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Testing Guide
VOCABULARY LIST...................4 VOCABULARY LIST......................72 VOCABULARY LIST.....................140
FUNCTIONS.............................7 FUNCTIONS................................75 FUNCTIONS..............................143
TEST1......................................8 TEST1.........................................76 TEST1........................................144
TEST2....................................10 TEST2.........................................78 TEST2........................................146
TEST3....................................12 TEST3.........................................80 TEST3........................................148
TEST4....................................14 TEST4.........................................82 TEST4........................................150
TEST5....................................16 TEST5.........................................84 TEST5........................................152
QUIZ-MASTERMIND..............18 QUIZ-MASTERMIND..................86 QUIZ-MASTERMIND.................154
QUIZ-UPSWING.....................19 QUIZ-UPSWING.........................87 QUIZ-UPSWING........................155


VOCABULARY LIST.......................21 VOCABULARY LIST.......................89 VOCABULARY LIST....................157
FUNCTIONS.................................24 FUNCTIONS................................92 FUNCTIONS..............................160
TEST1..........................................25 TEST1..........................................93 TEST1........................................161
TEST2..........................................27 TEST2..........................................95 TEST2........................................163
TEST3..........................................29 TEST3..........................................97 TEST3........................................165
TEST4..........................................31 TEST4..........................................99 TEST4........................................167
TEST5..........................................33 TEST5........................................101 TEST5........................................169
QUIZ-MASTERMIND....................35 QUIZ-MASTERMIND.................103 QUIZ-MASTERMIND..................171
QUIZ-UPSWING...........................36 QUIZ-UPSWING........................104 QUIZ-UPSWING.........................172


VOCABULARY LIST.......................38 VOCABULARY LIST.....................106 PRACTICE TEST 1......................173
CRITICAL EXPRESSIONS...............40 CRITICAL EXPRESSIONS............108 PRACTICE TEST 2......................175
FUNCTIONS.................................41 FUNCTIONS..............................109 PRACTICE TEST 3......................177
TEST1..........................................42 TEST1........................................110 PRACTICE TEST 4......................179
TEST2..........................................44 TEST2........................................112
PRACTICE TEST 5......................181
TEST3..........................................46 TEST3........................................114
TEST4..........................................48 TEST4........................................116
TEST5..........................................50 TEST5........................................118 ADDITIONAL MATERIALS
QUIZ-MASTERMIND....................52 QUIZ-MASTERMIND.................120
QUIZ-UPSWING...........................53 QUIZ-UPSWING........................121 FOR TEACHERS
UNIT 4: ON THE PHONE UNIT 8: CHORES QUESTION TYPES.............................184
VOCABULARY LIST.......................55 VOCABULARY LIST.....................123 LGS EXAMS 2018 2019....................185
FUNCTIONS.................................58 FUNCTIONS...............................126
TEST1..........................................59 TEST1........................................127 ANSWER KEY....................................190
TEST2..........................................61 TEST2........................................129
TEST3..........................................63 TEST3........................................131
TEST4..........................................65 TEST4........................................133
TEST5..........................................67 TEST5........................................135
QUIZ-MASTERMIND....................69 QUIZ-MASTERMIND..................137
QUIZ-UPSWING...........................70 QUIZ-UPSWING.........................138


• Accepting and refusing an offer / invitation
• Apologizing
• Giving explanations and reasons
• Making simple inquiries

1 A couple of minutes: Birkaç 46 Chat: Sohbet etmek 91 Fee: Ücret

dakika 47 Check: Kontrol etmek 92 File: Dosya
2 A little: Biraz 48 Cheers: Hoşça kal 93 Forever: Daima, hep
3 A piece of: Bir parça 49 Classmate: Sınıf arkadaşı 94 Forget: Unutmak
4 Accept: Kabul etmek 50 Close: Yakın 95 Get on well with: Birisiyle iyi
5 Action: Eylem, hareket 51 Come over: Uğramak geçinmek
6 Add: Eklemek 52 Comment: Yorum yapmak 96 Get to know: Öğrenmek, tanımak
7 Additional: İlave olarak 53 Conversation: Konuşma, diyalog 97 Gloves: Eldiven
8 Adventurous: Maceracı 54 Cool: Havalı 98 Go back: Geri gitmek
9 Afterparty: Etkinlik sonrası parti 55 Count on: Güvenmek 99 Grilled chicken: Izgara tavuk
10 Aggressive: Agresif, saldırgan 56 Cultural: Kültürel 100 Hall: Salon
11 Alley: Bowling oyun alanı 57 Customer: Müşteri 101 Happiness: Mutluluk
12 Alone: Yalnız 58 Cycling: Bisiklet sporu 102 Have things in common: Ortak
13 Along: Boyunca 59 Daily: Günlük olan şeylere sahip olmak
14 Amusement: Eğlence 60 Date: Tarih 103 Hidden: Gizli
15 Amusing: Eğlenceli 61 Deadline: Son teslim tarihi 104 Hometown: Memleket
16 Apologize: Özür dilemek 62 Decide: Karar Vermek 105 Honest: Dürüst
17 Appropriate: Uygun 63 Definition: Tanım 106 Hope: Ummak, ümit etmek
18 Argue: Tartışmak 64 Depend on: Güvenmek 107 Horizon: Ufuk
19 Arrogant: Kibirli 65 Dessert: Tatlı 108 However: Ancak, yine de
20 Art: Sanat 66 Detail: Detay 109 Hungry: Aç, acıkmış
21 Assignment: Ödev, görev 67 Determined: Kararlı, azimli 110 Ice break: Buz kırılması
22 Attach: Eklemek, iliştirmek 68 Dictionary: Sözlük 111 Imagine: Hayal etmek
23 Attend: Katılmak 69 Discard: Çıkarmak, ayırmak 112 Importance: Önem
24 Attention: Dikkat 70 Discuss: Tartışmak 113 Include: Kapsamak, içermek
25 Attractive: Çekici, cezbedici 71 Dish: Yemek 114 Inform: Bilgilendirmek
26 Aunt: Hala, teyze 72 Divide: Bölmek 115 Informal: Resmi olmayan
27 Awesome: Muhteşem 73 Drawing: Çizim 116 Information: Bilgi
28 Back up: Destek olmak 74 Each other: Birbiri, birbirini 117 Inquiries: Araştırma, soruşturma
29 Bad-tempered: Huysuz 75 Elicit: Ortaya çıkarmak, sağlamak 118 Insert: Araya eklemek
30 Barbecue: Mangal 76 Else: Başka 119 Instruction: Talimat, yönerge
31 Beside: Bunun yanında 77 Encouragement: Cesaretlendirme 120 Instrument: Enstrüman
32 Beverage: İçecek 78 Enemy: Düşman 121 Interaction: Etkileşim
33 Bold: Koyu renkli 79 Event: Etkinlik, olay 122 Interest: İlgi
34 Book fair: Kitap fuarı 80 Exciting: Heyecanlı 123 Invitation: Davet
35 Bring: Getirmek 81 Excuse: Mazeret 124 Invite: Davet etmek
36 Buddy: Yakın arkadaş, dost 82 Exhibition: Fuar, sergi 125 Invitee: Davetli, davet edilen
37 Busy: Meşgul 83 Expect: Ummak, ümit etmek 126 Inviter: Davet eden
38 Call: Aramak, çağırmak 84 Explain: Açıklamak 127 Involve: İçermek, kapsamak
39 Calm: Sakin olmak 85 Explanation: Açıklama 128 Item: Madde, öğe, parça
40 Cane: Sopa, değnek 86 Fair: Adil 129 Jealous: Kıskanç
41 Caring: Şefkatli, yardımsever 87 Family tie: Aile bağı 130 Join: Katılmak
42 Celebrate: Kutlamak 88 Fashionable: Modaya uygun 131 Keep secret: Sır tutmak
43 Chance: Şans 89 Faultless: Hatasız, kusursuz 132 Knowledge: Bilgi
44 Characteristic: Özellik 90 Favorite: En sevilen 133 Laid-back: Gamsız, tasasız, rahat
45 Chart: Tablo, şema



134 Lead: Önderlik etmek, rehberlik 179 Relaxing: Rahatlatıcı 223 Tell a lie: Yalan söylemek
135 Lentil soup: Mercimek çorbası 180 Reply: Cevaplamak 224 Text: Mesaj yazmak
136 Letter: Mektup 181 Request: İstek, rica 225 Thriller: Heyecanlı film,
137 Lie: Yalan söylemek 182 Respond: Cevaplamak gerilim
138 Local: Yerel, bölgesel 183 Response: Cevaplamak, cevap 226 Ticket: Bilet
139 Location: Konum 184 Rest of: Geri kalanı 227 Together: Birlikte, beraber
140 Loyal: Sadık 185 Result: Sonuç 228 Tonight: Bu gece
141 Main course: Ana yemek 186 Reunion: Birleşme, toplanma 229 Topic: Konu
142 Mall: Alışveriş merkezi 187 Revision: Gözden geçirme 230 Tournament: Turnuva
143 Manner: Tavır, tutum 188 Road: Yol 231 Traditional: Geleneksel
144 Mate: Arkadaş 189 Romance: Romantik film türü 232 Trait: Özellik, nitelik
145 Mean: Cimri 190 Same: Aynı 233 Tram station: Tramvay
146 Meatball: Köfte 191 Scan: Taramak istasyonu
147 Meet up: Buluşmak 192 Science fiction: Bilim kurgu 234 Transportation: Ulaşım
148 Memory: Hafıza 193 Sculpture: Heykel 235 Trouble: Sıkıntı, dert
149 Miss: Kaçırmak 194 Secret: Sır 236 Trust: Güvenmek
150 Mixed: Karışık 195 Self-assessment: Kişisel 237 Truthful: Doğru sözlü,
151 Movie: Film değerlendirme doğrucu
152 Music band: Müzik grubu 196 Self-centered: Ben merkezli 238 Twirl: Fırıl fırıl dönmek,
153 Offer: Teklif, teklif etmek 197 Sender: Gönderen çevirmek
154 Opinion: Fikir 198 Sentence: Cümle 239 Type: Klavye ile yazmak
155 Opportunity: Fırsat 199 Serve: Servis etmek 240 Understanding: Anlayışlı
156 Order: Sipariş vermek, düzenlemek 200 Share: Paylaşmak 241 Unreliable: Güvenilmez
157 Organize: Düzenlemek, organize 201 Similar: Benzer 242 Until: -E kadar
etmek 202 Sincerely: Saygılarımla 243 Vacation: Tatil
158 Own: Sahip olmak 203 Singer: Şarkıcı 244 Via: Yoluyla, ile
159 Painting: Tablo 204 Skating: Paten kaymak 245 Visual: Görsel
160 Per person: Kişi başı 205 Slumber party: Pijama partisi 246 Waiter: Erkek garson
161 Phobia: Yersiz korku, fobi 206 Smile: Gülümsemek 247 Waitress: Bayan garson
162 Phrase: İfade 207 Sneaky: Sinsi 248 Western: Kovboy film türü
163 Pick up: Birini araçla almak 208 Solve: Çözmek 249 Why not?: Neden olmasın?
164 Place: Yer, mekân 209 Special: Özel 250 Wrong: Yanlış, hatalı
165 Plant: Dikmek, bitki 210 Spend time: Vakit geçirmek
166 Play: Oyun 211 Spend time together: Birlikte
167 Prepare: Hazırlamak vakit geçirmek
168 Previous: Bir önceki 212 Statement: İfade
169 Production: Üretim 213 Stay: Kalmak, konaklamak
170 Progress: İlerleme 214 Steak: Biftek
171 Proverb: Atasözü 215 Stubborn: İnatçı
172 Quotation: Alıntı 216 Stuffed: Tok
173 Reason: Sebep 217 Support: Desteklemek
174 Receiver: Alıcı 218 Supportive: Destekleyici
175 Refuse: Reddetmek 219 Suppose: Varsaymak, farz etmek
176 Regularly: Düzenli olarak 220 Sure: Tabii ki
177 Relationship: İlişki 221 Tactful: Düşünceli
178 Relaxed: Rahat, huzurlu 222 Team: Takım



• Are you doing anything at the weekend? : Hafta sonu bir şey yapıyor musun?
• Can you pick me up? : Beni (araçla) alır mısın?
• Don’t miss this opportunity. : Bu fırsatı kaçırma.
• Don’t worry. : Endişelenme.
• How about going to the cinema? : Sinemaya gitmeye ne dersin?
• I’m full / stuffed. : Tokum.
• In happiness... : Mutlu zamanlarda...
• In times of trouble. : Kötü zamanlarda.
• It doesn’t matter. : Fark etmez.
• It sounds awesome. : Kulağa muhteşem geliyor.
• It’s so exciting. : Çok heyecanlı.
• May I take your order? : Siparişinizi alabilir miyim?
• Shall we have a picnic together? : Birlikte piknik yapalım mı?
• That sounds fun. : Kulağa eğlenceli geliyor.
• That’s awesome. : Bu muhteşem.
• We are expecting to see you all. : Hepinizi görmeyi umuyoruz.
• What characteristics should an ideal friend have? : İdeal bir arkadaşın ne tür özellikleri olmalı?
• What kind of movie did they decide to see? : Ne tür film izlemeye karar verdiler?
• What makes your friend special? : Arkadaşını özel yapan nedir?
• What would you like? : Ne istersiniz?
• What’s her excuse for refusing the invitation? : Daveti reddetmek için mazareti ne?
• What’s the deadline for joining the event? : Etkinliğe katılmak için son tarih nedir?
• What’s the event? : Etkinlik nedir?
• Would you like anything to drink? : İçecek bir şey ister misiniz?
• Would you like to come over tomorrow? : Yarın uğramak ister misin?
• Would you like to join us? : Bize katılmak ister misin?
• You make me smile. : Beni güldürüyorsun.
• You’re fun to be with. : Seninle birlikte olmak eğlenceli.


A. Wh- (Informative) Question Words for Making Simple Inquiries

• What (Ne) • When (Ne zaman)

• Where (Nereye, Nerede, Nereden) • How often (Ne sıklıkla)
• Who (Kim) • How much (Ne kadar)
• What time (Saat kaç, Kaçta) • Which (Hangi)
• Why (Neden) • Whose (Kimin)

B. Inviting-Accepting-Refusing-Apologizing-Making Excuses

Inviting / Making Offers (Davet Etme, Teklifte Bulunma)

• Would you like to…? (…mek ister misin?)

• What about …? ( …ne dersin?)
• How about…? ( …ne dersin?)
• Shall we….? ( …yapalım mı?)
• We should …? (…yapmalıyız)
• Let’s….(Haydi….)
• Why don’t you / we…? ( Neden….yapmıyorsun / yapmıyoruz?)

Accepting (Kabul Etme)

• I’d love to, thanks. (İsterim, teşekkürler.)

• Great. What time? (Harika. Ne zaman?)
• Yes. Sounds good. (Evet. Kulağa hoş geliyor.)
• Thanks. I’ll definitely be there. (Teşekkürler. Kesinlikle orada olacağım.)
• Cool. See you there. (Harika. Orada görüşürüz.)
• Sure / Of course / Certainly / Definitely / Absolutely. (Elbette, kesinlikle, tabiki.)

Refusing ( Reddetme)

• I’d love to, but I can’t. (İsterim, ancak gelemem.)

• I’m afraid / sorry. I can’t. (Korkarım / Üzgünüm gelemem.)
• Sorry, but I can’t make it. (Üzgünüm, ancak gelemem.)
• Another time maybe. (Belki başka bir zaman.)

Apologising / Making Excuses (Özür Dileme / Mazeret Belirtme)

• I am sorry but I am not feeling well. (Üzgünüm ancak kendimi iyi hissetmiyorum.)
• Sorry but I have an exam. (Üzgünüm ancak sınavım var.)


3. Fill in the blank according to the invitation below.

TEST 1 Dear Mike,
I hope you are OK. I am turning 16 next
Sunday and I am planning to throw a
Kenna never We get on We have She is party at our favorite café. You are my
tells the well with many things laid-back. best friend and I want you to attend
truth. each other. in common. my party. You know that walking with a
friend in the dark is better than walking
alone in the light. Please ask Lisa and
Amanda to come over.
Take care,

Sally _ _ _ _.
Andy Kim Lisa Jane
a) thinks Lisa and Amanda are her good friends
1. According to the information above, who thinks Kenna b) has an excuse for not joining the party
is a dishonest friend? c) is very excited because she has a graduation party
d) is the invitee
a) Lisa
b) Jane
c) Andy 4. Gary: How about going to the cinema on Sunday
d) Kim Michael: _ _ _ _.
Gary: I am sorry to hear that. Let’s do it another time.
Michael: Please forgive me. I promise we will do it as
soon as possible.

Which of the following DOES NOT complete the

2. Her best friend Catherine invited Lisa for a party on
Saturday. She likes having junk food and asked Lisa to bring a) I can’t make it, I have some other plans
some beverages for the party. There will be pizza, chips and b) I’ll text our friends to come over at 7 o’clock, then
popcorn as well as other snacks. c) I cannot accept your offer
d) I’d love to but I feel ill
Which of the following should Lisa buy before she comes
to the party?
5. Martin and Lily decided to spend some time together
after school. They are great buddies and they have many
things in common. Here are the lists of their personal
a) b) interests:
Martin Lily
Watch plays Have slumber parties with girls
Have a picnic with family Go to the theater
Do exciting amusement park Have fun at concerts
Choose the activity that both Martin and Lily will enjoy
c) d) attending.
a) b) c) d)

6. Waiter: Good afternoon, sir. Welcome to Universal 9. The table below shows the results of a study on popular
Café. _ _ _ _? activities that friends do together in Antalya.
David: Yes, please.
Waiter: _ _ _ _? Activities The Number of Teens
David: I would like a chocolate cake, please. (Total 100)
Waiter: _ _ _ _?
David: No, thank you. Just dessert, please. Playing computer games 35
Watching movies 25
Which of the following questions DOES the waiter NOT
ask David? Having a picnic 15
a) And would you like anything to drink Doing sports 10
b) What would you like to have as a main course Going to amusement parks 9
c) May I take your order
d) What would you like to have Joining slumber parties 5
Going to rock festivals 1

7. Researchers asked teenagers about the types of parties According to the results, which of the following is
they like. Here are the results: CORRECT?
a) Listening to rock music is very popular among
50% teens in Antalya.
b) Most of the teens spend their time playing
35% computer games and watching films.
c) All of the students like rock music.
15% 0% d) Nearly half of the students spend their time at
amusement parks.




10. Our English teacher conducted research on what our

classmates think about friendship. Here are some of the
GIRLS BOYS answers:
Which of the following is CORRECT according to the
results? What are the personal traits of a good friend?
a) Slumber parties are popular among teenagers.
b) Boys mostly celebrate their friends’ birthdays. I think sharing is very important.
Jessica Emily is my best friend and we
c) Girls never miss slumber parties. share all our secrets.
d) Boys like having parties together with their old
friends. Sandra is my best friend. I always
Lily support her, and I know that she
8. always backs me up.
Dear Betty,
We’re organizing a picnic on Saturday, 16th June. Leila is my best friend and I can
It’s between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. at the City Park. Jason always count on her. Trust is very
Would you like to join us? Everybody will bring important to me.
something to eat or drink. Can you bring some
beverages? We will have a great time. Hope you Bill and I are always honest with
can come. Martin each other. We never lie, and we
are very close.
Which of the following CANNOT be correct according to
In this paragraph, there is NO information about _ _ _ _. the students’ answers?
a) Jason always trusts Leila.
a) the people attending the party b) Martin never tells lies to Bill.
b) the date of the event c) Jessica believes sharing other students’ secrets is
c) the place of the activity important.
d) the sender of the invitation d) Lily is a very helpful friend.

4. Waitress: Good evening Madam! May I take your

TEST 2 order?
Catherine: Yes, please. I’d like tomato soup as a starter.
Waitress: OK. Are you going to order anything for
_ _ _ _?
1. Roy: What do you think about Rosie? Catherine: I’d like a piece of cheesecake, please.
Candy: I believe she is very _ _ _ _.
She always listens to the others and helps everyone in
the class. Which of the following does the waiter ask Catherine?

a) dessert
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation? b) salad
c) starter
a) tactful d) main course
b) arrogant
c) self-centered
d) sneaky

2. Helen: We are going to the amusement park in the

afternoon. Would you like to come with us?
Amy: _ _ _ _ because I have a very important exam
tomorrow. It would be relaxing to go out. Dear Wendy,

Join us for a slumber party on

Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation? Saturday at 21:00 at my place (1234
Street, Muratpaşa/ANTALYA). There will
a) I am a bit stressed be soft drinks and pizza, so please don’t
b) I can refuse your offer forget your sleeping bag and pillow!
c) Sorry, I have to stay at home
d) Who else is coming? I want to learn
Katie & Wilma

3. Ricky: My cousin is coming to see me tonight.

Would you like to join us?
Johnson: That sounds fun. Shall I bring anything, then?
Ricky: Well, we’re going to have pizza while we
watch our favorite thriller. I’m going to go shopping
and buy everything we need. Maybe, you can _ _ _ _.
5. Which of the following is INCORRECT according to the
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
a) Katie and Wilma are the senders.
a) watch the film at home b) The event is about a graduation.
b) get chocolate c) They are going to eat pizza.
c) send the invitations d) They are having the party at Katie and Wilma’s
d) refuse your cousin’s offer home.


6. Kim: Hi there Allen, how are things? Answer the questions (9-10) according to the
Allen: Great! Hey, I am taking my little sister to the conversation below.
amusement park. I hope we will have fun there. Hey,
would you like to come along?
Kim: Why not? Emily: My cousin is coming to see me tonight.
Would you like to join us?
Which of the following places are they planning to go to?
Jack: That sounds fun. Do you want me to
a) b) buy something to eat?

Emily: Thanks, we’re going to have hamburgers and

chips while we play video games.

Jack: Shall I bring drinks, then?

c) d)

Emily: You don’t need to bring anything. I’m going

to go shopping and buy everything we need.
Maybe you can get ice cream.

Jack: Alright, then. Shall I come in the evening?

7. Fill in the blank according to the passage below.

Emily: Yes, at about seven o’clock.
My name is Audrey. My best friend is Laura. We
have lots of things in common and share many
things together. We have slumber parties and Jack: OK. See you in the evening.
chat about many things. We have a great time together.
We go to book fairs, play taboo, and those kind of things.

Audrey _ _ _ _.

a) gets jealous of Laura

b) hates spending time with her best friend 9. Emily wants to _ _ _ _.
c) is an arrogant person
d) gets on well with Laura a) cook hamburgers and chips while they play games
b) invite Jack to spend time together
c) ask Jack to go shopping together
d) refuse Jack’s offer about ice cream
8. Imagine you met a friend two minutes ago. Your new
friend invites you to an event. Accept the invitation and ask
for more information about the event.
What do you say? 10. Jack _ _ _ _.
a) isn’t joining the event
a) I would love to but I can’t. I have an exam b) is inviting Emily and her cousin
tomorrow. c) will bring some food and drinks
b) What is your favourite food? d) will have dinner at Emily’s
c) Sounds good. What time is it?
d) I am afraid my relatives are coming tomorrow.


5. Andrew: Are you doing anything on Friday?
Michael: I’m free. Why do you ask?
Andrew: Well, I have an extra ticket for an opening
ceremony on Friday night. Why don’t you join me? I’m
1. Amanda is an honest girl because she never tells lies and sure it will be fantastic to see new paintings.
keeps our secrets. We always _ _ _ _her_ _ _ _ .
Which of the following COMPLETES the sentence? Which of the following shows the place for the event?
a) argue/with
b) get on well/with
c) count/on a) b)
d) back/up

2. Alcott: I have an extra ticket for a space exhibition.

Why don’t you come along?
Alvin: That sounds great but I can’t accept your offer
because _ _ _ _. c) d)

Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?

a) I can pick you up

b) I am not interested in science and technology
c) I always watch documentaries about stars
d) I love space ships

3. Daria: How about going for a picnic on Saturday? 6. Johan: Would you like to hang out on Saturday? I have
Steven: _ _ _ _! free tickets for the activities. Maybe we can try the
Daria: OK, then. Let’s do it another time. roller coaster or the galaxy ride. What do you think?
Emma: Sure, that sounds fun!
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
Which of the following places does Johan invite his friend
a) Awesome to?
b) I am having a reunion party
c) I would be happy to
d) OK. I will bring pancakes for you a) b)

4. Jenny: What are you doing at the weekend?

Are you busy?
Amy: Oh, nothing much.
Jenny: I’m having a slumber party on Saturday night.
Would you like to join us?
Amy: That sounds awesome. _ _ _ _. c) d)

Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?

a) I can’t accept your invitation
b) I have to stay at home and help my dad
c) I will be there after dinner
d) You know I hate parties

7. Samuel: Are you busy at the weekends? Answer the questions (9-10) according to the text below.
Terry: Well, I think so. I have breakfast with my family
in the mornings. Then, I always help my dad with the
gardening in the afternoons and go shopping with my
mom in the evenings. Also, we watch films together at

Which of the following pictures DOES NOT show an

activity that Terry and his family do?
a) b) Hi Andy!
I saw a poster about a beach party.
I am so excited to join the party.
What about going there together?
We can go to a mall to have
snacks after school. Then we can walk
there from the mall. It is not far away.
I think this occasion is terrific. They are
going to play energetic music until
c) d) 1:00 a.m. We can dance and have fun.
You don’t need to bring any
drinks or food. Don’t forget to
wear trendy clothes.
I hope you can come.
See you there,

8. Kim: Hi Lucy, are you OK? I hope everything is fine.

Lucy: I am very well thanks. I am going to hang out
with my buddies tonight. We will enjoy the concert at
City Hall. What about joining us? 9. Andy _ _ _ _.
Kim: That sounds great. I have nothing special to do
tonight. What time shall we meet? a) is going to the party
b) prefers trendy clothes
c) is interested in bringing food to the party
Which place does Lucy invite her friend to? d) and Joanne are at the same school

a) b)

10. Joanne tells Andy to _ _ _ _.

a) wear trendy clothes
b) buy fashion clothes from the mall
c) wear casual clothes like jeans and a shirt
c) d) d) invite a friend to the beach party


5. Brenda: What are you doing this weekend?

TEST 4 Jim: Oh, nothing much.
Brenda: Well, I have an extra ticket for you for an
exhibition on Saturday night, but it’s a secret for now.
1. Romeo: Would you like to go to the theatre after I don’t want to share it with others. Can I trust you?
school on Friday?
Jason: No, thanks for the invitation. _ _ _ _.
Where does Brenda invite her friend to?

Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation? a) b)

a) I have a plan with my family
b) I have nothing to do at that time
c) I am busy at 10 a.m.
d) I will be there on time

2. Andy: What do you think about our new classmate? c) d)

Richard: I think he is _ _ _ _ because he always takes
the first turn in the canteen and never lets others buy
food before him.

Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?

a) caring
b) self-centered
c) understanding
d) loyal

3. Robert: How about going to the cinema this Sunday

Kim: _ _ _ _
Robert: I am sorry to hear that. Maybe later. 6. Waiter: Good afternoon, may I take your order?
Alfred: Yes, please. I will have lentil soup.
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
Which of the following DOES Alfred order?
a) Yeah, why not?
b) That sounds awesome.
c) I’ll text our friends to come over at 7 o’clock, then.
d) I’d love to but I feel ill. a) b)

4. Bruce: I want to go to the theater in the evening

because I have free tickets. Would you like to come with
Jane: _ _ _ _. Do you have an extra ticket for me?
Bruce: Definitely!
c) d)
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?

a) That sounds awesome

b) No, thanks
c) I am busy in the evening
d) I would love to, but I have guests

Answer the questions (9-10) according to the passage


I would like to see you all at our UNIVERSAL SECONDARY SCHOOL

place (Aspendos Bulvarı No:174 CLASS OF 2011
ANTALYA). There will be soft
drinks, hamburgers and chips so We are organizing our second class reunion. It
please don’t forget your is fun for us to meet again and see each other
sleeping bag and pillow! after a year. Don’t miss this opportunity. We
are expecting to see every classmate there.
Come and join us for appetizers, music and
Natalie & Sam fellowship! And dress casually.

When: Saturday, July 15th

20:30 to 23:30
Where: Universal Restaurant
Atatürk Street

30 TL per person / 60 TL per couple

For more information, contact Bernard Pitt.
PS: Please inform in advance if you can attend
the event by June 3. Phone 0301 7897665 or
send an e-mail to
7. Natalie & Sam _ _ _ _. and reserve your place.

a) want their friends to bring food and drinks
b) are the receivers
c) invite their friends for an event
d) are throwing a birthday party
9. According to the invitation, _ _ _ _.

a) the event is only for classmates

b) there is no need for a reservation
c) you can have some food
d) attending to the event is free
8. Robert and his buddies are crazy about having fun
together. They are organizing a BBQ party at the weekend.
Robert fancies such parties but he is also into bowling.
Competitions are his favorite because he likes the

In this text, there is NO information about _ _ _ _. 10. If you want to attend the event with a partner, you
will _ _ _ _.
a) after-school parties
b) free-time activities a) pay double price
c) Robert’s weekend plans b) not enjoy the food and music
d) his favorite activity c) spend 3 hours at noon
d) see your friends from the university


5. Gwen: We are going to hang out with the girls in the

TEST 5 afternoon. Would you like to come along?
Judy: Is there anything special?
Gwen: Well, we are going to chat at a café and then
1. Andy is my best friend. I like spending time with visit the bowling alley to play a game together.
him. There is something that worries me about Judy: Sure, that sounds fun!
him. He is a very _ _ _ _ person. He never worries Which of the following places does Gwen invite her
about school subjects and rarely does his friend to?
a) b)

Which of the following COMPLETES the passage?

a) hardworking
b) laid-back
c) sneaky c) d)
d) trustworthy

2. Jacob and Mel are close friends. They always back each
other up when they are in trouble. They _ _ _ _ each other
because they are reliable and never tell lies.
Which of the following COMPLETES the text?

a) never spend time with

b) never hang out with
c) trust
d) cheat
3. Hi buddies!
I am finishing school at last. It’s
Edward: My sister and I are going to the amusement great for me so we are throwing a
park in the afternoon. Would you like to come with us? graduation party after the official
Mary: I have a very important exam tomorrow, so _ _ _ _. ceremony at school. I hope you
can make it! I am looking forward
to seeing you all at my place on
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation? Saturday at 9:00 p.m.
a) let’s meet there in the afternoon
b) I need to study more
c) you can pick me up at about 7 p.m.
d) I have nothing to do 6. What is the event Adam is talking about?
a) b)
Max: I like our new classmate. What about you?
Jason: You mean Andrew. Oh yes, I like him as well.
He looks tactful and caring. He is calm and helpful.
I believe he is very _ _ _ _.

Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation? c) d)

a) sneaky
b) bad -tempered
c) mean
d) understanding

Answer the questions (9-10) according to the graph

Dear Claudia, below.
Join us for a sleepover on Friday night (21:00) at
Susan’s house. We will have food and beverages, so
don’t bring anything except your slippers, pajamas Researchers asked people about the types of parties they
and your favorite DVD! Well, you know the address. like. Parents and teens usually go to parties together but
If you can’t remember, please give me a call. We they prefer different kinds in general. Here are the results:
can pick you up.


65% 51%
7. Which of the following is INCORRECT according to the
a) Rosie is one of the senders. 25%
b) The event is about a slumber party. 20%
c) They are going to listen to their favorite music.

after parties

d) They are having the party at Susan’s.

Teens Parents

8. Her best friend Lily invited Ashley to a party at the 9. Which of the following is CORRECT according to the
weekend. She likes dessert and asked Ashley to bring results?
something for the party. There will be different kinds of
food such as pizza, chips and popcorn. a) Slumber parties are popular among teenagers.
b) Teens never get together after the graduation
Which of the following should Ashley bring to the party? ceremonies.
c) Most of the parents enjoy wedding parties.
d) More than half of the teens are fond of spending
a) b) time with their old friends.

10. According to the research, _ _ _ _.

a) teenagers like spending time with their relatives
c) d) b) teens’ favorite event is celebrating their
c) teens and parents are fond of attending parties
d) none of the parents join birthday parties



Choose the best option. a) güvenmek
b) yardım etmek
c) göndermek
1 Get on well with someone 9 Receiver d) destek olmak
a) birisi ile iyi geçinmek a) rahat, gevşek 18 Awesome
b) doğruyu söylemek b) alan, alıcı
c) gönderen a) rahat, gevşek
c) cesaret vermek, teşvik etmek b) harika, müthiş
d) yalan söylemek d) davet eden
c) rahat, gamsız
2 Refuse 10 Bowling alley d) yalan söylemek
a) reddetmek a) alan, alıcı 19 Bring
b) istek, rica b) modaya uygun a) güvenmek
c) davet etmek c) bowling pisti
d) tartışmak d) heykel yapma b) getirmek
c) tartışmak
3 Response 11 Trust d) katılmak
a) cevap, cevap vermek a) getirmek 20 Invitee
b) çekici, cazibeli b) katılmak a) davet
c) alan, alıcı c) kabul etmek b) davet etmek
d) cezbetmek, çekmek d) güvenmek c) davet eden
4 Fashionable 12 Stuffed d) davetli
a) harika, müthiş a) tok 21 Exhibition
b) özür dilemek b) güvenilir a) davet
c) modaya uygun c) rahat, gevşek b) gerilim
d) sonsuza dek d) kıskanç c) sebep
5 Pick up d) sergi
13 Sculpture
a) kabul etmek a) bowling pisti 22 Back up
b) hoşçakal(telefonda), şerefe b) heykel a) biçim, davranış
c) yalan söylemek c) paten b) bisiklete binme
d) arabayla almak, toplamak d) sır c) kabul etmek
6 Attractive 14 Encouragement d) arka çıkmak
a) günlük meseleler a) cevap 23 Laid-back
b) çekici, cazibeli b) boş vakit
c) fırsatı kaçırmak c) ciddiyet a) modaya uygun
d) enstrüman, alet d) cesaret b) rahat, gamsız
c) çekici, cazibeli
7 Thriller 15 Offer d) harika, müthiş
a) gerilim a) teklif etmek, önermek 24 Attend
b) getirmek b) reddetmek a) açıklamak
c) turnuva c) kabul etmek b) kabul etmek
d) birlikte d) cezbetmek, çekmek c) getirmek
d) katılmak
8 Apologize 16 Argue
a) modaya uygun a) katılmak 25 Request
b) yalan söylemek b) tartışmak a) reddetmek c) istek, rica
c) özür dilemek c) paylaşmak b) stil, tarz d) desteklemek
d) desteklemek d) getirmek



Choose the best option. a) kişisel tutumlar
b) maceralı
c) agresif, saldırgan
d) azimli
1 Stubborn 9 Arrogant
a) biftek a) kişi başı 18 Celebrate
b) atasözü b) atasözü a) samimice
c) inatçı c) kibirli b) içecek
d) kültürel d) fikir c) kutlamak
d) kişi başı
2 Caring 10 Bad-tempered
a) katılmak a) bir parça 19 Reunion
b) ilgili b) maceralı a) ortaya çıkartmak
c) önceki c) kötü huylu b) bağlı, bel bağlamak
d) yalnız d) bencil c) toplantı, anma
d) heyecan verici
3 Decide 11 Tactful
a) öncülük etmek a) olay / etkinlik 20 Loyal
b) ana yemek b) karar vermek a) biftek
c) heyecan verici c) kültürel b) yalan
d) karar vermek d) nazik, düşünceli c) -e kadar
d) sadık
4 Mean 12 Lead
a) azimli a) özür dilemek 21 Twirl
b) cevap b) karar vermek a) birini güldürmek
c) ummak c) teklif etmek b) cevap vermek
d) cimri d) öncülük etmek c) kaçırmak/özlemek
d) dönmek, döndürmek, bükmek
5 Depend on 13 Unreliable
a) kutlamak a) samimice 22 Beverage
b) bağlı, bel bağlamak b) geçinmek a) biftek
c) biriyle buluşmak c) güvenilmez b) azimli
d) agresif, saldırgan d) güvenmek c) içecek
d) anılar
6 Determined 14 Apologize
a) cimri a) ana yemek 23 Personal traits
b) anılar b) özür dilemek a) birini güldürmek
c) kibirli c) aile bağları b) kişisel tutumlar
d) azimli d) güvenilmez c) kişi başı
d) benzer ilgi alanları
7 Self-centered 15 Deadline
a) benzer ilgi alanları a) son tarih 24 Have things in common
b) kötü huylu b) anılar a) agresif, saldırgan
c) geçinmek c) heyecan verici b) ortak şeylere sahip olmak
d) bencil d) kutlamak c) anlayışlı
d) aile bağları
8 Opportunity 16 Understanding
a) fırsat a) eğlenceli 25 Sneaky
b) farzet ki b) azimli a) sinsi c) sadık
c) davet c) anlayışlı b) samimice d) biftek
d) bencil d) öncesinde


• Expressing likes, dislikes
• Expressing preferences
• Stating personal opinions (Making simple inquiries)
• Understanding phrases and expressions about regular activities of teenagers

1 Absurd: Saçma, gülünç 40 Certain: Kesin 80 Feed: Beslemek

2 Afraid of: Korkmak 41 Characteristic: Özellik, nitelik 81 Feel: Hissetmek
3 After-school activities: Okul sonrası 42 Chat online: Çevrimiçi sohbet 82 Feeling: Duygu
etkinlikler etmek 83 Fizzy drink: Gazlı içecek
4 Age: Yaş, çağ 43 Checklist: Kontrol listesi 84 Folk: Halk
5 Album cover: Albüm kapağı 44 Clothing: Giyim 85 Following the rules: Kurallara
6 Alive: Canlı 45 Come together: Bir araya gelmek uymak
7 All over the world: Tüm dünyada 46 Comment: Yorum 86 Fond of: Düşkün olmak
8 Amazing: Şaşırtıcı, inanılmaz 47 Compare: Kıyaslamak 87 Free time: Boş vakit
9 Among: Arasında 48 Compass: Pusula 88 Free-time activity: Boş vakit
10 Application: Uygulama 49 Contact: İrtibat kurmak etkinliği
11 Appropriate: Uygun 50 Countryside: Kırsal bölge 89 Fresh-squeezed: Taze sıkılmış
12 Archery: Okçuluk 51 Cultural heritage: Kültürel miras 90 Gain: Kazanmak, edinmek
13 Argue: Tartışmak 52 Daily routine: Günlük yaptığımız 91 Genre: Tür
14 As: -iken, -ken eki işler 92 Get dressed: Giyinmek
15 Backpack: Sırt çantası 53 Dessert: Tatlı 93 Get excited: Heyecanlanmak
16 Bake: Fırında pişirmek 54 Difference: Farklılık 94 Go back: Geri gitmek
17 Basic: Temel, ana 55 Difficult: Zor 95 Grade: Sınıf
18 Beatbox: Ağızla ritim yapmak 56 Dislike: Sevmemek 96 Greet: Selamlamak
19 Beauty: Güzellik 57 Diviner: Falcı, kahin 97 Grow: Büyümek, yetişmek
20 Behaving fairly: Adilce davranmak 58 Do crunches: Mekik çekmek 98 Guess: Tahmin etmek
21 Being in nature: Doğada olmak 59 Downtown: Şehir merkezi 99 Guitarist: Gitarist
22 Beyond: Ötesinde 60 Drummer: Baterist,davulcu 100 Gym: Spor salonu
23 Bhangra: Kuzey Hindistan pop 61 Drums: Bateri 101 Harmonic: Uyumlu, melodik
müziği 62 During: Esnasında, boyunca 102 Healthy: Sağlıklı
24 Biographical: Biyografik, hayat 63 Duty: Görev, iş, ödev 103 Highly: Fazlasıyla
hikayesi özeti 64 Early: Erken 104 History: Tarih
25 Biryani: Hindistan ve Pakistan’a 65 Educational: Eğitici 105 However: Bununla birlikte
özgü bir pilav çeşidi 66 Effect: Etkilemek 106 Huge: Kocaman
26 Blessed: Kutsal,mutluluk veren 67 Elderly relatives: Yaşça büyük 107 I’m on the way: Yoldayım
27 Blog: İnternet günlüğü akrabalar 108 Idea: Fikir
28 Bloom: Çiçek açmak 68 Energetic: Enerjik, hareketli 109 Impressive: Etkileyici
29 Border: Sınır 69 Enormous: Kocaman, devasa 110 Improve: Geliştirmek
30 Boring: Sıkıcı 70 Enough: Yeterince 111 In a hurry: Telaşla, aceleyle
31 Brainstorm: Beyin fırtınası 71 Equipment: Ekipman 112 In my opinion: Benim fikrime
32 Branch: Şube, branş 72 Excellent: Mükemmel göre
33 Bright: Parlak 73 Exchange: Değiştirmek, takas 113 In turn: Sırayla
34 Calligraphy: Güzel yazı sanatı etmek 114 Indian: Hintli
35 Campfire: Kamp ateşi 74 Exciting: Heyecan verici 115 Indoor: Kapalı mekan
36 Camping site: Kamp alanı 75 Expand: Yayılmak, genişlemek
37 Can’t stand: Tahammül 76 Express: İfade etmek
edememek, katlanamamak 77 Fairly: Dürüstçe, adil bir şekilde
38 Casual: Günlük 78 Fascinating: Büyüleyici
39 Cell phone: Cep telefonu 79 Fashionable: Modaya uygun



116 Instrument: Enstrüman 157 Preference: Tercih 200 Squad: Ekip

117 Insult: Aşağılamak 158 Prepare: Hazırlamak 201 State: İfade etmek
118 Interaction: Etkileşim 159 Prestigious: Prestijli 202 Store: Depolamak
119 Interested in: İlgi duymak 160 Pretty: Güzel, hoş 203 Surf the Net: İnternette
120 Issue: Konu, mesele 161 Production: Üretim gezinmek
121 Keen on: Devam etmek 162 Progress: İlerleme 204 Surprisingly: Şaşırtıcı şekilde
122 Keep up with: Ayak uydurmak 163 Protect: Korumak 205 Survey: Anket, araştırma
123 Keyboard player: Org, piyano 164 Push-up: Şınav 206 Teen / Teenager: Genç
çalan 165 Rainbow: Gökkuşağı (13-19 yaş aralığı)
124 Land: Kara, toprak 166 Rarely/ Seldom: Nadiren 207 Terrific: Müthiş
125 Language: Dil, lisan 167 Realistic: Gerçekci 208 Title: Başlık
126 Latest fashion: Son moda 168 Recommend: Tavsiye etmek 209 Top five: İlk beş
127 Laugh: Gülmek 169 Recording: Kayıt 210 Topic: Konu
128 Lend: Ödünç vermek 170 Regular: Düzenli 211 Torch: El feneri
129 Lifestyle: Yaşam tarzı 171 Relationship: İlişki 212 Tradition: Gelenek
130 Local area: Yerel bölge, alan 172 Relaxing: Rahatlatıcı 213 Training: Antrenman
131 Location: Konum 173 Respect: Saygı duymak 214 Trekking: Doğa yürüyüşü
132 Lower: Alt, daha düşük 174 Respectful: Saygılı 215 Trending topics: Çok konuşulan
133 Marshmallow: Lokuma benzer 175 Reward: Ödül konular
şekerleme 176 Rhythm: Ritim (müzikte hız) 216 Trendy: Modaya uygun
134 Match: Kibrit 177 Ridiculous: Gülünç, saçma 217 Twilight: Alacakaranlık
135 Meal: Yemek 178 Rope: İp, halat 218 Typical: Tipik, sıradan
136 Medal: Madalya 179 Rugby: Ragbi sporu 219 Unbearable: Tahammül
137 Member: Üye 180 Sacred: Kutsal edilemez, dayanılmaz
138 Mind map: Kavram haritası 181 Saving money: Para biriktirme 220 Unusually: Alışılmadık şekilde
139 Miss: Kaçırmak 182 School subjects: Okul dersleri 221 Usual: Sıradan
140 Music band: Müzik grubu 183 Sci-fi: Bilim kurgu 222 Vacation: Tatil
141 National: Milli 184 Self-disciplined: Öz disiplinli 223 Voice: Ses
142 Olympic games: Olimpiyat 185 Sensitive: Hassas 224 Weekdays: Hafta içi günler
oyunları 186 Serious: Ciddi 225 Weekend: Hafta sonu
143 Once: Bir kez 187 Set goals: Hedefler belirlemek 226 Wonderful: Harika, şahane
144 Online: Çevrimiçi 188 Settings: Ayarlar 227 Worry about: Endişelenmek
145 Opportunity: Fırsat 189 Shake hands: El sıkışmak 228 Youth: Gençlik
146 Ordinary: Sıradan 190 Shower: Duş
147 Outdoor: Açık alan 191 Similarity: Benzerlik
148 Own: Sahip olmak 192 Skate: Paten yapmak
149 Pair: Çift 193 Skilled: Becerikli
150 Pay attention: Dikkat etmek 194 Skydiving: Paraşütle atlama
151 Per day: Günlük 195 Sleeping bag: Uyku tulumu
152 Personal opinion: Kişisel fikir 196 Snob: Züppe, kendini beğenmiş
153 Pitch a tent: Çadır kurmak
197 Snowboarding: Kar kayağı
154 Pocketknife: Çakı
155 Power: Güç (sörfü) yapmak
156 Prefer: Tercih etmek 198 Social class: Sosyal sınıf
199 Sportsman: Sporcu



• Are you kidding? : Şaka mı yapıyorsun?

• As a teenager, I should pay more attention to ... : Bir genç olarak …ya daha fazla dikkat etmeliyim.
• Being respectful. : Saygılı olmak.
• By the way. : Bu arada.
• Does she drive to work? : İşe arabayla mı gider?
• First of all... : İlk olarak...
• How do you go to school? : Okula nasıl gidersin?
• How often do you go to the cinema? : Ne sıklıkla sinemaya gidersin?
• I can’t stand it. : Dayanamıyorum. / Katlanamıyorum.
• I hate insulting others. : Başkalarını aşağılamaktan nefret ederim.
• I don’t think so. : Ben öyle düşünmüyorum.
• I prefer reading the news online. : Haberleri internetten okumayı tercih ederim.
• I’ll lend you. : Sana ödünç veririm.
• I’m doing great, thanks. : Harikayım, teşekkürler.
• It’s unbearable! : Dayanılmaz!
• Really? : Gerçekten mi?
• The things that interest me are… : Beni ilgilendiren şeyler…
• This makes me feel better and relaxed. : Bu beni daha iyi ve huzurlu hissettiriyor.
• To be honest… : Dürüst olmak gerekirse…
• We love being in nature. : Doğada olmayı severiz.
• What about you? : Peki ya sen?
• What activity do you do regularly? : Düzenli olarak hangi aktiviteleri yaparsın?
• What do you do in the evenings? : Akşamları ne yaparsın?
• What does she like doing in her free time? : Boş vakitlerinde ne yapmayı sever?
• What is your favorite daily activity? : En sevdiğin günlük aktivite nedir?
• What sports would you like to try? : Hangi sporları denemek istersin?
• What type of music do you prefer? : Ne tür müzik tercih edersin?
• What’s up? : Ne haber? / Nasıl gidiyor?
• Which language do you prefer speaking? : Hangi dili konuşmayı tercih edersin?
• Who is your favorite singer? : En sevdiğin şarkıcı kim?


A. The Simple Present Tense to express regular activities
Düzenli ya da hemen her gün yapılan aktiviteleri anlatırken Simple Present Tense (Geniş Zaman) yapısı kullanılır.
Bu ünitede çoğunlukla gençlerin yaşamlarını aktardıkları kalıp cümleler kullanılmıştır.

B. Frequency Adverbs (Sıklık Zarfları)

Bir işin ne sıklıkta yapıldığını öğrenmek için “How Often” soru kalıbı ve cevaplarken verilen tablolardaki ifadelere
ihtiyacımız vardır. Özellikle diyalog sorularında bu ifadelere dikkat etmek gerekir.

%100 ALWAYS Her zaman Once, twice, three A week, a year, Haftada, yılda,
times… a month, a ayda, günde,
%90 USUALLY / GENERALLY Genellikle day… 1 kez, 2 kez, 3 kez…
%80 OFTEN / FREQUENTLY Sıklıkla Every Day, week, Her gün, her hafta,
%50 SOMETIMES Bazen month, Her ay, her yıl…
%30 SELDOM / RARELY Nadiren
%10 HARDLY EVER Neredeyse hiç On weekdays Hafta içi günlerde
At weekends Hafta sonları
%0 NEVER Hiç

C. Prefer…To
To be honest, I never listen to pop music.
2 şey arasında bir tercihte bulunmak için kalıbını To me, classical music is impressive and relaxing.
kullanırız. 2 farklı kullanımına dikkat etmeliyiz: In my opinion, camping is a fascinating activity.
I think horror films are ridiculous.
• I prefer pop to rock. I believe teenagers are trendy.
• I prefer listening to pop to listening to rock.
• I don’t prefer listening to rock music because it is E. Expressing Likes and Dislikes
• unbearable.
• Do you prefer eating out to cooking for dinner? 1. Grup kelimeler:
I prefer listening to jazz to (listening to) classical. (jazz Am-is-are crazy about Bayılmak, deli divane olmak
dinlemeyi klasik müzik dinlemeye tercih ederim) Love Çok sevmek
Enjoy Hoşlanmak + Ving
I prefer drinking coffee to (drinking) tea. (Kahve içmeyi çay Like Sevmek
içmeye tercih ederim) Don’t -Doesn’t like / Dislike Hoşlanmamak, sevmemek
Hate Nefret Etmek
Prefer kelimesinden sonra kullanılan fiile –ing eki getirilir ve aynı Can’t stand Tahammül edememek
fiil cümlenin ikinci kısmında kullanılmayabilir. I am crazy about going skating.
I don’t like watching thrillers.
I can’t stand reading sci-fi books.
D. Stating Personal Opinions
2. Grup kelimeler:
Kişisel fikirlerimizi ve kendi görüşlerimizi anlatırken
cümlelere bunun kendi fikrimiz olduğunu belirten bazı Am-is-are fond of Düşkün olmak
Am-is-are keen on
kalıplarla başlanır. Am-is-are interested in İlgili olmak
Am-is-are into + Ving
To be honest: Dürüst olmak gerekirse
Am-is-are good at İyi olmak
To me: Bana göre Am-is-are bad at Kötü olmak
In my opinion: Bana göre, benim fikrime göre
I think: Sanırım He is fond of going to concerts.
I believe: İnanıyorum ki I’m not interested in football.
Are you good at dancing?

TEST 1 3. Fill in the blank according to the passage below.

Henry likes watching soap operas or surfing the Net in

his free time. He is crazy about jazz and he listens to
jazz music even at dinner time. However, he doesn’t
prefer spending time with his family.
Jazz Rap Beatbox Techno
Marcy X Henry _ _ _ _.
Mel X X
Sam X X a) is interested in hanging out with friends
Lisa X X b) thinks jazz is terrific
c) usually watches TV at dinner time
1. According to the information above, who prefers d) prefers all kinds of music
beatbox and techno to jazz and rap?

x Hi! My name is Nina. I never go out on Sunday evenings.

