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Structural IntegrityIntegrity

XIIV International Conferrence on Bu

uilding Pathhology and Constructio
C ons Repair – CINPAR 2018
XIIV International Conferrence on Bu
uilding Pathhology and Constructio
C ons Repair – CINPAR 2018
An oveerview off assessm ment andd retrofitt of corro oded reiinforced
An oveerview off assessm ment andd retrofitt of corro oded reiinforced
XV Portuguese Conference on Fracture, co oncretePCF 2016, structure
10-12es February 2016, Paço de Arcos, Portugal
co oncrete structurees
a a a
Thermo-mechanical Antonio Bossio modeling
a, Gian Pier ofroaLignola
Antonio Bossio , Gian Pierro Lignola *, Andreaa Protaa apressure
*, Andreaa Prota turbine blade of an
a airplane gas turbineNN engine
ment of Structure for Engineering and Architecturee, University of Naples,
ment of Structure for Engineering and Architecturee, University of Naples,
Via Claudio, 21, Naples 800127, Italy
Via Claudio, 21, Naples 800127, Italy

P. Brandãoa, V. Infanteb, A.M. Deusc*

AbsttractaDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1, 1049-001 Lisboa,
The bcorrosion
c of steeel in reinforcedd concrete strucctures surely rePortugal epresents the maain form of deg gradation. Carbbonation and chloride
The IDMEC, Department inofperforman
Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico,the Universidade deof
Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1, 1049-001 chelLisboa,
attacks lead toof
c steeel
a los ss of reinforced d concrete
nce during struc
the ctures
life ofrePortugal
tthe structure. ma
Tain form
The reduction deg
f the crossCarb bonation
sect tion of the andstee loride
and tks lead
the toDepartment
formation a losoof
ss of performan
corrosion pr nce
leadtheto service
reduction life of
of b tthe
ond structure.
between The
stteel reduction
and o
concre f the
ete, tocross sect
of Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1, 1049-001 Lisboa, e tion
coverof the stee
crackin el
ng bars
and the
spall ting,formation
to reductio oof
on corrosion
of concrete prroducts lead toresulting
cross section rreductioninofa bre ond between
Portugal stuctural
of stru teel andcapacity
y. Theto concrete
structura e cover
ral crackin
engineer ng
nee edsand
face ing, to reductio
corrosion startoningoffrom concrete cross phase,
the design sectionho resulting
rowever ininprese a reeduction
ence of real of stru
ex ucturalstructure
xisting capacityy. the
es Thefirst
the evaluatineeeds to
ion of
corro corrosion start ing from the d esign phase, ho owever in prese ence of real ex
xisting structure
osion level and the evaluation of actual globaal structural cappacity. The mosst critical corrossion involves thhe stirrups, bein es the first stepp is the evaluati ion
ng theof
corro osion
most levelsteel
t exposed and elements,
the evaluation of actual
yieldding globa
to brittle faal structural
ailures in thecapm pacity.
most The mos
stressed st critical
eleements, corrossion
generati involves th
ing unexpected dhestructural
stirrups, colla
beinng the
In patarticular
exposedinsteel elements,
seissmic yieldding
conditions s, thetostructure
brittle faailures
is not in thetom
able most stressed
exploit eleements,
its duct generati
tility, since lim ing unexpected
mited ductile faidilures
structural colla
(i.e. com apses.
In During
shear their
r/flexure) operation,
d occur. modern
The laast aircraft
s, the
phase ofengine
structurethee is components
study is ontothheexploit
able are subjected
its duct
structural to by
rettrofit increasingly
since lim
using H demanding
High ductile
Performan fai operating
ance conditions,
(i.e. com
Concretes. mbined
shear r/flexure) the high
could d pressure
occur. Theturbine
mateerials allow reccovering some of the bending la
ast (HPT)
phase ofblades.
thee Such
study is conditions
on th
he cause
structural these
ret parts
trofit by to undergo
using High
H different
g capacity of thhe structural ellements and can increase theiir ductility, red types
ance of time-dependent
Concretes. Such
dram erials allow
matically theone
vu of whichsome
ulnerability is of
the A
tof the model
structures. using
g This the
is finite
capacity of th
particu element truemethod
he structural
ular (FEM)vulnerab
for se lements was ca
and developed,
n increase
bility, inthei
since order to be able
theeir strength
ductility, to
reco predict
ver is
partia creep
matically behaviour
al if the the of
struct HPT blades.
tural retrofitofinntervention Flight
t structures.
the data records
dThis is particu
is designed to hav(FDR)
ve atrue for a specific
for seeismic
negligible e impact aircraft,
vulnerab provided
on thbility, by
since the
e structure. a
Ine factcommercial
strength aviation
the consi ver is
partia al if theiswere
tural to obtaininntervention
retrofit thermal andis mechanical
d todata
hav vefora three different
negligible educed flight
impact cycles. In orderIntofact createthethe 3D model
interv vention aimeed to recover thee original geom metry of the elemments with a red costonand
on the ffruition. consi idered
interv vention foris the FEM
aimeed analysis,
to recover theea original
HPT blade geom scrapofwas
metry the scanned,
elemments with and its
a redchemical
duced costcomposition
and impact on andthematerial
ffruition.properties were
obtained. The data that was gathered was fed into the FEM model and different simulations were run, first with a simplified 3D
Copy yright © 2018
rectangular block E
shape, B.V.
in orderA torights
All betterreserve ed. the model, and then with the real 3D mesh obtained from the blade scrap. The
Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Peer- yright
-review ©under
2018 E Elsevier
responsibility B.V. AllAof rights
the reserveed.
overall expected
Peer-review behaviour of
under responsibility in the
terms 2018 2018
of displacement
CINPAR organizer rs
was observed,
organizers in particular at the trailing edge of the blade. Therefore such a
Peer- -review under r
responsibility of the CINPAR
model can be useful in the goal of predicting turbine blade life, 2018 organizer rs given a set of FDR data.
words: Structural aassessment; corroosion; retrofit; HP
Keyw PC; Reinforced C
words: Structural aassessment; corroosion; retrofit; HP
Keyw PC; Reinforced C
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of PCF 2016.

