Role of Cement Type On Performance Change of Reinforcing Steel Due To Chloride Extraction. Construction and Building Materials

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Construction and Building Materials 208 (2019) 444–453

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Role of cement type on performance change of reinforcing steel

due to chloride extraction
Rana Elgebaley a, Yehia Elshazly b, Mona Elsalamawy a
Structural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt
Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt

h i g h l i g h t s

 ECE treatment is capable of removing the chloride ions.

 ECE has an adversely effect on bond strength and it is affected by cement type.
 Silica fume blended cement has been proved to be effective.
 Type of cement is an important factor to protect steel from corrosion.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Electrochemical chloride extraction ‘‘ECE” has been used for reinforced concrete structures to protect
Received 8 January 2019 steel from chloride-induced corrosion. ECE may change the performance of steel interface as represented
Received in revised form 1 March 2019 by polarization resistance, corrosion rate and pull out bond strength. Thus, there is a need to evaluate
Accepted 4 March 2019
these effects before and after ECE treatment for reinforced concrete made with different types of cements.
Available online 9 March 2019
This paper presents the evaluation of the performance changes of concrete specimens containing steel
rebar with different times of (ECE) treatments.
In this study; plain and blended cement which are commonly used in marine environment are inves-
Electrochemical chloride extraction
Polarization resistance
tigated; two types of ordinary Portland cement ‘‘CEM I 42.5N” with different alkalis and percentages of
Steel corrosion C3A and two types of blended cement; SLAG cement ‘‘CEMII/B-S-42.5N” and CEM I 42.5N with 10% silica
fume. Concrete mixes are subjected to either internal or external sources of chlorides. Other protective
methods have been evaluated for comparison; corrosion inhibitor admixtures and cementitious surface
coating. Corrosion initiation and corrosion rate were estimated by non-destructive techniques (Half-cell
potential and polarization resistance), while the pull out bond strength was evaluated for all mixes before
and after chloride extraction. The results indicated that applied ECE is an effective method of chloride
removal, but it adversely affects the pull out bond strength irrespective of cements type. However, the
use of silica fume blended cement has been proved to be effective.
Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction be controlled [2]. Cement composition can be changed by control-

ling the concentration of tricalcium aluminate (C3A) in cement, or
Corrosion of steel reinforcement is the major problem in con- using mineral materials such as blast furnace slag and silica fume.
crete structures. Chlorides are the main reason of this deterioration The partial replacement of cement by these materials leads to ben-
where they can penetrate into concrete in marine environment or eficial effects on reinforcement concrete structure [3,4]. Recently
in case of using contaminated aggregate. Many preventation meth- ECE technique has found new practical grounds in reducing the
ods are proposed to minimize the risk of corrosion; such as effect of corrosion of steel. It has been widely used to remove the
improving concrete properties by changing the cement type, or chloride ions from steel interface leading to the reduction of the
using corrosion inhibitor admixture and other electrochemical corrosion current density, therefore significantly prolonging the
techniques [1]. service life of the chloride-contaminated concrete structure [5].
Previous studies were noted that by changing the composition In this technique, the steel rebars was subjected as a cathode and
of cement used for concretes the diffusion of chlorides ions can an external anode was connected to the concrete surface. The
0950-0618/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Elgebaley et al. / Construction and Building Materials 208 (2019) 444–453 445