I usually stay in my room because I like being alone. My

friend, Maria, rarely comes round, and we play computer

a) Lisa games or we watch a DVD. Then I surf the Net and chat
b) Mel with my friends online before I go to bed at 10 o’clock.
c) Sam Sundays are fun.
d) Marcy
4. Which of the following questions DOES NOT have an
answer in the text?

a) Does Nina hang out on Sunday evenings?

b) What time does Maria come round?
c) Does Nina go online?
d) What does Nina do in the evenings?
2. Turkish teens love watching TV, playing computer games
and surfing on the Internet! They enjoy hanging out with
friends. On weekdays, they don’t have much time because 5. Juliet and Jennifer decided to spend some time together
they go to school. But at weekends, many teens prefer after school. They get on well with each other and have a lot
going shopping at a mall or going to the cinema with their in common. Here are the lists of their personal interests:
Juliet Jennifer
What do Turkish teens do on Wednesdays? Watching sports on TV Hanging out at a mall
Going out in the afternoons Going bowling
Buying trendy clothes Listening to jazz
a) b)
Choose the activity that both Juliet and Jennifer will
enjoy doing together.
a) b)

c) d)
c) d)


6. Luis: Hey buddy, what’s up? You look so relaxed.

Jamie: Thanks Luis. I am trying to keep fit. I go jogging.
Luis: _ _ _ _? Answer the questions (9-10) according to the text
Jamie: Nearly every morning before breakfast. below.
Luis: _ _ _ _?
Jamie: Not really. I prefer outdoor activities.
Luis: That’s so cool. _ _ _ _? Richard Ross is a famous
Jamie: I prefer doing sports on the beach. volleyball player. He is 16 years
Which of the following questions DOES Luis NOT ask old. He is a young sportsman,
Jamie? but he has a lot of awards and
a) Where do you practice medals. He is among the best
b) How often do you run players in the world. He has a
c) What kind of sports do you hate very busy life. He gets up early
d) Do you also go to a gym
on weekdays. He runs for an hour every morning.
He has a shower after his personal training and has
7. Researchers asked teenagers about different activities breakfast. He goes to school at 8:30. He has lunch at
they like. Here are the results:
school at 1 p.m. He always prefers healthy food. His
%50 %50 school finishes at 4:30. After school, he trains at the
%35 gym at 5 p.m. He comes back home at 7 p.m. He has
%15 %15 dinner and listens to music. He never goes out in the
playing tennis

playing tennis

evenings. He goes to bed at 11:45 p.m. At the

doing karate
doing karate


weekends, he spends time with his family and friends.

Which of the following is CORRECT according to the
a) Girls don’t prefer tennis to skydiving.
b) Doing karate is extremely popular among girls. 9. In this paragraph, there is NO information about
c) Boys mostly prefer indoor sports or activities. _ _ _ _.
d) Boys think doing karate is unbearable.
a) Richard’s branch
b) Richard’s after-school activities
8. These are pictures from Jenny’s daily routine. c) Richard’s eating habits
d) the team Richard plays for

10. Richard Ross _ _ _ _.

07:30 08:30 17:00 20:30
a) always goes to the gym with his trainer
Which of the following activities DOES NOT match with b) has a very regular and healthy lifestyle
one of the pictures above? c) spends a lot of time doing his homework
d) prefers indoor activities in his daily life
a) On school days, I always get up at about 7 o’clock.
b) I have breakfast with my close relatives.
c) After the lessons, I attend after-school clubs.
d) In the evening, I do my homework or play with my

TEST 2 4. Ron: How about joining us at a very special event?

A rock concert?
Dave: _ _ _ _. I will definitely be there.

1. Jane: What do you usually do after school?

Andrew: _ _ _ _, because I am going abroad this Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
a) I am sorry
b) Awesome
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation? c) I can’t make it
d) I usually help my dad
a) I usually help my father in the garden
b) I often take my dog for a walk
c) I stay at home and listen to music
d) I attend a language course to improve my
speaking skills 5.
I am Jack. I am 14 years old. In my free time,
I usually hang out with my friends. We love
spending time together at a café or going
trekking. We like playing soccer most. We often
buy tickets for matches because they are fun.

2. Timothy: _ _ _ _?
Sue: Mostly casual ones. But sometimes I wear
fashionable clothes, too.

Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?

a) Would you like to wear a nice outfit tonight
b) What about going shopping for a dress
c) What do you think about trendy clothes
d) What sort of clothes do you prefer Which of the following pictures IS NOT related to the

a) b)

3. Adam prefers listening to jazz music, so _ _ _ _.

Which of the following COMPLETES the sentence?

a) he never misses jazz concerts c) d)
b) it is loud for him
c) he dislikes live music shows
d) he can’t stand jazz shows


6. Mary: My friend invites me to a pop music 8. Which of the following is INCORRECT according to the
concert. But I have to refuse because I hate table?
that type of music. I prefer listening to heavy a) Amy mostly helps around the house.
metal. b) Jones does homework in the afternoons.
c) Will always has breakfast out.
Which of the following DOES Mary prefer? d) James always walks to school.

a) b)

Answer the questions (9-10) according to Gulfy’s


c) d)
Dear Followers,
I am crazy about weekends because I always get up
late and have breakfast with my family. My
mom prepares excellent food for us and I don’t have
to do anything. We usually have Turkish food such as
a bagel or flaky pastry from the bakery because it is
very close to our apartment. After breakfast, we have
tea or coffee and chat about the rest of the week.
Then, I often go and hang out with my friends. We
never have lunch at home. In the evenings, we come
together with my parents to have dinner because
my mom usually cooks for us. Then, I chat with my
Answer the questions (7-8) according to the table classmates or read a book or newspapers, but I read
below. them online. I love weekends and spending time with
the people in my life.

Go to Have homework Help
school on breakfast at in the around
foot home afternoons the house
James • ••••• •••••
9. According to the text, _ _ _ _.
Amy ••• •• • ••••
Will ••••• ••• •• a) Gulfy’s father cooks dinner
Jones •• • ••• ••• b) Gulfy has a sister
c) they sometimes have lunch on Sundays
d) they prefer bagels for breakfast
7. _ _ _ _ hardly ever has breakfast at home.
a) James 10. Gulfy _ _ _ _.
b) Amy
c) Will a) prefers having lunch with her family
d) Jones b) uses her computer to read the news
c) has to prepare the breakfast on weekdays
d) spends weekends only with her family


5. Adam: Are you busy this weekend?
Rick: Not really. Why are you asking?
Adam: Well, there is a book fair at the City Hall on Sunday.
1. Most of the teens are fond of fashion so they prefer I am crazy about books and I want to buy a biographical
_ _ _ _ with friends at the mall on Saturdays. book. Would you like to join me?

Which of the following COMPLETES the sentence? Which picture is related to the genre of the book Adam
wants to buy?
a) hanging out
b) listening to a) b)
c) reading news online
d) wearing

2. Almost every teenager prefers going shopping at the

mall. Physical appearance is important to teens, so they pay
attention to their appearance. That’s why they want to keep
up with the latest _ _ _ _. They want to look stylish with
their dressing styles. c) d)

Which of the following words COMPLETES the passage?

a) tradition
b) sports
c) activities
d) fashion

3. I don’t like listening to classical music. I think it is boring Fill in the blank according to the poster below.
and _ _ _ _. I usually prefer listening to rock because it is
trendy and fun.
John Lennon (guitar, vocal)
Which of the following COMPLETES the text?
Paul McCartney (bass guitar,
a) unbearable
b) exciting George Harrison (guitar)
c) terrific
d) awesome Ringo Starr (drums)

4. Rose: How often do you go to the cinema? 6. The Beatles are a very popular and famous rock band
Lisa: _ _ _ _, I don’t like the cinema but I’m keen on from Liverpool, England. Their songs are _ _ _ _ and
theatre. I don’t miss any plays. energetic. Everybody loves listening to them.

a) harmonic
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation? b) unbearable
a) Once a week c) boring
b) To be honest d) ridiculous
c) That’s so impressive
d) Sure, that sounds fun


Answer the questions (9-10) according to the

7. Hello. My name’s Jackie. On a typical weekday, I usually invitation below.
get up early in the morning and leave home to catch the
school bus. So I never have breakfast at home with my
family. After school, I attend basketball training at the gym.
It takes about an hour. Then, I get dressed and arrive home
at about 5 p.m. My mom cooks for us and we have dinner
at home. I sometimes watch TV or play games with my
parents in the evenings. I always finish my homework
before I go to bed.

Hi Ian,
Which of the following activities DOES Jackie NOT do on
a typical day? I saw a poster about a beach party. I am so
excited to join the party. Would you like to
join the party with me? We can have snacks
a) b) at a café near the school and go there on foot
because it is close to our school. I think it is a
great activity. A popular music band will play
until midnight. We can dance, listen to music
and have fun all night. It is a great chance for
us as we are both stressed these days. Don’t
bring anything to drink or eat. Please do not
forget to wear trendy clothes when you come
tomorrow. I hope you can come.
c) d)
See you tomorrow,


Jazz Rock Rap Pop 9. According to the text, Ian _ _ _ _.

Sue X
Max X X a) is going to the party
Rose X X b) prefers trendy clothes
Nick X X c) is interested in bringing food to parties
: YES - X: NO d) and Rachel are at the same school

8. Which of the following is CORRECT according to the

10. The people attending the party will _ _ _ _.
a) Sue and Max prefer rap music, but Rose doesn’t.
b) They all like rock music. a) wear fashionable outfits
c) Nick doesn’t prefer jazz to rock music. b) have after-school activites
d) Rose prefers rap and pop to jazz and rock. c) wear casual clothes like jeans and a shirt
d) invite a friend for the beach party


3. Tracy and Francesca usually hang out after school. They

TEST 4 have similar interests but they prefer doing different
activities too. Here are the lists of their personal interests:
Tracy Francesca
Listening to pop music Hanging out at a mall
Robert: At weekends, I usually don’t hang out Watching sports on TV Watching pop concerts
with anyone, because _ _ _ _. Going shopping Going to stadiums
Chatting Meeting up with friends
Which of the following options shows the activity that
Tracy and Francesca will never enjoy doing together?
a) b)
Which of the following COMPLETES the sentence?
a) I prefer hanging out with my buddies
b) I like to meet up with friends
c) I am keen on concerts
d) I like being alone c) d)

2. These are the pictures from Adrian’s daily routine.

4. Roberta: I think our new classmate is trendy.

Paulina: _ _ _ _?
Roberta: She always wears stylish clothes and she is
very impressive.
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
a) Why do you think so
07:30 09:30 b) Why don’t you come along
c) What genre of books does she prefer
d) Where does she go shopping

5. Our school is organizing a festival to help the students

spend more time together on Sunday. The teachers invite all
the students for the activity. Here are some responses from
the students:

17:00 21:30 Emma: I can’t refuse such an offer.

Liz: I would love to. Do you need any help?
Douglas: I need more details but I love those kinds of
Which of the following activities DOES NOT match with
one of the pictures above? activities anyway.
Lionel: I can’t make it. I have to help around the house.
a) On school days, I always get up at about half past Who refuses the offer and makes an excuse?
b) I have breakfast with my parents. a) Emma
c) After the lessons, I attend after-school clubs. b) Liz
d) In the evening, I often listen to jazz. c) Douglas
d) Lionel

6. Answer the question according to the table below. Answer the questions (9-10) according to the passages
Beatbox Rock Folk Indian below.
Kirk What kinds of music do you like and why?
_ _ _ _ doesn’t prefer listening to beatbox to rock music.
Betty: I like country music. Yes, I know, many people
a) John out there hate it. But I like it. Probably because that
b) Kirk is what I grew up with, and I am a country/farm girl
c) Turner at heart.
d) Smith
7. Allen enjoys attending after-school activities on
weekdays. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays he does karate at Nick: I like all kinds of music, jazz, rock, pop, and
the gym. The next day, he is busy with volleyball training. classical anything as long as it is good. But I still
He usually spends time with the chess team at school. He have to feel it emotionally. It doesn’t matter when experts
is good at playing chess but he wants to get a medal in a tell me how excellent Mozart is, if I don’t feel it, I won’t
tournament, so he has to work hard to improve his skills. waste my time. Life is too short.
Although he likes playing tennis, he has no time to practice
Which activity DOES Allen NOT attend?
Gabriel: I am crazy about pop and I never listen
a) b) to anything else. Appreciating music in different
genres is hard; it takes time and patience, things
that are often in short supply.

c) d)
9. According to the text, _ _ _ _.
a) Betty loves only Jazz music
b) Gabriel only listens to pop music
c) Nick is a Mozart fan
d) Betty and Nick are interested in the same genre

8. Andy: How do you keep fit?

Adam: I wake up early every morning and have a healthy
breakfast. Then I meet up with my trainer and swim
nearly half an hour on Tuesdays, Thursdays and at the
weekends. We usually go jogging or trekking after 10. Nick _ _ _ _.
the gym. a) chooses his music if he likes it
Andy: That’s so cool! b) never listens to classical music
How often does Adam train a week? c) only listens to classical music
d) listens to all songs even if they are bad
a) Seldom
b) Twice a week
c) Four times a week
d) On weekdays


4. Ann: _ _ _ _?
TEST 5 Ashley: I usually watch soap operas or listen to music
because I like being on my own before I go to sleep.

Ron: My sister likes shopping and wearing Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
trendy clothes. She spends a lot of money on
new clothes every month. She always follows a) Do you like listening to music
the latest fashion through TV channels and b) What’s your after-school activity
websites because she likes being _ _ _ _ . c) What do you do after lunch
d) How do you spend time in the evenings

5. Complete the sentence.

Which of the following COMPLETES the text?
a) attractive
b) stubborn
c) ridiculous
d) formal

2. I think classical music is_ _ _ _. I can’t stand it because it If teenagers want to improve their skills, they should_ _ _ .
They build models using the recycled items at school. First,
is too slow and I feel sleepy when I listen to it. they plan the models, and then they work on them.
Which of the following COMPLETES the sentence? a) hang out with their friends
b) walk to school
a) boring c) attend after-school clubs
b) energetic d) play online games with their friends
c) harmonic
d) ridiculous

3. Wilma: I attend after-school clubs and activities.

My favorite activity is joining a camping event at
weekends. I love sitting around the campfire and singing
songs with my friends. To me, _ _ _ _ is the only thing I am
not good at when it comes to camping. I always get help Sam: Are you free on Saturday?
with my shelter. Jordan: Well, I have things to do! Why are you asking?
Sam: Shall we play soccer in the afternoon?
Jordan: _ _ _ _. See you there.
Which of the following COMPLETES the speech?
a) pitching a tent 6. Which of the following completes the dialogue?
b) singing songs
c) having breakfast a) Eric and I will study together
d) making a campfire b) I’m sorry, I have other plans
c) I’d love to, but I have things to do
d) Why not? I will catch you later

7. Look at the visuals and read the text. Answer the

My name is Jeremy. I am an 8th grader. questions (9-10) according to them.
I always get up early on weekdays because A researcher conducts his research about teenagers. It is
I have breakfast at home with my parents about teenagers’ daily routines. He compared young
people in Italy and Japan. He asked young people about
and my father drives me to school because their habits and routines. Here are some results of his study
from the questionnaire that he gave to the teenagers.
it is about 5 km from our house. ıI have eight
lessons at school each day and I attend
school clubs. I attend school clubs twice a
week. In the evenings I prefer watching DVDs
or playing computer games. Before I go to
sleep, ıI usually read about 20 pages.

What can be the best title for the text?

a) My free-time activities
b) My daily routine
c) My eating habits
d) My family and me


8. Brad and Dave are classmates. According to a

questionnaire they have things in common. But they have 9. Which sentence is INCORRECT according to the
differences as well. Here are the lists of their personal research results?
a) Japanese teens are more interested in watching
TV than Italian teens.
Brad Dave b) Japanese teens spend less time studying than
Italian teens.
Enjoys surfing the Net Likes hanging out at a mall c) Japanese teens’ favorite activity is chatting with
Likes doing sports Loves going trekking their buddies.
Hates going shopping Dislikes listening to music d) Some Italian teens prefer social activities.

Which of the following is CORRECT according to the table

about Brad and Dave? 10. Which can NOT be one of the questions in the
a) Brad prefers only outdoor activities
b) Dave never does any sports a) What do you do in your spare time?
c) Brad and Dave are both crazy about shopping b) What kind of social activities do you like?
d) Brad is into surfing the websites but Dave prefers c) How do you spend your free time?
shopping d) What is your favorite blog?



Choose the best option. a) ciddi
b) canlı
c) heyecanlı
d) günlük
1 Torch 9 Fond of
a) karın egzersizi a) üstelik, bundan başka 18 Rope
b) antrenman b) sevmek, düşkün olmak a) yol
c) gençlik c) rahat b) tür, çeşit
d) el feneri d) inanılmaz, şaşırtıcı c) ciddi
d) ip
2 Fashionable 10 Trendy
a) çadır kurmak a) hakaret etmek 19 Reward
b) komik, gülünç, tuhaf b) modaya uygun a) rahat
c) modaya uygun c) dal, branş b) dal, branş
d) dayanılmaz d) okçuluk c) saçma, gülünç
d) ödül, ödüllendirmek
3 Ridiculous 11 Title
a) rahat, gamsız a) başlık 20 Laughable
b) gazlı içecekler b) gençlik a) komik, gülünç
c) saçma, gülünç c) çizmek b) ciddi
d) hakaret etmek d) heyecanlı c) sevmek
d) üstelik
4 Drum 12 Recommend
a) canlı a) müthiş, harika 21 Impressive
b) davul b) çadır kurmak a) etkileyici
c) gençlik c) tavsiye etmek b) yürüyüş
d) çizmek d) rahat, gevşemiş c) tavsiye etmek
d) modaya uygun
5 Absurd 13 Lend
a) ödül, ödüllendirmek a) hakaret etmek 22 Excited
b) hakaret etmek b) ödünç vermek a) başarı
c) modaya uygun c) müzik grubu b) antrenman
d) saçma, gülünç d) tür, çeşit c) sırt çantası
d) heyecanlı
6 Equipment 14 Amazing
a) araç gereç a) kazanmak, elde etmek 23 Laid-back
b) tavsiye etmek b) meraklı olmak, düşkün olmak a) modaya uygun
c) komik, gülünç c) inanılmaz, şaşırtıcı b) rahat, gamsız
d) rahat d) arasında c) çekici, cazibeli
d) harika, müthiş
7 Opinion 15 Unbearable
a) başarı a) çadır kurmak 24 Branch
b) getirmek b) dayanılmaz a) hakaret etmek
c) moda c) modaya uygun b) saygı, saygı göstermek
d) fikir d) saçma, gülünç c) dal, branş
d) rahat, gamsız
8 Snob 16 Pitch a tent
a) burnu havada a) saçma, gülünç 25 Fashion
b) müzik grubu b) antrenman a) fikir c) moda
c) karın egzersizi c) büyüleyici b) ciddi d) başarı
d) modaya uygun d) çadır kurmak



Choose the best option. a) fiziken iyi görünmek
b) birini uyandırmak
c) birini almak
d) üstünü giyinmek
1 Countryside 9 Paten
a) kutsal a) skate 18 Healthy
b) kırsal b) sensitive a) gökkuşağı
c) harika c) until b) sağlıklı
d) hassas d) huge c) harika
d) hassas
2 Tokalaşmak 10 Pool
a) ridiculous a) devasa 19 Hazırlamak
b) unbearable b) fikir a) prepare
c) shake hands c) yemek b) shake hands
d) school subject d) havuz c) similarity
d) prefer
3 Bright blessed day 11 Fikir
a) parlak kutlu gün a) rhythm 20 Beslemek
b) üstünü giyinmek b) rainbow a) need
c) dikkat kesilmek c) opinion b) meal
d) gerçekçi olmak d) training c) prefer
d) feed
4 Grow 12 Adil davranmak
a) beslemek a) shake hands 21 Modaya uygun
b) birini güldürmek b) behaving fairly a) prefer
c) büyümek, gelişmek c) be in nature b) trendy
d) yer, bölge d) following the rules c) opinion
d) difference
5 A typical day 13 Hoş
a) sıradan bir gün a) trendy 22 Huge
b) birini uyandırmak b) difficult a) beslemek
c) birini güldürmek c) prefer b) havuz
d) katlanılamaz d) pretty c) kocaman
d) kırsal
6 Pay attention to ... 14 Zor
a) parlak kutlu gün a) difficult 23 Unbearable
b) üstünü giyinmek b) similarity a) birini almak
c) kurallara uymak c) ridiculous b) katlanılamaz
d) dikkat kesilmek d) excellent c) tokalaşmak
d) karşılaştırma
7 Doğada vakit geçirmek/olmak 15 Bloom
a) be in nature a) açmak, yeşermek 24 Birini çağırmak/aramak
b) typical day b) komik, saçma a) look fit
c) make somebody laugh c) tercih etmek b) wake somebody up
d) behaving fairly d) büyümek, gelişmek c) call somebody
d) pick somebody up
8 Okul dersi 16 Sacred
a) behaving fairly a) kaykay 25 Voice
b) being realistic b) hassas a) hassas c) ses
c) school subject c) kırsal b) hoş d) kutsal
d) similarity d) kutsal

• Making simple inquiries
• Expressing preferences
• Describing and exchanging ideas about simple processes

1 2 cloves of: 2 diş 40 Chop: Kıymak, ince doğramak 81 Everywhere: Her yer, her yerde
2 3 pieces of: 3 parça 41 Cilantro: Kişniş 82 Exchange: Değiştirmek
3 A bunch of: Bir demet 42 Cinnamon: Tarçın 83 Experience: Tecrübe
4 A coffee cup of: Bir fincan 43 Clue: İpucu 84 Extract: Öz, özüt
5 A glass of: Bir bardak 44 Cocoa: Kakao 85 Eye-catching: Göz alıcı
6 A handful of: Bir avuç 45 Coconut powder: Rendelenmiş 86 Fajita: Fajita (Meksika kökenli
7 A leaf of: Bir yaprak hindistan cevizi bir yemek)
8 A liter of: Bir litre 46 Constantly: Sürekli 87 Famous: Ünlü
9 A little bit: Birazcık 47 Continuously: Sürekli 88 Fatty: Yağlı
10 A pinch of parsley: Bir tutam 48 Cookie: Kurabiye 89 Field: Alan
maydanoz 49 Cornstarch: Mısır nişastası 90 Firmly: Sıkıca
11 A spoon of: Bir kaşık 50 Couscous: Kuskus 91 Flavor: Tat, lezzet
12 A teaspoon of: Bir çay kaşığı 51 Cover: Kapatmak, örtmek 92 Flour: Un
13 About: Yaklaşık 52 Crack: Kırmak 93 Following step: Diğer adım
14 Add: Eklemek 53 Crackers: Kraker 94 Fork: Çatal
15 As soon as possible: Mümkün 54 Cranberry: Kızılcık 95 Forward: İleriye doğru
olabildiğince çabuk 55 Cream cheese: Krem peynir 96 Freeze: Dondurmak
16 Asian: Asya’ya ait 56 Croissant: Kruvasan 97 Freezer: Dondurucu
17 Bake: Fırında pişirmek, fırınlamak 57 Crush: Ezmek 98 Fresh: Taze
18 Baking powder: Kabartma tozu 58 Cucumber: Salatalık 99 Fruit: Meyve
19 Baking tray: Fırın tepsisi 59 Cuisine: Mutfak 100 Fry: Kızartmak (yağda)
20 Bamboo mat: Bambudan yapılmış 60 Culinary: Aşçılık 101 Garlic: Sarımsak
sarma hasırı 61 Cup: Fincan 102 Gastronomy: Yemek sanatı
21 Beef broth: Et suyu 62 Cut: Kesmek 103 Gently: Kibarca
22 Beef: Dana eti 63 Department: Bölüm, birim 104 Ginger: Zencefil
23 Bell pepper: Büyük cins biber, 64 Description: Tarif 105 Good Appetite: Afiyet olsun
kapya 65 Dessert: Tatlı 106 Graduate: Mezun olmak
24 Belong to: Ait olmak 66 Dice: Küp küp doğramak 107 Grapes: Üzüm
25 Best meal ever: Şimdiye kadarki 67 Dictionary: Sözlük 108 Grate: Rendelemek
en iyi yemek 68 Different: Farklı 109 Grater: Rende
26 Bitter: Acı 69 Direction: Yön 110 Greasy: Yağlı
27 Black pepper: Karabiber 70 Dish: Yemek 111 Grill: Izgarada pişirmek
28 Blender: Çırpıcı 71 Display: Göstermek 112 Guess: Tahmin etmek
29 Blueberries: Yaban mersini 72 Dissolve: Eritmek, erimek 113 Guest: Misafir
30 Boil: Kaynatmak, haşlamak 73 Dough: Hamur 114 Half of: Yarısı
31 Bon Appétit: Afiyet olsun (Fransızca) 74 Drain: Süzmek 115 Hash tag: # işareti
32 Bottle: Şişe 75 Dried seaweed: Kurutulmuş 116 Healthy: Sağlıklı
33 Bowl: Kase yosun 117 Heat: Isıtmak
34 Breadcrumbs: Ufalanmış ekmek 76 Drop: Damlamak 118 Herb: Bitki
35 Butter: Tereyağı 77 Easy: Kolay 119 Homemade: Ev yapımı
36 Cake pan: Kek kalıbı 78 Effectively: Etkili bir şekilde 120 Honey: Bal
37 Chef: Şef aşçı 79 Enough: Yeterince
38 Cherry: Kiraz 80 Especially: Özellikle
39 Chili pepper: Acı biber



121 Ice cream maker: Dondurma 163 Place: Yerleştirmek, koymak 206 Spoon: Kaşık
yapma aleti 164 Plastic wrap: Plastik ambalaj 207 Spread: Sürmek, yaymak
122 Idea: Fikir 165 Plate: Tabak 208 Sprinkle : Serpiştirmek
123 In the mood: Havasında, 166 Pour: Sıvı bir şeyi dökmek 209 Squeeze: Suyunu sıkmak
modunda olmak 167 Powdered sugar: Pudra şekeri 210 Steak: Dana etinden biftek
124 Ingredient: İçerik, malzeme 168 Practical: Pratik 211 Steam: Buharda pişirmek
125 Irish: İrlanda’ya ait 169 Preheated: Önceden ısıtılmış 212 Stem: Kök, gövde
126 Kitchen tools: Mutfak gereçleri 170 Preparation: Hazırlama, hazırlık 213 Step: Basamak, aşama
127 Knead: Yoğurmak 171 Prepare: Hazırlamak 214 Stir: Sıvıları karıştırmak
128 Knife: Bıçak 172 Press: Sıkmak, preslemek 215 Strainer: Süzgeç
129 Large pot: Büyük tencere 173 Probably: Muhtemelen 216 Sushi: Japonların meşhur yemeği
130 Large size: Büyük boy 174 Process: Süreç 217 Sweet basil: Fesleğen
131 Laugh: Gülmek 175 Proverb: Atasözü 218 Sweet tooth: Tatlı sevmek
132 Leave: Bırakmak 176 Provide: Sağlamak 219 Sweet: Tatlı
133 Lemonade: Limonata 177 Provided: Verilen 220 Tablespoon (Tsp): Yemek kaşığı
134 Lengthwise: Uzunlamasına 178 Put: Koymak, eklemek 221 Tactic: Taktik
135 Lentil: Mercimek 179 Raw: Çiğ 222 Take part: Yer almak
136 Long ways: Uzunlamasına 180 Recipe: Yemek tarifi 223 Taste: Tatmak, tadına bakmak
137 Marinate: Marine etmek, 181 Refrigerator: Buzdolabı 224 Tasty: Lezzetli
terbiye etmek 182 Related to: İlgili olmak 225 Tie: Bağlamak
138 Mash: Püre yapmak, ezmek 183 Relative: Akraba 226 Tip: İpucu
139 Meat: Et 184 Remove: Çıkarmak 227 Tongue twister: Tekerleme
140 Milky: Sütlü 185 Rice flour: Pirinç unu 228 Traditional: Geleneksel
141 Mince: Kıyma 186 Rice: Pirinç 229 Try: Denemek
142 Mint leaves: Nane yaprakları 187 Rinse: Durulamak, suyla yıkamak 230 Turn upside down: Altını üstüne
143 Mix: Karıştırmak, çırpmak 188 Roast: Fırında kızartmak getirmek, tersini çevirmek
144 Mixture: Karışım 189 Roll: Sarmak, yuvarlamak 231 Unhealthy: Sağlıksız
145 Moreover: Dahası, üstelik 190 Salty: Tuzlu 232 Various: Çeşitli
146 Morocco: Fas 191 Sample: Örnek, numune 233 Vegetable oil: Bitkisel yağ
147 Necessary: Gerekli 192 Saucepan: Tencere 234 Vegetable peeler: Sebze soyucu
148 Noodles: Şehriye 193 Scan: Taramak 235 Vinegar: Sirke
149 Oil: Sıvı Yağ 194 Serve: Servis etmek 236 Visitor: Ziyaretçi
150 Olive oil: Zeytin yağı 195 Sesame oil: Susam yağı 237 Walnut: Ceviz
151 On top of: Üzerine 196 Shape: Şekillendirmek 238 Watermelon: Karpuz
152 Onion: Soğan 197 Side: Kenar, taraf 239 Well-known: Tanınan, iyi bilinen
153 Only: Sadece 198 Slice: Dilimlemek 240 Whisk: Çırpmak
154 Oven: Fırın 199 Sliced into strips: Şeritler halide 241 Workshop: Atölye çalışması
155 Over: Üzerine doğranmış 242 Wrap: Sarmak, dürüm
156 Pancake: Krep 200 Soft: Yumuşak
157 Paper sheet: Pişirme (kağıdı) 201 Soup: Çorba
158 Particular: Belirli 202 Sour: Ekşi
159 Pasta: Makarna 203 Soy sauce: Soya sosu
160 Peel: Kabuğunu soymak 204 Spice: Baharat
161 Pepper: Biber 205 Spicy: Baharatlı
162 Piece: Parça



• A coffee cup of flour. :Bir fincan un.

• A handful of grapes. :Bir avuç üzüm.
• Add a pinch of salt. :Birazcık tuz ilave edin.
• Asian cuisine is famous for spicy food. :Asya mutfağı baharatlı yiyecekleriyle ünlüdür.
• Bake at 180 ºC in a preheated oven. :Önceden 180 ºC ısıtılmış fırında pişirin.
• Bon Appétit! :Afiyet olsun!
• Can you repeat that, please? :Lütfen tekrar eder misin?
• Cook it over medium heat. :Orta ısıda pişirin.
• Cut into halves. :İkiye bölün.
• Do I use two or three eggs? :İki mi yoksa 3 yumurta mı kullanmalıyım?
• Do we have to use butter? :Tereyağı kullanmak zorunda mıyız?
• Do you prefer cooking pizza or pasta? :Pizza mı yoksa makarna mı pişirmeyi tercih edersiniz?
• Half a bunch of parsley. :Yarım demet maydanoz.
• Half a packet of pasta. :Yarım paket makarna.
• Heat the mixture. :Karışımı ısıtın.
• How long does it take to bake cookies? :Kurabiyeleri pişirmek ne kadar sürer?
• How many minutes do we heat it? :Kaç dakika ısıtmalıyız?
• How much sugar do we use? :Ne kadar şeker kullanmalıyız?
• How can I make a dish? :Bir yemeği nasıl yapabilirim?
• I like salad a bit oily. :Salatayı biraz yağlı severim.
• I’ll try it as soon as possible. :En kısa zamanda deneyeceğim.
• It is worth trying. :Denemeye değer.
• Let’s start! :Haydi başlayalım.
• Next, knead it well until you get a soft dough. :Daha sonra yumuşak bir hamur elde edene kadar iyice yoğurun.
• Pour the mixture into a bowl. :Karışımı bir kaseye dökün.
• Put it into the fridge. :Buzdolabına koyun.
• Season the meals. :Yemekleri çeşnilendirin/baharat ekleyin.
• Serve hot - warm. :Sıcak – Ilık servis edin.
• Stir constantly. :Sürekli karıştırın.
• Tell me how you prepare it. :Bana nasıl yapıldığını anlat.
• The food you are in the mood for now. :Şimdi havasında olduğun yemek, yemek istediğin şey.
• The rest of. :Kalanı/gerisi.
• Turn the cake upside down. :Kekin altını üstüne çevirin/ters çevirin.
• Two tablespoons of. :İki kaşık.
• What are the ingredients? :Malzemeler nelerdir?
• What is the following step? :Bir sonraki adım, aşama nedir?
• What is the cooking process? :Nasıl yapılır, pişirme süreci nasıldır?
• When should we add water? :Suyu ne zaman eklemeliyiz?
• Which dessert do you prefer? :Hangi tatlıyı tercih edersiniz?
• You can mix them for about five minutes. :Beş dakika kadar karıştırabilirsiniz.



A. Sequencing Words (Sıralama Kelimeleri)

Yemek tarifleri aşamalı bir anlatım gerektirdiğinden aşağıdaki sıralama kelimeleri önemlidir.

First (İlk önce)

Second (İkinci olarak, daha sonra)
Then, Next, Later, After that (Ondan sonra, daha
Finally (En sonunda, son olarak)

B. After/Before
İngilizcede bir olayın oluş zamanını bildirmek için bazı bağlaçlar kullanılır.

After: Sonra, -den sonra. Bir olay olduktan sonra olacak veya olmuş bir olayı anlatmak için kullanılır. After’dan
sonra gelen cümle önce olmuştur. (AFTER 1.eylem / 2. eylem)
Before: Önce, -meden. Bir olay olmadan önce olan olayı belirtmek için kullanılır. Yani before’dan sonra gelen
cümle sonradan gerçekleşmiştir. (BEFORE 2.eylem / 1. eylem)

We should wash vegetables before we peel them.(Sebzeleri soymadan önce yıkamalıyız.)

We peel vegetables after we wash them.(Sebzeleri yıkadıktan sonra soyarız.)

C. Quantifiers
Yemek tarifleri anlatılırken (özellikle içindekiler listesi) malzemeleri miktarlarıyla birlikte vermek önemlidir. Bu sebeple
miktar belirtirken bazı özel kalıpları bilmek gerekir.

A slice of: Bir dilim (peynir) A handful of: Bir avuç (üzüm)
A bar of: Bir bar, çubuk(çikolata) A spoon of: Bir kaşık (bal)
2 cloves of: 2 diş(sarımsak) A bunch of: Bir demet (maydanoz)
Half a packet of: Yarım paket (makarna) 125 grams: 125 gram (tereyağı)
A teaspoon of: Bir çay kaşığı (tuz) A glass of: Bir bardak ( pudra şekeri)
A coffee cup of: Bir fincan (toz şeker) Some: Biraz

D. Imperatives (Emir Cümleleri)

Yemek tarif ederken genellikle ekle-ekleyin, pişir-pişirin ya da karıştır-karıştırın şeklinde emir kipinde cümle yapıları
kullanılır. Bu cümleleri kullanırken İngilizcede cümle doğrudan fiilin kendisiyle başlar ve herhangi bir özne kullanılmaz
çünkü karşımızdakiyle konuşur gibi yapılması gerekenleri direktif olarak söyleriz.

Mix the egg and butter. (Yumurta ve tereyağını karıştırın.)

Knead the dough well. (Hamuru iyice yoğurun.)

3. Complete the sentence according to the recipe below.
“Kebab” is a main course in Turkish cuisine with chicken
TEST 1 legs or meat, butter, onion, garlic, pepper, spices and
herbs. Before you put the chicken legs and butter in a large
frying pan, rinse all the vegetables. Stir with a wooden
spoon until they are cooked well. Peel and cut two small
Darren: I love spicy food because they taste delicious. onions, then chop and add them to the frying pan. Wait
Wilma: To me, desserts are number one. I can’t help until they are golden brown for 3-4 minutes. Add salt,
eating one more. garlic, pepper and spices according to your taste and
Jacob: I hate creamy sauces so I never prefer those kinds herbs. Finally, put the mixture in a baking tray with some
of food. hot water. Bake it in the oven for about 45 minutes. You
Andy: I tried a sour cheesecake and I loved it. You must can serve the dish with Turkish pilaf or chips.
taste it!
To prepare a delicious kebab meal, _ _ _ _.
1. According to the information above, which one of the a) you must use ingredients such as seafood and
following is Darren’s favorite dish? herbs
b) you must follow the instructions in the recipe
a) b) carefully
c) you should not put the mixture in a tray before
you stir it
d) fry and roast the chicken legs well

4. David and Martin decided to have dinner together at a

new restaurant. They are not very hungry so they want to
c) d) share the same dish. They don’t like fast food or dessert.
They prefer traditional food or grilled meat. David is fond of
seafood but Martin isn’t. Here is the menu.

Soup of the day: 3 €

Universal Salad
First, cook all the potatoes in boiling water for 30 Fish of the day: 5 €
minutes. Then, boil 2 eggs for about 4 minutes. Peel the Hamburger menu: 4 €
potatoes and eggs. Then, cut them in half. Peel and chop Apple pie: 3,5 €
the onion. After that, mix the potatoes, eggs, onion, salt
and pepper in a large bowl. Before you add lemon, put Grilled Meat: 10 €
yoghurt and olive oil. Finally, pour lemon juice into the
mixture. Enjoy your salad!

2. What must you do before you peel the onion?

Which of the following options shows the meal that both
a) b) Martin and David will enjoy eating?
a) b)

c) d)
c) d)


5. Danny: _ _ _ _? 8. Important points to cook better from Rüzgar Chef.

Carol: Salt, butter and eggs.
Danny: Is that all? If you want to make tasty cakes, heat the oven before
Carol: Yes, that’s a very easy and fast dish to cook. you put the cake in it. Don’t open the oven door while
cooking and leave the cake to cool down before you
Which of the following DOES NOT complete the serve it.
When making dough, put the butter in the fridge and
a) What do you need to make omelette grate it into the dry ingredients. You will get delicious
b) What are the ingredients of omelette dessert.
c) What’s in omelette
d) What is omelette famous for In the passage, there is NO information about _ _ _ _.
a) cooking methods
b) amounts of ingredients
6. c) instructions for cooking
d) kitchen tools
Lahmacun is a spicy food. It is popular all over Turkey.
They mix meat (very small pieces), onions, green peppers,
tomatoes and herbs. It is cooked in an oven for about ten Answer the questions (9-10) according to the e-mail
minutes. below.

Which of the following questions DOES NOT have an Dear friend,

answer in the passage? Great to hear from you! In your last
e-mail you asked about my favorite
a) How often do people eat lahmacun? dish. It is “Eggs on Vegetables”.
b) What is lahmacun? It is a traditional British dish with
c) Where is lahmacun popular? onions, tomatoes, peppers, chillies
d) What are the ingredients of lahmacun? and eggs. It’s very easy to make. First, we chop the
vegetables and fry them in a pan. Then, scramble the
eggs in a bowl and pour it over the fried vegetables. Add
salt and black pepper. Cook the mixture slowly for about
ten minutes. We prefer this delicious meal at dinner. It is
delicious with hot fresh tortillas. You should definitely try
it one day! How about you? Do you have a favorite dish in
Italy? Best wishes.
7. Our teacher conducted a survey about our food
preferences. Here are the results: 9. Which of the following is INCORRECT according to the
Fajita Sushi Pizza Hamburger Kebab
Linda X X a) This is a traditional dish.
Sarah X X X b) You need onions, tomatoes, peppers and eggs.
Mark X X c) You should cook the meal in an oven.
Nina X X d) Add salt and pepper while you cook it.
: YES - X: NO

According to the table, which of the following is 10. _ _ _ _, after you fry the vegetables.
a) Add eggs
a) Linda and Sarah prefer fajitas, but Nina doesn’t. b) Chop onions and peppers
b) They all like pizza. c) Cook tomatoes for ten minutes
c) Mark doesn’t prefer hamburgers to sushi. d) Put the mixture in a bowl
d) Nina prefers kebab to pizza.

5. Daughter: Hi Mum, what is that?

TEST 2 Mum: I’m cooking delicious pastry for us.
Daughter: What’s in it, mum?
Mum: 3 eggs, 200 grams of butter, a glass of powdered
sugar, salt, a coffee cup of olive oil, some white cheese
1. It is easy to make an omelette. Let me tell you how to and black olives.
make it. First, put some oil into a pan and heat it. Second,
mix two eggs in a bowl, then add some salt. After that, add
some cheese and milk. Finally, _ _ _ _ the mixture into the Which picture shows one of the ingredients of the recipe?
hot pan.
a) b)
Which of the following COMPLETES the text?

a) stir
b) pour
c) drain
d) serve
c) d)
2. I am crazy about spicy food like Turkish kebabs but my
father thinks they are unhealthy. He likes _ _ _ _ food like
cake or pie.
Which of the following COMPLETES the sentence?
a) bitter
b) sour
c) sweet
d) fatty

3. Nowadays, most of the teens prefer American cuisine. Judy: Tell me how you prepare a fruit salad.
Burgers and _ _ _ _ are their favorite meals. You grill meat Mark: Sure. First, peel the bananas and kiwi fruit.
and serve with sauces. They love fried potatoes and coke Second, cut them into small pieces. Put them into a small
together with their dish. bowl, and then add some grapes and cranberries. Next,
cut the strawberries into halves. After that, squeeze the
Which of the following COMPLETES the passage? lemon.
Judy: I think it is very tasty!
a) pasta
b) steak 6. Which picture shows the last step of the recipe?
c) vegetables
d) flour
a) b)

4. Randal: Which one do you prefer, American or Mexican

Amy: I prefer American. Pie is my favorite one. You
_ _ _ _ it in an oven and serve with different flavored
sauces. It goes very well with a cup of coffee.
c) d)
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?

a) boil
b) bake
c) fry
d) grill

Answer the questions (9-10) according to the

7. Janet: How do you usually cook chicken? recipe below.
Jason: We usually fry it or bake it in an oven.
Janet: I think I will need some oil and a pan, because
there isn’t an oven in my kitchen.

Which picture shows the cooking method Janet will use?

a) b) This is definitely the best cupcake you

can make at home. I supply the tips
and easy to follow directions with a
recipe video for you on my channel. If
you become a member and watch all
the videos, you can also be a chef in
your kitchen.

c) d)

• 1/2 cup of flour • Add the dry ingredients to

• 1/2 cup of sugar a bowl and stir with a fork or
• 3 tbsp of cocoa spoon to mix well.
• Add the liquids and stir until
• A pinch of salt the mixture is soft.
• A tsp of cinnamon • Put the mixture in a tray
• 50 ml of water and place it in the microwave
(boiled and cooled) oven and heat on high until
• 2 Tbsp of olive oil the mixture is cooked
• Half a tsp of vanilla through, about 20 minutes.
extract • Top with ice cream! Let it
• Ice cream (for the cool for a minute and serve
8. I want to share my secret recipe to make a delicious topping) with ice cream.

1. Finally, add the lemon juice and

honey. 9. Before you add the liquids, _ _ _ _.
2. First, peel the bananas and kiwi fruit.
3. Next, cut the strawberries into halves a) stir until the mixture is soft
and squeeze the lemon. b) put the dry ingredients into a bowl and stir
4. Put them into a small bowl, and c) place in a microwave and heat the mixture
then add some grapes and cranberries. d) let it cool for some time
5. Second, cut them into small pieces.

Put the sentences in the correct order. 10. You can serve your cupcake with ice cream, after
_ _ _ _.
a) 2 5 4 3 1
b) 2 4 5 1 3 a) about a minute and 40 seconds.
c) 2 4 3 5 1 b) the mixture is cooked through
d) 4 3 2 5 1 c) you mix all the ingredients
d) it cools for a minute


Answer the questions (4-5) according to the recipe

TEST 3 below.
David is making pilaf with rice today. Here is his recipe:
• In a saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat. Cook
the onions in butter for about 3 minutes, stirring
1. I want to visit Italy one day because I love their popular occasionally. Add rinsed rice and enough water.
dishes such as pizza, spaghetti and lasagna. I think they are • Cook for 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Add some broth
spicy and delicious. I am fond of Italian _ _ _ _. and salt.
Which of the following COMPLETES the sentence? • When it boils, reduce heat to low. Cover and boil for 16
minutes (do not lift cover or stir); remove from heat.
a) cuisine • Let it stay covered for 5 minutes for a better taste.
b) steak 4. Which ingredient WILL David NOT need for pilaf?
c) steam
d) workshop a) b)

2. The French always prefer sweet food for their breakfast.

They like snacks like honey pancakes, cookies, apple pies
or cakes for breakfast. They never eat meat, fatty and salty
food. c) d)

Which picture shows an example for the preference of

the French?

a) b) 5. If you want to make your pilaf more delicious, _ _ _ _.

a) cover for 5 minutes after it is cooked
b) stir frequently
c) add some salt
d) melt the butter

c) d) 6. Baklava is a famous Turkish dessert. It is popular all over

the world. It is difficult to make a delicious baklava.
We need flour, water, some salt, eggs, butter, sugar and
pistachios to make it.
Which of the following ingredients IS NOT mentioned
a) b)
3. Turkish people like desserts very much. They usually
prefer_ _ _ _ food after nearly every meal. One of their
favorites is Baklava. Şöbiyet and Kadayıf are also popular
Which of the following COMPLETES the sentence? c) d)
a) bitter
b) sour
c) sweet
d) fatty

Answer the questions (9-10) according to the recipe

7. Putting some cheese on top of a pizza is very important. below.
You need a grater to make the cheese smaller so it will
taste more delicious.

Which of the following is one of the kitchen tools used in Recipe for Tasty Spaghetti
the process?
1. You should add pasta to a pot of boiling water.
a) b) 2. First, pour cooked pasta into a
large bowl and then add roasted
chicken and vegetables.
3. You may add cheddar cheese, tomato sauce, black
pepper and salt but mix them well before you
put the mixture on top of your pasta.
c) d) 4. Stir until it is soft, and then add to the bowl with
the pasta. Add just a little salt.
5. Wait for 15 minutes.
6. Add chopped herbs before serving.

Enjoy your meal!

Homemade bread is very easy. My mother and I cook it

together. Here is the process: Put the yeast in a bowl and
add a glass of warm water. Then, wait for 10 minutes. 9. You wait for fifteen minutes after you _ _ _ _.
Pour the yeast mixture to a large mixing bowl. Add butter,
milk, sugar, salt and flour into the bowl and mix them a) add the mixture on top of your pasta
well. After that, knead the dough for about 10 minutes. b) add chopped herbs
Finally, shape the dough and place it in a baking tray. You c) put some more salt
must bake it for 45 minutes. d) boil your spaghetti

8. Which one IS NOT mentioned in the text?

a) b)
10. Before you _ _ _ _, you should boil some water.

a) add vegetables and chop them

b) add pasta to the pot
c) add some cheddar cheese
d) season your meal
c) d)


5. First, heat the mixture and stir constantly until the

TEST 4 sugar dissolves. Second, mix up two cups of cream, 1 cup
of milk, 2/3 sugar and 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract in a
1. Jordan: I am very excited Vanessa. It is the first bowl. Finally, pour the mixture into a bowl, cover it and
time I am making cake by myself at home. My place it in the refrigerator for two hours.
mom always helps me. But now I am alone.
Which picture is related to the process?
Vanessa: Good luck with it! Let me give you a a) b)
tip. Don’t forget to turn on the oven before you
_ _ _ _.
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
a) taste it
b) go shopping
c) knead the mixture c) d)
d) put the mixture in it

2.Edgar: Can you cook pasta?

Natalie: Of course. It is easy to cook. I can give you the
recipe for it. You can make your own pasta if you simply
follow the_ _ _ _ .
Edgar: Wow! I will definitely try it as soon as possible.
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
On Sunday mornings, we
a) steps b) precautions always have a big breakfast.
c) ingredients d) strainers Our favorite food for breakfast
is an omelette. It is easy to
make an omelette. Let me tell
3. You can easily make an omelette at home in five minutes. you how to make it. First, put
Here is the first step of the process; put some oil into a pan some olive oil into a pan and
and heat it before _ _ _ _. heat it a few minutes. Then,
Which of the following COMPLETES the recipe? crack and mix two eggs in a
bowl, and add some salt. After
a) you start eating that, add some cheese and
b) you crack the eggs milk. Finally, pour the mixture
c) you serve hot into the hot pan.
d) it is too late
6. Which picture shows the cooking method used in the
Answer the question according to the table below.
a) b)
French Italian African Chinese
Cuisine Cuisine Cuisine Cuisine
Less Cooked c) d)
4. I am interested in herbs and spices, so I should go to
a /an _ _ _ _ restaurant.
a) Chinese b) Italian
c) French d) African

7. PENNE ARRABBIATA Answer the questions (9-10) according to the

- Heat the oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. instructions below.
Add the onion, garlic and chillies.
- Cook the pasta in a large saucepan of boiling, salted
water. •First, slice steak into thin strips.
- Drain the pasta and return to the pan. •Second, mix 1 tablespoon of olive
oil, lime juice, garlic, chili powder,
- Stir the sugar into the tomato sauce.
- Season with salt and pepper. cumin, hot pepper flakes, black Mexican
pepper & salt in a bowl. Add beef
strips and mix. Fajita
Which picture shows the first step of the recipe? •Then, wrap tortillas in foil and
place in an oven for 5-10 minutes.
•After that, cut onions in half lengthwise
a) b) and slice into strips, cut your peppers into strips.
•Later, heat olive oil and add onions & peppers stirring for
3-4 minutes, and place in a bowl.
•Then, add beef and cook, stirring for 3-4 minutes or until
they lose their red color.
•Finally, put onions and peppers; stir for about one
minute. Serve with tortilla bread.

c) d)
9. There isn’t / aren’t _ _ _ _ in Mexican Fajita.

a) b)

8. Peel a few tomatoes and grate them.

Heat the olive oil and flour in a pot only for
a minute. Then, pour the grated tomatoes
into the pot and boil some more. Next, c) d)
add water and cook it for about 15 minutes. Stir it
continuously. Serve with grated yellow cheese.

Which of the following tools do we NOT need to cook

tomato soup?

a) b)
10. Fajitas are _ _ _ _.

a) spicy
b) sweet
c) sour
d) creamy

c) d)


3. The lentil soup does NOT contain _ _ _ _.
1. Sam: I tried Indian food but I didn’t like it because it was a) b)
too spicy for me. Then, I tried Japanese and Turkish food
and I liked both. Which one do you prefer, Turkish or
Japanese food?
Albert: I prefer Japanese _ _ _ _. Sushi is my favorite
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
c) d)
a) culture b) process
c) ingredients d) cuisine

Lucy: Which one do you prefer

dessert or spicy food?
Dave: Hmmm. I prefer fresh desserts like
fruit salad.
Lucy: Do you know how to make it? 4. Before you use the blender, _ _ _ _.
Dave: Peel the fruits before you start making it. Then mix
them in a large bowl and add some vanilla ice cream on a) put the butter in a frying a pan and heat it
top. b) cook the carrot and potato for a while
c) put the red pepper and mint in the frying pan
2. Which picture shows the first step of the process? d) serve the soup while it is still hot
a) b)

Here is a nice and refreshing fruit salad for hot summers.

c) d) You can make it with 3 or more fruits according to your
taste. My favorite fruits are oranges, apples, watermelon,
grapes and bananas. First, wash all the fruits and peel
them before you start preparing your salad.

