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Topic: Time Management

Lecturer : Vu Thi Thu Trang

Subject : Professional English 1
Class : 2181ENTI1011

Group : Group 2

Ha Noi, 2/10/2021
INDUCTION..................................................................................................................... 2
PART 1: INTRODUCTION............................................................................................3
1.1. Time value............................................................................................................3
1.2. What is time management?................................................................................3
PART 2: THE MAIN CONTENTS.................................................................................4
2.1. Why do we need to manage time?.........................................................................4
2.2. Factors affecting time management......................................................................5
2.3. How do we manage time?.......................................................................................7
2.3.1. Time management principles............................................................................7
2.3.2. Effective time management methods................................................................9
2.3.3. Time management tools..................................................................................10
2.4. Problems and solutions.........................................................................................12
2.4.1. Problems..........................................................................................................12
2.4.2. Solutions..........................................................................................................12
2.5. Example of student time management................................................................13
PART 3: CONCLUSION...............................................................................................16
DESCRIPTION TABLE................................................................................................18
People often say that “Time is gold”. That’s right, time is something money can’t
buy, it’s something that never comes back and it’s gone, it can’t be regained. Therefore,
it is extremely valuable to our lives. And before doing anything, we should have a
specific plan to manage our time in the most scientific way, to avoid wasting time
unnecessarily. However, many people still do not know how to take advantage of time,
and arrange their work accordingly. So how important is time and how to have effective
time management skills.
1.1. Time value

In life, there are three things lost that people can never get back: Time, opportunity
and words. We can see that time is one of the most important things in human life. So,
What is time? Time is life's linearly flowing moments, invisible and elusive. Time is
always endless, the most honest demonstration of what is called immortality, but for
humans time is finite. Time is a material that is really important in life and makes up life.
Time is also an asset, a human treasure. An hour has 60 minutes, but 60 minutes will go
very quickly if we do not know how to use that time to base the most valuable things.

1.2. What is time management?

If the daily saying is “I wish I had more time to work…” then we probably don’t
know what time management is. Time management is the process of planning and
organizing time for each specific activity, in detail step by step until the goal is
completed. Because time is limited, we must have good time management skills. The
effectiveness of time management is judged on the results of the work done, not on the
fast or slow completion time.
2.1. Why do we need to manage time?
 The advantage of managing time:
- Saving time:

Time is one of the most valuable resources we possess, yet many people fail to use it
wisely. The biggest reason time management is critical to work is that it is essentially in
limited supply. No matter what you do, there will only be 24 hours in a day. Effective
time management demands that you allocate time to a particular task. This way, you
actually schedule your time before beginning the task. You have a clear path ahead of
you; this clarity also saves wasted time and effort.

- Increase work efficiency:

Time management skills help you reduce stress and prioritise your time. Effective
time management clarifies your goals and prioritises your most important tasks. As a
result, you have more time to achieve bigger and better results.

When you manage your time, you can plan your day and increase your performance.
Daily planning improves your productivity. Planning your time is an important element
of time management. Planning increases productivity and effectiveness. To be more
productive with your time it’s important to identify your daily priorities. Identifying your
priorities helps you spend your most productive time working on them.

By making time management a priority, you can accomplish more in a shorter

period. This can mean a higher level of productivity for those on set schedules or the
ability to spend less time at work for individuals who have to stay until their duties are
complete. Either way, you benefit.

 The disadvantage of not managing time:

- Imbalance between work and life:

One of the most important benefits of time management is a better work-life

balance. If you achieve a better work-life balance, you can be more productive at work
and have more time to spend on your most important relationships. Work-life balance
creates a good balance between your professional life and personal life.
That’s why, if you don’t manage your time, you must spend long hours at work, you
risk burnout and feeling tired all the time. When work is stressful, hours can get long and
stress from the office tends to follow you home and leak into your personal time.

- Unknowingly creating a bad habit:

Procrastination happens when you don’t manage your time. When you aren’t clear
and focused on your goals, it’s easy to procrastinate. Poor time management causes
distraction and procrastination. Procrastination can make you feel stuck, stressed, and
anxious. The more overwhelmed and stressed out by procrastination you are, the harder it
will be to stop procrastinating. When you procrastinate, you put off important projects to
the last minute, waste time on unimportant tasks, and choose to do things you know you
shouldn’t be doing.

Health is a blessing to people and can be achieved through appropriate care. Time
management is also useful for making human life healthy. It means, if you don’t manage
your time, you must spend long hours at work, you risk burnout and feeling tired all the
time because of sleeping too late and unknowingly creating a bad habit.

