Lawrentian VOL. CXLI NO. 1

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The Student Newspaper of Lawrence University Since 1884

VOL. CXLI NO. 1 Appleton, Wisconsin April 8, 2022

Lawrence becomes a Mask Friendly campus as cases drop

Sophia Schultz decrease in viral activity on campus
News Co-Editor and in the surrounding community, as
well as the Lawrence University com-
Lawrence University transi- munity’s vaccination rate, which is
tioned to being a Mask Friendly cam- over 90% for students and employees,
pus on Thursday, Mar. 17, as stated in according to Scott.
an email that the Lawrence Pandemic The Pledge, however, does indi-
Planning Team (LPPT) sent out to the cate that students will participate in
campus community on Friday, Mar. 4. testing as required, which would cover
Being a Mask Friendly campus means testing as part of LPPT’s contact trac-
that masks can be worn by anyone at ing process and surveillance testing if
any time on campus but are not uni- it is reimplemented.
versally required. However, faculty, “As we have done throughout
employees, students and meeting/ the pandemic, our community contin-
event organizers may choose to re- ues to rely on individuals making deci-
quire masks in their individual spaces. sions for the good of the community,”
Along with being in alignment Scott said.
with current CDC guidance, LPPT Scott also stated that students
used the decrease in viral activity both are encouraged to test for COVID-19 if
on campus and in the surrounding they are experiencing any symptoms.
community to adjust its mitigation LPPT did, however, require rapid
strategies and become a Mask Friend- testing on Monday, Mar. 28, the day
ly campus, Vice President for Commu- after students returned from spring
nications and LPPT member Megan break. Out of the 1,020 students who
Scott said. were tested, one individual tested pos- Students in Kaplan’s Café following the new masking guidelines.
While all members of the Law- itive for COVID-19. Photo by Alana Melvin.

rence Community are still expected As a result, LPPT decided to shift Senior Brandon Danowski likes derstand why the campus community was more concerning to them than the
to follow the Lawrence Campus Com- from Yellow Light status to Green the new policy and is no longer wear- needed to get vaccinated when mask removal of the university’s mask man-
munity Pledge, which outlines guide- Light status starting on Monday, Apr. ing a mask around campus. wearing and social distancing were date, though, was LPPT’s decision to
lines that community members must 4. This means that all curricular and “I like having the freedom to not still required, he said. not continue with surveillance testing,
commit to, those guidelines have been co-curricular activities will remain in- have to wear a mask,” Danowski said. “Wasn’t the whole point of get- Thompson said.
updated to reflect the new policy. The person and all academic and admin- “I think that the way we interact with ting vaccinated to have more free- “Anyone who possibly might
Pledge no longer specifically requires istrative buildings, including Mudd people has a lot to do with our facial dom?” Danowski said. have COVID-19, we’re not going to
weekly surveillance testing, in ad- Library, will now be open to the public expressions and I think that behind Unlike Danowski, first year Lil- know about it until it’s too late to re-
dition to no longer requiring mask without key card access from 8 a.m.–5 a mask, it’s hard to interpret the way lian Thompson continues to wear ally catch it,” Thompson said. “I really
wearing. p.m. Monday through Friday. someone says something or how they their mask in their classes and was would have felt a lot more comfortable
LPPT has decided to not use Some students are choosing to feel about something.” surprised by the university’s decision not wearing a mask if we still had test-
weekly surveillance testing due to the keep wearing their mask and other Before, Danowski did not un- to remove its mask mandate. What ing.”
students are choosing not to.

President’s Ball to return Saturday

Marzuka Amal Since the President’s Ball usually
Staff Writer happens at the end of Winter Carnival
in Winter Term, SOUP has been plan-
The President’s Ball, an annual, ning it for months, explained Jidaan.
long-standing Lawrence tradition, is “Moving it seems to have worked
coming back in full capacity this Sat- out for us perfectly, as students can
urday, Apr. 9 from 8 p.m. to 12 a.m. in now go into this knowing the COVID
the Somerset room at the Warch Cam- situation on campus is much better,”
pus Center. Student Organization for Jidaan said. “We went all out with the
University Planning (SOUP) is hosting decorations, and one can expect the
the festivities. night to be nothing short of magical.”
In accordance with Lawrence SOUP co-president and first-year
University’s latest masking policies, Lillian Thompson also expressed her
the event is mask friendly, making it enthusiasm and suggested that stu-
the first big-scale event since 2020 dents come early. There will be many
where students will not be masked. different varieties of food, but it is all
SOUP is expecting 1000 students to going to be on a first-come, first-serve
attend, according to SOUP co-presi- basis. If students want to eat, they
dent and junior Taeen Jidaan. should come early, Thompson said.
The theme of this year’s ball is “As a first-year student, I am
Enchanted Forest, with a 360-degree eagerly waiting to experience my first
photo booth, decorations, finger food President’s Ball,” Thompson said. “I
and a mocktail bar. The music will can’t wait to interact with the Presi-
consist of variation between a big band dent and meet all the students that
and a DJ, with a surprise swing dance will attend.”

Sports Variety Features A&E Op-Ed


Heaviest boxing Spring break photo Pop the Bubble: park

Dear LU administration Not a future scientist
match in history feature edition
2 NEWS April 8, 2022

Greenfire and LU Environmental Org to host thrifting event

Elizabeth Rienstra shirts and pants. having fun and being aware feature educational materi-
Web Manager As a club, Greenfire fo- of environmental issues and als regarding sustainability.
cuses on environmental edu- how to combat them. Jensen said there will be a
Greenfire and LU En- cation and justice, according The president of LU table with videos explaining
vironmental Org will be co- to Pavlik. Jensen said the Environmental Org, junior how to repair and repurpose
hosting Thrift-A-Palooza, group also focuses on being Emma Zelles, said that her your clothes. Pavlik added
a free campus-wide clothes sustainable and eco-friendly organization got involved that they will be offering
thrifting event, on Friday, and educating others on with Thrift-A-Palooza after mini sewing kits and iron-
Apr. 8 from 7–9:30 p.m. in those topics. As thrifting is re- a meeting between many of on Greenfire patches. There
the Mead Witter Room on the purposing, Jensen said it’s a the environmental groups on will also be lists of local thrift
second floor of Warch Cam- very sustainable practice that campus. Many of the groups stores where students can do-
pus Center. the group wants to encourage had a similar idea for a thrift- nate their old clothes, as well
Thrift-A-Palooza will in students. ing event because it would as resources for how to get
be run on a first-come, first- “It is not environmen- raise awareness of environ- there.
serve basis, according to co- tally friendly to throw out mental issues during an event Additionally, Thrift-A-
president of Greenfire and clothes because they can be with activities people on cam- Palooza will feature live mu-
sophomore Matthew Pavlik. repurposed in many differ- pus are interested in. sic performed by Lawrence
All clothes will be free to take, ent ways,” Jensen said. “We Greenfire was the first student band The Woebe-
and there is no limit to how really want to encourage peo- out of those groups to plan gones and Lawrence student
many clothes a person can ple to learn to donate their a thrifting event and invited duo Owen Finch and Nate
take. Clothes will be displayed clothes rather than throwing LU Environmental Org to co- Andalman. Clothes donated at the Greenfire Colman loft’s Really Really Free Corner.
on tables and hanging racks, Photo by Alana Melvin.
them out, because they just host with them. Jensen said If the event leaves any
and students can try them on end up in landfills and don’t Greenfire in particular drew leftover clothes behind, Jen-
in the changing rooms next to biodegrade all that quickly.” their inspiration for the event sen hopes to create a perma-
Mead Witter. Certain textiles, such as from the Greenfire loft’s Re- nent thrift store on campus
All clothes at the event polyester, can take hundreds ally Really Free Corner. for students. Zelles is simi-
have been donated by Law- of years to decompose, ac- The Really Really Free larly hoping to hold an ex-
rence students. Greenfire has cording to the BBC. Naturally Corner in Greenfire’s Colman panded version of Thrift-A-
been collecting clothes from occurring textiles, such as loft is a mini thrift store, ac- Palooza late Spring Term or
bins in all the major residence cotton and linen, decompose cording to Jensen. Students early Fall Term 2022 with all
halls for the past month and much faster, sometimes in a can stop by to donate and sorts of items up for grabs in a
a half. Greenfire’s social me- matter of weeks, according to take what they wish, entirely campus-wide garage sale.
dia coordinator, sophomore Vogue Business. free, during the loft’s open “Everyone can get in-
LJ Jensen, said they had col- Pavlik said that Green- door Wednesday night din- volved in environmental is-
lected over 1,000 articles of fire exists on the idea of being ners. Jensen said students sues, but to what degree is
clothing in a wide variety of environmentally conscious were excited about and very different,” Pavlik said.
sizes as of Mar. 31, with an- but recognizes that talking wanted to donate items to the “It’s really easy to just come,
other week of collection still about environmental issues corner, so Greenfire decided listen to some music, and
to go. The group has also col- can be mentally draining. to expand the idea into what grab some clothes.”
lected various types of cloth- Greenfire hopes Thrift-A- became Thrift-A-Palooza. Clothes donated for Thrift-A-Palooza.
ing, from shoes to socks to Palooza is a balance between The event will also
Photo by Alana Melvin.