5. Which picture shows the kitchen tool you will need to

make fruit salad?
Answer the questions (3-4) according to the text below.
Soup of the Day
Ingredients: a) b)
Onion, potato, carrot, 2 tbsp of oil, butter, red pepper,
1 cup of lentil (washed and drained), 7-8 cups of hot
water, 1 tbsp of salt, some mint
First chop the onion and potato. Put oil in a medium
sized sauce pan and heat it. Add onion and potato. Grate
the carrot and add it to the saucepan and cook them for
nearly ten minutes. Then add the washed and drained
lentils, salt and hot water. Stir well. Cook until the carrots c) d)
and potatoes are soft (approximately 15-20 minutes). Mix
the soup with a blender. Put the butter in a frying pan and
melt it. When it melts, put the red pepper and mint in it.
Pour this mixture into the soup. Serve the soup while it is
still hot. You can also add some lemon juice for a better

Boil potatoes, peel and mash them. Chop herbs and Wilma usually goes to a restaurant for
chillies and mix them with potatoes in a bowl. Add salt breakfast. Her favorite food is egg. She is crazy
and lemon juice before you mix them well by hand. Roll about having fried eggs with sausages but she
into balls and fry in hot oil. doesn’t eat it because it is unhealthy. She often
has boiled eggs at breakfast.
6. Which one is NOT mentioned in the text? 8. Which one should Wilma order?
a) b) a) b)

c) d)

c) d)

Answer the questions (9-10) according to the text

Traditional Turkish Lentil Soup
What do you need?
Onion, potato, 2 carrots, 2 tbsp of olive oil, butter, red pepper,
7. Italian Pasta: 1 cup of lentil (washed and drained), 7-8 cups of hot water, 1 tbsp
of salt, some mint.
1. Cook the pasta in a large pot of How to make it?
salty boiling water. First chop the onion and potato. Put oil in a medium sized sauce
2. Add it to a large bowl along pan and heat it. Add onion and potato. Grate the carrots and add
with the chicken and green onions. them to the saucepan and cook them for nearly ten minutes.
Then add the washed and drained lentils, salt and hot water. Stir
3. Put cheese, lemon juice, hot sauce, well. Cook until the carrots and potatoes are soft (Approximately
honey, black pepper and salt in another bowl and mix 15-20 minutes). Mix the soup with a blender. In a frying pan put
well. the butter and melt it. When it melts, put the red pepper and
4. Stir until it is soft, and then add to the bowl with the mint in it. Pour this mixture into the soup. Serve the soup while it
pasta. Taste and add salt if necessary. is still hot. You can also add some lemon juice for a better taste.
5. Wait for 1 to 3 hours.
6. Add chopped herbs before serving. 9. Which picture is NOT one of the ingredients in the
a) b)
Which tool is not used while making Spaghetti
a) b)

c) d)

c) d)
10. Before you put the carrots into the saucepan, you
should _ _ _ _them.

a) stir b) drain
c) grate d) cook


Choose the best option. a) kimyon
b) süzgeç
c) serpmek
d) sirke
1 Prepare 9 Mash
a) durulamak a) ezmek, püre yapmak 18 Stir
b) hazırlamak b) reyhan, fesleğen a) kaşıkla karıştırmak
c) karışım c) yemek, öğün b) buharda pişirmek, buğulamak
d) tozlandırılmış d) fırında kızartmak c) fırında kızartmak
d) ezmek, püre yapmak
2 Meal 10 Bunch
a) soymak a) yağlı 19 Pour
b) yemek, öğün b) demet a) tatmak
c) servis etmek c) kase b) dökmek
d) ezmek, püre yapmak d) tutam c) eklemek
d) demet
3 Rinse 11 Sprinkle
a) yumuşak a) tecrübe etmek 20 Peel
b) durulamak b) çeşitli a) tatmak
c) kazanmak c) servis etmek b) doğramak
d) sarımsak d) serpmek c) soymak
d) ısıtmak
4 Tasty 12 Spread
a) çeşitli a) sürmek, saçmak, yaymak 21 Spice
b) taktik b) suyunu sıkmak a) baharatlı
c) lezzetli c) Teksas-Meksika mutfağı b) çırpmak
d) kazanmak d) buharda pişirmek, buğulamak c) tatmak
5 Clue 13 Steak d) baharat
a) ipucu a) baharat 22 Crack
b) dökmek b) kraker a) sarımsak dişi
c) kimyon c) biftek b) çatlatmak, kırmak
d) ceviz d) kaşık c) akıtmak, suyunu boşaltmak,
6 Grape 14 Tex-Mex suyunu çekmek
d) dilimlemek, dilim
a) sarımsak a) çay kaşığı
b) üzüm b) dilimlemek, dilim 23 Shape
c) ızgarada pişirmek c) baharatını katmak a) ezmek, püre yapmak
d) tatmak d) Teksas -Meksika mutfağı b) baharatını katmak
c) kaşıkla karıştırmak
7 Add 15 Meatball d) şekil vermek, şekil
a) bağlamak a) kase
b) çırpmak b) süzgeç 24 Squeeze
c) kazanmak c) köfte a) servis etmek
d) eklemek d) çay kaşığı b) suyunu sıkmak
c) mutfak, yemek kültürü
8 Slice 16 Ingredients d) hazırlamak
a) kıyma, ince doğramak a) düz yüzey, pürüzsüz yüzey
b) dilimlemek, dilim b) malzemeler, içindekiler 25 Vinegar
c) haşlamak, kaynatmak c) önceden ısıtılmış fırın a) köfte c) sirke
d) küp küp doğramak d) ufalanmış ekmek, ekmek kırıntısı b) ceviz d) rende


Choose the best option. a) tencere
b) tatlı
c) eritmek
d) muhtemel
1 Boil 9 Paper sheet
a) haşlamak,kaynatmak a) plastik kaplama 18 Spread
b) atmak, düşürmek b) pişirme kağıdı a) servis etmek
c) fırında pişirmek c) kek kalıbı b) sürmek, yaymak
d) karıştırmak d) sürmek,yaymak c) tamamlamak
2 Slice 10 Place d) üzerini örtmek
a) eklemek a) yer, yerleştirmek 19 Seaweed
b) dilimlemek b) küp küp doğramak a) yosun
c) tamamlamak c) yönlendirme b) basamak
d) baharatlı d) fırında pişirmek c) bitkisel yağ
d) deniz canlıları
3 Mash 11 Direction
a) ılık a) İçindekiler 20 Drop
b) ezmek b) dondurucu a) atmak, düşürmek
c) dökmek c) yön b) yer, yerleştirmek
d) eklemek d) kek kalıbı c) karıştırmak
d) doğramak
4 Bitter 12 Press
a) ılık a) suya batırmak 21 Chop
b) acı b) bastırmak a) dökmek
c) tatlı c) kaplamak b) doğramak
d) kase d) yatırmak c) atmak, düşürmek
d) soymak
5 Surface 13 Vegetable
a) biftek a) sebze 22 Pasta
b) tatlı b) vanilya a) kek
c) ezmek c) İçindekiler b) pasta
d) yüzey d) marmelat c) makarna
d) kurabiye
6 On top of 14 Remove
a) üstünde a) bir şeyi ters yüz etmek 23 Croissant
b) her yer b) ileriye itme a) akraba
c) muhtemel c) yok etmek, kaldırmak b) kek kalıbı
d) sürekli d) kurutmak c) kruvasan
d) simit
7 Description 15 Bowl
a) tarif a) acı 24 Freezer
b) seçim b) ekşi a) dondurucu
c) göz alıcı c) ılık b) eklemek
d) tatlı d) kase c) buzdolabı
d) kek kalıbı
8 Be in the mood 16 Complete
a) çeşitli renkler a) tamamlamak 25 Recipe
b) keyfi yerinde b) kruvasan a) tatlı c) karışım
c) içindekiler c) kek kalıbı b) tarif d) yüzey
d) vanilya özü d) parça, dilim

• Following phone conversations
• Stating decisions taken at the time of speaking
• Making a simple phone call asking and responding to questions
1 A room for two: İki kişilik oda 43 Collect garbage: Çöp toplamak 87 Extension: Dahili (numara)
2 Abbasids: Abbasiler 44 Combine: Birleştirmek 88 Face death: Ölümle yüzleşmek
3 Accident: Kaza 45 Commander: Komutan 89 Faculty of medicine: Tıp fakültesi
4 According to: -e göre 46 Communication: İletişim 90 Flight reservation: Uçuş
5 Act out: Canlandırmak 47 Company: Firma rezervasyonu
6 Addiction: Bağımlılık 48 Concentration: Odaklanma 91 For the sake of: Hatırına
7 Agency: Acenta 49 Confirm: Onaylamak 92 Foreign language: Yabancı dil
8 Alone: Yalnız 50 Conflict: Çelişki 93 Garden: Bahçe
9 Alright: Tamam, pekâlâ 51 Connect: Bağlamak, iletişim 94 Generation: Kuşak, nesil
10 Among: Arasında sağlamak 95 Generous: Cömert
11 Amputee: Bacağı veya kolu 52 Contact: İletişim kurmak 96 Get angry: Kızmak
kesilen kişi 53 Continue: Devam etmek 97 Get back: Geri dönmek, aramak
12 Anymore: Artık, bundan sonra 54 Contribute: Katkıda bulunmak 98 Get married: Evlenmek
13 Application: Uygulama 55 Cool: Havalı 99 Gift: Hediye
14 Appointment: Randevu 56 Cost: Maliyet, mal olmak 100 Go back: Geri gitmek
15 Approve: Onaylamak 57 Culture: Kültür 101 Goldsmith: Kuyumcu
16 Arrival: Varış 58 Customer service: Müşteri 102 Graduate: Mezun olmak
17 Ask for a service: Hizmet isteme hizmetleri 103 Hang on: Beklemek
18 Available: Müsait, uygun 59 Customer: Müşteri 104 Hang up: Telefonu kapatmak
19 Average: Ortalama 60 Decide: Karar vermek 105 Harmful: Zararlı
20 Awareness: Farkındalık 61 Decision: Karar 106 Health: Sağlık
21 Balcony: Balkon 62 Delivery: Teslimat 107 Hear: Duymak, işitmek
22 Behave: Davranmak 63 Departure: Kalkış, ayrılma 108 Hold on: Beklemek
23 Belong to: Ait olmak 64 Destination: Varış yeri, gidilecek yer 109 Homeless: Evsiz
24 Bill: Fatura 65 Development: Gelişme 110 Importance: Önem
25 Book: Rezervasyon yaptırmak, yer 66 Dial: Tuşlamak 111 Improve: İlerlemek, gelişmek
ayırtmak 67 Disabled: Engelli 112 Incident: Olay, durum
26 Bored: Sıkılmış 68 Distant: Uzak 113 Information: Bilgi
27 Break down: Bozulmak, kırılmak 69 Disturb: Rahatsız etmek 114 Interaction: Etkileşim
28 Break into: Zor kullanarak bir 70 Donate: Bağış yapmak 115 Introduce: Takdim etmek,
yere girmek 71 Doorbell: Kapı zili tanıştırmak
29 Bro, Brother: Erkek kardeş 72 Driving license: Sürücü belgesi 116 Invent: İcat etmek
30 Burglar: Hırsız 73 Ease: Kolaylık 117 Invention: İcat, buluş
31 Call back: Geri aramak 74 Educational: Eğitici 118 Issue: Konu, madde
32 Call center: Çağrı merkezi 75 Embarrassed: Utanmış, mahcup 119 Joke: Şaka yapmak
33 Caller: Arayan 76 Emergency: Acil 120 Keep calm: Sakin kalmak
34 Calm down: Sakinleşmek 77 Emoticon: Yüz ifade simgesi 121 Keep in touch with: İletişim
35 Campaign: Kampanya 78 Engaged: Meşgul kurmak
36 Cell phone: Cep telefonu 79 Entrance exam: Giriş sınavı 122 Kite: Uçurtma
37 Certainly: Kesinlikle 80 Environment: Çevre 123 Latest: En son, sonuncu
38 Change a product: Ürünü 81 Equipment: Ekipman 124 Leave a message: Mesaj bırakmak
değiştirmek 82 Escape: Kaçmak 125 Local authority: Yerel makam,
39 Change: Değiştirmek 83 Especially: Özellikle yetkili
40 Chatter: Konuşan kişi 84 Essential: Esas, ana, temel 126 Look forward to: Dört gözle
41 Check: Kontrol etmek 85 Evolve: Geliştirmek, evrim geçirmek beklemek
42 Clarification: Açıklama 86 Experience: Tecrübe, deneyim 127 Louder: Daha yüksek sesli



128 Lyrics: Şarkı sözleri 168 Raise: Artırmak 208 Task: Görev, vazife
129 Make a complaint: Şikayette 169 Range: Çeşitlilik, menzil, alan 209 Telegraph: Telgraf
bulunmak 170 Rank: Rütbe 210 Telephone line: Telefon hattı
130 Make a phone call: Telefon 171 Reach: Ulaşmak 211 Terribly: Kötü bir şekilde
görüşmesi yapmak 172 Realize: Farkına varmak 212 Throughout history: Tarih
131 Material: Materyal, madde 173 Rebuild: Yeniden inşaa etmek boyunca
132 Meaningful: Anlamlı 174 Receive phone calls: Telefonlara 213 Ticket price: Bilet ücreti
133 Medical care: Tıbbi bakım cevap vermek 214 Tool: Alet, gereç
134 Meet up: Buluşmak 175 Refugee: Mülteci, sığınmacı 215 Tough: Zorlu, sert
135 Medicine: Tıp, ilaç 176 Repair: Tamir etmek 216 Transatlantic: Atlas Okyanusu
136 Mention: Bahsetmek 177 Report: Rapor ötesine geçen
137 Messenger: Haberci 178 Rescue: Kurtarmak 217 Translate: Tercüme etmek
138 Miss: Kaçırmak 179 Reservation: Rezervasyon, 218 Transmission: Transmisyon,
139 Misunderstanding: Yanlış anlama yer ayırtma iletişim
140 Movie shooting: Film çekimi 180 Reserve: Rezerve etmek, 219 Travel agent: Seyahat acentası
141 Municipality: Belediye ayırtmak 220 Typically: Tipik, sıradan
142 Neighbor: Komşu 181 Respond: Cevaplamak 221 Urgent: Acil
143 Notice: Fark etmek 182 Return a product: Ürünü iade 222 Usage: Kullanım
144 Officer: Memur, görevli etmek 223 Use social networks : Sosyal
145 Old-fashioned: Eski moda 183 Return ticket: Gidiş-geliş bilet ağları kullanmak
146 One by one: Sırayla, tek tek 184 Safety: Güvenlik 224 Useful: Faydalı
147 Online: Çevrim içi 185 Scared: Korkmuş 225 Vacation: Tatil
148 Opinion: Seçenek 186 Security: Güvenlik 226 Version: Versiyon, sürüm
149 Order list: Sipariş listesi 187 Send an e-mail: E-mail 227 Video chat: Görüntülü görüşme
150 Own: Sahip olmak göndermek 228 Village: Köy, kasaba
151 Participant: Katılımcı 188 Single ticket: Tek yön bilet 229 Voluntary: Gönüllü
152 People in need: Yardıma ihtiyacı 189 Situation: Durum, vaziyet 230 Wait: Beklemek
olan insanlar 190 Skill: Beceri, yetenek 231 War zone: Savaş bölgesi
153 Percent: Yüzde (%) 191 Smart: Akıllı 232 Warn: Uyarmak
154 Persecution: Zulüm, eziyet 192 Smiley: Yüz İfadeleri 233 Warranty: Garanti
155 Pick up: Birini araçla almak 193 Smoke signal: Duman sinyali 234 Yeap: Evet
156 Polite: Kibar 194 Social network: Sosyal medya
157 Press : Basmak 195 Soldier: Asker
158 Previous: Bir önceki 196 Solve: Çözmek
159 Primarily: İlk olarak, en önemlisi 197 Someone else: Başka birisi
160 Printing machine: Baskı makinası 198 Soon: Yakında
161 Probably: Muhtemelen 199 Spell: Kodlamak, hecelemek
162 Pros and cons: Avantaj ve 200 Sports hall: Spor salonu
dezavantajlar 201 Staff: Personel, çalışanlar
163 Provide: Sağlamak 202 Stranger: Yabancı
164 Purpose: Amaç 203 Suggestion: Tavsiye
165 Put through: Telefonu aktarmak, 204 Suppose: Farzetmek
bağlamak 205 Survive: Hayatta kalmak
166 Quality: Kalite 206 Take a memo: Not almak
167 Quickness: Çabukluk, serilik 207 Talk face to face: Yüzyüze



• Be kind toward customers. : Müşterilere karşı kibar olun.

• Can you hold on a moment? : Biraz bekler misiniz?
• Can you please tell him that Dominic called? : Dominic’in aradığını ona söyler misin lütfen?
• Can you say it slowly, please? : Lütfen yavaş söyler misiniz?
• Could you put me through? : Beni bağlayabilir misiniz?
• Could you repeat the phone number again, please? : Telefon numarasını tekrar eder misiniz lütfen?
• Could you speak louder, please? : Daha yüksek sesle konuşur musunuz lütfen?
• Could you tell her to contact me? : Benimle iletişime geçmesini söyler misiniz?
• Could you tell him to call me back? : Beni geri aramasını söyler misiniz?
• Don’t hang up the phone, please. : Telefonu kapatmayın lütfen.
• For what purpose? : Ne (hangi) amaç için?
• Hang on a minute. : Bir dakika bekleyin.
• Have a good flight. : İyi uçuşlar.
• We’ll meet up later, then. : Daha sonra buluşuruz o halde.
• He is not available now. : Şimdi müsait değil.
• He’ll get back to you as soon as possible. : Size mümkün olan en kısa sürede geri dönecek.
• How do you communicate with your friends? : Arkadaşlarınızla nasıl iletişim kurarsınız?
• How do you keep in touch with your friends? : Arkadaşlarınızla nasıl iletişim/temas kurarsınız?
• How may I help you? : Size nasıl yardımcı olabilirim?
• I beg your pardon. : Affedersiniz.
• I can’t hear you well. : Sizi iyi duyamıyorum.
• I suppose. : Sanıyorum,varsayıyorum.
• I’ll be there on time. : Tam vaktinde orada olacağım.
• I’ll get him. : Onu telefona çağırıyorum.
• I’ll put you through. : Sizi aktarıyorum, bağlıyorum.
• I’ll take a note. : Not alıyorum.
• I’ll take that. : Telefona ben bakarım.
• I’ll tell him when he gets back. : Geri döndüğünde ona söylerim.
• It’s a bad line. : Bu telefon hattı kötü, hatta bir sıkıntı var.
• It’s an old-fashioned way. : Eski moda bir yöntem.
• May I speak to your brother? : Erkek kardeşinle konuşabilir miyim?
• May I take a message? : Mesajınızı alabilir miyim?
• Repeat it, please. : Tekrar edin lütfen.
• There’s no answer. : Cevap yok.
• What about you? : Peki ya sen?
• What’s it about? : O ne hakkında?
• Why don’t you join me? : Niçin bana katılmıyorsun?
• Would you like to leave a message? : Mesaj bırakmak ister misiniz?
• You are welcome! : Rica ederim!
• You must confirm your reservation. : Rezervasyonunuzu onaylamalısınız.


A. Following Phone Conversations ( Telefon Görüşmlerini Takip Etme)

1. Beginning a Call (Telefon Görüşmesini Başlatma) 3. Taking and Leaving a Message (Mesaj Alma ve Bırakma)
• Hi! • I am sorry; he isn’t available at the moment. Would you
• Hello! like to leave a message?
• Could I speak with Mike? • Could (Can, May) I take your message?
• What’s up? • Could you ask him to call me back?
• Hello, this is Mike. • Please tell him that there won’t be a party.
• May I ask who is calling?
• How may I help you? 4. Clarifying - Confirming Information (Açıklama - Onaylama)
• Excuse me, who is this?
• Could I speak to...? • Could you spell your last name for me?
• Can I have extension 2020? • I’m sorry, I can’t hear you well. Could you repeat that,
• Is Mike in? please?
• May (Can) I ask who is calling, please?
5. Finishing a Call (Görüşmeyi Bitirme)
2. Forwarding-Connecting a Call (Aramayı Aktarma,
Bağlama) • Well, it was nice talking to you.
• Thanks for calling.
• I’ll put you through. • I’ll call you back.
• Can you hold the line? • Talk to you soon.
• I’m afraid Mike is not available at the moment. • Bye.
• The line is busy. • Take care.
• Mike has gone out. • Have a nice day.

B. Stating Decisions Taken at the Time of Speaking (Konuşurken Karar Bildirme)

Konuşma anında verilen kararlar will ya da won’t ile belirtilir.
• Your phone is ringing! - OK, I will take it.
• It’s nine o’clock? It’s too late; I won’t go to the cinema.
• We’ll meet up later, then.

WILL - WON’T ayrıca tahmin, niyet, fikir, beklenti veya inançları dile getirmek içinde kullanılır.

} }
I will pass the test.
think – hope – believe
I will go to the party.
suppose – am sure - guess
Andrew will call me


3. Charles and Rick decided to make their holiday plans in

TEST 1 the evening. They want to check the holiday choices
and their prices. They made a list of activities and they
will search them before they meet up online.
1. Jane has a lot of homework for tomorrow. She cannot go
out because it is late at night. She wants to write a report Which of the following options shows the method that
for her studies but she has to ask her friends some both Charles and Rick will use to make their holiday
questions. plans?
Which of the following should Jane use to complete her
report? a) b)

a) b)

c) d)

c) d)

4. Secretary: Good morning. How can I help you?

Eric: Hi, I am Eric Campbell. _ _ _ _?
Secretary: I am sorry but she has gone out.
Eric: _ _ _ _?
Secretary: I think in a few hours.
Eric: _ _ _ _?
Secretary: Of course. Let me write it.
2. Complete the sentence according to the table below. Eric: Can you also tell her that the meeting is canceled?

History of Communication
Ways of communication Dates
Smoke signals 1800 BC
Messenger birds 1150
Printing machine 1454
Telegraph 1794
First telephone 1876 Which of the following questions DOES Eric NOT ask the
Communication _ _ _ _.
a) Can you repeat that
a) never changed people’s lives b) May I talk to Susan Audrey
b) was easier and faster after the 18th century c) When will she be back
c) was cheaper in the earlier times d) Could you tell her to contact me
d) was only available with the first telephone


8. Kevin: Hello, Kevin speaking.

Gary: I know it is old-fashioned, but I love sending Jenny: Hi, Kevin. May I speak to your mum, please?
e-mails to my friends. Kevin: Sorry, she went shopping. Would you like
Debby: We exchange text messages with each other to leave a message?
because it is easier. Jenny: Yes, please. Can you tell her to call me back?
Lucas: I don’t like online communication. I prefer meeting
up. What can we say about the phone conversation?
Lisa: I think the best way to communicate with my
friends is on social networks. a) Jenny is calling Kevin.
b) Jenny wants to speak to Kevin’s sister.
c) Jenny doesn’t want to leave a message.
5. According to the information above, who DOES NOT d) Kevin’s mother isn’t available.
use a tool to keep in touch with his/her friends?
a) Gary 9. The table below shows the answers for one of the most
b) Debby popular questions on the Internet about how people
c) Lucas communicate with each other. They share the job
d) Lisa application page and here are the answers:

6. Researchers asked teenagers and adults about the ways How did you hear about this job?
of communication they preferred. Here are the results:
Percentage %
100 ALL
Social media 40
50 Through a friend 5
20 WhatsApp groups 25
text phone voicemail fax e-mail Website 30
School bulletin board 0
Which of the following is CORRECT according to the
results? According to the results, which of the following is
a) Exchanging e-mails is more popular than sending CORRECT?
b) People mostly keep in touch with text messages. a) People usually pay attention to the bulletin boards
c) Only females prefer sending faxes. at schools.
d) Males prefer sending e-mails to making phone calls. b) Most of the people go online for communication.
c) Nearly half of the people spend time on websites.
d) All of the people use social media.

10. To send a voicemail directly to another subscriber:

7. Johannes Gutenberg was born in 1 2 3 4
1395, in Mainz, Germany. He started
experimenting with printing by 1438. He
wanted to help the world and people exchange information
and the news faster and easier. And finally he invented a
simple printing press machine. The first book ever printed in
Europe was only 42 lines long.
Which of the following activities DOES NOT match with
In this paragraph, there is NO information about _ _ _ _. one of the pictures above?
a) Gutenberg’s achievement a) Call your voice mail access number.
b) Gutenberg’s birthdate b) Press “2” to send a message.
c) his first printed book c) Set your options – 1 for private, 2 for fast.
d) history of Europe d) Press “#” to send the message.

5. Communication is one of the most important needs of

TEST 2 people. There are various equipment and tools
invented throughout history. By the mid-1850s, the
telegraph was the major electrical communication
1. David: Hi Riley, what’s up? system. Alexander Graham Bell transmitted the first
Riley: Hello, how are you? Oh, I am sorry, telephone message on 10th March 1876 in Boston.
David! The doorbell is ringing. Please, _ _ _ _ I’ll be Dial telephones were tied to the invention of automatic
back in a minute. switching by Almon Strowger and its development by
Automatic Electric in the 1890s. And finally Ericsson
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation? started another trend with the first one-piece phone,
a) hang on the Ericofon (had its dial in its base) in the 1950s.
b) keep talking
c) write to me
d) receive the call Which of the following communication tools was used
2. James: James is speaking. a) b)
Rodriguez: Hi, James! I’m Rodriguez. Is Henry
there? May I speak to him?
James: Hang on a minute. I’ll get him. Hmmm, I’m
afraid he isn’t _ _ _ _.
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
a) embarrassed c) d)
b) available
c) busy
d) calling

3. Rachel: Hi, I am Rachel. Is Sue in?

Carl: Hi Rachel. I am her dad. I am sorry but she has
gone out.
Rachel: I see. _ _ _ _?
Carl: OK. I’ll take a memo. 6. Amy is a very shy girl. She doesn’t have any friends at
school. She usually spends time online. She doesn’t
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation? send or receive text messages. She never receives
phone calls and any e-mails from her classmates.
a) Shall we meet her at the mall She isn’t into having live chats.
b) May I ask who’s calling
c) Could I leave a message
d) Could you speak louder Which of the following pictures shows Amy’s preference?

4. Secretary: Universal Booking Company. _ _ _ _? a) b)

Mr. Anderson: Good afternoon. This is Bill Anderson.
_ _ _ _?
Secretary: I am sorry but he is busy at the moment.
_ _ _ _?
Mr. Anderson: Alright madam, thank you. Please tell
him that I’ll call him later.
Which of the following DOES NOT complete the c) d)
a) Would you like to leave a message?
b) Could I speak to your boss?
c) Does he have my mobile?
d) How may I help you?

Answer the questions (9-10) according to the

conversation below.

Mandy: Universal ELT, Mandy speaking. How may I help

Sam’s Daily Plan for Monday you?
Tracy: Hello, this is Tracy. May I speak to Mr. Osler,
10.00 Call the clinic for an appointment please?
10.30 Send an invitation via WhatsApp Mandy: Hang on a minute please – I’ll put you through…
Ms. Tracy? I’m sorry; he is in a meeting at the moment.
groups Would you like to leave a message?
12.30 Check Katie’s blog Tracy: Yes, could you ask him to call me back as soon as
14.00 Meet best friend at the mall possible? It’s urgent.
Mandy: Of course. Does he have your number?
Tracy: He has my office number, but let me also give you
7. Choose the activity that Sam WILL NOT use her my mobile number – it’s 595-2420707.
smartphone for. Mandy: Let me check – is that 595-2420707?
Tracy: That’s right.
a) b) Mandy: And could you spell your last name for me?
Tracy: L-O-R-D.
Mandy: Okay, Ms. Tracy Lord. I’ll give him the message.
Tracy: Thanks a lot. Bye.

c) d)

8. Researchers asked 100 teenagers about the types of

communication they preferred. Here are the results:
Communication Prefences of Teens
9. Mr. Osler _ _ _ _.
a) doesn’t have Tracy’s number
b) is available to speak on the phone
c) wants to speak to Tracy Lord
d) has an appointment at the moment

10. Tracy called Universal ELT because _ _ _ _.

Which of the following is INCORRECT according to the
chart? a) she wants to confirm information
a) Just a few teenagers still prefer writing letters. b) she wants to talk to Mr. Osler
b) Most of the teens prefer speaking on the phone. c) she is in a meeting at the moment
c) Teens are not into sending e-mails. d) she will leave a message
d) Nearly half of the teens are fond of using social

TEST 3 5. Sue: Good evening sir. My name is Sue, how

may I help you?
Marco: Hi, I would like to get information about my bank
1. account.
Sue: Of course. First, may I ask you some questions
Laura: The municipality usually organizes about your personal details? What is your account
social _ _ _ _ once a month. We go around number and where is your place of birth?
the beach and collect all the garbage. If we Marco: It is TR00 1000 0234 0233 0899. Istanbul.
Sue: Thank you. Please hold on a minute. I will check
continue such campaigns, I hope we will have your account.
a cleaner environment.
Which picture shows the receiver of this conversation?
a) tournaments
b) bookings a) b)
c) events
d) smileys

2. Jack: Hi, is that Henry?

Michelle: _ _ _ _?
Jack: Sorry, my name is Jack. May I talk to Henry, please? c) d)
Michelle: Hold the line, I will get him.

Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?

a) I beg your pardon

b) Can you hold the line
c) Can you call later
d) Why don’t you leave a message

3. My brother doesn’t like online communication. I also 6.

think it is boring. I always prefer _ _ _ _ and talking face to
Mike from your class called you. He invited
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation? you to a music festival. It starts at 3 p.m. on
Sunday. You can call him on his mobile. He
a) making video calls is waiting for your reply as soon as
b) sending e-mails possible.
c) meeting up
d) texting a message Uncle Joe

4. For many teens, the best way to _ _ _ _ with their friends

is through social networks. They prefer sharing their
opinions, music, videos, etc. They also believe it’s more
enjoyable and faster. Which of the following words or phrases describes the
visual best?
Which of the following COMPLETES the text?
a) Printing machine
a) dial a number b) Cell phone
b) put through c) Memo
c) make a phone call d) Texting a message
d) communicate

Answer the questions (9-10) according to the text

Fill in the blank according to the table below. below.

Amanda Sam Lisa Marcy

WhatsApp Good morning. Welcome to Universal Hospital Call
Social networks Center. If this is an emergency and you need an
Face to face ambulance, please press 1. If you want to make an
Live video chats appointment, please press 2 for your illness and doctor
choice. If you want to listen to the prices and payment
7. _ _ _ _doesn’t prefer using a tool to keep in touch with choices menu, please press 3. Our hospital looks after
her friends. only special insurance company patients, so if you
don’t have an insurance contract, please hold the line
a) Amanda to reach the operator. Press 9 to listen again. Have a
b) Sam healthy day. Thank you for calling us.
c) Lisa
d) Marcy

What is Communication?

It is transferring information from one place, person or

group to another. Every communication involves at least
one sender, a message and a receiver. It is a complex
process. There are many factors that shapes the message.
Our emotions, location and culture affect the message.
It can be negative or positive. Imagine that you are upset.
You don’t send a joke or a cheerful message. Or, you don’t
write a pessimistic message on a happy day. 9. In this paragraph, there is NO information about
_ _ _ _.

a) medical services
8. Which one IS NOT mentioned in the text? b) operations
c) the service fees
d) making an appointment
a) b)

10. You should press number _ _ _ _, if you have an

accident and need a doctor immediately.

c) d)
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 9


4. Sally: Hi! This is Sally. May I speak to Michelle?
1 Gary: Hello Sally. Wait for a moment please, _ _ _ _.
I’ll call her.
1. Teenagers are using technology and _ _ _ _ devices so Sally: That’s OK. I’m on the line.
much in their lives. These tools have wireless technology
that connects everyone to the Internet. They always keep
in touch with each other with the help of these devices Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
such as smartphones and tablets.
a) she is brushing her teeth
Which of the following COMPLETES the text? b) she is out
c) she is at school
a) labs d) she is unavailable right now
b) letter
c) high-tech
d) cure

2. Gordon: Hi Mandy, how are things?

Mandy: Everything is fine, thanks. 5. Mike: Hello, this is Mike speaking.
1 Nelly: Hello Mike. I am Nelly.
Gordon: Can you pick me up tonight?
Mandy: Sorry, I can’t hear you well. _ _ _ _ Mike: Is Henry there?
Gordon: OK. I will call you back soon. Nelly: Hold the line, please. _ _ _ _.

Which of the following DOES NOT complete the


a) I’ll get him

b) I will put you through
c) He has gone out
d) He will talk to you in a second

Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?

a) Why don’t you send me a message?

b) I am not available at the moment.
c) I think you should write a memo. 6. Meg: What kind of applications do you prefer using on
d) I think it’s a bad line. your smartphone?
Sam: Well, I work really hard and I save some time by
using them. There are many applications that I use for
online banking, navigating the city, buying and cooking
3. Ned: Hi, could I speak to Wendy, please? meals, playing games and looking up new words from
Jill: _ _ _ _? the dictionary.
Ned: This is Ned. I am her new classmate. She wanted
me to call her tonight.
Jill: OK. Hang on a minute please. Which of the following is INCORRECT about Sam?

Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation? a) She orders food from the restaurants.
b) She uses her smartphone to find her way in the
a) May I ask who is calling traffic.
b) I think it’s a bad line. Can you repeat that c) She prefers reading the news through her mobile
c) She isn’t available now. Can you call later phone.
d) Why don’t you leave a message d) She is into playing online games.


Answer the questions (9-10) according to the passage

17. Communication is very important in our daily routine.
We wake up early in the morning with the help of our
smartphone’s alarm. Then we check our e-mail through
our tablets and read the news online. We usually text
messages to our relatives and friends. Technology makes The idea of the telephone has
our lives easier today. changed a lot since A. Graham
Bell. His aim was a device to
keep in touch with your friends
Which of the following questions DOES NOT have an from a distance. Throughout
answer in the text? history, the shape and the
use of phones made them
a) How do we start the day? our essential tools in our daily
b) What was life like before smartphones? lives. Nearly everyone is a
c) How does technology affect our daily lives? smartphone user now.
d) In what ways do we keep in touch with our Smartphone users spend
friends? a lot of time using them. The most popular applications
are related to games and social networks. You can
download them easily from online stores for free. You
can also watch videos and listen to music anywhere or
8. I believe smartphones have many pros, but also many anytime you want. Applications can also help you get
cons. If you own a smartphone, you can browse the information about the locations, the weather reports and
Internet, use very good applications for entertainment and restaurants in your city. You can easily learn the latest
education, read the news online and keep in touch with
your friends and parents. However, they are really news via an app and you can do your banking online.
expensive to buy. Since cell phones can connect teens to
the social networking services, they can take away from
study or homework time.
9. Smartphone users _ _ _ _.

Which of the following is RELATED TO the cons of a) can download some free applications
smartphones? b) never watch videos
c) can’t learn about the weather conditions
d) spend less time working nowadays than in the past
a) b)

10. Which of the following questions DOES NOT have an

answer in the passage?

c) d)
a) Which applications are more popular?
b) How much does it cost to buy a smartphone?
c) Are smartphones advantageous?
d) Can we find a place with an application?


4. Complete the sentence according to the passage below.

Almost every teen owns a smartphone to keep in touch
with his/her relatives and friends. However, there are
1. Amanda: Hello. I’m Amanda. May I speak to Sam? some people who use it more than they should. They
Lisa: I’m afraid she is busy. Would you like to leave a have difficulty in concentrating at school. When they meet
message? up with their friends, they always check their phones.
Amanda: Could you tell her that _ _ _ _? They get angry if they spend less time online. They tell
Lisa: Certainly. I’ll take a memo for her. lies about how much time they spend with their phones
because they feel embarrassed. Finally, they feel
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation? aggressive if their battery runs down.
a) she doesn’t work too hard
b) I’m calling about the science project Smartphone addicts _ _ _ _.
c) she isn’t available at the moment
d) I’ll leave a message a) don’t have any concentration problems
b) rarely check their phones
c) get angry if they can’t go online as much as they
2. Luis: Hello. I’d like to book a single flight from Antalya to want
Istanbul on 25th July. d) often tell the truth about the time they spend
Gaby: Can I have your name and surname, please? with their phones
Luis: Luis Parker.
Gaby: Alright, Mr. Parker. I’ve booked your ticket._ _ _ _?
Luis: By mail order.
5. Jenny: Hi, I’d like to make an appointment for Dr.
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation? Noonan on 1st October.
Secretary: Of course, madam. Are you available at 14:15
a) How will you pay in the afternoon?
b) Would you like to book another flight Jenny: Yes, that would be great.
c) Are you flying alone Secretary: Alright, I’ve booked your place. Your nurse
d) How about a return flight will also attend your appointment together with Mr.
Noonan. Is there anything else I can do for you?
3. My sister has a very active and social personality. She Jenny: That’s all for now. Thank you. Have a nice day.
always keeps in touch with the people in her life. She never Secretary: Have a nice day.
goes out without her phone. She sends texts messages,
makes phone calls and uses social networks quite a lot. She In this conversation, there is NO information about the
exchanges e-mails with her classmates. She doesn’t prefer event’s_ _ _ _.
meeting up with her friends to online activities.
a) time
According to the information above, which of the b) date
following communication methods DOES my sister NOT c) participants
prefer? d) fee

a) b)
6. Martin: Hello, this is Martin Ruther. May I speak to the
Mel: Hang on a minute please. _ _ _ _.
Martin: OK. I’m waiting.

c) d) Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?

a) Hang up the phone
b) He isn’t here
c) He is really busy at the moment
d) I’ll put you through

7. Albert: Sales Department. This is Albert. How may Look at the visual and read the text. Answer the
I help you? questions (9-10) according to them.
Linda: Hello, my name is Linda. May I speak to the
manager, please? The researchers conduct research about teenagers. It is
Albert: Hang on a minute please – I’ll put you through… about teenagers’ mobile phone usage. The researcher
Ms. Linda? I’m sorry; he isn’t available at the moment. made a survey and asked the reasons they use their
_ _ _ _? smartphones in their daily lives. He gave them a
Linda: Yes, could you ask him to call me back as soon as questionnaire. Here are the results of his study from
possible? the questionnaire that he gave to the teenagers:

100 Teenagers’ Mobile Phone Usage Survey

Which of the following questions COMPLETES the 80
conversation? 70
a) Would you like to talk to me instead 50
b) Would you like to leave a message 40 27
c) May I leave a message 30 24
d) Would you like me to arrange a reservation 23.50
20 14
10 3,50
Message Call Music Game Camera Internet Reading TV

8. My sister wants to improve her English. She is 9. According to the survey results, _ _ _ _.
interested in studying foreign languages online and
through applications. She thinks they are interesting and a) teens use their mobile phones for many purposes
educational. b) teens don’t use their phones to watch TV
c) nearly half of the teens play games with their
Which picture shows the BEST application for my sister? d) teens would rather not communicate with each
a) b)

10. Which of the following is CORRECT according to the

research results?
a) Using a camera is more popular than making
phone calls.
c) d) b) Listening to music and playing games are not very
trendy among teens.
c) Among teens, sending and receiving messages is
very common.
d) Searching for information is the least popular



Choose the best option. a) açıklama
b) iletişim kurmak
c) mesaj bırakmak
d) sonuç olarak
1 Engaged 9 Evolve into
a) karar vermek a) beklemek ( telefonda ) 18 Conversation
b) esas, asıl, önemli b) (arabaya) binmek, içeri girmek a) konuşma
c) meşgul (telefon) c) dönüşmek b) komşu
d) telefonu kapatmak d) bağlamak, bağlanmak c) şu anda
d) açıklama
2 Harmful 10 Incident
a) taşımak a) olmak 19 Get back
b) havalı b) sağlamak a) geri dönmek
c) zararlı c) olay b) sakinleşmek
d) sağlamak d) tıp, ilaç c) zorla girmek
d) aramak
3 Smileys 11 Pick up the phone
a) merak etmek a) cep telefonu 20 Clarification
b) emojiler, suratlar b) telefona cevap vermek a) ayırtmak
c) esas, asıl, önemli c) telefonu aktarmak b) konuşma
d) telefonu kapatmak d) acil telefon numaraları c) haberleşmek
d) açıklama
4 Get in 12 Disturb
a) bağlamak, bağlanmak a) rahatsız etmek 21 Neighbor
b) yer ayırtma, rezervasyon b) kurtarmak a) peki
c) sakin olmak, kendini tutmak c) iletişim kurmak b) randevu
d) (arabaya) binmek, içeri girmek d) esas, asıl, önemli c) komşu
d) müsait
5 Hear 13 Extension
a) duymak a) dönüşmek 22 Medicine
b) basmak b) sakin olmak, kendini tutmak a) bağımlılık
c) ayırtmak c) (telefon) dahili numara b) tıp, ilaç
d) olmak d) bağımlılık c) sağlamak
d) zorla girmek
6 Addiction 14 Keep in touch
a) sağlamak a) telefona cevap vermek 23 Customer service
b) tıp, ilaç b) dönüşmek a) meydana gelmek, olmak
c) sakinleşmek c) iletişim b) müşteri hizmetleri
d) bağımlılık d) iletişim kurmak c) mahalle, komşuluk
d) dört gözle beklemek
7 Decide 15 Staff
a) kurtarmak a) telefonu kapatmak 24 Book
b) karar vermek b) harika a) geri dönmek
c) rahatsız etmek c) meşgul (telefon) b) yer ayırtmak
d) geri dönmek d) personel, kadro c) yakında, az sonra
d) zorla girmek
8 Louder 16 Response
a) hatta kalmak, beklemek (telefonda) a) cevap, cevap vermek 25 Appointment
b) bağlamak, bağlanmak b) esas, asıl, önemli a) çabukluk c) kaza
c) harflerini söylemek, hecelemek c) yer ayırtma, rezervasyon b) haberleşmek d) randevu
d) daha yüksek ses ile, daha gürültülü d) meydana gelmek, olmak



Choose the best option. a) şarkı sözleri
b) bağışlamak
c) hayatta kalmak
d) farketmek
1 Stay 9 Especially
a) kalmak a) bozulmak 18 Via
b) bozulmak b) gelişme a) farkındalık
c) yükselmek c) gönüllü b) icat etmek
d) amaç d) özellikle c) aracılığıyla
d) yükselmek
2 Development 10 Realize
a) idam a) farketmek 19 Using social network
b) icat b) icat etmek a) sosyal ağ kullanmak
c) uygulama c) hayatta kalmak b) geleneksel yol
d) gelişme d) buluşmak c) tıbbi müdahale
d) bir dakika bekleyin
3 Throughout 11 Own
a) eğitici a) sahip olmak 20 Matter
b) katı karar b) icat etmek a) tercüme etmek
c) telefonu kapatmak c) bağışlamak b) bağışlamak
d) boyunca d) aracılığıyla c) mesele/madde
d) farketmek
4 Put somebody through to 12 I guess
somebody else a) kesinlikle 21 Compose
a) telefonu birine bağlamak b) umarım
b) yabancı bir dil geliştirmek a) oluşturmak
c) tahminime göre b) buluşmak
c) ayrılış ve varış zamanı d) hatrına
d) bir ürünü değiştirmek c) bağışlamak
d) onaylamak
5 Contribute 13 Escape
a) katkıda bulunmak a) farketmek 22 Donate
b) farkındalık b) kargo a) yükselmek
c) bağlamak c) amaç b) bağışlamak
d) zannediyorum d) kaçmak c) farketmek
d) buluşmak
6 For the sake of 14 Invention
a) mesaj almak a) icat 23 Warn
b) hatırına b) müsait a) uyarmak
c) uzak diyar c) amaç b) kalmak
d) bozulmak d) idam c) onaylamak
d) kaçmak
7 Awareness 15 Range
a) farketmek a) sanırım 24 Village
b) göçmen olarak b) aralık a) amaç
c) farkındalık c) farkındalık b) köy
d) tercüme etmek d) amaç c) bekle
d) asker
8 Return a product 16 Customer
a) telefonu kapatmak a) asker 25 Tough decision
b) bir ürünü iade etmek b) müşteri a) hatrına c) göçmen olarak
c) telefonu birine bağlamak c) telefon görevlisi b) uygulama d) zorlu karar
d) bir dakika bekleyin d) gelişim uzmanı


• Accepting and refusing offers
• Making excuses
• Asking for clarification
• Exchanging information about Internet habits

1 Access: Bağlanmak, erişmek 41 Combination: Kombinasyon, 84 Follow-up: Takip etmek

2 Account: Hesap birleşim 85 For ages: Yıllardır
3 Acronym: Kısaltma 42 Comment: Yorum yapmak 86 Foreign: Yabancı
4 Active: Aktif 43 Commercial: Ticari 87 Forever: Daima
5 Adult: Yetişkin 44 Communication: İletişim 88 Functional: Fonksiyonel, pratik
6 Advice: Tavsiye, öğüt 45 Complaint: Şikâyet 89 Gender: Cinsiyet
7 Aim: Amaç 46 Confirm: Onaylamak 90 Gently: Kibar ve nazikçe
8 Alert level: Alarm seviyesi 47 Connection sign: Bağlantı işareti 91 Get well soon: Kısa zamanda iyileş,
9 All over the world: Tüm dünyada 48 Connection: Bağlantı geçmiş olsun
10 Allow: İzin vermek 49 Content: İçerik 92 Giant: Devasa, çok büyük
11 Arrangement: Ayarlama, 50 Copyright issue: Telif hakkı konusu 93 Graduate: Mezun olmak
düzenleme 51 Create: Yaratmak 94 Graduation ceremony: Mezuniyet
12 Article: Makale 52 Creeper: Sarmaşık, sürüngen töreni
13 ASAP (As Soon As Possible): 53 CVV number (Card Verification 95 Graphing package: Grafik paketi
Mümkün olan en kısa sürede Value): Kredi kartlarının 96 Gym: Spor salonu
14 Assignment: Görev, ödev, vazife arkasındaki güvenlik kodu 97 Habit: Alışkanlık
15 Attach: Eklemek, iliştirmek 54 Dangerous: Tehlikeli 98 Health cure: Sağlık bakımı, kür
16 Attachment: Eklenti 55 Definitely: Kesinlikle 99 Identity: Kimlik
17 Average: Ortalama 56 Delete: Silmek 100 Ignore: Görmezden gelmek
18 Avoid: Kaçınmak 57 Device: Alet, cihaz 101 Illustrate: Resimlendirmek
19 Be careful: Dikkatli ol 58 Disadvantage: Dezavantaj 102 Improve: Geliştirmek
20 Believe in: İnanmak 59 Discount: İndirim 103 In other words: Bir başka deyişle
21 Besides: Bunun yanında 60 Do research: Araştırma yapmak 104 Increase: Artmak, artırmak
22 Beyond: Ötesinde 61 Domain name: Alan adı 105 Individual: Bireysel
23 Billion: Milyar 62 Double-click: Çift tıklama 106 Influencer: Etkileyici
24 Blog post: Blog gönderisi 63 Download: İndirmek 107 Influential: Etkili
25 Blogger: Blog yazarı 64 E-book: Elektronik kitap 108 Insert: Eklemek
26 Blogging: Blog yazma, günlük 65 Effectively: Etkili bir şekilde 109 Interact: Etkileşmek
tutma 66 Elder: Daha yaşlı 110 Ironic: Alaylı, ironili
27 Brand: Marka 67 Encyclopedia: Ansiklopedi 111 It is off: Kapalı
28 Brochure: Broşür 68 Engage: Kullanmak, meşgul 112 It’s my treat: Sıra bende, ben
29 Browse: Taramak 69 Equipment: Ekipman, malzeme ısmarlıyorum
30 Browser: Tarayıcı 70 Etiquette: Görgü kuralları 113 Journalist: Gazeteci
31 Button: Buton, düğme 71 Evaluate: Değerlendirmek 114 Keep in touch with: İletişim kurmak
32 Buy tickets online: İnternetten 72 Exactly: Tam olarak, kesinlikle 115 Local: Yerel
bilet almak 73 Except: Hariç 116 Location: Yer, konum
33 By the way: Bu arada 74 Expert: Uzman 117 Log in/on: Giriş yapmak
34 Cardholder: Kart sahibi 75 Expiry date: Son kullanma tarihi 118 Log out/off: Çıkış yapmak
35 Catch: Yakalamak 76 Explain: Açıklamak 119 Make comment: Yorum yapmak
36 Ceremony: Tören 77 Explorer: Araştırmacı 120 Meet new people online: İnternette
37 Certainly: Kesinlikle 78 Face to face: Yüz yüze yeni insanlarla tanışmak
38 Chronological order: Kronolojik 79 Famous: Ünlü, meşhur 121 Mimics and gestures: Jest ve
sıralama 80 Fear: Korku mimikler
39 Clarification: Açıklama 81 File: Dosya 122 Moderately: Ilımlı olarak, kısmen
40 Click: Tıklamak 82 Flat surface: Düz yüzey
83 Follower: Takipçi



123 Modify: Değişiklik yapmak 164 Regulate: Düzenlemek 200 Type: Klavye ile yazmak
124 Mostly: Çoğunlukla 165 Reliable: Güvenilir 201 Unfortunately: Ne yazık ki,
125 Multiplayer: Çoklu oyuncu 166 Reply: Cevaplamak maalesef
126 Nearly: Neredeyse 167 Request: İstek, rica etmek 202 Unknown: Bilinmeyen
127 Necessarily: Zorunlu olarak 168 Research: Araştırmak 203 Update: Güncellemek
128 Necessary: Gerekli 169 Resident: Sakin, oturan 204 Upload: Yüklemek
129 Network: Ağ 170 Rights: Haklar 205 Usage: Kullanım
130 Neuron: Nöron, sinir hücresi 171 Round trip: Gidiş geliş seyahat 206 Useful: Kullanışlı, faydalı
131 Nickname: Takma ad, rumuz 172 Safe: Güvenli 207 Valuable: Değerli
132 Non-refundable: İade edilemeyen 173 Safety rules: Güvenlik kuralları 208 Vary: Çeşitli Olmak, değişmek
133 Notification: Bilgilendirme 174 Screen: Ekran 209 Via credit card: Kredi kartı İle
134 Obey: Uymak 175 Search engine: Arama motoru 210 Vlog: Video günlüğü
135 Offline: Çevrim dışı 176 Search: Araştırmak 211 Wait a second: Bir saniye bekle
136 One way ticket: Tek yön bilet 177 Set a Wi-Fi password: Kablosuz 212 Web browser: İnternet
137 Online banking: İnternet şifresi oluşturmak tarayıcısı
bankacılığı 178 Settings: Ayarlar 213 Webcam: İnternet kamerası
138 Online shopping: İnternetten 179 Sign in: Oturum açmak 214 Website: İnternet sitesi
alışveriş yapmak 180 Sign up: Kaydolmak 215 Widespread: Yaygın
139 Online: Çevrim içi 181 Smartphone: Akıllı telefon 216 Worldwide: Dünya çapında
140 Opinion: Fikir 182 Social media: Sosyal medya
141 Organization: Kurum, 183 Social networking site (SNS):
organizasyon Sosyal ağ sitesi
142 Over the age of 65: 65 Yaş üstü 184 Software: Yazılım
143 Password: Şifre 185 Source: Kaynak
144 Pay attention: Dikkatini vermek 186 Specify: Belirtmek
145 Pay the bills: Faturaları ödemek 187 Speech bubbles: Konuşma
146 PC (Personal Computer): Kişisel balonu
bilgisayar 188 Spring: Bahar
147 Percentage: Yüzde (%) 189 Stand for: Anlamına gelmek
148 Person to person: Yüz yüze (Kısaltmaların açılımı)
149 Pollution: Kirlilik 190 Statistics: İstatistik
150 Post: Gönderi 191 Subscriber: Abone, katılımcı
151 Pretend: Numara yapmak 192 Suggest: Tavsiye etmek,
152 Profile picture: Profil resmi önermek
153 Properly: Düzgünce, uygun olarak 193 Surf per day: Günlük sörf
154 Public: Halk miktarı
155 Publish: Yayımlamak 194 Surf: Sörf Yapmak, internette
156 Punctuation: Noktalama gezinmek
157 Purpose: Amaç 195 Survey: Araştırma, anket
158 Questionnaire: Anket 196 Take care: Dikkat etmek
159 Readership: Okurlar 197 Take place: Olmak, meydana
160 Recent: Yakında olmuş gelmek
161 Recognition: Tanıma 198 The least: En azından
162 Refundable: İade edilebilir 199 Turn it on: Açık konuma getir
163 Register: Kayıt olmak



• By the way. : Bu arada.

