AAFT University Presents Communique Vol 02 Issue 01

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Volume - 02, Issue - 01, July 2021 - December 2021

Education has the power to cast a positive impact in everybody's lives;

and at AAFT University we have been consistently working towards

imparting it with utter dedication and creative excellence, thus,
ultimately shaping the students into skilled citizens with human values.
I believe that the process of education is complete when academics
meet hands-on training. Every year we ensure that all our programs are
upgraded to push the students to stay up-to-date with the industry-
relevant skills and learn new concepts. Each day at the University
provides new experiences and opportunities to the students.
Inspiration and Experimentation- are the words that dene our
academic year. It is profoundly inspiring to see our students work
collaboratively and explore their true potential. I believe by investing in
the initiatives and programs that help them to express their creative quest, we are providing them a
platform to develop the originality of thoughts and perception.
Over the time, we have seen many dedicated and self-driven students who have brought laurels to the
institution. This annual magazine covers stories about the excellence and achievements that the
students and University has achieved during the year.
I urge the students to achieve greater heights with their knowledge and condence, and wish everyone
all the luck for their future endeavors!
Dr. Sandeep Marwah

COMMUNIQUÉ Volume - 02, Issue - 01, July 2021 - December 2021

It is a matter of great pride and satisfaction for AAFT University of Media and Arts,

Message From CEO

Raipur to bring out the second volume of 'Communique'. AAFT University has
involved into a gateway of excellence. We not only prove ourselves in academics
but also in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The University has made
tremendous progress in all areas whether it be academic, Skill Development,
capacity building related to students and their individual growth. We constantly
put efforts to accommodate these aspirations by ne tuning the academics of
University with innovative and practical oriented teaching - learning practices
along with other developmental activities. The holistic development of the
university students goes beyond classroom teaching or any structured/formal
education system.
I am condent that this issue of 'Communique' will send a positive message to the students, faculty members,
staff, stake holders and future aspirants of the Arts education and related activities. This is like a mirror which
reects the clear picture of all sorts of activities undertaken by various Schools and develops a positive impact
among students in particular and teaching faculty in general. Also, my heartfelt Congratulations to all for
their fruitful effort. Best Wishes.
Mr. Akshay Marwah

AAFT University has started moving ahead with new vision for the University but
Message From Director

with proven strategies across the academic world to bring best possible outcomes
of the teaching and learning process. During this span of six months a lot of focus
has been given upon the peer to peer learning process that gave an opportunity to
the students to deliver lectures to their peers, with a role ip and experience the
hidden talent and intellect they carry in themselves. The learners that need impact
focus during this period were identied and dealt with an added attention. The
knowledge Exchange Program was another initiative that was designed and
devised in a manner where a faculty from a specic eld would share his/her
knowledge with other faculty members to give them exposure about the rest of
the areas we are working in the University. This enhanced the gamut of
awareness of the faculty base at University .Different student clubs were formed so that students across the
streams can also develop their hobby/interest/passion related to photography, lm making during University
hours and take back home the satisfaction with their stay at University in addition to their regular academic
activities. During the span of the last three months students made remarkable presence in the International
festivals and exhibited their work and won accolades. Demonstration based pedagogy is considered to be
giving best outcomes and following this fact the University has organized many workshops for students.
Students have also organized for their peers many events. For the last couple of months, the engagement
levels in the University have been very dynamic and what we believe and commit, our focus has been towards
the same, holistic development of the students at AAFT University. This edition of Communique showcases
the collage of constructive abilities & outcomes of AAFT University.
Dr. Shikha Verma Kashyap

COMMUNIQUÉ Volume - 02, Issue - 01, July 2021 - December 2021

Knowledge Exchange Program

At University to enhance the learning quest a drive was introduced under the guidance of Director, AAFT University,
Dr. Shikha V. Kashyap and Dean Academics Mr. Santosh Swarnakar with name " Knowledge Exchange Program". In
this drive all the faculty members will get chance to listen to the fellow faculty member with medium of a seminar on
any topic of his/her area of interest in eld. With this drive we would be in position to develop a considerable know
how of all the streams present at the University.

Knowledge Exchange Program on “Introduction to Filmmaking”:

School of Cinema did the introductory session on 10th July 2021 of this drive where Mr.
Mukesh Kumar, HOD School of Cinema gave brief introduction of Filmmaking process. Mr.
Birju Rajak, Asst. Professor SOC, shared his views on lm editing and history of cinema. Mr.
Santosh Swarnakar, Dean Academics, informed about Cinematography and show how to
operate camera, in the end Mr. Pritesh Pandey, Asst. Professor SOC, shared his views about
Acting in lms and TV. The discussion ended with question & answer round.

Knowledge Exchange Program on "Observation to Design":

The second in the row session was on the topic "Observation to Design" by Mr. PBS
Subramaniam, Asst. Professor SOA on 31st July 2021. The major topics covered in the session
were angle of viewing, attitudes and expressions, aesthetics. The art of 3D lenticular painting
was also briefed and displayed during the session. The audience was happy and inquisitive to
know more about 3D Lenticular painting. The session was very informative and ended with
question and answer session.

Knowledge Exchange Program on "Dining Etiquette":

The next session in the series of knowledge exchange program was on topic “Dining Etiquette”
by Mr. Ashwini Kumar, Asst. Professor SOHT on 14th Aug 2021. The major points covered in the
session are uses of different cutlery, meeting greeting and seating manners, handling
smartphone on the table, the art of holding utensils correctly. Also, how to pace yourself with
fellow diners and take part in the dinner conversation. The interactive session continued with
the discussions on different types of courses and the table setup for the same. The session ended
with question-and-answer rounds.

COMMUNIQUÉ Volume - 02, Issue - 01, July 2021 - December 2021

Knowledge Exchange Program on "Between the lines":

Mr. Somanath Sahoo, HoD, SOJMC in the session “Between the lines” held on 23rd Oct 2021,
introduced the live news production process with practical sessions of news reading with the
help of teleprompter. Television news production (News, Interview, Panel discussion, Feature
etc.) must complete four basic phases before it is on air. These phases are the conceptualization
phase, the preproduction phase, the production phase, and the postproduction phase.
Completion of these phases may take long time depending on the type, length, and complexity
of the production, and, in fact, some programs such as a daily newscast may only allow for a
single day to follow these phases on a loose basis. To aware the other department faculty
members about these, the Knowledge Exchange Programme was organized.

Knowledge Exchange Program on " The research whisperer":

The next session in the line was on the topic “The research whisperer” by Mr. Vishwaranjan
Dubey from school of digital marketing on 27th Nov 2021. The session was attended by all
the faculty members and staff of AAFT University in Seminar Hall. The session covered the
topics such as what are blogs, importance of blogs, how blogs generate fresh content on a
website and provide a catalyst for email marketing, social media promotion to drive search
trafc to your website. He also explained how blogs can help your website to be found, use
that trafc to convert visitors or leads. Blogs also lead one to long term benets. The session
ended with the question-and-answer session.