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April 8, 2022 SPORTS 3

Sean Mclaughlin
Louie Simmons: Death of a legend
steps into becoming a mainstream rep ranges to build the necessary mus- back squat, for example, one should his fair share of controversy. Westside
Staff Writer sport in the United States. So, in his cle mass and density to handle heavier do more than just heavy back squats. Barbell has many a hater, given its
early twenties, Louie moved on from weights. The second phase then uses They should also incorporate box invitation-only system and hardcore
March 24, 2022 marks the end of the Olympic platform to the power medium weights and slightly lower rep squats, speed squats, front squats, training environment. World class
an era in the powerlifting world. Louie rack, beginning to train for the squat, ranges to train quick twitch muscle fi- and more. Another key aspect of the lifters like Brandon Lilly have had
Simmons, pioneer of the conjugate bench, and deadlift. However, in 1973, bers to move heavy loads as fast as pos- conjugate system is the use of elas- harsh words for Louie after leaving his
method, owner of the world-renowned he broke his spine in training, includ- sible. Lastly, the third phase uses very tic bands to add tension, called using gym, with Louie quipping he “simply
Westside Barbell in Columbus, Ohio, ing a full dislocation of the SI joint. heavy weights at very low rep ranges “reverse bands.” Deadlifting from the didn’t want to do the work.” Lifters
and a world-class powerlifter in his This led to his first major contribution to establish top end power under du- floor with bands attached to the bar who did make it in often brought an
own right, died at the age of 74 of a to the world of strength: the reverse ress. The issue Louie found with this and anchored to the floor will ensure intense atmosphere that rubbed com-
heart attack. It would be easy to lump hyper. Once his spine had healed, system of training, however, is that the weight feels heavier and heavier as petitors and fans alike the wrong way
his death in with the many others that Louie put together this piece of exer- by lowering rep totals over time, even it is pulled further from the floor, en- at meets, bringing about a bad repu-
have passed on from the fitness com- cise equipment. It allows for simulta- with higher weights, the total volume suring the athlete has to work harder tation for the gym as a whole for de-
munity this year, like bodybuilder neous contraction of the main muscles drastically decreases, meaning come at the end of the pull, when they are cades. His athletes also only compete
George Peterson or former Mr. Olym- in the posterior chain, including the competition day one’s lifts will be very already the most fatigued.  in equipped divisions, which angers
pia Shawn Rhoden, but to do so would spinal erectors, glutes, hamstrings, hit or miss due to the loss of muscle The results the conjugate method those who prefer the purist form of
be to minimize the earth-shattering etc., while also decompressing the memory that accompanies less repeti- produces speak for its efficacy. The two raw powerlifting. Perhaps the killer
impact Louie has had on the world spine itself. For a firsthand look, visit tion. Further, by breaking up the seg- most impressive and equipped power- blow came in a 2016 interview with
of strength sports. His methods have the free weight room at the Appleton ments of training into three separate lifting totals of all time, Dave Hoff’s Joe Rogan where Louie famously said
produced countless world records YMCA, where one is located. This phases, one can lose progress in one 3014 lbs. total at 308 lbs. bodyweight of drug tested federations, “It’s not
across all age, weight, and gender piece of equipment is now used in dimension as they gain another. So, I and Heidi Howar’s 1500 lbs. total at illegal to take drugs, it’s illegal to get
categories, and professional athletes gyms all across the world, and I can may lose muscle mass gained in phase 132 lbs. bodyweight, were both pro- caught taking drugs.”
of many disciplines have sought out say from personal experience that it one while gaining speed strength. Not duced using the conjugate method for So who was Louie Simmons? A
Westside Barbell to improve perfor- will work wonders on your lower back content to settle for subpar training, training, as have tens of other world powerlifting icon who revolutionized
mance on the field. And this doesn’t pain.  Louie invented the now world-famous records across all weight classes. In the sport, or a cheat who bred some
include Louie’s own records, which As Louie continued his career in conjugate method. doing so, Westside became a house- of the biggest jerks in the sport? The
led him to achieve totals qualifying powerlifting, he noticed a disturbing Louie based this method on the hold name in the industry; today, the answer lies, I think, somewhere in the
as Elite in five – yes that’s correct, trend in the widely accepted training work of a pair of Russian sports sci- name “Westside Barbell” is known in middle. For every athlete who rubbed
***five*** – different weight classes. method called progressive overload. entists, A.D. Ermakov and N.S. Ata- gyms all across the world. Similarly, someone the wrong way, and for every
So, who was this titan, this near-su- To give a brief synopsis, progressive masov. Without diving too far into every powerlifting gym houses exam- skirted drug test, there lay tens of re-
pernatural figure within the world of overload is a form of periodization in the weeds, what these scientists found ples of the conjugate system, with gym cords, novel inventions, and a whole
strength sports?  which there are three phases in each was that subjecting the body to con- rats around the globe reading Louie’s method of training in his favor. Louie
Louie Simmons began as an wave: muscle mass building, speed stant changes in type and amount works and putting his principles into may not have been perfect, but with-
Olympic Lifter in his teen years in training, and power building. The first of stress led to the greatest gains in practice.  out him, the sport sure wouldn’t be the
the 1960s. Around this time, how- phase utilizes lighter weights at higher strength and size. To improve one’s Yet Louie did not come without thing we know and love it to be today.

Heaviest boxing match in history

ever, powerlifting was taking its first

Antonio Gonzalez competitive strongman competitions. into hard straights from them. Hall’s end of the round set the tone for the to his feet and was eager to get back
Staff Writer Hafthor dropped 132 lbs., weighing overhands seemed to lose their ef- next three as Hafthor scored his first into the fight. The final bell rang with-
in at 335 lbs. on the day of the fight. fectiveness and his clear fatigue and knockdown of the fight, landing a out much more excitement as Hafthor
In the culmination of a 5-year Hall dropped 88lbs himself, weighing predictable head movement spelled double jab-cross combination straight kept Hall at range and Hall was unable
rivalry between two strongmen, in at 313 lbs. The combined weight in trouble for the later rounds. The into the side of Hall’s head in the fi- to break range for yet another round
England’s Eddie Hall and Iceland’s the ring on fight night was a whopping round ended and the jab of Hafthor nal seconds of the round. Hall would relying on a flash overhand and a now-
Hafthor Bjornsson, a world record 348 lbs. and just for the novelty of had found home on Hall’s face several get back to his feet, but the momen- weak jab.
boxing match took place on March such a fight, the newly named “Titan” times, creating the first and only cut of tum was all for Hafthor. All credit to
19th for a ring-shaking six-round weight class was coined to put the two the match above the eye of Hall. Hall Hall for eating a solid punch from a Hafthor took home the “biggest
brawl. The boxing match has been monstrous men in a division of their seemed much more tired at the end of 300+lbs monster of a man. belt in boxing” and the two men agreed
in the works for the last two years as own. Being that heavyweight fighters, the round and was drenched in sweat, The fourth round continued the to a rematch. Hopefully Hall prepares
Hall challenged Hafthor after Hafthor the biggest and hardest hitters in any whereas Hafthor looked like he had same trend but allowed Hafthor to better for that if it does happen. Hall
broke Hall’s 500kg deadlift world combat sport, are a draw on their own, not broken a sweat. display the composure and technical- and Hafthor put $200,000 on the line
record with his own 501 kg deadlift there was no doubt that there would Momentum seemed to suddenly ity he earned in his two years of boxing for the loser to pay out to the winner’s
world record. With a rivalry stemming be eyes glued to the screen to watch shift in favor of Hall at the start of the training as he was able to parry and charity of choice as well as a tattoo bet.
all the way from the 2017 World’s what took place on that night in Dubai. second round as he scored a knock- evade the wild explosive overhands Hall now has to tattoo Hafthor’s name
Strongest Man competition, but the Set for six three-minute rounds, down against Hafthor who was saved of Hall. The two showed fairly good somewhere on his body and pay out
two men’s tempers boiled over after the men finally took to the ring after from hitting the canvas by the ropes. head movement, but Hall was unable $200,000. The fight did not end in a
Hafthor overtook the deadlift record a long two-year wait. The opening bell But that would be all Hall would find to capitalize on slipping Hafthor’s knockout but was surprising to most
by 1kg. rang, and Hall came out of the gate success in for that round after a sec- straight punches. The same was true viewers as the assumption that both
The boxing match took two years with fast paced boxing. Hall was land- ond knockdown was ruled a trip on for the fifth round with Hall looking men would gas out and show sloppy
to take place with many delays stem- ing hard overhands at will on the taller the part of Hafthor since Hall flung more gassed and throwing the occa- boxing was upended by the technical
ming from injuries or contract negoti- Hafthor, a smart punch to try and land him down to the canvas in a weird sional but still powerful flailing over- boxing Hafthor showed off through-
ations. In the time it took to finalize the on taller fighters. Hafthor could not flurry of arms. After coming back up, hand from his lead or rear hand. out 18 minutes. Hall on the other hand
fight, Hafthor took on the challenge of regain good footing and distance, es- Hafthor dominated the rest of the is an example of what many expected
having multiple exhibition fights to sential for being the bigger man, and round as Hall seemed gassed and was The sixth round began, and Hall to see from the two titan-weight men.
show off his new boxing skills. Hall, was at the mercy of Hall for half of the unable to find a way into close range in found himself on the canvas within the Since the rivalry between the men still
on the other hand, did not do much first round. Credit to Hafthor for keep- order to land his own strikes. first minute of the round as Hafthor seems strong, were a rematch to occur
in terms of exhibition matches, but it ing composure after eating some hard The third round began, and Hall connected once again with another between the two, I have no doubt that
was assumed that he was doing some shots from an angry 300+ lbs. man. was kept outside of his range for the double jab-cross combination over the many would still tune in to watch two
sort of boxing training. The two fight- Hafthor regained his composure after whole round. Hall’s poor stance and top of Hall’s guard with a thunderous human equivalents of gorillas go back
ers dropped drastic amounts of weight Hall’s initial bursts of leaping strikes lack of versatility in the striking be- left hand, which laid out the English- at it in the ring.
as there was no need to hold onto the and found himself comfortable at his came an issue as Hafthor had him man. The heart and durability of Hall
sheer mass of bodyweight required for longer range to land jabs and step figured out from here on out. The showed once more as he quickly got