current density used for ECE is more than 2 A/m2, thus the resul- 2.1.4. Steel reinforcement
tant electrical field gradient repulses the negative chloride ions Steel reinforcement 12 mm diameter was used as steel reinforcement through-
out this study. The chemical composition and mechanical properties of steel are
and other anions away from the reinforcing steel. Previous studies given in Table 2. The steel rebars were cut into 15 cm long bars, cleaned with
[6] illustrated that ECE is nearly non-destructive and cost effective 50% citric acids solution to remove any debris material on its surface then cleaned
rehabilitation technique for chloride-contaminated reinforced con- with distilled water and immediately dried with compressed air before using.
crete structures. This techniques could remove more than 50%
chloride ions at steel-concrete interface after 7 weeks treatment 2.2. Mix proportions
[7]. However, the demerits of ECE treatment is accumulation of
Concrete specimens were prepared with cement content of 350 kg/m3; water/
positively charged ions such as Na+ and K+ at the interface
cement ratio is 0.47 and ratio of fine/coarse aggregate 1:1.5. The details of concrete
between steel and concrete [8]. mix proportion were shown in Table 3. Concrete mixtures were designed to satisfy
It is very important also to study the efficiency of using grade of 25 MPa. Two concrete mixtures were studied; sound concrete which does
advanced electrochemical techniques of ‘‘ECE” on different con- not contain any chloride and contaminated concrete where, sodium chloride ‘‘0.15%
by weight of cement” was added to the mixing water as a source of chloride ions.
crete properties by using plain and blended cement. Many
High range of water reducing admixture ‘‘Type F” was added to the mix to improve
researchers focused on the factors that affect ECE treatment such the workability of concrete and consistency with slump 17 cm. All concrete speci-
as the different electrolytes, current densities, durations of treat- mens were covered with wet clothes for 24 h, and then they were immersed in
ment, reinforcement arrangement and type of cements [9–13]. sodium chloride solution (3.5% NaCl) for one year. Other protective methods from
But there is no a lot available information is available to rapidly corrosion such as corrosion inhibitor admixture ‘‘C.I” and concrete surface coating
‘‘SC” were used for comparative studies.
estimate the influences of ECE treatment on bond between steel
and concrete. Thus there is important need to evaluate the pull
2.3. Experimental methods
out bond strength and corrosion rate before and after ECE treat-
ment for concrete with different types of cement. It is also impor- Cubes of 100  100  100 mm were used to monitor concrete compressive
tant to estimate and select the most effective and economic strength with time. Cylinder specimens of 75  150 mm reinforced with 12 mm
protection methods to resist chloride –induced corrosion due to steel bars placed centrally was prepared to evaluate the pull out bond strength;
specimen configuration is shown in Fig. 1. Half-cell potential technique was used
internal or external chloride diffusion.
to determine the initiation of corrosion, the test was conducted using Cu/CuSO4 ref-
erence electrode. Polarization resistance measurement was used to determine cor-
1.1. Research significance rosion behavior and corrosion rates of steel reinforcement before and after use ECE

ECE process has been established as one of the most efficient

2.3.1. Half-cell potential
technique for reducing, or even eliminating, corrosion in reinforced Half-cell potential measurement represents the thermodynamic trend of corro-
concrete structures. Yet, there is a need to evaluate its effect on the sion, but it cannot be used to represent the instantaneous corrosion rate [2]. As the
performance of steel interface as represented by polarization resis- reinforcing bar changes from a passive to an active state the potential of the steel
tance, corrosion rate and pull out bond strength. Also, the effect of measured against a reference electrode becomes increasingly more negative. It is
suggested in ASTM C-876 [16] that, the rebar has a corrosion possibility higher than
cement type and pozzolanic additives represent another factor that
90% when the measured half-cell potential is lower than 350 mV (CSE) and a
may alter the performance. This study aims to fill the gap in knowl- potential lower than 500 mV (CSE) represents a severe corrosion happened on
edge in this area by evaluating the performance of ECE for different the steel.
concrete mixes considering all the previous factors. Furthermore,
commonly traditional protection methods, such as corrosion inhi- 2.3.2. Linear polarization measurement
bitors and surface coating that can be used efficiently and econom- The corrosion rate was measured based on anodic current density obtained
ically to protect steel reinforcement from corrosion have been from the polarization curve, Fig. 2a&b Show the setup of polarization resistance
measurement. This test was conducted periodically after 6 months and one year
evaluated. of chloride exposure period. The corrosion cell consists of three electrodes; Graphite
counter electrode, saturated calomel electrode (CSE) as reference electrode and
steel reinforced in concrete specimens as working electrode [17]. The steel rod
2. Experimental program
was cathodically and anodically initial polarized from 2.5 V to 2.5 V with scan rate
2 mV/s as recommended by Gonzalez et al. [18].
2.1. Materials

2.1.1. Cement 2.3.3. Electrochemical chloride ion extraction, ECE.

Four types of cement were used throughout this study; two types of plain Ordi- Theory of ECE. The ECE treatment includes external anodes such as stainless
nary Portland cement and two types of blended cement. Two types of ordinary Port- steel mesh and direct power supply to generate constant potential. The electro-
land cement namely; cement #1 and cement #2 were used where cement #1 has chemical reactions occurring at the external anode are represented in two
higher values of alkalis and C3A content compared to cement #2. Blended cement equations
with slag or silica fume was studied as an example of commonly used blended
cement in concrete subjected to marine environment. According to ESS4756-1/ 2H2 O ! 4Hþ þ O2 " þ4e ð1Þ
2009 slag cement is designated as Cem II/B-S-42.5, while 10% replacement of

cement#1 by silica fume ‘‘SF” has been used as silica fume blended cement. Chem- 2Cl ! CL2 " þ2e ð2Þ
ical compositions and physical properties of the materials are shown in Table 1.
At the reinforced steel, hydrogen gas is evolved according to Eq. (3)