Knowledge Exchange Program on " Design Process":

Dr. Ruchi Agarwal, from school of fashion design conducted the session next session of
knowledge exchange program on the topic “Design Process” on 4th Dec 2021. The session was
attended by all the faculty members and staff of AAFT University in Seminar Hall. She in her
session explained how fashion industry works and covered all the topics related to the
designing process such as developments of mood boards, choosing colors, developing designs
and launch of nal apparels. In her session she explained the whole process of designing with
the examples. The session was interactive with active participation from the participants.

COMMUNIQUÉ Volume - 02, Issue - 01, July 2021 - December 2021

Placement and Internship session on Resume Writing,

Personality development, Interview Skills and Mock
Placement training plays a major role in shaping up the career goals of students. University Placement Cell, AAFT
University of Media & Arts, Raipur is established with the idea to bridge the gap between academia and industry to
bring about a change at grassroots level to build a successful career of the students. In these sessions the students are
sensitized about the changing patterns and concerns in the present scenario. The sessions were organized in the
presence of Mr. Sudhir Ranjan, Registrar, AAFT University, Dr. Shikha Verma Kashyap, Director, AAFT University and
Dean Mr. Santosh Swarnakar. The event was led by AAFT University, Noida.

Placement and internship sessions on resume writing, personality

development, Interview skills and Mock Interviews were organized for the
students of the University. The sessions were

Ÿ Placement Session on 'Mock Interview' on 10th July 2021

Ÿ Internship Session on 'Resume Writing' on 17th July 2021
Ÿ Internship Session on 'Personality Development' on 23rd July 2021
Ÿ Internship Session on 'Interview Skill' on 30th July 2021
Ÿ Internship Session on 'Mock Interview' on 7th August 2021
Ÿ Placement session on 23rd, 24th and 25th September 2021

COMMUNIQUÉ Volume - 02, Issue - 01, July 2021 - December 2021

SOSP Weekly Activity

School of still photography organised Weekly activity for their students to welcome new experimental and creative
photographs from the students where all the batches were given a different topic to perform and showcase their
The activity started on 07th of July by its rst topic on “creative reection with puddles”, On 09th of July second topic
on 'Woking on Shutter Drag' was given to the students and on 16th July third topic was 'Creative colour blocking'. The
purpose of this topic was to provide a good brainstorming session to the students. As per the topic, students took out
their imagination by using respective topics on numerous props and locations. The session proved to be a good
interaction of students among themselves as it not only challenged their imagination but also made them experiment
with the natural lighting styles and technical knowledge. Overall, the activity was very benecial for the students
and proved to be a good source of knowledge.
Weekly activity was arranged to provide power packed session of knowledge for two hours with a hope for exciting
photographs in upcoming days.


COMMUNIQUÉ Volume - 02, Issue - 01, July 2021 - December 2021

Workshop on "Art on Lifestyle Photography" By

Gabriela Dinigre
Webinar conducted for School of Still Photography students on "Art of lifestyle photography”
with Ms. Gabriela Dinigre on 30th July 2021, (Friday) at 3:00 PM. A Virtual discussion session
was organised with Ms. Gabriela Dinigre, a successful Brazilian model, and a lifestyle
The purpose to organise this meeting was to share the knowledge on Lifestyle photography to
the students. Ms. Gabriela not only gave tips about making clients, people comfortable during
the shoot but she also shared her skills on making people laugh and capture
the best moments possible. She shared numbers of pictures and behind the
scenes stories with the students. She also gave knowledge about how to use
natural light sources in combination with articial lights on the objects with
interesting patterns casting of the subject. Ms. Gabriela concluded the
session with interactive questions by the students. The session ended with a
positive approach to all the students about Lifestyle photography and its

Webinar on “Measurement to Layout of Venue in

Event Planning”
The respective webinar was organized by the School of Advertising, Public Relations and
Events (SOAPRE) of AAFT University of Media and Arts, Raipur on 6th August 2021 (Friday),
from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM. Topic for the webinar was – “Measurement to Layout of Venue in
Event Planning” for which Mr. Devesh Keswani (Asst. Professor AAFT University of Media and
Arts, Raipur; Interior Designing Expert) was invited to address and guide the students. The
session initiated with welcoming the audience and introduction of the webinar. All the
students of the department actively participated. Mr. Keswani initiated the
session and informed students regarding Types of Tents, Types of Layouts,
Types of Seating Arrangement, and other important informatory details,
followed by the Question-and-Answer session.
The session was an interactive session as the guest speaker used a PowerPoint
Presentation to support his words of knowledge and the students were equally
active, patient, curious and ready with questions to be cleared by the expert.

COMMUNIQUÉ Volume - 02, Issue - 01, July 2021 - December 2021

Webinar on “Journey of an artist” by

Mr. Manish Kushwaha
The respective webinar was organized by School of still photography for SOSP & SOC Students on
"Journey of An Artists" by Mr. Manish Kushwaha on 19th AUG 2021, (Thursday) at 2:15 PM.
A virtual discussion with Mr. Manish Kushwaha a professional Filmmaker, DOP from Mumbai,
India. The purpose to organise this meeting was to share the knowledge on pathways for young
lmmakers, Photographers towards their professional journey. Mr. Kushwaha shared his
academic value which helped him succeed in the eld at this young age, he also encourages
students to work in a team which can benet students in the eld. During
the session Mr. Manish Kushwaha shared end numbers of pictures, videos
and behind the scenes and stories of sets with the students. Mr. Manish
Khushwaha concluded the session with interactive question and answer
The session ended with a positive approach to all the students about
journey of an artist.

Workshop on “Event Photography” by

Mr. Nilambar Pankara
The respective workshop was organized by School of still photography for SOSP Students on
"Event Photography" With Mr. Nilamber Painkara on 02 SEP 2021, (Thursday) from10:30 AM
Onwards. The purpose was to provide industrial training techniques to the students with Mr.
Nilamber Painkara, a professional Event Photographer from India.
The session started off with the description of his working style by showing his portfolio and
discussing about the recce reports before starting off the shoot, the sessions next step was to
provide technical knowledge on Make-up, styling and garments which plays an
important part in the event photography. The session continued with a live
demonstration of photographing and directing people for the same. The session
was a wholesome package about How to direct people for posing, suitable makeup
and styling session for the event photography.
The session ended with a positive approach to all the students about Event
photography and its techniques.e students were equally active, patient and curious.