Keywords: High Pressure Turbine Blade; Creep; Finite Element Method; 3D Model; Simulation.

* Corresponding
C autthor. Tel.: +39-0881-7683492; fax: +39-081-76854221.
* E-mail
E address:aut
glthor. Tel.: +39-0881-7683492; fax: +39-081-76854221.
E address: gllignola@unina.it
2452--3216 Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reeserved.
Peer-r © 2018 Elsevier
under respponsibility of thee B.V. All rights
CINPAR 2018 re
review under resp
* Corresponding ponsibility
author. of thee218419991.
Tel.: +351 CINPAR 2018 organizers.
E-mail address: amd@tecnico.ulisboa.pt

2452-3216 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of PCF 2016.
2452-3216 Copyright  2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Peer-review under responsibility of the CINPAR 2018 organizers
Antonio Bossio et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 394–401 395
2 Author name / Structural Integgrity Procedia 00
0 (2018) 000–000 0

1. Introduction

C of rreinforced conncrete (RC) sttructures can llead to unsafee conditions off use both in tterms of privaate and
pubblic safety andd in terms of seismic
s behav vior. In fact, ccorrosion of RC
R structures leads to conccrete cover craacking
andd spalling and if not adequaately retrofitted and recoverred, can lead to undesirablee failures due to the loss off cross
secttion of the barrs and stirrupss with a reduction of static aand seismic capacity (Berto o et al. 2009, B
Bossio et al. 2015a,
2017a, 2018, Brroomfield 19997). To retroffit corroded R RC structuress, the knowleedge of residuual capacity of the
uctures is requuired. For this purpose, desttructive and nnon-destructiv
stru ve tests can bee useful aids fo
for the practitiioners,
to determinate
d thhe reduction ofo cross section of steel (barrs and stirrups) and the spaalling of concr crete (Andradee et al.
2016, Bossio et aal. 2017b, Micchael et al. 20 014). The retroofit of corroded RC structu ures can requirre a confinemment of
coluumns, beams or joints (Boossio et al. 20 015b, 2017c) . It is very im mportant to know
k the behhavior of retro ofitted
uctures to dessign effectivelly the interveention. In thee laboratory of o Departmen nt of structurees of Universsity of
Napples, some speecimens have been corroded for long tim me and their reesidual compressive capacitty was evaluaated by
perfforming a coompressive teest, other specimens were retrofitted (aafter corrosio on) by using High Perform mance
Conncrete (HPC). The obtainedd results weree used as startting point to performp Push--Over (P-O) aanalyses of a simple
corrroded RC struucture. They have h been perfformed by connsidering diffeerent levels an nd configuratiions of corrosiion, in
ms of steel crross section reduction
r and number of eelements corro oded, respectively. Same aanalyses havee been
perfformed too aft fter retrofit of structural elem
ments by usingg HPC.

2. Materials
M and
d methods

T specimmens have dim mensions (30x x30) cm2 for tthe cross sectiion and a heigght of 90 cm.. Eight longituudinal
barss of diameter 14 mm and fiive stirrups off diameter 10 m mm have been n used as interrnal reinforcem
ement. The con ncrete
covver, as distancee between extternal surface of longitudinnal bars and external surfacce of concretee was equal to o 3 cm
accoording to Italiian building code
c NTC 200 08 for an envirronmental expposure class equal
e to XS1. It was used 350
3 kg
of Portland
P II/B.LLL.32:5R forr ordinary con ncrete with a wwater/cement ratio equal to o 0.45 and 2,0000 kg of quaartzite
agggregates of maaximum size equale to 3 cm
m; the compresssive strengthh was tested ex xperimentallyy and is equal to 35
MPa. Reinforcedd concrete eleements have been b corrodedd by direct exxposition to a 3.5% NaCl water solutio on for
aboout two years. Figure 1a shhows the dimeensions of coorroded and teested specimens, while figuure 1b shows a 3D
mod del of the simmulated buildiing as a virtuaal assemblagee of tested sp pecimens. Durring the agingg of the specimens,
me non-destruuctive tests have h been peerformed: corrrosion poten ntial measurem ment of longgitudinal barss, and
ultrasonic tests, inn order to conntrol the evolu
ution of corrossion and formaation of crack
ks in concrete, respectively.

a) b)

Fig. 1. (a) Geoometrical dimensiion of tested speccimens and (b) 3D

D model of the sim
mulated building..
396 Antonio Bossio et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 394–401
Author name / Structural Inteegrity Procedia 00
0 (2018) 000–00 00 3

