40 -35.4 -40.3
06 50 -40.4 -37.5
07 60 -38.7 -37.1
08 70 -45.3 -38.7
09 80 -43.6 -41
10 90 -43 -39.7
11 100 -41.2 -38.5
12 110 -44.9 -38.9
13 120 -44.2 -38.7
14 130 -45.9 -40.4
15 140 -42.6 -37.7
16 150 -52.8 -42.2
17 160 -46.1 -38.9
18 170 -52 -37.3
19 180 -52.5 -40.3

Experimental Graph
Lissajous figure:

Figure 0.5: Lissajous figure for 0, 60, 90, 120 & 180 Degree.

Direct, Reflection & Fading wave :

Figure 0.6: Wave Pattern for 0, 60, 90, 120 & 180 Degree.

For "0" Degree calculation :
Direct wave power : -40.3 [dBm]
Fading level power : -38.7 [dBm]

Power Rat i o[r ] = C ombi ned [F ad i ng ]w avepower [d B m]−d i r ec t w avepower [d B m]

= −38.7 − (−40.3)[d B m]
= 1.6[d B m]
F ad i ng power
Si g nal Si zeRat i o = Di r ect w avepower ∗ 10 < (r /20)

= ∗ 10
= 9.602978

For "180" Degree calculation :

Direct wave power : -40.3 [dBm]
Fading level power : -53.5 [dBm]

Power Rat i o[r ] = C ombi ned [F ad i ng ]w avepower [d B m]−d i r ec t w avepower [d B m]

= −53.5 − (−40.3)[d B m]
= −13.2[d B m]
F ad i ng power
Si g nal Si zeRat i o = Di r ect w avepower ∗ 10 < (r /20)

= ∗ 10
= 13.27543


Figure 0.7: RC circuit.

Figure 0.8: Lissajous figure we got from the rc circuit at 90 degree phase difference

In general, the phase diference measured using the the method of Lissajous figure
does not agree well with the expected values (from theory) and the deviation is appre-
ciable in some frequencies. When we analysed this, we found that most of the tim e
this is due to the measuring device.But we were happy to find our expected graph.The
best way to avoid this is to choose a good oscilloscope by checking its performance.
But this may not be possible always.

The discrepancy between the observed and expected values of phase shifts, by Lis-
sajous method, is now solved. How the measuring device, namely the oscilloscope,
can show lissajous phase shift.
Although there was some deflects in our experiment.They are:

1. Some of unexpected signal.

2. Our place was not stand-still because of table’s vibration’s..

3. Our system is vary much old because of shutting down for a long time.

4. Our antenna was old and the components efficiency was not good enough.

[1] “Introduction to Fading Channels”. In: Coded Modulation Systems. Ed. by Jack Keil
Wolf et al. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2002, pp. 363–413. ISBN: 978-0-306-47792-8.
DOI : 10.1007/0-306-47792-0_7. URL :
47792-0_7 (cit. on p. 3).
[2] Wikipedia contributors. Multipath propagation — Wikipedia, The Free Ency-
propagation&oldid=1049586488. [Online; accessed 29-March-2022]. 2021 (cit.
on p. 4).
[3] Wikipedia contributors. Delay spread — Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. [On-
line; accessed 29-March-2022]. 2019. URL:
index.php?title=Delay_spread&oldid=904873204 (cit. on p. 4).
[4] Kwang Wook, Jung Che Young, and Kim. “Wave Propagation and Antenna Experi-
ments by using WATS-2002”. In: (2002) (cit. on pp. 4, 5).


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