• Can you explain what it means? : Ne anlama geldiğini açıklar mısın?
• Do you mean the Internet connection? : İnternet bağlantısını mı demek istiyorsun?
• Do you think you can regulate yourself on : İnternette kendini kontrol edebildiğini düşünüyor musun?
the Internet?
• Face to face. : Yüz yüze.
• Find local events. : Yerel aktiviteleri arayıp bulmak.
• Follow online courses. : Çevrimiçi kursları takip etmek/kurslara katılmak.
• For what purposes do you use the Internet? : İnterneti hangi amaçla kullanırsın?
• Get well soon! : Umarım yakında iyi olursun!
• He wants a one-way ticket. : Tek yön için bilet istiyor.
• How do the users mostly access to social media? : Kullanıcılar sosyal medyaya çoğunlukla nasıl bağlanıyor?
• How do you connect to the Internet? : İnternete nasıl bağlanırsın?
• How many friends do you have on your social : Sosyal medya hesaplarında kaç arkadaşın var?
media accounts?
• How often do you surf per day? : Gün içinde ne sıklıkla internette gezinirsin?
• How often do you use the Internet? : İnterneti hangi sıklıkta kullanıyorsun?
• I mean… : Demek istiyorum ki…
• In other words… : Bir başka deyişle…
• It isn’t working properly. : Düzgün çalışmıyor.
• It’s my treat. : Ben ısmarlıyorum/ısmarlama sırası bende.
• My Internet is broken. : İnternetim çalışmıyor, bozuk.
• Pay attention to the copyright issues. : Telif hakları konularına dikkat edin.
• Pay attention to the etiquette. : Görgü kurallarına dikkat edin.
• Pay attention to the rights of others. : Diğerlerinin haklarına dikkat edin.
• Sorry, I can’t follow you. : Affedersiniz, sizi takip edemiyorum.
• That’s awesome! : Bu müthiş!
• That’s very kind of you. : Çok naziksiniz.
• Unfortunately. : Maalesef.
• Wait a second. : Bir saniye bekleyin.
• What do you mean by that exactly? : Tam olarak ne demek istiyorsunuz?
• What do you use the Internet for? : İnterneti ne için kullanıyorsun?
• What does it mean? : Ne demek, ne anlama geliyor?
• What kind of websites do you follow? : Ne tür web sitelerini takip edersin?
• What’s up with you? : Senden ne haber?
• Who uses the Internet in your family mostly? : Ailende en çok kim internet kullanır?
• Why don’t we chat online? : Neden çevrimiçi sohbet etmiyoruz?
• Would you like to join our WhatsApp group? : WhatsApp grubumuza katılmak ister misin?


A. Accepting and refusing / Making excuses

Would you like to join our WhatsApp group?

What about subscribing to my blog?
Why don’t we chat online at 2 o’clock? I want to tell you something important.

Accepting (Kabul etme) Refusing ( Reddetme) Making Excuses

(Mazeret belirtme)

- Yes, sure. / That sounds great. - No, thanks. I’m really busy. - I’m sorry, but I can’t.
I’d love to, thanks. (İsterim, I’d love to, but I can’t. - My Internet is broken.
teşekkürler.) (Üzgünüm internetim çalışmıyor).
(İsterim ancak, gelemem.) - I am sorry but I am not feeling well.
- Yes, sounds good. (Evet, (Üzgünüm ancak kendimi iyi
kulağa hoş geliyor.) - Another time, maybe. hissetmiyorum.)
(Belki başka bir zaman.) - Sorry but I have an exam.
(Üzgünüm ancak sınavım var.)

B. Asking for a clarification

What do you mean? ( Ne demek istiyorsun?-Neyi kastediyorsun?)
I mean… (…demek istiyorum – yani şunu demek istiyorum)

Sam: I can’t search on the Internet.

Jane: What do you mean? Do you mean the Internet connection?

Sam: Yes, I mean the Internet. It isn’t working properly.

Jane: Why don’t you get help from the service?

C. Conjunctions

My father pays the bills and he does the shopping online.
The Internet is usually helpful for teenagers but sometimes it can be dangerous.
Sue prefers searching information on the net because it is easier and more comfortable.
My family likes keeping in touch with each other so we usually chat in the evenings.


3. Complete the sentence according to the table below.

TEST 1 Richard’s Online Timetable
Activity Day
Read the news Weekdays
Juliet: I only spend a few hours a week on the Net. Use social networking sites Weekends
I generally read the news online. Pay the bills Mondays
Carlos: I check my accounts and pay the bills online. Search for information
Lola: I do research for my project so I am online nearly Tuesdays
2 hours a day. Play games Fridays and Thursdays
Brenda: I can’t refuse my friends chat requests. We have Richard _ _ _ _.
a large group of online friends.
a) spends most of his time reading the news
b) hardly ever plays games online
1. According to the information above, who might be an c) often goes to a bank to pay the bills
Internet addict? d) uses the Internet only for fun

a) Juliet
b) Carlos 4. Henry: Internet safety is very important nowadays.
c) Lola Sue: _ _ _ _?
Henry: You should be very careful when you are
d) Brenda online.
Sue: _ _ _ _?
Henry: Certainly. You cannot know who the person on
the other side is.
Sue: You are right. I never share my password or
personal information with my online friends.
Henry: _ _ _ _?
Sue: Playing games, checking my mail, downloading
2. Murphy is a web designer. He works really hard so he music files and commenting on some photos.
must check his e-mail in the mornings. Then, he browses
the websites for new ideas. In the afternoons, he often Which of the following DOES NOT complete the
continues designing his customer’s websites. He also sends conversation?
some text messages about future work. Finally, he comes a) What do you mean
home late and goes to sleep. b) Are you always connected to the Internet
c) Do you mean even when I am playing a game
Which of the following must Murphy do before he leaves d) What purposes do you use the Internet for
his office?
5. Mary and Catherine are crazy about spending time on the
Internet. They have their own blogs and they update them
a) b) every day. Their followers comment on their pictures. Here
are the lists of their blogging activities:
Mary Catherine
Updates site’s design daily Uploads new pictures and videos
Adds new pictures Never changes her website’s display
Replies followers’ questions Hardly ever writes back to people
c) d)
Choose the activity that both Mary and Catherine have in
a) b) c) d)

How to Be a Vlogger
Pam: _ _ _ _? Before you create your own Vlog, take a look at some
Edward: Sure. What’s it about? examples to get an idea of the format. Popular, high-end
Pam: A kitten is having a dream. It is really funny. vloggers include people like Casey Neistat, Zoella, and
Edward: OK! Let’s watch it. No, I didn’t like it. Actually I Jenna Marbles, but try to find less popular vloggers as well.
never watch such things. Vlogging is not only a video summary of one’s day or week.
You can Vlog about anything you like, but
Pam: _ _ _ _? common examples include the following:
Edward: I practice English and watch football matches. Food -“What I eat in a day” videos are extremely popular.
Pam: _ _ _ _? As you might guess, this type of video involves showing
Edward: No, never. your food preparation and final product for a day.
Activities - If you don’t have eventful days, vlogging when
you do something exciting (e.g., going hiking) can be
Beauty - If you like experimenting with different makeup
looks; you can record your process as a Vlog a few times
per week.
8. In this paragraph, there is NO information about _ _ _ _.
a) Vlogging activities
b) uploading videos
c) famous Vloggers
d) ideas for new Vloggers
6. Which of the following questions DOES Pam NOT ask
Edward? Answer the questions (9-10) according to the passage
a) Would you like to see a funny video on the below.
Internet Choosing a Social Network
b) What purposes do you use the Internet for Social media is a perfect place to build personal and business
c) Do you also browse the Net for fun connections online. Joining multiple sites, such as Facebook,
d) What about going online and chatting tonight Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, can help you reach and
communicate with friends and contacts all over the world. While
you’re looking at other people’s posts, interact with them by
liking, sharing, and commenting on them. By reaching out to new
7. Internet is a great place for all of us. We use it for many people, you can keep building your own personal network! There
different reasons. According to research, there are four are many different applications you can choose from. Here are
main purposes for using the Internet. Here are the results some of them: Use Facebook to easily connect with people you
know. Try Twitter to make short posts and share pictures. Use
of the survey: LinkedIn to make professional connections. Make an Instagram
account to share pictures and videos. Try Snapchat to send
For what purpose do you use the Internet? picture messages to your friends. Use Pinterest to share pictures
79.55 % and links for projects. Try WhatsApp to message your friends
80 % easily.
60 % 52.84 %
9. According to the passage, which of the following is
40 % 37.12 % CORRECT?
29.08 %
20 % a) Snapchat is useful for sharing links with your
0 % b) You should use Pinterest, if you need to share
Work Study Fun Communicating videos.
with relatives
abroad and c) You can try Twitter to make professional
friends connections.
Which of the following is CORRECT according to the d) Instagram is good for sharing pictures and videos.
results? 10. Social media is _ _ _ _.
a) People use the Internet mostly at work.
b) Nearly half of the users study online. a) useful for many purposes
c) People mostly use the Internet to keep in touch b) out of fashion nowadays
with others. c) a waste of time
d) People don’t use the Internet for fun. d) never useful to share posts

4. Lily: What is your favorite way of communication?

TEST 2 Norman: In my opinion, social media is the best
because _ _ _ _.

1. Ronny: Be careful with what you share on the Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
Clark: What do you mean? a) it is easier to send e-mails
Ronny: I mean anything you post on the Internet b) I can share music and video files
can _ _ _ _. c) making voice calls is cheaper
d) it is more difficult than others
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
a) stay online forever
b) pretend to be younger
c) be an addict
d) make dangerous comments
Get your Open your web browser and go to the home
own page.
Enter an e-mail account.
2. A/an_ _ _ _ is a regularly updated website or web page, Choose a password, and then re-enter it.
typically one run by an individual or small group that is Click the Sign In link.
written in an informal or conversational style. It contains
online personal reflections, comments, and often links,
videos, and photographs provided by the writer or the 5. According to the information above, you _ _ _ _ , if you
owner. follow these steps.
Which of the following COMPLETES the text? a) register
a) browser b) download
b) blog c) upload
c) subscriber d) discount
d) account

3. Vincent: Do you know how to register a video blog?

Amy: Of course. First, click on the Vlog address and sign 6. According to a survey, the students are active users of
up. Then, you have to fill in the personal information the Internet. 66% of participants use the Internet for social
boxes. Finally, you will get an automatic e-mail to _ _ _ _ networking sites. 22% of them search for information to
your account. That’s it. help them with their homework. 12% of them play online
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
According to the text above _ _ _ _.
a) confirm
b) attach a) They use it to play online games.
c) upload b) They are making surveys on the Internet.
d) post c) They use it for social networking sites.
d) They use it to search for information.


7. Fill in the blank below according to the table. To be honest, I am an Internet addict. I often go
online to surf the Net, check my e-mails, play
games, comment on posts on Facebook and
What do you use the Internet for? download stuff such as songs or interesting
Entertainment Carl pictures. The Internet is a great place to watch
movies for free. I never feel bored while I am
online and I usually spend about six or more hours
Doing Research Jane on the Internet.
Communication Sally

Online Banking 9. Which of the following is NOT one of Carl’s online

0 2 4 6 8 habits?

a) b)
Jane doesn’t prefer _ _ _ _.
a) doing research to keeping touch with her friends
b) online communication to face to face
c) having fun on the Internet
d) paying the bills online
c) d)

Online Activities of Turkish People

Recent research shows that people use the Internet
for different purposes. Children usually watch cartoons
Using Social Networks and play games online. Teenagers use the Internet to
20% Watching Videos listen to music, watch videos and keep in touch with
& Listening to Music
15% their friends. They are active on almost all of the social
5% Chatting with Friends
Studying a Foreign networking sites. Adults use the Internet to read the
Language news and find recipes and cures. They also prefer
shopping and banking online to save time. Everyone
8. Which of the following is CORRECT according to the connects to the Internet according to their needs and
chart? interests.
a) Most Turkish people are keen on using social
networks. 10. In this paragraph, there is NO information about
b) Turkish people are fond of chatting with friends in _ _ _ _.
c) Nearly half of Turkish people watch videos a) the reasons for using the Internet
online. b) the time people spend online
d) Studying a foreign language is trendy among c) preferences of age groups
Turkish people. d) online activities for users


5. Julie: I am not good at using computers so I can never

TEST 3 help my son with his projects. He is crazy about using the
Internet for doing research and reading e-books.
He doesn’t need my help for his homework.

1. George: How can I sign up? Which of the following should Julie’s son use?
Amy: Click on the sign up button. It’s over there.
George: Oh, yes. _ _ _ _.
a) b)
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
a) I’m subscribing to your channel now
b) I don’t know how to use it
c) I can’t go online because of a poor connection
d) I already have an account
c) d)

2. James: Kevin and I will visit the book fair. Would you like
to join us?
Gary: I would love to but I can’t. I’m really busy. Why don’t
we chat online in the evening at about 9 p.m.? I want to
tell you something important.
James: I can’t. My Internet is _ _ _ _. I have a connection
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
a) connected Popular Social Media Sites
b) available
c) broken
d) deleted Facebook 71%
Instagram 52%
3. I am _ _ _ _ of a trendy cooking blog. I usually check
new recipes and cook some of them. The best thing about Snapchat 41%
this blog is I can share the list of the ingredients with my Twitter 33%
Google+ 33%
Which of the following COMPLETES the sentence?
Vine 24%
a) an internet addict
b) a subscriber Tumblr 14%
c) web browser Different social 11%
d) a register
media sites

4. Roger: For what purposes do you use the Internet?

Amy: I communicate and chat with my buddies. I love
using social networking sites. I usually upload some 6. Which word or phrase describes the picture best?
photos and _ _ _ _ on their photos.
a) Blog
Which of the following COMPLETES the sentence? b) Profile
c) Survey
a) make comments d) Register
b) buy tickets
c) pay the bills
d) play online games

7. Answer the questions (9-10) according to the text

Nina’s Blog

My Favorite Online Activities In my family, only my brother uses the Internet. He

- buy tickets online spends four or five hours a day on the Internet. I don’t
think it is good for his health. The Internet has pros and
- use social networking sites cons:
- listen to music/watch TV online
- look for the addresses
- pay the bills
Which picture shows one of Nina’s favorite activities?

Lots of information is Unreliable

a) b) avaliable information
Communication is
fast and cheap Everyone can
access all websites
Free pictures or
c) d)
The speed of Internet
Many interactive
programs is sometimes slow

Send an e-mail for Addiction


The table below shows the activities and how much time 9. Interactive programs are_ _ _ _.
Jack and his friends spend on them in a week.
Jack Max Andy Catherine a) available on the net
Practice English 1 hour More than 10 minutes b) not free and you pay for them
and Spanish 2 hours c) harmful
Do online banking 30 3 hours d) only for online use
minutes 1,5 hours
Play online games 20 minutes 3 hours
Chat with friends 15 10 1.5 hours 20
minutes minutes minutes
10. The Internet can be dangerous because _ _ _ _.
8. Which of the following is CORRECT according to the
a) it is sometimes slow
a) Andy seems to be an Internet addict. b) you will never be an addict
b) Jack and Andy spend the same amount of time c) you can’t trust all the information
online banking. d) the information on the Net is reliable
c) None of them chat with their friends.
d) Catherine’s favorite online activity is practicing
foreign languages.



1. Philip: What do you use the Internet for?

1 Jacqueline: _ _ _ _. I have accounts in different sites.
I share photos and songs, comment on posts, confirm 1234 5678 9010 1112
friend requests and check notifications.
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation? Allen Waler
a) I pay the bills
b) I am an addict
c) To communicate with friends 5. In this credit card visual, there is NO information about
d) Following sports the _ _ _ _.

2. Ronda: Could you please describe to me how to send a a) cardholder’s name

picture through an e-mail? b) expiry date
Kevin: Sure. Choose the file you want to send and click c) CVV number
_ _ _ _ as an attachment. When you upload your picture, d) credit card number
it is ready to send.
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
a) insert
b) reply
c) delete
d) forward 6. Edward is flying to New York today. He is making his
check-in through the airport’s online system. Here is the
3. Benjamin: What do you know about Internet picture of the departures schedule:
Emily: What do you mean by etiquette?
Benjamin: I mean the rules you have to pay _ _ _ _ to
while using the Internet.
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
a) the bills
b) attention
c) online courses
d) local events

4. Fill in the blank according to the paragraph.

My little brother Jamie uses the Internet most in my family.
I believe he is an addict. He is always online. He spends
nearly 5 hours a day online. He usually surfs the Net, checks
his e-mails, comments on posts on social networking sites
and downloads songs and videos. He never hangs out with
his friends, he prefers being online all day.
Choose the boarding gate that Edward will wait at.
Jamie is_ _ _ _.
a) a sneaky person a) 28
b) always busy with online activities b) 31
c) a laid-back student c) 11
d) in danger because he accepts stranger’s requests d) 23

INTERNET SAFETY Answer the questions (9-10) according to the passage

Be careful with what you share below.
Be kind to other people
Use a strong password to keep yourself safe Social networking sites are very popular in Europe. They are
amusing and they offer users easy and free ways to keep
? in touch with their friends and relatives. There is various
attractive content to keep you busy when you are online.
7. Which of the following is CORRECT to complete the You can connect to your account anywhere with your
table? smartphones, tablets and computers. According to recent
research, here are the statistics of 2019:
a) Share your personal information with strangers
b) Don’t meet your online friends
c) Never let your parents meet your friends Facebook 2.196M
d) Don’t be polite to people on the Net
Youtube 1.900M

WhatsApp 1.500M

8. The table below shows the results of a study on Internet FB Messenger 1.300M
activities of 100 teens in Turkey.
WeChat 1.040M

Internet Activities Number of Teens (Total 100)

Chatting with friends 25

9. According to the table; _ _ _ _.
Checking e-mails 5

Doing homework 10 a) teens like using YouTube the most

b) Facebook is the most popular one
Listening to music 15 c) Europeans aren’t fond of social media
d) FB Messenger is more popular than WhatsApp
Playing games 10

Watching video clips 35

10. Facebook _ _ _ _.
According to the results, which of the following is
a) is less popular than some of the social networking
a) Exchanging e-mails is very popular among teens in sites
Turkey. b) is trendy for all of the social media users
b) Most of the students use the Internet to listen to c) has fewer users than YouTube
music. d) has more users than all the others
c) Nearly half of the teens spend their time doing
d) Many of the teens spend their time chatting and
watching videos.


5. The graph below shows the Internet habits of Melanie

TEST 5 and Graham.
1. Sue: What is _ _ _ _? 6
Max: It is an application that we use to access 4
and view websites on the Internet. 3
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation? 2
a) a browser b) an attachment
c) a screen d) a vlog 0
sharing following practicing listening watching
pictures blogs foreign to music videos
2. Ken: Do you download photos or videos every day?
Stacy: Download? What do you mean?
Ken: It’s a _ _ _ _. Melanie _ _ _ _.
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation? a) is crazy about blogs
b) never prefers listening to music
a) process of file transfer from the internet c) shares more pictures than Graham
b) secret word that only you know d) prefers improving foreign languages to watching
c) letter you send through your computer
d) place on the Internet you can visit

3. Many people spend a lot of time on the Net because it

is easier and faster than any other ways of communication.
They prefer chatting and exchanging text messages
through the Internet. Video chats are also very trendy
Which of the following is CORRECT according to the
• Do not share your personal information with
a) People use the Internet for playing computer strangers.
b) People mostly prefer face to face communication. • Keep your password secret.
c) Paying the bills has never been so easy. • Before downloading an application, check it with
d) The most popular sites are social networking your parents.
sites. • Do not agree to meet your online friends.

4. _ _ _ _is very popular all over the world. It can be risky

and dangerous if you aren’t careful. You must pay attention
to some basic rules while buying something from the 6. What is the best title for the text?
websites. You shouldn’t share the information on your card
with anyone else. a) Smartphone Etiquette
Which of the following COMPLETES the text? b) Online Safety Rules
c) Copyright Issues
a) Online shopping d) Searching for Information
b) Playing games online
c) Reading the news online
d) Blogging

7. Sally: There’s an Internet and Technology Exhibition at Answer the questions (9-10) according to the text
the Science Center tomorrow. passage below.
Jack: Really? _ _ _ _?
Sally: At 2:30. _ _ _ _?
Jack: That’s awesome! _ _ _ _?
Sally: In front of the shopping mall. We must register
through the Internet. Let’s do it with our smartphones.
The Internet is very important in our lives. Children
and teens use social media for communication and
entertainment. They usually upload photos and videos,
Which of the following questions DOES NOT complete the chat with their friends, and play games online. Most of
them spend hours on the net. They check their social
a) What time does it start media accounts nearly ten times an hour and read
b) What kind of application do we need comments. They sometimes waste their time instead of
c) What about joining it studying and doing homework. These habits sometimes
d) Where shall we meet cause addiction. Their parents are worried about their


I want to chat with my buddy, but he is not connected to

the Internet. I am sorry for that because online chatting
is my favorite activity on the Internet. I am fond of online
shopping and practicing English. I never read the news or
play games on the Internet.
9. According to the text, _ _ _ _.
Which one IS NOT mentioned in the text?
a) teens prefer doing their homework
b) parents also use social media for entertainment
a) b) c) Internet users log into their accounts very often
d) children only download photos and videos

10. _ _ _ _ can cause addiction.

c) d)

a) Social media accounts

b) Uploading photos and videos
c) Wasting time with parents
d) Spending a lot of time on the net



Choose the best option. a) işlevsel
b) bilinmeyen
c) düzgün bir şekilde
1 Nearly 9 Post d) kaydolmak
a) paylaşmak a) düzgün bir şekilde 18 Pretend
b) neredeyse b) bağlamak, bağlanmak
c) çoğunlukla c) geliştirmek, gelişmek a) erişmek
d) cinsiyet d) göndermek, gönderi b) kaydetmek
c) gibi davranmak
2 Screen 10 Recently d) yüklemek
a) hesap a) ekipman, malzeme 19 Software
b) tedavi b) anket, araştırma
c) anlık c) son zamanlarda a) takma ad
d) ekran d) oturumu kapatmak b) çevrim dışı
c) yazılım
3 Search engine 11 Log out d) bağımlı
a) web tarayıcısı a) oturumu kapatmak
b) arama motoru 20 Usage
b) oturum açmak
c) abone, katılımcı c) takip etmek a) tıklamak
d) ansiklopedi d) oturum açmak, kaydolmak b) kullanım
c) paylaşmak
4 Notification 12 Device d) kaçınmak
a) birleştirme, düzen a) bozuk, kırık 21 Foreign
b) bildirim b) geliştirmek
c) gazeteci c) oturum açmak a) bağımlı
d) etkileşmek d) alet, cihaz b) alaylı
c) yabancı
5 Forever 13 Moderately d) makale
a) son zamanlarda a) kaydolmak, kaydetmek 22 Modify
b) yabancı b) etkili bir şekilde
c) kısmen, ılımlı olarak a) gözardı etmek
c) bozuk, kırık b) ılımlı olarak
d) sonsuza dek d) abone, katılımcı
c) anlamına gelmek
14 Broken d) değişiklik yapmak
6 Mean
a) anlamına gelmek a) anket, araştırma 23 Obey
b) göndermek, gönderi b) göz atmak
c) bozuk, kırık a) tedavi etmek
c) ekipman, malzeme b) iletmek
d) izin vermek d) istek, rica
c) onaylamak
15 Mostly d) uymak
7 Log on
a) neredeyse 24 Browse
a) izin vermek b) onaylamak
b) oturum açmak c) geliştirmek a) onaylamak
c) takip etmek d) çoğunlukla b) oturum açmak
d) oluşturmak c) göz atmak
16 Click d) takip etmek
8 Vary a) paylaşmak 25 Cure
a) anlamına gelmek b) tıklamak
b) bağlamak c) kullanım a) ekran c) tedavi
c) geliştirmek d) göz atmak b) paylaşmak d) tıklamak
d) değişmek


Choose the best option. a) ekran
b) giriş
c) alet
1 Mostly 9 Treat d) tamam
a) kibarca a) tarayıcı 18 Double-click
b) kesinlikle b) kayıt olmak
c) siteden çıkmak c) davranmak a) gidiş-dönüş
d) çoğunlukla d) açıklamak b) çift tıklama
c) evli çiftler
2 Etiquette 10 Clarification d) eklentiler
a) geri ödenebilir a) açıklama 19 Insert
b) yerel olaylar b) faturaları ödemek
c) güvenlik numarası c) saygılı olmak a) sokmak
d) görgü kuralları d) önermek b) sohbet
c) yaklaşık
3 Per day 11 Usage d) ekran
a) kibarca a) kibar 20 File
b) gün başına b) kullanım
c) düzenlemek c) yaklaşık a) tamam
d) davranış b) iade
d) yıllardır c) dosya
4 Device 12 ASAP d) düğme
a) eklemek a) internete yüklemek 21 Refundable
b) yani b) -den daha az
c) bireyler a) indirim
c) istatistik b) geri ödenebilir
d) alet d) en kısa sürede c) dünya geneli
5 Broken 13 State d) kesinlikle
a) düzgün a) beyan etmek 22 Search for information
b) dengeli b) eklemek
c) bozuk a) siteden çıkmak
c) bilgilendirmek b) sörf yapmak
d) yüklü d) onaylamak c) arama motoru
6 Regulate 14 Unfortunately d) bilgi aramak
a) üye olmak a) maalesef 23 Password
b) indirmek b) çoğunlukla
c) düzenlemek a) giriş
c) uygun birşekilde
d) davranmak d) tavsiye b) düğme
c) şifre
7 Comment 15 Copyright issue d) kullanıcı
a) ayrılış vakti a) kullanışlı siteler 24 Via
b) geri ödemesiz b) kart sahibinin ismi
c) yorum yapmak c) telif hakkı konusu a) değerli
d) yerel d) çevrimiçi işler b) en kısa sürede
c) indirimli
8 Gently 16 Useful d) aracılığıyla
a) günlük a) kullanışlı 25 Assignment
b) hafifçe b) yerel
c) kibarca c) taşınabilir a) okul ödevi c) geri ödemesiz
d) çoğunlukla d) tek yön b) dünya geneli d) yaygın


• Expressing preferences
• Giving explanations and reasons
• Making comparisons
• Following a discussion on adventures

1 A couple of months: Birkaç ay 42 Call center specialist: Çağrı 84 Exotic: Egzotik

2 A pair of: Bir çift merkezi uzmanı 85 Expand: Genişletmek,yayılmak
3 A piece of: Bir parça 43 Canoeing: Kano sporu yapmak 86 Experience: Deneyim
4 Abroad: Yurt dışı 44 Catch: Yakalamak 87 Expert: Uzman
5 Accident: Kaza 45 Catering: Yiyecek içecek tedarik 88 Explore: Keşfetmek
6 Accommodation: Konaklama 46 Cave pack: Mağaracılık sporu için 89 Extreme sports: Macera sporları
7 Adrenaline seeker: Adrenalin taşınan çanta 90 Eye-catching: Göz alıcı
tutkunu 47 Caving: Mağaracılık 91 Fall down: Düşmek
8 Adventure: Macera 48 Century: Yüzyıl 92 Fall: Sonbahar
9 Adventurer: Maceracı 49 Challenger: Meydan okuyan 93 Famous for: Bir şeyle ünlü olmak
10 Adventurous: Maceralı 50 Challenging: Zorlayıcı 94 Fantastic: Hayali, fantastik
11 Advertisement: Reklam 51 Clarify: Açıklamak 95 Fascinating: Büyüleyici
12 Aerobatic: Havada akrobasi 52 Cliff: Uçurum 96 Fearless: Korkusuz
13 Age range: Yaş dilimi, yaş aralığı 53 Coal miners: Kömür madencileri 97 Female: Bayan
14 Aim: Amaç 54 Comfortable: Konforlu 98 Fill with air: Hava ile doldurmak
15 Aircraft: Uçak 55 Commander: Kumandan 99 Firefighters: İtfaiyeciler
16 All-inclusive: Her şey dahil 56 Common features: Ortak özellikler 100 Flashlight: El feneri
17 Along the beach: Plaj boyunca 57 Compare: Karşılaştırmak 101 Flight instruments: Uçuş gereçleri
18 Amazing: Büyüleyici 58 Controller: Kontrolcü 102 Flight suit: Uçuş kıyafeti
19 Ambitious: Hırslı 59 Cost: Malolmak 103 Fond of: Bİr şeye düşkün olmak
20 Among: Arasında 60 Courage: Cesaret 104 Footwear: Ayakkabı
21 Amusing: Eğlenceli 61 Cover: Kaplamak 105 Freedom: Özgürlük
22 Antenna: Anten 62 Crampons: Krampon 106 Free-fall flight: Serbest düşüş
23 Archery: Okçuluk 63 Craziest dream adventure: En 107 Frozen waterfalls: Donmuş
24 Armour: Zırh çılgın macera hayali şelaleler
25 At any moment: Herhangi bir anda 64 Culture: Kültür 108 Gain: Kazanmak
26 Attack: Saldırmak 65 Danger: Tehlike 109 Get frostbite: Donmak
27 Attend: Katılmak 66 Dangerous: Tehlikeli 110 Gift / present: Hediye
28 Axe: Balta 67 Decide: Karar vermek 111 Glacier: Buzul
29 Back up: Desteklemek 68 Demonstration: Gösteri 112 Gloves: Eldiven
30 Base jumping: Yüksek bina, çatı 69 Detail: Detay 113 Goggles: Koruma gözlüğü
gibi yerlerden atlamak 70 Dictionary: Sözlük 114 Guess: Tahmin etmek
31 Become healthy: Sağlıklı olmak 71 Different: Farklı 115 Handmade: El yapımı
32 Black Sea Region: Karadeniz 72 Difficulty: Zorluk 116 Hang-gliding: Delta üçgeni ile
Bölgesi 73 Disappointing: Hayal kırıklığına uçmak
33 Blow: Üflemek uğratıcı 117 Harbor: Liman
34 Boomerang: Bumerang 74 Distance: Mesafe 118 Hard: Zor
35 Booties: Patik 75 District: Bölge 119 Healthy: Sağlıklı
36 Boots: Bot 76 Dream of: Hayalini kurmak 120 Heli-skiing: Helicopter ile bir dağın
37 Boring: Sıkıcı 77 Driving a jeep: Jip sürmek zirvesine çıkıp kaymak
38 Bravery: Cesaret 78 Drown: Boğulmak 121 Helmet: Kask
39 Bridge: Köprü 79 Dry suits: Dalgıç kıyafeti 122 Highlining: Yüksek bir yerde
40 Building: Bina 80 Elbow pads: Dirsek koruyucu ip üstünde yürüme
41 Bungee jumping: Belinden yada 81 Entertaining: Eğlenceli 123 Hill: Tepe
ayağından bağlayıp yüksek bir 82 Exact date: Kesin tarih 124 Historic places: Tarihi yerler
yerden boşluğa atlamak 83 Exciting: Heyecanlı 125 Hometown: Memleket



126 Hormone: Hormon 170 Over the land: Karada 212 Spray skirt: Kano sporu yaparken
127 Ice climbing: Buz tırmanışı 171 Overland track: Kara yolu kanoya suyun girmesine engel
128 Ice screws: Tırmanış yadımcısı 172 Paddle: Kısa kürek olan ekipman
buz çivisi 173 Parachuting: Paraşütle 213 Squadron: Hava filosu
129 Importance: Önem atlamak 214 Statue: Heykel
130 Improve: Geliştirmek 174 Parachutist: Paraşütçü 215 Stick: Çubuk, sopa
131 Include: Dahil olmak 175 Paragliding: Yamaç paraşütü 216 Stressful: Stresli
132 Individually: Bireysel olarak 176 Perform: Sergilemek 217 Structure: Yapı
133 Indoor: Kapalı alan, içerisi 177 Pleasure: Zevk 218 Stuntman: Dublör
134 Industry: Endüstri 178 Plus: Artı 219 Succeed: Başarmak
135 Inexpensive: Ucuz 179 Polo: At üzerinde oynanan 220 Suitable: Müsait
136 Inexperienced: Deneyimsiz top oyunu 221 Summer camp: Yaz kampı
137 Inform: Bilgilendirmek 180 Price: Ödül 222 Supersonic: Sesten daha hızlı olan
138 Inspire: İlham vermek 181 Protect: Korumak 223 Suppose: Varsaymak
139 Instructor: Eğitmen 182 Pyramids: Piramitler 224 Surfing: Sörf yapmak
140 Interesting: İlginç 183 Qualification: Özellikler, vasıf 225 Survive: Hayatta kalmak
141 It seems dangerous: Tehlikeli 184 Raceway: Su kanalı, yarış pisti 226 Swiss Alps: İsviçre Alpleri
görünüyor 185 Rafting: Rafting 227 Take risk: Risk almak
142 Jacket: Ceket 186 Rate of death: Ölüm oranı 228 Team sports: Takım sporları
143 Journey: Seyahat, yolculuk 187 Reach: Ulaşmak 229 Temple: Tapınak
144 Jump off: Zıplamak 188 Record: Kayıt etmek 230 Test the limits: Sınırları test
145 Kayaking: Kano sporu yapmak 189 Redeemer: Mesih, kurtarıcı etmek
146 Keep: Tutmak 190 Reef: Sığ kayalık 231 Edge: Eşik
147 Kite surfing: Uçurtma sörfü 191 Repair: Tamir etmek 232 The end is so close: Sonu çok
148 Knee pads: Diz koruyucu 192 Require: Gerekmek yakın
149 Knee: Diz 193 Research: Araştırma 233 The Great Wall of China: Çin Seddi
150 Knife: Bıçak 194 Rope: İp 234 Thermal clothes: Termal
151 Life jacket: Can kurtaran yeleği 195 Safe landing: Güvenli iniş kıyafetler
152 Look up: Bakmak,araştırmak 196 Safe: Güvenli 235 Torch: Meşale
153 Magnificent: Muhteşem, fevkalede 197 Safety equipment: Güvenlik 236 Tourist destinations: Turistik yerler
154 Manoeuvre: Manevra ekipmanları 237 Tower: Kule
155 Manually: Elle işletilen, manuel 198 Scenery: Manzara 238 Track: İzlemek
156 Military: Askeri 199 Scientist: Bilim insanı 239 Training: İdman,eğitim
157 Moreover: Bunun yanı sıra 200 Scuba diving: Tüplü dalış 240 Transportation: Ulaşım
158 Motor racing: Motor yarışı 201 Second choice: İkinci seçenek 241 Trekking route: Yürüyüş rotası
159 Motorcycle tour: Motor turu 202 Set a record: Rekor kırmak 242 Underwater hockey: Su altı hokeyi
160 Mountain biking: Dağ bisikleti 203 Skateboard: Kaykay 243 Vary: Çeşitli
161 Mountainous road: Dağlık yol 204 Skill: Beceri, yetenek 244 View: Manzara
162 Move: Hareket etmek 205 Skydiver: Hava dalışçısı 245 Weather condition: Hava durumu
163 Movement: Hareket 206 Skydiving: Gökyüzü dalışı 246 Whales: Balinalar
164 Mysterious: Gizemli 207 Slow Down: Yavaş 247 Whole: Bütün
165 Narrator: Anlatan, okuyucu 208 Soft: Yumuşak 248 Wind: Rüzgar
166 Nature: Doğa 209 Sound barrier: Ses duvarı 249 Wing: Kanat
167 Nickname: Takma ad 210 Special: Özel 250 Wrist guards: Bileklik
168 Ocean: Okyanus 211 Sportsmen: Sporcu
169 On his own: Kendi kendine



• At any moment. : Herhangi bir anda.

• Catch the sky. : Gökyüzünü yakalamak.
• Equipment included. : Ekipmanlar dahil.
• How old should a person be to attend it? : Katılmak için birisi kaç yaşında olmalı?
• I think extreme sports are more exciting than indoor : Bence macera sporları kapalı alan sporlarından daha
sports. heyecanlıdır.
• I would rather go rafting than canoeing. : Raftinge gitmeyi kanoya binmeyi tercih ederim.
• I would rather watch whales because it is so fascinating. : Balinaları izlemeyi tercih ederim çünkü çok büyüleyici.
• Is it entertaining? : Eğlenceli mi?
• It requires a lot of courage. : Çok fazla cesaret ister.
• It takes about 20 minutes. : Yaklaşık 20 dakika sürer.
• It’s time to say “I can”. : ‘Yapabilirim’ demenin vakti.
• My uncle is fond of adventure. : Benim amcam maceraya düşkündür.
• Ready for the journey. : Seyahat için hazır ol.
• Taking photos of animals is safer than scuba diving. : Hayvan resimleri çekmek tüplü dalış yapmaktan daha
• To reach the finish line. : Bitiş çizgisine ulaşmak.
• What about your second choice? : Peki senin ikinci tercihin ne?
• What activities do you prefer doing there? Why? : Orada hangi aktiviteleri yapmayı tercih edersin? Niçin?
• What are their common features? : Onların ortak özellikleri neler?
• What are their professions? : Onların mesleği nedir?
• What can a visitor see there? : Bir ziyaretçi orada ne görebilir?
• What do you need for this sport? : Bu spor için neye ihtiyacın var?
• What do you prefer doing on summer holidays? : Yaz tatillerinde ne yapmayı tercih edersin?
• What is the aim of it? : Bunun amacı ne?
• What is your favorite sport or activity? : Senin favori sporun yada aktiviten ne?
• What kind of sports do you prefer doing? : Ne tür sporları yapmayı tercih edersiniz?
• What qualifications should a person need to start it? : Buna başlamak için bir kişide ne tür özellikler olmalı?
• What’s the rate of death in base jumping? : Paraşütle yüksekten atlamadaki ölüm oranı nedir?
• What’s your craziest dream adventure? : Senin en çılgın macera hayalin nedir?
• Which extreme sports do you prefer? : Hangi macera sporlarını tercih edersiniz?
• Which one would you rather do? : Hangisini yapmayı tercih edersiniz?
• Who takes the most risks? : En fazla riski kim alır?
• Why do you think he is an adventurer? : Niçin onun bir maceracı olduğunu düşünüyorsunuz?


A. Expressing Preferences / Giving Explanations And Reasons

Tercihlerden bahsederken ya da tercihlerle ilgili sorular sorarken sıklıkla prefer…to ve would rather…than yapılarını
kullanırız. Bu yapılar aslında anlam ve yapı olarak biraz farklı olsa da Mastermind ve Upswing kitaplarında bu anlam
farkından bahsedilmez. Yapısal fark ise çok daha belirgindir. Her iki yapı da birbirinin yerine kullanılır. Ayrıca tercihlerimizle
ilgili açıklama veya sebep belirtirken “because” yapısına ihtiyacımız vardır.

PREFER… TO kalıbı sevdiğimiz ve istediğimiz şeylerden genel olarak bahsederken kullanılır. Prefer… to’dan sonra gelen fiile
–ing takısı eklenir.

• What do you prefer doing on summer holidays?

• He prefers reading books.
• I prefer living in a city.
• I prefer rafting to kayaking because it is more entertaining.
• I prefer going scuba diving in the ocean because I love sea life.
• I prefer flying over Cappadocia to climbing a mountain because it is more exciting.

WOULD RATHER… THAN kalıbı ise daha belirli durumlarda karşımıza çıkar. Would rather yapısından sonra fiil ek almaz ve
yalın olarak kullanılır.

• Would you rather stay at a hotel?

• I would rather go home now.
• I would rather go rafting than canoeing because it is easier.
• I would rather watch the whales because it is so fascinating.
• I would rather go rafting than (go) caving because it is more entertaining.

B. Making Comparisons
İki tür kıyaslama yapılabilir, pozitif veya negatif. Pozitif kıyaslamaları daha çok görürüz. Negatif kıyaslamalarda tek fark
sıfatın önüne less (daha az) getirilir.

• Paragliding is easier than Heli-skiing.

• Ice climbing is more fascinating than Bungee Jumping.
• I think extreme sports are more exciting than indoor sports.
• Taking photos of animals is safer than scuba diving.
• Flying in a hot-air balloon is easier than bungee jumping.
• Rafting is more entertaining than caving.
• Going on a jeep safari is better than joining a motorcycle tour.
• Climbing is worse than swimming.
• I think bungee jumping is less dangerous and challenging than canoeing.
• Riding an elephant is less dangerous than climbing a mountain.
• Skydiving is less challenging than skating.


3. Fill in the blank according to the passage below.

TEST 1 Hang-gliding can be dated back to the
days of Leonardo da Vinci. He painted his
desire for human flight. Through dreams
1. and reality, silent flight has played a great
role in man’s dream to fly with the birds.
Are you an adventurer? Trying to describe the feeling of flying a hang-glider is almost
impossible. Leonardo Da Vinci said, “Once you taste flight,
Lucy: I am into water sports. My favorite is rafting. you will walk the earth with your eyes turned up, for there
Carl: I think it is eye-catching to see the world among the you have been and there you miss to return”.
Lisa: To me, the underwater world is fascinating. Leonardo Da Vinci _ _ _ _.
Sally: I believe indoor sports are less dangerous, so I rarely
practice extreme sports. a) thought hang-gliding was not trendy in the past
b) described the equipment of hang-gliding
c) was interested in the idea of flying like birds
According to the information above, who is NOT an d) was an adventurer and a hang-glider
adrenaline seeker?

a) Lucy 4. Jack: What is your favorite free-time activity?

b) Carl Lily: I would rather do scuba diving or canoeing.
c) Lisa Jack: Wow! That sounds terrific. _ _ _ _?
d) Sally Lily: My father, for sure. We get on well with him,
so we never miss a chance to spend time together.
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
a) Who do you usually do them with
b) What kind of equipment do you use
c) Where do you try these extreme sports
2. In base jumping, we jump off a building, antenna, bridge d) Why do you think these sports are individual
or cliff. First, you fly and then open your parachute for a safe
landing. Moreover, you will need to have a safety helmet,
knee pads and trekking boots as your footwear so as not to 5. Kevin and Robert are close friends. They sometimes hang
get injured when your feet touch the ground. out together at weekends. This weekend is a great chance
for them to spend some time together because they have
common interests. Here are the lists of their personal
Which of the following should a base jumper have before interests:
practicing the sport?
Kevin Robert
Watches reality shows Does training at a gym
Practices water sports Instructs kayaking
a) b)
Exciting amusement Has fun at the concerts
Park activities
Choose the activity that both Kevin and Robert will enjoy
doing together.

a) b)
c) d)

c) d)

6. Mr. Leon: _ _ _ _, Amy?
Amy: Well, I like underwater hockey and surfing. 9. The table below shows the results of a study on
Mr. Leon: That sounds interesting. _ _ _ _? favorite sports of 100 teens in Turkey.
Amy: I think I prefer underwater hockey to surfing
because I like team sports more. You know team sports
are always more amusing than individual sports. Activities and Sports The Number of Teens (Total 100)
Mr. Leon: _ _ _ _? Diving 36
Amy: Well, there are six players. It takes about 20 Skateboarding 25
minutes and you play under water.
Archery 14
Which of the following questions does Mr. Leon NOT ask Canoeing 11
Amy? Trekking 9
a) What kind of sports do you prefer doing Bungee Jumping 4
b) How do you do this sport Caving 1
c) Which one do you prefer the most
d) What kind of a sport is it According to the results, which of the following is
7. Researchers asked teenagers and adults about the types of
sports they preferred. Here are the results: a) Trekking is very popular among teens in Turkey.
b) Half of the teens would rather do caving and
Adults skateboarding.
c) All of the teenagers are into archery and team
100 sports.
80 d) Nearly half of the teens spend their time
60 doing water sports.
Water Air Sports Team Sports Safe Sports

Which of the following is CORRECT according to the 10. Roger: What do you think about extreme sports?
results? Which one do you prefer?
a) Teens mostly prefer doing sports together. Max: To me, paragliding is more entertaining than
b) Safe sports are popular among teenagers. climbing a mountain.
c) Teenagers are more adventurous than adults. Roger: I don’t agree with you. Rafting is more
d) Adults are into extreme sports more. interesting but I enjoy ice climbing the most.
8. Which picture shows Max’s preference?
An adrenaline seeker is a person who
enjoys taking part in extreme sports
and other activities involving physical a) b)
risk. In general, extreme sports have
become popular among teenagers
today. Alaçatı is a great destination if
you want to do windsurfing. It is a
surface water sport that is practiced using a windsurf
board that is known as a surfboard. Robby Naish and
Bjorn Dunkerbeck are among the windsurfers who have
gained international popularity.
c) d)
In this paragraph, there is NO information about _ _ _ _.
a) successful surfers
b) the place you can do windsurfing
c) the cost of this sport
d) the reason why people like it

Jason is my best friend. He loves sports and

TEST 2 being healthy but he isn’t an adrenalin seeker. He
is afraid of risky and challenging sports such as
skydiving, paragliding and highlining. He doesn’t
feel safe when he is up in the sky. He thinks he
1. Lily: What type of vacation would you prefer? will never have the courage to try any extreme
Edward: I’d prefer a/an _ _ _ _ in the desert because sports.
I love wildlife and I can see lots of wild animals there.
4. Which of the following sports does Jason prefer doing?
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?

a) jeep safari a) b)
b) climb a mountain
c) hot air balloon
d) bungee jumping

c) d)

2. Amy: Are extreme sports risky?

Roger: They aren’t dangerous if you have the safety
Amy: What do you mean?
Roger: _ _ _ _.

Oscar: I want to help people about their health.

Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation? Jane: I am interested in space and planets.
Mike: I want to study medicine.
a) To survive at the end Kim: My dream job is to become a scientist like Tesla.
b) An instructor for example
c) Adrenaline and freedom
d) A helmet, proper footwear, goggle and etc 5. Which picture shows Mike’s interest?

a) b)

3. Heli-skiing may seem amusing and entertaining, but you

must always remember that it is_ _ _ _.

Which of the following COMPLETES the sentence? c) d)

a) not difficult at all

b) risky and challenging
c) mysterious
d) easy and fun


Hang-gliding is a very popular extreme sport. It is not The research below shows how dangerous sports and
only for young people but also older people. You can do recreational activites are. Your chances of dying are ranked
it individually or as a group. If you are inexperienced, you by sport and activity.
have to jump with an instructor. It requires a lot of
courage. You feel the adrenaline.

6. Which of the following questions DOES NOT have an

answer in the text?

a) Who is it for?
b) How do you feel?
c) Is it trendy?
d) Where do people try it?
1 in 560 1 in 101,083 1 in 2,200 1 in 34,400

Canoeing Rafting Kayaking Windsurfing 9. Which of the following is CORRECT according to the
Bruce ✓ ✓ X ✓
a) Hang-gliding is safer than other sports.
Bran X X X X b) Skydiving is the most dangerous sport.
c) Boxing is more challenging than scuba diving.
Wendy X X ✓ X d) Skydiving is more dangerous than others.
David ✓ ✓ X ✓

7. Which of the following is INCORRECT according to the

table? 10. These are the pictures from Universal Diving Website.
a) Wendy is truly an adventure lover. Observe all the safety steps and answer the question.
b) Bruce and David prefer canoeing to kayaking.
c) Bran isn’t into water sports.
d) Wendy would rather not try rafting than kayaking.

Extreme sports are becoming increasingly popular. In fact, 1 2
activities such as mountain biking, snowboarding and
skateboarding continue to attract larger numbers every
year. This is most probably because of a few reasons such
as adrenaline, and the positive mental and physical health
features of joining an extreme sport. Extreme sports can
push you to your physical and mental limits. Those who
participate in extreme sports are able to turn their fear
into a positive experience.
3 4
Which of the following DOES NOT match with one of the
8. What is the BEST title for the text above? pictures above?
a) Pros of Extreme Sports a) Check your equipment before you go diving.
b) Cons of Extreme Sports b) Don’t kill sea animals.
c) Difficulties of Extreme Sports c) Never dive alone.
d) Challenges in Extreme Sports d) Check your air pressure every 5 minutes.

4. Harry: Which extreme sports do you prefer?

TEST 3 Motor racing or mountain biking?
Joe: I prefer motor racing because _ _ _ _.

1. Jennifer: Which one would you rather do? Heli-skiing Which of the following sentences COMPLETES the
or high-lining? conversation?
David: I prefer heli skiing. a) it is more amusing than cycling
Jennifer: Why do you prefer it? b) it is more ridiculous than biking
David: Because I think it is more _ _ _ _. c) it is safer than mountain biking
d) it is not riskier than riding a bike
Which of the following DOES NOT complete the
conversation? 5. Emma: What kind of sports do you prefer?
Emily: I like water sports such as diving and
a) fascinating windsurfing. But my favorite is snowboarding. I don’t
b) exciting prefer bungee jumping to kayaking. Caving is another
c) entertaining extreme sport that I am crazy about. It is very popular
d) disappointing among the teens currently.
Which picture shows the activity Emily DOES NOT like?

2. Alex: Are you ready for the Extreme Sports Festival? a) c)

You know we will do skateboarding individually.
Do you have all the equipment?
Sally: Almost. What do we need to do it?
Alex: _ _ _ _. I have to go to the sportswear store.
Sally: Alright then. I will pick you up at 10 o’clock in the
b) d)

Which of the following sentences COMPLETES the


a) It is the most exciting sport

b) We should buy another helmet
c) I hate safe sports
d) To me, it seems like an eye-catching activity Archery Parachuting Horse Riding Kite surfing

Liam ✓ X ✓ ✓

Gary X X ✓ X
3. In base jumping, we jump off a building, an
antenna, a bridge or _ _ _ _. First, you fly and Jennifer X X ✓ X
then open your parachute for a safe landing.
Clark X ✓ X ✓
Which of the following COMPLETES the sentence?
6. Which of the following is CORRECT according to the
a) a cliff table?
b) an aircraft a) Liam would rather practice archery than ride a
c) a helicopter horse.
d) a boat b) Gary is fond of water sports.
c) Jennifer doesn’t prefer horse riding to kite surfing.
d) Clark fancies being above the ground.

Answer the questions (9-10) according to the passage

Vanessa Osler is a sportswoman and trainer at Universal below.
Scuba Diving Club. She is a professional diver and helps
people to learn diving in 3 days. If you’re short on time
but really want to become a diver, her scuba diving
coursesmay be right for you particularly if you expect to go
scuba diving primarily with an instructor. This course is a
step for getting an open-water diver certification, if that’s
your only goal!

7. Which of the following questions is NOT answered in

the text?
Ready for New Adventures?
a) What does Vanessa do?
b) How does she teach diving? Destinations for Challenge!
c) How long are her courses? Florida: Canoeing or free fall, mountain biking
d) Where does Vanessa work? or base jumping with an eye-catching scenery on the
shores of the Atlantic Ocean. The USA offers even
more than that!
Maldives: Scuba diving may frighten you, but it is
extremely fun, exciting, challenging and risky.
Cairo: A chance for a jeep safari. You can explore the
pyramids on a hot day.
Norway: It is a very beautiful country on the
northwest of Europe offering impressive adventures
Skydiving is a very popular extreme sport. It is not only such as trekking, mountain biking, rafting and
for young people but also older people. You can do it skydiving. Still looking for some other places for
individually or as a group. If you are inexperienced, you adrenaline? Then you can plan your vacation to these
have to jump with an instructor. It requires a lot of places; Greece-Scuba Diving Experience on islands of
courage. You feel the adrenaline when you fall from 2000 the Aegean Sea, Chinese Countryside-an
feet. unforgettable rafting adventure, Brazil-fly like birds
with experienced hang-gliders and Serbia-mysterious
caving discoveries.
8. Which picture shows the extreme sport mentioned
above? 9. _ _ _ _ offers an activity to experience the living history.

a) b)
a) Florida
b) Greece
c) Cairo
d) Maldives

c) d) 10. According to the text, _ _ _ _.

a) the Maldives offers safe sports

b) you can go to Greece for rafting
c) it is possible to join a thrilling air sport in Serbia
d) there are various places all over the world for
adrenaline seekers


Skydiving Golf Rock Climbing High-lining

1. Max: Do you like extreme sports? Andy ✓ ✓ X ✓

1 David: Certainly!
Max: Why do you prefer them? Melanie X X X X
David: Because _ _ _ _.
Which of the following DOES NOT complete the Bruce X X ✓ X
Brenda ✓ ✓ X ✓
a) I love the adrenaline
b) for adventure and fun
c) safety tools such as a helmet and gloves 5. Which of the following is INCORRECT according to the
d) I like to test myself table?