A aging, coorroded specimmens and non-corroded speecimens have been tested by y performing a compressive test
and the M-N domain was evvaluated. The results of H HPC reinforceed specimens were evaluaated by simullating
conffinement effecct according too Lignola et al.
a (2016) andd stress strain curves accord ding to CNR-D DT 200R1 (2013).
Thesse preliminaryy results havee been used to o perform P-O O analyses co onsidering a simple
s simulaated structure with
beamms and colum mns having thee same dimenssions of the teested specimen ns. The structture has a recttangular plantt with
dimeensions (10.000x5.00) m2. Each
E interstoreey has a heighht of 3.20 m, hence
h the total height of thee structure is equal
to 6..40 m. It has ttwo frames allong the X dirrection and thhree frames in n the Y directiion, fixed at tthe base. The clear
spann of frames is equal to 5.000 m. All the reinforced
r conncrete slabs arre oriented in Y direction, 40 mm thick with
ribs. Three differeent corrosion levels
l referrin
ng to damages occurred to structural
s elem
ments have beeen considered d. The
first level providees a reductionn of cross secction of the bbars to inducee the concrete cover crackking (Bossio et al.
2015 5a), however concrete coveer is still conssidered activee as part of thhe concrete section (low levvel of corrosio on of
longgitudinal bars aand 1 mm of radius reductiion for stirrupps). Moreover,, longitudinal bars and stirru rups are consid dered
corrooded only on one side of beeams and colu umns (Figure 2a). The seco ond level provides a reductiion of the radiius of
the stirrups
s equall to 4 mm annd 2 mm for longitudinal
l bbars, the spallling of the co
oncrete cover and the corro osion
ng on two sidees of corner-ppositioned colu umns and beaams and on on ne side of cenntral-positioneed columns (Figure
2b). The third level considers a reduction of the bar diameeter equal to 50%,
5 a residuaal diameter off stirrups equal to 1
mm,, the spalling of the concrrete cover all around the pperimeter and corrosion acting on all siides of beamss and
coluumns (Figure 22c). So, the geeometry of corrroded elemennts is different in respect to non-corrodedd elements, bo oth in
ms of cross section of reinfforcements an nd concrete. P Particularly, considering the second leveel of corrosion, an
ecceentricity of the vertical loaad on the colu umns is consiidered, due to o the unsymm metrical spallinng of the con ncrete
coveer. The concreete cross secttion are (30x3 30) cm2 for fiirst level of corrosion;
c (27xx30) cm2 for central-positiioned
coluumns and (27xx27) cm2 for corner-positio
c oned columns in case of seccond level of corrosion; annd (24x24) cm m2 for
the third
t level of corrosion. Foor each considdered corrosioon level, in the P-O analysees three differrent configuraations
havee considered. The first coonfiguration considers the corrosion acting on one façade of thee building an nd its
strucctural elemennts are corroded along the external sidee (orange colo ored in figuree 3a); the seccond configurration
conssiders the corrrosion acting on
o all façades of the buildinng and all exteernal sides of structural elem ments are corrroded
(Figuure 3b), whilee the third coonfiguration considers the ccorrosion actiing on all stru uctural elemennts of the buiilding
(Figuure 3c).

Fig. 2. Conncrete section andd corroded steel considered

c to perfform P-O for (a) first, (b) second and
a (c) third corro
rosion level.

Fig. 3. 3D model of corroded struccture for (a) first,, (b) second and (c)
( third configura
ation of corrosionn.
Antonio Bossio et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 394–401 397
4 Author name / Structural Integgrity Procedia 00
0 (2018) 000–000 0

