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Importance of Specific Speed

Specific speed is basically defined as the speed of a turbine which is identical in shape, geometrical
dimensions, blade angles, gate opening etc., with the actual turbine but of such a size that it will produce
unit power when working under unit head.

Significance of specific speed

There is very important role that specific speed plays during the selection of type of turbine. Specific
speed will predict the information about the performance of a turbine.

High specific speed turbine

Specific speed of such turbines will be in the range of 255 to 860 and hence such turbines will be termed
as high specific speed turbines.
Kaplan and propeller turbine are the best examples of high specific speed turbines.

Medium specific speed turbine

Specific speed of such turbines will be in the range of 50 to 250 and hence such turbines will be termed as
medium specific speed turbines.
Francis turbine is the best example of medium specific speed turbine.

Low specific speed turbine

Specific speed of such turbines will be in the range of 8 to 30 with single nozzle and up to 50 with
multiple nozzles. Hence such turbines will be termed as low specific speed turbines.
Pelton turbine is the best example of low specific speed turbine.

N = Speed of actual turbine
Ns = Specific speed of turbine
P = Power developed or shaft power
H = Head under which the turbine is working
The Affinity Laws

The affinity laws are mathematical relationships that allow for the estimation of changes in pump
performance as a result of a change in one of the basic pump parameters (variables). As such, it is
important to understand the concept of variables.
The Affinity Laws govern the performance of your pumps. The laws will help you extrapolate and predict
pump performance at different velocities. They are also useful to modify your pumps for new and
different required duties.
Because most pumps are directly coupled to a standard industrial electric motor, the pump speed is most
often the motor speed. And because centrifugal pumps work with centrifugal force, the velocity and
diameter of the impeller determine the head, or pressure, the pump can develop.
Law 1: Flow is Proportional to Shaft Speed or Impeller Diameter
This law means that as shaft speed or impeller diameter changes, flow changes by the same proportional
amount. In other words, if shaft speed increases by 10% then flow at the same head will also increase by
10%. This law is expressed with the following formula:
Q1/Q2 = (N1/N2) or (D1/D2)
Where Q is equal to flow, N is equal to shaft speed, and D is equal to impeller diameter.

Law 2: Pressure is Proportional to the Square of Shaft Speed or Impeller Diameter

As shaft speed or impeller diameter changes, pressure changes in proportion to the square of the change
in shaft speed or impeller diameter. In other words, if shaft speed increases by 10% then pressure at the
same flow will increase by 21% (1.102). This law is expressed with the following formula:
H1/H2 = (N1/N2)2 or (D1/D2)2
Where H is equal to head, N is equal to shaft speed, and D is equal to impeller diameter.

Law 3: Power is Proportional to the Cube of Shaft Speed or Impeller Diameter

As shaft speed or impeller diameter changes, horsepower changes in proportion to the cube of the change
in shaft speed or impeller diameter. In other words, if shaft speed increases by 10% then pressure at the
same flow will increase by 33.1% (1.103). This law is expressed with the following formula:
P1/P2 = (N1/N2)3 or (D1/D2)3
Where P is equal to power, N is equal to shaft speed, and D is equal to impeller diameter.

Cheat Sheets: The Affinity Laws - Empowering Pumps

Affinity Laws | Intro to Pumps

SPECIFIC SPEED OF TURBINE AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE - Mechanical engineering concepts and principles

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