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U.S.-based companies offer some leverage regarding an employee’s ability to grow within the ranks.

However, professionals who want to expand their horizons, broaden their professional reach and

increase their potential on a more significant scale will find that global companies provide several

significant benefits in the professional realm as well.

Notable Global Employers

There are many companies that offer global opportunities to business professionals. Mail service

DHL, tech company Google, and Amway, a leader in beauty and health products, all allow employees

to work from nearly anywhere across the globe. Even if you have to move, you can still stay part of

each company’s team.

H&M stands out as a global company that gives its employees the ability to learn new skills. For

example, recently in the Netherlands, H&M employees had the chance to style actors and work on

set as extras in films. Unique opportunities like this allow for significant professional development

and can make employees more versatile.

Exposure to Different Cultures

The simple fact that employees of global companies are exposed to different people from different

backgrounds on a daily basis allows them to learn new customs, traditions, and ways of working they

wouldn’t learn in a smaller company.

Exposure to Real World Situations

You can’t learn every skill you need in an office setting. Especially if you’re working for a U.S.-based

company that only engages with U.S. clients and partners. With a multinational company, you can
learn how companies operate, at different levels, in each region of the world the company operates

in. You are exposed to people from different cultures and backgrounds, forcing you to reevaluate the

way you see the world. And, you’re always on your toes, learning new terminology, business

practices and techniques to develop the company and yourself as a professional.

Becoming an Integral Part of the Organization

Working for a multinational company allows employees to become a greater asset within the

organization. For example, employees who are willing to travel abroad or move are more likely to

gain more exposure and greater opportunities to develop. Employers will afford these employees

with greater responsibilities, and this allows employees to build integral relationships with business

partners worldwide. Eventually, this can lead to employees achieving a higher status within the

organization, and job security because they are essential to the company’s culture.

Opportunities to Develop Professionally and Personally

Global companies afford professionals a great deal of leverage in their career choice and

opportunities. The freedom to move to different regions of the world, work with powerful industry

leaders and learn the ranks from the top-down are just some of those benefits. Whether it’s tech,

finance or any other industries, experienced professionals shouldn’t limit themselves to working

solely in the U.S.

Broadening your horizons and working for a global company can provide new challenges, help you

grow and allow you to grow professionally in ways you couldn’t while working for a smaller

company. Plus, the liberty to travel, experience new cultural thrills and even new cuisines are some

of the great opportunities employees working for large, multinational organizations will appreciate.
A few benefits of having international work

experience are:
1. You’re more culturally sensitive than the next person
Many companies do business internationally creating a job market for international
jobs. Even if you start working at one that doesn’t have an international presence,
you will still have customers and colleagues from other countries.
Since you have international work experience having potentially stepped outside of
your comfort zone in a foreign country, you’re going to be better equipped to deal
with any cultural differences that you run into in the workplace.
This will make your application look better than that of someone who has never
worked or lived abroad.
Employers want to create a safe and fun working environment, and this means that
they must hire employees that are culturally sensitive (AKA – people that have
experience interacting with people from different cultures and diverse backgrounds).
2. You have better communication skills
Another benefit that comes with international work experience is that you’re able to
communicate with all types of people more effectively than your coworker that’s
never left the country. Employers place a lot of value on effective and clear
communication, so guess which one of you will be put up for promotion first.
After spending a year or more communicating with people that don’t speak English as
their first language, you will have learned how to effectively communicate with
people that speak different levels of English and potentially will have learned a new
language along with a new culture.
The same thing goes for people that worked internationally somewhere where
English is the native language — there are still language skills, cultural nuances, and
barriers that must be overcome to effectively communicate with the people around

3. Speaking multiple languages is a valuable skill

Not everyone with international work experience will be able to speak multiple
languages, so if you did manage to learn another language while abroad, this is a huge
advantage for you. Almost every country in the world is a melting pot of cultures,
languages, and experiences, so being bilingual is a huge advantage!
When you come back from working abroad, many prospective employers will want to
hire you if you can speak more than one language. This skill set allows you to
communicate with potential clients, customers, and colleagues that aren’t native
English speakers.
Having learned a language while abroad also shows that you’re committed and
determined, as it’s not an easy thing to do!
4. International work experience says a lot about your personality
& skills
Even if you aren’t fluent in another language when you come back home from your
time abroad, the international work experience that you amassed says a lot about
It says that you’re adventurous, independent, self-reliant, adaptable, open-minded,
patient, and tolerant, among many other things. These are some of the personality
traits that many future employers in your home country will be looking for in an
employee, so you’re in luck!
5. You have more life experience than most other people
Traveling, teaching, and living abroad all give you great life experiences that not
everyone gets to put on their resume.
After working abroad, you’ve experienced different cultures, met new people that are
different from yourself, networked internationally, and tried new things. All of this
adds up to some great life experiences that you can use to make future decisions,
which will positively impact you both in the workplace as well as in your social life.
How to gain valuable international work
There are many ways to get international work experience and teaching abroad is one
of the most popular. Even if you’ve never taught before, you can take a TEFL
course and start teaching English abroad to international students whenever you’d
With your newly acquired skill set in learning a new language or discovering different
cultures in your work abroad, you will show international companies that you are up
for new challenges. Whether you are looking to start an international career or are
applying to international internships, teaching abroad can be a great way to improve
your chances in your job search.
he Advantages of Working with Local Companies
In recent months, you’ve likely heard a push from numerous sources to "buy
local," or to "work with your neighbor." The president himself has gone on
record as recommending it as part of a solution to our current economic
woes. But what exactly does working with local companies entail? Won’t I
pay more? Will I get the same quality of service I’ve come to expect from a
larger, national chain? What’s in it for me, the business owner?