2. Richard: Which extreme sport do you prefer? a) Andy and Brenda prefer skydiving to rock climbing.
Ken: I prefer kayaking. b) Bruce would rather not play golf than do rock
Richard: _ _ _ _? climbing.
Ken: A kayak, a paddle, a life jacket, a spray skirt and a c) Brenda isn’t afraid of heights.
helmet. d) Melanie is an adventure lover.

Which of the following questions COMPLETES the

a) What do you need for this sport Sammy is my best friend. We have many things in
b) How do you do this sport common except for dangerous sports. I prefer safe and
c) Do you enjoy doing this sport indoor sports but she is an adrenaline seeker. She spends
d) Where do you do this sport her time and money trying new ones every year. Last
year, she experienced paragliding and mountain biking.
In the winter, she went abroad to try caving with her
3. Ron: I want to try caving but I don’t know anything parents. They decided to go to Antalya for vacation next
about the _ _ _ _ for this sport. summer to climb huge rocks by the sea.
Jenny: I can give you a list. You need a helmet,
clothing, footwear, socks, gloves, a torch and a cave
pack. 6. Which of the following pictures shows an activity that
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation? Sammy HAS NOT tried?

a) extreme sports b) equipment

c) performances d) experiences a) b)

People usually do sports for fun. They go trekking, cycling,

or jogging. However, some activities such as skiing,
bungee jumping and hang-gliding are dangerous.
Adrenaline junkies or seekers believe risky sports help them
gain self-confidence. They are aware that, they can never
be safe while doing these sports. They want to test
themselves. c) d)
4. Which of the following questions DOES NOT have an
answer in the text?
a) Why do people try extreme sports?
b) Which sports are riskier?
c) Where do adrenaline seekers practice these
d) How do dangerous sports support self-confidence?

Answer the questions (9-10) according to the

EXTREME SPORTS CAMP passage below.

For Teenagers 14-17

A weekend camp during the summer in Kemer

Extreme sports are recreational
• 4 branches every day activities with a high level of risk.
• Skydiving – Ice climbing – Paragliding – Canoeing Many popular extreme sports
• Instructors are available. Accommodation and involve dangerous heights and/or
equipment included.
speed. For example, base jumpers’
parachutes or wing suits may have a
Join us if you are interested!
problem at great heights. Other
extreme activities include white water rafting,
7. Which of the following activities can you try during the skateboarding, hang-gliding, rock climbing, windsurfing,
event? and snowboarding. Participants enjoy the thrill and
excitement of danger while testing their athletic limits.
a) b) These activities bring with them obvious risks of injury
or death.

c) d) 9. What is the best title for the text above?

a) Risks of Extreme Sports

b) Equipment of Dangerous Sports
c) Recreational Activities
d) Water Sports

Water sports are very popular around the world.

Underwater hockey is a fast moving game that needs 10. Most people _ _ _ _.
swimming and free diving capability. It is a team sport.
A team needs six players. Players wear fins, mask, snorkel a) are aware of the risks
and gloves. They hit the ball with a stick at the bottom of b) try extreme sports because they are easy and fun
the pool. The highest score wins the game. c) only perform base jumping
d) are participants of indoor sports
8. In this test, there is NO information about underwater
hockey’s_ _ _ _.

a) features
b) equipment
c) rules
d) reward

5. The graph below shows the preferences of Spanish and

TEST 5 Turkish teenagers about sports and activities.
1. Walter: What kind of sports do you practice? 7
Jones: I like water sports such as _ _ _ _. 5
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation? 2
a) trekking and canoeing
b) swimming and bungee jumping 0
Skydiving Water Indoor Trekking Horse
c) jogging and mountain biking
Sports Sports Riding
d) diving and kayaking

The Turkish teens _ _ _ _.

2. Jordan: Which sports do you prefer? Trekking or
hang-gliding? a) are fond of more challenging and riskier sports
Kate: I prefer hang-gliding. You know that I am crazy b) like indoor activities the most
about extreme sports. I like taking risks. c) are into nature walks more than the Spanish
Jordan: Why do you prefer it? d) don’t prefer water sports to indoor sports
Kate: Because I think it is more _ _ _ _.
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
a) educational
b) challenging and fascinating
c) popular and safer
d) disappointing

Bungee Rafting Base Parachuting

3. _ _ _ _ is the sport of jumping out of an aircraft with a Jumping Jumping
special parachute that allows you to travel long distances
before you land. It is famous all over the world but the best Luis X X ✓ ✓
place in Turkey is Ölüdeniz, Fethiye.
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation? Sandy X ✓ ✓ ✓

a) Skydiving b) Base Jumping Amelia ✓ X ✓ X

c) Canoeing d) Skateboarding
Mark X ✓ X ✓

4. The people who jump out of helicopters are more than

brave. Using a helicopter allows the skier to reach heights 6. Which of the following is CORRECT according to the
and spectacular mountains quickly. _ _ _ _ is a truly unique table?
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation? a) Luis would rather do rafting than parachuting.
b) Mark is into water sports.
a) Ice climbing c) Sandy doesn’t prefer base jumping and bungee
b) High-lining jumping.
c) Heli-skiing d) Amelia is fond of bungee jumping and rafting.
d) Bungee jumping


In its purest form, base jumping involves highly trained

extreme athletes who climb to great heights on Answer the questions (9-10) according to the text passage
man-made structures or tall cliff faces. Base jumpers below.
don’t use an aircraft of any kind, but instead choose to
leap from the top of fixed structures. They use a
parachute to arrest their fall and gently deliver them
back to the ground.
7. Which picture shows the extreme sport mentioned in MUSIC
the text?
05th-08th JUNE
From 10:00 to 23:00 every day

1st: 2000 TL 2nd: 1000 TL 3rd: 500 TL

Location: Universal Club / ANTALYA
Fee: 50TL per day (including transportation
from Antalya Bus Station)
For further information, please contact Mr.
Borris Khan. 0242 988 55 66 or

8. Bruce: Which one would you rather do on winter

Kevin: I believe heli-skiing is more challenging than
others because it is not easy to travel to the top of a
mountain. I prefer using the advantages of
transportation. 9. The Festival _ _ _ _.
Which picture shows Kevin’s favorite activity? a) is about only water and sky sports
b) is a free activity and everybody can join
c) will last four days
a) b) d) invites you for an indoor occasion

10. Which of the following questions is NOT answered in

the text?
c) d)
a) How much is the entrance?
b) What is the event?
c) Where is the place?
d) What is the climate?



Choose the best option. a) öğretmek
b) üretmek
c) meslek
1 Track 9 Challenging d) korumak
a) yaş aralığı a) mağara çantası 18 Importance
b) üretmek b) zorlayıcı, zorlu
c) hayatta kalmak c) ulus, millet a) eğitmen
d) iz, izlemek d) kano sporu b) deneyim, denemek, tecrübe etmek
c) macera
2 Handmade 10 Opinion d) önem
a) kesin tarih a) meslek 19 Cover
b) yaş aralığı b) dalış
c) el feneri c) çizgi a) ilçe, bölge
d) el yapımı d) fikir b) örtü, örtmek
c) direksiyon, dümen tutma
3 Vary 11 Amazing d) eğişmek, çeşitlilik göstermek
a) gerekmek, ihtiyaç duymak, a) inanılmaz, şaşırtıcı 20 Fearless
b) eğlenceli, zevkli, gülünç b) değişmek, çeşitlilik göstermek
c) değişmek, çeşitlilik göstermek c) gerekmek, ihtiyaç duymak a) korumak
d) el feneri d) arasında b) korkusuz
c) keşfetmek
12 Squadron commander d) gözlük
4 Succeed
a) araştırma a) filo komutanı 21 Individually
b) cesaret b) hayatta kalmak
c) el ile yapılarak a) bireysel olarak
c) karşılaştırmak b) hayatta kalmak
d) başarmak d) uçuş tulumu
c) karşılaştırmak
13 Caving d) malzeme, ekipman
5 Disappointing
a) kalacak yer, konaklama a) kadın, bayan 22 Line
b) kömür madeni işçisi b) yamaç paraşütü
c) manzara, görüş a) dalış
c) yiyecek içecek, yemek hizmeti b) çizgi
d) hayal kırıklığına uğratıcı, üzücü d) mağaracılık
c) tarih
14 Elbow pad d) riskli
6 Paragliding
a) bireysel olarak a) gizemli 23 Flight suit
b) yamaç paraşütü b) dirseklik
c) diyetisyen a) bileklik
c) ulus, millet b) dalgıç kıyafeti
d) yaş aralığı d) hırslı
c) uçuş tulumu
15 Aircraft industry d) diyetisyen
7 Distance
a) ilçe, bölge a) filo komutanı 24 Manually
b) boyunca, esnasında b) yamaç paraşütü
c) uçak sanayii a) uzaklık, mesafe
c) ulaşmak, uzanmak b) bireysel olarak
d) uzaklık, mesafe d) kesin tarih
c) el ile yapılarak
16 All-inclusive d) kano sporu
8 Improve
a) hayatta kalmak a) her şey dahil 25 Research
b) geliştirmek b) heyecan verici
c) zorlayıcı, zorlu a) yaş aralığı c) araştırma
c) kısa kürek b) başarmak d) el yapımı
d) üretmek d) kesin tarih



Choose the best option. a) gösteri
b) ziyaret
c) gidilecek yer
1 Break 9 Skill d) büyüleyici
a) esmek a) beceri 18 Exciting
b) taşımak b) kayak
c) kırmak c) karar a) heyecan verici
d) incitmek d) tamir b) göz kamaştırıcı
c) büyüleyici
2 Drown 10 Helmet d) maceralı
a) olmak a) kask 19 Become
b) kırmak b) palet
c) ip, halat c) kürek a) olmak
d) boğulmak d) tepe b) kırmak
c) esmek
3 Cave 11 Inspire d) orman
a) nehir a) ilham vermek 20 Adrenaline seeker
b) balina b) karşılaştırmak
c) göl c) kayak yapmak a) bireysel sporlar
d) mağara b) adrenalin tutkunu
d) gidilecek yer c) gayret gerektiren
4 Flashlight 12 Inexpensive d) eğlendirici
a) el feneri a) termal kıyafet 21 Frightening
b) deneyim b) ucuz
c) eldiven c) olası a) eğlendirici
d) kask d) cesaret isteyen b) korkutucu
c) geleneksel
5 Hill 13 Military d) büyüleyici
a) okyanus a) ordu 22 Equipment
b) tepe b) fark
c) vadi c) kültür a) deneyim
d) nehir d) ziyaret b) pahalı olmayan
c) araç gereç
6 Mountainous road 14 Bridge d) heyecan
a) üye olmak a) bina 23 Trekking
b) özel balta b) nehir
c) geleneksel c) köprü a) dalış
d) dağlık yol d) uzman b) okçuluk
c) yürüyüş
7 Die 15 Get frostbite d) antrenman
a) heyecanlanmak a) nitelik kazanmak 24 Traditional
b) ölmek b) soğuktan donmak
c) titremek c) uzayın kenarı a) geleneksel
d) olmak d) ilham vermek b) eğlendirici
c) coşkulu
8 Compare 16 Pool d) gelişmiş
a) hayal etmek a) havuz 25 Different
b) keyif almak b) tarih
c) karar vermek c) hediye a) yürüyüş c) benzer
d) balina b) farklı d) tarihi
d) karşılaştırmak


• Describing places
• Expressing preferences
• Talking about experiences
• Making simple comparisons
• Exchanging information about tourism

1 Abandoned: Terkedilmiş, 43 Camping: Kamp yapma 88 Enormous: Çok büyük

kullanılmayan 44 Capital: Başkent 89 Equality: Eşitlik
2 Abroad: Yurt dışı 45 Caravansaries: Kervansaraylar 90 Exchange: Değiştirmek
3 Accommodation: Konaklama 46 Cartridge paper: Kartuş kağıdı 91 Exciting: Heyecanlı
4 Across the world: Dünya çapında 47 Castle: Kale 92 Exotic: Egzotik
5 Adventurous: Maceralı 48 Cave: Mağara 93 Eye-catching: Göz alıcı
94 Fame: Ün, şöhret
6 Advertisement: Reklam 49 Celebration: Kutlama 95 Famous for: Bir şeyiyle ünlü olmak
7 Albania: Arnavutluk 50 Ceremony: Tören 96 Fascinating: Büyüleyici
8 All-inclusive resort: Herşey dahil 51 Charming: Çekici 97 Five-star hotel: Beş yıldızlı otel
otel 52 Cheap: Ucuz 98 Fortune: Talih,servet
9 Almond: Badem 53 Cheese blocks: Peynir blokları 99 Fountain: Çeşme, fıskiye
10 Alone: Yalnız 54 Chorus: Koro 100 Fragrant soap: Kokulu sabun
11 Along the shores of Meriç: Meriç 55 City square: Şehir meydanı 101 Freedom: Özgürlük
nehri boyunca 56 City-sightseeing: Çevre gezisi 102 Fried liver: Kızartılmış ciğer
12 Amphitheater: Amfi tiyatro 57 Climate: İklim yemeği
13 Anchovy: Hamsi, ançuez 58 Clock tower: Saat kulesi 103 Gallipoli Peninsula: Gelibolu
14 Ancient: Eski,antik 59 Committed no crime: Suça 104 Gift: Hediye
15 Antique: Antika karışmamış 105 Golden: Altın
16 Archaeological site: Arkeolojik alan 60 Conquer: Fethetmek 106 Gondolas: Gondol
17 Architecture: Mimari 61 Conquest: Fetih 107 Grand: Büyük
18 Area: Alan 62 Consider: Durumu değerlendirmek 108 Grape juice: Üzüm suyu
19 Artificial: Suni,yapay 63 Construct: İnşa etmek 109 Guess: Tahmin etmek
20 As famous as: …kadar ünlü 64 Cooperation: İşbirliği 110 Guide: Rehber
21 Atmosphere: Atmosfer 65 Countryside: Kırsal kesim 111 Highland: Dağlık bölge, yayla
22 Attractive: Çekici 66 Crossroad: Kavşak 112 Historic sites: Tarihi yerler
23 Authentic: Otantik 67 Cruise vacation: Gemi tatili 113 Historical: Tarihi
114 Honesty: Dürüstlük
24 Average temperature: Ortalama 68 Cultural diversity: Kültürel 115 Hospitality: Misafirperverlik
sıcaklık çeşitlilik 116 Hostel: Pansiyon
25 Beach:Plaj 69 Cultural: Kültürel 117 Human race: İnsan ırkı
26 Beauty: Güzellik 70 Curtain: Perde 118 Incredible: İnanılmaz
27 Bed and breakfast hotel: 71 Customs: Gelenekler 119 Inform: Bilgilendirmek
konaklama ve kahvaltı ücrete 72 Date back to: Tarihi geçmişe 120 Inner: İçsel
dahil otel dayanmak 121 Invasion: İstila, saldırı
28 Being understanding: Anlayışlı 73 Depart: Yola çıkmak, kalkmak 122 Island: Ada
olmak 74 Destination: Varış yeri 123 Journal entries: Günlük girişler
29 Beliefs: İnançlar 75 Determination: Saptama, kararlılık 124 Justice: Adalet
125 Keep on: Devam etmek
30 Believe: İnanmak 76 Ecosystem: Ekosistem 126 Kick: Tekmelemek
31 Black Sea Region:Karadeniz Bölgesi 77 Emperor: İmparator 127 Lake: Göl
32 Boat tour: Tekne turu 78 Deva-i misk candy: Deva-i misk 128 Landmark: Kentin simgesi
33 Border: Sınır şekeri 129 Landscape: Manzara, peyzaj
34 Bosnia And Herzegovina: Bosna 79 Differences: Farklılıklar 130 Living city: Hareketli şehir
Hersek 80 Different: Farklı 131 Local shops: Yerel dükkanlar
35 Bosphorus: İstanbul boğazı 81 Direct route: Rotayı belirlemek 132 Location: Konum
36 Boutique hotel: Butik otel 82 Discover: Keşfetmek 133 Madrasa: Medrese
37 Bow: Yay 83 Dish culture: Yemek kültürü 134 Magic: Sihir, büyü
38 Bridge: Köprü 84 Dormitory: Yatakhane, yurt 135 Magnificent rock structures:
Muhteşem kaya yapılar
39 Brochure: Broşür 85 Due: Vadesi dolmuş 136 Mansion: Konak, köşk
40 Bullfighting: Boğa güreşi 86 Earthen pottery: Toprak çömlekçilik 137 Martyr’s memorial: Şehitlik anıtı
41 Bungalow: Tek katlı kır evi 87 Empire: İmparatorluk 138 Mausoleum: Mozole
42 Byzantine: Bizans ile ilgili 139 Mediterranean: Akdeniz



140 Memories: Hafıza 187 Rock sites: Kayalık alan 228 Trojan horse: Truva atı
141 Mercifulness: Merhametlilik 188 Rock tomb: Kaya mezarı 229 Truly: Gerçekten
142 Migration: Göç 189 Rules and the laws: Kurallar ve 230 Turkish bath: Türk hamamı
143 Mistake: Hata kanunlar 231 Under the dominance of:
144 Monastery: Manastır 190 Rural: Kırsal Hakimiyeti altında
145 Monument: Abide, anıt 191 Sand: Kum 232 UNESCO: Birleşmiş Milletler
146 Moreover: Dahası, bunun yanı sıra 192 Seaside: Deniz kenarı Eğitim, Bilim ve Kültür Örgütü
147 Mosque: Cami 193 Self-confidence: Özgüven 233 Turkish culture: Türk kültürü
148 Mountain: Dağ 194 Settlement: Yerleşim 234 Turkish delight: Lokum
149 Museum: Müze 195 Shrine: Türbe 235 Two-star hotel: İki yıldızlı otel
150 Mustard: Hardal 196 Sightseeing: Çevre gezisi 236 UN: Birleşmiş Milletler
151 Must-see place: Görülmesi 197 Social complex: Külliye 237 Unbelievable: İnanılmaz
gereken yer 198 South, east, north, west: Güney, 238 Unforgettable: Unutulmaz
152 Mystic: Mistik doğu, kuzey, batı 239 UNICEF: Birleşmiş Milletler
153 Natural beauty: Doğal güzelik 199 Southern: Güneye ait Çocuklara Yardım Fonu
154 Natural port: Doğal liman 200 Souvenir varieties: Hediyelik 240 Unity of the family: Aile
155 Necessary values: Gerekli değerler eşya çeşitliliği bütünlüğü
156 Northeast: Kuzeydoğu 201 Species: Tür 241 Unpleasant: Hoş olmayan
157 Occupied: Meşgul 202 Spectator: İzleyici 242 Urban: Şehirsel, şehre ait
158 Old-fashioned: Eski moda 203 Splendid: Muhteşem 243 Vacation: Tatil
159 Orkhon Inscriptions: Orhun 204 Square: Meydan 244 Varieties: Çeşitlilik
Yazıtları 205 State guesthouse: Devlet 245 Various: Çeşitli
160 Ottoman Empire: Osmanlı misafirhanesi 246 Vary: Değişmek
İmparatorluğu 206 Stick: Sopa 247 Village: Köy
161 Palace: Saray 207 Strategic: Stratejik 248 Waterway: Kanal, akarsu yatağı
162 Pantheon: En büyük tapınak 208 Structure: Yapı 249 Wealth: Varlık
163 Pass: Geçmek 209 Style: Stil 250 Weigh: Ağırlık
164 Patience: Sabır 210 Suez: Süveyş 251 Whole year: Tüm yıl
165 Pension: Pansiyon 211 Suppose: Varsaymak 252 Wickerwork basket: Hasır sepet
166 Per person: Kişi başı 212 Surrounded by water: Su ile 253 Wide: Geniş
167 Per year: Yıllık çevrili 254 Wildebeest: Afrika antilobu
168 Plateau: Plato 213 Temple complex: Tapınak 255 Wildlife: Vahşi yaşam
169 Pleasure: Zevk kompleksi 256 World Heritage List: Dünya
170 Population: Nüfus 214 Terrestrial: Karasal Miras Listesi
171 Preserve: Korumak 215 The natural heritage: Doğal miras 257 Worldwide: Dünya çapında
172 Price: Fiyat 216 Till the end: Sonuna kadar 258 Wrestling and cultural activities:
173 Prophet: Peygamber 217 Tomb: Mezar Güreş ve kültür aktiviteleri
174 Province: Vilayet,il 218 Touch: Dokunmak
175 Public: Halk 219 Tour guide: Tur rehberi
176 Recreational: Eğlenceli 220 Tourist attractions: Turist cazibe
177 Rediscover: Tekrar keşfetmek merkezleri
178 Refresh: Tazelemek 221 Tourist destination: Turistik yer
179 Relate to: Alakalı olmak 222 Trade route: Ticaret yolu
180 Relax: Rahatlamak 223 Traditional dishes: Geleneksel
181 Relaxing :Rahatlatıcı yemekler
182 Release: Serbest bırakmak 224 Traditional handcraft: Geleneksel
183 Religious: Dinsel el sanatı
184 Remarkable: Dikkat çekici 225 Transportation: Ulaşım
185 Respect: Saygı göstermek 226 Travel brochure: Seyahat broşürü
186 River: Nehir 227 Travel: Seyahat



• Bed and breakfast pensions are common. : Konaklama ve kahvaltı dahil pansiyonlar yaygındır.
• Have you ever been abroad? : Hiç yurt dışında bulundun mu?
• How did you find it? : Nasıl buldun?
• How long did you stay there? : Orada ne kadar kaldın?
• How was it? : Nasıldı?
• How would you feel? : Nasıl hissederdin?
• I ain’t gonna lose. : Ben kaybetmeyeceğim.
• I have been to Side before. : Daha önce Side’de bulundum.
• I have never been to Mardin. : Hiçbir zaman Mardin’de bulunmadım.
• I have never seen such a splendid place. : Böyle muhteşem bir yer görmemiştim.
• I think it’s a magnificent city. : Bence fevkalede bir şehir.
• I think / believe / suppose it is exciting. : Bence / inanıyorum ki / farz ediyorum ki heyecan verici.
• I’d love to see the historic sites there. : Orada tarihi yerleri görmek istiyorum.
• In my opinion / to me, it is lovely. : Benim fikrimce / Bana göre, güzel.
• In my opinion / to me, it sounds / looks fascinating. : Benim fikrimce / Bana göre, kulağa hoş geliyor, büyüleyici görünüyor.
• It is one of the best places for me to relax and : Orası dinlenmek ve ferahlamak için benim için en iyi
refresh. yerlerden biri.
• It is worth seeing. : Görmeye değer.
• The scenery was incredible, wonderful. : Manzara inanılmazdı, harikaydı.
• It’s easy to find accommodation for every budget. : Her keseye uygun konaklama imkanı bulmak kolaydır.
• It’s truly an ancient city. : Gerçekten tarihi bir yer.
• Its authentic architecture is more charming. : Otantik mimarisi daha çekicidir.
• Let’s discover the city of living history! : Hadi yaşayan tarihi şehri keşfedelim!
• There are different means of transportation. : Farklı ulaşım imkanları var.
• To me, everybody should definitely go there. : Bana göre, herkes mutlaka oraya gitmeli.
• What are the special / traditional dishes? : Özel / Geleneksel yemekleri neler?
• What are the tourist attractions? : Turist cazibe merkezleri neler?
• What can you taste in Konya? : Konya’da ne tadabiliriz, yiyebiliriz?
• What did you like the most about it? : Onunla ilgili en çok neyi sevdin?
• What do you think about Rome? : Roma hakkında ne düşünüyorsun?
• What type of holiday / vacation do you prefer? : Ne tür tatili tercih edersin?
• What’s the best time to visit there? : Orayı ziyaret etmek için en iyi zaman nedir?
• What’s the climate like? : İklimi nasıl?
• What’s the population of the city? : Şehrin nüfusu ne kadardır?
• What’s the weather like then? : O zaman hava nasıl?
• What’s your favorite tourist destination? : Senin en sevdiğin turistik yer neresi?
• Where have you been to in Turkey? : Türkiye’de nerelerde bulundun?


A. Describing Places B. Expressing Preferences

What do you think about Rome?

It’s truly an ancient city and the weather was just perfect.
I would rather stay at an all-inclusive hotel than a
bed and breakfast hotel.

Did you enjoy your trip? I would rather not stay at an all-inclusive hotel
than a bed and breakfast hotel.
It was incredible.
Would you rather stay at an all-inclusive hotel than
a bed and breakfast hotel?
What is Şanlıurfa famous for?

It is famous for its stories about the prophets.

C. Talking About Experiences

Where can you visit in this city?

You can go to the square and see the ceremony.

Have you ever been abroad?

Which city do you prefer visiting?
Where have you been to in Turkey?
My favorite tourist attraction is Mostar. It has more
cultural attractions than Phuket. / I prefer visiting London. I have been to Side before.

I have never been to Mardin.

Have you ever visited an island? I have never seen such a splendid place.

Yes, I have – Many times. / No, never.


4. Lucy: How was your holiday?
Ron: It was incredible. I loved the climate of the city.
We went out every night to see the landmarks and
1. attractions. Did you know that it was the first city to
Marcy: I prefer winter vacation. have a Martyr’s _ _ _ _ in the world?
Lucy: That’s really unbelievable.
Lisa: I am crazy about wildlife and my favorite
destination is Africa. Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
Mel: I am fond of modern structures.
a) temple complex b) monument
Sam: I would rather see historical sites. c) castle d) cathedral
According to the information above, who thinks it is nice
to go skiing on holidays?
5. Mike: _ _ _ _?
a) Marcy b) Lisa Sally: The Blue Mosque, the Hagia Sofia Museum,
c) Mel d) Sam Topkapı Palace and the Sultan Ahmet Square are the
most famous ones.

2. It is summer time now and Barbara has a week off. Which of the following DOES NOT complete the
Barbara and her husband want to go abroad and discover conversation?
new cultures. They are interested in ancient history and a) What are the tourist attractions in İstanbul
traditions. They like to see and observe antique items and
statues. b) What are the important landmarks in İstanbul
c) Do you know any landmarks in İstanbul
Which of the following places must Barbara and her d) What are the accommodation choices we have
husband go to do the activities they like?

a) b)
6. David and Martin decided to visit the same city and put
all the pictures in their blogs later. Here are the lists of their
planned activities for their vacation:

David Martin
Try local food Taste traditional cuisine
c) d) Have a boat trip Go trekking
Explore architecture Meet local people

Choose the activity that both David and Martin will enjoy
a) b)

3. Buenos Aires is the capital city of Argentina. It is a

_ _ _ _ in the northeast of the country. It is a modern place
full of skyscrapers and interesting structures.
Which of the following COMPLETES the text? c) d)

a) province
b) sightseeing
c) square
d) castle

7. World Tourism Officials did research on tourist Answer the questions (9-10) according to the website below.
destinations in the Far Eastern Countries. Here are the
Arrivals (mns)
Daily Excursions to spectacular castles
15 Discover the most important castles in the area
10 with a guide, and get the chance to taste some
5 delicious local food.
0 About this activity
Singapore Bangkok Kuala Tokyo • Visit the 2 most popular castles and see the
Lumpur charming rooms of the chateaus.
Which of the following is CORRECT according to the results? • Pick-up, transfer service is included

a) The most popular destination is Tokyo. Free of Charge Extra Fare for
b) Nearly ten million people preferred Singapore. •Entrance tickets for each castle •Personal expenses
c) More than twenty million tourists visited Bangkok. •Transportation by bus •Accommodation
d) Kuala Lumpur is not a tourist destination.
•Guided tour of each castle •Train tickets

Fashionable cruise ships are like

floating cities, with everything you
need on board. On the ship you’ll
find a library, cinema, spa, hair From
salon, gym, cafés, internet access, ₺ 1,149.37 per person
medical facilities, and plenty of
stores for shopping. You can expect
a wide range of choices for dinner.
The nightly entertainment is fantastic with shows,
performances, singers, and comedians from America and 9. According to the tour brochure _ _ _ _.
a) you have to pay an entrance fee
b) you will see more than two castles
8. In this paragraph, there is NO information about c) you have to pay for the transportation by bus
_ _ _ _. d) you have to pay if you buy a souvenir

a) b)

10. The tour is a type of _ _ _ _.

a) seaside holiday
b) cultural vacation
c) d) c) city-sightseeing
d) a vacation in the mountains


4. Jordan: My best friend Alex is coming to my hometown.

TEST 2 We will hang out together on the weekend. Where do
you think we should go?
Sarah: Let me think for a second. Well, you could visit
important attractions in the city because they are
1. Kate: What type of places do you like most? _ _ _ _.
Laura: I like _ _ _ _ places because their architecture
is eye-catching. You must see the skyscrapers in Hong Which of the following DOES NOT complete the
Kong. conversation?
a) fascinating
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation? b) magnificent
a) modern c) terrific
b) crowded d) unbearable
c) historical
d) countryside 5.
2. Fill in the blank according to the passage below.
My flight
Mark: Welcome to my blog. I was in Amsterdam
last Friday. First, I visited the Van Gogh Museum. Hello, I am at Gatwick Airport. It is 10 in the
I took some pictures of his paintings. You can morning and I am flying to Cairo in 2 hours. The
see all the pictures on my blog. Then, I took a airport is just like a city; there are a lot of souvenir
boat trip in the canals. Watching the city from a
boat was wonderful. Have a nice day. shops and cafes. The trip will take about 7 hours
and I am planning to sleep on the plane. I hope
Mark _ _ _ _. we can meet in the evening. Will you pick me up?
Please reply soon and send me a confirmation
a) spent the weekend in Amsterdam
b) had a picture with Van Gogh
c) took a picture of the canals
d) seems he liked his visit
Which of the following questions is NOT answered in the
3. When Andy goes on holiday, he wants to discover new a) What time is the flight?
cultures. He is interested in ancient history and b) Why is she flying to Cairo?
architecture. c) What is her destination?
Which of the following places would he prefer visiting? d) Do Jason and Erica know each other?

a) b) ____
6. According to a numerical count of each country’s World
Heritage Sites, China, Spain and Italy are the first three
countries with the richest cultural and historical heritage
regarding the architectural works of importance, man-made
monuments, groups of buildings that have social or historical
significance and the archaeological sites of historical
c) d) What can be the BEST title for the text?
a) Cultural Heritage
b) Environmental Issues
c) Man-made Monuments
d) Archeological Sites

Answer the questions (9-10) according to the passage

7. below.
Hagia Sofia

parents will
spend their
Atatürk’s Moseleum holiday together.
First, they will fly to
Mountain London to visit their
relatives there. Probably,
they will see some
attractions. They don’t
like English cuisine so they will try to
find a French restaurant. They think
French meals are more delicious than the English.
They both like visiting historic sites, so they will
go to the South of England to see Stonehenge, a
Which of the following is INCORRECT according to the mysterious place. They are into history so they may
map? visit some other places if they have time and
a) You can visit Adıyaman to climb the mountain.
b) Hagia Sofia is in the northwest of Turkey.
c) You can see rock formations in Cappadocia.
d) You can visit historic sites in Ankara.

9. In this paragraph, there is NO information about

_ _ _ _.
8. Fiona and Emma love travelling. The graph is about the
activities they do when they are on holiday. a) Joanne’s parents’ activity plan
b) the accommodation
c) transportation
Fiona d) the local food
80 10. Which of the following places may Joanne’s parents
60 possibly visit?
40 a) b)
Visit Take Buy Go
museums photos souvenirs sightseeing

Which of the following is CORRECT according to the

graph? c) d)
a) They are keen on history and ancient items.
b) Fiona takes fewer photos than Emma.
c) Emma enjoys going to a gift shop.
d) Both Fiona and Emma are fond of sightseeing.

TEST 3 4. Allen: Hi Sarah. _ _ _ _?

Sarah: Hello dear. I went to Konya, a magnificent city in
Allen: _ _ _ _?
1. Sam: _ _ _ _? Sarah: Of course with my husband and relatives.
Adam: Well, I visited a few wonderful villages in Allen: _ _ _ _?
Brussels. Sarah: At a hostel near the tram station.

Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?

a) How was your holiday Which of the following questions DOES Allen NOT ask
b) Where have you been recently Sarah?
c) Was it expensive for your budget
d) Did you like the food there a) Where were you last weekend
b) How did you travel
c) Where did you stay
2. Luis: What is your favorite vacation? d) Who did you go there with
Clark: I guess summer holidays at _ _ _ _ because I want
to feel free when I am on holiday. I can’t stand
making plans about where to eat and what to do during
my vacation. I usually go to the travel agent and buy a
whole package including the accommodation,
transportation and the food.
Luis: So you pay for everything at the beginning of your
holiday and have fun later.

Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation? 5. Imagine you are going to visit a modern city in
Europe soon. You are willing to see a lot of places because
a) a bed and breakfast hotel it is your first time in this city. But unfortunately you have
b) a hostel or a pension just two days. You are curious about the religion of the
c) an all-inclusive hotel local people.
d) a dormitory

3. Roger usually goes abroad in his summer holidays. He Which of the following destinations will you visit at the
was there again this summer because he is interested in beginning of your tour?
culture and the history of the country. He prefers visiting
ancient places to the crowded and modern parts. He never
wastes his time at the malls. He says that there are many
splendid castles in the northern countryside of England. a) b)

Which of the following can be his favorite tourist


a) b)

c) d)

c) d)

In the graphics below, the activities enjoyed by tourists in
the Maldives are expressed in percentages:

Archaeologists have made

one of the most important
archaeological discoveries
of the 21st century. They
have found Göbeklitepe
in the southeast of Turkey,
near the city of Şanlıurfa.
It is a temple that was built 8. Which of the following is CORRECT according to the
about 12,000 – 13,000 years ago by the results.
hunter-gatherer Neolithic men. It is nearly a) The most popular activity is swimming.
6,000 years older than the Pyramids in Egypt, b) Most of the tourists enjoy water sports.
c) People like diving more than snorkelling.
and 7,500 years older than Stonehenge in d) Nearly half of the tourists are into spa & health.
Answer the questions (9-10) according to the passage
Prague is the capital and the largest city of
6. In this paragraph, there is NO information about the Czech Republic. It is located on the
Göbekli Tepe’s _ _ _ _. banks of the Vltava River. The city has a
rich architectural heritage. The major
building is Prague Castle, which is the largest ancient
a) location castle in the world. The bridge, which connects the Old
b) history Town and Lesser Town, is lined with statues and has
c) importance towers with gates at each end. Charles University is
d) climate another ancient structure in the city. It was founded in
1348, and it is the oldest in central Europe. Other famous
landmarks include the Astronomical Clock, St. Vitus
Cathedral, St. Nicholas Church, Old Town City Hall and Jan
Hus Monument. There are also many museums and art
galleries that exhibit important Czech and foreign
collections of the 19th and 20th century. Prague has a
reputation for hosting crowds of tourists, as it has one
7. Fill in the blank according to the weather forecast report of the best-preserved city centers in Europe. Therefore,
for Johannesburg. the historical center of Prague was added to the UNESCO
World Heritage List in 1992.

9. Which of the following could be the title for the text?

a) Czech Architecture and Music
b) A City of History and Culture
c) History of the Czech Republic
d) Life in Prague
It is appropriate to go swimming on _ _ _ _. 10. Which of the following is CORRECT according to the
a) Tuesday a) Prague is famous for its statues.
b) Sunday b) Charles University was founded in the 15th century.
c) Thursday c) The city welcomes a lot of tourists.
d) Monday d) The Prague Castle is in the UNESCO World Heritage

4. There are lots of places to stay in Fethiye. You can find

TEST 4 bed and breakfast hotels, hostels, all-inclusive hotels and
boutique hotels.
Which of the following accommodation types IS NOT
1. Sally: What do you know about Batumi? suitable for a tourist in Fethiye?
1 George: I know that the city is _ _ _ _in the southwest of
a) b)
Georgia. It is a province on the border of Turkey.
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
a) changed
b) stayed
c) located
d) tasted c) d)

2. Gary: Hi Michael, I need advice for my vacation in

Izmir. _ _ _ _?
Michael: Well, you can spend time at the café by the sea
and relax. You can also try local dishes. You should taste
boyoz before you leave.
Gary: _ _ _ _? JOURNEY GUIDE
Michael: It is a traditional dish.
Gary: _ _ _ _? İZMİR is located in the west of Turkey. The city is famous
Michael: You can try the state guesthouses. There are for its delicious traditional food such as kumru and
several in the city. boyoz. There are also lots of ancient sites and museums
to visit.
Which of the following questions DOES Gary NOT ask
Michael? ANTALYA is the most famous holiday resort in Turkey.
It contains a lot of ancient villages, natural resources,
a) Where can I stay archaeological sites and castles.
b) What is it
c) What is the best thing to do there BURSA is a city in the northwest of Turkey. It is the most
d) What is the weather like popular skiing center in Turkey. Kartalkaya Skiing Resort is
one of the most well-known tourist attractions.

BURDUR is famous for its forests, fauna and modern hot

3. Fill in the blank according to the table below. spring facilities. Salda Lake is the most famous attraction
to visit.
Location South of Turkey
Accommodation All-inclusive or boutique hotels, pensions
Transportation Buses or cars Danny surfs the Net and found this brochure. After he read
Attractions The Castle, Damlataş Cave and Cleopatra Beach the information, he decided to go to Turkey because he is
interested in winter sports.
The Climate Warm and sunny

Alanya _ _ _ _. 5. Which of the following cities should Danny visit?

a) İzmir
a) is an ancient tourist destination b) Antalya
b) offers a variety of accommodation c) Bursa
c) is located at a distant place d) Burdur
d) never attracts tourists


6. Traveler’s Questionnaire My name is Wendy. I love going abroad and

exploring new places. When I am on holiday,
going to the ancient sites and learning more
about the culture is the first activity I do. Then
I go to the museums, visit the monuments and
fountains. I am into history and traditions so I
HAVE YOU EVER…? prefer cultural holidays.
8. Where does Wendy usually have her holiday?
Yes No
eaten the cuisine of a foreign country? a) b)
flown on a plane?
been abroad?
attended a festival?
had a bad holiday experience?
guided visitors in your city? c) d)

Which picture is RELATED TO a bad experience on a

a) b)
Answer the questions (9-10) according to the passage

Antalya, heaven on earth, is one of

the most visited tourist destinations in
c) d) the world. The ancient history, natural
beauty and friendly people attract many
visitors. The old town, the aquarium, the
glass pyramid and lovely beaches are among the significant
historical and natural riches of Antalya. Moreover, you can
discover the entertainment centers of the city and
interesting events to make your holiday more fun.

7. Guest satisfaction is very important at a hotel. The 9. According to the text, _ _ _ _.

guests expect good service, low prices, clean rooms and
delicious meals. The picture on the hotel’s website should a) Antalya is a charming place
be real. They look at the picture gallery, read the review of b) not many tourists visit the city
other guests and make a decision about reserving a room c) there are some old castles in Antalya
at the hotel. When they arrive at the hotel, they want to d) you can get bored on your holiday in Antalya
see what they bought. They feel happy about the hotel
when everything is the same as on the website.
10. Antalya _ _ _ _.
In this paragraph, there is NO information about _ _ _ _.
a) is a city where you can’t see any interesting
a) the hotel’s website activities
b) others comments b) is famous for its Mediterranean climate
c) the cleaning c) is a favorite destination for tourists
d) the menu d) is rich in cuisine

4. Researchers asked their customers how well the

TEST 5 following features of their stay match their expectations.

1. Dave: Have you ever been to Amsterdam? Great Fair Weak Bad
John: Unfortunately no. What about you, Dave? Rooms
Dave: Yes, I have. I had a flight there last weekend.
_ _ _ _. It’s truly an amazing place. You must see it as Staff
soon as possible.
Range of Facilities
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
a) I’d rather visit ancient places The Food
b) It was incredible
c) I’d rather visit somewhere in the Far East
d) The weather was cold and rainy
Which of the following is INCORRECT according to the
2. Oscar: I was in Adıyaman two days ago. It was an a) The customers are happy with the food.
unforgettable holiday. b) The people think the hotel offers enough facilities.
Richard: Where is that? c) The customers like the meals.
Oscar: In Turkey of course!
Richard: How was it? d) The customers are satisfied with the personnel.
Oscar: Excellent. _ _ _ _. I was impressed by the scenery
and the ruins of the Kingdom of Commagene in Mount
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
5. Fill in the blank according to the graph below.
a) It was such a fascinating place
b) I’d rather go to the seaside The graph below shows the accommodation preferences of
c) I had the worst holiday ever tourists from different parts of Europe. The people
d) It was noisy and crowded shared where they want to stay during their vacations.

Jean: I’d rather visit historical places. I’m Russian Scandinavian British German
interested in natural beauty. I visit museums,
take photos and buy souvenirs. I spend most of 90
my money in gift shops. I bought this fragrant 80
soap from Brussels. It smells like chocolate. 70
3. Which of the following pictures shows the place where 50
Jean does shopping on holiday? 40
a) b) 20
All-inclusive Boutique Hotels Bed and breakfast
Hotels Hotels Hotels

c) d) All-inclusive hotels are _ _ _ _.

a) trendy in England and Russia
b) the first choice of Scandinavians
c) not popular among British
d) the main destination for only Russians


IBIZA / SPAIN Answer the questions (9-10) according to the brochure

Accommodation Bamboo bungalows, all-inclusive five-star below.
Transportation Direct flight from Madrid

Attractions Formentera, Sunset boat trip, Sant Antoni

de Portmany, Cala Bassa Beach
The climate Hot all year round

6. In this table, there is NO information about _ _ _ _ .

a) where to stay
b) the best time to visit
c) the weather
d) places to see

Hi, my name is Nukuoro. I am from Japan. I work

hard during the winter. My office is on the 37th
floor of a skyscraper. It is very boring for me
because I like being in nature. For me, a holiday
means staying somewhere in the countryside.
I want to feel peace and quiet. I never stay in
the city centre. I want to get away from crowds
as much as possible.
What to do:
7. Which of the following is CORRECT about Nukuoro? *Visit Westminster Abbey.
a) She wants to spend time in noisy places. *See the Tower of London.
b) She likes big city life. *Take a walk around Hyde Park.
c) She likes natural beauty. *Visit Camden Town.
d) She would rather stay in an all-inclusive hotel. Where to stay:
Hotels may be too expensive, so bed and breakfasts or
pensions are better choices.
Albert and Max are close friends and they work together. It When to visit:
is their low season and they can go on a vacation for a week. The best time to visit London is between March and
They decided what to do on their holiday. They need to buy May, when the temperatures are warm and the parks are
a tent, a compass and a sleeping bag. green.
8. According to the text, where do you think Albert and 9. In this brochure, there is NO information about
Max are going? ____.

a) b) a) activities
b) transportation
c) climate
d) accommodation

10. A tourist can _ _ _ _ in Hyde Park.

c) d)
a) buy tickets
b) see ancient architecture
c) take a tour on foot
d) find a place to stay



Choose the best option. a) famous
b) heaven
c) tower
1 Kent simgesi 9 Kesinlikle d) region
a) definitely a) unbelievable 18 Lake
b) date back b) definitely
c) landmark c) caravansary a) alan
d) discover d) relaxation b) saray
c) ada
2 landscape 10 Mimarlık, mimari d) göl
a) kervansaray a) province 19 Palace
b) kutlama b) architecture
c) harika c) incredible a) fiyat
d) manzara d) countryside b) saray
c) inanç
3 Eski moda 11 Ada d) kırsal
a) guest house a) building 20 Unbelievable
b) old-fashioned b) island
c) inscription c) depart a) kutlama
d) discover d) scenery b) inanılmaz
c) varış yeri
4 Urban 12 Görmeye değer d) kervansaray
a) tatil yeri a) fascinating 21 Worldwide
b) pansiyon b) cultural holiday
c) şehirsel c) worth seeing a) kent simgesi
d) kırsal d) settlement b) dünya çapında
c) çekici, cazibeli
5 Monument 13 Başkent d) inanılmaz
a) çeşme a) location 22 Abroad
b) anıt b) relaxation
c) kabir c) capital a) şehirsel
d) tatil d) castle b) yurt dışı
c) ayrılmak
6 Mezar 14 Attractive d) Anıtkabir
a) tomb a) gerçek, aslına uygun 23 Cruise holiday
b) story b) müthiş, muhteşem
c) area c) çekici, cazibeli a) yerleşim alanı
d) tower d) tek katlı kır evi b) gemi tatili
c) kalacak yer
7 Date back 15 Vacation d) gizemli atmosfer
a) yerleşim, yerleşim alanı a) iklim
b) mimarlık, mimari 24 Güzellik
b) tatil
c) kusursuz, mükemmel c) saray a) beauty
d) -e dönemine dayanmak d) pansiyon b) wealth
c) duty
8 Gezi, yolculuk 16 Çekici, cazibeli d) depart
a) antique a) souvenir 25 Tatil yeri
b) price b) bungalow
c) trip c) charming a) pension c) resort
d) urban d) antique b) destination d) custom



Choose the best option. a) amfi tiyatro
b) boğa güreşi
c) şehir gezisi
1 Dormitory 9 Artificial d) iş birliği
a) kırsal bölge a) yapay 18 Rediscover
b) öğrenci yurdu b) güreş
c) seyirci, izleyici c) mimari a) kendine güven
d) tekne turu d) özgün b) yeniden keşfetmek
c) ciğer kavurma
2 Whole year 10 Mustard d) hediyelik eşya
a) tüm yıl a) dağ 19 Justice
b) türler b) hardal
c) büyük kilise c) kültür a) güreş
d) inanılmaz d) badem b) tatil
c) fiyat
3 Cultural diversity 11 Construction d) adalet
a) toprak çömlek a) gidilecek yer 20 Construct
b) görülmesi gereken yer b) el sanatları
c) kültürel çeşitlilik c) inşaat, yapı a) yalnız
d) sepet, hasır sepet d) rahat, konforlu b) kararlılık
c) yurt dışı
4 Population 12 Determination d) inşa etmek
a) yapay a) boğa güreşi 21 Public
b) nüfus b) kararlılık
c) köfte c) büyüleyici a) terk etmek
d) istila d) gidilecek yer b) tapınak
c) kararlılık
5 Contain 13 Waterway d) halka açık
a) değişmek a) tatil 22 Relaxing
b) terk etmek b) sabır
c) içermek a) rahatlatıcı
c) doğal b) deneyim etmek
d) iklim d) su yolu c) kervansaray
6 Species 14 Countryside d) vilayet, il
a) tüm yıl a) kervansaray 23 Cathedral
b) türler b) kırsal bölge
c) tarihi c) şehir merkezi a) iş birliği
d) güreş d) öğrenci yurdu b) büyük kilise
c) ciğer kavurma
7 Village 15 Plateau d) terk etmek
a) köy a) doğal 24 Wrestling
b) saray b) plato
c) yayla c) köfte a) güreş
d) köprü d) nüfus b) özel
c) hardal
8 Spectator 16 Attractive d) içecek
a) öğrenci yurdu a) iklim 25 Architecture
b) seyirci, izleyici b) tarih
c) gidilecek yer c) çekici a) mimari c) amfi tiyatro
d) yıl başına, yılda d) eşitlik b) tarihi d) çekici


• Expressing likes and dislikes
• Expressing obligation / responsibilities
• Interacting during routine tasks
• Identifying the main topics of a talk such as school / library rules

1 A piece of : Bir parça 42 Diary: Günlük 83 Get annoyed: Kızmak

2 Act out: Rol yapmak 43 Dirty: Kirli 84 Get bored: Sıkılmak
3 Advice: Tavsiye 44 Disturb: Rahatsız etmek 85 Get tired: Yorulmak
4 Affect: Etkilemek 45 Do the chores: Ev işlerini yapmak 86 Gloom: Kasvet
5 Alone: Yalnız 46 Do the grocery shopping: Bakkal 87 Go with the flow: Kendini bir
6 Also: Ayrıca alışverişi yapmak olayın akışına bırakmak
7 Annoyed: Kızgın 47 Do the laundry: Çamaşır yıkamak 88 Graduate: Mezun olmak
8 Apartment building: Apartman 48 Doorbell: Kapı zili 89 Guest: Misafir
9 Arrive: Ulaşmak 49 Dry the dishes: Bulaşıkları 90 Hang out the clothes: Çamaşırları
10 As soon as: Derhal, en kısa zamanda kurulamak asmak
11 Assignment: Görev 50 During: Süresince,boyunca 91 Have a shower: Duş almak
12 Awake: Uyanık 51 Dust the furniture/shelves: 92 Honestly: Dürüstçe
13 Baby sister: Bebek kız kardeş Rafların, mobilyanın tozunu almak 93 Hospital: Hastane
14 Balloons and ribbons: Balonlar 52 Duty: Görev 94 Household chores: Ev işleri
ve kurdeleler 53 Each: Her biri 95 Housework: Ev işleri
15 Be respectful: Saygılı ol 54 Education: Eğitim 96 However: Buna rağmen
16 Bore: Bunaltmak 55 Effectively: Etkili bir şekilde 97 Husband: Koca
17 Borrow: Ödünç almak 56 Elder brother: Abi 98 Ill: Hasta
18 Boss: Patron 57 Empty the dishwasher: Bulaşık 99 Immediately: Derhal
19 Both: Her ikisi de makinasını boşaltmak 100 Importance: Önem
20 Carefully: Dikkatlice 58 Encouraging: Cesaretlendirici 101 In charge of: Görevi olmak
21 Characteristic: Özellik 59 Enjoyable: Eğlenceli 102 In the morning: Sabah
22 Chores: Ev işleri 60 Enter: Girmek 103 In time: Vaktinde
23 Clean the bathroom: Banyoyu 61 Equally: Eşit bir şekilde 104 Instead of: Yerine
temizlemek 62 Everyone: Herkes 105 Interest: İlgi
24 Clean the kitchen: Mutfağı 63 Exactly: Kesinlikle 106 Iron the clothes: Kıyafetleri
temizlemek 64 Excited: Heyecanlı ütülemek
25 Clean the windows: Camları 65 Experience: Deneyim 107 Janitor: Kapıcı
temizlemek 66 Explain: Açıklamak 108 Journal entry: Günlük girişi
26 Clean up the garage: Garajı 67 Eyes half open: Gözler yarı açık 109 Keep a diary: Günlük tutmak
temizlemek 68 Fair: Fuar 110 Keep in mind: Akılda tutmak
27 Clean up the house: Evi temizlemek 69 Family members: Aile üyeleri 111 Keep promises: Sözlerini tutmak
28 Complain: Şikayet etmek 70 Favorite: Favori 112 Keep: Tutmak
29 Complete: Tamamlamak 71 Feast: Bayram 113 Kids: Çocuklar
30 Continue: Devam etmek 72 Feature: Özellik 114 Language school: Dil okulu
31 Cook the meals: Yemekleri pişirmek 73 Feed the dog / cat: Köpeği/kediyi 115 Late: Geç
32 Cool: Serin beslemek 116 Leaf / leaves: Yaprak / yapraklar
33 Cooperate: İş birliği yapmak 74 Feeling: Duygu 117 Learn: Öğrenmek
34 Corridor: Koridor 75 Female: Kadın 118 Leave home for school: Okul için
35 Count: Saymak 76 Flat: Kat, daire evden ayrılmak
36 Daily: Günlük 77 Forever: Sonsuza kadar 119 Library: Kütüphane
37 Damage: Zarar vermek 78 From now on: Şu andan itibaren 120 Living room: Oturma odası
38 Date: Tarih 79 Garden: Bahçe 121 Load the dishwasher: Bulaşık
39 Daughter: Kız çocuk 80 Gather: Toplamak makinasını doldurmak
40 Decorate: Dekorasyon 81 Generally: Genellikle 122 Look after: Bakımını üstlenmek
41 Definition: Tanım 82 Get angry: Öfkelenmek 123 Make a fuss: Karışıklık çıkarmak



124 Make a presentation: Sunum 170 Relative: Akraba 208 Take turns: Sıra ile yapmak
yapmak 171 Respectful: Saygılı 209 Task: Görev
125 Make bed: Yatak yapmak 172 Responsibility: Sorumluluk 210 Teach: Öğretmek
126 Make mistakes: Hata yapmak 173 Responsible for: Bir şeyden 211 The student on duty: Nöbetçi
127 Male: Erkek sorumlu olmak öğrenci
128 Materials: Malzemeler 174 Return the books: Kitapları iade 212 Think: Düşünmek
129 Meat: Et etmek 213 Throughout: Boyunca,
130 Mess: Kargaşa 175 Reward: Ödül süresince
131 Mind map: Kavram haritası 176 Rights: Haklar 214 Tidy up: Düzenlemek
132 Mine: Benimki 177 Ring: Halka 215 Tired: Yorgun
133 Mop the floor: Yerleri paspaslamak 178 Rubbish: Çöp 216 Title: Başlık
134 Moral: Ahlaki 179 Rules: Kurallar 217 Together: Beraber
135 Mow the grass: Çimleri biçmek 180 Sacrifice Feast Eve: Kurban 218 Total number: Toplam sayı
136 Mow the lawn: Çimleri biçmek Bayramı Arefesi 219 Tradition: Gelenek
137 Much better: Daha iyi 181 Sadness: Hüzün 220 Understand: Anlamak
138 Neat: Düzenli 182 Say: Söylemek 221 Undone: Yapılmamış
139 Necessary: Gerekli 183 School chores: Okul görevleri 222 Untidy: Düzensiz
140 Nervous: Gergin 184 Send: Göndermek 223 Vacuum the floor: Yerleri
141 Noisily: Gürültülü 185 Separate laundry: Kirli süpürmek
142 Nursery school: Anaokulu çamaşırları ayırmak 224 Volunteer: Gönüllü
143 Obey: Kurallara uymak 186 Set the table: Masayı kurmak 225 Warn: Uyarmak
144 Object: Nesne 187 Severe health problem: Ciddi 226 Wash the car: Arabayı
145 Obligation: Zorunluluk sağlık sorunu yıkamak
146 On time: Vaktinde 188 Shoelaces: Ayakkabı bağcıkları 227 Wash the dishes: Bulaşıkları
147 One by one: Sırayla 189 Shopping list :Alışveriş listesi yıkamak
148 Organize: Organize etmek 190 Silent: Sessiz 228 Water the plants: Bitkileri
149 Own: Kendi, sahip olmak 191 Situation: Durum sulamak
150 Pay the bills: Faturaları ödemek 192 Slippers: Terlikler 229 Weekdays: Hafta içi günler
151 Peaceful: Huzurlu 193 Sociologist: Sosyolog 230 Weekends: Hafta sonları
152 Periodically: Periyodik olarak 194 Sociology: Sosyoloji 231 Word power: Kelimenin gücü
153 Physics: Fizik 195 Solve problems: Problem 232 Worried: Endişeli
154 Pick up: Toplamak çözmek 233 Write down: Yazmak
155 Poem: Şiir 196 Son: Erkek çocuk
156 Positively: Olumlu şekilde 197 Special: Özel
157 Possible: Mümkün 198 State hospital: Devlet hastanesi
158 Preparation: Hazırlık 199 Step by step: Adım adım
159 Prepare the breakfast: Kahvaltı 200 Subject: Ders
hazırlamak 201 Suggestion: Tavsiye
160 Prepare the meals: Yemekleri 202 Surf the Internet: İnternette
hazırlamak gezinmek
161 Proverb: Deyim 203 Sweep the leaves: Yaprakları
162 Questionnaire: Anket süpürmek
163 Quiet: Sessiz 204 Take care of: Bakımını
164 Raise hand: El kaldırmak üstlenmek
165 Randomly: Rastgele 205 Take off: Çıkartmak
166 Rarely: Nadiren 206 Take out the garbage / trash:
167 Read aloud: Sesli okumak Çöpü çıkartmak
168 Real world: Gerçek dünya 207 Take the dog for a walk: Köpeği
169 Regularly: Düzenli yürüyüşe çıkartmak



• Are you a responsible person? : Sen sorumluluk sahibi birisi misin?