COMMUNIQUÉ Volume - 02, Issue - 01, July 2021 - December 2021

Fusion the Fashion Show

The School of Fashion Design presented a Fashion Show organized by SOAPRE on 4th of September 2021 at 12:00 pm
– 01:00 pm at AAFT University, Raipur, C.G. In the show 24 Designers (Fashion Design students) with 40 garments
stitched and reconstructed by them were showcased by 38 models (students from all the departments) including
Women-wear and Men-wear both. Indo-western and Casual clothing Categories were both incorporated in the
collection. The garments were showcased in the presence of Dr. Shikha Verma Kashyap, Director AAFT University, Mr.
Santosh Sawarnkar, Dean AAFT University, faculty members and students.

The show was organized on the concept that today we have already created
so much of carbon emission and population in our planet earth that our
future is not safe. It has been noticed that world's second largest waste is
piles of textile from fashion industry. So, it's a designer's responsibility to
think consciously and re-create reconstruction the existing garments,
instead of producing more textile we should use the textile that we already
have in our wardrobe. In the rst collection of this show all the garments are
reconstructed by using denims, sarees, sofa covers and curtains.
In the second collection, showcased some new ideas of our growing
designers in their fresh new look collection inspired from animals and
owers. The event was organized by the team of students from School of
Advertising, PR & Events.
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Volume - 02, Issue - 01, July 2021 - December 2021

Teacher's day celebration

Teacher's day was celebrated on 4th September 2021by the students of AAFT University on the theme “Tribute”.
There was a well-planned program for all the faculty members and admin staff at AAFT University of Media & Arts,
Raipur. The event was held in the presence of Dr. Shikha Verma Kashyap, Director, AAFT University, Mr. Santosh
Swarnakar, Dean Academics, AAFT University and all other faculty members. It was celebrated to appreciate and
acknowledge the efforts and hard work of all the faculty members.
The celebration started off by offering customized facemasks and indoor plants to the faculty members followed by
number of dance and singing performances. There was
a fun activity planned by the students for faculty
members where they have to guess which students has
given the voice message for them. Overall, it was a fun
lled day for all the faculty members and students.

“Abhivyati 2.0" The Photography Exhibition

Abhivyakti 2.0 is a virtual photo - exhibition which was organized by the school of still Photography on 14th
September 2021 at 10:30 am in the Global Literary Festival 2021 organized by ICMEI. The exhibition was presented
in the inauguration of 7th Global literary festival Noida 2021. The chief guests of the event were, H E Bhagat Singh
Koshyari, Hon Governor of Maharashtra, Mr. Sandeep Marwah, chancellor AAFT University, Mr. Gaurav Gupta, Mr.
Indrajit Gosh, Mr. Anil Jain, Dr. Shikha Verma Kashyap, Director AAFT University, to
inaugurate the exhibition.
The Exhibition was based on different genres of the eld such as Retro Fashion
Photography, Faceless Fine arts Photography, Monochrome Food Photography,
Paranormal Conceptual Photography, Orbs Long Exposure Photography, Patterns
Wildlife photography, where School of Still Photography got the opportunity to
present wonderful pictures with a great percentage of participation.
The session started with introduction about the topic of the exhibition. H E Bhagat
Singh Koshyari, Hon Governor of Maharashtra inaugurated the session with his
wise words. In between, H E Bhagat Singh Koshyari, Hon Governor of Maharashtra
praised the Photographs with exclaiming words. At the end, Dr. Sandeep Marwah
quoted that the pictures were so professional and heart touching and blessed the
students of school of still Photography with his beautiful words. Mr. Rishi Manik
Das, HOD School of Still Photography, AAFT University, presented vote of thanks

COMMUNIQUÉ Volume - 02, Issue - 01, July 2021 - December 2021

Hindi Divas celebration

On 14th September 2021, School of Journalism and Mass Communication (SOJMC),
AAFT University of Media & Arts, Raipur celebrated Hindi Divas to showcase the
importance of Hindi as a language. To respect our Hon'ble Chancellor, Dr. Sandeep
Marwah and his interest towards the Hindi Literature, a Hindi poetry recitation
programme was organized on this occasion. The programme began with lighting
lamps by, Dr. Shikha Verma Kashyap, Director, AAFT University, Mr. Santosh
Swarnakar, Academic Dean and Mr. Somanath Sahoo, HoD, SOJMC. All the
dignitaries highly supported for encouragement of Hindi language and also spread awareness regarding the same.
Dr. Shiv Gopal, Assistant Professor, SOJMC explained the rules of poetry recitation including the history and
signicance of Hindi Divas celebration. Ms. Ankisha, Assistant Professor, SOJMC explained the importance of Hindi in
the present media industry. The selected 10 students were given chance to recite their poems. The session was ended
with the vote of thanks given by Mr. Somanath Sahoo. All the faculty members and students of all department
cooperated with SOJMC in this occasion to make the programme successful.

Nukkad Natak "Smart Rajya"

SMART RAJYA is a comedy play that was presented by the students of School of Cinema guided by Mr Pritesh Pandey,
(Assistant Professor) of AAFT University of Media and Arts, Raipur.
The respective play was written and directed by Ankit Kumar Mishra, student of Diploma in Direction, AAFT
University. The play revolved around the concept of showing, the war scenario of social media and smartphones
existed during the era of kings and warriors.
The play was performed in the presence of Dr Shikha Verma Kashyap Director of AAFT University of Media and Arts
Raipur, Mr. Santosh Swarnakar, Dean of AAFT University of Media and Arts Raipur, Mr. Mukesh Kumar, Mr Birju Rajak
and other respected faculty members and students on 14th September 2021. The whole play was performed by the
students of School of Cinema department; which was mainly led by
Vikas Kumar Sahu, who played the role of “Chunnilal " and "Raja II
“while the role of 'Raja I' was played by Rishabh Manoj Thakur. Ankit
Kumar Mishra came forward as the Narrator of the play, Beauty Singhal
as “Maharani”, "Bhupendra Singh Narang as "Mantri ", Pranjal Pandey
as “Sipaahi” ,Rajendra Das as " Fufa ji " and Kuldeep Lakhe , Kaushal
Soni, Anunay Sharma, Anuresh Pandey, in other important roles.The
purposed to organise this NUKKAD NATAK was to boost the condence
of the students to present their artwork. Session concluded on a positive feedback given by the students.
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Volume - 02, Issue - 01, July 2021 - December 2021

“5th Orientation Program”

