Opinion Writing Mini Lesson

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3rd Grade Minilesson

Planning to Write an Opinion Piece

Title: Writing an Opinion Piece

Date: February 2020
Materials: Brainstorming Graphic Organizer; Opinion Piece Graphic Organizer (Oreo

Iowa Core:W.3.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with

Milestones: Write multi-paragraph persuasive essays with a position and reasons linked to
supporting evidence (W.3.1)

Learning Target: How to plan a multi-paragraph opinion piece.

I Can Learning Target: I can make a plan to write an opinion piece.

Assessment: Observation and anecdotal notes: Did the students use the graphic organizer
successfully to plan the parts of the opinion piece?

Set the Purpose This is your purpose for today. I am going to show you how to make a
plan for writing an opinion piece using a graphic organizer. Your goal
Gain student’s for today is: I can make a plan to write an opinion piece.
Writers sometimes write about their opinions on a topic. An opinion is
The teacher tells the what they think about something; and then they try to persuade their
students today’s goal readers that their opinion is right. An opinion piece is like an Oreo
and teaching point, cookie: I have an introduction where I state my opinion, the filling is
and how this work is all the reasons and examples that support my opinion, and the last part
relevant to their of the cookie is the conclusion and where I write about my opinion
writing. again.

Review Prior You have learned about the writing process. You know that writers
first begin by thinking about possible topics for their writing. Then
Skills and they make a plan for the writing before they write their first draft. This
Knowledge is what we are doing today.

Review what has

been taught.

New Instruction Model: Watch me as I brainstorm ideas. I am going to think about

I Do - My Turn topics that are important to me, topics that I have a strong opinion
about. Today I am thinking about things that I want to change.
● Using a brainstorming form - write and read each of my
Show and tell –
topics (examples): 1) Everyone should own a pug, 2)
modeling (My turn/I
There should be year-round school, 3) third graders
do it).
should be allowed to eat ice cream in the classroom.
● Select one topic - this is one that I feel strongly about -
The teacher shows
something that I want to change.
and tells the
students something
Model: I have selected my topic, now watch me as I use my Oreo
writers do.
Cookie graphic organizer to organize my thinking about my topic.
● I will state my opinion.
The teacher ● I will add three reasons that support my opinion and I
demonstrates with a will give examples.
mentor text. ● I will use linking words and phrases
● I will write a conclusion and restate my opinion.

Complete the graphic organizer in front of the students. Write aloud

and think aloud as you fill in the graphic organizer.

Guided Practice: Now it’s our turn together. Let’s brainstorm some ideas together about
We Do - Our things that are important to you. Then we will select one idea and
organize our thinking on the Oreo Cookie graphic organizer.
Now we will use the Oreo Cookie graphic organizer and write down
Prompted guided our topic: we’ll state our opinion. Next let’s add three reasons that
practice of what has support our opinion. I will help you with linking words and phrases.
been taught (Our And finally, let's add a conclusion and restate our opinion.
turn/We do it).
Provide feedback ● Use the graphic organizer. What goes here?
● What information is needed? What does it say?
Prompts: ● I am going to point to this section. What will you write?
● Visual prompts.
● Verbal prompts
● Physical prompts
● Write who or what is in your piece (or where).
● What will you do first? What will you do next?
Levels of
● Remember to write down your topic first.
● Tell them what to do.
● Ask them what to do.
● Remind them what to

Collaborative Now it’s your turn together to help each other think about the different
Practice: parts of your opinion piece on the Oreo Cookie graphic organizer.

You Do - You Do
With your partner talk about your opinion that you will state, and help
It Together each other write down the different reasons that support your opinion.
Include an interesting detail for each part.
Collaborative ○ Introduce and state your opinion (Beginning)
practice of what has ○ What is the first reason that supports your
been taught (Your opinion?
turn/You do it ○ What is the second reason that supports your
together). opinion?
○ What is the third reason that supports your
Provide feedback opinion?
○ How will it end? (Conclusion)

Summarizes and You have just made a plan for your opinion piece. You introduce and
Links state your opinion, you know the reasons you will use to support your
opinion, and you have a conclusion that restates your opinion.
The teacher
Let's review our goal for today: I can make a plan to write an opinion
reiterates the
piece. Did we meet our goal?
teaching point and
links the lesson back
to the students’

Close You are beginning an opinion piece that will be interesting to your
readers. The next step will be to write your draft. That means you will
develop your opinion piece with the information from your graphic
Very brief. The
closing is tied to the organizer.
mini-lesson and is
used as a time to
review, troubleshoot,
or further instruct.

Active It’s time to write on your own. You will need to use the plan for
Involvement and writing that you just made, your graphic organizer, to help keep your
writing focused on your opinion. Remember to include everything in
your piece from your plan and develop it with interesting details. This
You Do- You It will be your first draft.

Unprompted practice
(You do it alone.)

Provide feedback

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