Covington Vs Masvidal: The Hottest Rivalry in the UFC

Antonio Gonzalez Florida-based gym of American Top him to taunt other people in manners dal and Masvidal saying he was going ton to a knee for half a second with
Staff Writer Team. The two share conflicting sto- they may find offensive. From talk- to put Covington in “critical condi- a flash hook. Covington had 16 min-
ries as to why the animosity began, ing about Masvidal being a deadbeat tion.” With the two coming off losses utes of control time in the 25-minute
In the month of March, the rival-
but both discredit the moral charac- father and owing alimony to calling to the champion Kamaru Usman and fight, landing 6/14 of his takedown
ry between former teammates turned
ter of the other. The two were kicked Dustin Poirier’s wife unfaithful and having a five or six-year rivalry, the attempts and ending with more sig-
bitter enemies, Colby Covington and
out of the gym as tension flared up in calling his baby a prop, Covington fight was expected to be explosive. nificant strikes than Masvidal, 94 to
Jorge Masvidal, came to a conclusion
a gym session, but Masvidal asked to does not pull punches when it comes The fight was anything but ex- 67, and landing 218 total strikes to
in the ring but found itself heating up
come back whereas Covington found to the trash talk. These antics have plosive as it ended up being a wres- Masvidal’s 90. The very one-sided
outside of it. The two welterweights
a new home in MMA Masters, an- earned Covington some of the highest tling clinic put on by Covington who display ended with Covington stand-
headlined the UFC 272 card on Sat-
other Florida-based gym. The rivalry PPV numbers that the UFC has seen managed to defeat Masvidal in one ing straight up after the bell and pro-
urday, March 5, and many thought
between the two would likely not be in recent years whether it’s from fans of the most dominant displays in ceeding to insult Masvidal further by
that what occurred in the cage would
as heated as it is if it were not for of Covington or from those tuning recent memory. There was little ex- saying that he, Covington, was the
be the last of their beef.
Covington’s persona that he puts up in to see him get beat. The trash talk citement in the striking aside from true king of Miami and then proceed-
The lead-up to the fight start-
for media attention and overall pub- continued during fight week with him Covington landing combinations at ing to grab his own nuts while con-
ed back in 2017 as the two started
licity. The persona is brash and leads ramping up the insults against Masvi- will and Masvidal dropping Coving-
to have major differences in their See page 7
4 VARIETY April 8, 2022

Goosepimples Spreading Misinformation: A

By Madeleine Corum Study in Biases
Song of the Week: Walden anything else. of navigating in a country where By Jeff Mason
Pond by Atta Boy Not two hours later I walked I didn’t speak the language alone,
out of some famous shopping cen- of getting Covid and being stuck
The easy spread of misin- Botswana’s government during
For spring break, I went to ter in some off-white chunky sneak- there alone, of getting myself to
formation is something that the 1966 civil war.”
Paris, and it wasn’t perfect. It’s ers - all the rage there. I didn’t the airport and all the way home
senior Marisha Iddup has been Though the initial results
hard to say that because traveling realize how much my feet were to Appleton, alone. So I texted my
exposed to her whole life. “My were insightful, Iddup says that
is such a privilege, especially to a bothering me and affecting my per- friends to let them know and went
mom and dad taught me to think the second round of tests on
foreign country. A lot of my trip ception and experience of the rest back to sleep.
for myself from a very early age,” the same group of individuals
was magical, and a lot of it was full of the trip until I mentioned them My last day ended up being
she explains. “In high school, proved to be one of the most
of the same troubles that held me to my family. wonderful. I bought my own meals,
we would sit down as a family substantial parts of her capstone.
down back home. They followed After that, I was still a bit took the Metro all over town, and
and critique Fox News, Louder “Participants in the second and
me, clinging to my body and my bruised. I had to be extra aware of made friends at a lesbian bar in
with Crowder, Channel √2 News, third groups were then shown
clothes like campfire smoke. that damage and made sure to sit the Marais. And even with all of
Info Wars, and other right-wing segments on the Butlerian Jihad.
I have no good shoes for walk- when I could and not walk or stand that, after this incredible, once-in-
media outlets. All of this taught The war was almost universally
ing. I foolishly prioritize looks over as much for the next few days. a-lifetime trip, I never got the chills
me that you can rarely take what condemned among the first and
comfort, and I don’t do enough Thankfully, soon after that we spent while I was in Paris.
you see at face value.” second test groups, as it should
aerobic activity at Lawrence to keep a much more sedentary two days in But I did get chills on the flight
Since coming to Lawrence have been. But three out of every
my running shoes here with me. a tiny town called Vitre, staying with back. I’d been awake for almost 24
to study psychology, Iddup has four participants of the third
To Paris, I brought the ones I wear my grandmother’s friends Julie and hours, and on planes or in airports
focussed her studies on the rela- group said they supported it!”
to the gym, which look somewhat Pierre (how French, right?), whose for most of them. We finally began
tive ease at which misinforma- These results were shock-
athletic, but in reality provide very apartment we’d been using in Paris. our descent into Appleton a little
tion and biases have been able ing enough on their own, and
little support or cushion. Better for I sat in their kitchen each morn- after 11pm on Sunday, and as the
to spread among populations, Iddup had plenty to write about
lifting weights than for running a ing eating fresh bread and pastries wheels hit the ground, I felt so
specifically through the media. for her capstone. But after com-
mile. For the first three days of our with jam that Julie made herself. I grateful to be home. I arrived to my
Her capstone research, which pleting her paper for her capstone
trip, we stayed out in the city, tour- lay down in the grass of their yard friends, who knew about how hard
Iddup completed this winter course, something didn’t sit well
ists from 9am until 5pm. I walked listening to the birds and imagining some parts of the trip had been
term, is the culmination of those with her. Stunned by her results,
five to eight miles each day, and my my dad there as a kid, forty years for me, and didn’t expect anything
years of study and showcases the Iddup decided to run another,
feet ached and ached throughout, ago. I sat in Julie’s electric car with more than to be with me again.
simple ways our perceptions of more personal test over spring
particularly when we finally came my head out the window, watching I think it’s hard to admit how
the media can influence how we break.
home. It made me cranky and irri- the old medieval buildings and the much trouble our minds can give
think and our outlook on histori- “I tried the same test on my
table, but I didn’t say anything for chateaus of the sprawling French us, even and especially when we
cal events. dad, Luke,” she explains. “I was
a host of reasons related to the dis- countryside fly by. I curled up with feel we are supposed to be happy
Iddup’s driving question was able to convince my friends to
tant place my brain was in (further, a blanket on their couch, listening and having fun. I’m so grateful my
simple: How quickly do biases set film one more segment for the
it seems, than even France). to my mother and Julie play the family made me get new shoes, and
in, and how potent of information fake news station, which I took
On the afternoon of the third piano and looking at all the books I’m so grateful I had a second fam-
will people believe from “trusted” home with me.”
day, we were sitting in a little cafe and trinkets they’d collected since ily here to take care of me once I got
news outlets? In a study of 60 vol- Iddup’s father was first
after walking yet another six miles my father had been there. I am so home. I hope you can name those
unteers, Iddup divided subjects shown a segment supportive of
to plan our next move. We consid- grateful for my time in Vitre, and feelings out loud to someone, and
into three groups. 20 participants a similar political position to his
ered walking to see another site, remember it most vividly of all that when you can’t always be happy,
were simply asked their opinions own before being shown another
and after only just getting a break, we did. I hope, at the very least, you can
on a random controversial topic. segment supporting the famous
I suggested maybe we just take When we got back to the city, simply be.
Another 20 participants’ opinions Order of ‘66. Iddup was shocked
the Metro instead because my feet my feet had healed. We only had
were gathered after watching a by the results.
were bothering me. My mother two days left, and I was able to live I hope you realize why the
biased segment from a fake news “My dad actually showed
and my grandmother immediately them to their fullest. On the last clouds are always crying. May
station that Iddup had fabricated. strong support for it,” she states.
were concerned because even my day, my mother and grandmother your life be a Walden Pond dive,
Iddup states, “These two groups “This was especially shocking to
grandmother, who is 80, had not left, and I was there alone. When shaking flowers at the ground
showed similar opinions among me, seeing as [Luke] was one of
been having trouble. They decided the door closed behind them at while you live the life you did at
the participants.” However, the the few survivors of the Order
immediately that we needed to get 5am, my brain felt the distance like five.
third group of 20 volunteers were of ‘66.”
me some new shoes before we did a chasm. I was terrified. Terrified
shown two news clips. These par- When asked if participants
ticipants were first shown seg- of her capstone project had
ments in which the fake news been told afterwards of the way
team reported on political beliefs they’d been manipulated, Iddup
the participants had already dis- declined to answer any more

