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―Multiple Cluster-Android lock Patterns (MALPs) for

Smart Phone Authentication‖

JavedAkhtar Khan
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indur Institute of Engineering & Technology
Jawaharlal Nehru Technical University Hyderabad [INDIA]

Abstract- This paper proposes the implementation of progressive and PINs remaining prominent and dependable authentication
authentication service in smart android mobile phone. In this methods well into the future[8]. The security approaches has the
digital era, massive amount of work can be done in the digital form major problem for bypassing & cracking the modules through
using the smart devices like smart phone , laptop, Tablets , etc. The different attack types as the hacker can relate to the user’s
number of smartphone users approx. reach to 299.24 million, as
password via predicting or by generally trying the password
per the recent survey report [1] in 2019 this count will reach 2.7
billion and after 3 years, this count will increase up to 442.5 combination (dictionary attack) etc. Thes e difficulties are
million. This article includes a cluster based progressive smart lock general to most of the modules of security. So many
with a dependent combination that is short and more secure in authentication scheme are introduce in this digital era like
nature. Android provides smart lock facilities with the combination graphics authentication password [9], [10], that is show the
of 9 dot, 6dot, 5dot, 4dot and 1-9 number. By using this mobile some weaknesses associated with other kinds of password.
phone user will be able to generate pattern lock or number Based on some studies such as those in [11], [12], phone user
password for authentication. This is a single authentication system, have a better ability to memorize images with longterm memory
this research paper includes a more secured multiple cluster based than verbal representations. As per the studies [13][14]
pattern match system.
maximum user are used Image based authentication. Figure 1
Keywords- ALP, Cluster, Pattern, Authentication, S mart phone show statics of Smartphone user between 2015 to 2022 (in
lock millions)*.

Due to the increase of human population, the major solicitation

from the nature’s mother for human being to gain the blessing
of topmost advancements technological heights among all other
various species throughout the world. The rapid technological
growth which made the major differences between human
beings and other species because of making the life with actual
high yielding in order for supporting the elegance and
compactness. Every advancements need some restrictions,
disadvantages & advantages. Misleading or misusing the
technology is the huge disadvantage in this world which
happens within their own race. For securing and sustaining the
technology from threats and attacks in the security, I introduce
the next security level which control and govern the issues of
fundamental technology which is connected to this. The systems
in the computers and its functions are consider as the primary Fig 1 Graph chart of Smart Phone User [1]
technology. Here, there are some dangerous issues which
regards the installation of security in many fields. [7]. Recent
current era , massive amount of Smartphone has store the very
In year 2008 Google lunch its mobile that used Android OS
confidential information like credit cards details its PIN
[3].Google could enhance the authentication for APL and make
information CCV number , vouchers, identity cards, personal
security better, this is allow to use multiples dots for pattern
data and mobile banking service related information etc . As a
generation .If it is very difficult and complex they can't enter it
result, protecting sensitive data stored on smart phones via
five times in a one row, then it's more complex and difficult for
robust authentication methods is becoming increasingly
a secure pattern."Humans are predictable," Løge[2]
important. Lots of authentication polices such as , used of
the Passwords on conference in Las Vegas city , where Løge
some pin for authentication ,graphical passwords, and biometric
presented a talk titled Tell Me Who You Are, and I Will Tell
information are widely used . While some other technique are
You Your Lock Pattern. "So many aspects are present when
being adopted, like face recognition scanner and retina
user crating the pattern locks like pin code , numeric value ,
scanning, robustness of their security in the long term are mark
alphanumeric value etc. if user create a very complex pattern so
under the questioned. This uncertainty pioneer for pattern locks
that will create a problem and not easily remember as per Loge
report male person used more complex pattern as compared to

female user. Length of dot and number of combination is
showing in Fig 2 Dot length and Combinations.

Fig.2 T otal Number of Pattern Combination [16]

In the given figure 1.5 is show Løge statically report chart that
indicate to us how many number of dot used by the user for
various purpose , here in this chart Løge include the some
domain these are shopping smart phone bank , and chart show Fig.4 Dot pattern used by user in percent[2]
how many dot pattern used for the banking along with its
complexity means for banking related work person are used
longer pattern , how many dot are us ed for the shopping and its Løge[2] had proposed the so many suggestions for generating
complexity , dot pattern use for simply phone locking point of the pattern lock using the dot in the secure manner. These
view with its complexity. In this chart present Løge display the suggestion are as
comparison between among them with Gender ratio .What can
we learn from this research [16]? The conclusion part of this  For Pattern lock used grater than one Dot and Make it
research article is if a person used the smart phone and seeking as Complex.
for the best security for its APL so a person really secure a data  Use Crossover sequence for Pattern lock Generation .
,the best strategy is to act like nobody does.  Android settings "make pattern visible" option turn
Recently some of the Advance Lock system is introduce in the
market but the devices is very expensive as comparing to other
device, these devices equipped with higher level APL
reorganization of face ,biometric etc [4]. It is a hope that this
technology be able to make it impossible for other user
individuals to use the Smartphone without the owner's
permission. Some easy and good patterns lock[5] example are
shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6.

Fig.5 Pattern with five Dot [5]

Fig.3 Chart pattern lock combination for various purpose [16]

in the top left-most node of the screen. A full 77% of them
started in one dot of the 4 corners point . For pattern generating
when user will use five dot, so total possible ALP approx 9000
and in case of 4 dot this count is 1,624 .

