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Computers & Geosciences Vol. 24, No. 2, pp.

159±171, 1998
# 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
Printed in Great Britain
PII: S0098-3004(97)00084-8 0098-3004/98 $19.00 + 0.00


Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0450.
Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada B3H 4J1, and 3Meridian
Software Inc., 282 Grant Road, Paradise, NS, Canada B0S 1R0

(Received 7 February 1997; revised 28 May 1997)

AbstractÐAn ANSI-standard Fortran 77 program solves the steady, two-dimensional advection-di€u-

sion equation describing a turbid hypopycnal plume emanating from a river mouth. The model solves
for the extent of the plume as a non-dimensioned inventory of sediment mass on an axial-lateral grid.
The basis for the model is a derivation by Albertson for a two-dimensional momentum-driven sub-
merged jet. Particle settling is based on the scavenging model of Syvitski. PLUME is robust but fast
enough to handle the sedimentation beneath a river plume ¯owing into a coastal sea on a daily basis.
Designed for speed, the model may be run with daily-changing river input characteristics (¯ow velocity,
river mouth dimensions, sediment concentrations of up to ten grain sizes) for many (up to thousands
of) years. PLUME1.1 works with input from long-term ®eld observations or from climate-hydrologic
simulations. The model provides for an improved geological simulator of land-sea interaction and the
delivery of sediment onto continental margins. The model can be used to simulate ¯ow into both open-
coast and semi-enclosed basins. Open-coast plume simulations include the ¯ood-dominated Eel River
margin, Northern California, where a three-day ¯ood event could supply more sediment than the pre-
vious seven years combined. A semi-enclosed basin example is from a fjord-basin from British Colum-
bia, where model simulations agree well with sediment concentration observations. # 1998 Elsevier
Science Ltd. All rights reserved

Key Words: River plumes, Sediment transport, Simulation, FORTRAN-77.

INTRODUCTION ated with river discharge is assumed to be negli-

gible, and thus the source contribution in the
PLUME1.1 is an ANSI-standard Fortran 77 pro-
momentum equation is ignored.
gram that solves the steady, two-dimensional advec-
Higher-resolution models are momentum-based.
tion-di€usion equation describing a hypopycnal
The momentum of a river plume is the key dynami-
sediment plume emanating from a river mouth. The
cal force that determines where sediment is trans-
program ®rst solves the plume as a non-dimen- ported (Bonham-Carter and Sutherland, 1968a,b;
sioned inventory of sediment mass, on a log x Waldrop, 1972; Wright and Coleman, 1974;
(axial)±linear y (lateral) grid. It then interpolates Syvitski and others, 1988; Baines and Chu, 1996;
the sediment inventory onto a linear-linear x±y Morehead and Syvitski, in press). Hydraulic proper-
grid. The basis for the model is a derivation by ties and the velocity structure at a river mouth are
Albertson and others (1950) of a two-dimensional then the initial boundary conditions governing the
submerged jet, a model still considered exceptional dispersion of sediment seaward of the mouth
for dispersing sediment load (Bursik, 1995; Nemec, (Albertson and others, 1950; Bonham-Carter and
1995). Sutherland, 1968b; McClimans, 1979; Nemec,
Some plume models are either numerically inten- 1995).
sive for use in simulation of long periods of earth PLUME1.1 is a signi®cant advance over another
history (e.g. Waldrop, 1972), or use too coarse a recent model, GRAIN2 (Syvitski and Alcott, 1993).
spatial resolution to simulate the plume momentum GRAIN2 used dynamic simulation to trace the
and its transport of sands and silts [e.g. the path of a particle of water along the streamlines
Kourafalou and others (1996) model has a horizon- and thus obtain the travel time for a given position
tal grid spacing of 5 km by 5 km]. River discharge within the basin. The travel time was used in a
is modeled by Kourafalou et al. (1996) as a simple reaction equation to solve for the sediment
``mound'' of zero salinity water, introduced at one inventory at a given location. GRAIN traced 400
or more coastal nodal points. Momentum associ- streamlines out from the river mouth, an approach
160 J. P. M. Syvitski and others