Edgar & Poe

closed and agreed with. The news questions and grew deathly still,
program then played the same her physical form growing more
biased news report the second and more translucent. However,
group of participants had seen. just before transcending the fab-
“I was shocked by the ric of reality, she did express hope
By Isabella Thompson effect,” Iddup says. “Nearly all
the participants from the third
that people who participated in
the study would be more cautious
group adopted the same view- with the media they consumed,
point as the news program. Even and that others would learn from
stances as horrible as opposing Luke Iddup.
April 8, 2022 VARIETY 5

Off the Rack Dear LU Adminstration

By Moreau Halliburton The following is a piece submitted by an anonymous writer to the
Lawrentian, published under Variety for its poetic style.
Lawrence University Creative Writing Club flash fiction event winner

Every time you pass my door Unsettled, I wait day together you slip me off, grab Dear LU Administration,
to get to the laundry room I pause Linger in deteriorating that same skinny metal hang- Am I a paycheck to you?
– like time doesn’t exist – and silence er, and slide the insides of my Am I a number that falls into your bank account?
hang, expectantly waiting for you. Every day I daydream of how shoulders against the cool frame. Am I human to you or a symbol of your reputation?
I wish you would just open the it was before summer. Hear the Squeezing me back into the line Do you hear my voice?
door. It’s so dark in here. I’ve been squeak of the beaten-up nob as of others, I immediately miss you Or do you block it out with your money stacks?
here so long I’m suffocating. you lightly tug open the wooden when you pull away. With one last Do you actually care about our wellbeing?
All the other (lesser) versions door. Watch your dark gure as you short glance, you flip the switch Or are we a symbol of your reputation?
of me talk nonstop about how switch on the warm closet light, and shut the door. Leaving me Do you care when students pass out in the summer heat?
they’ll be next. Ones with check- illuminating your breathtaking in growing darkness, I sink into Do you care when students trip on the uneven cracks?
ered patterns or stripes. Heavy curves. Your hair is tied up in a the wall –just a few more hours When a pipe breaks and the water falls?
ones, light ones. Ones with tears curly bun, scarf hanging loosely and you’ll be back. But you didn’t Do you care when we are struck by sickness?
and some with none – they’re the around your slender neck. You come for a whole three seasons. Or do our tears add to your daily income?
ones that talk the most. They’ve only come when you’re cold. It’s Hearing your footsteps this Do you care when a student is assaulted?
either been taken once or twice not fair. You should come more morning, I foolishly hope again Or will you continue to victim blame?
or never before, and they still often. I love the games you play. that you’ll come. The familiar Will you continue to abuse our labor?
talk shit. Especially towards me, The way your eyes scan the rack sound of your clunky brown boots Will you continue to take advantage of us for cheap?
because I’m your favorite. I don’t of other contestants. Passing me lls the stale air – the clearest Will you not bat an eye when we demand to be treated as human?
hold it against them, I could several times before I see your full sign of winter. Today is differ- Do our cries mean nothing?
never stay in here as long as they lips curl up at the corner and lock ent. I hear the door creak open Will you continue to dismiss us as you prey on prospective students?
have. Usually, when we’re done your eyes on my collar. You shrug and watch your ringlled ngers feel Will you continue to lie to them and rope them into your trap?
together, you put me smack in and reach for me. I want that around for the switch on the side Will you continue to enchant them with your disillusions?
the middle of all of them, in the feeling again. I want to feel your of the wall. This is it, it’s time.But Hoping that they will soon turn into another dollar?
most reachable spot for the next fingers pull me o this rack. when the spotty light flickers on, Will you continue to turn us away until your precious dollars are threat-
day. The shelf above is stacked I miss the fresh winter air there’s a new one of us draped ened?
with others, mostly thin ones or and the smell of your hair on my over your shoulders. She looks Will you continue to censor us when we cry out to the Appleton com-
ones with hoods that you can eas- collar. The way you feel in my just like me, with brighter colors munity for help?
ily pull over. I try to stretch, but sleeves – you fill me up. I love and a few more pockets. Sliding Are your statements of care and change just one of your many fabrica-
my sleeves are tightly wedged when you’re inside me, wrap me here, you grab a new hanger and tions?
between two thick ones. I wish around you. Envelop me in your slip her right next to me. Without Our labor and tears pour into your savings.
you could relieve me from this- space, like no one else. It’s always looking twice, you turn and shut We are just a paycheck to you.
discomfort. us. I’m always there. I wait for the door, filling our little room Sincerely,
She’ll be back you, and you come, every morn- with darkness once more. Your paycheck
One day soon ing. When we reach the end of the “Who the fuck are you?”

Weekly Crossword
By Kelly Foy

Monster Cat
By Mara Logan
6 FEATURES April 8, 2022

Spring Break Photo Feature by Lucian Baxter

April 8, 2022 FEATURES 7

Covington Vs Masvidal... steakhouse, still celebrating his victory. Covington’s location was
posted on social media, with seemingly innocent intent, by those
since those teenage days. The incident sent the MMA community
alight with people choosing sides. Yet, opinions aside, Masvidal
continued from page 3 he was with. Masvidal, wearing a facemask and hoodie ran up had 25 minutes in a cage with a man to do whatever he wanted
tinuing the insults. Masvidal was barely able to stand on his own on Covington as he was exiting the restaurant and hit him three but was utterly dominated and had to resort to surprise attacks
two feet after the fight, showing how badly Covington beat him times in the face, chipping the tooth of Covington, but not much outside of legal competition to try and hurt Covington. Coving-
down throughout the fight. Covington, in true Covington fashion, else. During the assault, Masvidal was heard saying “don’t talk ton has taken two Ws in the whole affair while Masvidal faces a
proceeded to call Dustin Poirier a “cuck” in his post-fight in-ring about peoples’ kids.” Even bareknuckle and by surprise, Mas- downward career path and felony assault charges which if they
interview while Masvidal still seemed exhausted and on the brink vidal could not hurt Covington. Cops were quickly on the scene were to go through, would keep him from seeing his kids, thus
of tears in his post-fight interview. There was still an air of ten- after Masvidal fled, and Masvidal was promptly arrested, facing proving Covington right when he says that Masvidal is a dead-
sion lingering in the air, as the two did not say that their beef was felony assault charges. The tactic of running up on people and beat father. As the only thing Masvidal has to look forward to is a
settled in either interview. sucker punching them is not foreign to Masvidal as he has stated court date, Covington has stated he is willing to fight this July, a
Everything came to a boil outside of the ring just a week it was common practice when he was growing up in Dade County. rapid turnaround as he looks to earn a title shot and potentially a
ago on March 24th as Covington was in a well-known Miami But to see Masvidal do that now, when he is nearly 40 years old third fight with Kamaru Usman.
and a comfortable millionaire, shows he has not matured much
April 8, 2022

