Substance Use Disorders: Institution's Affiliation Student's Name Professor Course Date

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Substance Use Disorders

Institution’s Affiliation

Student’s Name




Substance Use Disorders

Psychotherapy comes in various forms or perspectives, including (1)

psychoanalytic/dynamic, which focuses on changing behavior by unraveling unconscious

meanings and motivation. It works very closely in a very close partnership between the doctor

and the patient. The doctor and affected person works jointly to identify compromises made by

the person in order to defend themselves against painful emotions or thoughts. For instance, a

relationship that has failed can make a person believe that all the relationship will results in pain,

(2) behavioral, which is based on the premise that behaviors are learned and potentially self-

destructive or unhealthy behaviors can be changed. Ivan Pavlov's experiment which explain how

the dog’s IQ begin to drool after hearing the dinner bell (the dog associate diner bell with food).

Behavioral therapy has a number of approaches which includes cognitive, aversion and

systematic desensitization therapy (Ann M. Kring, 2019), (3) cognitive, which focuses on

cognition rather than action, and (4) humanistic, which focuses on helping the client be

empowered to make rational choices and reach their potentials. Although the therapists have

different approaches, three elements are shared by the therapists as they all provide a sense of

hope to their clients, gives the client new perspectives on their experiences, and how they can

respond to themselves and their environment, and lastly, establish an empathic and trusting

relationship between them and the client. However, cultural differences can affect therapy (for

example, language barriers or the therapist's lack of awareness), but these should not hinder a

therapist who is willing to listen, empathic, trustworthy, and able to form a good therapeutic

alliance with the client, all of which are qualities Brad should look for in a therapist. (Ann M.

Kring S. L., 2012)

Works Cited
Ann M. Kring, S. L. (2012). Abnormal Psychology. Hoboken: Wiley.

Ann M. Kring, S. L. (2019). Abnormal Psychology: The Science and Treatment of Psychological Disorders.
Hoboken: Wiley.

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