The With the blessings of Hon'ble Chancellor, Dr. Sandeep Marwah, AAFT
University conducted a two-day 5th orientation programme for the new batch
on 16th & 17th September 2021. The rst day began with the formal induction
programme for freshers in the Auditorium from 10.30am to 4pm where they
were given an overview of life at AAFT University and the various
infrastructure, facilities, and activities which AAFT has in store for them. The
formal induction was followed by lighting lamp and Saraswati Vandana and
Know Your Leaders which consisted of brief introduction of all the teaching
and non-teaching staffs. The inaugural speech started with Registrar of AAFT University, Mr Sudhir Ranjan. He
advised the students to follow their teachers for a prosperous future. Director, Dr Shikha Verma Kashyap expressed
her happiness to see the students in the campus after corona pandemic. She promised them all academic facilities in
the cost of discipline. Dean Academic, Mr. Santosh Swarnakar explained the skill training programmes planned for
the students of AAFT University. He made sure that each pass-out student would be equipping with best industrial
training. Faculty members from all the departments including academic coordinators, HR Manager, Admin Manager,
IT Department and Librarian introduced themselves to the new students. The next session began after lunch break
with games and team building
activities named as Treasure
Hunt and Persona. More than
180 students with their parents
had joined the orientation
programme. The cultural
committee had planned all the
activities of the orientation

Vishwakarma Pooja
Vishwakarma Pooja was performed by various schools on 17th September 2021
at AAFT University of Media & Arts, Raipur. The Vishwakarma Jayanti is the most
important and auspicious day for individuals related with art. To celebrate the
same, pooja and rituals were performed where working instruments and
equipment's were worshipped to bring in the good luck and seek blessings from
Lord Vishwakarma.

COMMUNIQUÉ Volume - 02, Issue - 01, July 2021 - December 2021

Webinar by Ms. Pratibha Rai Senior Journalist TV 18

The respective webinar was organised by School of Journalism and Mass
Communication of AAFT University on 20th of September 2021. Knowledge is
the foundation of journalism. - Ms. Pratibha Rai, Senior Journalist of TV18 was
the expert for the webinar. Ms. Pratibha Rai told the students about TV and web
journalism. She also apprised the students about the challenges faced by the
reporter and also briefed them about the working of news channels.
She also shared her journalism experiences with the students. She also advised
the students to read a lot of work on their chosen languages. The webinar
ended with the question & answer round with all the students. In the end, SOJMC Assistant Professor Dr Shiv Gopal
and Ms. Ankisha Mishra gave vote of thanks to Pratibha Rai for giving her time.

“Workshop on Brainstorming for Creative

Workshop on Brainstorming for creative minds was organized for fresh batches
of School of Still Photography, on 21st September 2022, with the agenda to
make students understand about the art curation and process involved for the
same. The resource person for the workshop was Ms. Namrata Chandrakar. She
conducted the workshop in the presence of Mr. Rishi Manik Das, HOD SOSP and
Mr. Arpit Agarwal Asst. Professor SOSP. The activity started off with the reading
of images, emotions, and style of the painters around the globe. In second half
another activity was given to them was to create their own artwork by using different artwork pieces and represent
their vision to the class as a team. The session concluded with a positive note.
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Volume - 02, Issue - 01, July 2021 - December 2021

Red Camera Workshop

The respective workshop was organised by School of Cinema of AAFT University on 11th of September 2021. The
workshop was fast, intensive and absorbing. The key goals of the workshop was to give students the tools, the mind
set and support that they need to work in the real world and have
professional camera experiences.
Mr. Santosh Swarnakar (Dean of AAFT University, Raipur) took this one-
day workshop on the art of Camera techniques and its operations. The
workshop was designed for budding lmmakers, Cinematography
students. The theory and practice of the camera operator, the rst and
second camera assistant are examined in depth, so as to become
familiar with the digital and lm camera technology as well as lm set
procedures. The workshop includes lectures, demonstrations and practical exercises. The session concluded by
giving Cinematography students the opportunity to operate RED camera.

“Basics of Photography” Workshop by Canon

School of Still photography, AAFT University of Media and Arts, Raipur in association with canon organized Ofine
workshop on the topic “Basics of Photography” on 22nd of Sept 2021. The Experts for the workshop were Mr Yogesh
Singh, Sales Manager, CANON Chhattisgarh and Mr. Narendra Rathore, Technical Expert, CANON. The focus of the
workshop was to enlighten the students with the Basics Photography Concepts, and the technicalities of a camera.
Getting to know photography-related knowledge from the experience of such mentors really added worth to this
The workshop commenced with the opening words of Dr Shikha Verma, Director, AAFT University and Mr Santosh
Swarnakar, Dean Academics, AAFT University Raipur and was further continued with some words from Mr. Yogesh
Singh and by Mr. Narendra Rathore. The experts covered topics of basics of Photography which started with
understanding the camera basics, the rules, the modes, differences and most important things about types of camera,
lens, with mirror or without mirrors camera formats and camera handling. The students of SOSP, SOC, SOAPRE, SOFD,
SOFA, and SOPA were beneted from the workshop.

COMMUNIQUÉ Volume - 02, Issue - 01, July 2021 - December 2021

Webinar by Mr. Kaustubh Dharmadhikary, Director

KAPS foods India Pvt. Ltd
The respective webinar was organised by School of Hospitality and Tourism of
AAFT University on 22nd of September 2021, with Mr. Kaustubh Dharmadhikary,
the Director of KAPS FOOD INDIA PVT LTD. Workshop was based on a brief
discussion on industrial and commercial experience of Mr. Kaustubh
Dharmadhikary, where he also disclosed some tips and tricks to become a
successful entrepreneur. The session was an interactive session as the guest
speaker used a Presentation to support his words of knowledge and the students
were equally active, curious, and ready with questions to be cleared by the expert.
Workshop ended with a positive note by the students.

Face Painting & Tattoo Making Competition

Face Painting & Tattoo making Competition was held for the students of School of
Interior Design, AAFT University of Media & Arts, Raipur on 22nd September 2021,
where they were distributed in 7 groups, each group was assigned with an emotion
like happiness, sadness, anger, confusion, fear, proud and Surprise. They were
supposed to illustrate the same emotions in the face painting & tattoo. This activity
helped the students in demonstrating their ideas and views based on these
emotions and what they perceive out of it. This activity was carried out to introduce
the students with the art of concept development and what you think, and feel can
be expressed through art form.

