Attendance Policy

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Attendance (Leave) Policy

Policy Draft with the purpose to encourage efficient operations and minimize unscheduled absences.
1. Punctual & regular attendance is an essential responsibility of each employee, individually.
2. Employees are expected to report to work & start workings, as per the scheduled time and assignments’.
3. Employees also are expected to remain at works for their entire work schedule.
4. Late arrival, early departure etc. are disruptive and must be avoided.
Sundays shall not be paid if the
5. Uninformed or unauthorized leaves shall not be accepted at all.
same falls, within continuous
Required Discipline: leaves of above three days.

1. Obligatory Hours of Attendance; Minimum 8-9 Hours of Duty.

Preferably 9:30 to 6:30 (+/- 15-20 minutes) For All working days with 30 minutes of Lunch Break (2: PM to 2:30 PM, daily).
2. Attendance Record: - Every Branch Office, and Section’s I/C as well as District / Area I/C, (as key responsible
associates) shall be duty-bound to maintain an attendance ‘Record’ to inform and share with HRD on daily
3. Marking attendance: - Strict punctuality is expected of all members of the staff who should be in their places
and ready to begin their work before 10.00 a.m. ___ sharp. And, don’t forget to share updates on same as
the attendance marking (registers, sms / what’s-app messages etc.) shall be closed by 10: am (sharp) by HRD
and nothing excuse shall be entertained, there-after.
4. Late-Coming: Shall be marked exactly after 10 am (e.g. if someone reached at 10:01am, he /she shall be
estimated as late by 31 minutes and three late comings in a month’s time deserves 1 day to be marked as
5. Intolerable Prejudice: insubordination or misinformation else half-truths and fabricated appearances on being
present while persist absent there-at.
6. Leave Application: The sanctioning authority of all leaves is vested with the HRD, provided it comes duly
endorsed thru one’s immediate superior and Zonal Manager / Regional Manager.
7. Monthly (permitted) Leaves: All permanent employees are entitled to avail 12 casual leaves & 12 Sick
Leaves (Maximum 2 in a month) in a calendar year. However, all pending CLs & SLs required to be
consumed well within a quarter’s time frame, maximum. And in case of non-consumptions (by 100%) in
any financial year, the concerned employee shall be entitled for redemptions as appropriately fixed by
management i.e. being paid separately for all these days.
8. Bandh-Strikes (Shut-Downs) Hartal: Hospitals keep on working every day, so presence otherwise on works is
mandatory to claim salaries, this is the thumb-rule, here ___Else; No Works No Pays, in principal.
9. Disciplinary Action: Excessive absenteeism for 2 or 3 occurrences’ of misleading some information on
attendance, or unexcused incidents are sufficient for disciplinary action. And anything above 3 occurrences of
unexcused absences or false information’s are considered as grounds for termination.
10. Job Rejection Any employee who fails to report to work for a period of three days or more without notifying
his or her supervisors, superiors including HRD will be considered to have abandoned the job and voluntarily
terminated the employment relationship.

Mohit Safaya 91499 81223.

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