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Education Department - Lesson Plan

Culture Lesson on Croatia

David Pennino, Education 359, April 6th, 2022

Title Culture Lesson on Croatia
Subject Area(s) History, Geography, Culture, Education

Grade Level N/A

Summary of the Lesson This lesson will introduce students to the country of
Croatia. The lesson will touch on Croatia’s history,
culture, cuisine, and education system.

Essential Questions - Where is Croatia located?

- What is the history of Croatia?
- What is Croatian culture and cuisine like?
- What is the Croatian school system like?

Objectives By the end of this lesson, students will be able to…

1. Identify one difference between the Croatian
school system and the American one
2. Recall one fact about Croatian history or
3. Theorize about how easy or difficult it would
be to assimilate into Croatian society based on
what they’ve learned about the culture
Vocabulary: Croatia
Binary Education System
Puppet State

Estimated Time 25-30 minutes

Materials Required - Slideshow

- KWL chart
- Supplies to make Licitars
- Croatian education system map graphic

Procedure In a succinct way, describe the step-by-step format for

your lesson.
- Activating/Assessing Prior Knowledge (3
minutes): the lesson will begin by having
students fill out a KWL chart. They will only
write what they know and want to know about
- Statement of objectives (1 minute)
- Slideshow on Croatia (15 minutes)
o Slide on the geographic location of
o Slide on the capital and regions of
o Slide on the flag of Croatia
o Slide showing a timeline of Croatia’s
o Slide on Croatia post-independence
(part of NATO, EU, is a democracy)
o Slide on Croatian culture
o Slide on Croatia’s education system
o Slide on Potica
o Slide on Croatian Licitar
- Craft activity: make your own Licitar (10
- Lesson Closure: revisit the KWL chart,
students will write down what they have
learned and will share with the class (5
- Last slides of the slideshow
o Slide on learning styles
o Slide with references

Formative Assessment The KWL chart will act as the lesson’s formative
assessment. Having everyone share what they’ve
learned will provide me with an opportunity to check
their understanding of the content
Student Resources - KWL chart
- Supplies to make Licitars
- Croatian education system map graphic

Accommodations I will refer to the students IEP for any

accommodations/modifications they may have.

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