3. Ageing
A processs and experiimental results

A specimenss were aged by b exposition to a 3.5% wtt of Sodium Chloride
C water solution insside Plexiglas walls
oveer a side of thee specimen, alllowing for the air transpiraation on other free sides. Du uring the corrrosion processs, both
poteential and ultrrasonic wave (U.S.W.) meaasurements w were periodicallly performed d. The coupledd method (pottential
+ U.S.W.)
U alloweed knowing thhe loss of bar radius and thhe formation of o cracks in cooncrete, both uuseful to defin ne the
deggradation of thhe specimen and so to deffine importannt parameters for simulating the seismicc behavior off a 3D
mod del. Figure 4 sshows the corrrelation between the corrossion potential and the crack k pattern of thhe specimen su urface
thatt occurs were the values off corrosion pottential are low wer than the value
v of -350 mV
m Vs Cu/CuuSO4 (Bossio o et al.
2014, 2016). In oorder to betterr understand th he behavior oof such deterioorated structurres and the losss of load cap pacity,
axiaal compressive tests were performed
p andd Axial load (P P) - Bending Moment
M (M) domains
d weree defined. Figu ure 5a
show ws the P-M domain relatedd to radial losss of bars, x, whhile figure 5b shows the P-M M domain rela lated to loss off bars,
x, coupled
c to conncrete cover spalling
s and considering
c thhe eccentricity
y raising due tot the loss of concrete coveer. As
exppected, there iss a reduction of load capaccity due to thee loss of conccrete cover; moreover,
m it is clear that thee axial
loadd is positioneed near the barycenter
b of concrete secction, while th he reduction of cross secttion of steel has a
neggligible effect on the P-M doomain.
A similar connsideration caan be repeated d for shear caapacity, wherre the reduction of stirrupss cross sectio on has
signnificant effectts on the residdual capacity. Biskinis et aal. (2004), Itallian building code
c NTC (20008) or other shear
failuure capacity m
model can be applied on thee systems deppicted in figure 2, and a cleaar embrittleme ment of the mem mbers
with h significant reduction off shear capaccity, much ffaster with co orrosion than
n flexural redductions occu ur, as
scheematically shhown in figuree 6. One of the t available retrofit solutiions for corro oded structurees is to use a High
Perfformance Conncrete (HPC),, in the present case a twoo componentss ready-mixed d free-flowingg mortar with high-
streength cement, selected aggrregates and special additive s. Starting fro om presented experimental
e rresults, consid
the results obtainned by performming axial load d tests on cyliindrical specim
mens of HPC and considerin ing the confineement
theoory by Lignolla et al. (2016)), some simullation of retro fit have been performed. The T contributioon of the jack ket has
been n included in the evaluation only as con nfinement, i.e. transverse reeinforcement, hence the axiial capacity off HPC
has been neglecteed, both for bending and ax xial load. Tablle 1 shows HP PC main mech hanical characcteristics. Thee HPC
wass used to rebuiild the concrette cover spalleed due to the eexpansion of oxides of steeel (figure 7).