2.1.2. Aggregate
H2 O þ 2e ! 2OH þ H2 " ð3Þ
Natural siliceous sand was used as fine aggregates with specific gravity 2.6 and From Eq. (2), The oxygen gas is consumed then the hydroxyl ion OH– and chlo-
fineness modulus of 2.85. The coarse aggregate was pink limestone of 12.5 mm ride Cl– move toward the external anode through the pores and holes of concrete
nominal maximum size and specific gravity 2.58. Coarse and fine aggregate satisfy [19]. The ECE treatment was affected by many factors such as; voltage, current den-
the ASTM C33 specification [14]. sity, anode materials, thickness of concrete layout of steel rebars and concrete
2.1.3. Admixture
Organic Corrosion inhibitor concrete admixture and cementitious concrete sur- ECE set up. Concrete specimens which were exposed to chloride solution for
face coating materials was used as alternative traditional protecting methods of one year were connected to the negative end of DC power supply with voltage
concrete structures. XRD was conducted on the cementitious concrete surface coat- 2–3 V at constant current density of 5.0 A/m2. External stainless steel mesh placed
ing materials, where it reveals that this material mainly composed of 30% sand, 40% around the concrete cylinder was used as anode. ECE process set up is shown in
cement and 26% sodium carbonates. SF which meets the requirement of ASTM Fig. 3. The pH value of the electrolyte was checked every day and the solution
C1240/2011 [15] has been used as mineral admixture. was renewed every two days to avoid the evolution of chloride gas. The treatment
446 R. Elgebaley et al. / Construction and Building Materials 208 (2019) 444–453

Table 1
Properties of cementitious materials.

Chemical composition Ordinary Portland cement, CEM I42.5N Blended cement

Cement #1 Cement #2 Slag cement Cem II/B-S-42.5N Cement #1 + 10%SF
Cem I42.5N
Silicon dioxide SiO2 20.17 20.44 23.77 26.08
Aluminum oxide Al2O3 4.7 4.65 5.65 3.85
Iron oxide Fe2O3 3.38 4.3 3.25 3.80
Calcium oxide CaO 62.6 62.79 56.24 54.85
Magnesium oxide MgO 2.8 1.53 3.71 2.58
Sulfur Trioxide. SO3 2.76 2.35 2.84 2.55
Loss of ignition L.O.I 3.63 2.0 2.82 4.464
Potassium oxide K2O 0.34 0.19 0.27 0.34
Sodium oxide Na2O 0.51 0.32 0.55 0.48
Chloride 0.05 0.04 0.1 –
Total alkalis 0.72 0.44 0.72 –
C3S 56.0 53.4
C3A 6.70 5.0
Physical properties
Initial setting 2 h 45 min 2 h 45 min 1 h 40 min 3 h 25 min
Final setting 5h 3 h 55 min 4 h 20 min 5 h 55 min
Heat of hydration J/g 291.65 249.74 261.58 282.6

Table 2
Mechanical and Chemical properties of steel bars.

Mechanical properties Chemical composition

Steel diameter Yield stress MPa Ultimate stress MPa Elongation percent % Weight per unit meter Carbon content Sulfur Phosphor
12 mm 489 574 18 0.868 0.405 0.023 0.009

Table 3
Concrete mix proportion.

Type of cement Constituents of mixes Kg/m3

W/C Cement Fine aggregate Coarse aggregate SF admixture Type F
Cement #1 0.47 350 740 1060 – 4
Cement #2 –
Cem II/B-S-42.5 –
Cement#1 + 10%SF 35
cement#1 + C.I 12

was conducted on concrete cube specimens at 7 and 28 days.

Fig. 4 shows that 28 days compressive strength for all concrete
mixture was higher than 25 Mpa. Highest compressive strength
was achieved in the silica fume blended cement, where compres-
sive strength increased by 37.8% at age of 28 days compared to ref-
erence concrete made by Cement#1. This conform with pervious
studied about effectiveness of using silica fume due to its high fine-
ness and specific surface area which lead to increasing the strength
and lowering the permeability [20]. On the other hand, Slag
cement shows a slightly reduction in compressive strength of
10.5% and 3% lower than reference concrete made by Cement#1
at 7 and 28 days respectively. This may be due to delay pozzolanic
reaction of slag [21].