too numerically intensive for tracking the daily-vari- terms of sediment concentration, rather than
able hydrographs of many rivers. GRAIN's stream- inventory (O'Connor and Nicholson, 1988;
line approach also depicted mean ¯ow. However, Syvitski and Lewis, 1992), and settling velocity of
sediment inventory is not only advected by the grains rather than sediment scavenging (Bursik,
mean ¯ow, but is also mixed by the turbulence in 1995). Our objective is to solve for the I(x,y) dis-
the plume. Additionally, the spatial resolution near tribution and hence the sedimentation rate or ¯ux
the high-energy river mouth was at the r30 m level from the plume.
in GRAIN3, but has been improved to 11 m near We assume no momentum exchange or velocity
the river mouth in PLUME1.1. In addition to this slip between the solid and liquid phases, and hence
higher level of resolution, PLUME1.1 o€ers a host that the velocity ®eld is that of the submerged jet
of useful, user-friendly options that make working presented by Albertson and others (1950) so that u
with the model more desirable. and v are known for all x and y. Although
PLUME1.1 is able to use the more advanced simu- Albertson et al. (1950) do not present expressions
lations of HYDROTREND (Steckler and others, for v, these can be obtained by integrating the con-
1996) compared to RIVER3 (Syvitski and Alcott, tinuity equation as shown later.
1995b). HYDROTREND is an advanced climate- Sediment di€usivity, K, is assumed equal to the
based drainage basin simulator of daily discharge turbulent di€usivity and that in turn is equal to the
hydraulics at a river mouth (Steckler and others, 1996; eddy viscosity. Here we use the eddy viscosity de-
Syvitski, Morehead and Nicholson, 1997). rived by Albertson and others (1950) for their zone
PLUME1.1 is also designed for implementation as a of established ¯ow. The Albertson and others
subroutine in the multi-path sediment transport simu- (1950) results assume isotropic turbulence, so K
lator DELTA6 (Syvitski and Alcott, 1995a). here is a scalarÐotherwise K would be a tensor.
We further assume that the longitudinal (x) direc-
THEORY AND ASSUMPTIONS tion di€usion is small compared to longitudinal
advection and so ignore the second term on the
We want to solve the sediment inventory plume right hand side of Equation (1).
resulting from a river ¯owing into either a semi- Our model approach also assumes that the initial
enclosed basin or directly onto a continental mar- concentration distribution of sediment at the river
gin. We assume a two-dimensional domain with mouth is the same as a turbulent velocity pro®le
sediment advected by the river induced velocity shape. The river mouth edge-points are set to zero
®eld and di€used by turbulence. At the same time, inventory. This means that the non-dimensioned
sediment settles from the plume at a rate governed inventory will vary from a maximum value of
by a ®rst order removal rate constant for each grain around 1.14 at the river mouth centerline down to
size (Syvitski and others, 1988). We assume in zero at the edge of the river.
PLUME1.1 that Coriolis forcing and along-shelf
circulation can be ignored (a later and more nu-
Obtaining lateral velocity in the submerged jet model
merically taxing version includes these forces:
Morehead and Syvitski, in review). We assume that Lateral velocity is obtained by integrating the
tidal forces, averaged over a day, have no net ¯ux two-dimensional continuity equation with velocities
and can be ignored. The Albertson and others and boundary conditions appropriate to either the
(1950) velocity ®eld solution is assumed to be valid Zone of Flow Establishment, out to about 5.2 times
not only for unconstrained plumes, but also for the river mouth width (Albertson and others, 1950)
constrained (semi-enclosed basin) type plumes. In or the Zone of Established Flow (Fig. 1), seaward
reality, the constrained plume velocity ®eld has a of this line. The non-dimensional continuity
zero normal velocity boundary condition along the equation is:
basin walls. @ u~ @ v~
The governing equation in this case, for each ‡ ˆ0 …2†
@ x~ @ y~
grain size, is the steady two-dimensional advection-
di€usion equation: where longitudinal velocity (u) and lateral velocity
    component (v) are non-dimensional by the river
@ uI @ vI @ @I @ @I
‡ ‡ lI ˆ K ‡ K …1† mouth velocity, u0:
@x @y @x @x @y @y
u v
u~ ˆ and v~ ˆ
where x is the longitudinal or axial direction (m), u0 u0
y is the lateral direction (m), u is longitudinal vel-
and longitudinal distance, x, and lateral distance,
ocity (m/sec), v is lateral velocity (m/sec), I is the
y, are non-dimensioned by the river mouth width,
sediment ``inventory'' or mass per unit area of the
plume (kg/m2), l is the ®rst order removal rate
constant (secÿ1) for the grain size in question, and x y
x~ ˆ and y~ ˆ :
K is the sediment di€usivity driven by turbulence b0 b0
(m2/sec). Equation (1) may also be represented in
Plume 1.1: deposition of sediment from a ¯uvial plume 161
p p
v~yÿ41 ˆÿ … 2 ÿ 1†C1 …7†
independent of longitudinal distance.
Albertson and others (1950) present the ex-
pression for longitudinal velocity in the Zone of
Established Flow as:
s "  2 #
1 y~
u~ ˆ p exp ÿ p …8†
pC1 x~ 2C1 x~

Figure 1. Cartoon of momentum solution from Albertson ~ x~ 0 and x~ 0 p
and others (1950) showing zones of ¯ow establishment pC1
and established ¯ow, approximate u velocity pro®les, and
region of turbulent di€usion.
where x0 is the longitudinal length of the zone
of ¯ow establishment. Using the boundary con-
Albertson and others (1950) present the ex- dition from symmetry that v = 0 when y = 0, u
pression for longitudinal velocity for the Zone of can be integrated to give the lateral velocity
Flow Establishment as:
s( "  2 #
2 0 3
p x~ 112 ~ x,
v… ~ ˆ p
~ y†
1 y~
exp ÿ p
6 By ‡ pC1 2 ÿ 2C 7 pC1 x~ 32 2C1 x~
u~ ˆexp6
4 ÿ@ p A 75
2C x~ 1 p  )
2pC1 y~
ÿ p erf p …9†
1 p 4 x~ 2C1 x~
for yr ~
…1 ÿ pC1 x† …3†
2 and for
with boundary condition along the edge of the plug ~
yr0, ~ x,
v… ~ y†
~ ˆ ÿv…
~ x,
~ ÿ y†:
¯ow regime such that
In the far ®eld situation, this reduces to
1 p
v~ ˆ 0 when y~ ˆ …1 ÿ pC1 x† …4† Albertson and others (1950, eq. 26) result
2 r
p 
and where C1 is empirically found to be 0.109 v~yÿ41 ˆ ÿ : …10†
(Albertson and others, 1950).
With the expression for u and the continuity In the model calculations, the following con-
equation, one can integrate to ®nd lateral velocity venient approximation was used in place of the
as: error functions:
y~ ÿ g 2 y~ ÿ g 4x 2 w
~ x,
v… ~ ˆg 0 exp ÿ
~ y† ‡f0 erf…x†  1 ÿ exp ÿ …11†
f f p
  2  p
y~ ÿ g p where a value of the weight factor, w, of 0.98 was
exp ÿ ÿf0 used to give an approximation within 0.7% over
f 2
  the entire range of x.
y~ ÿ g
erf ÿ g0 …5†
f Boundary conditions
The inventory at the river mouth is assumed to
take on a pro®le similar in shape to a turbulent
p x~ 1 p C1 velocity pro®le. The pro®le average is made to
~ ˆ ÿ pC1 ‡ ,
g…x† g 0 …x†
~ ˆÿ p
2 2 2 equal the known inventory input at the river
p p  1
~ ˆ
f …x† ~
2C1 x, f 0 …x†
~ ˆ 2C1 8 b0 ÿ 2y 7
I ˆ I0 …12†
7 b0
and for
where 0R |y| Rb0/2, I0 is the average river mouth
yr0, ~ x,
v… ~ y†
~ ˆ ÿv…
~ x,
~ ÿ y†:
~ …6† inventory (kg/m2) and b0 is the river mouth width
In the far ®eld, as y 4 1 the lateral velocity The edge of the spreading plume is taken from
becomes Albertson and others (1950) nominal jet boundary,
162 J. P. M. Syvitski and others