F P-O aanalyses on 3D D models werre performed for non-corro oded structure,, corroded stru ructure (three levels
andd three configuurations) and retrofitted con ndition. Resullts have been compared by evaluating thhe return perio od, Tr,
the Peak Groundd Accelerationn (P.G.A.) an nd the contribbution that HPC jackets giive to the sheear capacity of o the
retrofitted membeers (deliberateely without ad dding any addiitional steel bars as longitud dinal reinforceement or stirrrups).

4. Effects
E of HPC
C on confinem

T effects of confinemennt were evalu uated starting from the reccommendation n of CNR-DT T 200R1 (201 13) of
Italiian National Council of Research
R (CNR R), adapted frrom FRP to HPC,
H accountting for its thiickness and tensile
streength instead oof FRP properrties. As it is well-known
w thhe confinemen
nt improves ulltimate strengtth and ductilitty.
apr-09 feb-11
m m



0.15 0

0.30 0

0.45 0

0.60 0

0.75 0

Fig. 4. Corroosion Potential vaalues after 15 andd 220 days of exp

posure to 3.5%wt NaCl solution.
398 Antonio Bossio et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 394–401
Author name / Structural Inteegrity Procedia 00
0 (2018) 000–00 00 5

200 a) 200 b)

Bending Moment [kNm]

Bemding moment [kNm]
100 100

0 0
-700 1450 3600 -700 1450 3600
Axial load [kN] Axial load [kN
-100 -100

= 0 mm x= 1 mm
m x= 2 mm x= 0 mm x= 0.2 mm x= 1 mm
-200 x=
= 4 mm x= 7 mm
m -200 x= 2 mm x= 4 mm
m x=7 mm

Fig. 5. P-M domains: (a) related to a seection of concretee (30x30) cm2 annd the radial loss of
o steel, (b) relate
ed to concrete covver spalling, radiaal loss
of steel and by conssidering eccentriccity.

Fig. 6. Shear capacity domain: effects of the raadial loss of stirru

ups and concrete cover
c spalling.

HPC Concrete


2244 33

Fig. 7. Cross section of the structurral elements afterr the retrofit with High Performanc
ce Concrete (HPC

Table 1. Main mechanical

m propeerties of High Perrformance Concreete (HPC) used to
o retrofit corrodedd specimens.
Property Value affter 28 days
Compresssive strength 130 MPa

Bending strength 32 MPa

Tension strength
s 8.5 MPa

Compresssive Elastic Modu

ulus 37 GPa

Shear streength 16 MPa

Bond to concrete
c ≥2 MPa
Antonio Bossio et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 394–401 399
6 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000

5. Push-Over analyses and main results

Push-Over analyses were performed by using the commercial software SAP2000®. The 3D model of the
simulated structure is characterized by three degrees of freedom (D.O.F.) for each floor. Each floor is considered as
rigid and it was simulated by imposing a “diaphragm” restraint. A “Master node” was defined and placed at the
geometrical center of gravity of each floor and was considered coincident to the center of the masses. The collapse
of the structure was considered when the Limit State of Life Safeguard (LSV) occurs (i.e. plastic rotation is ¾ of
ultimate rotation for the plastic hinges). Detailed description of Push-Over analyses is out of the scope of present
work, hence significant results only are outlined.