2.2. Factors affecting time management

 Attitude

Attitude is a sign of concentration, effort, and devotion to a certain job. And in time
management, attitude has a huge influence, which is the determinant of the effectiveness
of time management. If you have a positive attitude, always full of energy, serious about
the job then your time management will be successful, you can accomplish goals beyond

On the contrary, if you have a negative attitude, a mentality that is always tired, has
no interest in working, you often slow down deadlines, do not finish work, want to give
up, quit work in the middle = > your time management becomes a failure.

 Goal

Setting goals is the basic skill of time management, and the most important skill
because goals are the driving force that forces you to tackle work and effort throughout
the process. When you have a clear goal, you know what you're going to have to do to
achieve it. Make sure that the goals you set are right and potentially motivating, otherwise
you'll lose time, direction, and give up after a while. As a result, your time is wasted, so
identify your goals correctly and rationally.

 Entertain

Procrastination is no one's own disease, because it is human nature that we tend to

"do today, let tomorrow do". Procrastination greatly affects your time management plans.
If you procrastinate on something for the first time, there will be a second time and many
times after that. The work you should have done the day before is piled up the next day
and then, from there, your time plan will be destroyed, time management is no longer

Time management is also affected by our overindulgence of entertainment such as

watching movies, surfing social networks, not being able to refuse appointments,
gathering friends,... These things cause our work to be delayed from day to day, leading to
time management no longer being effective.

 Ability to plan

Once you identify your goals, planning will be the next essential skill in time
management. Planning makes the work you do to achieve your goals become scientific
and easy. The tasks are scheduled specifically, suitable for each stage, the ability to
complete. From there, it saves us time.

When you don't know what you want, there's no specific plan to do it. And you're
wasting your time, effort, and money pointlessly. An effective, detailed plan will make it
easy to achieve your goals quickly and effectively, helping to minimize stress and time

2.3. How do we manage time?

2.3.1. Time management principles
We can know that many factors affect your time management. If controlled
properly, you can completely control your time. The SMART Goals is a scientific method
to help you manage your time and achieve your goals more effectively.
 Specific: The goal is well defined and focused

Develop a goal that is targeted at the intended area. Your goal should be clear and
specific, otherwise you won't be able to focus your efforts or feel truly motivated to
achieve it. When drafting your goal, try to answer the five "W" questions: What do I want
to accomplish? Why is this goal important? Who is involved? Where is it located?
Which resources or limits are involved?

Develop a goal that has clear intention – is your goal intended to monitor an
outcome, improve an outcome, or predict an outcome. What do you want to achieve?
Want something? How's the income? How is the growth? We need to implement and
plan, balance the time for each job, arrange enough time, avoid waste. For example, your
goal is an A for this course. Therefore, you need to make a specific plan about a dreamy
score and the time spent on this course.

 Measurable: The goal has a measureable outcome

Can it be reasonably measured? Time, as well as work, need to be specified in

numbers. Once a goal is determined, the individual needs to write that goal down on
paper and place it in places where we can observe it as a reminder when performing work
for each specific time. This way helps us to remember our work, avoid forgetting or
approaching the deadline so that it affects the proposed work and the current jobs. If there
are no criteria, you will not be able to determine your progress and if you are on track to
reach your goal. It's important to have measurable goals, so that you can track your
progress and stay motivated. Assessing progress helps you to stay focused, meet your
deadlines, and feel the excitement of getting closer to achieving your goal.

 Attainable: The goal is realistic

Setting goals gives you long-term vision and short-term motivation. It focuses your
acquisition of knowledge and helps you to organize your time and your resources so that
you can make the most of your life. By setting sharp, clearly defined goals, you can
measure and take pride in the achievement of those goals, and you'll see forward progress
in what might previously have seemed a long pointless grind. You will also raise your self
- confidence as you recognize your own ability and competence in achieving the goals
that you've set. Based on reality, we should make a detailed plan to implement the job's
requirements, along with our abilities and capabilities. We will calculate the time for each
job, each stage. While planning, it is advisable to divide goals and time reasonably. After
that, we can compare how far we have done, or at which stage we are slow. Therefore, we
can know the work results and make timely adjustments.

 Relevant: The goal is based off current conditions and realities

Does the goal support the desired outcome you are trying to achieve? Consider the
job by your ability and existing conditions. Determine the efficiency and time of work
that can be completed and distribute it reasonably. Avoid subjectivity.