Fig. 1. Dimension of specimen.

3.2. Potential-time behavior
period varied from 10, 20 and 30 days. After each period, corrosion rate was mon-
itor using Potintiostat. After the completion of 30 days, the pull out bond strength
Potential difference between the reinforced steel bar and the
between steel bars and concrete was determined.
reference electrode (Cu/CuSo4) was recorded periodically every
month up to one year. Potential difference for each concrete spec-
3. Results and discussion imen is calculated as the average reading of ten bars specimens. In
potential analysis, the corrosion probability increases by increasing
3.1. Compressive strength negatively potential difference according to ASTM C 876 [22]. The
potential-time behavior of steel embedded in contaminated con-
Concrete mixture was designed to satisfy the required specifica- crete and sound concrete up to one year are shown in Fig. 5a and
tion of 25 Mpa compressive strength. Thus compressive strength b respectively. All specimens immersed in chloride solution,
R. Elgebaley et al. / Construction and Building Materials 208 (2019) 444–453 447

[2]. Previous studies concluded that for slag cement low potential
Ponostat values between 600 and 700 mv/SCE were recorded [18]. As
Working indicated in previous studies, sulphides are responsible of such
electrode results [23]. Another hypothesis demonstrated that due to the finer
(Steel bar) porosity of composition CEMII-S and the saturated condition in the
experiments, there is low oxygen content at the steel/concrete
interface. In absence of oxygen, steel potential could reach value
as low as 1 V/SCE [24]. According to ASTM standard, the analysis
shows that the corrosion probability is very high for all the rebars
since the beginning of the experimental study. It is important to
note that the interpretations are of probabilities of corrosion only
3.5% NaCl and that there are other possible causes of high negative potentials.
It should also be noted that half-cell potentials give no indication
of the rate of corrosion, nor of how long the steel has been corrod-
(a): schematic of potential cell set up ing [25]. It is important to point out that despite these negative
(lower than 700 mV SCE) potential values the steel in such condi-
tions that concrete are completely immersed in the sea water nor-
mally does not exhibit a significant corrosion rate [26].

3.3. Polarization studies before ECE

The results of polarization resistance for different concretes

specimens after one year of chloride exposure are shown in
Fig. 6a and b for contaminated and sound concrete respectively.
It can be observed that the use of blended cement with SF or slag
resulted in a slightly higher potential difference. This means that,
current density of corrosion shifts to the positive potential.

3.4. Factor affecting ECE

(b): potenal state cell
Fig. 2. Polarization resistance measurement.
3.4.1. Effect of cement type on ECE
ECE has been conducted on chloride contaminated and sound
concrete specimens after one year of chloride exposure for differ-
potential values were between 400 and 600 mv/SCE. For speci- ent periods 10, 20, and 30 days. After each period of polarization
mens containing cement#1 and others with silica fume, the steel resistance measurement was conducted to quantify the instanta-
potential remained constant up to one year, this indicated that neous corrosion state of steel. The polarization curves before and
chlorides reached the rebar and the profiles became rather flat. after chloride ion extraction for the different concretes are shown
On the other hand, specimens containing Cement#2 (low alkalis) in Figs. 7–10. Each graph consist of two curves; one for specimens
showed a higher negative potential values which indicated that which was subjected to one year of chloride exposure before ECE
higher amount of chloride ions have reached steel bars due to and the other for specimens subjected to ECE treatment for
lower content of alkalis. 30 days. It was observed from these Figures that for all types of
It is observed that lower potential values for specimens contain- cement, samples showed a decrease in corrosion rate after treat-
ing slag cement ‘‘Cem II B–S 42.5N” in comparison with ment. Steel bars exhibit a passive condition after 30 days of ECE.
cement#1. Slag cement show a negative potential 650 ± 100 The current density values are also shifted to lower values. For
mv/SCE after immersion in chloride solution up to 120 days for example in chloride contaminated concrete; the current density
sound and contaminated concrete specimens, this may be due to of steel shifted from 102 lA.cm2 to 103 lA.cm2 for steel in
slightly increase in binding capacity of slag cement after 120 days concrete made with cement#1while, no significance difference of

Fig. 3. ECE process set up.