• Can you please share your experiences? : Lütfen deneyimlerinizi paylaşır mısınız?
• Do you ever mow the lawn? : Hiç çim biçer misin?
• Do you have to help your parents with the housework? : Ailene ev işlerinde yardım etmek zorunda mısın?
• Don’t you think it is necessary to tidy up your room? : Odanı düzenlemenin gerekli olduğunu düşünmüyor musun?
• How do you feel when you take those responsibilities? : Bu sorumlulukları aldığın zaman kendini nasıl hissediyorsun?
• How often do you set the table? : Ne sıklıkla sofrayı hazırlarsın?
• How should parents teach their children to do house : Aileler çocuklarına ev işleri yapmaları gerektiğini nasıl
hold chores? öğretmeliler?
• I don’t like it when my friends ask too many questions. : Arkadaşlarımın çok fazla soru sormasından hoşlanmıyorum.
• I have lots of chores to do at home. : Evde yapacak çok fazla işim var.
• I hope we’ll keep our promises. : Umarım sözlerimizi tutarız.
• I think we can do it in turn. : Bence sırayla yapabiliriz.
• It is worth eating a piece of cake. : Bir parça kek yemeye değer.
• It makes our life easier. : O hayatımızı kolaylaştırıyor.
• It’s time to do the laundry. : Çamaşır yıkama zamanı.
• My brother has to respect my rights. : Kardeşim haklarıma saygı göstermek zorunda.
• Paying the bills falls to me. : Faturaları ödemek bana düşer.
• S/he is in charge of taking out the garbage. : O çöpleri atmaktan / dışarı çıkarmaktan sorumlu.
• The only chore that I do all the time... : Benim her zaman yaptığım tek iş...
• They may seem hard, but not for me. : Zor görünebilirler, fakat benim için değil.
• They should be fair and encouraging. : Adil ve cesaretlendirici olmalılar.
• We are ready to welcome our guests. : Misafirlerimizi karşılamak için hazırız.
• We feel that school is such a bore. : Okulun çok sıkıcı olduğunu düşünüyoruz.
• We must respect the elder people / each other. : Büyüklerimize / birbirimize saygılı olmalıyız.
• We must share our responsibilities. : Sorumluluklarımızı paylaşmalıyız.
• We should always be tidy. : Daima düzenli olmalıyız.
• We should always obey. : Kurallara hep uymalıyız.
• What are your obligations? : Senin zorunlulukların neler?
• What do you like doing as a chore? : Ev işi olarak ne yapmayı seversin?
• What do you think you should do to make it better? : Onu daha iyi hale getirmek için ne yapman gerektiğini
• What is your responsibility at home? : Senin evdeki sorumluluğun nedir?
• What kind of chores do your kids do? : Çocukların ne tür işler yaparlar?
• When the sun is still not up. : Güneş henüz yükselmeden.
• Who must take out the garbage in your family? : Ailenizde çöpleri kim atmak zorunda?
• Who usually vacuums your house? : Evinizi genellikle kim süpürür?


A. Expressing likes(+) and dislikes(-)

I don’t like / dislike setting the table.
I am crazy about doing grocery shopping.
I hate mowing the lawn.
I love feeding the family pet.
I can’t stand cleaning the bathroom.
I enjoy vacuuming the floor.
I like washing the car.

He is fond of / keen on emptying the
I’m not interested in / into doing outdoor Ving
Are you good at cooking?
I am bad at cleaning the windows.

B. Expressing obligation / responsibilities

I. Must - have to / has to:
• Do you have to help your parents with the housework?

- Well, I must help my parents • We must respect elder

set the table. people / each other.
- I must help my brother to do • My brother has to respect my
his homework. rights.

II. Advice / suggestions (should) III. Expressing responsibilities

• You should keep your promises. • What are your responsibilities at home?
• You should obey the rules at school. I’m responsible for cooking dinner.
• You should help around the house. • S/he is in charge of taking out the garbage.
• Don’t you think it is necessary to tidy up your room?
• It’s time to do the laundry.

C. School / Library / Public Places Rules

• Keep your desk tidy and neat. • Keep quiet.
• Raise your hand to speak. • Don’t run in the corridors.
• Arrive on time. • Don’t eat or drink.
• Return books on time. • Don’t disturb others.

3. Complete the sentence according to the table below.
Monday Wednesday Friday Weekend

1. Sweep the leaves in the garden

Water the plants
Help Around the House
Your parents do a lot of work around the Take care of the dog
house to keep things clean for you. If you Set the table in the mornings
want to pay them back, make the effort to Take out the rubbish
help out with chores around the house.
Even if you are a young kid, there are many Amanda_ _ _ _.
things you can do to make your parents’ lives easier, and
keep your home clean and welcoming. Help your parents a) has only outdoor tasks on Saturdays
out by keeping rooms around the house clean, throwing b) doesn’t have anything to do on weekdays
away your garbage, dusting furniture, making your bed, c) is in charge of taking the family pet for a walk
separating your dirty clothes, picking up your toys and d) sometimes babysits on the weekends
books and looking for ways to take chores off their hands.

4. Mike: What are your responsibilities at home?

In this paragraph, there is NO information about _ _ _ _. Sally: _ _ _ _ _.
Mike: What a shame! You should help your parents
a) the chores children can do around the house.
b) allowance for the chores Sally: You are right but I don’t like doing them.
c) cooperation in the family
d) the importance of sharing chores Which of the following DOES NOT complete the
a) My mom does everything at home
2. Today is Sacrifice Feast Eve, and Jane’s relatives are going b) I am not responsible for any chores
to come for dinner tomorrow. They have lots of things to do c) Well, household chores are not for me
so they shared the chores. She’s responsible for several d) They may seem hard but not for me
tasks. First, she will vacuum and mop the floor. Later, she
has to look after her little sister, Katie. Her final duty will be 5. David and Martin are twin brothers. They decided to help
helping her mom with the dishes after she cooks the dinner. their parents and shared the appropriate chores between
They may seem hard, but not for her, because she likes doing themselves. Here are the lists of their responsibilities:
them. They always share their responsibilities as a family
because it makes their life easier. David Martin
Which of the following chores must Jane do after her mom Take out the garbage Vacuum the floor
prepares the food? Tidy up the living room and bedrooms Set the table
Mop the floor Dust the furniture
a) b) Work in the garden Water the plants
Choose the task that both David and Martin will be in
charge of?
a) b)

c) d)

c) d)

6. Gary: _ _ _ _?
Michael: I’m in charge of emptying and loading the 9. The table below shows the percent of men and women
dishwasher. engaged in household activities on an average day in Europe.
Gary: _ _ _ _?
Michael: I have to arrive at school on time, listen to my Activities Men Women
teacher carefully and keep my desk clean and tidy. Looking after children 30% 70%
Gary: _ _ _ _? Food preparation 42% 58%
Michael: Well, my mom doesn’t let me do it. She says it
is not for proper for my age. Clean up 35% 65%
Gary: She is right. Using a knife can be dangerous for you. Garden care 80% 20%
Grocery shopping 75% 25%
Which of the following questions DOES Gary NOT ask Laundry 50% 50%
Michael? Washing up 49% 51%
a) How often do you iron the clothes
b) Do you also help prepare the food According to the results, which of the following is
c) What are your responsibilities at home CORRECT?
d) What are your duties at school
a) Women are in charge of mowing the lawn.
b) Doing the laundry is a common task for both men
7. Researchers asked teenagers about the types of chores and women.
they like. Here are the results: Enjoy c) Men are more responsible than women for
Dislike kitchen duties.
90 d) Men are more responsible than women for taking
80 care of the kids.
30 10. These are the pictures from Danny’s daily routine.
20 He has some obligations to help around the house.
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Which of the following is CORRECT according to the
a) Teens mostly enjoy doing the chores together.
b) Ironing the clothes is popular among teenagers. in the mornings in the afternoons
c) Teens like working in the kitchen the most.
d) Teens are into doing tasks because they love all of

Household Chores - The Walker Family

8. Marcy: I am in charge of loading the dishwasher.
Lisa: I always tidy up my room and set the table.
Mr. Walker: Outdoor chores fall to me. in the evenings on the weekends
Mrs. Walker: I clean up the house and prepare food.

According to the information above, who is responsible Which of the following steps DOES NOT match with one
for going to the bank? of the pictures above?
a) Marcy a) It is Danny’s responsibility to make his bed.
b) Lisa b) Danny has to take care of the family pet.
c) Mr. Walker c) Taking the rubbish out falls to Danny.
d) Mrs. Walker d) He washes his father’s car on the weekends.

I am Jane. I am responsible for several chores at
1. Wendy: What do you do at weekends? home. My favorite one is feeding and taking my dog
Max: I usually stay at home because _ _ _ _. for a walk in the park. I also make my bed and tidy up
my room. They are not my favorite tasks, but I hate
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation? cleaning the bathroom and dusting the furniture. I
a) I like going to the theatre think they are quite boring. I always ask my sister to
b) I am fond of hanging out with my buddies do these tasks for me. We share housework at home.
c) I must help my parents with the chores
d) I would rather not to take any responsibilities with
my room
5. In this paragraph, there is NO information about
_ _ _ _.
2. Emily: Does everyone have to help with the
housework in your family? a) outdoor tasks
Sue: Sure. We help each other. b) kitchen chores
Emily: _ _ _ _? c) Jane’s duties
d) the chores Jane dislikes
Sue: It’s my elder sister’s.
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
a) What do you like doing as a chore Hi! I am Kevin. I am 15. We share housework and we
b) Whose responsibility is washing the car help our parents at the weekends. I am responsible for
c) What do you think about having responsibilities at mopping the floor and vacuuming the carpets. I love
home vacuuming the carpets. My brother is responsible for
d) Which task do you find boring dusting the furniture and my sister takes the dog for a
3. Walter: What’s up Jen? Is everything fine?
Jen: I am OK. I have just finished cleaning the house
and I am really tired. I enjoy mopping and vacuuming the 6. Which of the following chores DOES Kevin like most?
floor but I think I dislike _ _ _ _. Usually my father does it,
but today I spent nearly two hours in the garden.
a) b)
Which of the following tasks completes the conversation?
a) dusting the furniture
b) ironing the clothes
c) mowing the lawn
d) emptying the dishwasher

4. Mother: Can you empty the dishwasher?

Because _ _ _ _. c) d)
Son: Sorry mum but you have to empty it. I have an
exam tomorrow so I must study.
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
a) there aren’t any clean plates left
b) I am going to dice some tomatoes
c) your father will bring some more clean ones
d) you are so busy now

Answer the questions (9-10) according to the

Cleaning Setting Mowing passage below.
the windows the table the grass
My name is Mary, I am 14 years old and I live with my
family in New York. I have a younger sister, Wilma. She
7. Which of the following is CORRECT according to the is just 3 years old and I sometimes have to look after
table? her. My parents work very hard. They are busy all day
and they come home later than I do. We share the
a) Edgar and Angelina’s duties are the same. housework at home to make life easier for everyone.
b) Mowing the grass and setting the table are I am also responsible for simple chores such as taking
Simone and Angelina’s tasks. out the garbage, making my bed and tidying up my
c) Simone is responsible for mowing the grass and
cleaning the windows. room. My father, Jonathan, usually pays the bills, does
d) Edgar isn’t responsible for cleaning the windows the grocery shopping and cleans the bathroom. My
and mowing the grass. mom, Linda, is our chef at home. She is good at
cooking and she can make delicious cakes. Breakfast is
also her responsibility.

8. Fiona and Emma are close friends and housemates. They

share the same flat so they have to do all the household
chores together. They do the chores in turns, but they like
doing different things. The graph is about the chores they
like and dislike. 9. Linda _ _ _ _.

Fiona a) is responsible for all the chores at home

Emma b) tidies up her room and cooks for dinner
c) doesn’t have to clean the bathroom
100 d) is in charge of making the beds
Vacuuming Mopping Cleaning the Washing Cooking 10. According to the text, _ _ _ _.
the floor the floor bathroom the dishes
a) the family members share the chores
b) Jonathan isn’t a responsible person
Which of the following is CORRECT according to the c) Linda stays at home and spends time doing chores
graph? d) Wilma has some duties at school

a) Emma mops the floor on the weekends.

b) Fiona never cleans the bathroom.
c) Fiona is into the tasks in the kitchen.
d) Emma prefers washing the dishes to vacuuming
the floor.


TEST 3 Fred’s To-Do List

•Mop the floor
1. •Pay the bills
Lora: Everyone is responsible for doing chores •Take the cat for a walk
in my family. For example; it is my _ _ _ _to •Vacuum the house
load and empty the dishwasher. I like it
because it is fun and it doesn’t take a lot of
time. 5. Which of the following DOES Fred have to do?
Which of the following DOES NOT complete the a) b)
a) duty
b) task
c) responsibility
d) suggestion

2. Jamie: Who does the grocery shopping and takes the

pet for a walk in your family? c) d)
Eleanor: My grandfather is in charge of them because
_ _ _ _.
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
a) he thinks they are embarrassing
b) he is fond of doing these chores
c) he hates sharing the chores
d) he is so busy at work

3. Sharon: Are you busy at the weekend?

Elizabeth: Unfortunately. You know we share all the Emma: I have a seven-year-old son and he is
chores at home. _ _ _ _. I hope I can finish cleaning the going to start school next September. He is a
responsible boy, so I want to teach him to do
kitchen quickly. It is my turn to do it this week. some simple household chores. I really need
your advice. What should I let him do at home?
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
a) Only my parents do the household chores 6. Which of the following chores would you advise for
b) We usually get an allowance Emma?
c) My sister and I are in charge of everything
d) Everyone is responsible for doing something
a) b)
4. Fill in the blank according to the passage below.
My name is Rick and I am a 14-year-old student. I always
help my mom at home. I hang out the clothes, tidy up my
room and help her prepare the dinner. I don’t like loading
or emptying the dishwasher, so my mom usually does
those chores. c) d)
Rick _ _ _ _.
a) is in charge of loading the dishwasher
b) does the laundry and hangs out the clothes
c) is a responsible teenager
d) is not responsible for tidying up his room

Answer the questions (9-10) according to the passage

Taking out Making beds Taking care Cooking and below.
the garbage and tidying up of the garden doing grocery

I am Jessie from Canada. I don’t have a big family
because I am a single child. My father is a doctor and
Sue my mother is a teacher. In my family everyone has some
responsibilities. We share the chores at home and we
help each other. For example, I tidy up my room every
7. Which of the following is INCORRECT according to the morning and I take out the garbage after dinner every
table? evening. I sometimes help my mother for cooking
and setting the table. My mother, Anna, is in charge
a) Max is responsible for throwing out the rubbish. of meals because she is good at cooking. I love her
b) Jack is in charge of everything and gardening. pancakes at breakfast. She believes I should be a good
c) Kate is usually busy with the meals. chef to cook at home. Ted is my father and it is his duty
d) Sue shares her tasks with Max. to go out and do shopping. He can cook but he doesn’t
like to be in the kitchen. He prefers outdoor tasks such
as raking the leaves, watering the flowers and washing
his car. Nobody likes cleaning so we do it together on
Sundays. The Sundays are very boring because my
8. Complete the conversation according to Mark’s plans. father and I vacuum and mop the floor. My mother
dusts the shelves, does the laundry and washes the
Mark’s Timetable dishes.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekend do

Booking Chatting Going Studying Joining Hanging Helping
a holiday with shopping and a party out the
for next friends with finishing at Sam’s with chores
semester online mom and a project house friends at home 9. Jessie and her parents do the cleaning together
on the sister at a and because they _ _ _ _.
Net having
a rest
a) are crazy about indoor chores
b) prefer doing outdoor chores
c) can’t get on well with each other
Lily: What’s up Mark? Are you free on Friday? d) don’t like doing them alone
Mark: Actually, I _ _ _ _. I should do shopping.
Lily: Would you like me to come with you? I know the
best shops in the city.
10. Which of the following is CORRECT according to the
Mark: That’s a great idea. Thanks a lot Lily. text?

a) have to stay at home and study a) Ted is irresponsible in his daily routine.
b) am going to eat out with friends b) Anna is only in charge of kitchen chores.
c) promised a friend to join his party c) Jessie’s family never share the chores.
d) must help my parents at home d) Jessie gets an allowance for her duties.


TEST 4 5. Fill in the blank according to the table below.

Peter’s To-Do List on Weekdays

1. Albert: Dora, you weren’t at the party. I called you but I Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 couldn’t get through. I’m worried about you. Are you OK?
Dora: I am just a little tired but everything is fine. You
know we share the chores in my family and take turns for Return Help dad Pay the Mow the Free /
the household chores. I worked in the garden. I enjoy the in the bills lawn day off
watering the plants but I hate _ _ _ _. books garage
to the
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation? library
a) mowing the lawn
b) sweeping the bathroom
c) cleaning the garage Peter: I am so disappointed with my responsibilities.
d) doing the laundry Debbie: Well, do you have to do them? Would you like to
eat out on Friday?
2. Helen: Dad, are we going to eat out tomorrow? Peter: Let me check. Well, _ _ _ _.
David: Of course. Why?
Helen: Will you please ask mom to _ _ _ _ the breakfast
at 7 o’clock? I have some homework and I want to finish Which of the following COMPLETES the dialogue
before we leave. according to Peter’s tasks?

Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation? a) I can’t make it because I have other plans
a) separate b) thanks for asking but I must help my parents
b) prepare c) that sounds awesome
c) cooperate d) I would be happy if you can come over and help
d) hang out me mow the lawn

3. Liam: Do you have to help around the house?

Jade: Certainly. I am responsible for tidying up my own 6. Here are the rules that our teacher wants us to obey
room and helping dad _ _ _ _ in the garden. It is a tiring during the lessons.
task to do alone.
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
a) prepare the meals I. Raise your hand to speak.
b) clean the windows II. Keep quiet.
c) sweep the leaves III. Keep your desk tidy and neat.
d) mop the floor IV. Don’t disturb others.

4. There are so many rules in our lives; at home, at work In this list, there is NO information about _ _ _ _.
and at school. Here are some the obligations we must obey:
At home At work At school
a) b)
I. We must take off our III. We have to do what IV. We mustn’t
shoes before we enter. our boss asks us to do. be late.

II. We shouldn’t talk

c) d)
Which of the following rules is in the INCORRECT box?
a) I
b) II
c) III
d) IV

7. Answer the questions (9-10) according to the passage

Rene is a very helpful and responsible boy. He always below.
helps his mom and dad with the chores at home. When
he comes from school, the first thing he does is to feed
the family dog and take it for a walk. Then, he takes out Casey works very hard the whole week.
the trash, pays the bills and looks after his baby brother. She has a daughter and a son. Her family
He never does difficult tasks such as ironing or the members really cooperate with the
laundry because he is only 12 years old. chores at home because they want to
spend some time with her when she
Which of the following chores DOES Rene have to do? comes home. Her husband is responsible for doing the
laundry, hanging out the clothes, paying the bills and
taking out the garbage. Her daughter usually makes the
a) b) beds and sets the table for dinner in the evenings. Her
son is 6, so he just plays with his toys and collects them
before he goes to sleep. Casey is in charge of the rest
of the chores. She usually finishes them in a short time.
She is very lucky to have such a family.

c) d) 9. Which of the following chores is Casey in charge of?

a) b)

I am George. I have some responsibilities at home. They

usually take some time but I have to do them. Some of c) d)
them are entertaining but some are really dull. My
favorite one is feeding my cat and fish. I also make my
bed and tidy up my room. But I hate looking after my little
sister. She is only 2 and I find this chore really disturbing
and boring.

8. Which of the following household chores DOES George


a) b)
10. According to the text, Casey _ _ _ _.

a) never has a chance to spend time with her family

b) has to look after her two children
c) also has some chores to do at home
d) is in charge of paying the bills and cooking
c) d)


Lily’s To-Do List

• Take out the rubbish
• Do the grocery shopping
1. Watson: How often do you help your parents do the • Take the family pet for a walk
chores? • Mow the lawn
Darren: _ _ _ _ because we know the importance of
helping each other. 5. Which of the following does Lily have to do as a
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
a) b)
a) We always share them
b) I sometimes get annoyed
c) Never. My mother does everything at home
d) Everyone has a different duty in class

2. Simon: What are your responsibilities at home? c) d)

Sally: I am in charge of simple tasks such as taking out
the garbage and _ _ _ _.

Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?

a) ironing the shirts

b) cooking in the kitchen
c) mowing the lawn 6. I am Jeremy. I study at a secondary school in Germany. I
d) separating the laundry am an 8th grader. In our classroom, our teacher set some
rules and we should obey them. We mustn’t be late and
we have to do our homework. We mustn’t talk while she
3. Mary: Does everyone have to do chores in your family? is teaching. We should raise our hand before we speak.
Jane: Sure. We always back up each other.
Mary: _ _ _ _ ?
Jane: It’s my brother’s.

Which of the following questions DOES Mary ask Jane?

a) What do you think about having responsibilities at

b) What do you like doing as a chore Which of the following rules SHOULD students obey?
c) Which task do you find boring
d) Whose responsibility is vacuuming the floors
a) b)

4. Andy: Who takes out the garbage in your family?

Jennifer: My elder brother does because he _ _ _ _.

Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?

c) d)
a) finds them disturbing
b) is fond of outdoor tasks
c) dislikes sharing tasks
d) usually studies in his room


7. Sam: I am responsible for setting the table, mopping the

floor and tidying my room at home. What about you? Answer the questions (9-10) according to the chart
Amy: I am in charge of loading and emptying the below.
dishwasher on weekdays and vacuuming the floor on the
weekends. Do you have any responsibilities, Blanc?
Blanc: Well, I help my mum cook and take the Chore management between couples
garbage out after dinner.
We share them
I am doing most
of it
Which of the following is INCORRECT according to the 20% My partner is
doing most of it
8% The children
a) Amy empties the dishwasher and loads it on 6% do everything
school days. for us
b) Sam doesn’t take out the rubbish.
c) Blanc helps her mum prepare the dinner. How do you share chores at home?
d) Blanc takes out the rubbish in the afternoons.
• 66% of the people share their household chores
with their partners

• 28% of the people has someone that does most

of the work

8. Adam and Mark are brothers and they live with their
parents.Here are their responsibilities at home: 9. Which sentence can be CORRECT according to the
research results?
Taking out Grocery Washing Cooking
the garbage shopping the car a) More than half of the couples share the tasks at
Adam home.
b) In many families, children do all the chores
Mark c) The women do most of the work.
d) The men are responsible for the outdoor tasks.
Mr. Walker

Mrs. Walker

10. Which CANNOT be one of the questions in the

Which of the following is CORRECT according to the questionnaire?
a) Do you share the chores at home?
a) It is only Adam’s responsibility to do the grocery b) Do you clean the bathroom?
shopping. c) Do your children help you?
b) Mark is in charge of the rubbish. d) Do you help your partner?
c) One of the children’s tasks is cooking.
d) Mr. and Mrs. Walker do the grocery shopping



Choose the best option. a) giyim
b) hanım, eş
c) görev, iş
1 Load the dishwasher 9 Shelf d) uyarı
a) yaprakları süpürmek a) çöp 18 Own
b) bulaşık makinesini doldurmak b) raf
c) çamaşır yıkamak c) kural a) kendi, sahip olmak
d) çimleri biçmek d) eş b) şu andan itibaren
c) fatura
2 Duty 10 Slippers d) düz
a) paylaşım a) gerekli 19 Keep quiet
b) kural b) kirli
c) özellik c) terlik a) sessiz kalmak
d) görev d) özellik b) sofrayı kurmak
c) bakmak, ilgilenmek
3 Share 11 Peaceful d) yaprakları süpürmek
a) paylaşmak a) huzurlu 20 Trash
b) etkilemek b) düzenli aralıklarla
c) kurmak c) ilgili a) kirli
d) özellik d) stresli b) kural
c) ilgi
4 Take care of 12 Hang out the laundry d) çöp
a) ilgilenmek a) çamaşır yıkamak 21 Wear
b) beslemek b) evi temizlemek
c) çıkarmak c) masayı kurmak a) uyarmak
d) ödemek d) çamaşırları asmak b) süslemek
c) giymek
5 Hang out 13 Water the plants d) günlük
a) asmak a) bitkileri sulamak 22 Pay the bills
b) susmak b) bakmak, ilgilenmek
c) kurmak c) çamaşırları ütülemek a) bitkileri sulamak
d) sorumlu olmak d) ahlaki sorumluluk b) bulaşıkları kurulamak
c) faturaları ödemek
6 Rubbish 14 Furniture d) yerleri paspaslamak
a) akraba a) ilgi 23 Flat
b) koca b) misafir
c) çöp c) mobilya a) ev işi
d) terlik d) bakım b) giysi
c) apartman dairesi
7 Tidy 15 Necessary d) sürekli
a) ödev a) görevli 24 Wash the dishes
b) düzenli b) yerine
c) endişeri c) düzenli a) çamaşırları ütülemek
d) kirli d) gerekli b) bulaşıkları yıkamak
c) faturaları ödemek
8 Sacrifice Feast Eve 16 Outdoor d) mobilyaların tozunu almak
a) mobilyaların tozunu almak a) dış mekan 25 Task
b) hayvanları beslemek b) kapalı alan
c) kurban bayramı arefesi c) kurma a) görev c) kütüphane
d) hafta sonu d) çamaşır b) düzenli d) akraba



Choose the best option. a) banyoyu temizlemek
b) bulaşıkları kurulamak
c) bulaşıkları yıkamak
1 Nervous 9 Suggestion d) masayı hazırlamak
a) lezzetli a) fikir 18 Together
b) gergin b) öneri
c) cesaret verici c) önem a) beraber
d) endişeli d) anket b) endişeli
c) bu arada
2 Responsible for 10 Nursery d) misafir
a) zorunluluk a) duş almak 19 Share
b) yatağı toplamak b) ana sınıfı
c) sunum yapmak c) saygılı a) beslemek
d) sorumlu olmak d) arife b) paylaşmak
c) sıkılmak
3 Daily 11 Female d) duş almak
a) ihtiyacı olmak a) bayan 20 Obligation
b) el kaldırmak b) beraber
c) günlük olarak c) akraba a) zorunluluk
d) kurallara uymak d) kız kardeş b) kibarlık
c) lezzet
4 Garage 12 Get tired d) çim biçme
a) bayan a) duş almak 21 Assignment
b) herkes b) üzülmek
c) günlük c) sinirlenmek a) nesne
d) garaj d) yorulmak b) görev
c) gereklilik
5 Gloom 13 Get bored d) kural
a) kasvet, üzüntü a) rahatsız olmak 22 Delicious
b) nesne, obje b) yorulmak
c) şikâyet etmek c) saygılı olmak a) sıkıcı
d) hasar vermek d) sıkılmak b) lezzetli
c) saygılı
6 Make a fuss 14 Mess d) kibirli
a) yaygara kopartmak a) sağlıklı 23 Brilliant
b) yatağı düzeltmek b) patron
c) evi süpürmek c) dağınıklık a) sessiz
d) bulaşıkları yıkamak d) düzenli b) harika
c) öneri
7 Take turns 15 Tidy up a room d) harçlık
a) el kaldırmak a) yatağı toplamak 24 Make a presentation
b) çamaşır yıkamak b) odayı toplamak
c) nöbetleşe yapmak c) çimi biçmek a) sorumlu olmak
d) yatağı toplamak d) masayı hazırlamak b) duş almak
c) yatağı toplamak
8 Enter 16 Reward d) sunum yapmak
a) varmak a) ödül 25 Male
b) iade etmek b) adil
c) ayrılmak c) kurdele a) sahip c) herkes
d) girmek d) günlük b) patron d) erkek


• Describing the actions happening currently
• Talking about past events
• Present information about scientific achievements
1 3D printer: 3 boyutlu yazıcı 59 Conduct an experiment: Deney 116 Eye-catching: Göz alıcı
2 A pair of binoculars: Dürbün yapmak 117 Factory: Fabrika
3 A wide range of: Geniş bir oranda 60 Conference: Konferans 118 Field: Alan
4 Academician: Akademisyen 61 Consular official: Konsolosluk 119 Fingerprints: Parmak izi
5 Accomplishment: Üstesinden görevlisi 120 Fire safety product: Yangın
gelme 62 Container: Kap güvenlik ürünü
6 Achievement: Başarı 63 Continuously: Sürekli 121 Firefighter: İtfaiyeci
7 Air conditioner: Klima 64 Contribution: Katkı 122 Fit: Sığmak
8 Airbag: Hava yastığı 65 Convey: İletmek, nakletmek 123 Fix: Tamir etmek
9 Alchemy: Simya 66 Cosmology: Evren Bilim 124 Formulate: Formül
10 Allow: İzin vermek 67 Cover: Kaplamak 125 Fossil: Fosil
11 Also: Ayrıca 68 Creature: Yaratık 126 Foundation: Kurum, kuruluş
12 Aluminum foil: Alüminyum folyo 69 Culture: Kültür 127 Frown: Somurtmak
13 Anatomy: Anatomi 70 Cure the disease: Hastalığı tedavi 128 Generate: Üretmek
14 Announce: Anons etmek etmek 129 Genius: Zeki
15 Another: Bir başka 71 Currently: Şu andaki 130 Geography: Coğrafya
16 Around the world: Dünya 72 Danger: Tehlike 131 Give off: Bırakmak,çıkarmak
genelinde, tüm dünyada 73 Death: Ölüm 132 Give up: Pes etmek
17 Article: Makale 74 Debate: Çekişmek 133 Global media company: Küresel
18 Astronomy: Astronomi 75 Decide: Karar vermek medya şirketi
19 At a lower cost: Düşük fiyata 76 Definition: Tanım 134 Global positioning system:
20 Automatic: Otomatik 77 Dependent on: Bağımlı olmak Küresel konum belirleme sistemi
21 Award: Ödül 78 Design: Tasarlamak 135 Goal: Hedef
22 Back and forth: İleri geri 79 Determination: Saptama, azim 136 Government: Devlet, hükümet
23 Backward: Geri 80 Development: Gelişme 137 Gravity: Yer çekimi
24 Battery free: Pilsiz 81 Device: Alet, cihaz 138 Ground-breaking: Çığır açan
25 Belong to: Ait olmak 82 Diagnose: Teşhis etmek 139 Gun: Silah
26 Best-selling: En çok satan 83 Digital: Dijital 140 Happen: Olmak
27 Biochemist: Biyokimyacı 84 Disabled: Engelli 141 Havan ball: Havan topu
28 Biological: Biyolojik 85 Discover: Keşfetmek 142 Headdress: Başörtüsü
29 Bionic: Biyonik 86 Discoverer: Kaşif 143 Healthy: Sağlıklı
30 Biophysicist: Biyofizikçi 87 Discovery: Keşif 144 Hear: Duymak
31 Birthplace: Doğum yeri 88 Discussion: Tartışma 145 Heart: Kalp
32 Black hole: Kara delik 89 Disease: Hastalık 146 High-tech device: Yüksek
33 Blind: Kör 90 Dissolve: Çözülmek teknolojili alet
34 Bliss-symbol: İdeografik yazma 91 Divide: Bölmek 147 Holographic: Holografik
sistemi 92 DNA repair: DNA yapılanması 148 Honorary degree: Onur belgesi
35 Bravely: Cesurca 93 Driver vision: Sürücünün görüş açısı 149 Housemaid: Hizmetçi
36 Brief: Kısa ve öz 94 Durable: Sağlam 150 Human endeavor: İnsan çabası
37 Cancer: Kanser 95 During: Süresince 151 Hybrid: Melez, karışık, hibrit
38 Cannon: İlke, kanun, top 96 Easily: Kolayca 152 Image: İmge,görüntü
39 Cartridge paper: Kartuş kağıdı 97 Eco-friendly: Çevre dostu 153 Improve: Geliştirmek
40 Cataract: Katarakt 98 Electrical engineering: Elektrik 154 Individual: Bireysel
41 Catgut: Ameliyat ipliği mühendisliği 155 Inform: Bilgi vermek
42 Cell: Hücre 99 Electronic device: Elektronik alet 156 Infrared camera: Kızıl ötesi
43 Century: Yüzyıl 100 Emergency situation: Acil durum kamera
44 Changes into: Değişmek 101 Encourage: Cesaretlendirmek 157 Insect: Böcek
45 Checkpoint: Kontrol noktası 102 Energy resources: Enerji kaynakları 158 Insert: Yerleştirmek
46 Chemical substance: Kimyasal 103 Engineering company: Mühendislik 159 Institution: Kuruluş
madde şirketi 160 Insulin: İnsülin
47 Chemistry: Kimya 104 Environment: Çevre 161 International: Uluslararası
48 Choose: Seçmek 105 Equations: Eşitlikler 162 Invent: İcat etmek
49 Circadian clock: 24 saatlik dilim 106 Equipment: Malzeme 163 Invention: Buluş,icat
50 Clone: Klonlamak 107 Ethical: Ahlaki 164 Inventor: Mucit
51 Co-founder: Kurucu ortak 108 Examine: Muayene etmek 165 Item: Madde
52 Common: Ortak 109 Excavation area: Kazı alanı 166 Junior fellow: Kıdemsiz, çaylak
53 Company: Şirket 110 Exhibition: Sergi 167 Keep away: Uzak durmak
54 Compass: Pusula 111 Exist: Var olmak 168 Kidney dialysis: Böbrek diyalizi
55 Competition: Yarışma 112 Experiment: Deney 169 Kill: Öldürmek
56 Completely: Tam olarak 113 Expert: Uzman 170 Known as: ..,olarak bilinir
57 Computerized voice: Bilgisayarlı ses 114 Explode: Patlamak 171 Lab: Laboratuvar
58 Condition: Durum 115 Explore: Araştırmak 172 Laws of gravity: Yer çekimi


173 Lecture: Ders 231 Product: Ürün 290 Textbook: Ders kitabı
174 Liquid: Sıvı 232 Profession: Meslek 291 The Gravity of the Matter:
175 Living structure: Canlı yapı 233 Promote: Teşvik etmek Yerçekimi meselesi
176 Low-frequency radio waves: 234 Prototype: Model, prototip 292 The law: Kanun
Düşük frekanslı radyo dalgaları 235 Publish: Bastırmak, yayımlamak 293 Theoretical: Teorik
177 Managed to: İdare etmek 236 Purpose: Amaç 294 Theorist: Teorisyen
178 Manufacturer: İmalatçı 237 Rabies vaccine: Kuduz aşısı 295 Theory of Relativity: İzafiyet
179 Matter: Madde 238 Radiation: Radyasyon teorisi
180 Mechanical engineering: Mekanik 239 Radio transmitter: Radyo vericisi 296 Therefore: Bu nedenle
mühendisliği 240 Recognize: Tanımak 297 Thick: Kalın
181 Medical: Tıbbi 241 Remote control: Uzaktan 298 Thin layers: İnce tabaka
182 Medicine: İlaç kumanda 299 Thought: Düşünce
183 Medieval: Orta çağa ait 242 Renown: Ün, şöhret 300 Through a telescope: Teleskop
184 Mental capacity: Zihinsel kapasite 243 Repair: Tamir etmek aracılığı ile
185 Mentor: Danışman 244 Rescue: Kurtarmak 301 Tomography: Tomografi
186 Microbe: Mikrop 245 Rescuer: Kurtarıcı 302 Tongue: Dil
187 Microscope: Mikroskop 246 Research: Araştırma 303 Tool: Araç
188 Miniature: Minyatür 247 Researcher: Araştırmacı 304 Transform: Aktarmak
189 Missing: Kayıp 249 Road side: Yol kenarı 305 Translate: Tercüme etmek
190 Modeling: Örnekleme 250 Safer environment: Daha güvenli 306 Transmit: İletmek
191 Mold: Şekillendirmek çevre 307 Trapped: Kapana sıkışmış
192 Molecular biologist: Moleküler 251 Sale: İndirim 308 Tyre: Tekerlek, lastik
biyoloji uzmanı 252 Scientific : Bilimsel 309 Ultrasonic: Sesten hızlı
193 Mosquito: Sivrisinek 253 Scientific facts: Bilimsel gerçekler 310 Unborn child: Doğmamış çocuk
194 Muscle: Kas 254 Scientist: Bilim insanı 311 Underground: Metro
195 NASA: Ulusal Havacılık ve Uzay 255 Search: Araştırmak 312 Unit: Birim
Dairesi 256 Selected: Seçilmiş 313 Upon: Üstünde
196 Navigation: Navigasyon 257 Sheep: Koyun 314 Vaccination: Aşı
197 Neuron disease: Nöron hastalıkları 258 Sight-disabled: Görme engelli 315 Valuable: Değerli
198 Nobel Prize: Nobel ödülü 259 Signal: İşaret, sinyal 316 Various: Çeşitli
199 Notebook: Defter 260 Skill: Beceri 317 Vision: Görüş
200 Observe: Gözlemlemek 261 Skin cancer: Cilt kanseri 318 Walking stick: Baston
201 Octopus: Ahtapot 262 Sliding automatic door: Sürgülü 319 Water screw: Su vidası, vanası
202 Operate: Ameliyat etmek, işletmek otomatik kapı 320 Weapon: Silah
203 Optimism: İyimser 263 Smallpox vaccination: Çiçek aşısı 321 Wearable heart chip: Giyilebilir
204 Painlessly: Ağrısızca 264 Smoke and flames: Duman ve (takılabilir) kalp pili
205 Paradox: Çözümü olmayan alevler 322 Well-equipped: İyi donanımlı
206 Paraplegic: Belden aşağısı felçli 265 Snowflake: Kar tanesi 323 Well-known: İyi tanınan
207 Particular shape: Belirli bir şekilde 266 Soil sample: Toprak numunesi 324 Whale: Balina
208 Patented: Patentli 267 Solar gravity: Güneş çekimi 325 Wheelchair bound: Tekerlekli
209 Patience: Sabır 268 Solid: Katı sandalyeye bağlı
210 Patient: Hasta 269 Sound system: Ses sistemi 326 Wild chimpanzees: Vahşi
211 Penetrate: Nüfuz etmek, dokunmak 270 Space: Uzay şempanzeler
212 Perhaps: Belki 271 Special: Özel 327 Windshield wiper: Cam sileceği
213 Pharmacy: Eczane 272 Specialty: Özellik 328 Written text: Yazılı metin
214 Philosophy: Felsefe 273 Species: Türler
215 Physical disability: Fiziksel engel 274 Statement: İfade, beyan
216 Physical object: Fiziksel nesne 275 Steam engine: Buhar makinasi
217 Physicist: Fizikçi 276 Stem cell: Kök hücre
218 Physics: Fizik 277 Step: Basamak, adım
219 Planet: Gezegen 278 Substance: Madde
220 Political: Politik 279 Succeeded to: Başarmak
221 Porcelain: Porselen 280 Successful: Başarılı
222 Portable: Taşınabilir 281 Surface: Yüzey
223 Possible: Mümkün 282 Sweat glands: Ter bezleri
224 Prevent: Engellemek 283 Sweet basil: Fesleğen
225 Printing machine: Baskı makinası 284 Swing: Sallanmak
226 Printing press: Baskı makinası 285 Synthetic: Sentetik
227 Private high school: Özel lise 286 Take part: Yer almak
228 Prize: Ödül 287 Technician: Teknisyen
229 Probe: İncelemek 288 Technique: Teknik
230 Produce: Üretmek 289 Test tube: Deney tüpü



• Cause and effect relationship. : Sebep sonuç ilişkisi.

• Great! You’re a real science worm. : Harika! Sen gerçek bir bilim kurdusun.
• How do you follow scientific developments? : Bilimsel gelişmeleri nasıl takip ediyorsun?
• How does it work? : Nasıl çalışıyor?
• I think the compass changed the world the most. : Bence dünyayı en fazla pusula değiştirdi.
• Inventions / discoveries that have helped the world. : Dünyaya yardım eden buluşlar/keşifler.
• It can often take days. : Bazen günler alabilir.
• It really makes life easier. : O gerçekten hayatı kolaylaştırıyor.
• It’s impossible to get lost anymore! : Artık kaybolmak imkansız!
• Scientific inventions that we use in our daily lives. : Günlük hayatımızda kullandığımız bilimsel buluşlar.
• Thanks to his research… : Onun araştırmaları sayesinde …
• The advantages and disadvantages of scientific achievements. : Bilimsel başarıların avantaj ve dezavantajları.
• To make the world a better place. : Dünyayı daha iyi bir yer yapmak için.
• What about currently? : Peki ya son zamanlarda?
• What are people doing to protect animals and nature? : İnsanlar hayvanları ve doğayı korumak için ne yapıyorlar?
• What are scientists working on today? : Bilim adamları bugünlerde neyin üzerinde çalışıyor?
• What did scientists do in the past? : Bilim adamları geçmişte ne yaptı?
• What is he called all around the world? : Tüm dünyada ne olarak tanınıyor?
• What is the aim? : Amaç ne?
• What is their common feature? : Onların ortak özelliği nedir?
• What kind of organization is it? : Ne tür bir organizasyondur?
• What was a scientific action in the past you know? : Senin bildiğin geçmişteki bilimsel bir olay nedir?
• What’s the most important scientific achievement to you? : Senin için en önemli bilimsel başarı nedir?
• What’s your idea about that? : Senin bununla ilgili fikrin nedir?
• Which one is not an advantage of 3D printing? : Hangisi 3 boyutlu yazıcının bir avantajı değildir?
• Which one/ ones changed the world the most? : Dünyayı en fazla hangisi/hangileri değiştirdi?
• Who are the inventors you know? : Bildiğin mucitler kimlerdir?
• Who is the most famous scientist in the world? : Dünyadaki en ünlü bilim insanı kimdir?
• You have little interest in science. : Bilime çok az ilgin var.


A. Describing the actions happening currently


The Present Continuous Tense şu anda yapmakta olduğumuz veya bugünlerde gerçekleşen eylemlerden bahsederken

I’m operating the machine.

What are you doing these I’m putting a chemical substance in the
days/ currently?
test tubes.
I am doing experiments at the I’m conducting an experiment.
school lab.
I’m looking for some fossils in the
excavation area.
We are preparing a science project and
doing some research in the library.
B. Talking about past events
The Simple Past Tense geçmişte meydana gelmiş eylemleri anlatmak için kullanılır. İngilizcede fiiller regular verbs
(düzenli fiiller) ve irregular verbs (düzensiz fiiller) olmak üzere ikiye ayrılır.

Düzensiz fill listesinde yer alan tüm kelimeler yerine kitabımızda geçen kelimeleri bilmek yeterli olacaktır.
Aynı şekilde, ders kitaplarımız düzenli fiillerin de anlamlarını vurgulamaktadır.

Scientific achievements of the past century changed the world. For example, Archimedes invented the water screw.
Researchers found some new fossils, and now they are working on them in the labs. Newton discovered the gravity of
matter and now scientists are exploring solar gravity.

Our daily life changed with the invention of

Who discovered America? smartphones.
Scientists announced the discovery of a new
What was the scientific action in the past you species of plants.
It improved transportation.


4. Mike: What are scientists working on today?

TEST 1 Sally: _ _ _ _.
Mike: Great! I think they really help humans.
Scientific Achievements Without their efforts, we could have more difficult lives.
I like to use any invention to make my life easier.
1. Marcy: To me, the telephone is the most helpful Sally: You are right.
invention for mankind.
Lisa: I think the formation of the Internet helps us more Which of the following DOES NOT complete the
than any other developments. conversation?
Adam: In my opinion, the vaccination is very critical to a) They are conducting experiments on faster
cure diseases. transportation
Nancy: I believe that the compass changed the world b) They observe the possibility of growing vegetables
the most. faster
c) Creating prototypes of new robots
According to the information above, who declares that d) Most have common features with the instructors
the achievements in health are more important than the
others? 5. Tom and Tim are researchers and scientists working
a) Marcy at the same lab. They decided to create a new kind of
b) Lisa medicine to cure diseases. They share the preparations and
c) Adam duties according to their skills and interests. Here are the
lists of their responsibilities:
d) Nancy
Tom Tim
2. Steam engines predated Watt’s design by almost 60 Report results Clean up the lab
years. Englishman Thomas Savery patented the first steam Conduct experiments Search the net for information
engine design in 1698, to remove water from coal mines. Keep statistics Recycle the wasted materials
Subsequently, Thomas Newcomen improved the design to Operate machines Heat the test tubes
work at atmospheric pressure, which became the standard
design for about 50 years. Watt’s real innovation was Choose the task that both David and Martin will be in
designing the engine with a separate condenser, which charge of.
made the whole process significantly more efficient. a) b)
Which of the following facts is CORRECT about the
process of inventions according to the text above?
a) Watt’s works are a result of the whole process.
b) The steam engine is no longer in use today. c) d)
c) Thomas Savery developed Watt’s engine.
d) Thomas Newcomen is the first scientist to work on
the engines.

3. Fill in the blank according to the table below.

6. Gary: _ _ _ _?
Inventors and Inventions Michael: I think the inventions on technology.
Gary: _ _ _ _?
Air conditioning Willis Carrier 1911, The USA Michael: Technology always provides machines to make
Barometer Evangelista Torricelli 1943, Italy our lives easier.
Aspirin Dr. Felix Hoffman 1899, Germany Gary: _ _ _ _?
Michael: Well, some of them are really practical
Dynamite Alfred Nobel 1867, Sweden and useful. For example, I can operate the dishwasher.
Electromagnet William Sturgeon 1823, England All you have to do is to add some detergent in the box.
Gary: Well done. It is fun to use them.
Inventions_ _ _ _. Which of the following questions DOES Gary NOT ask
a) belong to a single country
b) and inventors appear in different times and places a) How often do you use a machine
c) are related to the field of engineering only b) What are the most important achievements
d) are mostly in the 20th century c) Why do you think so
d) Do you use any technological devices at home

7. Researchers asked people about useful achievements. 9. The table below shows the percentage of males and
Here are the results: females receiving the Nobel Prize by gender in each category.
90 Categories Men Women
70 Chemistry 20,6% 9,6%
60 Economics 9,3% 1,9%
40 Literature 11,7% 26,9%
20 Peace 10,4% 32,7%
0 Physics 24,2% 5,8%
er n ph ile ft n Physiology or Medicine 23,8% 23,1%
wash v isio ogra m ob rc
ra Gu
h l e on to Ai
Dis Te Ph Au
According to the results, which of the following is
Which of the following is CORRECT according to the
results? a) Women are more successful in the field of
a) Most people enjoy the developments of weapons. b) Both males and females reached nearly the same
b) The phonograph is one of the most popular percentage on physiology.
inventions. c) Males usually receive the awards in literature.
c) People like the improvements on transportation. d) Females’ highest percentage is in medicine.
d) Television is more popular than the dishwasher.

10. This is the picture from an ordinary plant’s photosynthesis

Nobel Prizes
There are six categories of prizes, out of
which all are given each year. There are six 3
eligible prizes every year. They are awarded
for outstanding contributions for humanity
in chemistry, economics, literature, peace, 4
physics, physiology or medicine. The top five countries
with the most Nobel receivers are all western nations with 2
(the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France
and Sweden) topping the rankings for the best minds in
peace, literature, science and economics. The United
States has had the most Nobel Prize winners, with 336
winners overall.

In this paragraph, there is NO information about the Which of the following steps DOES NOT match with one
Nobel Prize _ _ _ _. of the numbers above?

a) categories a) The plant draws up water through its roots.

b) winners b) The leaves take in carbon dioxide from the air.
c) designer c) The leaves trap energy from sunlight.
d) awarding reason d) The plant uses sugar for growth.


4. In my opinion; the compass changed the world the most.

TEST 2 The Chinese invented this simple tool to help sailors
navigate safely on the seas and oceans.