The Book Pop the Bubble: Park

David Pickar ment. The birds include the numer- corner, the little splashes of robins
Staff Writer ous robins, chickadees, blackbirds, bathing in the water puddles, kids
occasional hawk or eagle, infrequent saying “Grandma,” a word I don’t get
Sunlight, one of nature’s principal seagull and the notable nesting owl to hear too frequently on –campus
Mikayla Henry known as one of the best original suppliers of Vitamin D, is an essential
Columnist family who dwell in the northeast and squealing with delight at the play-
examples of the enemies-to-lovers part of every Lawrentian’s diet, and
_____________________________ corner of the park in a sizable knoll ground, humans conjecturing about
trope – and add a zombie plague to should be taken as an additional sup-
Welcome back, Lawrentians! So in an ancient tree. Below the birds the owls, and the delightful banter of
it. Oh, and loads of sword fighting. plement if you spend too much time
far this spring term has been a rather typically the frolicking squirrels, rab- all the little creatures: the assertive
Sounds like a highly romantic read, in the Con’s dingy practice rooms, the
chilly one, and to make matters worse bits and chipmunks make great prey barks of the robins, the chatter of the
right? science labs, a gym “working out” but
it has already included an obliga- for the raptors, dispersing pine nuts chickadees, the rustles and squawks
If you have no interest in “Pride never work outside, your dorm, on a
tory snowfall, causing Lawrentians and acorns throughout the extensive of the squirrels, the annoying cry of
and Prejudice,” never fear! There screen checking social media or doing
to wonder why they chose to go to a green space. Importantly, there are the crow and the occasional chihua-
are plenty of other parodies that are schoolwork.
university in Wisconsin of all plac- also enough bugs and worms to sup- hua bark.
designed to make fun of your other One of the best places to experi-
es. But, nonetheless, no matter the port the “early bird” robins and the Not only does the park hold
favorite love stories. “Nightlight” by ence this sunlight with the full compli-
month or the weather outside, the woodpeckers who take care of the the fascination of wildlife, but it also
The Harvard Lampoon, for exam- ments of wildlife, green grass, trees
season for reading never stops! And nasty tree-eating insects. I know this introduces you to some of the most
ple, is a mockery of the well-loved and the occasional passerby is at City
for the first edition this term, I’m isn’t Ecology 101, but you cannot com- down-to-earth people in the Appleton
“Twilight” franchise by Stephanie Park. Located just one block north of
going to take the sentiments of April prehensively report on a park without community. One of them is Dan
Meyers. “Nightlight” is basically the Conservatory, City Park is also
Fools to heart. My original plan was mentioning its internal food web. Wutkowski, a local photographer who
a retelling of the first book of the only a block and a half away from
to pull a prank and talk about movies As you get to know the park was one of the first to find the birds
series, “Twilight,” and further dra- the venerated Seth’s Coffee and just
instead for our first issue, but instead more, it continues to surprise you, over a year ago and told me stories of
matizes the already rather-dramatic across the street from the president’s
I am going to talk about some of the whether with moment-by-moment various observations he’s made about
storyline and changes a few minor house. It is home to its own ecosystem
best parodies of classic literature. changes in wind or sunlight, the more the great-horned owls. He showed me
details just for a laugh. For example, of wildlife, cultivated greenery and
Now, when I say parodies, I mean gradual yet noticeable seasonal weath- the different trees where the father
instead of Bella Swan and Edward, sometimes other humans. It’s likely if
books that basically mimic some of er patterns, levels of precipitation or owl perches, the rooftop where the
we have Bella Goose and Edwart, you go in the late afternoon to come
our most well-loved novels, name- flourishes of human or animal activ- owls frequently defecate, the owl
who are described as being a “vam- across some faculty who make the
ly classics or popular Young Adult ity. The park never stops surprising pellets and various animal carcasses
pire-obsessed girl” and a “super-hot park a sort of mini nature retreat.
Fiction titles. Sometimes they have me. Thursday afternoon, for example, that have been strewn about the base
computer nerd.” If Twilight is your More importantly, this park is
changes that are meant to improve I casually walked amidst cloudy skies of their home tree. He mentioned
comfort film, this may or may not a place full of wonder, people of all
the original plot, other times they are and the time-stand-still of giant snow- some of his photography friends who
make you hate the series more than walks of life, the chatter of birds,
designed to draw attention to odd flakes descending onto the ground at are traveling from as far as northern
you already – secretly – do. squirrels and the occasional local
choices the original authors made, the most tender of speeds, driven by Illinois to see these owls and men-
If neither of these are quite spectacle. As someone who grew up
but no matter what these parodies an occasional east-blowing wind, the tioned his frustration at a renegade
catching your interest, there are also around parks and worked in a nation-
are created to give people a laugh. So, moment crowned by the surprise of photographer who “pinged” the birds’
titles such as “Android Karenina” al park last summer, I realized how
for this edition, we are going to look seeing several owls staring at me. location which led to all sorts of addi-
and “Sense and Sensibility and Sea much I took parks for granted and
at some of the most highly acclaimed By contrast, late Friday morning tional disturbance to their nesting
Monsters” by Ben H. Winters, which wanted to give them the press I feel
parodies, and if we’re lucky enough was a completely different experience. site. I hope you have a chance to meet
are both sci-fi spinoffs of some other they deserve.
maybe we’ll get a laugh or two out of 1) I stayed for an hour and a half him as you visit the owls from a safe,
classic love stories. Or if you want Before I wrote this article, I came
their descriptions. instead of for 20 minutes. 2) There reasonable distance.
another YA classic to be made fun to this park mainly in order to corrupt
To start off, we have “Pride, was a significantly greater number of To get to this place, I recom-
of, look no further than “Hunger the youth by climbing on top of the
Prejudice, and Zombies” by Seth people there, interested in the owl, mend starting on the north side of the
Pains,” which is also by The Harvard monkey bars. It’s a self-admitted vice,
Grahame-Smith and, of course, Jane otherwise just walking or playing on Con, then go north from the con to
Lampoon – I’ll let you guess which but an activity I enjoy immensely both
Austen. If you happen to be an avid the playground. 3) The weather was the sidewalk to the on the left (west)
book it’s originally based on. now and in my younger years, as it’s
fan of the 2005 film adaptation, then sunny with a cool breeze that would side of N. Park Avenue, past Murcell
All in all, while the majority of hard to find a “spirit of outdoor adven-
this book may not be for you. The have made it inhospitable if it were House where Gamelan rehearses, past
our most well-loved novels of the ture” when most of my time is spent
parody is rather self-explanatory, it’s not for my jacket. I arrived an hour Hamar House where the president
world tend to be rather serious, that completing assignments, practicing,
all in the title. Basically, you just have before high noon and saw robins lives, and use the crosswalk to cross
doesn’t mean they can’t ever make and attending classes and ensembles
to picture the plot for “Pride and bathing and grooming in a specific E. Franklin Street. Beware of the occa-
you laugh – sometimes they just all day. Outside of my personal climb-
Prejudice,” which centers around clear-water puddle about an inch and sional bicycle and frequent car and
require zombies and silly names to ing habit, this park has served me
Lizzy Bennet and the prideful Mr. a half deep, the droopy pine trees not cross into a microcosm of nature in
do so. well over the last three years, being
Darcy as they fall in love – also yet unburdened of their pinecones, the midst of the city, a haven for
a place where I could walk with my a couple of oak trees with stubborn those starved of greenery and frolick-
visiting grandparents, go for a guided leaves still holding on, old married ing squirrels.
deep listening or movement explora- couples still enjoying walks together, Don’t be content to view these
tion session or take photos for my all sorts of nests in the trees and a ring pictures. Go there and see this place
friends’ recitals. I also ate lunch there of people scattered around “the owl for yourself, in person, and join the
frequently during the COVID years tree,” home to the five great-horned community of citizens concerned for
and enjoyed getting my wiggles out on owls. the well-being of the owls. As always:
the playground equipment. If you take out your earbuds keep your distance, take only pictures,
Upon further investigation for for long enough, you can hear the leave only footprints and pick up any
this article, I found the place to har- soundscapes that surrounded this litter you may encounter. The owls,
bor a thriving ecosystem of birds, place: the don of the church bells the squirrels and the city of Appleton
squirrels, nuts and bugs that make likely emanating from First English thank you, as do I.
wildlife possible in an urban environ- Lutheran church on the northwest

Statues in the fountain at the entrance closest

Pine tree in the center of City Park. to Lawrence. Baby owls perching on trees.
Photo by Adam Fleischer. Photo by Alana Melvin. Photo by Dan Wutkowski.