448 R. Elgebaley et al. / Construction and Building Materials 208 (2019) 444–453

Cement#1 cement#1
0 Cement#2
Cement#1+10% SF Cement#1+10%SF
CemII-S-42.5N low 10% corrosion
Cem II-B-S 42.5 N

SCE potential difference in mV

Compressive strength MPa


intermediate corrosion
-400 90% corrosion


Severe corrosion

0 50 100 150 200 250 300

7 28 Ages in days

Ages (days) a. Chloride Contaminated concrete

Fig. 4. Compressive strength for different concrete mixes.

current density by using Cement #2. It should be noted that for the 0 Cement#2
sound concrete the initial current density was lower than the chlo- Cement#1+10%SF
CemII-S-42.5N low 10% corrosion
ride contaminated concrete.
SCE potential difference in mV

3.4.2. Effect of blended cement on ECE intermediate corrosion
The effect of ECE was dependent on type of cement due to
mechanism of chloride binding. For concrete with silica fume -400
blended cement, the current density was shifted from 104 lA. 90% corrosion

cm2 to 106 lA.cm2. It can be observed that the use of slag

cement or silica fume blended cement has reduced the corrosion -600
density significantly. This may be due to the formation of very fine
products of hydration that lead to pores refinement [27] and lower Severe corrosion
chemical immobilization of chlorides in blended cement concrete. -800
Consequently, an increase in the resistance to penetration of
aggressive agents is obtained. Previous studies which study the
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
influence of blending cement with slag show that better durability
of slag cement concrete than ordinary Portland cement concrete Ages in days
under the same environment or the identical treatment condition
[28,29]. b. Sound concrete
Fig. 5. Half-Cell potential measurements.
3.4.3. Chloride extraction efficiency
The efficiency of chloride ion extraction was expressed as the
percentage of reduction of current density after 30 days of ECE finer pore structure which limiting chloride diffusion in cement
compared to initial value before ECE treatment as shown in Figs. 11, containing pozzolanic additives [30]. It was also observed from Fig-
12 for contaminated and sound concrete respectively. The effi- ures that the current density for blended cement concrete was
ciency of ECE was calculated as follows; lower significantly compared to ordinary Portland cement con-
crete. Where these reductions were 19%, 38% for slag and silica
Di lA=cm2
% of ECE efficiency ¼ ð4Þ fume blended cement respectively compared to ordinary Portland
iinitial cement at the end of the ECE treatment.
where; Di lA=cm2 is the difference between initial current density
before ECE and current density after 30 days of chloride extraction. 3.4.4. Corrosion rate
iinitial is the current density before chloride extraction. Corrosion rate of steel reinforcement was calculated from elec-
The efficiency of ECE in contaminated concrete was almost trochemical measurement during ECE. Fig. 13a, b shows a compar-
stable for the different types of concrete. The efficiency was 22%, ison of corrosion rate of concrete samples with different types of
20%, 25%, 28% for concrete with cement#1; cement #2; slag cement for contaminated and sound concrete respectively. It was
cement and silica fume blended cement respectively. As shown observed that, the blended cement sample with 10% of silica fume
in Fig. 10; the results of current density for sound concrete indi- has the lowest corrosion rate prior and after to ECE. The reduction
cated that the efficiency of ECE was affected by cement types of corrosion rate was almost completed within 10 days of ECE
where higher efficiency (44%) was found in concrete with plain which is considered as sufficient time for repair and rehabilitation
cement; cement#1 and cement #2 cement. while this value was of any concrete structure.
32%, 28% for concrete made by slag cement and concrete with silica After ECE treatment, the total reduction of corrosion rate com-
fume respectively. this is may be related to low permeability and pared to initial value before treatment were 44%, 64.4%, 61% and
R. Elgebaley et al. / Construction and Building Materials 208 (2019) 444–453 449

3 60% for steel in Cement #1, Cement#2, Slag and silica fume con-
Cement#1 (intermediate alkalis) crete respectively. The electrochemical chloride extraction showed
Cement#2 (Low alkalis)
Cem ent#1+10%SF more than 64% efficiency in terms of reduction in corrosion rate
Cem II-B/S irrespective of chloride levels in different concretes. This observa-
tion clearly brings out the fact that this treatment is able to remove
Corrosion Potential (V)/SCE