5.1. Push-Over analyses of non-corroded structure

Results obtained by P-O analyses performed for non-corroded structure show that the collapse of the structure
corresponds to a PGA of 4.015 m/s2 and 3.760 m/s2 considering X-direction and Y-direction, respectively; while the
return periods are 968 years and 759 years, respectively.

5.2. Push-Over analyses at the first level of corrosion

Considering the first corrosion configuration, global behavior of the structure depends on the verse (“+”or “-”) of
action of the seismic forces, because of the asymmetry of concrete sections due to corrosion. Anyway, the global
seismic capacity is comparable to the non-corroded structure. Considering the second configuration, the seismic
behavior is comparable to the previous cases; in fact, in the ADRS (Acceleration Displacement Response Spectrum)
format both the structural capacity (bilinearized pushover) curve and the demand spectra are plotted in spectral-
acceleration versus spectral-displacement coordinates and are overlapping with respect to previous cases. The first
and the second corrosion configurations present a ductile failure occurring at the bottom of two columns, positioned
into the middle of the frames. Considering the third configuration, according to Biskinis et al. (2004) shear failure
capacity model, a brittle failure occurs due to shear failure of beams loaded by the slabs, however those elements are
verified if considering the Italian building code NTC (2008).

5.3. Push-Over analyses performed considering the third level of corrosion

This level of corrosion is a very hard condition for the structure. In fact the first configuration presents an ADRS
curve very different with respect to previous cases (figure 8a). The second and the third configuration present shear
failures of slab-loaded beams both considering NTC (2008) and Biskinis et al. (2004).

5.4. Push-Over analyses of HPC retrofitted structures

The retrofit of the structure was repeated on each of the three different levels of corrosion and P-O analyses were
performed. In order to understand the contribution offered by the HPC jacket, it is analyzed the retrofit of the
corroded structure at first level: in this case the capacity in terms of PGA is 7.267 m/s2 with a return period 2,275
years. Figure 8b shows the ADRS capacity and bi-linear curves of non-corroded structure and retrofitted structure,
compared to ADRS demand. The retrofit cannot completely restore the capacity of the structure, but is able to
increase the global ductility of the structure; in fact, figure 9a shows the moment rotation of the plastic hinge after
HPC retrofit, compared to non-corroded and corroded condition.
The bending capacity of the retrofitted hinge is about 20% higher than the corroded one, while the ductility is
even much higher than the ductility of non-corroded hinge, proving the high benefits of the HPC retrofit both in
terms of strength as of ductility. This benefit is obviously relevant for seismic vulnerability, while under static loads,
there is no full restoration of bending capacity, hence the thickness of the HPC jacket should be increased in such a
case. Moreover, the use of HPC as retrofit of corroded structure is very useful in terms of shear, too.
To evaluate the benefits in terms of shear, the HPC wrap is evaluated, as in the case of confinement, by means of
its thickness and tensile strength.
400 Antonio Bossio et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 394–401
Author name / Structural Inteegrity Procedia 00
0 (2018) 000–00 00 7

20 a) 20
Bi-Lineear curve of corrod
ded structure ADRS demand

Sa (T) [m/s2]
Sa (T) [m/s2]

Bi-Lineaar curve of non-corroded structure

DIFICIO INTEGRO ( MODO X+) Bi-Lineaar curve of retrofittted structure

ADRS capacity
ADRS EDIFICIO of retrofitteed structure
ADRS capacity
ADRS CAPACE of non-corrroded structure
Bi-Lineaar curve of non-corrroded structure

ADRS capacity
of corrodeed structure
ADRS capacity
c of non-corrroded structure

10 10

Sd (T) [m] Sd (T) [m]

0 0
0,8 0.0
0,0 0.4
0,4 0.8

Fig. 8. ADRS capacity and bi-linear curve

c of the structture considering: (a) third level off corrosion and firrst configuration;; (b) non-corroded
d and
retrofittedd structure.

