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Pedigree Worksheet Name ____________________________________

1 2
= Huntington’s
II 1 2
2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 2 3 4 5

1. Which members of the family above are afflicted with Huntington’s Disease? _________________________________

2. There are no carriers for Huntington’s Disease- you either have it or you don’t.
With this in mind, is Huntington’s disease caused by a dominant or recessive trait? ____________________________

3. How many children did individuals I-1 and I-2 have? _______________________________________________

4. How many girls did II-1 and II-2 have? _______ How many of these daughters have Huntington’s Disease? ______

5. How are individuals III-2 and II-4 related? ________________________ I-2 and III-5? _________________________

6. The pedigree to the right shows a family’s pedigree

for Hitchhiker’s Thumb. Is this trait
dominant or recessive? _______________________
1 2
7. How do you know? _________________________
8. How are individuals III-2 5 6
1 2 3 4
and III-3 related? ________________________ 1

9. How would you name the 2 individuals that III

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
have hitchhiker’s thumb? ___________________
10. Name the 2 individuals that were 1
carriers of hitchhiker’s thumb. ______________ 2 3 4

11. Is it possible for individual IV-3 to be a carrier? ___________ Why? ________________________________________

12. The pedigree to the right shows a family’s pedigree

**half-shaded = carrier of disease
for colorblindness. Which sex can be carriers of I
colorblindness and not have it? ______________________

13. With this in mind, what kind of trait is II

colorblindness (use your notes)? ______________________

14. Why does individual IV-7 have colorblindness?

15. Why do all the daughters in generation II carry the
colorblind gene? ____________________________________
16. Name 2 generation IV colorblind males. _________
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Genetics Pedigree Worksheet

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Try to identify the genotypes of the following individuals using the pedigree above.
(homozygous dominant, homozygous recessive, heterozygous)
 III-3: ___________________________________  I-1: ____________________________________
 II-1: ____________________________________  II-4: ____________________________________

1. Is this trait dominant or recessive? Explain your answer.


2. How can you know for sure that individuals II-3 and II-4 are heterozygous?

3. Do you think the cross above is sex-linked or autosomal? Explain your answer.

For Questions 1-9, use the pedigree chart shown below. Some of the labels may be used more than once.

________ 1. A male
2. A female
________ 3. A marriage

4. A person who expresses the trait

5. A person who does not express the trait
6. A connection between parents and offspring

________ 7. How many generations are shown on this chart?

Assuming the chart above is tracing the dominant trait of "White Forelock (F)" through the family. F is a tuft of
white hair on the forehead.
________8. What is the most likely genotype of individual “A”? (FF, Ff or ff?)
________9. What is the most likely genotype of individual “C”? (FF, Ff or ff?)

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