Diagnostic Test F4 2022 Listening

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Part 1 [7 marks]
Question 1 to 7
You will hear people talking in seven different situations. For questions 1 to 7, choose the correct
answers (A, B, or C).
You will hear each recording twice. Answer all the questions.
1. Maria bought the jeans because
A. they are stylish
B. they are cheap
C. they are too big

2. Why does the speaker say online shopping is beneficial?

A. We can buy the things at the convenience shop.
B. We can only wear pajamas to buy things online.
C. We can buy the things at any convenient time.

3. According to the health expert, functional food are nutritional

A. ingredients
B. snacks
C. supplements

4. The man suggests that we can donate money to the following EXCEPT
A. World Wildlife Fund
B. The Nature Conservancy
C. Two Trees Planted

5. The burglar killed Mr. Ong’s son because

A. he couldn’t give him the money.
B. he could be a witness against him.
C. he could give him a witness.

6. According to the professor, a graduate should be able to

A. speak good English to get a job.
B. speak with the locals in English.
C. speak English in any city.

7. The customer intends to book

A. a single room
B. a deluxe room
C. two single rooms


Part 2 [8 marks]
Question 8 to 15
You will hear Molly talking about her diving experience. For questions 8 to 15, circle the correct
answers (A, B, or C).
You will hear the recording twice. Answer all the questions.
8. What was Molly’s fear?
A. Fear of deep water
B. Fear of underwater world
C. Fear of sea animals

9. When did Molly decide to enroll in a diving course?

A. When she was seven years old
B. After her sabbatical leave
C. After her swimming classes

10. Below were the things Molly learnt during her diving course EXCEPT
A. Theory modules
B. Diving skills
C. Swimming lessons

11. Where did Molly go for her diving practice?

A. swimming pool
B. in the sea
C. swimming pool and in the sea

12. What is the first step that helps Molly overcome her fear of water?
A. Accept
B. Observe
C. Act

13. Molly thinks a person who observes should see things

A. at the superficial level
B. at the deeper level
C. at the highest level

14. According to Molly, a person can overcome his fear if he has the
A. courage
B. patience
C. concern


15. Molly realises that overcoming fear is

A. playing a game
B. training the mind
C. sailing on water

Part 3 [5 marks]
Question 16 – 20
You will hear five short extracts in which teenagers are talking about ways on saving money. For
questions 16 – 20, choose from the list (A to G) what each speaker says. Use the letters only once.
There are two extra letters which you do not need to use.
You will hear the recording twice. Answer all the questions.

A. ‘Start Small. Think Big,’ with a short-term goal. Speaker 1 16

B. It’s the little things that end up costing us more. Speaker 2 17
C. Make a budget to prioritise our expenditure.
Speaker 3 18
D. Focus on recurring expenses.
E. Keep a menu plan and shopping list. Speaker 4 19

F. Say goodbye to debts. Speaker 5 20

G. We need to exercise self-control.

Part 4 [10 marks]

Questions 21 to 30
You will hear a student, Punita, talking about being a teenager. For questions 21 to 30, fill in the
missing information in each numbered space.
Use NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each space.
You will hear the interview twice. Answer all the questions.

Being a Teenager Today

Punita feels that teenagers are pressured by the ……………………………………………(21) that different
groups of people have for them. They have to walk on eggshells and do many things so that they don’t
disappoint the same people who have high hopes for them. Some days, Punita looks forward to the
………………………………………..(22) she may gain as an adult.

During the pandemic, Punita and her peers feel ……………………………………………(23) just like
adults do. They find it hard to ……………………………………………….(24) when there are many things


happening around them. Leaders do not seem to take actions to secure a good
…………………………………………….(25) for the youth. Punita says she and her friends have personal
………………………………………….(26) about things that matter like education when they read the news.
They feel that not getting ……………………………………………….(27) reports sometimes can be good too.

Teenagers want adults to know that they are aware of the …………………………………………….(28)
they should not make, but adults should …………………………………………….(29) them to find their own
way. How will they learn to stand on their own two feet if ……………………………………………….(30) adults
watch over them all the time?

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