i.e. a line spreading from the river mouth centerline from this choice is derived in the Appendix. In
at a y/x slope of 1/4 (or 148). Inventory along this ®nite di€erence form, Equation (14) becomes, for a
spreading line is set to zero as the lateral boundary given row, i, and column, j:
condition. ~  ~ 
These boundary conditions are chosen as much Ii, j ÿ I~iÿ1j Ii, j‡1 ÿ I~i, jÿ1
u~ i, j ‡ v~i, j
for numerical as physical reasons. The turbulent dx~ 2dy~
velocity pro®le provides a ``roll o€'' at the edges ~ 
Ii, j‡1 ÿ 2I~i, j ‡ I~i, jÿ1
and makes the numerical solution easier than ‡ l~ I~i, j ˆ K~ i, j
dy~ 2
with a ``harsher'' step change in inventory at the
river mouth edge. The zero inventory along the ~  ~ 
Ii, j‡1 ÿ I~i, jÿ1 Ki, j‡1 ÿ K~ i, jÿ1
nominal jet boundary meanwhile, suppresses nu- ‡ : …15†
2dy~ 2dy~
merical di€usion artifacts that appear if the sol-
ution is allowed to ®nd its own edge at in®nite Equation (15) represents a tridiagonal system of
y. simultaneous equations for each row progressing
The boundary conditions for the problem are: away from the river mouth. This system can be
    solved for I(x, y) using the Thomas algorithm
b0 8 b0 ÿ 2y 1=7
I 0, jyj< ˆ I0 (Thomas, 1949). The calculation of non-dimen-
2 7 b0
sioned inventory proceeds row-by-row outward
  from the river mouth until the dimensionless center-
I 0, jyjr ˆ 0 and line inventory falls below a signi®cant amount (cur-
2 rently set at 0.01 in the program).
   A logarithmic spacing between successive rows
b0 was used due to the exponential nature of the
I x, y ˆ 2 ‡ 0:25x ˆ 0 for x<x c
2 inventory decay with increasing x (Syvitski and
Lewis, 1992). Lateral grid spacing between succes-
where the longitudinal distance to constrained ¯ow
(xc) is given by: sive columns, j, was chosen as a constant fraction
of the river mouth width of unity. Thus, the num-
0:5…d0 ÿ b0 † ber of grid columns is proportional to the number
xc ˆ ˆ 2…d0 ÿ b0 † …13†
0:25 of lateral grid points used to represent the river
and d0 is the basin width. mouth. The ®nal dimensional inventory is found
In the situation of basins, the solution is said to using bilinear interpolation onto a dimensional
have reached a point of ``constrained'' ¯ow, xc, grid. The program does this interpolation for the
when the above 148 spreading line intersects the y>0 half of the symmetric inventory grid, since
basin edge of the semi-enclosed basin. only symmetric river mouth inventories are con-
sidered in PLUME1.1.
Solution method Although Albertson et al. (1950) present an ex-
The governing equations are made non-dimen- pression for the exact structure of K as a function
sional so that the u(x, y), v(x, y) velocity ®elds and of position (which physically relates to the inte-
turbulent di€usivity, K(x, y), need be calculated grated shear), we use an approximation to simplify
only once before repetitive inventory solutions with the calculation:
di€erent u0, b0 river characteristics, and grain sizes s  
with di€erent I0 and l are made. Choosing b0, u0 ~ x~ y~
K ˆ p f …16†
and I0 as characteristic quantities and using the pC1 x~
continuity equation to eliminate two terms from the
where C1=0.109 and the function f is found by
expansion of the left-hand-side derivatives,
trial and error using Figure 14, found in Albertson
Equation (1) then gives:
et al. (1950):
@ I~ @ I~ @ 2 I~ @ K~ @ I~        2 
u~ ‡ v~ ‡ l~ I~ ˆ K~ 2 ‡ …14† y~ 1 y~ 2 1 y~
@ x~ @ y~ @ y~ @ y~ @ y~ f ˆ 0:006 1 ÿ p exp ÿ p :
x~ p x~ pC1 x~
where: …17†
x y u v
x~ ˆ , y~ ˆ , u~ ˆ , v~ ˆ This correlation is valid for y/x < 0.34 (a maxi-
b0 b0 u0 u0
mum spreading half angle of 16.78).
I lb0 K We introduce a further simpli®cation that the ex-
I~ ˆ , l~ ˆ and K~ ˆ : pression for K is valid over the zone of developing
I0 u0 u0 b0
¯ow as well as developed ¯ow. In the plug ¯ow
It should be noted that other characteristic region of the zone of developing ¯ow, K = 0.
lengths for this problem are possible. An alternative In the situation of constrained ¯ows, when the
is to use u0/l. The di€erential equation resulting solution reached a longitudinal distance of xc, the
Plume 1.1: deposition of sediment from a ¯uvial plume 163

