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Name : Ammar Muhammad Azhar

NIM : 2102025273
Class : 2i management

Assignment 1


A. Arbitary : Sewenang-Wenang
B. Taxes : Pajak
C. Penetrate : Menembus
D. Requirements : Persyaratan
E. Protectionist : Proteksionis
F. Growth : Pertumbuhan
G. Unprecedented : Belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya
H. Poverty : Kemiskinan
I. Bonds : Obligasi
J. Proportion : Proporsi

A. Arbitary = 10. Unparalled
B. Taxes = 5. Quantity
C. Penetrate = 7. Pierce
D. Requirements = 1. Need
E. Protectionist = 3. Contribution
F. Growth = 6. Extention
G. Unprecedented = 4. Random
H. Poverty = 9. Follower
I. Bonds = 8. Obligations
J. Proportion = 2. Relationship

a. The advertisements appeared in the newspaper and on the radio. (Correct)
b. She is trained as both an accountant and in nursing. (Incorrect)
c. We can take either my car or yours to the party. (Incorrect)
d. The car needs new tires but not a new engine. (Correct)
e. The sick child needs some medicine, some juice, and to rest. (Incorrect)
f. The living room was decorated with expensive paintings and elegance lamps.
g. The pastries in that shop are very expensive but quite deliciously. (Correct)
h. The novel was both emotional and description. (Incorrect)
i. Neither the teacher nor the students are ready to leave the classroom. (Correct)
j. You can meet with me either in the next few minutes or at 4:00 (Correct)

a. Jane tried to read a novel in a bus, but it was too difficult.
b. Melissa needed some money, so she took a partt-time job.
c. June owns a guitar, and she plays it really well.
d. They were poor, but often suffered great hardship.
e. This must not happen again, or you will be dismissed.
f. Tomorrow it might be cloudy, but it might be sunny

a. She is neither polite nor funny.
b. This salad is both delicious and healthy.
c. I like both to sing opera and to spend my spare time practicing ballroom dances.
d. We are waiting for the boys. neither Roy nor Joe has come yet.
e. “Oh dear! I have left both my purse and keys in other bag.” said Jenna.

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