Inn fact, considdering the secoond and the third

t level of corrosion, shear failure occcurred at beaams supportin ng the
slab,, while by usinng HPC the shhear capacity of the beams increases of more m than 1000%. As an exaample, consid dering
the second
s level oof corrosion annd the third co
orrosion confiiguration the value
v of shear capacity of reetrofitted sectiion is
equaal to 85.34 kN N (38.27 kN for fo corroded sttructure) and 161.85 kN (6 62.87 kN for corroded
c struccture) according to
Biskkinis et al. (20004) and NTC C (2008), resppectively. Connsidering the third level off corrosion, shhear failure occurs
evenn if the retrofiit increases thhe shear capaccity because oof stirrups diam
meter is too thin. Figure 9bb shows the return
periood, Tr and thhe value of PGA,P related to each kind of level con nsidered and tot retrofitted and non-corrroded

Fig. 9. (a) Bendingg moment-rotatioon in case of non-corroded, corrodeed and retrofittedd hinges; (b) Retu
urn period of non--corroded structu
corroded and retrrofitted structuress.

6. Conclusions

C of iinternal steel reinforcemennt in concretee is a great challenge
c to face by strucctural engineeering.
Authhors are workking since maany years on different
d toolss to deal with
h different asppects of corroosion of structtures.
Thiss work aims tto outline thee different phaases of the acctivity of a practitioner staarting from thhe diagnosticss and
assessment of acttual safety off a reinforced concrete struucture affectedd by corrosion n, by means of destructivee and
Antonio Bossio et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 394–401 401
8 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000

non-destructive testing, especially the latter when dealing with heritage building stock. The scientific support is
provided by laboratory experimental tests on real scale specimens of members affected by current induced and long
term natural corrosion. This knowledge allows to estimate the loss in performance in terms of shear and combined
axial load and bending (not only in terms of strength, but of ductility, too), as corrosion is not only simple steel bar
cross section reduction, but also loss of bond, concrete cover, etc. where external transverse reinforcement is more
affected than internal counterpart. In this sense usually shear is more critical than bending, not only for its well-
known brittleness, but also because stirrups are less thick and corrode earlier. Ductility and strength play a different
role in static and seismic vulnerability of structure, and push over analyses have been performed on structures
subjected not only to different degrees of corrosion, but also configuration of corrosion (a facade only, up to a
complete generalized corrosion occurring in bare frames without any infill wall). The indexes to evaluate seismic
vulnerability have been the PGA and return periods, the latter easily related to the timing of corrosion development.
After the evaluation of the actual state of a structure, a potential solution has been also explored in terms of retrofit
with HPC (High Performance Concrete), that has high compressive strength, but particularly high tensile strength.
By means of replacing the concrete cover (usually spalled out at corrosion levels impacting on structural capacity) it
is possible to gain significant enhancements of shear and bending capacity. It is worth noting that the contribution of
the jacket has been included in the evaluation only as confinement, i.e. transverse reinforcement, hence the axial
capacity of HPC has been neglected, both for bending and axial load. Similarly deliberately no additional steel bars
as longitudinal reinforcement or stirrups, have been added, so that shear was mainly resisted transversally by HPC
jacket. Even if at high levels of corrosion it is not always possible to regain the initial non-corroded strength, and
this should be taken into account for static vulnerability if the thickness of the HPC jackets is not larger than
concrete cover initial dimensions, the significant gain in terms of ductility, by means of HPC confinement, allows to
reduce dramatically the seismic vulnerability of such structures.


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