1 electrochemically the chlorides form concrete and protect the

rebars from the corrosive environments without any need of using
re- alkalization agents. Corrosion rate after 30 days of ECE was cal-
0 culated also using weight loss by estimating the weight loss of
rebar by calculating the difference between the initial weight
before casting and the final weight after ECE using Eq. (5)

C:RðmpyÞ ¼ K W=q A t ð5Þ

Which: K = 534 as constant, W = weight loss (mg) , q = density
7.9 g/cm3
-3 A = exposed area (in2), T = time (hr.).
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 The results of calculated corrosion rate using electrochemical
Current intensity, µ A/cm
2 process and weight loss method for all different protection tech-
niques are tabulated in Table 4. Advanced techniques of corrosion
a: contaminated concrete protection ‘‘ECE” and traditional techniques such as corrosion inhi-
bitor admixtures and cementitious surface coating materials are
3 compared in terms of corrosion rate as shown in Table 2. The
Cement #1 (intermediate alkalis) higher values of corrosion rate may be due to higher current den-
Cement #2(Low alkalis) sities, where other authors believe that concrete cracking can gen-
2 Cement#1 +10%SF
Cem II-B/S erate as a function of the chloride extraction rate [31].

3.5. Comparative study between traditional technique and ECE


A comparative study was conducted between different corro-


sion protection techniques; ECE, corrosion inhibitor admixture

-1 and cementitious surface coating. Polarization curves for three dif-
ferent techniques after one year of chloride exposure are presented
in Fig. 14a, b for contaminated concrete and sound respectively. It
should be noted that, traditional protection techniques ‘‘corrosion
inhibitor admixture or cementitious surface coating” were com-
-3 pared with ECE of SF blended cement concrete and cement#1.
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 The results show that no significance difference between concrete
Current intensity, µ A/cm
specimens containing corrosion inhibitor admixture and surface
coated concrete specimens. However, the current density
b: sound concrete specimens decreased significantly for SF-concrete specimens and concrete
specimens with intermediate alkalis (cement #1) subjected to
Fig. 6. Polarization curves for concrete specimens after one year.
ECE for 30 days, where the values of Icorr were lower than the lim-
its of 0.1 lA/cm2 proposed for passive conditions [9,32].

Fig. 7. Potentiostatic polarization curves for steel embedded in chloride contaminated concrete made with ordinary Portland cement a). Before ECE treatment b). After ECE
450 R. Elgebaley et al. / Construction and Building Materials 208 (2019) 444–453

Fig. 8. Potentiostatic polarization curves for steel embedded in chloride contaminated concrete made with blended cement a). Before ECE treatment b). After ECE treatment.

Fig. 9. Potentiostatic polarization curves for steel embedded in sound concrete made by ordinary Portland cement a). Before ECE treatment b). After ECE treatment.

Fig. 10. Potentiostatic polarization curves for steel embedded in sound concrete made by blended cement a). Before ECE treatment b) After ECE treatment.

3.6. Effect of ECE on pull out bond strength concrete was slightly for ordinary Portland cement -concrete,
where pull out bond strength was increased by 7% and 24% for con-
Fig. 15 shows the results of pull out bond strength for steel crete with cement#1 and cement#2 respectively. While for con-
embedded in different concrete mixture before ECE. It was crete made of slag, silica fume and corrosion inhibitor, the
observed that pull out bond strength for chloride contaminated increase of pull out bond strength reached to 38% & 39% and 41%
concrete was higher than in sound concrete. The increase of pull respectively. These results were confirmed by other researches
out bond strength in contaminated concrete compared to sound [3,8] who illustrated the effect of the thin layer of corrosion on
R. Elgebaley et al. / Construction and Building Materials 208 (2019) 444–453 451

80 60
Cement #1 Cement #1
Cement#2 Cement#2
Current density micro ampere/cm 2

50 Cement#1+10%SF
Cem II-S-42.5 N Cem II-S-42.5 N

Corrosion rate , mpy


40 30



0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Time of chloide extraction (days) Duration of ECE, days

Fig. 11. Corrosion current densities of reinforced chloride contaminated concrete

a : Contaminated concrete during ECE
with the ECE treatment time.

Cement #1
80 Cement#2
Cement #1 50 Cem I+10%SF
Corrosion rate , mmpy
Current density micro ampere/cm 2

Cement#2 Cem II-S-42.5 N

70 Cement#1+10%SF
Cem II-S-42.5 N

50 30


10 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
0 Duration of ECE, days
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
b: Sound concrete during ECE
Time of chloide extraction (days)
Fig. 13. Corrosion rate of steel reinforcement.
Fig. 12. Corrosion current densities of reinforced sound concrete with the ECE
treatment time.

