Unidad Educativa "Gran Colombia" Primer Parcial Segundo Quimestre

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Tema: Past progressive Curso: Third Week 24
Asignatura: English Docente: MSc. Bernardita Proaño
1. Realice los ejercicios de acuerdo a las instrucciones en hojas o en un cuaderno a mano
2. Envíe la tarea (PDF o Word) al siguiente correo electrónico: bernarose@outlook.es

TOPIC: Past progressive

Read carefully and perform the following activities

1. Complete the sentences with past progressive

2. Read, copy and answer the questions

Write the past simple or past continuous (past progressive) forms of the

verbs in the blanks.

This is Ted. He’s a monkey. He is four years old. He has two brothers and two

sisters. He lives with his cousins, uncles, aunts and

grandparents. They make one big family! Ted has one

problem: He likes to go to bed early, at 7:00, and wake

up early, at 5:00! His brothers, sisters and cousins, like to go to bed late and

wake up at 10:00. Ted can’t sleep when his brothers, sisters and cousins are

awake. They are noisy. His little sister never stops talking, his brother always
climbs the tree he sleeps under, and his cousins like to play noisy games. When

Ted wakes up early in the morning he is hungry. He needs to climb trees to

find bananas and other good things to eat. His family gets mad when he makes

noise. This a story of what he did one day…

Ted ____________ (lie) on the ground. It was 7:20. He wanted to go to

sleep. He was tired. He __________(try) to ignore his cousins. They

_____________(play) a game. They ___________(make) a lot of noise. All

of the sudden, Ted ___________(think) of a plan. He wanted to go away. He

wanted to find a new place to sleep! He ______________(get) up. He

_________(walk) away quietly. He didn’t want anybody to hear him. His

parents would tell him the woods were dangerous. When he

___________(walk) he ____________(hear) a noise. He _________(see) a

bear. He was scared. He ______(run) and ________(run) and

__________(run). The bear was gone! But Ted was lost. He didn’t know what

to do. Where was he? When he ______________(think) he saw a parrot. He

_________(ask) the parrot, “Have you seen my family?” The parrot

_______________________(answer) “Yes, I have. Come with me. I will show

you where to go.” The parrot _________(show) him where his family was. Ted

____________(saw) his father. He was very, very happy.

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