1. Turner: What do you know about Aziz Sancar? Which of the following options shows the equipment that
Chinese created?
Jack: He is a renowned Turkish scientist and
academician. His specialty is DNA _ _ _ _ because he
wants to cure cancer. Also he got the Nobel Prize in a) b)

Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?

a) repair
b) porcelain
c) chemical c) d)
d) cell

2. Rebecca: Ibn-i Sina wrote almost 450 pieces on a

wide range of subjects.
Tommy: _ _ _ _?
Rebecca: A number of things that are all different,
but are all of the same general type.

Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation? 5. Scientific achievements changed the world. Think of
how scientific discoveries from hundreds of years ago
a) How do you know inspired the works of next generations of scientists.
b) How do you learn it James Watt and the steam engine, Elisha Otis and the
c) What do you mean by “range” elevator, Thomas Edison and the light bulb and Henry
d) How can you explain a subject Ford and the car are just some of them.

Which picture is related to the developments in the text?

3. While history is full of stories of famous_ _ _ _, who
are often national heroes, in almost every case they
were just the first people to improve an existing system a) b)
to the final stage where it achieved mass appeal.
Galileo is famous for the first telescopes, but there was
actually a Dutch man called Hans Lippershay did it first.

Which of the following COMPLETES the passage? c) d)

a) officials
b) emperors
c) discoverers
d) inventors


6. Andy: What are the common features of _ _ _ _?

Sally: They usually work very hard and spend a lot of Answer the questions (9-10) according to the passage
time on their work. They really make our lives easier. below.
They create a new device or discover a new cure for
an illness.

Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation? In poor countries,

people suffer from electricity
a) competitors shortages and they use firewood as a
b) trainers source of energy. As a result, they cut down
c) coalminers
d) scientists the trees and affect the global climate change
negatively. The Bantus live in the South of Africa.
Dr. Adamawa wants to offer an alternative way
1983 – 2011: a total of 5,025 clinical tests – studies using to produce electricity for his tribe. To solve this
human subjects – made in Mexico. Foreign companies like problem, he created a biogas digester setup, which
Pfizer, Eli Lilly and Company, Roche, Sanofi-Aventis and converts organic waste into electricity. The technology
Astra Zenaca supported these medical tests. uses readily-available resources such as animal waste
and a local invasive plant to produce
7. Which of the following pictures displays the biogas. He declares that
UNDERLINED part of the text? “Biogas has the potential
to provide clean
a) b) renewable energy
and to facilitate
development of
an energy supply for
the Bantu Tribe and
c) d) Africa at large.”

8. Fill in the blank according to the information 9. The people in Africa_ _ _ _ .

in the table below.
Nikola Tesla a) use electricity in their daily lives
b) suffer from drought and hunger
Born / Died 1856 - 1943 c) are relatively responsible for climate change
Occupation Engineer and Inventor d) use electricity to burn firewood
Nationality Serbian-American
Major Works Alternating Current System,
Tesla Turbine, first hydroelectric 10. Because the people use firewood for energy, _ _ _ _ .
plant and Tesla Coil
a) there is a problem of deforestation
Nicola Tesla _ _ _ _. b) there is an abundant energy resource
a) contributed to mankind c) it is healthy to live in Africa
b) lived more than 90 years d) there is a way to convert organic waste
c) had a Serbian wife
d) received many prizes

TEST 3 A dental engine is a large chair side appliance (often

including the chair itself) for use in a dentist’s office.
At minimum, a dental engine serves as a source of
1. Mr. Jacob is a well-known archeologist. He mechanical power for one or more hand pieces.
usually goes abroad to visit the ancient places By modifying a writing chair, dentist Josiah Flagg
such as Pompeii and Cairo. He is a very talented invented the first American-made dental chair in 1790.
scientist and he spends most of his time on
ancient societies. Today, he and his team will work 5. Which of the following devices is RELATED TO the text?
in the_ _ _ _ area to find valuable artifacts and
fossils to take to the science museum. a) b)
Which of the following COMPLETES the text?
a) excavation
b) alley
c) networking site
d) laboratory

2. Sally: Do you know how robots move? c) d)

Mel: Sure. Let me tell you. They can detect movements
and sounds. Also they can feel human contact through
sensors on the head, back, chin and paws. A special
software is installed in their hard drive so _ _ _ _.

Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?

a) they cannot dance
b) the robots can stand without moving
c) it is easy for them to connect to the Internet
d) they can search for information Teacher: What is the most important scientific
3. Jack: Is that true? Were you at the hospital? Lucy: To me, it is the light bulb.
Andrew: Yes, calm down; Jack. Everything is fine. Carl: Well, I can’t live without the Internet and my smart
The doctors were examining my father. phone.
Jack: Really? _ _ _ _? Sally: The tyre helped people travel long distances.
Andrew: He was diagnosed with a form of cancer. Jack: I think it is the printing machine.
I hope he will get better soon.
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation? 6. Which of the following DOES Sally believe is the most
important invention?
a) Did he have any honorary degree
b) What’s wrong with him
c) What is he called all around the world a) b)
d) Are they modeling scientific achievements

The next generation cars go without a driver.

There are cameras and some _ _ _ _ all around
the vehicles and they can easily detect the
objects around. When there is an emergency,
they contact call centers to get help. The driving c) d)
centers record their movements and follow their
route to check if everything is OK.

4. Which of the following COMPLETES the text?

a) buttons b) fairbags
c) containers d) sensors

7. The graphics below demonstrates the importance of Answer the questions (9-10) according to the passage
inventions according to Andy, Kevin and Lucas about below.
different categories.
Transportation Technology is the key to the human experience. We have
Education created tools to help us learn about the physical world
Entertainment since the early days of our species. People still can’t
12 decide which one is more useful. Here are some major
achievements that should probably be on any lists
10 (in chronological order):
8 • Fire: It can be argued that fire was discovered
6 rather than invented but the earliest use of fire
goes back 2 million years.
2 • The Wheel: It was invented by Mesopotamians
0 around 3500 B.C. to be used in the creation of
Andy Lucas James Brad pottery.

Which of the following is INCORRECT according to the • Optical Lenses: From glasses to microsphones
graphics? and telescopes, optical lenses have greatly
expanded the possibilities of our vision.
a) Education is very important for all of them.
b) Andy doesn’t care much about accommodation.
c) Brad thinks having fun is more important than
other titles.
d) Both Andy and James pay attention to
transportation equally.
9. Humans _ _ _ _.

a) invented optical lenses for paralyzed people

b) developed the wheel to carry their children
c) found fire around 3500 B.C.
8. Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American d) can’t decide which development is better than
engineer and inventor who is highly regarded in others
the energy history for his development of
alternating current (AC) electrical systems. He
also made extraordinary contributions in the fields of
electromagnetism and wireless radio communications.

10. Optical lenses _ _ _ _.

In this paragraph, there is NO information about Tesla’s
_ _ _ _.
a) are not available today
a) nationality b) helped us invent other useful tools
b) occupation c) are the most important inventions
c) achievements d) are used in glasses only
d) prizes


TEST 4 People and Their Fields in Science

1. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Geometry
2. Louis Pasteur Medicine
1. Roger: Which achievement do you think is more
1 important in medical care? 3. Nicola Tesla Electrical Engineering
Steven: I am sure that it is _ _ _ _. Health is everything 4. Albert Einstein Chemistry
for me.

Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation? 4. Which of the following is INCORRECT according to the
a) the use of stem cells
b) high tech devices for communication
c) easier transportation a) 1
d) wireless technology b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

2. I believe Marie Curie is the most important scientist in

history because she discovered various _ _ _ _ such as
polonium and radium. Scientific achievements changed the world.
The compass, pasteurization, the printing press, high-tech
Which of the following COMPLETES the sentence? devices and the global positioning system (GPS) are some
a) vaccines of them.
b) tools
c) items
d) elements
5. Which of the following pictures is NOT one of the
developments in the text?

a) b)
3. Sam: You are such a successful doctor. I don’t believe
that you made it! I think you deserved this prize. Why
did you receive this prize?
Max: Thanks, Sam. I spent more than 6 months on my
research and I finally invented a _ _ _ _ cancer and
some other illnesses.

c) d)
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?

a) high tech mobile phone

b) space shuttle
c) device diagnosing
d) robot for chores


Answer the questions (8-10) according to the passage below.

There are 5 officially recognized dwarf planets in our
solar system; they are Ceres, Pluto, Haumea,
When scientists and doctors agreed
Makemake and Eris. With the exception of Ceres, to use the vaccines to cure the
which is located in the asteroid belt, the others are disease before it appears, many
found in the outer solar system. people’s lives were saved.
Vaccinations can help protect your
child from serious diseases caused
by germs. Vaccinations are also called vaccines or
6. Which of the following pictures MATCHES with the shots. The vaccination systematically fights against the
underlined phrase? germs and microbes to train a person’s immune system
and the patient has a lower risk of getting ill. The smallpox
a) b) vaccine, the first successful vaccine to be developed, was
introduced by Edward Jenner in 1796. Cholera and rabies
vaccines were invented in France in 1880 and 1885 by
Louis Pasteur. And the Rota virus vaccine was presented
by GlaxoSmithKline (a medical company) in 2009.

c) d)
8. Germs _ _ _ _ .

a) systematically fight against microbes

b) are huge structures
c) help doctors cure the disease
d) cause illnesses

7. Which of the following is a good example of an

9. The text is about _ _ _ _ .

a) technology and health

b) successful scientists
c) useful vaccines
d) formations of diseases

I. II.

10. The vaccination _ _ _ _ .

a) prevents germs from making you ill

b) is only necessary when you are ill
c) is for children only
III. IV. d) was invented in the 20th century

a) ı b) ıı
c) ııı d) ıv



1. Mother: Where is your brother?

Daughter: He went to the archeological
museum with his classmates and his teacher.
They have a project about early life forms, so they
wanted to observe _ _ _ _ of primitive animals.
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
a) snowflakes
b) medieval
c) radiation
d) fossils
5. Marie Curie is famous for her discovery of radium and
2. Mark: Officials and scientists declare that the world is in polonium _ _ _ _in the periodic table. She used the
danger because of global warming. They conduct radium element to cure people during the First World War.
experiments about climate change. She received two Nobel Prizes.
James: _ _ _ _? Which of the following COMPLETES the sentence?
Mark: A gradual increase in the overall temperature of
the Earth’s atmosphere, caused by increased levels of
carbon dioxide and other pollutants. a) microbes
b) elements
Which of the following DOES NOT complete the c) alchemy
conversation? d) models
a) What are you talking about
b) Can you explain what it is
c) What is global warming
d) Do you mean the theory of relativity
6. The gravity on the Moon is only about 17% of Earth’s
gravity. That means a 45 kg person weighs only 7.6 kg on
3. Susan: Who contributed the most to mankind? the Moon. A person who can jump up to 3 meters on Earth
Cathy: Gutenberg. He _ _ _ _ the printing press. would be able to jump almost 18 meters on the Moon.
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
Which of the following pictures is RELATED to the text?
a) discovered
b) published a) b)
c) invented
d) transmitted

4. Alexander Graham Bell _ _ _ _ the first

telephone in 1875. His work was the most
valuable _ _ _ _ in world history. He was
one of those _ _ _ _ that changed the
world and made our dreams come true.
Which of the following DOES NOT complete the text? c) d)

a) inventors
b) achievement
c) designed
d) scientific

Answer the questions (9-10) according to the text
Louis Pasteur (1822 – 1895) was a passage below.
French chemist and microbiologist
who developed antidotes and cures
to many dangerous illnesses such as The Hubble Space Telescope is the
anthrax and rabies. He also successfully world’s first optical space telescope.
invented a way to pasteurize milk and make it safe from It was launched into space on 24th
tuberculosis. Pasteur also illustrated how germs grew April 1990. The telescope was
from contamination and disproved the theory of named after an American astronaut
spontaneous contamination. Edwin Hubble who made important
discoveries in the beginning of the
20th century. It takes pictures as it
In this paragraph, there is NO information about goes around the Earth and sends them to NASA. Some
Pasteur’s _ _ _ _. pictures show the distant galaxies and help astronomers
learn more about the universe. The telescope is one of
a) birthdate the most successful and long-lasting missions of NASA.
b) relatives
c) achievements
d) occupation

9. According to the information above, Hubble Space

Telescope’s task is to _ _ _ _.

a) travel in the solar system

b) visit the planets
8. In Science and Technology lessons, Mrs. Watson c) take pictures of space
usually conducts experiments in the laboratory. She shows d) help astronomers in their space missions
us the causes and effects of the chemical events with facts
through experiments. She puts substances in the test tubes
and heats them.

Which of the following tools does Mrs. Watson use?

10. Edwin Hubble _ _ _ _.
a) b)
a) was a well-known cosmologist
b) took pictures of the earth
c) was the name of a long-lasting mission
d) was a successful astronaut

c) d)



Choose the best option. a) ünlü
b) amaç
c) ilan etmek
1 Sample 9 Impossible d) bağlı
a) kaynak a) imkansız 18 Substance
b) deney b) taşınabilir
c) başarmak c) mümkün a) madde
d) örnek d) uzmanlık b) uzmanlık
c) yazılım
2 Insert 10 Specialty d) çevre
a) incelemek, muayene etmek a) uzmanlık 19 Compass
b) eklemek, içine sokmak b) hastalık
c) icat etmek c) hizmetçi a) yazılım
d) eritmek, dağıtmak d) bağımlı b) oluşturmak
c) kurum
3 Discover 11 Environment d) pusula
a) keşfetmek, bulmak a) çeşitli 20 Attention
b) tıp, ilaç b) hücre
c) şu anda, bugünlerde c) çevre a) deney
d) yürütmek, yapmak d) deney b) başarı
c) icat
4 Continuously 12 Company d) dikkat
a) sürekli a) pusula 21 Bound
b) şirket b) mümkün
c) engelli c) örnek a) bağ
d) değerli d) şirket b) rağmen
c) bağımlı
5 Soil 13 Patient d) hasta
a) toprak a) çeşitli 22 Currently
b) örnek b) hastalık
c) hücre c) amaç a) bırakmak, vazgeçmek
d) tasarlamak d) hasta b) son zamanlarda, bugünlerde
c) eritmek, dağıtmak
6 Resource 14 Purpose d) taşınabilir
a) rağmen a) amaç 23 Research
b) madde b) kaynak
c) kaynak c) başarmak a) oluşturmak
d) mümkün d) ödül b) patlamak
c) araştırma
7 Conduct 15 Convey d) tasarlamak
a) geride bırakmak a) iletmek, taşımak 24 Swing
b) yürütmek, yapmak b) yürütmek, yapmak
c) eritmek, dağıtmak c) incelemek, muayene etmek a) sallamak
d) iletmek, taşımak d) icat etmek b) alan, bölüm
c) eklemek, içine sokmak
8 Device 16 Genius d) iletmek, taşımak
a) cisim, madde a) tür 25 Portable
b) tasarlamak b) dahi
c) icat etmek c) bağlı a) tıp, ilaç c) engelli
d) cihaz, alet d) ödül b) engellilik d) taşınabilir



Choose the best option. a) sağlam, dayanıklı
b) çalıştırmak
c) endişe, kaygı
1 Planet 9 Produce d) ahlaki, etik
a) yer çekimi a) keşfetmek 18 Rescue
b) gelişmiş b) geliştirmek
c) gezegen c) üretmek a) numune, örnek
d) böcek d) tanımak b) oluşturmak, yaratmak
c) hava yastığı
2 Trapped 10 Complex tool d) hayat kurtarmak
a) sağlam, dayanıklı a) sergi, gösteri 19 Article
b) üretmek, oluşturmak b) endişe, kaygı
c) tutsak kalmış, kapana kısılmış c) karmaşık aygıt a) ahtapot
d) yer çekimi d) orta çağa ait b) kas
c) makale
3 Layer 11 Gravity d) üretmek
a) makale a) geliştirmek 20 Transform
b) gezegen b) yer çekimi
c) alev c) üretmek a) geliştirmek
d) tabaka d) hasta insan b) çalıştırmak
c) keşfetmek
4 Competitor 12 Patience d) dönüştürmek
a) yarışmacı a) sabır 21 Operate
b) tanımak b) gelişmiş
c) çalıştırmak c) tanımak a) oluşturmak, yaratmak
d) karmaşık aygıt d) silah b) keşfetmek
c) çalıştırmak
5 Exhibition 13 Surface d) yayımlamak
a) cesaretlendirmek a) yüzey 22 Examine
b) sivrisinek b) yapı
c) muayene etmek c) alev a) keşfetmek
d) sergi, gösteri d) gezegen b) teşhis etmek
c) numune, örnek
6 Prevent 14 Medicine d) muayene etmek
a) engellemek a) tıp 23 Create
b) keşfetmek b) yapı
c) hasta insan c) kas a) oluşturmak, yaratmak
d) üretmek d) tanım b) çalıştırmak
c) araştırma yapmak
7 Advanced 15 Sample d) tartışma, görüş ayrılığı
a) teşhis etmek a) numune, örnek 24 Equation
b) gezegen b) geliştirmek
c) kızılötesi c) muayene etmek a) cesaretlendirmek
d) gelişmiş d) sağlam, dayanıklı b) araştırma yapmak
c) muayene etmek
8 Common 16 Tongue d) denklem, eşitlik
a) böcek a) silah 25 Item
b) katkı b) dil
c) ortak c) ortak a) tabaka c) madde
d) üretmek d) dini b) hücre d) sabır


• Making predictions about the future
• Giving reasons and results
• Identify the main points of TV news

1 Absolutely: Kesinlikle 46 Cope with: Başa çıkmak 89 Enough: Yeterli

2 Abundant: Bol, çok 47 Create: Yaratmak 90 Entire: Tamamı, bütünü
3 Active volcano: Aktif volkan 48 Cut down: Kesmek 91 Environment: Çevre
4 Adapt: Uyarlamak 49 Damage: Zarar vermek 92 Erosion: Erozyon
5 Affect: Etkilemek 50 Danger: Tehlike 93 Erupt: Püskürmek
6 Aftershock: Artçı sarsıntı 51 Data: Bilgi 94 Evacuate: Tahliye etmek
7 Against: Karşısında 52 Dawn: Şafak 95 Everlasting: Ebedi, sonsuz
8 Agricultural land: Tarım alanı 53 Death: Ölüm 96 Experience: Deneyim
9 Air pollution: Hava kirliliği 54 Declare: Beyan etmek 97 Explain: Açıklamak
10 Alpine villages: Alp köyleri 55 Decreasing of rainforests: Yağmur 98 Explode: Patlamak
11 Also: Ayrıca ormanlarının azalması 99 Explosion: Patlama
12 Altitude: Rakım, yükseklik 56 Defense: Savunmak 100 Extend: Genişlemek
13 Amazing: Büyüleyici 57 Deforestation: Ormanları yok 101 Extinct: Yok olmak, nesli tükenmek
14 Amount: Tutar, miktar etme 102 Extreme: Aşırı
15 Approach: Yaklaşım 58 Degree: Derece 103 Fault line: Fay hattı
16 Approximately: Yaklaşık olarak 59 Depth: Derinlik 104 Figure: Sayı
17 Around: Etrafında 60 Destroy: Zarar vermek 105 Flash: Parlamak
18 As a whole: Bir bütün olarak 61 Destruction: Yıkım 106 Flood: Sel
19 At any time: Ne zaman olursa 62 Destructive: Yıkıcı 107 Flora: Bitki örtüsü
20 Atmosphere: Atmosfer 63 Die out: Ölmek 108 Food shortage: Yiyecek sıkıntısı
21 Authorities: Otoriteler 64 Different: Farklı 109 Forest: Orman
22 Avalanche: Çığ 65 Disappear: Kaybolmak 110 Formation: Oluşum, biçimlendirme
23 Average: Ortalama 66 Disaster: Felaket 111 Fossil fuel depletion: Fosil yakıt
24 Bacteria: Bakteri 67 Display: Sergilemek kaybı
25 Balance: Denge 68 Distance: Mesafe 112 Geographical area: Coğrafi bölge
26 Beware: Sakınmak, çekinmek 69 Drier: Kurutucu 113 Get narrow: Daralmak, azalmak
27 Billion: Milyar 70 Drought: Kuraklık 114 Get worse: Kötüye gitmek
28 Biological pollutants: Biyolojik 71 Dry: Kuru 115 Glacier: Buzul
atıklar 72 Dust: Toz 116 Global warming: Küresel ısınma
29 Bottled water: Şişelenmiş su 73 Earth: Dünya 117 Government: Hükümet
30 Build up: İnşa etmek 74 Earthquake: Deprem 118 Happen: Olmak
31 Burst: Patlamak 75 Eastern: Doğu 119 Harmful: Zararlı
32 Campaign: Kampanya 76 Eco-friendly: Çevre dostu 120 Heating up: Isıtmak
33 Carbon dioxide: Karbondioksit 77 Economic loss: Ekonomik kayıp 121 Heat-trapping gases: Isıyı
34 Care about: Önemsemek 78 Ecosystem: Ekosistem hapseden gazlar
35 Cause: Sebep 79 Educate: Eğitmek 122 Historic: Tarihi
36 Climate change: İklim değişikliği 80 Effect: Etki 123 Hit: Vurmak
37 Cloud-to-cloud: Buluttan buluta 81 Efficiently: Etkili bir şekilde 124 Homogeneous: Homojen
38 Coast: Kıyı 82 Effort: Çaba 125 Horizon: Ufuk
39 Common: Ortak 83 Eject: Çıkarmak 126 Huge: Büyük
40 Compare: Karşılaştırmak 84 Elevator: Asansör 127 Hurricane: Kasırga
41 Conservation: Koruma 85 Emergency kit: İlk yardım çantası 128 Hydrogen: Hidrojen
42 Consist of: Oluşmak 86 Energy saving lamp: Tasarruflu 129 Iceberg: Buz dağı
43 Contamination: Kirlilik ampul 130 Illustration: Resimli açıklama
44 Continent: Kıta 87 Energy shortage: Enerji eksikliği 131 In the past: Geçmişte
45 Cool down: Sakinleştirmek 88 Enormous: Çok büyük 132 Increase: Artırmak
133 Individually: Bireysel



134 Infection: Enfeksiyon 175 Physical damage: Fiziksel hasar 220 Slope: Eğim,meyil
135 Information: Bilgi 176 Pin: İşaretlemek 221 Slow down: Yavaşlamak
136 Injure: Yaralanmak 177 Planet: Gezegen 222 Soil: Toprak
137 Intense: Yoğun 178 Polar: Kutup 223 Source: Kaynak
138 Irresponsibly: Sorumsuzca 179 Pollute: Kirletmek 224 Specific: Özel
139 Issue: Mesele, konu 180 Pollution: Kirlilik 225 Stick together: Bir arada kalmak
140 Land: Toprak 181 Powerful: Güçlü 226 Storm: Fırtına
141 Landslide: Toprak kayması 182 Precaution: Önlem 227 Strike: Vurmak, çarpmak
142 Layer: Tabaka 183 Power: Güç 228 Substance: Madde
143 Lightning : Şimşek 184 Prediction:Tahmin 229 Sudden: Ani
144 Local: Yerel 185 Prepare: Hazırlamak 230 Suffer: Acı çekmek
145 Lower stratosphere: Stratosferin 186 Preserve: Korumak 231 Supply: Tedarik etmek, sağlamak
alt kısmı 187 Pressure: Baskı 232 Surface: Yüzey
146 Lung: Akciğer 188 Prevent: Engellemek 233 Survivor: Hayatta kalan
147 Magnitude: Şiddet 189 Probable: Olası, muhtemel 234 Switch off the lights: Işıkları
148 Main quake : Esas sarsıntı 190 Protect: Korumak kapatmak
149 Man-made: İnsan yapımı 191 Provide: Sağlamak 235 Take place: Yer almak
150 Mass : Kütle 192 Psychological: Psikolojik 236 The Disaster and Emergency
151 Measure: Ölçmek, önlem 193 Rainbow: Gökkuşağı Management Presidency of Turkey
152 Melt: Eritmek 194 Raindrop: Yağmur damlası (AFAD): Afet ve Acil Durum
153 Missing people: Kayıp insanlar 195 Rainfall: Yağmur, yağış Yönetimi Başkanlığı
154 Misused Agricultural Areas: Yanlış 196 Rainforest: Yağmur ormanı 237 Theory: Teori
kullanılmış tarım alanı 197 Rate: Oran 238 Threat: Tehdit
155 Motto: Slogan 198 Reach: Ulaşmak 239 Tip: İpucu
156 Nacreous clouds: Sedef bulutlar 199 Reason: Sebep 240 Topic: Konu
157 NASA: Ulusal Havacılık ve Uzay 200 Rechargeable batteries: Şarj 241 Tornado: Hortum,fırtına
Dairesi edilebilir piller 242 Toxic waste: Zehirli atık
158 National mourning: Ulusal yas 201 Recyclable: Geri dönüştürülebilir 243 Trash: Çöp
159 Natural forces: Doğal güçler 202 Reflect: Yansıtmak 244 Treatment: Tedavi
160 Natural phenomena: Doğal 203 Region: Bölge 245 Troposphere: Troposfer
felaketler 204 Release: Serbest bırakmak 246 Tsunami: Tsunami
161 Near future: Yakın zaman 205 Renewable: Yenilenebilir 247 Turn off the water: Suyu
162 Neighboring nation: Komşu ulus 206 Reoccur: Tekrar gerçekleşmek kapatmak
163 Next generations: Gelecek 207 Rescue: Kurtarmak 248 Universe: Evren
nesiller 208 Result: Sonuç 249 Usual: Alışılmış
164 Nitrogen: Nitrojen 209 Richter Scale: Rihter Ölçeği 250 Value: Değer
165 Nonstop: Durmadan 210 Rise: Yükselmek 251 Victim: Kurban
166 Non-toxic materials: Zehirli 211 Road: Yol 252 Volcano: Volkan, yanardağ
olmayan malzemeler 212 Rubbish: Çöp 253 Warn: Uyarmak
167 Occur: Meydana gelmek 213 Run out :Bitmek, tükenmek 254 Waste: Atık
168 Over: Üzerinde 214 Save:Korumak 255 Water shortage: Su sıkıntısı
169 Overpopulation: Nüfus kalabalığı 215 Scan: Taramak 256 Wave: Dalga
170 Oxygen: Oksijen 216 Serious: Ciddi 257 Weather condition: Hava durumu
171 Paper bags: Kağıt çantalar 217 Severely: Sert bir şekilde 258 Weigh: Gelmek (ağırlık)
172 Particular shape: Belirli bir şekilde 218 Severity: Şiddet,büyüklük 259 Widespread: Yaygın
173 Phenomenon: Hadise,olay 219 Significant: Belirli 260 Witness: Şahit olmak
174 Photosynthesis: Fotosentez 261 Wonder: Merak etmek, mucize



• How can we save the Earth? : Dünyayı nasıl kurtarabiliriz?

• How do people destroy nature? : İnsanlar doğayı nasıl tahrip eder?
• How many people are missing? : Kaç kişi kayıp?
• How often do you recycle trash to save the Earth? : Dünyayı kurtarmak için çöpleri ne sıklıkla geri
• If we don’t take the necessary measures soon… : Eğer yakında gerekli tedbirleri almazsak …
• Pay more attention to the environment. : Çevreye daha fazla dikkat edin.
• People should save resources and use recyclable : İnsanlar kaynakları korumalı ve geri dönüştürülebilir ürünler
products. kullanmalı.
• To me, the worst natural disaster is an earthquake. : Bana göre, en kötü doğal afet depremdir.
• Use the “off” switch. : Kapatma düğmesini kullanın.
• We can’t cope with this. : Bununla başa çıkamayız.
• We should stop wasting our water sources. : Su kaynaklarımızı boşa harcamayı durdurmalıyız.
• What are the causes of the earthquakes? : Depremlerin sebepleri nelerdir?
• What are the effects of global warming on animals? : Küresel ısınmanın hayvanlar üzerindeki etkileri nelerdir?
• What are the reasons / results of it? : Sebepleri / sonuçları nelerdir?
• What are your predictions for the future of the world? : Dünyanın geleceği ile ilgili tahminlerin nelerdir?
• What can we do for a better world? : Daha iyi bir dünya için ne yapabiliriz?
• What can we do to slow down global warming? : Küresel ısınmayı yavaşlatmak için ne yapabiliriz?
• What do you mean? : Ne demek istiyorsun?
• What does she / he suggest doing? : Ne yapılmasını tavsiye eder?
• What kind of problems do people often have after : Doğal afetlerden sonra insanlar sıklıkla ne tür
natural disasters? problemler yaşarlar?
• What shall we do about this? : Bunun için ne yapmalıyız?
• What should people do to save the nature? : Doğayı korumak için insanlar ne yapmalı?
• What should / shouldn’t we do during an earthquake? : Deprem süresince ne yapmalı / ne yapmamalıyız?
• What was the magnitude of the earthquake? : Depremin şiddeti neydi?
• What will be the most threatening problem in the future? : Gelecekteki en tehlikeli problem ne olacak?
• What will happen if we don’t take the necessary measures? : Eğer gerekli önlemleri almazsak ne olacak?
• What’s life in your point of view? : Senin bakış açına göre yaşam nedir?
• Why do we have to save the nature? : Niçin doğayı korumak zorundayız?


Making Predictions About The Future

I can see…
There will be more forests.
There will be nuclear wars and water
shortages. People will suffer from
and diseases in the future.

Obligation and Suggestion

• You must obey the rules at school. • I should pay more attention to being eco-friendly.
• You must respect others. • We should reduce heat-trapping gases.
• People should save resources and use recyclable products. • We shouldn’t cut down trees.

Giving Reasons and Results

I think we should shoulder
I think we will have water shortages responsibilities in order to save the
in the future because we waste too world.
much water. So we should/ must stop
wasting water sources.
• Do you think there will be a water shortage?

- Yes. There won’t be enough water.

I think there will be serious droughts.
So, schools should educate students - I think so. / I don’t think so.
to use less water.
- No. There will be a lot of rain in the future.


4. Gary: What will be the most threatening problem in

TEST 1 the future?
Michael: I believe it will be _ _ _ _.
Gary: What do you mean?
Natural Forces Michael: I mean the climate will be worse and the
1. Marcy: I think the worst disaster is an earthquake. weather will be hotter than usual.
Lisa: Hurricanes are very destructive. Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
Mel: Tsunamis cost a lot of financial loss. a) landslides and deforestation
Sam: Nothing is more terrible than forest fires. b) the height of the waves
According to the information above, who thinks natural c) global warming
forces cause economical problems? d) the magnitude of earthquakes
a) Marcy b) Lisa 5. Fill in the blank according to the information.
Affected people Damages Deaths
($ Millions) ($ Billions) ($ Billions)
2. REUTERS: An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.3 struck
near the south coast of Japan’s island of Honshu early on Volcano 2,8 1 0,66
Sunday (28th July), the European Earthquake Monitoring Earthquake 99 525 714
Service (EMSC) reported. The officials declare that it is Tornado 642 804 193
critical first to rescue the survivors, then take them to the
nearest hospitals and finally recover the damaged Drought 1349 96 21
buildings. Flood 1507 486 94
Which of the following actions must officials take before Volcanic eruptions _ _ _ _.
they take the survivors to the hospitals?
a) cause more deaths
a) b) b) are the worst disasters
c) never cause financial loss
d) cause the least damage

6. Jack and Brain have to do research for their project

on natural forces. They will surf the Net and compare the
c) d) information they find. Here is the list of the disasters they
want to study:
Jack Brain
Volcanic eruptions Aftershocks
Earthquakes Tsunamis
Droughts Avalanches
Floods Tornados
3. Pollution is the presence of harmful or
poisonous substances in the environment. Choose the natural force that both David and Martin will
Pollution of all kinds can have negative search on the Internet.
effects on people, animals and plants. Although
environmental pollution can be caused by natural events a) b)
such as active volcanoes, it is mainly created by human
activities. The main forms of pollution are air pollution,
water pollution and land pollution.
In this paragraph, there is NO information about _ _ _ _.
c) d)
a) types of pollution
b) reasons of volcanic activities
c) pollution caused by people
d) reasons of pollution

9. The table below shows the results of top 10 costliest
7. Mike: _ _ _ _? hurricanes that occurred in the United States of America.
Sally: I think there will be water shortages.
Mike: _ _ _ _?
Sally: We should stop wasting water. HURRICANE KATRINA
Mike: I agree with you. _ _ _ _? 2005
Sally: There should be programs to educate people HURRICANE ANDREW
about the importance of ecosystems. HURRICANE SANDY
Which of the following DOES Mike NOT ask Sally? 2008
a) What will be the biggest problem in the future in HURRICANE CHALEY
your opinion 2004
b) What do you think about the flood HURRICANE IVAN
c) What other precautionary measures should we 1989
d) What do you suggest we should do HURRICANE RITA
$0 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50

According to the results, which of the following is CORRECT?

8. This chart shows the number of globally reported natural
disasters in any given year. This chart includes droughts, a) Ike didn’t cost much for the country.
floods, extreme temperatures, landslides, forest fires, b) Frances and Rita cost less than Katrina.
volcanic activities and earthquakes. c) Sandy was more harmful than Andrew.
d) Hugo is the worst of all hurricanes.
Number of recorded natural disasters by year
400 10. These are the stages of rescue from a brochure:
1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2018

1 2 3
Which of the following is CORRECT according to the
results in the chart? Which of the following steps DOES NOT match with one
of the pictures above?
a) There were more disasters in the past.
b) There weren’t any floods in the 1950s. a) Find the number of trapped people.
c) The number of natural disasters increased b) Help people in need.
recently. c) Remove the survivors in non-difficult situations.
d) Volcanic activities are less than earthquakes. d) Report the base of the rescue team.



1. Turkey ranks third in the world in terms of

earthquake-related casualties and eighth with regard to the
total number of people affected. Every year, the country Tropical Storm Erick is expected to strengthen
experiences at least one 5+ _ _ _ _ earthquake – which into a hurricane on Monday
renders the proper management and coordination of
crucial disasters. The storm was about 1,410 miles southwest of
the tip of Baja, California early Sunday and there
Which of the following COMPLETES the paragraph? were no coastal watches or warnings in effect.

a) magnitude 4. Which picture shows the disaster in the newspaper?

b) meters
c) scale a) b)
d) richter

2. Sam: What is the _ _ _ _ environmental problem in

your country? c) d)
Andrew: I guess the global warming will be the worst
disaster for us. Also earthquakes, overpopulation and
ecosystem destruction are other basic problems that
are waiting for us.

Which of the following DOES NOT complete the

conversation? John: Unfortunately,
5 people are lost in
a) most threatening the flood. The officials
b) worst Jack: Did you and the rescue teams
c) most terrible hear the latest are looking for the
d) most terrific news about the bodies of the missing
event? Jack John people.

5. Which of the following is RELATED TO the conversation

3. _ _ _ _occurs when pollutants reach bodies of water
such as rivers, lakes, oceans and groundwater. a) b)
Waste water, sewage, industrial waste, oil spills and
marine dumping are the major causes of water pollution.
Polluted water affects human health and results in the
destruction of marine life.

Which of the following COMPLETES the text? c) d)

a) Air pollution
b) Land pollution
c) Water pollution
d) Global warming


8. Researchers using data gathered by the Swiss Avalanche

Research Center at Davos for accidents between 1981 and
1991, plotted the survival probability of a victim buried
under snow against time.
What happens when the Earth gets
hotter? 100 Avalanche Survival Curve
I. Glaciers melt
II. Sea level rise 80

Survival Chances
III. Drought 70
IV. Climate change 60
6. Which of the following is one of the results of global 30
warming? 20
a) b) 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Minutes Buried
This figure shows that _ _ _ _.
a) it is impossible to save people
b) time is important to save people
c) d) c) the avalanches are not serious
d) if you stay buried longer, you can survive

Answer the questions (9-10) according to the passage


Earthquakes centered in Van-Turkey

occurred on 23rd October 2011 and
in Edremit, Van on 9th November 2011.
These earthquakes and the aftershocks
Mary: I went to the beach with my parents caused devastating damage and led to the
yesterday. The weather was warm and sunny in loss of many lives. On 23rd October and 9th November 644
the morning but then it started to rain heavily. citizens lost their lives, 1.966 citizens were injured and 252
We had to leave early because lightning citizens were rescued from the debris alive. According to
flashed and thunder roared suddenly. data from the National Seismological Observation Network
operated by the Prime Minister (AFAD), the amount of
energy released by the earthquake was fairly large. It was
7. Which of the following is the reason for their recorded that the energy formed by the main shock on
23rd October is equal to 33.2 times the atomic bomb
departure? dropped on Hiroshima.
a) b)
9. If an earthquake occurs, _ _ _ _.
a) you can feel it at a distance
b) it never damages buildings
c) it should be centered
d) it sometimes causes minor damage
c) d)
10. According to the passage, _ _ _ _.
a) the earthquakes are followed by aftershocks
b) AFAD sends money immediately
c) citizens suffer from the effects of tsunami
d) aftershocks are not dangerous

TEST 3 If you take the necessary precautions before a natural

disaster, it is possible to decrease the negative effects.
For example, an emergency kit should be ready all the
1. Turkey’s disaster policy dates back to the aftermath of time because you never know when an earthquake will
the 1939 Erzincan earthquake, which claimed nearly 33.000 occur. It should consist of a radio to listen to the news, a
deaths and left at least 100.000_ _ _ _. torch to see clearly, batteries to generate enough energy,
Which of the following COMPLETES the text? water, and some snacks.

a) injured 4. Which of the following IS NOT necessary for the

b) talented emergency kit?
c) self-centered
d) received
a) b)
2. The basic definition of land pollution is the destruction
and _ _ _ _of the land. Deforestation, erosion, disposal of
waste and using pesticides cause land pollution. Land
pollution has a number of harmful effects on ecosystems
and human health.

Which of the following COMPLETES the paragraph? c) d)

a) destination
b) transportation
c) contamination
d) prediction

Good evening.
This is the evening news
on the Universal Channel. We 5. Fill in the blank according to the poster below.
will start with breaking news from
the Philippines. A tsunami hit the
country causing great economical
damage. 20 people are _ _ _ _ .
Rescue teams are trying to find
them. 2 dead bodies were
found close to the



3. Which of the following COMPLETES the paragraph? The institution supplied _ _ _ _.

a) missing a) serving food for the patients

b) informing b) more than 5 hospitals
c) destroying c) no construction
d) decreasing d) a reunion party on 7th April


6. I think we will have water shortages in the future because 8. Researchers explained the causes of forest fires in the
we waste too much water. We must stop wasting water chart below. Look at the chart and answer the question.
sources. The planet is also heating up fast and the glaciers
are melting. Scientists detected depletion in the ozone layer. 1950 - 1980 1980 - 2000 2000 - 2019
These are all results of the global warming.
Which of the following is RELATED TO the text above? 40
a) b)
Smoking Camping Lightning Vehicles

Which of the following is INCORRECT according to the


c) d) a) Smoking hasn’t caused fires in the last 50 years.

b) Camping has been the most dangerous activity for
forests recently.
c) In the 1990s, lightning caused more fires.
d) Vehicles are not the main reason for fires in the

Answer the questions (9-10) according to the passage


Many human activities produce greenhouse

7. The visual below shows the greenhouse gases in the gases. Scientists agree that these activities
make the greenhouse effect stronger. Cutting
atmosphere: down trees, burning oil or natural gas, and
using aerosol sprays to produce a lot of carbon
dioxide. More greenhouse gases in the atmosphere make
the Earth warmer. This is called ‘global warming’. In the
future, the effects of global warming will be different
around the world. Some places will become drier, and
others will be wetter. There will be storms, floods and
droughts; however, scientists do not exactly know which
areas will be affected.

9. Carbon dioxide _ _ _ _.

a) is helpful for the atmosphere

b) is a kind of aerosol spray
c) causes the earth to get hotter
d) is a result of floods and droughts
Which of the following is CORRECT according to the
10. According to the paragraph, _ _ _ _.
a) Agriculture doesn’t affect the air negatively.
b) Nearly one third of the harmful gases are the a) scientists are sure about the drier places
result of transportation. b) the effects of global warming will remain the same
c) If we use more electricity, the greenhouse gases c) burning oil and natural gas is a good way of
will decrease. heating
d) Industry helps the atmosphere clean itself. d) greenhouse gases are not good for our world

TEST 4 4. Max: How do _ _ _ _ occur?

Mel: They are the results of big earthquakes. If the
earthquake occurs on the ocean floor, it creates a series
1. The Disaster and Emergency Management Authority, an of big waves that move really fast. Sometimes they can
institution working to _ _ _ _disasters and minimize reach up to 90 meters high.
disaster-related damages, plan and coordinate post-disaster
response, and promote cooperation among various Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
government agencies.
a) avalanches
Which of the following COMPLETES the paragraph? b) floods
c) earthquakes
a) keep d) tsunamis
b) continue
c) prevent
d) save
5. Fill in the blank according to the information below.
2. Adam: Do you care about nature?
Sam: Sure. I always use eco-friendly products. I never BREAKING NEWS!
_ _ _ _ natural resources and I think we should be A 7,4 earthquake struck
careful while using energy in our homes. Turkey on 7th August
1999. It caught people
Adam: I agree with you. sleeping and caused
Which of the following COMPLETES the paragraph? 17,400 deaths and
nearly 50,000 injuries.
a) save The rescue teams are at
b) waste work now trying to help
c) recycle the people in the area.
d) donate
The _ _ _ _ of the earthquake in Turkey was 7,4.
3. Indian authorities have rescued 1,050 people from a
train after it became trapped by flooding near Mumbai. a) magnitude
Helicopters, boats and diving teams were deployed by the b) prediction
Indian authorities after the Mahalaxmi Express was c) victim
stranded on Friday night close to the town of Vangani. d) pollution

Which of the following natural disasters is the event Droughts may happen in countries with hot and dry climates
above? like deserts. The climate becomes dry and after some time as
a result of a decreasing amount of rain, the climate gets drier
a) b) and drier every day.

6. Which of the following natural disasters is RELATED TO

the text?
a) b)

c) d)

c) d)


Turkey is one of the most quake-prone countries in the Answer the questions (9-10) according to the passage
world. Most of it lies on the Anatolian plate, a small below.
wedge-shaped tectonic plate that is being squeezed
westwards as the Arabian plate to the east slams into
the Eurasian plate. Many of Turkey’s most severe quakes In the first article of a week-long series focused on climate
occur on one of the two faults that flank the Anatolian modelling, Universal Brief explains in detail how scientists
plate – the North and the East Anatolian faults. use computers to understand our changing climate. The use
of computer models runs right through the heart of climate
7. Which of the following maps shows the fault lines in science. From helping scientists explain cycles of ice ages
Turkey? hundreds of thousands of years ago to making projections
for this century or the next, models are essential tools
for understanding the Earth’s climate.
a) b)

c) d)

A landslide refers to the downward movement of a large

mass of soil, mud and organic debris. Places with steep
slopes like mountains and hills are certainly in danger.

8. Which of the following natural disasters is described in

the text above?

a) b) 9. According to the paragraph, climate modelling _ _ _ _.

a) is a very useful method

b) doesn’t require computers
c) can be used all week-long
d) was used in the ice ages thousands of years ago

c) d)
10. Universal Brief is a_ _ _ _.

a) newspaper
b) website
c) magazine
d) campaign poster


TEST 5 4. There are various kinds of natural disasters affecting the

world. Forests are the lungs of our world and we should
protect them. If there are more trees around the villages
and buildings, the effects of erosion, droughts, water
1. Jack: What kind of precautionary measures should we shortages and floods will be lessened.
take for an earthquake?
Emily: It is very important to have a life-saving kit which Which of the following natural forces DOES NOT appear
consists of _ _ _ _. in the text?
a) b)
Which of the following equipment COMPLETES the
a) a tent, a compass and a sleeping bag
b) a parachute, proper footwear and a helmet
c) batteries, a torch and some snacks
d) a mouse, a screen and a tablet c) d)

2. Robert: What do you know about landslides?

Lucy: They occur mainly in the Black Sea Region in 5.
Turkey. The local people suffer from these natural forces
because _ _ _ _.

Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?

a) it rains a lot and people cut down trees

b) the magnitude is very high
c) the waves can be very dangerous Three men died in an avalanche near the Austrian ski resort
d) they help nature with eco-friendly actions of Lech am Arlberg, local police say. The search for a fourth
person, declared as missing, had to be halted due to the
ongoing avalanche risk.
Which of the following natural disaster DOES the reporter
talk about?

3. Sam: What can we do to stop deforestation? a) b)

David: We can organize a campaign and lead people to
_ _ _ _.

Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?

a) cut down trees c) d)

b) plant more trees
c) cause forest fires
d) throw rubbish


A hurricane starts out as a tropical disturbance. This
is an area over warm ocean waters where rain clouds
are building. A tropical storm becomes a hurricane if its
winds reach 119 km/hr (74 mph). Scientists don’t know
exactly why or how a hurricane forms.
8. Which picture is RELATED TO the natural disaster
The Indonesian volcano that triggered a deadly defined in the text?
tsunami when it erupted and collapsed a week ago is
now only a quarter of its previous size. Scientists said
a) b)
Anak Krakatau Mountain now has a volume of 40-70
cubic meters, having lost up to 180 m cubic meters of
volume since the eruption on 22 December.

In this paragraph, there is information about _ _ _ _.

c) d)
a) b)

Answer the questions (9-10) according to the passage

c) d) below.

What is an earthquake and how

does it occur?
Earthquakes are usually caused
when the rock underground suddenly
breaks along a fault. This sudden
release of energy causes the seismic waves that make the
ground shake. When two blocks of rock or two plates are
rubbing against each other, they stick a little. They don’t
just slide smoothly; the rocks catch on each other to cause
one of the most terrifying and destructive acts of nature
on the planet; earthquakes. These natural phenomena
are sudden, violent shakes of the Earth. Scientists use the
‘magnitude rating’ to measure earthquakes. Major
earthquakes are rated between 7 - 8, and 8 or more is a
seriously large natural disaster. Once they strike,
_ _ _ _? earthquakes can cause many other natural disasters such
as tsunamis, fires, avalanches and floods.
I. Glaciers melting
II. Increased sea levels 9. An earthquake _ _ _ _.
III. Droughts a) can cause droughts
b) can be a reason for a tsunami
c) sometimes causes psychological problems
7. Which of the following is the BEST TITLE for these d) melts glaciers
10. Magnitude rating is _ _ _ _.
a) Precautions for Global Warming
b) Ozone Depletion a) a measure to understand the size of an
c) Causes of Global Warming earthquake
d) Effects of Global Warming b) a sudden natural phenomena
c) a kind of violent shake of the Earth
d) a natural disaster that scientists catch


Choose the best option. a) erimek, eritmek
b) sağlamak
c) slogan, özlü söz
1 Flood 9 Reduce d) tüm, bütün
a) değer a) kuraklık 18 Witness
b) sahil b) azaltmak
c) çöp c) yok etmek a) sağlamak
d) sel d) şahit olmak b) yaklaşmak
c) geniş çapta
2 Save 10 Intense d) şahit
a) korumak, kurtarmak a) yoğun 19 Melt
b) israf etmek, boşa harcamak b) yok etmek
c) yok olmak, gözden kaybolmak c) sağlamak a) azalmak, azaltmak
d) almak, serbest bırakmak d) değer b) erimek, eritmek
c) tedavi, davranış
11 Prediction d) salmak, serbest bırakmak
3 Extinct
a) yıkım, tahribat a) önlem 20 Value
b) nesli tükenmek b) tarımsal
c) tahmin a) değer
c) başa çıkmak b) çevre
d) yok etmek d) dikkat
c) deprem
12 Treatment d) çığ
4 Motto
a) slogan, özlü söz a) tedavi, davranış 21 Release
b) hatalı kullanılmış b) orman tahribatı
c) kayda değer, önemli a) salmak, serbest bırakmak
c) patlamak, püskürmek (volkan) b) muazzam, devasa
d) tüm, bütün d) yıkım, tahribat
c) bitirmek, tüketmek
13 Decrease d) ısraf etmek, boşa harcamak
5 Destruction
a) nesli tükenmek a) hatalı kullanılmış 22 Deforestation
b) tahmin b) azalmak, azaltmak
c) salmak, serbest bırakmak a) azalmak, azaltmak
c) tedavi, davranış b) yıkıcı, tahrip edici
d) yıkım, tahribat d) muazzam, devasa
c) orman tahribatı
14 Trash d) tedavi, davranış
6 Widespread
a) tedavi, davranış a) yoğun 23 Avalanche
b) tehdit etmek b) çığ
c) çöp a) çöp
c) başa çıkmak b) çığ
d) geniş çapta d) hortum
c) yoğun
15 Destroy d) madde
7 Substance
a) kasırga a) nesli tükenmek 24 Tornado
b) kıtlık b) tehdit etmek
c) azaltmak a) hortum
c) madde b) buzul
d) yoğun d) yok etmek
c) kıtlık
16 Environment d) sağlamak
8 Erupt
a) patlamak, püskürmek (volkan) a) kasırga 25 Precaution
b) bitirmek, tüketmek b) nesil
c) çevre a) deprem c) önlem
c) salmak, serbest bırakmak b) nesil d) çevre
d) ısraf etmek, boşa harcamak d) önlem



Choose the best option. a) etkili bir şekilde
b) ciddi şekilde
c) geri dönüştürülebilir
1 Preserve 9 Mass d) kurtarma ekibi
a) kirletmek a) patlamak 18 Continent
b) patlamak b) hasar
c) korumak c) kütle a) kutup
d) önlem almak d) toz b) çığ
c) kıta
2 Erupt 10 Flood d) kasırga
a) yansımak a) yansımak 19 Disaster
b) yayılmak b) buzul
c) önlemek c) kutup a) toprak kayması
d) patlamak d) sel b) ölçmek, ölçüm
c) felaket, kaza
3 Display 11 For a while d) göstermek
a) kirletmek a) bir süre 20 Reflect
b) yansımak b) kirletmek
c) göstermek c) oluşum a) yansımak
d) savunmak d) tedbir b) patlamak
c) savunmak
4 Wonder 12 Rescue team d) yayılmak
a) önlem a) felaket, kaza 21 Elevator
b) mucize b) ciddi şekilde
c) şiddet c) tahliye etmek a) ortalama
d) tehdit d) kurtarma ekibi b) asansör
c) oluşum
5 Glacier 13 Threat d) bakteri
a) ufuk a) mucize 22 Lightning
b) sahil b) patlamak
c) mucize c) deprem a) kasırga
d) buzul d) tehdit b) oluşum
c) yıldırım
6 Universe 14 Toxic waste d) kuraklık
a) kurban a) etkili bir şekilde 23 Evacuate
b) buzul b) felaket, kaza
c) şiddet c) tahliye etmek a) ilan etmek
d) evren d) zehirli atık b) ciddi şekilde
c) kurtarma ekibi
7 Everlasting 15 Aftershock d) tahliye etmek
a) sonsuz a) vurmak, çarpmak 24 Explode
b) açıklama b) toprak kayması
c) farkında olmak c) artçı sarsıntı a) yayılmak
d) çarpmak d) kesinlikle b) patlamak
c) yansımak
8 Formation 16 Layer d) ortalama
a) oluşum a) hasar 25 Prediction
b) deprem b) patlamak
c) korumak c) şafak a) tehdit c) basınç
d) hortum d) katman b) tahmin d) kurban


1. Jack: What are the personal traits of a good friend? 4. Mike: How was your vacation in Rome?
Tim: He shouldn’t tell lies. Sally: It was wonderful. It was one of the best holidays
Mel: I want to have common interests with my buddy. I’ve ever had. I really liked the weather conditions of
Amy: A good friend should be supportive. the city; mild and sunny. We visited the famous places
Sue: She should be funny because I love laughing. and went _ _ _ _. The city has a great scenery. The
Roman Emperor ordered the workers to construct the
According to the information above, who thinks a good roads with marble blocks.
friend is helpful? Mike: Wow! That’s cool.
a) Tim b) Mel Which of the following DOES NOT complete the
c) Amy d) Sue conversation?
a) to temple complexes
b) sightseeing
2. Adam: Mom, I want to have Greek Salad for dinner. c) to the beach
Could you please help me prepare it? d) to landmarks
Mother: Of course. Check the fridge if you have all the
ingredients you need. 5. In base jumping, the sportsmen jump off a building,
Adam: I already did. We have them. antenna, bridge or a cliff. First, they fly and then open their
Mother: OK, then. First, wash all the vegetables well parachutes to land safely on the ground. They need safety
before you peel and dice them into a bowl. It is very equipment such as a helmet, knee pads and trekking boots
important for your health. Later, add some olive oil and as their footwear so as not to get injured when their feet
vinegar to season your salad. Finally, squeeze half a touch the ground.
lemon and mix them well. It’s so easy!
Which of the following places IS NOT proper for a base
Which of the following shows the step before squeezing jumping activity?
lemon into the bowl?
a) b)
a) b)

c) d)

c) d)

6. The table below shows the percentage of countries

receiving the Nobel Prize Awards in each category.
Categories The USA European Other
Countries Countries
Chemistry 45% 35% 20%
3. Fill in the blank according to the table. Economics 55% 40% 5%
Classical Literature 30% 45% 25%
Rock Music Folk Music Beatbox Music Peace 15% 55% 30%
Luis x Physics 60% 20% 20%
Physiology or Medicine 70% 29% 1%
Sally x x
Tim x x According to the results, which of the following is
Andy x x a) Americans are more successful in the field of
_ _ _ _ prefers Beatbox and classical music to rock and Literature.
folk music. b) Both European and other countries reached
x the same percentage in Physics.

c) European countries’ percentage in Economics is

a) Luis b) Sally higher than the rest of the world.
c) Tim d) Andy d) The USA’s highest percent is in Peace.