solution variables were set as follows: be printed as part of the output, but the model will
~ ˆ0 not be run.
u~ ˆ uc , v~ ˆ 0, and K
Line 5 speci®es a speci®c time slice of the output
where uc is the last value of u(x, y) before reaching for eventual (Spyglass Transform1) plotting. Three
constrained ¯ow. values need to be provided: T (transform) or N
(noplot), followed by year number followed by data
Mass balance check set number. For example, T 17 55 would pick data
The amount of sediment removed from the set 55 from year 17. If the speci®ed data set was
plume for a given grain size can be checked against not found during the run, a message noting this is
the known river input sediment mass ¯ow rate, M, written to the plume.log ®le.
by Line 6 speci®es whether a print plot is required
…… or not. Use P to generate a plot along with ®le out-
M ˆ I0 b0 u0 ˆ lI…x, y† dx dy …18† put. Use N if no plot is required. Note that the D
Plume option in line 2 above does not produce a plot.
Line 7 speci®es whether a print ®le is created or
or in non-dimensional form:
not. Use P to generate an output ®le. Use N if no
~ ˆ I0 b0 u0 ˆ l b2
M ~ x,
I… ~ y†
~ dx~ dy~
output ®le is required.
I0 b0 u0 b0 u0 0 Lines 8±20 provide data values for boundary
conditions and equation parameters. Lines 8 and 9
are the basin width (km) and length (km), respect-
ˆ l~ ~ x,
I… ~ y†
~ dx~ dy~ ˆ 1: …19†
ively, and are used only when modeling semi-
enclosed basins; otherwise use a dummy for uncon-
Because of the equally spaced lateral grid results, strained plume runs.
the double integral is evaluated numerically using Line 10 is the lateral (y) grid spacing for output
Simpson's Rule on lateral (y direction) strips for interpolation, or a dummy when using the Line 3
each x. ``Delta'' option (D). Line 11 is the longitudinal (x)
grid spacing for output interpolation.
Line 12 is the number of grain sizes (1±10) that
are to be tracked.
PROGRAM NOTES AND STRUCTURE Line 13a is the grain 1 removal rate (dayÿ1) and
Files bulk density (kg/m3). Line 13b is the grain 2
removal rate (dayÿ1) and bulk density (kg/m3). Line
Two input ®les are used by PLUME: 13c is the grain 3 removal rate (dayÿ1) and bulk
plume.datÐuser-speci®ed data to describe density (kg/m3); etc up to ten lines of grain size in-
¯ow rates and geometry; and river.disÐa binary ®le formation. The number of lines here must match
of river and sediment discharge time series pro- the number speci®ed in line 12.
duced by the ``HYDROTREND'' program and Line 14 speci®es if river data is ``Inline'' or
used when the ``File'' option is chosen in ``File''. As Inline, PLUME will read river data
plume.dat. from the next eight lines of plume.dat. If
There are a number of user options in the text speci®ed as File, PLUME will read river data
®le plume.dat. Most input parameters are self- from the binary ®le river.dis.
de®ned within the table (Table 1), but some useful Line 15 speci®es the number of data sets per year
additional notes are given here.
(usually one for Inline data). Line 16 speci®es river
Input lines 1±7 provide control options. Line 1 is
bedload (kg/sec). Line 17a is the grain 1 suspended
the label header. Line 2 speci®es the ¯ow ®eld type
sediment concentration (g/m3). Line 17b is the grain
being modeled: BÐsemi-enclosed basin, or con-
2 suspended sediment concentration (g/m3), etc for
strained plume ¯ow; or CÐcoastal or uncon-
up to ten grain size concentrations. Line 18 is the
strained plume ¯ow. Line 3 speci®es how the plume
river velocity (m/sec). Line 19 is the river mouth
will be traced in space, in one of three run options:
width (m). Line 20 is the river mouth depth (m).
CÐtotal SPM concentration (g/m3); SÐtotal ac-
PLUME creates the following output ®les
cumulation rate (mm/d); and DÐtotal centerline
depending on options chosen in plume.dat:
averaged accumulation rate (m/yr). Option D is
appropriate for use with the DELTA program . plume.logÐprovides a data summary of
(Syvitski and Alcott, 1995a) and can be used only every run of the model.
with option F in line 14. . pplot.datÐinventory print plot with input
Line 4 speci®es whether to run the model in data header.
normal mode (R), or to scan (S) through the . sedmt.datÐresults from A, accumulation
river.dis ®le to check if the data are in the appropri- rate option.
ate format. By typing an S on line 4, the number . concn.datÐresults from C, suspended par-
of data sets found and the range of river widths will ticulate concentration option.
164 J. P. M. Syvitski and others