After the completion of the

illustrations, they demonstrated
the art to Dr. Shikha Verma
Kashyap, Director, AAFT University. The work of the students was
judged by Dr. Shweta Bajaj, Mr. Mukesh Kumar & Mrs. Suwarna.
Team Happiness earned the 1st position and 1st runner up was
Team Sadness.
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Volume - 02, Issue - 01, July 2021 - December 2021

Webinar by Mr. Vikram Amladi, Filmfare Award

winning Cinematographer
A webinar on “Underwater Cinematography” was organized by School of Cinema on
23rd September 2021 for the students of Cinema. The resource person for the webinar
was Mr. Vikram Amladi. He is a Filmfare award winning Cinematographer, with varied
industry experience in feature lms, documentaries, web series & TV Promos. He
enjoys designing & Conducting Film/TV workshops in the academic space for future
lmmakers. He is best known for his work in the National Award winning 2013
Marathi lm Fandry, which earned him a Filmfare Award (Marathi) for Best
Cinematography in 2015. Other notable feature lm credits include Maunraag, Enemy,
Kuldip Patwal: I Didn't Do It! and most recent feature lm Ribbon directed by Rakhee
Sandilya in 2017
He briefed students about different aspects of Cinematography and lm making. He
also discussed about different techniques, tools of cinematography and topics, from
lighting and selecting lenses, to framing, movement, composition, and colour
grading. The Webinar was information rich, focused on digital lmmakers working in Film, Video and the Web. The
session was concluded with a vote of thanks to the guest speaker.

Photography Workshop by "Vishal Saxena"

The Photography workshop with “Mr. Vishal Saxena” was organised by School of Still Photography of AAFT
University on 23rd of September 2021. Mr Vishal Saxena, celebrity photographer with an experience of more than
18+ years of working in the industry. Mr Vishal Saxena has photographed beautiful actors/actress of Bollywood.
Workshop with Mr. Vishal Saxsena was brief discussion on industrial and commercial work done by him. The
workshop was interactive session as the expert used his photographs and showcased his talent to the students,
where he also disclosed his tips and tricks he uses while taking complex photographs. The workshop was a
wholesome package where students got the chance to photograph models under his presences. The session ended
with a positive approach to all the students about “Celebrity photography”.

COMMUNIQUÉ Volume - 02, Issue - 01, July 2021 - December 2021

Webinar by Mr. Sankhajit Biswas "SANKHA",

Editor, Director & Creative Producer
The webinar is organized to learn the Art of “Nonction Filmmaking” on 24th
September 2021 by the school of cinema for the students at the school, from National
Award-Winner Documentary lmmaker Mr. Sankhajit Biswas (Sankha). He has studied
Editing in Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute, Kolkata and his edited lms, both
documentaries and ctions, are screened in major festivals including Berlin, Toronto,
BFI London, IDFA, Busan, Hong Kong, Museum of Modern Arts (NY), Museum of
Moving Images (NY), Asia Pacic Screen Awards and won several national and
international awards. He turned to direction with 'Dui Dhuranir Golpo' (In-between
Days, 58 minutes, HD, 2012), a documentary on the transgender community of
Kolkata. His second documentary is 'The Wind in the Maruwa Field' (52 minutes, HD,
He shared his experience with students and taught them the process of Filmmaking,
Producing & pitching ideas in National & International Forums. The students were very
interactive during the session and ensured maximum participation in the event.

Webinar by Mr. Bhoumik Mehta,

3D Architectural Visualiser
The School of Animation organized a webinar for the
fresh students at the school on “Introduction to 3D
Lighting and visuals” on 25th September 2021. Mr.
Bhoumik Mehta, a senior 3D Animation Artist, was the
resource person for the webinar. The topics covered in the
webinar were 3-point lighting, introduction to lighting,
material properties, production workow of Disney,
mood lighting etc. He shared his experience with
students and the students participated actively on the
interactive session.
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Volume - 02, Issue - 01, July 2021 - December 2021

Color Theory Workshop

Color theory workshop was arranged for the new batch of School of Still Photography on 27th September 2021 at
AAFT University of Media & Arts, Raipur, during their zero week, with the purpose
of making them get aware about color emotions and how to use it in the frame
and to give a strong and impactful meaning in the photograph. The resource
person for the workshop was Mr. Rishi Manik Das, HOD SOSP & Ms. Namrata
Chandrakar, Asst. Professor SOSP. There are a couple of core concepts that one
must understand before beginning off with clicking a photograph. A Colour
Scheme is rst element to communicate the message behind the Photograph on
both visual and psychological levels.
Session started off with the introduction of
color wheels, meaning of the colors and in
second half as a practice they created their own worksheet by using acrylic colors
and clays. Session concluded with positive feedback. The students learned how
these color schemes are necessary to know as they can be utilized to create a
considerably aesthetically interesting image for use in art or anything you want.

Workshop on Basic Lighting and Camera

The workshop on “Basic Lighting and Camera techniques” was organised by School of Still Photography of AAFT
University on 28th of September 2021 by Mr. Arpit Agarwal Asst. Professor, SOSP. The workshop was beneted to the
students as knowing about the lights and camera is a crucial learning photographer it's important for them to know
about the upgrading technical aspects of camera and
lights. During their zero week, students got an
introduction on basics of lighting, photography and
elements of photography.
The session started off with the theoretical knowledge on
elements of photography and basics of camera lighting.
After the description of the theory, students were asked to
do the practicals of the same. The workshop ended on the
positive feedback's given by the students.

COMMUNIQUÉ Volume - 02, Issue - 01, July 2021 - December 2021

Webinar by CGPURC "Azadi ka Amritmohotsav”

Chhattisgarh Private university regulatory commission organized one day webinar on “Azadi ka Amrit Mohotsav”
along with cultural event in collaboration with all the 15 private universities of the state. AAFT University of Media &
Arts, Raipur Participated in the webinar. Mr. Sudhir Ranjan Registrar AAFT University represented the University in the
forum along with Director AAFT University, Dr. Shikha Verma Kashyap and Dean Academics, Mr. Santosh Swarnakar.
The cultural event from the University was presented by school of performing arts. The students performed live on
ve songs in the online forum.

Portrait Rangoli making Workshop

Portrait Rangoli making Workshop was conducted by School of Fine Arts and School of Fashion Design on 28th
September 2021 at AAFT University of Media & Arts, Raipur. In the session Dr. Ruchi Agrawal demonstrated Portrait
Rangoli made completely by her and also coached the students in which they learnt about details of colour mixing
and color formations. Origin, importance, and types of Rangoli
was also discussed with the students in this session.
Students participated in the group in this session and
demonstrated a rangoli prepared by them. 33 students of both
the schools along with 3 faculties (Dr. Ruchi Agrawal, Mr. PBS
Subramaniam and Ms. Harshita Chandrakar) witnessed the
session. The Event was covered by Mr. Rahul Shakya.
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Volume - 02, Issue - 01, July 2021 - December 2021

Workshop on “Observation and Assessment”

The respective session was organised by School of Still Photography of AAFT University on 29th of September 2021
on topic “Observation and assessment”. The session was arranged with the vision to improve observation &
understanding of the frames of the fresh students. In the session the known
international agencies documentary of "Magnum photos" and “the life and the
time of Tim” was projected. The aim of the workshop was to make students
observe the photographs taken around the globe by different photographers. The
session went on with a brief session with Ms. Namrata Chandrakar (Assistant
professor, SOSP) and Mr. Arpit Agrawal (Assistant professor, SOSP) of AAFT
University of Media and Arts, Raipur, were she described how to analyse the work, what are the ways to read images
and how to look at an image and its story. In second half session was completely about assessment activity where
students were asked to express their feelings towards the photograph shown on the screen the workshop was
organized so that students can understand better framework and the workshop ended with a positive note.

