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What is astronomy?

Astronomy is the study of everything in the universe beyond Earth's atmosphere. That
includes objects we can see with our naked eyes, like the Sun, the Moon, the planets,
and the stars. It also includes objects we can only see with telescopes or other
instruments, like faraway galaxies and tiny particles.

What are the 4 types of astronomy? Explain each type.

Astrophysics applies the principles of physics to astronomy. Akin with geophysics which
studies Earth’s physics, astrophysics relates physical processes and properties to stars,
celestial bodies, and its surrounding space.

Astrometry focuses on the precise position of celestial bodies. It also provides a frame
of reference for the movement of stars and individual objects in space.

Astrogeology is very closely related to exogeology. They both focus on how geology
relates to celestial bodies like moons, asteroids, meteorites, and comets.

Astrobiology involves the search for life outside Earth. Astrobiology pulls from
astrochemistry to better understand substances in celestial bodies, stars, and
interstellar space. Observing molecules in space gives a solid indication of the physical
conditions of what we are used to on present-day Earth.

How do you explain astronomy to a child?

For me establish basic understanding, Children in elementary will benefit from informal
discussions about how the night sky is different compared to the day sky. This will help
encourage their interest in astronomy. Ask your child questions about what they see in
the sky during the day as opposed to night. Also by showing them some visual example
that the student have a lot of interest in this lesson.

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