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Government Commercial Certificate Examination
03 DECEMBER, 2015
[Time : 14-00]
(Total Marks for Sections I and II : 100)
(30 Words Per Minute)
[Time Allowed : 7 Minutes]

Note : Do not type the ‘SPEED PASSAGE’ again.

Type the following speed passage in SEVEN MINUTES. Use DOUBLE or ONE
and HALF LINE SPACING and a Margin of FIFTEEN SPACES on the left.

[Marks : 40]
The natural vegetation of this dry area is
classified as Northern Desert Thorn Forest. The
whole region is largely sandy and bare rocks are
exposed. That is why vegetal cover is very thin and
only a few small trees can be observed. Density and
size of patches increase from west to east following
the increase in rainfall. Natural vegetation of
Rajasthan Desert is composed of tree, shrub and
herb species. The shrubs are thorny and have a
stunted growth.
Trees are short and stunted due to scanty
rainfall. Khip bush with long needle shape branches
without leaves is common in sandy soils. Evergreen
bushes of khair, phog, beri, khejri ana cactus are
found in a fairly large area at some places. Babul
is one of the best fodder trees of this region and
it grows even under arid climatic and sandy conditions.
Babul grows very well in arid conditions.
Local tree species suitable for planting in the
deserts region are very few and these are slow and
slow growing.

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