7. Receptionist: Universal Hotel. How may I help you? 9. Nicholas is a very helpful and responsible boy. He always
Mrs. Walker: Hi, this is Jenny Walker from Antalya. _ _ _ _? helps his parents with chores at home. He usually feeds
Receptionist: I am sorry but it is lunch time now, so Mr. his dog and then he takes it for a walk after school. Then,
Black is not available at the moment. he takes out the garbage, waters the plants and looks after
Mrs. Walker: _ _ _ _? his baby sister. He never loads or empties the dishwasher
Receptionist: Let me take a memo. Please continue.
Mrs. Walker: He promised my family an extra two-night to because they are difficult tasks for him. He likes doing the
stay for free. _ _ _ _? laundry with his mom.
Receptionist: Of course. I will book your room now. May I
ask your personal details? In this paragraph, there is NO information about _ _ _ _.
Mrs. Walker: I can send you an e-mail about that.
Receptionist: That will be great. Thank you Mrs. Walker a) b)
and have a nice vacation.

c) d)

Which of the following questions DOES Mrs. Walker NOT

ask the receptionist?

a) May I talk to someone from customer service

b) How can I reach your hotel 10. This is the recipe for homemade bread from Kylie’s
c) May I leave a message Kitchen Blog:
d) Can we use it next week
If you don’t want to buy bread from a supermarket, then
you have to bake your own. Here is a very easy recipe for
8. According to research, there are various purposes for •Put the yeast in a bowl and add a glass of warm water.
using the Internet. Here are the results: Then, wait for 10 minutes.
•Pour the yeast mixture into a large mixing bowl. Add
butter, milk, sugar, salt and flour into the bowl and mix
Students Working women Housewives them well.
60 •After that, knead the dough for about 10 minutes.
40 •Finally, shape the dough and place it in a baking tray.
30 You must bake it for 45 minutes.
ss e Which of the following pictures DOES NOT match with
e nt rk on Tim one of the steps above?
sin me wo i cati re
Bu n e n u
tai Ho
m mu is
Le vity
ter m a) b)
E n Co Ac

Which of the following is CORRECT according to the

a) Students use the Internet mostly at work.
b) Nearly all users do homework online. c) d)
c) Housewives mostly use the Internet to keep in
touch with others.
d) People don’t use the Internet for fun.

1. Danny: What do you think about Richard, our new 3. John: Hi, could I speak to Clark, please?
classmate? Emma: May I ask who is calling?
John: This is John. I need to talk to him about the
project. It is urgent.
Angel: I think I can count on him. Emma: OK. Hang on a minute, please. _ _ _ _.
Lisa: He never tells lies.
Bruce: He keeps his promises and never shares our secrets.
Allen: He helps old people cross the street. Which of the following DOES NOT complete the
a) I will get him
According to the information above, who thinks Richard b) I will put you through
is caring? c) Hang up the phone
d) Let me check if he is available
a) Angel
b) Lisa
c) Bruce 4. Clara’s Responsibilities
d) Allen
Feed the dog
Do the laundry
Clean the bathroom
Do the ironing

Which of the following does Clara have to do?

I love Sunday mornings because I always
have breakfast with my parents. My mom a) b)
cooks us pancakes and omelettes. It is easy
to make an omelette. Let me tell you how to
make it. First, put some olive oil into a pan and heat it
a few minutes. Then, crack and mix two eggs in a bowl,
and add some salt. After that, add some cheese and milk.
Finally, pour the mixture into the hot pan.
c) d)

2. Which of the following IS NOT mentioned in the


a) b)
Windsurfing Tennis Ice Climbing Paragliding
Sam x
Sally x x x
Jim x x x
c) d) Kate x x
Which of the following is CORRECT according to the
a) Sam and Jim prefer windsurfing to ice climbing.
b) Jim would rather play tennis than climb.
c) Kate doesn’t like heights.
d) Sally hates extreme sports and feeling adrenaline.

6. Mary usually spends some time with her new mobile 8.

phone. She never used smartphones before so she has
difficulty finding the correct icon. She wants to connect to Florence:
the Internet through her phone. Florence is the capital city of the
Italian region of Tuscany. It is the
most crowded city in Tuscany.
Florence is a city of art lovers.
There are many things to do.
1 You can visit The Uffizi, which is
a treasure of Renaissance art. If
2 you want to see the beauty of the
city, go to Piazzale Michelangelo
3 and take stunning photos.
4 In this paragraph, there is NO information about _ _ _ _.
a) population b) attractions
c) accommodation d) scenery

Which of the following icons should she click? 9. The table below shows the results of a study on Internet
activities of 100 teens in European Countries.
a) 1
b) 2 Activities Number of Teens
c) 3
Watching video clips 20
d) 4
Studying 5
Playing games online 25
Listening to music 10
7. According to research, the following graphic shows the
ages of the inventors: Exchanging e-mails 15
Chatting with friends 35
According to the results, which of the following is
a) Sending and receiving e-mails is very popular
among teens in Europe.
b) Chatting and playing games online are the most
popular activities.
c) Most of the teens use the Internet to play games
d) Nearly half of the teens spend their time doing
21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 homework.

Age (Years) 10. These are the pictures from Tina’s daily routine.
08:30 12:30 16:00 21:00
Which of the following is CORRECT according to the
a) People at earlier ages are more creative.
b) Inventors are usually better when they are older. Which of the following activities DOES NOT match with
c) Middle age is the top rated time in humans’ one of the pictures above?
lives for making new things.
d) As you grow older, you can invent new things a) On school days, I always leave home at about half
easier and faster. past eight.
b) I have lunch at the school canteen.
c) I attend after-school clubs.
d) After dinner, I usually chat with friends.

1. 3. Fill in the blank according to the table.

Detective Fantasy Romance Biography

Dear Jenny, Jane x
I’m organizing a birthday party for Adam x x
my daughter. There will be food,
music and dance. I will bake cookies Mark x x
and prepare fresh lemonade for the
children. We can have a nice meal Anthony x x
while they play with the clown. He
will be in charge of music and According to the table, who is fond of reading detective
entertainment. We’ll have so much
fun. I am looking forward to seeing and romance genres?
you and your son Jack. a) Jane and Mark
b) Mark and Anthony
Date: Saturday, 20th February c) Adam and Jane
Time: 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. d) Anthony and Jane
Location: My Place

Which of the following is CORRECT according to the 4. Amy: _ _ _ _?

invitation? Lucy: I always get up at around 7:00 a.m. Then I take a
shower and have breakfast with my sister and mom.
a) The party will be in the evening. Then I walk to school. School finishes at 3:30 p.m. I get
b) Sue is the invitee. back home at 5:00 p.m. because I attend after-school
c) Jenny will attend the party with her son. courses. When I arrive home, I have dinner and do my
d) The clown will be responsible for the activities. homework. Sometimes I watch TV and go to bed at
around 10:00 p.m.

2. Edgar’s Special Toast Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?

a) What are your after-school activities
• Beat the egg, vanilla and cinnamon in a bowl. b) What’s your daily routine
• Stir in some milk. c) What time do your lessons start
• Dip the bread in the egg mixture, turn it to coat both
sides evenly. d) How do you spend time at school
• Cook the bread slices on a lightly greased non-stick
pan over medium heat until browned on both sides.
• Serve with a cup of tea. 5.
Bon Appetit! Many people think that camping is very easy. The fact is,
it is a lifestyle rather than a free-time activity. You should
Which of the following shows the first step of the recipe? get ready for a camp well; otherwise you will have some
problems in the camping area. You can stay hungry for a
long time and you may feel cold. Think fast and come up
a) b) with fast solutions if you have any unexpected problems.
You will be in the forest alone away from your home.
Don’t forget to buy a sleeping bag in good condition, a
comfortable tent, a pocketknife, matches, compass and a
map. Your phone may be out of service so take a first aid
kit with you!

c) d) Which of the following is the BEST title for the text

a) How to Get Prepared for Camping
b) Where to Find the Best Equipment
c) Why a Comfortable Tent
d) Finding Your Way With a Map


6. Smartphones have many advantages and disadvantages. 8. PERU

If you have a smartphone, you can browse the Internet, Location: In South America.
use very good applications for entertainment and Accommodation: Rustic home stays, basic hostels or
education, read the news online and keep in touch with luxury lodges.
your friends and parents. However, they are really Transportation: Direct flight from Turkey
expensive to buy. Since cell phones can connect teens to Attractions: Machu Picchu, Colza Canyon, Manu
the social networking services, they can take away from National Park.
study or homework time. The climate: Tropical.

In this paragraph, there is NO information about _ _ _ _.

Which question does NOT have an answer in the text?
a) how to go to Peru
a) What are the positive sides of smartphones? b) the weather
b) What are applications used for? c) the places to see
c) What can you do with a smartphone? d) the price of a sightseeing tour
d) How much is a smartphone?

Answer the questions (9-10) according to the

conversation below.

Amy: Do you think you are an adrenaline

Gina: I’m not an adventurous person. I love
7. According to research, the inventors live abroad and sports, but I’m not fond of trying risky
conduct their experiments in different countries. Here are activities. I’m afraid of heights, so I can never do bungee
the results of foreign ownership of domestic inventions: jumping or skydiving. Even the thought of it makes me
feel bad. I like jogging, pilates and yoga. I can’t live
Luxembourg without doing pilates four or five times a week. I feel
Great Britain
healthy and fit, so why would I try a dangerous activity?
Amy: You are right but some people think that extreme
sports help them feel adrenaline and try to test
Netherlands themselves against nature.
Switzerland Gina: I am not one of them for sure.
9. Gina’s favorite sport is _ _ _ _.
a) b)
United States
EU - 25
Japan c) d)

Foreign Ownership Domestic Inventions

Which of the following is CORRECT according to the

results? 10. According to the conversation, Gina _ _ _ _.
a) Scientists mostly work in Great Britain. a) is an adrenaline seeker
b) Japan has more ownership of inventions. b) is an adventurer
c) Luxembourg hosts most of the foreign inventors. c) is keen on dangerous sports
d) United States has more inventions than Denmark. d) doesn’t prefer risky sports to yoga

1. 3. Audrey and Sam are sisters and they live with their
parents. Here are the duties of family members:
Feed the Do the Mow the Kitchen Clean up
dog shopping lawn tasks
Audrey x
Sam x x x
Mrs. Peace x x
Mr. Peace x x
Which of the following is CORRECT according to the
Dear Jenny, a) Audrey is only responsible for doing the shopping.
b) The Peace Family shares some of the duties at home.
c) Only one of the parents is in charge of garden tasks.
Join us for a sleepover on Saturday (9:30 p.m.) at d) Mr. and Mrs. Peace do the grocery shopping together.
my house. We will have fun with nice food and
beverages so just bring your slippers, pajamas and 4. Lyn: The World Health Organization (WHO) states that
a romantic DVD! Amy is also coming so she can pick the world is in danger because of global warming. They
you up. are observing climate changes.
Olivia: Climate change? What do you mean?
Wendy Lyn: A gradual increase in the _ _ _ _ of the Earth’s
atmosphere, caused by increased levels of carbon
Which of the following is CORRECT according to the dioxide and other pollutants.
invitation? Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
a) It is a reunion party. a) transportation
b) Jenny is the invitee. b) accommodation
c) Jenny will attend the party. c) population
d) They will have lunch together. d) overall temperature

2. Jeremy: Could you tell me how you prepare fruit salad? 5. Heli-skiing is a very popular extreme sport. It is for both
Debbie: Sure. First, peel the bananas and kiwi fruit. young and old people. You have to learn how to do it from
Second, cut them into small pieces. Put them into a small an instructor and it can be really dangerous to do it alone.
bowl, and then add some grapes and cranberries. Next, If you are inexperienced, you have to be careful. It requires
cut the strawberries into halves. After that, squeeze the a lot of courage. You feel the adrenaline when you reach a
lemon. high speed while skiing down the mountain.
Which of the following is the extreme sport mentioned
Which picture shows the kitchen tool Jeremy will need? above?

a) b) a) b)

c) d) c) d)


6. Kevin: I think, there is a problem with my Internet Answer the questions (9-10) according to the passage
connection. _ _ _ _. below.
Lily: Well, it seems you are having a problem with your
modem. Do you use a cable modem?
Kevin: Yes.
Lily: You should start using a wireless one. It is more
convenient and you won’t have any connection problems. TRAVELLER’S GUIDE
Which of the following questions COMPLETES the New York is the biggest city in the United States of
conversation? America. If you are planning to go there, you should take
a look at our suggestions:
a) I can’t go online
b) I’m downloading a file How to travel:
c) I can’t click on it Use the subway or take a taxi.
d) I am in charge of my PC What to do:
*See the Statue of Liberty.
7. Fill in the blank according to the table. *Take a walk in Central Park.
*See the Empire State Building.
According to research, accommodation preferences of
tourists are different. The people want to stay in a variety *Visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
of places. Where to stay:
New York is an expensive city, so it is a better choice to
stay at bed and breakfasts.
Turkish Japanese When to visit:
English Dutch The best time to visit New York is from April to October.
It is mild and pleasant.

9. On the website, there is no information about_ _ _ _.

a) the climate
All-inclusive Boutique Hostels Bed and Breakfast b) attractions
hotels hotels hotels c) cuisine
It is highly trendy to stay in hostels for _ _ _ _ tourists. d) accommodation

a) Turkish b) Japanese
c) English d) Dutch
10. According to the website, visitors of New York City
8. Sally: I’m a fan of extreme sports, but there is one sport _ _ _ _.
that is my favorite. It is a difficult sport. It involves
swimming, walking, climbing and crawling. However, the a) visit the museum of civilizations
things I see are unforgettable. It is the sport of exploring b) hardly ever use the subway
caves. If you haven’t tried it yet, give it a chance. You will c) stay at the Empire State Building
open the doors of a mysterious world. d) can take a taxi for transportation
In this paragraph, there is NO information about _ _ _ _.
a) b) c) d)


1. 3. Fill in the blank according to the table below.

Amy’s To-Do List on Weekdays Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Return Help dad Pay the Mow the Free /
Let’s Get Together the in the bills lawn day off
books garage
Hi there, to the
We are getting together again on the 2nd August 2019 to library
celebrate the 25th anniversary of our graduation. You can
join alone or with your family members. The dinner will be Amy: I am so bored with my responsibilities.
followed by music and entertainment. The fee for kids is Alex: Do you have to do them? How about going out on
€ 20 and € 50 for adults. I am looking forward to seeing Friday?
you and our old friends again. Hope you can make it.
Take care! Amy: Let me check. Well, _ _ _.
For reservations and further information, please contact Which of the following COMPLETES the dialogue
Susan Walker. according to Amy’s tasks?
0044 20 123 45 46 a) I can’t make it because I have other plans
b) thanks for asking but I must help my parents
c) I have nothing to do that day
d) I would be happy if you can come over and help
me mow the lawn
Which of the following is INCORRECT according to the
4. Linda: What do you think about the _ _ _ _ of science
a) It is reunion party. and technology?
b) Alexandra is the only invitee. Mark: Technology is dominating every single part of our
c) Jenny will attend the party. lives. We have different entertainment tools such as
d) It costs € 120 for a couple and a child. computers, online games, smartphones and digital
television platforms. The world has become a better
place with science and technology.
Which of the following COMPLETES the conversation?
a) pros b) cons
c) disadvantages d) harms

5. Kite-boarding is an action sport combining aspects of

wakeboarding, snowboarding, windsurfing, surfing,
paragliding, skateboarding and sailing into one extreme
2. My name is Maria and I study 8th grade in London, sport. A kite-boarder uses the power of the wind with a
England. I always have to get up early on school days large controllable power kite pushed across the water, land,
because I walk to school. After school, I usually come home or snow.
and have a rest for a while. Then I play games online and Which of the following is the extreme sport mentioned
chat with my close friends. I hang out with my classmates above?
three times a week. We love trendy clothes so we like going
to the mall and buying fashionable clothes for ourselves. a) b)

According to the text, what does Maria have in common

with her buddies?
a) They like similar snacks. c) d)
b) They don’t get on well with each other.
c) They aren’t into fashion.
d) They are fond of shopping.


6. Fill in the blank according to the table below. 8. Sally: Pasta is a worldwide famous dish. Nearly all
nations cook and love it but they have different recipes.
History of Communication I like my grandma’s recipe; pasta with garlic sauce. You
need fettuccine (a kind of pasta), olive oil, 2 tomatoes, a
Ways of communication Period small onion, 3 cloves of garlic, a tablespoon of butter and
Smoke Signals 1800 BC black pepper. First, boil some water in a saucepan and put
some salt and oil in it. Then, add pasta to the saucepan and
Messenger Birds 12th century cook it for ten minutes and rinse it with water. For the
Printing Machine 15th century sauce; peel and dice the tomatoes, onion and garlic. It is
very important to peel them. Heat the pan and put two
Telegraph 18th century spoons of butter in it. Add all the ingredients and cook for
First Telephone 19th century ten minutes. Put the sauce on top and serve immediately.

Communication_ _ _ _. In this recipe, there is NO information about _ _ _ _.

a) the process b) ingredients
a) improved with the development of technology c) cooking tips d) types of pasta
b) has never affected people’s lives
c) has come to an end
d) gets worse after the 17th century Answer the questions (9-10) according to the passage

Join Our Extreme Sports Festival

7. Fill in the blank according to the table.
• Four-day camp in Antalya
According to research, accommodation prices are not • For teenagers between 14-17
really cheap for many tourists. The graphic shows the • Accommodation and catering included
average high season prices of types of accommodation in • Equipment included
Antalya in 2019. • The most fascinating sports
- Parasailing 0 TL
- Bungee Jumping 45
- Skydiving
For more information:

9. Which of the following sports is NOT included in the

camping program?
a) b)
( )

All-inclusive Boutique Hotels Bed and Breakfast

Hotels Hotels Hotels
c) d)
Staying in an all-inclusive hotel in Bodrum is _ _ _ _.

a) cheaper than any accommodation in Fethiye

b) less expensive than in Marmaris
c) is the most popular type of accommodation in 10. In the poster, there is NO information about the
Turkey _ _ _ _.
d) more expensive than the others except for the a) food b) fee
one in Antalya c) equipment d) instructors

Unit 1 - Friendship Invitation Card -Sentence Completion
Unit 2 - Teen Life Table-Plans-Dialogue Completion
Unit 3 - In the Kitchen Recipe -Picture Identification, Matching
Unit 7 - Tourism Brochure -Comprehension

Unit 3 - In the Kitchen Recipe -Picture Identification, Matching -Sentence Completion
Unit 2 - Teen Life Research Results -Choosing the Correct Option-Comprehension
Unit 4 - On the Phone Dialogue Completion

Unit 3 - In the Kitchen Dialogue Completion
Unit 5 - The Internet Table -Sentence Completion
Unit 5 - The Internet Finding the suitable title for a text
Sentence Completion according to a text
Unit 6 - Adventures Brochure-Comprehension
Unit 1 - Friendship Invitation Card - Sentence Completion
Unit 4 - On the Phone Dialogue Completion
Unit 5 - The Internet Dialogue Completion on Internet Security

Unit 9 - Science Sentence Completion
Unit 5 - The Internet Picture Identification, Matching
Unit 6 - Adventures Text -Sentence Completion
Unit 6 - Adventures Text -Picture Identification, Matching

Unit 7 - Tourism Text -Picture Identification, Matching
Unit 7 - Tourism Text-Sentence Completion
Unit 7 - Tourism Website -Sentence Completion
Unit 6 - Adventures Text -Choosing the Option that is/isn’t mentioned

Unit 8 - Chores Text -Choosing the Correct Option
Unit 5 - The Internet Table -Sentence Completion
Unit 6 - Adventures Comprehension -Choosing the Incorrect Option
Unit 7 - Tourism Website -Comprehension
Unit 8 - Chores Table-Sentence Completion

Unit 9 - Science Finding the Main Idea
Unit 8 - Chores Graphics -Sentence Completion
Unit 8 - Chores Choosing the Correct Option
Unit 8 - Chores Table-Sentence Completion
Unit 10 - Natural Forces Table-Sentence Completion, Vocabulary

The types of Sample Questions for LGS

• According to the saying on the card, - - - -.
• Answer questions 1 -2 according to the invitation card – text - Larissa’s plans – brochure – recipe
conversation – dialogue - telephone screen below.
• Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue.
• Complete the sentence according to the information on the website.
• Complete the sentence.
• Fill in the blank according to the information above.
• Fill in the blank with the appropriate word.
• Look at the visuals and read the text. Answer questions 3-4 according to them.
• On the website, you can find information about - - - -.
• There is no information about - - - -.
• We can understand from the text that - - - -.
• What can/could be the best title for the text?
• What is Martin’s favorite extreme sport?
• What is the main idea of the text?
• Which cannot be one of the questions in the questionnaire?
• Which city should he go to?
• Which icon should Frank click?
• Which of the following is correct according to the information?
• Which of the following is not correct according to the information?
• Which of the following completes the dialogue?
• Which option best completes the sentence?
• Which picture shows the step after mixing the ingredients?
• Which question DOES Jack NOT ask Carlos?
• Which question is not answered in the text?
• Which sentence can be correct according to the research results?
• Which tool will not Charlotte use while baking the brownie?
The Question Types in 2019 LGS
1. According to the information above, who thinks Tim is a dishonest friend?
2. Which of the following chores should Jane finish before her mother comes home?
3. Fill in the blank according to the invitation/table below.
4. Which of the following DOES NOT complete the conversation?
5. Choose the book that both David and Martin will enjoy reading.
6. Which of the following questions DOES Gary NOT ask Michael?
7. Which of the following is CORRECT according to the results?
8. In this paragraph, there is NO information about _ _ _.
9. According to the results, which of the following is CORRECT?
10. Which of the following steps DOES NOT match with one of the pictures above?
The Question Types in 2018 LGS
1. Which place would she prefer to visit?
2. Which picture shows the last step of the recipe?
3. Which picture shows the activity that Sam prefers doing?
4. Which picture shows a chore in Jane’s to-do list?
5. Answer the questions (9 -10) according to the passage below.



Here are the vocabulary lists of official LGS Exams in 2019, 2020, and 2021.
(Arranged according to the appearance in LGS Exams.)

2019 2020 2021

1. Similar 30. Parachute 1. Comment 32. Heat 1. Accept 28. Order
2. Interest 31. Researchers 2. Back up 33. Onion 2. Invitation 29. Scientific
3. Cool 32. Teenager 3. Get on well 34. Meal 3. Awesome 30. Invention
4. Tell the truth 33. Adult 4. Count on 35. Pour 4. Join 31. Experiment
5. Information 34. Prefer 5. Share 36. Fry 5. Another 32. Century
6. Honest 35. Result 6. Secret 37. Mixture 6. Come over 33. Achievement
7. Trip 36. Transportation 7. Call center 38. Minute 7. Conversation 34. Similar
8. Can’t stand 37. Among 8. Customer 39. Dice 8. Event 35. Topic
9. Dirty 38. Travel 9. Solve 40. Steps 9. Visit 36. Poem
10. Dish 39. Scientist 10. Contact 41. Recipe 10. Bring 37. Traditional
11. Chore 40. Different 11. Call 42. Change place 11. Guest 38. History
12. Chemistry 41. Language 12. Team 43. Conversation 12. Own 39. Transportation
13. Exam 42. Achievement 13. Statement 44. Order 13. Kind 40. Possible
14. History 43. During 14. While 45. Process 14. Steak 41. Prefer
15. Physics 44. Invent 15. Each other 46. Tell 15. Minute 42. Blog
16. Hold on a 45. Relative 16. Rules 47. Match 16. Ingredients 43. Famous
moment 46. Early ages 17. Too much 48. Together 17. Recipe 44. Trendy
17. I’ll get him 47. Nearly 18. During 49. Properly 18. Need 45. Comment
18. Conversation 48. Spend 19. Black pepper 50. Broken 19. How long 46. Visual
19. Speak 49. Delicious 20. Soup 51. Bought (buy) 20. Chores 47. Amazing
20. Decide 50. Dessert 21. Hate 52. Meet 21. Responsibility 48. Experience
21. Discuss 51. Flour 22. Add 53. Join 22. Loading the 49. Both
22. Personal 52. Saucepan 23. Sugar 54. Date dishwasher 50. Challenging
interest 53. Heat 24. Cookies 55. Event 23. Iron the 51. Exciting
23. Health 54. Mixture 25. Use 56. Send clothes 52. Look for
24. Rule 55. Stir 26. Sour 57. Bring 24. Make the 53. Dangerous
25. Paragliding 56. Peel 27. Sweet 58. Survey bed 54. Without
26. Scenery 57. Chop 28. Spicy 59. Habit 25. Take the dog 55. Helmet
27. Fascinating 58. Small pieces 29. Salty 60. Adult for a walk 56. Safety
28. Twice a 59. Pour 30. Oil 61. Teenager 26. Leave a 57. Follow
week 60. Mixture 31. Pan message 58. Account
29. Helmet 61. Bowl 27. Call back


1. Achievement 9. Comment 17. History 24. Order 31. Spend
2. Add 10. Conversation 18. Join 25. Pour 32. Teenager
3. Adult 11. During 19. Meet 26. Prefer 33. Tell
4. Blog 12. Event 20. Minute 27. Recipe 34. Transportation
5. Bowl 13. Exciting 21. Mixture 28. Rule 35. Trendy
6. Bring 14. Fascinating 22. Oil 29. Similar 36. Trip
7. Call 15. Heat 23. Onion 30. Small pieces 37. Visit
8. Chore 16. Helmet

Common Vocabulary List for Unit 1 Common Vocabulary List for Unit 2 Common Vocabulary List for Unit 3
1. Accept: Kabul etmek 1. Appropriate: Uygun 1. Add: Eklemek
2. Apologize: Özür dilemek 2. Campfire: Kamp ateşi 2. Bake: Fırında pişirmek, fırınlamak
3. Argue: Tartışmak 3. Can’t stand: Tahammül 3. Bitter: Acı
4. Attend: Katılmak edememek 4. Boil: Kaynatmak, haşlamak
5. Awesome: Müthiş, harika 4. Casual: Günlük 5. Bowl: Kâse
6. Back up: Desteklemek, arka 5. During: Esnasında, boyunca 6. Butter: Tereyağı
çıkmak 6. Energetic: Enerjik, hareketli 7. Chop: Kıymak, ince doğramak
7. Bring: Getirmek 7. Free time: Boş vakit 8. Cover: Kapatmak, örtmek
8. Call: Aramak 8. Harmonic: Uyumlu, melodik 9. Dice: Küp küp doğramak
9. Celebrate: Kutlamak 9. Healthy: Sağlıklı 10. Dough: Hamur
10. Chance: Şans 10. Impressive: Etkileyici 11. Flour: Un
11. Classmates: Sınıf arkadaşları 11. Meal: Yemek 12. Fry: Kızartmak
12. Come over: Uğramak 12. Ordinary: Sıradan 13. Garlic: Sarımsak
13. Count on: Güvenmek 13. Prefer: Tercih etmek 14. Grill: Izgarada pişirmek
14. Discuss: Tartışmak 14. Realistic: Gerçekçi 15. Heat: Isıtmak
15. Enemy: Düşman 15. Regular: Düzenli 16. Homemade: Ev yapımı
16. Event: Olay, aktivite, etkinlik 16. Respect: Saygı duymak 17. Ingredient: İçerik, malzeme
17. Fair: Adil, dürüst 17. Ridiculous: Saçma, gülünç 18. Mash: Püre yapmak, ezmek
18. Get on well with: İyi 18. Serious: Ciddi 19. Meat: Et
geçinmek 19. Snob: Kendini beğenmiş, burnu 20. Mix: Karıştırmak, çırpmak
19. Honest: Dürüst havada 21. Mixture: Karışım
20. Include: İçermek 20. State: Söylemek, beyan etmek 22. Oil: Sıvı yağ
21. Invitation: Davetiye 21. Teen: 13-19 yaş aralığındaki genç 23. Onion: Soğan
22. Invite: Davet etmek 22. Teenager: 13-19 yaş aralığındaki 24. Peel: Kabuğunu soymak
23. Join: Katılmak genç 25. Pour: Sıvı bir şeyi dökmek
24. Letter: Mektup 23. Terrific: Müthiş, harika 26. Prepare: Hazırlamak
25. Miss: Kaçırmak 24. Title: Başlık 27. Process: Süreç
26. Offer: Teklif, teklif etmek 25. Topic: Konu 28. Provide: Sağlamak
27. Order: Sipariş vermek 26. Training: Antrenman, eğitim 29. Recipe: Yemek tarifi
28. Pick up: Almak 27. Trekking: Dağ yürüyüşü 30. Rice: Pirinç
29. Prepare: Hazırlamak 28. Trendy: Modaya uygun 31. Roll: Sarmak, yuvarlamak
30. Refuse: Reddetmek 29. Unbearable: Dayanılmaz, 32. Salty: Tuzlu
31. Relaxed: Rahat, huzurlu tahammül edilemez 33. Slice: Dilimlemek
32. Response: Cevap 34. Sour: Ekşi
33. Secret: Sır 35. Spicy: Baharatlı
34. Sender: Gönderen 36. Spread: Sürmek, yaymak
35. Share: Paylaşmak 37. Sprinkle: Serpiştirmek
36. Spend time: Vakit geçirmek 38. Squeeze: Suyunu sıkmak
37. Ticket: Bilet
38. Together: Birlikte
39. Trust: Güvenmek
40. Truth: Gerçek


Common Vocabulary List for Unit 4 Common Vocabulary List for Unit 5
1. Appointment: Randevu 1. Access: Bağlanmak, erişmek 44. Reliable: Güvenilir
2. Available: Müsait, uygun 2. Account: Hesap 45. Reply: Cevaplamak
3. Bad line: Kötü hat 3. Adult: Yetişkin 46. Request: İstek, rica etmek
4. Book: Rezervasyon yaptırmak, yer 4. ASAP (as soon as possible): 47. Research: Araştırmak, araştırma
ayırtmak Mümkün olan en kısa sürede 48. Safe: Güvenli
5. Call center: Çağrı merkezi 5. Attach: Eklemek, iliştirmek 49. Screen: Ekran
6. Caller: Arayan 6. Attachment: Eklenti 50. Search engine: Arama motoru
7. Change: Değiştirmek 7. Average: Ortalama 51. Search: Araştırmak
8. Communication: İletişim 8. Blogging: Blog yazmak 52. Sign in: Oturum açmak
9. Connect: Bağlamak, iletişim 9. Browse: Taramak 53. Sign up: Kaydolmak
sağlamak 10. Browser: Tarayıcı 54. Smartphone: Akıllı telefon
10. Decision: Karar 11. Button: Buton, düğme 55. Subscriber: Abone, katılımcı
11. Dial: Tuşlamak 12. Certainly: Kesinlikle 56. Surf: Sörf yapmak, internette
12. Engaged: Meşgul 13. Click: Tıklamak gezinmek
13. Hang on: Beklemek 14. Comment: Yorum yapmak 57. Survey: Araştırma, anket
14. Hang up: Telefonu kapatmak 15. Communication: İletişim 58. Upload: Yüklemek
15. Hold on: Beklemek 16. Confirm: Onaylamak 59. Web browser: İnternet tarayıcısı
16. Keep in touch: İrtibatta kalmak 17. Connection: Bağlantı 60. Website: İnternet sitesi
17. Leave a message: Mesaj bırakmak 18. Delete: Silmek 61. Worldwide: Dünya çapında
18. Meet up: Buluşmak 19. Device: Alet, cihaz
19. One by one: Sırayla, tek tek 20. Download: İndirmek
20. Online: Çevrimiçi 21. Equipment: Ekipman, malzeme
21. Pick up: Telefonu açmak 22. Face to face: Yüz yüze
22. Put through: Telefonu aktarmak, 23. File: Dosya
bağlamak 24. Foreign: Yabancı
23. Receiver: Aranan, alıcı 25. Graduate: Mezun olmak
24. Reserve: Yer ayırtmak 26. Habit: Alışkanlık
25. Scared: Korkmuş 27. Keep in touch with: İletişim
26. Social network: Sosyal ağlar kurmak
27. Take a message: Mesajı almak, 28. Location: Yer, konum
yazmak 29. Log in/on: Giriş yapmak
28. Text: Mesaj göndermek 30. Log out/off: Çıkış yapmak
29. Ticket: Bilet 31. Mostly: Çoğunlukla
30. Useful: Faydalı 32. Nearly: Neredeyse
33. Necessary: Gerekli
34. Network: Ağ
35. Obey: Uymak
36. Offline: Çevrim dışı
37. Online shopping: İnternetten
alışveriş yapmak
38. Online: Çevrim içi
39. Password: Şifre
40. Properly: Düzgünce, uygun olarak
41. Purpose: Amaç
42. Questionnaire: Anket
43. Register: Kayıt olmak


Common Vocabulary List for Unit 6 Common Vocabulary List for Unit 7 59. Sightseeing: Çevre gezisi
60. Square: Meydan
1. Accident: Kaza 1. Accommodation: Konaklama 61. Structure: Yapı
2. Adventure: Macera 2. All-inclusive resort: Her şey dahil 62. Suppose: Varsaymak
otel 63. Temple complex: Tapınak
3. Amazing: Büyüleyici 3. Ancient: Eski, antik
4. Amusing: Eğlenceli 4. Architecture: Mimari kompleksi
5. Area: Alan 64. Tourist attractions: Turist yerler
5. Back up: Desteklemek 65. Traditional dishes: Geleneksel
6. Attractive: Çekici
6. Boring: Sıkıcı 7. Authentic: Otantik yemekler
7. Caving: Mağaracılık 8. Beach: Plaj 66. Transportation: Ulaşım
8. Challenging: Zorlayıcı 9. Bed and breakfast hotel: Konaklama 67. Travel: Seyahat
ve kahvaltı ücrete dahil otel 68. Under the dominance of:
9. Compare: Karşılaştırmak 10. Black Sea Region: Karadeniz Hâkimiyeti altında
10. Cover: Kaplamak bölgesi 69. Vacation: Tatil
11. Dangerous: Tehlikeli 11. Bridge: Köprü 70. World Heritage List: Dünya Miras
12. Brochure: Broşür Listesi
12. Decide: Karar vermek 13. Camping: Kamp yapma 71. Worldwide: Dünya çapında
13. Entertaining: Eğlenceli 14. Capital: Başkent
14. Exciting: Heyecanlı 15. Caravansaries: Kervansaraylar Common Vocabulary List for Unit 8
16. Castle: Kale
15. Extreme sports: Macera sporları 17. Cave: Mağara 1. A piece of: Bir parça
16. Fascinating: Büyüleyici 18. Cheap: Ucuz 2. Advice: Tavsiye
17. Guess: Tahmin etmek 19. Climate: İklim 3. Also: Ayrıca
20. Committed no crime: Suça 4. Arrive: Ulaşmak
18. Handmade: El yapımı karışmamış
19. Healthy: Sağlıklı 21. Construct: İnşa etmek 5. As soon as: Derhal, en kısa
22. Countryside: Kırsal kesim zamanda
20. Helmet: Kask 6. Both: Her ikisi de
23. Cruise (vacation): Gemi tatili
21. Improve: Geliştirmek 24. Cultural: Kültürel 7. Characteristic: Özellik
22. Indoor: Kapalı alan, içerisi 25. Destination: Varış yeri 8. Feature: Özellik
23. Inexpensive: Ucuz 26. Different: Farklı 9. Chores: Ev işleri
27. Exchange: Değiştirmek 10. Clean the kitchen: Mutfağı
24. Interesting: İlginç 28. Exciting: Heyecanlı temizlemek
25. Kayaking: Kano sporu yapmak 29. Exotic: Egzotik 11. Clean up the house: Evi
26. Keep: Tutmak 30. Eye-catching: Göz alıcı temizlemek
31. Famous for: Bir şeyiyle ünlü olmak 12. Complete: Tamamlamak
27. Knife: Bıçak 32. Fascinating: Büyüleyici 13. Daily: Günlük
28. Moreover: Bunun yanı sıra 33. Folk dance: Halk dansı, halk 14. Decorate: Dekorasyon
29. Move: Hareket etmek oyunları 15. Depend on: Bağlı olmak
34. Foreign country: Yabancı ülke
30. Movement: Hareket 35. Forest: Orman 16. Disturb: Rahatsız etmek
31. Mysterious: Gizemli 36. Guess: Tahmin etmek 17. Do the chores: Ev işlerini yapmak
32. Nature: Doğa 37. Guide: Rehber 18. Do the grocery shopping: Bakkal
38. Historic sites: Tarihi yerler alışverişi yapmak
33. Parachute: Paraşüt 39. Historical: Tarihi 19. Do the laundry: Çamaşır yıkamak
34. Rafting: Rafting 40. Hostel: Pansiyon 20. Dry the dishes: Bulaşıkları
35. Safe: Güvenli 41. Incredible: İnanılmaz kurulamak
42. Island: Ada 21. Dust the furniture/shelves:
36. Scenery: Manzara 43. Journal entries: Günlük girişleri Rafların, mobilyanın tozunu almak
37. Scientist: Bilim adamı 44. Location: Konum 22. Each: Her biri
38. Skydiver: Gökyüzü dalışçısı 45. Moreover: Dahası, bunun yanı sıra 23. Empty the dishwasher: Bulaşık
46. Mosque: Cami makinesini boşaltmak
39. Skydiving: Gökyüzü dalışı 47. Mountain: Dağ
40. Special: Özel 48. Museum: Müze 24. Enjoyable: Eğlenceli
41. Sportsman: Sporcu 49. Palace: Saray 25. Enter: Girmek
50. Pension: Pansiyon 26. Everyone: Herkes
42. Suppose: Varsaymak 51. Pleasure: Zevk 27. Excited: Heyecanlı
43. Wind: Rüzgâr 52. Population: Nüfus 28. Explain: Açıklamak
44. Wing: Kanat 53. Preserve: Korumak 29. Family members: Aile üyeleri
54. Price: Fiyat 30. Favorite: Favori
55. Recreation: Eğlence 31. Feeling: Duygu
56. Relaxing: Rahatlatıcı 32. Garden: Bahçe
57. River: Nehir
58. Seaside: Deniz kenarı 33. Get bored: Sıkılmak
34. Graduate: Mezun olmak


35. Guest: Misafir 17. Continuously: Sürekli 17. Different: Farklı

36. Hang out the clothes: Çamaşırları 18. Convey: Araştırma yapmak 18. Disaster: Felaket
asmak 19. Cosmology: Evren Bilim 19. Drought: Kuraklık
37. Household chores: Ev işleri 20. Cover: Kaplamak 20. Dry: Kuru
38. In charge of: Görevi olmak 21. Culture: Kültür 21. Dust: Toz
39. Interest: İlgi 22. Decide: Karar vermek 22. Earth: Dünya
40. Iron the clothes: Kıyafetleri 23. Development: Gelişme 23. Earthquake: Deprem
ütülemek 24. Device: Alet, cihaz 24. Educate: Eğitmek
41. Keep promises: Sözünü tutmak 25. Diagnose: Teşhis etmek 25. Effect: Etki
42. Keep: Tutmak 26. Discussion: Tartışma 26. Enough: Yeterli
43. Leave home for school: Okula 35. Happen: Olmak 27. Entire: Tamamı, bütünü
gitmek için evden ayrılmak 36. Healthy: Sağlıklı 28. Environment: Çevre
44. Library: Kütüphane 37. Hear: Duymak 29. Erosion: Erozyon
45. Load the dishwasher: Bulaşık 38. Image: İmge, görüntü 30. Erupt: Püskürmek
makinesini doldurmak 39. Improve: Geliştirmek 31. Experience: Deneyim
46. Make bed: Yatak yapmak 40. Insert: Yerleştirmek 32. Explain: Açıklamak
47. Materials: Malzemeler 41. International: Uluslararası 33. Extreme: Aşırı
48. Necessary: Gerekli 42. Invent: İcat etmek 34. Flood: Sel
49. Obligation: Zorunluluk 43. Invention: Buluş, icat 35. Forest: Orman
50. On time: Vaktinde 44. Inventor: Mucit 36. Glacier: Buzul
51. Poem: Şiir 45. Lab: Laboratuvar 37. Global warming: Küresel ısınma
52. Preparation: Hazırlık 46. Living structure: Canlı yapı 38. Government: Hükümet
53. Questionnaire: Anket 47. Managed to: Başarmak 39. Happen: Olmak
54. Raise hand: El kaldırmak 48. Medical: Tıbbi 40. Hit: Vurmak
55. Respectful: Saygılı 49. Medicine: İlaç 41. Huge: Büyük
56. Responsibility: Sorumluluk 50. Microscope: Mikroskop 42. Hurricane: Kasırga
57. Responsible for: Bir şeyden 51. Mosquito: Sivrisinek 43. Injure: Yaralanmak
sorumlu olmak 52. Operate: Ameliyat etmek, işletmek 44. Land: Toprak
58. Rules: Kurallar 53. Physics: Fizik 45. Landslide: Toprak kayması
59. Send: Göndermek 54. Possible: Mümkün 46. Lightning: Şimşek
60. Set the table: Masayı kurmak 55. Prize: Ödül 47. Local: Yerel
61. Take care of: Bakımını üstlenmek 56. Research: Araştırma 48. Magnitude: Şiddet
62. Take off: Çıkartmak 57. Researcher: Araştırmacı 49. Melt: Eritmek
63. Take out the garbage/trash: Çöpü 58. Scientific : Bilimsel 50. Natural forces: Doğal güçler
çıkartmak 59. Scientist: Bilim adamı 51. Occur: Meydana gelmek
64. Task : Görev 60. Signal: İşaret, sinyal 52. Oxygen: Oksijen
65. Tidy up: Düzenlemek 61. Solar gravity: Güneş çekimi 53. Planet: Gezegen
66. Title: Başlık 62. Space: Uzay 54. Pollute: Kirletmek
67. Together: Beraber 63. Step: Basamak, adım 55. Precaution: Önlem
68. Vacuum the floor: Yerleri 64. Successful: Başarılı 56. Prediction: Tahmin
süpürmek 65. Test tube: Test tüpü 57. Probable: Olası, muhtemel
69. Wash the dishes: Bulaşıkları 66. Theoretical: Teorik 58. Protect: Korumak
yıkamak 67. Theory of relativity: İzafiyet teorisi 59. Reach: Ulaşmak
70. Water the plants: Bitkileri sulamak 68. Tool: Araç 60. Reason: Sebep
71. Worried: Endişeli 69. Various: Çeşitli 61. Recyclable: Geri dönüştürülebilir
62. Rescue: Kurtarmak
Common Vocabulary List for Unit 9 Common Vocabulary List for Unit 10 63. Rubbish: Çöp
64. Save: Korumak
1. Also: Ayrıca 1. Absolutely: Kesinlikle 65. Serious: Ciddi
2. Another: Bir başka 2. Active Volcano: Aktif volkan 66. Storm: Fırtına
3. Award: Ödül 3. Affect: Etkilemek 67. Surface: Yüzey
4. Biological: Biyolojik 4. Atmosphere: Atmosfer 68. Survivor: Hayatta kalan
5. Cancer: Kanser 5. Avalanche: Çığ 69. Take place: Yer almak
6. Cell: Hücre 6. Cause: Sebep 70. Threat: Tehdit
7. Century: Yüzyıl 7. Climate Change: İklim değişikliği 71. Tornado: Hortum, fırtına
8. Chemistry: Kimya 8. Coast: Kıyı 72. Trash: Çöp
9. Choose: Seçmek 9. Common: Ortak 73. Tsunami: Tsunami
10. Common: Ortak 10. Consist of: Oluşmak 74. Volcano: Volkan, yanardağ
11. Compass: Pusula 11. Contamination: Kirlilik 75. Waste: Atık
12. Competition: Yarışma 12. Create: Yaratmak 76. Water shortage: Su sıkıntısı
13. Completely: Tam olarak 13. Cut down: Kesmek
14. Condition: Durum 14. Damage: Zarar vermek
15. Conduct an experiment: Bir deney 15. Danger: Tehlike
yapmak 16. Deforestation: Ormanları yok
16. Container: Kap etme


TEST 1: 1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.C
TEST 2: 1.A 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.D
TEST 3: 1.C 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.B 8.D 9.D 10.A
TEST 4: 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.A
TEST 5: 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.C
QUIZ1-MASTERMIND: 1.A 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.A 16.B 17.A 18.B 19.B 20.D 21.D
22.D 23.B 24.D 25.C
QUIZ2-UPSWING: 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.B 6.D 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.C 11.D 12.D 13.C 14.B 15.A 16.C 17.C 18.C 19.C 20.D 21.D 22.C
23.B 24.B 25.A

TEST 1: 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.B
TEST 2: 1.D 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.D 8.D 9.D 10.B
TEST 3: 1.A 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.D 9.D 10.A
TEST 4: 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.A
TEST 5: 1.A 2.A 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.D
QUIZ1-MASTERMIND: 1.D 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.B 11.A 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.B 16.D 17.B 18.D 19.D 20.A 21.A
22.D 23.B 24.C 25.C
QUIZ2-UPSWING: 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.D 11.C 12.B 13.D 14.A 15.A 16.D 17.B 18.B 19.A 20.D 21.B 22.C
23.B 24.C 25.C

TEST 1: 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.A
TEST 2: 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.D
TEST 3: 1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.A 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.B
TEST 4: 1.D 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.B 8.B 9.D 10.A
TEST 5: 1.D 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.C
QUIZ1-MASTERMIND: 1.B 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.B 11.D 12.A 13.C 14.D 15.C 16.B 17.B 18.A 19.B 20.C 21.D 22.B
23.D 24.B 25.C
QUIZ2-UPSWING: 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.A 11.C 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.D 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.A 21.B 22.C
23.C 24.A 25.B

TEST 1: 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.D 9.B 10.D
TEST 2: 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.B
TEST 3: 1.C 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.C 7.D 8.D 9.B 10.A
TEST 4: 1.C 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.B
TEST 5: 1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.D 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.C
QUIZ1-MASTERMIND: 1.C 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.C 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.D 15.D 16.A 17.D 18.A 19.A 20.D 21.C 22.B
23.B 24.B 25.D
QUIZ2-UPSWING: 1.A 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.A 11.A 12.C 13.D 14.A 15.B 16.B 17.A 18.C 19.A 20.C 21.A 22.B
23.A 24.B 25.D


TEST 1: 1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.A
TEST 2: 1.A 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.A 9.D 10.B
TEST 3: 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.A 10.C
TEST 4: 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.B 10.D
TEST 5: 1.A 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.D
QUIZ1-MASTERMIND: 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.D 10.C 11.A 12.D 13.C 14.C 15.D 16.B 17.B 18.C 19.C 20.B 21.C 22.D
23.D 24.C 25.C
QUIZ2-UPSWING: 1.D 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.C 7.C 8.C 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.D 13.A 14.A 15.C 16.A 17.D 18.B 19.A 20.C 21.B 22.D
23.C 24.D 25.A

TEST 1: 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.C 9.D 10.C
TEST 2: 1.A 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.D 7.A 8.A 9.C 10.B
TEST 3: 1.D 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.D
TEST 4: 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.D 9.A 10.A
TEST 5: 1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.D
QUIZ1-MASTERMIND: 1.D 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.B 9.B 10.D 11.A 12.A 13.D 14.B 15.C 16.A 17.B 18.D 19.B 20.B 21.A
22.B 23.C 24.C 25.C
QUIZ2-UPSWING: 1.C 2.D 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.A 11.A 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.A 17.A 18.A 19.A 20.B 21.B 22.C
23.C 24.A 25.B

TEST 1: 1.A 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.B
TEST 2: 1.A 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.A
TEST 3: 1.B 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.C
TEST 4: 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.A 10.C
TEST 5: 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.C
QUIZ1-MASTERMIND: 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.B 11.B 12.C 13.C 14.C 15.B 16.C 17.B 18.D 19.B 20.B 21.B 22.B
23.B 24.A 25.C
QUIZ2-UPSWING: 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.B 11.C 12.B 13.D 14.B 15.B 16.C 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.D 21.D 22.A
23.B 24.A 25.A

TEST 1: 1.B 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.C 9.B 10.D
TEST 2: 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.A
TEST 3: 1.D 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.D 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.B
TEST 4: 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.A 9.C 10.C
TEST 5: 1.A 2.D 3.D 4.B 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.B
QUIZ1-MASTERMIND: 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.C 11.A 12.D 13.A 14.C 15.D 16.A 17.B 18.A 19.A 20.D 21.C 22.C
23.C 24.B 25.A
QUIZ2-UPSWING: 1.B 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.B 11.A 12.D 13.D 14.C 15.B 16.A 17.D 18.A 19.B 20.A 21.B 22.B
23.B 24.D 25.D


TEST 1: 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.C 9.B 10.D
TEST 2: 1.A 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.A
TEST 3: 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.D 9.D 10.B
TEST 4: 1.A 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.A
TEST 5: 1.D 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.D
QUIZ1-MASTERMIND: 1.D 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.A 11.C 12.D 13.D 14.A 15.A 16.B 17.A 18.A 19.D 20.D 21.A
22.B 23.C 24.A 25.D
QUIZ2-UPSWING: 1.C 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.C 10.C 11.B 12.A 13.A 14.A 15.A 16.B 17.C 18.D 19.C 20.D 21.C 22.D
23.A 24.D 25.C

TEST 1: 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.D
TEST 2: 1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.A
TEST 3: 1.A 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.D
TEST 4: 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.B
TEST 5: 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.D 7.D 8.B 9.B 10.A
QUIZ1-MASTERMIND: 1.D 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.A 11.C 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.D 16.C 17.D 18.D 19.B 20.A 21.A
22.C 23.B 24.A 25.C
QUIZ2-UPSWING: 1.C 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.D 7.A 8.A 9.C 10.D 11.A 12.D 13.D 14.D 15.C 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.C 20.A 21.B 22.C
23.D 24.B 25.B

1.C 2.D 3.C 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.D
1.D 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.C 9.B 10.D
1.D 2.D 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.D
1.B 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.D
1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.D 9.B 10.D


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