Movies, Movies,
Levi Homman grime, it miraculously combines the slew of dark secrets surrounding the giving every Batman entrance a huge- movie postures frequently, but ulti-
Staff Writer two, creating something that isn’t nec- corruption and deceit in Gotham’s ly satisfying and dramatic impact. mately makes no coherent statement
essarily innovative, but feels like a government. The script certainly These two elements are at their height about real-life social issues. If that can
“The Batman”, 2022, directed by breath of fresh air in a genre that has drags at times, with the film clock- in a massively entertaining and well- be ignored, though, the entire experi-
Matt Reeves — 3.5/5 Stars recently been defined by ugly, soulless ing in at almost exactly three hours, crafted car chase in the second act ence is thoroughly entertaining and
2019 saw the release of Todd products like “Spider-Man: No Way but Batman as a character is given a that culminates in a beautiful shot excellently constructed.
Phillips’ “Joker,” a bleak, tiresome Home.” refreshingly satisfying arc, and some of Batman’s upside-down silhouette It’s hard to say that “The Batman”
story that borrowed heavily from Rather than rehashing the the stunningly shot action sequences help walking away from a massive plume is a turning point for superhero cin-
Martin Scorsese and tried excessively death of Bruce Wayne’s parents for tie it all together. of flames. The colors are crisp and dis- ema — the formula that Disney and
hard to push the envelope of what a the nth time, Robert Pattinson’s The core cast is absolutely stel- tinct, and the booming brass makes Marvel have honed has become far
movie based on a comic book could Batman instead begins his story sev- lar; Pattinson is a brooding, confused the Dark Knight a thrillingly imposing too profitable to be overtaken any
be. While it was largely received well eral years into his vigilantism, already orphan as Bruce Wayne and an intim- presence in the frame. time soon — but it’s a major step in
by general audiences, there was a decked out in high-tech gear and a idating force of nature as Batman, The film’s biggest flaw, aside right direction. There are things to
hollow desperateness to Phillips’ nice thick coat of black eyeliner. The and the rest hold their own as well, from its bloated runtime, is its politi- be learned both from the illustrative
methods, as well as a certain disdain opening scene is straight out of a but what really makes “The Batman” cal messaging, or lack thereof. It cer- stories of the genre’s source mate-
for the film’s eclectic, farcical source contemporary horror flick; Gotham’s stand out from its contemporaries is tainly feels as though it’s trying to say rial and from real filmmakers like
material. With 2022’s “The Batman,” mayor is brutally murdered in his own Greig Fraser’s beautiful cinematogra- something, but it’s not exactly clear Scorsese and Fincher, and the crew of
Matt Reeves’ approach to the city of home, and the killer — who’s later phy and Michael Giacchino’s haunt- what. The Riddler clearly resembles “The Batman” found that ideal mix-
Gotham is not dissimilar to Phillips’, revealed to be Paul Dano’s delightfully ing score. The film is truly incred- members of violent alt-right online ture, not just one that’s profitable, but
but where “Joker” stumbled, “The scary and surprisingly funny version ible to look at, characterizing itself factions, but his motives are more one that involves care and attention
Batman” flourishes, finding the bal- of The Riddler — leaves behind a with bright oranges and reds con- left-leaning. The film seems to indict and an artistic process. It’s far from
ance between auteuristic craft and the cryptic message. Batman meets Police trasted with deep blacks. Fraser uses police as an institution, exposing a a masterpiece; it’s overlong, themati-
genuinely fun storytelling that makes Commissioner Gordon — a person- ultra-wide anamorphic lenses that dark underbelly of corruption that cally muddy, and sometimes poorly
the comic book genre work. This new able Jeffery Wright — at the scene of give every scene a hazy, floaty feeling surely resembles many real-life law paced, but “The Batman” is absolutely
take on the caped crusader borrows the crime. This sets the two on a wild that complements the grimy, unnerv- enforcement agencies, but one scene worth seeing in a real movie theater.
heavily from gory procedural mys- goose chase across the city, on which ing production design of Gotham. in particular seems to proclaim that “The Batman” is in theaters right now.
teries like David Fincher’s “Se7en” they encounter Zoë Kravitz’s bewitch- Giacchino’s score, and especially the these problems aren’t systemic, but
and “Zodiac,” but instead of replac- ing Catwoman, Colin Farrell’s joyous- main theme, is booming and monoto- rather specific to Gotham’s especial-
ing the inherently silly antics that ly hammy take on The Penguin and a nous, almost akin to a funeral march, ly seedy crime-ridden systems. The
define superheroes with naturalistic

Comic Character Spotlight: Harley Quinn

Kat Girod Months later, she reappeared in the sive past, Harley aids him in escaping comic books, Harley Quinn was intro- Shark and Clayface. The series also
Columnist series in the episode “The Laughing and later becomes his sidekick to win duced as a member of the supervillain further explores the romantic rela-
Fish” which marked the debut of her his affection. alliance - Task Force X - in the Suicide tionship between Harley Quinn and
Welcome to the Comic Character infamously flawed relationship with The story also details the Joker’s Squad Series. This further reinstated Poison Ivy in a not-so-typical, best
spotlight! In this column, I’ll highlight the Joker. lack of respect for Harley as she the establishing of Harley Quinn’s friends to lovers tale.
the origin of different comic book After garnering significant attempts to capture and kill Batman in identity without The Joker. Harley Quinn has evolved
characters each week and trace their traction from fans of “Batman: The order to impress the supervillain, only Although modern adaptations of remarkably since her introduction as
development throughout the years as Animated Series,” Harley appeared to be severely injured by the Joker DC comics such as the 2016 movie The Joker’s henchwoman in “Batman:
they continue to make appearances in in a plethora of other installments as he accuses her of trying to steal “Suicide Squad” perpetuate Harley The Animated series.” As a fan of her
different forms of media today. This in the DC animated universe such as the opportunity of killing Batman Quinn’s dependence on the Joker, character, seeing her evolution from
week we’ll be discussing the character, the TV show “Static Shock” (2000). from him. Although Harley initial- recent films and series have worked being seen as an accessory to The
Harley Quinn. Additionally, 1993 saw the introduc- ly declares herself as done with the to emancipate Harley from the role of Joker to being her own, established
When you hear the name “Harley tion of Harley Quinn to the realm Joker, finding “get well soon” flowers his henchwoman that she was initially villain has been a thrilling ride. Even
Quinn,” what’s the first thing that of DC comics as she appeared in sent by the clown reignites her love for created for in 1992. The 2020 movie seeing her involved in other relation-
comes to mind? Is it the Joker? If so, the twelfth issue of “The Batman him once again. “Birds of Prey” chronicles Harley’s ships, such as her charming bond
that’s understandable as she was ini- Adventures.” Despite being tied to the Joker in separation from the Joker as she allies with Poison Ivy has been as great
tially created by Paul Dini and Bruce Despite already being an integral the past, increasingly Harley appeared with the Huntress, Black Canary and development for her character as she
Timm for the purpose of fulfilling part of the DC Universe, Harley’s ori- in comics as a leading role rather than Renee Montoya to fight a crime boss. is exposed to healthier relationships
the role of comic relief henchwom- gin story was only revealed in the 1994 an accomplice. In 2009’s “Gotham “The Suicide Squad” (2021) contin- that act in opposition to her previous
an for the supervillain in 1992’s TV one-shot “The Batman Adventures: City Sirens,” villains such as Harley ues this distance from The Joker and abusive relationship with The Joker.
show “Batman: The Animated Series.” Mad Love” by Dini and Timm. In this Quinn, Catwoman and Poison Ivy are showcases Harley as a proud member As more is revealed about her
Although her appearance in the epi- one-shot comic – a standalone issue brought together in an alliance. More of Task force X. origin and different interpretations
sode “Joker’s Favor” on “Batman: The of a comic series - Harley Quinn is about Harley’s origin is also revealed Similarly, the 2019 HBO Max of her initial story circle the realm of
Animated Series” was meant to be revealed to be the former psychiatrist in this series such as being Brooklyn- animated television series “Harley DC, it’s going to be fascinating to see
a temporary, walk-on role, the pro- “Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel” who born, her dysfunctional family and Quinn” illustrates Harley freeing her- where her character will go in future
ducers of the show were astonished becomes enamored with the Joker in her father’s occupation as a swindler self from association with the Joker installments within the DC universe.
by the rough cut of the episode and the midst of her internship at Gotham which led her to pursue psychiatry. and striving to become the number
ultimately decided to alter her role City’s Arkham Asylum. After gaining In the “New 52” reboot, a one villain in Gotham City with the
to a recurring character in the series. sympathy for the Joker and his abu- relaunch by DC Comics monthly aid of Poison Ivy, Doctor Psycho, King
April 8, 2022

