Maharashtra State Council of Examination, Pune: 01 DECEMBER, 2015

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Government Commercial Certificate Examination
01 DECEMBER, 2015
[Time : 14-00]
(Total Marks for Sections I and II : 100)
(30 Words Per Minute)
[Time Allowed : 7 Minutes]

Note : Do not type the ‘SPEED PASSAGE’ again.

Type the following speed passage in 7 Minutes. Use DOUBLE or ONE and
HALF LINE SPACING and a Margin of 15 SPACES on the left.

[Marks : 40]
The automative parts trade in Indonesia is not well
organized. It is difficult to find dealers whose sole interest
is confined to the parts trade. More usually automative
parts are handled by one of the larger merchant houses.
It might fairly be said that Indonesia is one of the few
countries where the major part of car repairs and servicing
are carried out by the vehicle importers and distributors.
This is because of the shortage of experienced mecha-
nics capable of undertaking engine overhauls and other
technical work. The result is that the market tends to
buy original equipment parts. It is the only type that
the distributors are overtly, permitted to use. There is
however a tendency to use “Welfit” parts because they are
cheaper and consequently offer a larger profit margin
on the job.
It has been mentioned elsewhere that some of the
automative parts requirements of Indonesia are imported
from Singapore. Australia is also a major supplier of the
buses operating in Jakarta.



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