Fashion Interaction hours with

Mr. Runit Gupta (Founder&Designer of brand Runit Gupta Meswear)
& Ms. Jessal Shah (Founder&Owner of Jesalism)
The School of Fashion Design organized Fashion
Interaction Hours on 29th of September 2021 at
11:00 pm – 01:00 pm at AAFT University, Raipur, C.G.
In this Fashion Interaction Hours the experts were Mr.
Runit Gupta and Mrs. Jesal Shah. 30 students along
with 2 faculties (Dr. Ruchi Agrawal and Ms. Harshita
Chandrakar) witnessed the session.
Mr. Runit Gupta - Founder and Owner of the "Runit Gupta" brand that stitches bucolic simplicity with classic panache
creating dynamic synergy that threads traditional elegance with contemporary chic, and Ms. Jesal Shah– Founder
and Owner of JESALISM specialises in both PRET O PORTER and COUTURE outts. Their design style is minimalist with
print design and modern contemporary outts. At Jesalism, there is something for everyone right from western
outts to gowns to classic couture and bridal wear. The session was started by welcoming our guests by Ms. Harshita
Chandrakar. The Guests Designers shared their journey and knowledge with students. Question and Answer Round
went interesting with students' active participation. Students understood how to build their brands as a Fashion
Designer, also they understood the realities of Fashion Industry, the students get motivated to aspire their career as
Fashion Designer. The Event was closed by Dr. Ruchi Agrawal with vote of thanks.

COMMUNIQUÉ Volume - 02, Issue - 01, July 2021 - December 2021

Gandhi and Shastri Jayanti Celebration

Birth Anniversary of Gandhi and Shastri Ji was celebrated on 1st October 2021 by School of
Cinema, AAFT University of Media & Arts, Raipur to commemorate the teachings and
principles guided by Gandhi Ji and Shastri Ji. The event took place in the presence of Dr.
Shikha Verma Kashyap, Director, AAFT University, Mr. Santosh Swarnakar, Dean Academics,
AAFT University and other faculty members. There were various activities planned out for
students, namely, Poetry recitation, short essay writing in Hindi and English, Poster making
by students from School of Animation, Nukkad Natak by School of Cinema, Musical
Performance by School of Performing Arts, T-shirt painting by School of Fashion Design.
Many students participated enthusiastically in the activities mentioned above by
understanding the signicance of celebrating this day in the memory of our national leaders.
The contribution of Gandhi Ji and Shastri Ji to World policies and World Peace was also
discussed in the celebration.

AAFT CSR Activity

Three-day CSR activity of Graphic designing was organised for students of “SOS Village”, NGO. The 3-day event
started with the speech of Respected Dr. Shikha Verma Kashyap, Director AAFT University and Mr. Santosh Swarnkar,
Dean Academics AAFT University. The Director of SOS Village spoke few words to students and told the students
about the advantages of this workshop of graphic design. After the opening session the 1st day of event resumed
with introduction to graphic design with Mr. Dinesh Kumar Yadav from SOA and grooming session by Mr. Ashwini
Kumar from SOHT. A session on pre-production was given by Mr. PBS Subramanian. Day 2 was started with the
introduction to Photoshop and ended with Image Editing by Mr. Dinesh Kumar Yadav.
Day 3 was started with Introduction to advertising in Illustrator by Mr. Dinesh Kumar Yadav and ended with the
session of table manners by Mr. Ashwini Kumar. After the
sessions A memento was handed over to Assistant Director
Mr. Brijesh Vikram, of SOS Village by Dr. Shikha Verma
Kashyap, Director AAFT University. The success of the event
was captured in group photo with the SOS village students.
22 C O M M U N I Q U É

Volume - 02, Issue - 01, July 2021 - December 2021

Photography Competition and Exhibition on

Gandhi Jayanti and Shastri Jayanti
Open Photography Competition was organized for the
students of AAFT University by School of Still Photography. The
school organized its rst ofine exhibition after the pandemic
hit with the selected photographs from the competition on 8th
Oct 2021. The theme of the exhibition was "Dignity of labor"
and "Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat”, the topic was taken on
occasion of Gandhi Jayanti and Shastri Jayanti. As exhibition
curation is a part of visual artist's journey, the exhibition set
was designed by the students at School of Still Photography
under the guidance of faculty members of the SOSP. The
Exhibition was inaugurated by Director AAFT University, Dr Shikha Verma Kashyap and Dean Academic, Mr. Santhosh
Swarankar. After the inauguration, faculty members of the university along with the students of the department
visited the exhibition with the curious eyes. The exhibition continued for the day. The experience gained by the
students was enormous and positive feedback was given by the students at the university.

Interior Design Studio Inauguration

Unfolding Creative Workspace
Students from School of Interior Design, AAFT University of Media & Arts, Raipur
(Batch July 2021) renovated the Interior design studio and inaugurated the same on
11th October 2021. The basic motive behind this activity is to transform the workspace
that was provided to the students where they can implement the innovative ideas and
concepts to modify the overall appearance of the studio. The students designed a
concept for the design before starting with painting where they wished to create a
space that motivates them to do better every day when they enter the Studio.
The studio was inaugurated by Dr. Shikha Verma Kashyap, Director, AAFT University,
Raipur and Mr. Santosh Swarnakar, Dean Academics, AAFT University where all the
faculty members visited the studio and provided their valuable feedbacks. The
inaugural ceremony was also open for all the students of University where they visited
the space and appreciated the work done by the students of School of Interior Design.

COMMUNIQUÉ Volume - 02, Issue - 01, July 2021 - December 2021

“Navrang Navratri- 2021”

Group Dance Competition
The event Navrang Navratri 2021 was planned and
organized by the students at School of Advertising, PR &
Events. The event started on 7th Oct where the students
were provided with color themes for the dressing. The
themes provided were, 7th Oct – Yellow, on 8th Oct Green,
on 11th Oct White, on 12th Oct Red and on 13th Oct all
were requested to wear traditional attire. The best dressed
male, and female for all the above-mentioned days were
awarded on the 13th of Oct 2021.