A rainbow flag doesn’t cut it: the case against pinkwashing

Nathan Wall violent history of mistreating those April, has also made the list. Finally, rorize people in the Global South. Rights Campaign Corporate Equality
Staff Writer who don’t conform to societal norms and most egregiously, Walmart tops This kind of pinkwashing doesn’t do Index hosted the fascistic Brazilian
_________________________ of gender and sexuality. These days, the list. Walmart has been accused anything to help queer people. It’s President Jair Bolsonaro, nicknamed
Every October 11, National we see police squad cars painted rain- of exploiting cheap labor in India, nothing but an effort to pander and “the Trump of the tropics”, for an
Coming Out Day, and every June, bow. I can’t think of anything more Cambodia, Indonesia and Bangladesh launder their images. Plenty of gay event in New York City. Bolsonaro
Pride Month, the rainbow flags come blatantly disrespectful to the legacy of to make their clothing, and one in and trans people are workers and proudly identifies as a homophobe,
out. While I’m certainly not against Stonewall than that. six of Walmart’s Bangladesh factories citizens of the global South, too. Queer has compared gay people to pedo-
celebrating Pride and Coming Out, Every year, the LGBT rights failed safety tests, leading to fires and people are also more likely to experi- philes, has suggested that he’d rather
multinational corporations and gov- group Human Rights Campaign collapses such as the Rana Plaza col- ence police brutality at the hands of his child die than be gay, and stated
ernments slapping a rainbow flag on releases a Corporate Equality Index lapse in Dhaka in 2013 which killed companies like Axon. These compa- that he would punch a gay couple if he
their social media accounts doesn’t of the most queer friendly compa- over 1,100 people. Walmart is also nies are directly and indirectly harm- saw them kissing in public.
really honor the legacy of Pride. Nor nies. This list includes Chevron, accused of gender discrimination, ing queer people while using Pride to Corporations will never
does the Human Rights Campaign which helped prop up a repressive pricing out small businesses, with- make them seem less evil. In coun- truly be allies. Their number one
laundering the images of companies dictatorship in Nigeria and spilled oil holding pay from employees, and tries like the United Arab Emirates responsibility is to maximize prof-
with poor records on workers’ rights in Angola, Brazil and Ecuador; and illegally crushing labor organizing by and Saudi Arabia, where homosexual- it. Contrary to the Supreme Court’s
and, ironically, human rights. The fact Apple, which exploits cheap, unsafe intimidating and interrogating work- ity is illegal, these companies do not opinion, corporations are not people,
is, these companies do not genuinely labor in China. Also on the list is ers and forcing employees to attend put Pride logos on their social media they do not have feelings, or beliefs,
care about Queer people, and when Exxon-Mobil, an oil company that anti-union lectures. None of this is accounts, because they do not want to thus, they cannot support gay rights.
supporting us becomes a liability knew about climate change in the consistent with the values of Pride. risk losing money. Pride is revolutionary and intersec-
instead of a money-making opportu- 1970s and collaborated with the afore- Even the companies that prop up Perhaps one of the most tional. It’s not about companies using
nity, they’ll turn their backs. mentioned Nigerian dictatorship. the police state and military-industri- striking examples of this involved the queer community to brand them-
Pride has never been about Amazon, which has dealt with reports al complex put Pride logos on their the Marriott hotel company in 2019. selves as good, socially responsible
pandering to queer people while of warehouse and delivery workers social media accounts every June. Marriott has prided itself on being actors. Corporate pride is not Pride,
upholding capitalism and commit- having to urinate in bottles due to These corporations include Axon, one of the more queer-friendly mul- it’s capitalism, and a rainbow doesn’t
ting crimes against humanity. The inadequate breaks and, according to which manufactures tasers and drones tinationals. Yet, in 2019, Marriott, make it better.
Stonewall Riot was a protest against the National Labor Relations Board, for police departments, and Raytheon, JP Morgan Chase & Co., and a
police violence towards queer people, violating labor law to crush the union- which manufactures bombs and other handful of other multinational cor-
because law enforcement has a long, ization effort in Bessemer, Alabama in weapons for the US military to ter- porations at the top of the Human

Not a future scientist

Madeline Taylor was not true. What exactly would idea of a scientist and that disclaimer The purpose of this essay is not towards the lesson topics. The kids
Guest Writer change the future to the present? I stayed with me until college. It was a to diminish the hard work of scien- were excited to take on a role that
________________________ was already spending all my time in goal far in the future, one that I had to tists with degrees, the purpose is to they had been told they had to wait for
I am a scientist and I have been science classes and the lab, study- be humble about until I got there, but highlight how the framing of careers until they grew up.  
for many years. I do not have a Ph.D., a ing the same principles as the people the journey came at the expense of my like scientists and writers as lofty ide- Empowering language would
Master’s, or even a Bachelor’s degree, I considered true scientists. I was self-confidence. I repeatedly tamped als can damage self-confidence when have sparked my love of science much
but I am a scientist. Only within the practicing with lab equipment and down my excitement and minimized taught to children and young adults earlier in my life. Removing the idea
last year or so have I felt comfortable learning new techniques everyday. I my accomplishments in high school as something they may never reach. that it takes years and degrees and
acknowledging this role in my life. realized that the rhetoric I repeat- and college because I was not a true I spent the summer of 2022 teaching authority to be a scientist would have
I would tell my friends and family, edly heard growing up had limited scientist yet. The “future” label that STEM topics to children ages six to helped me understand that learning
“I am studying science,” or “I am in my conception of myself as a scientist. was ingrained in my early education 12– we tracked bird nests, learned science concepts were attainable. My
a scientific field,” but I never had We practiced mixing chemicals so that made me feel like I never had the introductory chemistry, learned about confidence would have grown with
the confidence to say, “I am a scien- one day in the future we could be real authority or validation, even as a stu- the solar system, and observed worms me instead of being something I have
tist.” True scientists were people who scientists. That phrase, “future scien- dent at Lawrence, to consider myself and soil creatures. I repeated the to reassure myself of everyday. Now,
had degrees and lab experience and tist,” was repeated to me for years by a scientist. Every comment I made phrase, “you guys are scientists today” when I say, “I am a scientist” there
research grants. They were professors teachers and my parents. But we were in class and each line I wrote in a lab in every lesson. Verbalizing those are so many emotions behind those
or teachers or researchers. That was doing science then. We were scientists report seemed to have a false author- words and affirming the children’s words. I am proud, excited, humble,
not me. I was still a “future” scientist.  even in those early days.  ity. I was constantly waiting to be abilities was a source of empower- and still a little bit fearful. There is no
One day I said that phrase aloud, By putting the disclaimer “future” corrected. My lab work and projects ment. They had a sense of impor- more “future” to hide behind. 
“future scientist,” and I realized that in front of the title, I boxed in my always seemed to have less value.  tance that heightened their attention