. sedfx.datÐresults from D, DELTA pro- follow and x direction grid spacing (m); line 4Ðthe
gram centerline averaged option. number of data points (columns) per vector and y
. trans.datÐresults from T, Spyglass direction grid spacing (m). Lines 5 and onward are
Transform option. the total suspended particulate concentration in g/
Plume.log consists of a separate line giving m3 starting at the river mouth. Each vector is sym-
a summary of each model calculation. Most error metric about the middle value which is the concen-
messages that would stop the program run are also tration along the centerline.
logged to this ®le. Data summary lines look like Sedmt.dat consists of a header line followed
these example lines: by the total accumulation rate (mm/day) for a

Year 1 Set 6 Gr 3 Conc = .014 Mass = .958 Riv Wid = 87. Dep = .79 Vel = .92
Year 1 Set 6 Gr 4 Conc = .019 Mass = .957 Riv Wid = 87. Dep = .79 Vel = .92
*Year 1 Set 7 Gr 1 Conc = .002 Mass = .990 Riv Wid = 84. Dep = .60 Vel = .83
*Year 1 Set 7 Gr 2 Conc = .004 Mass = .966 Riv Wid = 84. Dep = .60 Vel = .83
*Year 1 Set 7 Gr 3 Conc = .007 Mass = .963 Riv Wid = 84. Dep = .60 Vel = .83
*Year 1 Set 7 Gr 4 Conc = .009 Mass = .948 Riv Wid = 84. Dep = .60 Vel = .83
Year 1 Set 8 Gr 1 Conc = .004 Mass = 1.003 Riv Wid = 86. Dep = .73 Vel = .89
Year 1 Set 8 Gr 2 Conc = .008 Mass = .976 Riv Wid = 86. Dep = .73 Vel = .89
Year 1 Set 8 Gr 3 Conc = .012 Mass = .959 Riv Wid = 86. Dep = .73 Vel = .89

where lines with a leading asterisk mark the data given data set. The header has these four lines: line
set used to create a Spyglass Transform1 plot. 1Ðthe accumulation label; line 2Ðthe number of
Year is the year count. Set is the number of grain sizes; line 3Ðthe number of row data vectors
output data sets for a given year (one for annual, that follow and x direction grid spacing (m); line
four for seasonal, twelve for monthly, 365 for 4Ðthe number of data points (columns) per vector
daily). Gr is the grain number. Conc is the con- and y direction grid spacing (m). Lines 5 and
centration of this grain at river mouth in kg/m3. onward are the total accumulation rate in mm/day
Mass is the check of plume sediment mass balance starting at the river mouth. Each vector is sym-
(ideally it should be 1.0). This value is used to scale metric about the middle value which is the accumu-
up the plume solution results to eliminate any mass lation rate along the centerline.
balance error. Riv Wid is the width of river Plot.dat contains a header of key variables
mouth in meters. Dep is the depth of the river used to generate the plume inventory solution. This
mouth (and thus the entire plume thickness) in is followed by the print plot of one half of the sym-
meters, and Vel is the velocity at river mouth in metric plume, with the river mouth represented by
m/sec. the non-zero points on the ®rst row. The plot is
Sedfx.dat consists of an overall header line normalized, with a range from zero to the maxi-
followed by the centerline averaged accumulation mum inventory in the pro®le. The initial inventory
rate (m/year) data sets. Each data set consists of a pro®le at the river mouth is arranged such that its
data vector header followed by the vector of ac- average value is the total input river concentration.
cumulation rates. The overall header line contains: The header portion of a plot would be, for
(a) x-direction bin increment; (b) basin width (m); example:
(c) basin length (m); (d) number of grains per data
set; (e) number of years of data; and (f) number of Total SPM concentration in g/m3
Year 1 data set 1
data sets per year. The data vector header line of River width = 134.7 m
Sedfx.dat contains: (a) grain number; (b) River depth = 1.71 m
number of values in following data vector River velocity = 0.80 m/sec
(NPOINT); (c) starting concentration of this grain Delta x (down) = 200. <± grid spacing values in meters.
Delta y (across) = 50.
(kg/m3); (d) river velocity (m/sec); (e) river width
(m); (f) river depth (m); and (g) bedload (kg/sec).
The data vector contains NPOINT values of ac- Trans.dat is an ASCII Special format
cumulation rate on 7E11.4 format starting at the ®le used by the Spyglass Transform plot package.
river mouth. This is the native text format for the
Concn.dat consists of a header line followed package, where: line 1 is the number_
by the total SPM concentration (g/m3) for a given of_rows and the number_of_columns;
data set. The header has these four lines: line 1Ð line 2 is the Dummy_maximum_value
the concentration label; line 2Ðthe number of grain Dummy_minimum_value; line 3 is the vec-
sizes; line 3Ðthe number of row data vectors that tor of row (ordinate) values, etc; line 4 is the vector
Plume 1.1: deposition of sediment from a ¯uvial plume 165