On 13th of Oct 2021, Hawan was performed by all the

members of AAFT family and all offered their prayers to the
goddess with faith and devotion. Post Hawan group dance
competition was organized on the theme of Garba. Total 8
teams registered and participated in the competition. The
event started with lamp lighting followed by the speech by
Dr. Shikha Verma Kashyap, Director AAFT University,

Raipur and Mr. Santosh Swarnakar,

Dean Academics AAFT University,
Raipur. Team Viral Fever from School
of cinema was announced as winners
and SOSP Stars from School of Still
Photography were the runner up in
the group dance competition. Vote of
thanks was offered by Dr. Shweta
Bajaj. After this the oor was opened
for all the students to perform Garba.
It was a fun-lled evening.
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Volume - 02, Issue - 01, July 2021 - December 2021

Webinar by Ms. Aishwarya Sridhar

The respective session was organised by School of Still Photography of
AAFT University on 13th of October 2021. Webinar conducted for SOSP
Students on leading lights series with Ms. Aishwarya Sridhar. A virtual
discussion with Ms. Aishwarya Sridhar a professional Indian wildlife
photographer also a Wildlife presenter, and Documentary lmmaker. She
is the youngest girl to win the Sanctuary Asia- Young Naturalist Award
and the International Camera Fair Award. In 2020, Ms. Aishwarya
became the rst Indian woman to win the title “Wildlife Photographer of
the Year award. The conversation started off with sharing her journey so
far in the wildlife adventure sanctuary. Ms. Aishwarya mentioned her
passion led her to experience breath taking moments, she also
mentioned every project makes her a better photographer and every
experience in the sanctuary is unique. The conversation with Ms.
Aishwarya Sridhar continued with question-and-answer session with AAFT students and concluded with a positive

International Animation Day Celebration

The International Animation Day was celebrated by the School of Animation on 28th Oct 2021 in the University
Campus. The celebration was divided into two
segments i.e., Drawing Competition and Student's
work exhibition. The drawing and face painting
competition was in organised in the campus cafeteria
with an hour duration and students from all schools
participated. The animation lab was decorated with
animated characters and wall paintings and students
work. The exhibition was inaugurated with ribbon
cutting by Director AAFT University, Dr. Shikha Verma
Kashyap and Dean Academics, Mr. Santosh Swarnakar.
The students and faculty members visited the
animation lab and appreciated the students work.

COMMUNIQUÉ Volume - 02, Issue - 01, July 2021 - December 2021

Launch of AAFT Musical Band

With the aim to create a musical band with the students of AAFT University, Announcement of the AAFT Musical Band
was made on 1st of November 2021. After the announcement “Talent Hunt” poster was released by the School of
Performing Arts. The Audition for AAFT Musical Band (Phase 1) has been organized on 25th November 2021 by
School of Performing Arts, AAFT University of Media & Arts, Raipur to test Student's Ability & Personality on their
concerns and to shortlist in specic numbers of Band mates. The students from all the schools in university enrolled
themselves for the auditions with great zest. Being a part of Musical band will help in comprehensive development of
the students where they can showcase the talents, they
possess in the events held at university.
With the selection of appropriate students for the
various roles, “AAFT Musical band” was announced on
30th November 2021, to all the students in the presence
of Dr. Shikha Verma Kashyap, Director AAFT University,
Mr. Santosh Swarnakar, Dean AAFT University, and
faculty members and later they also performed at
events in the University.

Gratitude the Ultimate Treasure Book Cover

Launch Event
During the festive season, On 1st November 2021, AAFT University of Media and Arts, Raipur witnessed a Book Cover
Launch Event at University Auditorium. This event was all about the Cover
Launch of Sanyam Jain's 3rd Book, “Gratitude the Ultimate Treasure”. He is a
bonade student of the university, studying in School of Cinema.
The event was conducted with the blessings of respected Dignitaries, Dr.
Shikha Verma Kashyap, Director, AAFT University and Mr. Santosh Swarnakar,
Dean Academic, AAFT University. The event was conducted by showing a
video teaser to reveal the cover of the book. As said by the Author, being
grateful for everything God gave us is the key ingredient to live a happy and
humbled life. He also mentioned that with gratitude, people acknowledge
the goodness in their lives which sometimes gets unnoticed.
26 C O M M U N I Q U É

Volume - 02, Issue - 01, July 2021 - December 2021

Deepotsav 2021
The festival of lights was celebrated in the University campus on 2nd November 2021 and with name of DEEPOTSAV
2021. The event was celebrated in the presence of Dr. Shikha Verma Kashyap, Director, AAFT University, Raipur, Mr.
Santosh Swarnakar, Dean AAFT University, all faculty members, and students. The students showed their active
participation in the festival, by engaging themselves in decorating campus with diyas, owers and rangoli. There
were competitions organized for students in which they participated with great enthusiasm and winners of the
competition were Rangoli making Competition-Ms. Pankhudi, SOFA, Toran making Competition- Ms. Kshtreja, SOFA,
Diya decorating Competition- Mr. Akash Verma, Puja thali decoration Competition-Ms. Soniya Bansi, SOFA and Cold
cooking Competition-Ms. Manisha, SOHT. Also, Laxmi Puja and Havan was performed followed by Diwali gifts
distribution to all the faculty and staff members. Afterwards, an Antakshri Competition was organized for all the
faculty members in the seminar hall of the University.

Constitution Day Celebration

Constitution day was celebrated at AAFT University of Media & Arts, Raipur on 26th November 2021 to
commemorate the adaptation of constitution in India. The event was witnessed by Dr. Shikha Verma Kashyap,
Director, AAFT University, Mr. Santosh Swarnakar, Dean Academics, AAFT University, faculty members and
administration staff members. The event was celebrated to bring awareness on the importance of the Indian
Constitution and its architect, Dr B R Ambedkar. The constitution declares India a sovereign, socialist, secular,
democratic republic, assuring its citizens justice, equality and liberty, and endeavors to promote fraternity, with this
note the event was celebrated and the message was promoted amongst all the members present.

COMMUNIQUÉ Volume - 02, Issue - 01, July 2021 - December 2021

Interactive session with Mr. Sudeesh Kanaujia,

Film Director
On 29th November 2021, AAFT University of Media and Arts, Raipur organized
an interactive session with Mr. Sudesh Kanaujia a lm director by profession and
an alumnus of the institution at University Auditorium. This event was about the
journey, hurdles, and experiences of the Mr. Sudeesh which he shared with the
students and the students were denitely encouraged by the same. This was a
highly thoughtful session as students can directly connect with a person when
he/she shares its own life journey and experiences. The event was started by
introducing the guest with the students and inviting him for sharing his
knowledge and approach to the work with the students. of being a director in the
Indian lm industry. Also he was here for the casting the students for his lm
which is scheduled to be shoot in Raipur.
This event was conducted with the blessings of respected Dignitaries, Dr. Shikha
Verma Kashyap, Director, AAFT University and Mr. Santosh Swarnakar, Dean
Academics, AAFT University.