A well-polished knob
Luther Abel must be a changing of the knobs at opening the G-D door—Panic at the There exists an answer to our increases its return as a door opening
Staff Writer Lawrence. Disco-style. plight of passage: horizontal knobs. device. But enough is enough. We can
_________________________ Don’t get me wrong, a mush- I submit for your review an These lateral inventions are eminently do better, and the current mushroom
roomed knob is nothing to be ashamed instance I’ve observed firsthand: more user and disability-friendly, as knobs are well-used and tired.
Knobs. We hold them in our
of if there exists a paucity of choice. A bemittened first-year they allow elbows, knees, and even a Consider those for whom awk-
hands every day but so rarely think
But—thanks to the free market— there approaches the second-floor landing Shakiric hip movement to open them. ward opening motions are impossible
about those rotating cylinders beyond
are better, more inclusive alternatives with hope for the coming term. She Doing a quick survey of unit or require outsized effort: disabled
immediate utility as we trek to and
for your knob dollar, especially when strives to turn the round doorknob, costs at Harney Hardware, a set of individuals with limited motor func-
from class. Some folks crank their
considering the average student’s bur- but it is without friction from the fire-rated industrial horizontal knobs, tion, the athlete with an arm cast, the
knobs clockwise, while others twirl
dened or be-gloved hands. thousands of hands grasping it before. or “levers” as Harney markets them, professor teetering behind a mound
knobs left-wise. But whichever way
Take Main Hall, por ejemplo. Alas, she cannot rotate it; thus, she goes for sixty dollars. Multiply that of papers and coffee mugs, and that
you fiddle with these fittings, the
Progressives like talking about “liv- cannot get to class. Adrenaline pro- figure by twenty-four doors and we’re first-year still in the stairwell.
intent is to enter the space beyond the
ing constitutions,” well, Main Hall duced by terror surges; she puts her coming up on what a Lawrentian pays Replacing the current crop of
knob. Given the necessary and fre-
is “living history” in all its glory—an entire arm into the attempt and col- for a term’s meal plan. Surely the doorknobs with an ergonomic alterna-
quent nature of our interaction with
amalgamation of changing decades lapses in tears. This pitiable first- building fund can swing some better tive is simple, inexpensive, and a win
such devices, why in the bonnie-blue-
and needs. The office has lurched year—moments ago an optimistic, knobs than the knobs we’ve got. for everyone except the poor shmuck
blazes are there mushroomed knobs
to the west, professors of varying… joyful tuition-payer—is reduced to a To be clear, I am not accus- whose assignment is to replace
on Lawrence’s campus?
uniquenesses have padded its halls, purgatorial state. She exists even now, ing anyone of intentionally nobbling them all. Heck, if the administration
Not to brag, but I’m kind of a
and thrice-cursed projector systems a sobbing stairwell gremlin incapable knob progress. If I were to guess, approves and purchases new hori-
knob expert. During my six years in
have come and gone. What hasn’t of escaping due to those damnable these mushroomed knobs proliferate zontal knobs, I hereby offer to replace
the Navy, I manhandled knobs of all
changed is the building’s passive hos- doorknobs. at Lawrence because they operate well them myself.
shapes and sizes. From the long, bul-
tility toward ergonomics and the dis- While seemingly outlandish, you enough to avoid creating enemies, at To a better future for all of our
bous knobs on watertight doors to
abled. can trust this account; I am, after least until today. Furthermore, there knobs!
the understandably diminutive, frigid
Excepting the doors on the third all, a conservative opinion writer— are rational economic considerations Agree? Disagree? Have a knob-
knobs on cryogenic equipment, it’s
level, the rectangular portals lead- one tier below “a cartoon protago- for the current problematic lot. A related incident you’d like to share?
safe to say I’ve manipulated every
ing from Main’s staircases are of the nist creeping near a pie cooling on a knob is a sunk cost—secondhand Email
conceivable knob in this vast world.
concave mushroom variety, utter rub- windowsill” in the New York Times’ knobs don’t sell, so twist’em till they Cheers!
So please believe me when I say there
bish for their intended purpose of “Trustworthiness Rankings”. break. Every day a knob is used, it
April 8, 2022 OPINIONS & EDITORIALS 11

An open letter on transparency in LUCC committees

5 LUCC Committee Chairs last meeting of the LUCC General one of which didn’t show up, and one having no affiliation with the school, term only if they have strong atten-
Guest Writer Council was Week 9 of Winter Term. of which showed up over an hour late. and continued to use it even though dance. Many voting members tried
_________________________ The first thing on the agenda was Next, at each meeting is approval they were repeatedly asked not to. to quickly approve honoraria for all
Dear Reader, addressing a resolution brought on of minutes of previous meetings of the Another requirement LUCC set up for members regardless of attendance,
This is being submitted on behalf by Students for a Democratic Society Steering Committee, which approves APLS to become a student organiza- meaning if your class representative
of a group of five Committee Chairs to create greater budget clarity at our student organizations, and Finance tion was to meet with SAASHA. When went to 0 meetings of certain commit-
in LUCC. We feel it is necessary to be school, the purpose being to evaluate Committee which allocates funding asked about the meeting, SAASHA tees (yes, there are people that don’t
more transparent about what LUCC is if the school has the money to pay stu- to student organizations. We were said APLS couldn’t handle topics like go to any meetings) they would still
doing. In addition, we provide hours dents $15 an hour. Low wages on our extremely concerned by the fact that sexual assault and harassment, which be paid. Quickly, it was raised that
and hours a week of free labor to the campus disproportionately affect low Appleton Pro-Life Students (APLS), are directly related to the issue they this wasn’t allowed and didn’t pass,
school, recently only to have our advi- income students which makes this a formerly Lawrence Pro-Life Students, seek to advocate on and they advised but it was alarming that it almost did.
sory opinions and roles clearly not pressing issue to address. This resolu- was being approved for a trial period. that it would be a massive liability When this happened, a member of
taken seriously. Therefore, as follows tion had already been tabled with no The mission statement of that orga- for the school and for survivors on the administration leaned over to a
is an account of what LUCC actu- vote three times. When it came up, nization discriminates against the this campus if the group were to be committee chair and said “here is that
ally does: The Lawrence University people were still unsure how to vote. human rights of women as they active- approved for a trial period. Despite all money you want for the $15 minimum
Community Council has lacked trans- Then SDS was told to communicate ly advocate in favor of taking away a this, LUCC re-affirmed their decision wage.” These meetings show a pat-
parency about their actions to the better with LUCC about what they free choice every woman should be and gave APLS a 10-week trial period tern of disrespect towards people who
general student body for a long time. want and to come back for a vote able to make for themselves. Advocacy where they will have access to student are educated on a lot of these issues,
We have seen a pattern of extremely next term. This is after SDS reached for taking away rights from women funding. across all roles in LUCC. Passionate
concerning behavior from LUCC, so out to members of the LUCC cabinet is discrimination, full stop. They Finally, came approving hon- students are leaving these roles
since they won’t say what they do, we repeatedly Fall Term and even set up also continued to use the Lawrence oraria, which is a stipend given to because this disrespect is exhausting,
decided to tell you all for them. Our a meeting with two cabinet members, University name for months while LUCC members at the end of every degrading,and extremely frustrating.

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The opinions expressed in The Lawrentian are those of the students, faculty and community members who wrote them. The
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mitting articles, please refer to the masthead, which is located on the back of each edition.
12 COMMUNITY April 8, 2022

Photo Poll
— Editorial policy is Editors-in-Chief:
Adam Fleischer determined by the editors. Alex Freeman
Taylor Hughes
Staff Photographer Any opinions that appear
unsigned are those of the Copy Chief:
majority of The Lawrentian’s Miri Villerius
What is your favorite thing about spring term? Editorial Board.
Managing Editor:
— Letters to the editor are Amber Gu
encouraged. The editors
reserve the right to edit for News Editors:
Sophia Schultz
style and space. Letters must Nathan Wall
be emailed to:
lawrentian@lawrence. Variety Editor:
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should be text attachments.
Sports Editor:
— All submissions to edito- Sean McLaughlin
rial pages must be turned in
Features Editor:
to The Lawrentian no later Lucian Baxter
than 5 p.m. on the Monday
before publication. Arts & Entertainment Editor:
Shirley Xu
— All submissions to the
editorial pages must be Opinions & Editorials Editor:
“The weather is finally nice enough “Sitting on Main Hall Green and “Live Music.” Evan Ney
accompanied by a phone
to do stuff outside!” doing homework.” — John Painter
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— The Lawrentian reserves Copy Editors:

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any submissions received Rose Williams
after the above deadline
Layout Editor:
— Letters to the editor will Paola Saldana Galvan
be edited for clarity, decen-
cy, accuracy and grammar.

— Letters to the editor

should not be more than 500
“Praising the sun.” “Seeing everyone’s beautiful faces!” “It’s not cold and dark anymore.” words.
— Jonah Friedmann — Jake Baron — Maggie Walker

Members of
the Associated

“Not dreading walking outside.” “River Bugs.” “The weather bringing people
— Nathaniel Laprade — Alan Schlessinger together.”
— Sam Schulte

Unedited Board Jamie Dong, Alana Melvin

Staff Photographer, Photo Editor

Alex Freeman, Shirley Xu, Alana Melvin,

Co-Editor-in-Chief Arts & Entertainment Editor Photo Editor

“70-degree weather (someday!)” “Finishing my senior rectial.” “Luaroo.”

@TheLawrentian /Lawrentian @the_lawrentian

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