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Fact Sheet July 2013

Unintended Pregnancy and Unsafe Abortion

In the Philippines
CONTRACEPTIVE USE IS LOW • Little progress has been made toward that 560,000 abortions occurred in 2008
• In 2011, 49% of married Filipino reducing the proportion of married and 610,000 abortions took place in 2012.
women were using any method of contra- women who want to avoid pregnancy but
• Women who have abortions are similar
ception, slightly higher than the propor- are not using a method of contraception.
to Filipino women overall: They are typi-
tion in 1998 (47%), but lower than the The proportion of married women with
cally Catholic, married, are mothers and
proportion in 2008 (51%). an unmet need for contraception was the
have at least a high school education.
same in 2011 as it was in 1998.
• Many women are unable to achieve The most common reason women give for
their desired family size, in part because • Unmarried women who are sexually having an abortion is their inability to af-
modern method use is low. On average, active have a significantly higher level of ford raising a child. Other commonly cited
Filipino women give birth to more chil- unmet need than married women. Nearly reasons are that they felt they already had
dren than they want (3.3 vs. 2.4 chil- half of unmarried sexually active women at enough children or that their pregnancy
dren), highlighting how difficult it is for risk of an unintended pregnancy were not came too soon after their last birth.
a woman to meet her fertility desires. using contraception.
• Nearly all abortions are clandestine and
• The gap between achieved fertility and • In 2008, 54% of all pregnancies in carry associated risks, though the skill
desired fertility is particularly striking the Philippines—nearly 2 million—were and training of providers vary. Although
among the poorest Filipino women who unintended and 90% of those unintended some women are able to obtain medically
have nearly two more children than they pregnancies occurred among women who recommended procedures, many resort
want (5.2 vs. 3.3). were using traditional, ineffective meth- to untrained providers who use danger-
ods or no method at all. ous methods, putting the health of the
• Though married Filipino women showed woman at serious risk.
a modest increase in modern method use • A 2009 study of the benefits of meeting
between 1998 and 2011 (28% vs. 37%), contraceptive needs concluded that if • Poor Filipino women are significantly
the latter rate was substantially lower all Filipino women at risk for unintended more likely than nonpoor women to use
than the average for Southeastern Asia pregnancy used a modern method, un- riskier methods of abortion and they
(55%) and the rates in other populous planned births would decline by 800,000 therefore disproportionately experience
countries such as Indonesia (57%), per year and there would be 500,000 severe complications.
Vietnam (68%) and Thailand (79%). fewer abortions per year.
• According to the 2004 national abor-
• Among married women using any form CLANDESTINE ABORTION IS WIDE- tion study, an estimated 22% of poor
of contraception, one in four use a tra- SPREAD IN THE PHILIPPINES Filipino women used a catheter or heavy
ditional, less-effective method, such as • The Philippines abortion law is among abdominal pressure in an abortion at-
periodic abstinence. the strictest in the world. Abortion is tempt, while no nonpoor women resorted
illegal under all circumstances and there to such methods. Moreover, poor women
UNMET NEED FOR CONTRACEPTION IS are no explicit exceptions. Nonetheless, were far less likely to use safer methods,
HIGH AND UNINTENDED PREGNANCY because of high levels of unintended such as dilation and curettage (D&C) or
pregnancy, abortion is common in the manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), than
• In 2011, nearly 20% of married Filipino
country. Projections that were based on the nonpoor (13% vs. 55%).
women had an unmet need for contracep-
the national abortion rate in 2000 (the
tion; these women did not want a child • About 1,000 Filipino women die each
most recent available) and that took into
soon or wanted to stop having children year from abortion complications, which
account population increase estimated
all together, but were not using any con- contributes to the nation’s high maternal
traceptive method.
mortality rate. Projections that • The law requires the provision RECOMMENDATIONS • Ensure that all women have
were based on data from 2000 of “humane and nonjudgmental • Educate the public about access to emergency obstetric
indicate that over 100,000 postabortion care.” The law modern contraceptives and the and neonatal care.
women were hospitalized for also prohibits private provid- risks of unintended pregnancy
• Study the impact of the cur-
abortion complications in 2012; ers, local government officials and unsafe abortion.
rent abortion ban, and explore
countless others suffered com- and employers from banning,
• Ensure adequate funding for allowing abortion at least in
plications that went untreated. restricting or coercing the use
the full range of contraceptive exceptional cases, such as to
of reproductive health services.
• The stigma surrounding methods, as well as counseling, save a woman’s life or preserve
abortion makes it difficult for • As of early 2013, implementa- so that women can find and use her health, in cases of rape or
women to seek postabortion tion of the RH Law was delayed the methods that are most suit- incest, and when there is gross
care. Some women report feel- by the Philippines Supreme able to their needs. fetal deformity incompatible
ing shamed and intimidated by Court. Still, the passage of with life.
• Eliminate barriers to contra-
health care workers and in some the bill represents a historic For more information on un-
ception among vulnerable popu-
cases, women are not given milestone. intended pregnancy and abortion
lations—such as poor women,
pain relievers or anesthetics in the Philippines see Unintended
• In contrast to the liberal- rural women and adolescents— pregnancy and unsafe abortion
or are denied treatment all
izing trend in contraceptive by making clinics more acces- in the Philippines: context and
together. Others report being
policy, abortion in the Philip- sible and youth-friendly and consequences, In Brief, New York:
threatened that they would be Guttmacher Institute, 2013, No.
pines remains illegal under all by providing free or low-cost
turned over to the police. 3. <http://www. guttmacher.org/
circumstances and is highly family planning. pubs/IB-unintendedpregnancy-
• Doctors themselves report stigmatized. Although a liberal philippines.pdf>
• Integrate contraceptive
having a bias against postabor- interpretation of the law could
services with other reproductive
tion care patients; some believe exempt abortion provision from
health services, and provide
that these women have commit- criminal liability when done to
contraceptive counseling and
ted punishable crimes. save the woman’s life, there is
services for women in post-
no such explicit provision. There
REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH LAW partum and postabortion care
are also no explicit exceptions
AND POLICY to allow abortion in cases of
• The Reproductive Health Law rape, incest or fetal impairment. • Destigmatize postabortion
(RH Law), passed in 2012, has
care among providers, to ensure
several provisions that have • The Penal Code renders abor-
fair and humane treatment and
the potential to dramatically tion a criminal offense, punish-
among the population as a
improve women’s health and re- able by up to six years in prison
whole, to encourage women to
duce maternal mortality, and to for doctors and midwives who
seek timely postabortion care.
confer social and economic ben- perform the procedure and by
efits that would help families, 2–6 years in prison for women • Train more medical providers, 88 Times Street, West Triangle Homes
communities and the nation. who undergo the procedure. A including midlevel personnel, Quezon City 1104 Philippines
separate set of laws under the Tel: 63 2.926.6230
in the use of safer and less in-
• The RH Law mandates the office@likhaan.org
Midwifery Act, Medical Act and vasive methods of postabortion
supply of full range of contra- Pharmaceutical Act permit the care (such as MVA), and ensure www.likhaan.org
ceptive methods, particularly to revocation or suspension of the availability of these methods in
marginalized populations and licenses of any practitioner who relevant health facilities.
the poor. performs abortions or provides

125 Maiden Lane

New York, NY 10038 USA
Tel: 212.248.1111


July 2013

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