Does the goal support the strategic direction? This step is about ensuring that your
goal matters to you, and that it also aligns with other relevant goals. We all need support
and assistance in achieving our goals, but it's important to retain control over them. So,
make sure that your plans drive everyone forward, but that you're still responsible for
achieving your own goal. A relevant goal can answer "yes" to these questions: Does this
seem worthwhile? Is this the right time? Does this match our other efforts/needs? Am I
the right person to reach this goal? Is it applicable in the current socio-economic

 Timely: The goal should be grounded within a timeframe

You need a deadline to focus on and something to work toward. How much time do
we have left to achieve the goal? When given personal time, we must always be conscious
of the time for his work. Specifically, we also need to inform and support our members
about the time and workload. A time-bound goal will usually answer these questions:
When? What can I do six months from now? What can I do six weeks from now? What
can I do today? Share and help each other to achieve the set goals.

2.3.2. Effective time management methods

Firstly, you must determine your target with the S.M.A.R.T principle. After that,
you have to write the to-do list.

Then, put your work in order of priority. In this step, we recommend the 80/20 rule
which states that for most cases 80% of the result comes from 20% causes. For example,
20% of customers contribute 80% of revenue or 80% of lottery tickets are bought by 20%
of society. Please, number the items in your list from 1 to 10, with one requiring the least
amount of effort. Then, consider the potential positive results from doing those things.
Label those from one to 10, with 10 having the highest impact. The next step is to create a
new ranking of the items on your to-do list. Divide the amount of effort by the potential
results. This gives you the priority ranking you need to more effectively manage time and
increase results.

Hence, estimate how long each task will take and add it to your schedule or plan.
For smooth execution of the plan, we introduce to you the 4d method. This is a simple
and easy to remember method. You just concentrate on 4 words starting with D.

- Do: If you have important work to do, you must solve it right away.
- Dump: You must get rid of some pointless task, this will save your time.
- Delegate: If the task needs to be done but someone else can do it better than you,
give it to that person.
- Defer: If you can't do it right now, postpone it and write down in your notebook a
plan to do it. If task delays are increasing, then you need to consider whether to use
the 2nd and 3rd D's.
The point of this method is to focus on solving one task thoroughly before moving
on to the next.

2.3.3. Time management tools

 Application

Nowadays, technology is developing day by day, the number of people using

smartphones is increasing day by day. So there are many applications installed on the
phone, and when it comes to time management applications, it is impossible not to
mention the application “AppBlock”. AppBlock helps focus on school or work by
temporarily blocking distracting apps on mobile devices. Every time you try to access
locked apps, AppBlock will encourage you with words that are both close and
inspirational like “Give up small things to achieve great achievements”. Once the job is
done, you can cancel this feature by plugging in the charger and entering the unlock code.
AppBlock is extremely easy to use. AppBlock has an overall rating of 4.1 on Google play
and enhances the safety of your mobile after installation. In general, a time management
application is a very useful application, helping us not to waste time and helping us to be
more efficient at work or study in life.
 Notebook

Besides time management applications, we can manage time by taking notes on the
things that need to be done on paper. We need to make a to-do list for the day, week and
month. It will help us easily manage our precious time. We will know what to do, so we
won’t have to waste time remembering what we have to do today or what to do next after
completing a certain task. After listing the tasks on paper, we should take a moment to
double-check which tasks need to be done first, and which can be left behind. The
important tasks, let’s mark and do it the right way to ensure the work is completed on
time, then continue to complete the remaining tasks.In summary, taking notes is also very
good and scientific, it helps us to arrange the work order in a reasonable way to save our

2.4. Problems and solutions

2.4.1. Problems
 Unclear objectives

You are unsure of the goal you are pursuing or have no goals at all. Before
proceeding with a certain task, each person must envision a clear goal. A clear goal helps
us to know clearly what we need to do, plan to do the best, and at the same time carry out
and control the progress of the work. → We can't get the job done without a clear goal.
 Disorganization

Many people also find that disorganization can get in the way of their time
management and productivity. Being organized is often a key element of good time
management because it helps you spend more time accomplishing goals and less time
switching between tasks or searching for items.

 Procrastination

When there is no interest or a deadline for a task, we often assume that it's okay to
do it another time, and it's okay not to do it right away. However, if something
unexpected happens, we will obviously be passive. If there are so many postponements,
then at some point we will be overwhelmed and cannot handle it in time.

2.4.2. Solutions
 Splitting work to do it

Before a big task, you may find it stressful and difficult to do well. Or sometimes
you take a long time to think before working because the amount of work is so much that
you don't know where to start. To deal with this situation, you just need to break them
down into smaller, more affordable tasks and organize them into a multi-step process with
corresponding deadlines. When you complete the small pieces of work, you will no
longer find it as difficult as at first.