Fig.6 Example of Nine Dot Pattern[5]


Authentication is classified as a individual process that enables
a device or system to verify or identify someone’s identity. The
process usually requires a person to assert some claims which
Fig. 8 Most common pattern lock [2]
are used to determine if a person is who they claim to be.
Authentication is widespread in many environments, especially
work environments that protect critical resources, such as user
information. A common problem related to authentication is the
cost, and various type of authentication, as opposed to the
resources protected. The specific claims are determined by some
different kinds of authenticator [15]. These authenticators can
be distinguished as follows:

 User already knows: Typically passwords, passphrases,

associations or PIN.
 User possesses: Token such as smartcards, magnetic
cards typically used.
 Something the user is: Biometric systems, use as a
unique physiological, psychological or behavioral
human traits. Figure 7 showing types of

Fig.9 Pattern Lock
Fig.8 and 9 is show the some pattern lock example used by
various user in this world, up 38% of user are using the same
Pattern for authentication purpose .


Maximum Smart phone user have been using traditional
passwords for authentication or security point of view. Then
after some time Google introduce[2] lock patterns in 2008.
Now a day maximum user used this authentication technique
and it become a very popular. In this Smart lock system total 1
to 9 number and maximum 9 dots are introduce using this
available number and dot smart phone user can easily generate
its unique pattern for individual lock. Using this conventional
pattern matching technique maximum smart phone user are
Fig. 7 T ypes of Authentication [4] generate the same pattern lock because total possibilities is
Marte Løge, graduate in year 2015 [2]from Norwegian science 389112 only and every year mobile phone user are rapidly
University, make is research suing 4000 sample data set of increases .
ALP’s. In this research work author proposed the some
statically percent based conclusion that is 44 % ALP —started The dot pattern combination is mention in the given Table I

T ABLE I The cluster approaches is proposed in this paper , that include
Dot -Pattern Matching Combination
two or more individual cluster along with the same series of dot
count that provide the higher security in APL, using this
S .NO Number dot used Pattern Generation Total Combination approach the total combination of dot pattern will double .
With the help of these cluster , user can generate same pattern
1 4 1624
or dependent patter and different pattern for authentication
2 5 7152 purpose . This introduce method is able to increases the total
number of combination of pattern and reduces the similar
3 6 26016 pattern of APL.
The well-known formula is used to calculate , number of ways
4 7 72912 with which to choose r items out of a possible pool of n items –
without replacement and in all possible sequences–is:
5 8 140704 [1]
6 9 140704 Rule 1- for pattern APL minimum 4 dot required .
Rule 2- Repetition is not allowed that means one dot use only
Total Possibilities 389112 one time for pattern generation .
Rule 3- Don’t skip the intermediate dot .

Fig.11 Rule 3 Pattern Generation [5]

VI. Result .
This is the survey report done , Total sample data set 3000 ,
student data set among the various engineering college with
different courses. The statics is display in tabular format . The
Fig .10 Dot – Pattern Matching Combination [2] objective of the survey is make a summary report for the
existing APL’s generating using the available Dot to find the
common APL’s pattern .
Key idea of this paper for resolving describe problem , to create
and display two or more than two separate cluster, these cluster
are contain the 4 ,5,6,7,and 8 dot for pattern generation. if we
increases number of cluster area and number of dot in
individual cluster then authentication will also increases . This
idea increases the higher authentication for every individual
smart phone user and decrees the repetition of same pattern
matching. Suppose one user can able to create the one pattern
using 4 dot , 5 dot , 6 dot 7 dot , 8 dot or 9dot this pattern is
unique for the particular smart phone user , after this when user
want to unlock his/her phone screen then again he/she draw the
same pattern into phone screen if match then he/ she access the
mobile application and authentication is successfully check.
This approach is conventional approach up to 88% above smart
phone user are using this approach. Problem formulation part in
this paper I discuss the some calculation regarding this dot
pattern matching technique . Table I show the statistics of total
maximum combination of all dots. So their is maximum
Fig.12 Similar APL Count
possibilities to smart lock screen pattern will same in massive
mobile phones.

Similar APL’S Statics
The key idea of this paper is to provide an alternative solution
Dot User Count S imilar APL for the existing Android pattern lock, which is able to provide a
4 482 21 massive amount of new dependent and independent pattern lock
5 734 16 combination and optimize the similarities between the pattern
lock models. Using this concept Android pattern lock
6 723 18 combination count will increase without increasing the number
7 492 17 of dots. Introduction of ALP section in this paper shows the
8 345 12 total possible combination for Authentication in the Android
pattern lock that is 389,112 but as per proposed cluster scheme
9 224 9 this count will increases up to 7,78,224 which is just a double if
we have used the Two cluster for APL, else if we use the Three
T able III cluster with Max 9 dot then this combination count become
Cluster APLCombination Statics Vs Existing APLCombination Statics 11,67,336 this is very helpful for Smartphone user to make more
secure smart phone authentication with easy pattern lock
Existing Work Proposed Work, Result combination. Proposed future work for APL authentication is
used two or more cluster for image, fingerprint, number cluster
S .NO Number dot Total Number of Cluster or some multilevel authentication models.

Combination will Increases if Number of

used Pattern Combination Used with 1-9 dots
Generation (Existing 2 Cluster 3 Cluster References
Total Number of Pattern Lock

Cluster increase with 1-9 Dots

) [1]
1 4 1624 3248 4872 india/
[2] Marte Løge
2 5 7152 14304 21456 636267/
3 6 26016 52032 78048 [3]
4 7 72912 145824 218736 [4] Vol. 8, No.
5 8 140704 281408 422112 2; February 2017 International Journal of Business and Social Science
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6 9 140704 281408 422112 [5]
Total 3,89,112 7,78,224 11,67,336 [6]
Possibilities of
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Fig.13 APL’s Combination With M ultiple Cluster

978-1-5386-7808-4/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 623

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