of column (abscissa) values, etc; line 5 is the data ger than those ®xed in the program. For example, if
values speci®ed one row at a time. the river width becomes very small within a given
If there are missing or incorrect data rather than ®xed basin-width, then the number of lateral grid
those expected, the program will give an error mess- points required becomes large. This is because the
age and stop. Error messages are logged to the solution is scaled to the river-mouth width which
plume.log ®le. has a ®xed number of solution grid points (see
NRIVER before). Grid dimensions can be
Other important parameters increased in the PARAMETER section of
Some of the parameters are set in the header por- main.F described previously.
tion of the main.F ®le: some parameters are de-
rived from others inputs. They include:
(1) Parameters for initial non-dimensioned grid
NOFCYCÐnumber of x direction log cycles. GETDAT
NOFPPCÐnumber of x direction grid points LOOKRV
per log cycle. GETGDD
NXÐnumber of x direction grid CHKDAT
NYÐnumber of y direction grid points. MAIN ----- GETRIV
NRIVERÐnumber of y direction grid points SETINV
used to represent the river mouth. GETINV ----- TRIDAG
(2) Parameters for interpolated dimensional grid PRPLOT
solution: PRTSCO
NXINTRÐnumber of x direction interp-
olated grid points. GETLUN opens the required input/output data
NYIÐnumber of y direction interpolated grid ®les. river.dis must be present but can be
points. empty if using the Run option in line 4.
NXINTR and NYI are set to be multiples of GETDAT reads user-speci®ed data from
NX and NY, respectively. plume.dat.
LOOKRV examines river.dis binary ®le,
(3) Other parameters: if speci®ed.
MAXGRNÐthe number of grain sizes to be GETGDD sets up x-direction log grid spacing.
handled. CHKDAT checks for consistency and range of
MAXSEAÐthe maximum number of data sets plume.dat values.
per year (one, four, twelve, 365) VFIELD computes non-dimensioned u, v vel-
ocity ®eld grids.
Parameters may also be set outside of main.F.
VXYBAR computes velocities depending on
(4) In the subroutine prtsco.F:
plume ¯ow regime.
MAXTRAÐmax. number of Spyglass GETKDF computes non-dimensioned turbulent
Transform axis values (currently 1001) di€usivity grid.
INVEPSÐwhen sum of non-dimensioned GETRIV reads data sets from river.dis
inventory over four adjacent grid points falls binary ®le, if speci®ed.
below this value, the interpolator considers the SETINV initializes non-dimensioned sediment
point to be outside the plume. Currently set to inventory grid.
0.001. GETINV sets up advection-di€usion equation
(5) In the subroutine getinv.F: matrix coecients.
TRIDAG solves the tridiagonal matrix with
MAXPRAÐmax. number of row grid points Thomas algorithm.
that can be solved by tridiagonal routine. SUMINV numerically integrates the total non-
Currently set to 300. dimensioned plume inventory to check the mass
INVEPSÐPlume calculations stop when the balance.
non-dimensioned centerline inventory drops PRPLOT creates the inventory print plot along
below this value. Currently set to 0.01 plume axis of symmetry, if speci®ed.
(6) In the subroutine tridag.F: PRTSCO carries out the bilinear interpolation
whereby the non-dimensioned inventory is con-
NMAXPAÐshould be set to the same values
verted to dimensional inventory.
as MAXPRA in getinv.F.
PRTFLX writes out the concentration, accumu-
It is possible to specify bin spacing or a range of lation or DELTA6 options (Syvitski and Alcott,
river mouth widths that imply grid dimensions lar- 1995b) to ®le.
166 J. P. M. Syvitski and others

Figure 2. (A) Contoured non-dimensional longitudinal velocity, u, ®eld showing plug ¯ow region
(u = 1). (B) Contoured non-dimensional lateral velocity, v, ®eld showing an in¯owing current along the
coast necessary for mass balance. (C) Velocity vector ®eld, given lateral and longitudinal velocity ®elds
of (A) and (B).

The program source ®les use the ``.F'' sux to in- from Albertson's Model (Albertson and others,
dicate that they are passed ®rst through the C pre- 1950) (Fig. 2A). The two-dimensional continuity
processor and then the Fortran compiler. There are equation is then integrated to yield the lateral (v)
no ``include'' ®les or FORTRAN COMMON velocity ®eld (Fig. 2B). The combined currents (Fig.
blocks. 2C) are then used in the advection-di€usion
equation (Eq. 1) to solve for the sediment inventory
within the plume and the inventory that is lost from
the plume and accumulates on the sea¯oor. Figure
3 shows an example of the accumulation rate (mm/
day) for a river discharge of 3700 m3/sec. Shown is
We ®rst apply PLUME for a simulation of river the integrated accumulation for the four grain sizes
discharge into an unconstrained basin. Discharge being modeled. Most of the heavier grains accumu-
and sediment load data from the Eel River in late close to the river mouth and are responsible for
Northern California are used to generate river the high accumulation rates shown in that vicinity.
plumes along an open coast. The model ®rst calcu- The Eel River is a ¯ood-dominated river. Its
lates the non-dimensional axial (u) velocity ®eld three-day ¯ood event, on 23 December 1964
Plume 1.1: deposition of sediment from a ¯uvial plume 167

Figure 3. Eel River PLUME example simulation given two-year return period ¯ood conditions of
Q = 3700 m/sec3. Plume is symmetrical with highest rates of sediment deposition nearest river mouth.

Figure 4. Eel River PLUME1.1 accumulation rate (mm/d) simulations given (A) low annual peak dis-
charge conditions of Q = 1000 m3/sec; (B) moderate peak ¯ood conditions of Q = 3700 m3/sec with
two-year return interval; (C) typical peak ¯ood conditions with 5-yr return interval of Q = 4000 m3/
sec; (D) high peak ¯ood conditions with 20-yr return interval of Q = 8600 m3/sec.
168 J. P. M. Syvitski and others

Figure 5. Concentration of suspended sediments found along enclosed basin of similar dimensions to
Knight Inlet with Klinaklini River plume ¯owing into fjord. PLUME captures both concentration and
plume length as observed from water samples (Syvitski and Lewis, 1992).