 Not set too many goals

Setting defined goals for yourself over the course of your career, such as completing
a specific task or segment of work, is an essential part of time management. Setting a
series of realistic goals and a series of optimal goals allows you to feel each achievement
throughout your day as a source of motivation and encouragement. However, you should
set a sufficient number of goals, not too many goals at once to reduce stress and work
more effectively.

 Make a reasonable schedule and adjust it every day

Start improving your time management skills by organizing your days and weeks in
advance. There will always be surprises, but you'll get an idea of the kinds of tasks and
responsibilities you'll have to deal with on a daily, weekly basis. If you're feeling a little
lost, take a week or two to track what you do each day. This will help you identify
recurring patterns and tasks, which you can then incorporate into your schedule.

 Discipline yourself

In the process of working, it is inevitable to be distracted. With distractions taking

up so much of your time, you'll find yourself falling behind at work. Therefore, we should
realize what distractions tend to consume a lot of our time. And then, by disciplining
yourself to avoid these distractions.

2.5. Example of student time management

 Reality of student’s time management

Not everyone has the ability to effectively manage and utilize their time, especially
young people. Currently, students still do not know how to organize their time reasonably
and effectively. Most students, when escaping from the control of their families and
schools, have inadvertently wasted their time: lazy to study, sleepless, giddy with
unscientific work habits leading to low work efficiency, did not achieve the set target.

Others learn and work by feeling, passively.

 How should students manage their time effectively?
(1) Determine the target

Students set goals in a week to complete: study in class, study at home, join club,
work part-time, leisure activities, other activities (do exercise;...). The target's activities
meet the SMART principle.

S - Specific: Specific, clear and easy to understand

M - Measurable: Measurable

A - Achievable: Can be obtained by one's own ability

R - Realistic: Reality, not fantasy

T - Time bound: Time limit to achieve the outlined goal

(2) List of thing to do

Make a to-do list for a week. In more detail, make it a habit in the morning to spend
5-10 minutes writing down the things that need to be done and reporting the results at the
end of the day. Of course, the reality of what happens every day is not always what we
"programmed", there will be new things that can't be foreseen, but you should always try
to do it. Get the important work set out for the day.

(3) Sort by priority

After making a to-do list, we need to arrange them in order of priority, we will
number them from 1 to 10 in order of priority.

Activities Study in Study at Join club Work part- Other Leisure

class home time activities activities
Priority 1 2 3 4 5 6
(4) Estimated time required and Planning
From the prioritized chart, estimate the time for activities according to its priority,
make a reasonable and scientific timetable:

Day/Hour 7 a.m - 12 p.m 13p.m – 17p.m 18p.m – 21p.m 21p.m - 23p.m

Monday Study in class Join club Study at home Leisure
Tuesday Work part-time Study in class Join club Other activities
Wednesday Study in class Study in class Study at home Other activities
Thursday Study in class Work part-time Work part-time Other activities
Friday Study in class Study in class Study at home Leisure
Saturday Study at home Work part-time Study at home Other activities
Sunday Join club Other activities Leisure activities Other activities

It can be said that there are still many people who don’t know the value of time.
They let time go by day after day, month after month, ruining their youth, their health,
their qualities. Many students are lazy, many young people are playing games,...
therefore, the results of study and work decline, sometimes costing health and money. If
we waste time, we will gradually feel bored - become lifeless. And no exception for those
who only know to bury their heads in study or work, do not know the things around, do
not know how to balance their time with society and themselves. So now let’s cherish our
time, make efforts, and know how to master your own time. Because time management is
very important. For me as a student still sitting at school, I am aware of the value of time,
to know that to do right and useful for every one and society. Let’s make the most of the
time, so that we will never regret wasting it.



2.2 Factors affecting time
7 Nguyễn Thị Chung management

2.3.1 Time management

8 Ngô Thanh Dịu principles

2.3.2 Effective time management

9 Nguyễn Khương Duy methods

2.4 Problems and solutions

10 Phan Thị Phương Duyên

Part 1 Introductrion + Part 3

11 Tạ Thị Hà Conclusion + 2.3.3 Time
management tools
2.1 Why do we need to manage
12 Hồ Ngọc Hiếu time?

Nhóm trưởng
13 Trịnh Thị Hoa Word + 2.5 Example of student
time management

14 Phạm Thị Thanh Huệ PowerPoint

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