These are all good questions, and ones we aim to answer here. While the
benefits of shopping locally for something purchased as routinely as
groceries, for example, are relatively straight-forward, the advantages to
managing your company’s supplies through a local vendor are a little less
clear-cut. It’s true; some of the rewards are the same. Buy buying both your
foodstuffs and your label and print supplies from a local company, you help
stimulate the local economy, and very oftentimes, you can get to know the
local company better than you would if it was a long distance relationship –
usually translating to better customer service.

Save Money
Unlike grocery shopping however, managing your company’s supplies
through a local vendor can actually save you money. At Verified Label, Print
& Promotions, we always strive to stay competitively priced on all the
products we sell, In fact, if you can find a lower price anywhere, even over
the internet, we’ll match it. That, coupled with the money-saving aspects of
working with a local business such as reduced transportation and delivery
costs, results in an overall lower cost of doing business.

Better Quality
Sometimes, people opt for working with large national suppliers because they
feel the quality of the end product will be better. Nothing could be further
from the truth. Local suppliers take pride in the service they provide to their
neighbors, so you can be sure you will be blown away by the quality of your

The Internet
When you think about purchasing your company’s supplies over the internet,
as yourself this question: Why deal with a national chain that has spent
thousands of dollars to build a computer system designed to minimize the
need for people? You can be sure that when you do business over the internet
with people you don’t know, your experience (at the very least from a
customer service standpoint) will suffer. Instead, by dealing locally, you can
establish a long-term relationship built on trust, and save money in the

At Verified Label & Print, Inc., we treat you like an important client - even
on your smallest orders - because we understand the importance of doing
business locally. We have good old-fashioned customer service, with real
people who answer the phone and return emails promptly. Give “going local”
a shot; we’ve got 14+ years in business to prove we can make it work for

Strengthen your local economy.

According to Civic Economics, for every dollar you spend at an independent
business, 3 times more money is returned into the local economy, compared to that
spent at a larger chain (50 times more compared to an online retailer). This money
is going right back into the community you live and work in, helping support
valuable programs for yourself and your family.

Small businesses often give back to the community in other ways: donating, buying
or financially backing other independent groups. When small businesses are strong,
the community and local economy are strengthened as well.

2. Create more jobs.

Not only is your local economy strengthened when you shop locally, but you also
help create more jobs. These jobs could go to your friends, family or neighbors—
people who would probably experience much more competition at a large chain
store. Or, these jobs could go to you, just from doing your part to support the

3. Reduce environmental impact.

Locally owned businesses often make more local purchases for their products,
requiring less transportation and outsourcing. They typically consume less land,
locate closer to residents and create less traffic and air pollution. All of this leads to
less congestion, less habitat loss and less negative impact on the environment.
While this may not impact you immediately, it can definitely impact your children
and grandchildren in the future.

4. Lower your taxes.

Everyone loves lower taxes, and supporting your local businesses can help do just
that. Small businesses use land efficiently and have central locations which puts less
demand on roads, sewers and safety services. Even more, independent businesses
often generate more tax revenue per sales dollar. This means a greater percentage
of local businesses helps to keep your taxes lower, as compared to mega stores.
5. Improve your family’s health.
When it comes to buying produce and choosing places to eat, local food distributors
and restaurants are often the healthier choice for yourself and your family.
According to GrubMarket, buying local food has numerous health benefits—
opening you up to the world of organic fruits and vegetables, grass-fed meats, fresh
eggs and dairy provided by grass-fed cows. This means you and your family can
enjoy a tasty meal, while supporting the local community and choosing the
healthiest option.

When it comes to choosing local businesses, helping the community means helping
you, too. Whether it’s aiding the economy now or building a better world for future
generations, small businesses are here for you. But first, they need a little support
from you.

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