60%. Other studies [6] reported that during ECE process, the hydro-
steel bar used to increase the surface roughness and enhance the xyl ion OH and chloride Cl ions move from the cathode to the
friction between steel bar and the surrounding concrete. anode; and the ions of Na+ and k+ also move to the cathode and
It should be noted that ECE may have an adversely effect on pull accumulated near the steel rebar, and some of them combined
out bond strength due to the path of chloride extraction near the with the hydroxyl ion OH to produce the alkaline hydroxide,
steel/concrete interface. Fig. 16 shows the reduction of pull out which would make the concrete become softened. This would
bond strength after ECE for chloride contaminated and sound con- decrease the cohesive force between the steel rebar and the
crete, where, the pull out bond strength of chloride contaminated concrete.
concrete was decreased by 50%, 63% for concrete with plain After one year of chloride exposure, the reduction of pull out
cement; cement#1 and cement #2 respectively. The reduction of bond strength in coated-concrete compared to reference concrete
pull out bond strength in concrete with blended cement by slag specimens ‘‘cement #1” 8 was 29.6% and 54% for contaminated
and silica fume was 58% and 28% respectively. For sound concrete, and sound concrete respectively. This indicates that, surface treat-
the reduction for pull out bond strength was almost the same for ments may be very effective in slowing down the penetration of
different concrete mixture and this reduction was 63% on average. aggressive substances (good barrier properties), usually they also
The causes of this reduction of pull out bond strength after to slow down the evaporation of water from the concrete This may
ECE was reported previously by Wang, X., et al. [11]. It was raise problems of vapor pressure, causing loss of bond between
depicted that ECE treatment alter the chemistry and morphology the concrete and the surface-treatment layer (terminating or at
of the cement paste near the steel-mortar interface. Chang [33] least reducing the protection provided [34]. On the other hand,
found that interface softening was the main cause leading to cohe- concrete specimens containing corrosion inhibitor admixture
sive forces degradation and the reduction reached about 40% to reveals a slightly enhancement in pull out bond strength. The
452 R. Elgebaley et al. / Construction and Building Materials 208 (2019) 444–453

Table 4
The corrosion rate values from potential state and weight loss.

Type of cement Corrosion rate calculated from potential state ‘‘mpy” Corrosion rate calculated from weight loss ‘‘mpy”
Sound concrete Contaminated concrete Sound concrete Contaminated concrete
Cement#1 16 18.5 12.4 16.2
Cement #2 15 16 12.4 13.7
Slag cement 15 11.5 16 10
Silica fume Blended cement 13 10 11 12
Corrosion inhibitor 18 20 12 17
Surface coating 16 20 13 15

3 12
Cement #1 (intermediate alkalis) after ECE Cement#1
Cement#1 +10%SF, after ECE Cement#2
Corrosion inhibitor
2 Cement#1+10% SF
concrete surface coating 10
Cem II-B-S 42.5 N
Corrosion inhibtor
1 Surface coating

Bond strength, MPa





10 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Current intensity, µ A/cm Contaminated concrete Sound concrete
a: Contaminated concrete Fig. 15. Pull out bond strength before chloride extraction.
Cement #1 (intermediate alkalis) after ECE
Cement#1 +10%SF, after ECE
Corrosion inhibitor
2 100
concrete surface coating
Cement #1
1 Cement #1+10%SF
80 Cem II-S-42.5 N

Reduction in bond strength %

Surface coating



-5 20
10 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Current intensity, µ A/cm

b: sound concrete 0
Contaminated concrete Sound concrete
Fig. 14. Potentiostatic polarization curves for different corrosion protection
techniques. Fig. 16. Effect of using E.C.E technique on bonding strength.

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contaminated concrete respectively. the performance. The main conclusions were as follow.

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4. Conclusion sion potential and corrosion current; where current density for
steel embedded in plain cement#1 concrete was less than
In this paper, the effect of ECE on the performance of steel cement#2 by 50% and 47% for contaminated and sound con-
interface was evaluated using polarization resistance, corrosion crete respectively. This may be due to the Cement#1 has higher
rate and pull out bond strength. In addition, the role of cement alkalinity than cement#2.
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