'Murchana' A Musical Presentation

The School of Performing Arts (SOPA) organized a musical presentation on 08th
December 2021 in the seminar hall of university to celebrate the “Azadi ka Amrit
Mahotsav”. The students performed in the event on themes Raga Bihag, Ghazal,
Bollywood folk and western music. The event was attended by all the faculty
members and students of AAFT University.
28 C O M M U N I Q U É

Volume - 02, Issue - 01, July 2021 - December 2021

“Fashion Show”
The school of Advertising, PR & Events organized the fashion show for school of
Fashion design on 8th December 2021 in Studio of AAFT University, Raipur. In this
Fashion Show School of Fashion Design presented a Collection of Evening gowns and
Ball gowns that dazzles the woman's femininity. These gowns are distinguishable
from their lavishly designed surfaces-with layers of fabrics with gathers, rufes,
smocking, puffs and embellished with trim details as articial owers, ribbons,
rosettes, and lace. The concept was about who we are and how we want to portray
ourselves to the world. The inspiration was about the boldness and happiness inside
every woman.
The Set was created by the students of SOAPRE in the Studio for the ramp walk of the
models. The show was performed in the presence of Dr. Shikha Verma Kashyap,
Director AAFT University, Mr. Santosh Swarnakar, Dean Academics, & Faculty

Photography Exhibition on
Fine Art & Photojournalism
A photography exhibition on Fine arts & Photojournalism was conducted by School of Still Photography at AAFT
University of Media & Arts, Raipur on 10th December 2021. This exhibition revolved around a concept where
emotions and storytelling was depicted by the students through photos clicked by them. Photography is all about
depicting feeling and emotions. The photographs included important moments, elements of surprise, storytelling
and news stories as clicked by the students. The photographs were highly appreciated by the dignitaries, faculty
members and the students as this exhibition was kept open for all. Later this exhibition was also witnessed by Mr.
Akshay Marwah, CEO, AAFT University and Mr. Mohit Marwah, MD, AAFT University. They highly acknowledged and
encouraged the works done by the students.

COMMUNIQUÉ Volume - 02, Issue - 01, July 2021 - December 2021

Road Safety Week

AAFT University, Raipur celebrated Road Safety week across the different schools to create awareness on rules to be
followed on roads from 03.12.2021 to 09.12.2021. The drive started with school of hospitality and tourism
management by organizing a Poster making competition, School of animation organized a digital poster making
competition. School of journalism and mass communication by organizing slogan writing competition on road safety
in which all the students of SOJMC took a part actively to create slogan on road safety awareness along with
discussion on different aspects of Road safety. School of still photography and school of advertising, PR & Events
celebrated the week by “A Day in the Shoes of a Trafc Police” under the guidance of Trafc Police. The students were
given training on the trafc rules at Trafc Police ofce. The students were informed about the importance of road
safety rule & regulation then they had managed the trafc of telibanda with trafc police. The school of performing
arts organized a musical campaign to create the awareness among the students regarding safety. School of ne arts
and School of Fashion design organized a watercolor poster making competition on the same theme. The students
actively participated in all the activities.
30 C O M M U N I Q U É

Volume - 02, Issue - 01, July 2021 - December 2021

'Unfolding the vision' Inauguration of University

The Model of the University campus was
inaugurated by Mr. Akshay Marwah, CEO, AAFT
University, and Mr. Mohit Marwah, MD, AAFT
University on 10th December 2021. Students
from School of Interior Design prepared a model
of University Campus. As any professional or
aspiring interior designer knows all-too-well,
creating a small-scale model of your design is
often the most critical aspect of design. This
model provided a chance to see the vision in miniature form.
The crafting and making of a model offered the students an opportunity to explore and learn spatial relationships,
volumetric concerns, and material qualities, and to experiment with form, scale, and texture, giving them a sense of
pleasure and fullment that the act of drawing cannot provide in the same way.

Workshop on "Makeup for Advance fashion

The Workshop was conducted on 29th of Dec 2021 by School of still
photography for Advance fashion photography on “Make-up” in collaboration
with School of Fashion design. The purpose to conduct this session was to make
students aware about the procedure of professional make-up according to their
concept on “Male & Female Model”. This industrial knowledge was necessary to
make them aware about the Make-up products, models face structure and shape
which is a crucial part of fashion photography. In the rst half session
for Male model make-up was classied and in the second half Make-
up for Female model was described. After the make-up session SOSP
students got the opportunity to create a photography setup and
shoot with the professional models which was a crucial part of their
industrial learning. The session concluded with a Vote of Thanks to
the Experts and the session ended with a positive approach to all the
students about Fashion photography and its techniques.

COMMUNIQUÉ Volume - 02, Issue - 01, July 2021 - December 2021

Christmas Celebration at Campus

Christmas was celebrated at AAFT University of Media & Arts, Raipur with great zest and eagerness by School of
Management and School of Hospitality & Tourism Management. The event started off with Christmas cake mixing
ceremony by SOHTM on 21st December 2021 where Dr. Shikha Verma Kashyap, Director, AAFT University, Mr.
Santosh Swarnakar, Dean Academics, AAFT University and other faculties members were present. Following which X-
mas Gala-December to Remember was held on 23rd December 2021 where all the dignitaries, faculty members and
students participated. The event was organized by SOM. There were stalls installed by students from various schools
where they sold goods made by them. On 24th December 2021, Christmas eve was celebrated by SOHTM & SOPA
which was a laughter lled evening for all the faculty members and students. The evening witnessed various games,
musical performances and activities.

Volume - 02 | Issue - 01

Greetings and good wishes to all who receive this Communique. It gives us contentment
to present the Second regular issue of “Communique”. The “Communique” has been a
means to radiate information on events and happenings organized at AAFT University of
Media and Arts, Raipur. The university has always acknowledged extra-curricular
activities, events, workshops, competitions, webinars, celebrations, guest lectures etc.
and students have been encouraged for participating as well as organizing such events.
Communique is a reection of the same.
We express our heartiest greetings to Dr. Sandeep Marwah, Chancellor, AAFT University,
Mr. Akshay Marwah, CEO, AAFT University, Dr. Shikha Verma Kashyap, Director, AAFT
University and Mr. Santosh Swarnkar, Dean Academics, AAFT University for constant
support and guidance. We also convey our deepest gratitude to Management who has
supported in all our alleviations and reected a trust on us for positive outcomes.
The success of this Communique depends on your response. We appreciate your
valuable feedback on the same.

Team Communique
Dr. Shweta Bajaj
Mr. Rishi Manik Das
Ms. Anubhuti Trivedi

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