(752,000 cfs or 21,300 m3/sec), input as much sedi- face plume ¯owing across a semi-enclosed basin of
ment to the coast as the river normally discharges width similar to Knight Inlet, and receiving a river
to the coast over a seven-year period (Brown and discharge of 1000 m3/sec. The plume concentrations
Ritter, 1971). Therefore, it is important to under- are an integration of the four grain sizes being
stand the pattern of deposition under di€ering ¯ood modeled. Figure 5 shows the spreading of the
conditions. Figure 4 shows example accumulation plume as it exits the river mouth, until the plume
patterns for four ¯ooding magnitudes: reaches the width of the fjord. Sediment concen-
trations are seen to decrease exponentially down
fjord. The plume predictions compare favorably
Flood magnitude Return period
(m3/sec) (years) with observations given in Syvitski and Lewis
1000 01 Bute Inlet is ideal for testing the removal-rate
3700 2 constants within the model. The hydrodynamics
5600 5
8600 20 simplify to down-fjord advection and cross-fjord
di€usion, which can be easily and accurately
simulated with the Albertson and others (1950)
Since the sediment load in a river is a power
jet model. Figure 6 is a plot of the measured and
function of the river discharge, much higher
predicted plume concentrations [inventory] (g/m2)
amounts of sediment are input to the Northern
and shows an excellent (r2=0.99) ®t for such a
California margin during the high-¯ood events.
simple model. Bursik (1995) calculated the depth-
Sediment is also distributed over a much larger area
integrated particle settling rate velocities ( f w)
due to the increased river momentum and therefore
based on the removal rate constants we used in
plume momentum.
this exercise as:


BRITISH COLUMBIA Particle size l fw
(dayÿ1) (m/day)
Next we apply PLUME to constrained basins,
Knight Inlet and Bute Inlet, two fjords along the Clay (1±2 mm) 2.0 26210
coast of British Columbia, fed by the Klinaklini Fine silt (3.2±6.4 mm) 2.7 35213
Medium silt (10±20 mm) 4.7 61223
and Homathoko rivers, respectively. Figure 5 shows Coarse silt (32±64 mm) 12.3 160261
the predicted concentation of sediment in the sur-
Plume 1.1: deposition of sediment from a ¯uvial plume 169

Figure 6. Comparison of measured and predicted surface sediment inventory (g/m2) for Bute Inlet.
Inventory is surface concentration (g/m3) integrated across upper 4 m.

Similar removal rate constants were found for 1995). Field observations suggest a narrow range of
Alaskan and Norwegian settings receiving di€erent removal rate constants.
river discharge levels and sediment loads (Syvitski
and others, 1988). Model predictions are sensitive
to the removal rate constants used in Equation (1)
(Syvitski, 1989). Use of Stokes settling velocities for An ANSI-standard Fortran 77 model, PLUME,
the individual (rather than ¯occulated) particle sizes is presented which solves for the advection-di€usion
would carry the sediment load much further than of a turbid hypopycnal plume emanating from a
observations would suggest (Syvitski, 1989). The river. The momentum of the system is solved using
removal rate constants shown previously are typical the Albertson and others (1950) model for a two-
to those observed from direct in situ measurements dimensional submerged jet. The sediment is then
in many geological settings (Syvitski and others, advected using the jet model, di€used using

Figure 7. Although PLUME 1 is designed as symmetrical model, code is able to be altered to handle
Coriolis and long-shelf currents (Morehead and Syvitski, in press).
170 J. P. M. Syvitski and others

