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I will say that although this project was mentally dragging and left me tired at most times,

I truly enjoyed it. When finding out how my sock drive left such a great impact on people, I was

happy and realized all that hard work did something amazing for so many people. A big

challenge while doing my project was figuring out how to start, I’ve never done something like

this before. I didn’t know how to start up a sock drive in a way it would be successful. It was a

large task and at times I regretted choosing it but in the end it was worth the stress.

Growing up I didn’t have a lot, so it helped to inspire me to help people going through a

rough time. Especially now, money is tight and not everyone has enough to spend it on new

things. When deciding my senior project I realized I wanted to give back in a way, I wanted to be

the people who helped me as a child; and I hope one day I inspire someone else the way I was


When starting the sock drive my goal was to collect at least 200 pairs of socks, I ended

the sock drive with over 1,000 socks collected. I was so surprised and overfilled with joy to see

how successfully it ended. At times I wish I tried just a bit harder so that my experience wouldn’t

have been as stressful, I would’ve started planning out the sock drive a lot sooner than I did. My

communication skills with everyone was definitely flawed and I could’ve worked a lot harder on

that. Everything that I learned while doing this project will be something I take with me when I

go out into the real world.

When we were read off the requirements I automatically knew that this project was going

to be a challenge. I was scared that I was going to fail before I even started. It was only hard if I

made it hard, everything about this presentation goes off about how you do things. If you

procrastinate and don’t do anything then you're making everything harder for yourself. With the

help from my peers I was able to successfully finish and even when procrastination occurred

they helped me power through it.

What are some interesting discoveries that you made while working on this project?

Some interesting things I learned while doing this project was while preparing and

researching. I originally was just going to do a drive but while researching was that socks was a

very underrated item in donations so I decided this was a perfect opportunity. What I learned

personally was how emotionally connected I am to this project and how much it means to me.

While doing this project I realized how passionate I am about it, I'm very emotionally

connected to it and loved every second no matter how irritating it was at times. I hope in the

future that students use my senior project as a inspiration for their projects. I’ll always hold this

experience very dear to me and use it in the future.

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