Albertson's turbulent di€usion coecient, and phy: Application to the Eel Shelf, California. Marine
removed from the surface plume to be deposited Geology.
Nemec, W. (1995) The dynamics of deltaic suspension
on the bottom with a ®rst-order removal-rate con- plumes. In Geology of Deltas, eds M. N. Oti and G.
stant for each grain size. Postma, pp. 31±93. Balkema, Amsterdam.
The removal rate constants for the advection-dif- O'Connor, B. A. and Nicholson, J. (1988) A three-dimen-
fusion equation are analogous to a settling velocity sional model of suspended particulate sediment trans-
port. Coastal Engineering 12, 157±174.
that incorporates the e€ects of ¯occulation on the Steckler, M. S., Swift, D. J. P., Syvitski, J. P., Go€,
river-born particles. J. A. and Niedoroda, A. W. (1996) Modeling the sedi-
The program can be run as a stand-alone mentology and stratigraphy of continental margins.
model, but is intended for use in a nested set of Oceanography 9(3), 183±188.
models that predict basin sedimentation (Steckler Syvitski, J. P. M. (1989) Modeling the sedimentary ®ll of
basins. In Statistical Applications in the Earth Sciences,
and others, 1996). PLUME was designed to con- eds F. P. Agterberg and G. F. Bonham-Carter, pp.
tain the necessary dynamics to predict the sedi- 509±515. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 89-9.
mentation patterns accurately, yet fast enough to Syvitski, J. P. M. and Alcott, J. M. (1993) GRAIN2:
be run on a UNIX workstation and predict Predictions of particle size seaward of river mouths.
Computers & Geosciences 19(3), 399±446.
daily plume sedimentation values for thousands Syvitski, J. P. M. and Alcott, J. M. (1995a) DELTA6:
of years. Numerical simulation of basin sedimentation a€ected
The next step in the model development is to by slope failure and debris ¯ow runout. Pierre Beghin
add the dynamics necessary to allow the predic- International Workshop on Rapid Gravitational Mass
tion of sedimentation patterns for an open Movements, Grenoble, France, pp. 305±312.
Syvitski, J. P. M. and Alcott, J. M. (1995b) RIVER3:
coastal environment. This necessitates the in- Simulation of water and sediment river discharge from
clusion of the Coriolis force and along-shore cur- climate and drainage basin variables. Computers &
rents, and how they de¯ect the momentum-driven Geosciences 21(1), 89±151.
river plume. Figure 7 shows our preliminary Syvitski, J. P. M., Asprey, K. W., Clattenburg, D. A. and
Hodge, G. D. (1985) The prodelta environment of a
work on integrating along-shore currents into the fjord: suspended particle dynamics. Sedimentology 32 ,
model. The ®gure shows the velocity vectors of 40±65.
the momentum-based plume being turned by an Syvitski, J. P. M., Asprey, K. W. and LeBlanc,
along-shore current. K. W. G. (1995) In-situ characteristics of particles
The code is available by anonymous FTP from settling within a deep-water estuary. Deep-Sea
Research II 42(1), 223±256.
the server FTP.IAMG.ORG, or via Internet at Syvitski, J. P. M. and Lewis, A. G. (1992) The seasonal
WWW.IAMG.ORG. distribution of suspended particles, and their iron and
manganese loading, in a glacial runo€ fjord.
Geoscience Canada 19, 13±20.
Syvitski, J. P. M., Morehead, M. D. and Nicholson, M.
REFERENCES (1997) HYDROTREND: A climate-driven hydrologic-
Albertson, M. L., Dai, Y. B., Jensen, R. A. and Hunter, transport model for predicting discharge and sediment
R. (1950) Di€usion of submerged jets. American load to lakes or oceans. Computers & Geosciences, 23,
Society of Civil Engineers Transactions 115, 639±697. in press.
Baines, W. D. and Chu, V. H. (1996) Jets and plumes. In Syvitski, J. P. M., Smith, J. N., Calabrese, E. A. and
Environmental Hydraulics, eds V. P. Singh and W. H. Boudreau, B. P. (1988) Basin sedimentation and the
Hager, pp. 7±61. Kluwer Academic, The Netherlands. growth of prograding deltas. Journal of Geophysical
Bonham-Carter, G. F. and Sutherland, A. J. (1968a) Research 93(C6), 6895±6908.
Di€usion and settling of sediments at river mouths: a Thomas, L. H. (1949) Elliptic problems in linear di€erence
computer simulation model. Gulf Coast Association equations over a network. Watkins Scienti®c
Geological Society Transactions 17, 326±338. Computing Laboratory, Columbia, New York.
Bonham-Carter, G. F. and Sutherland, A. J. (1968b) Waldrop, W. R. (1972) Three-dimensional ¯ow and sedi-
Mathematical model and Fortran IV program for com- ment transport at river mouths. Ph.D. Dissertation,
puter simulation of deltaic sedimentation. Kansas Louisiana State University, Coastal Studies Institute,
Geological Survey Computer Contribution 24, 56 pp. Technical Report 84, p. 56.
Brown, W. M. III and Ritter, J. R. (1971) Sediment trans- Wright, L. D. and Coleman, J. M. (1974) Mississippi
port and turbidity in the Eel River Basin, California. River mouth process: e‚uent dynamics and mor-
U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 1986, p. phologic development. Journal of Geology 82, 751±
70. 778.
Bursik, M. (1995) Theory of the sedimentation of sus-
pended particles from ¯uvial plumes. Sedimentology
42(6), 831±838.
Kourafalou, V. H., Oey, L. Y., Wang, J. D. and Lee, APPENDIX
T. N. (1996) The fate of river discharge on the conti-
The Advection-di€usion Equation with Length Scale u0/l
nental shelf 1. Modeling the river plume and the inner
shelf coastal current. Journal of Geophysical Research If we choose the characteristic length scale (L) for this pro-
101(C2), 3415±3434. blem to be u0/l, then the di€erential Equation (1)
McClimans, T. A. (1979) On the energetics of river plume becomes:
entrainment. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid
Dynamics 13, 67±82.        
I0 u0 @ u~ I~ I0 u0 @ v~ I~ ~0ˆ I0 @ @ I~
Morehead, M. D. and Syvitski, J. P. (in press) River ‡ ‡ lII K
plume sedimentation modeling for sequence stratigra- L @ x~ L @ y~ L2 @ y~ @ y~
Plume 1.1: deposition of sediment from a ¯uvial plume 171

@ u~ I~ @ v~ I~ ~ @ K @ I~ @ 2 I~
   ‡ ‡I ˆ ‡K 2:
@ u~ I~ @ v~ I~ L ~ L I0 @ K @ I~ @ 2 I~ @ x~ @ y~ @ y~ @ y~ @ y~
‡ ‡ lI0 Iˆ ‡K 2 :
@ x~ @ y~ I0 u0 I0 u0 L2 @ y~ @ y~ @ y~
One can think of u0/l as representing the advection length
scale (L) and K=u0 as representing the di€usion length
And if we say that: scale (W). Then
K Kl W
K~ ˆ ˆ K~ ˆ ˆ tan…a†
u0 L u20 L
can be interpreted as a characteristic spreading angle (a)
then the di€erential equation becomes: for the plume.

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