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Part 1: Person-Centred Behaviour Supports

1. From the options below, select the two (2) principles of positive behaviour
support that focus on the individual.

i. Addressing the person’s unmet needs and goals by improving their

quality of life

ii. Developing the skills of a person with challenging behaviours to let

them experience success and satisfaction

iii. Refraining from acknowledging individual achievements

iv. See their disability as an object of pity and charity

2. From the options below, select the four (4) practices of positive behaviour
support that focus on the individual.

a. Acknowledge and encourage the person’s positive interactions that result

in positive outcomes

b. Apply physical restraint to minimise risk from a person demonstrating a

challenging behaviour.

c. Defuse a situation of risk by threatening the person on what could

happen to them if they do not calm down.

d. Identify triggers and warning signs (precursors) to the behaviour of

concern and apply the proactive strategies as per the person’s
individualised support plan.

e. Redirect the person to a meaningful activity of choice

f. Use effective listening and communication skills

3. From the options below, select the three (3) statements which are true about
the social model of disability.

a. It is the traditional way of viewing and responding to a person with a


b. It views ‘disability’ as the result of people living with impairments

interacting in an environment with physical, attitudinal, communication
and social barriers.

c. It seeks ways to remove barriers that restrict life choices for people living
with disability.

d. Its aim is to treat the person’s disability to enable them to participate in

the society.

e. It states the society’s perception of disability is a factor that limits what a

person with a disability can do.

4. Ricky, a construction worker, was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Due to

complications, one of his legs had to be amputated. He decides to return to
work, a few months after the surgery. His supervisor assigns him the role of
cleaning the equipment used onsite and other ad hoc administrative duties. His
colleagues, however, feel that Ricky will not be able to perform his duties well
because of his acquired condition.

From the options below, select the three (3) possible effects of this social
devaluation on Ricky’s quality of life.

a. Ricky may lose confidence in himself, and he might see himself as a


b. Ricky may decide to quit his job and be prone to depression for doing so.

c. Ricky may become hostile towards his colleagues.

d. Ricky may become an overachiever in his job.

e. Ricky may develop a deep, trusting relationship with his colleagues.

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5. Listed below are positive lifestyle enhancement strategies. Match each strategy
to the statement that accurately describes it.

a) Positive reinforcement c) Stress management

b) Motivation d) Support relationships

Write the letter of your answer in the spaces provided above.

i. These include healthy interactions that promote trust and
d understanding between the person with disability and their family,
carers, and significant others.

a ii. This strategy is done to increase the likelihood of the positive

behaviour to occur again.

iii. It is the process of initiating, guiding, and maintaining goal-oriented

c iv. This includes strategies such as meditation, self-talk, breathing

exercises to help a person cope better with stress.

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6. Paulo used to be a painter. He also used to drink alcohol excessively and smoke
cigarettes regularly. He had a stroke five years ago that paralysed the right side
of his body, including the hand that he uses to create beautiful paintings.

Although he cannot paint like he used to, he is learning how to paint with his
left hand. He also still enjoys visiting his friends’ exhibits and galleries.

Select from below the four (4) positive lifestyle enhancement strategies that can
be used to support Paulo’s progress.

i. Celebrating accomplishments whenever Paulo meets his personal


ii. Accompanying Paulo whenever he visits his friends’ exhibits and

galleries, as requested

iii. Ensure that Paulo is meeting his nutritional needs by preparing

meals and drinks prescribed in his individualised plan

iv. Home modifications (e.g. handrails mounted to the bathroom) to

have the home environment to suit Paulo’s mobility requirements.

v. Let Paulo drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes whenever he insists

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7. The following statements refer to the principles of effective communication.
Write T if the statement is True, and F if it is False.

F i. Verbal communication is more important than non-verbal


T ii. It involves not just choosing the correct words but also involves many
other skills.

iii. It depends on a number of factors, including but not limited to the

T relationship between the sender and receiver, cultural norms, how
the person is feeling at that time, etc.

T iv. It is a mixture of effective verbal and non-verbal communication


T v. It means choosing powerful words to persuade others.

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8. A client with a disability visits a shop to buy a new dress. They see the dress
they like in one of the stalls. However, another shopper is about to take it. The
client tries to grab the dress from the shopper and tells them that they found it
first and they badly want it. The other shopper disagrees, which makes the
client angry. They start to yell at the other shopper and at the store clerk, and
pulls out other clothes from their hangers.

In line with the principles of effective communication, list three (3) ways on
how the behaviours of the client with disability can be best minimised.

i. Establishing a warm environment

ii. Remember that your knowledge is limited
iii. Build listening skills

9. Select from the following options the four (4) indicators of unmet needs for
people with disability.

i. Demonstration of behaviours of concern

ii. Increased social interaction

iii. Infections or sores

iv. Poor hygiene, such as unkempt hair or dirty clothing

v. Unexplained loss of weight

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10. Below are scenarios showing behaviours of concern. Determine what type of
factor is contributing to the behaviour of concern demonstrated by the person
in each scenario.

In the spaces provided, write:

PH – if it is a physical factor
EM – if it is an emotional factor
EN – if it is an environmental factor
MD – if it is a medication factor

i. Becca has chronic migraines. She is taking prescriptions for this. She
MD is taking this new painkiller, unaware of its side effects on her body.
She is oftentimes emotional, angry, and irritable.

ii. Sally has been diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
EM She is also scared of dark places. Her peers tried to make fun of her
once by leaving her alone in a dark classroom. Sally cries and
screams, and runs around the room trying to get out.

iii. Bobby has a profound intellectual disability. He is unable to properly

PH articulate his thoughts. One day, he experienced back pain, and since
he cannot properly communicate, he starts screaming and shouting
at his carer.

iv. Mikey is a teenager with autism. He once visited a large shopping

EN centre with his mother. He found the place to be too noisy and
stressful, so he ran away.

v. Laurence was born with Prader-Willi Syndrome. It is a rare genetic

disorder, typically characterised by obesity and shortness in height.
Laurence has supportive family and friends, but he has a very low
self-esteem and low confidence. Whenever he feels upset about his
physical body, he locks himself in his bedroom for hours and refuses
to talk to anyone.

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11. List three (3) specialist disability services available for people with disability.


Specialist Services:
i. Availability of Braille or talking books
ii. Sign language interpreting
iii. Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Services (EWMHS)

12. Susan, a 35-year-old woman, is living with dyslexia. She has difficulties with
reading and interpreting written texts. She wants to apply for a job as an office
receptionist. However, she feels that she will be rejected because of her
From the options below, select the three (3) most appropriate referral options
that will assist Susan in applying for the job.

i. Advocacy services

ii. Human Rights Commission

iii. Local area coordinator for disability support

iv. Support groups for people with dyslexia

v. Telephone interpreter

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13. Complete the table by citing one (1) legal and one (1) ethical considerations when delivering services to people with disability.
Write your answers in the spaces provided below.
Guidance: You may refer to the legal and ethical considerations that apply in your State/Territory. There is no need to
write the specific statement from the legislation. Instead, provide an example of how each is applied in the workplace.
A sample response has been provided below.


Area Legal Consideration Ethical Consideration

Sample response: Sample response:

The support worker displays professionalism by The support worker ensures that they deliver
conducting work within the scope of their job
i. Codes of conduct role, and in line with the policies and procedures the highest quality of care to clients in line with
of the organisation. their professional conduct.

The concerned support worker must be aware of The support worker must abide to the ethical
the laws and regulations applied in respect to
the abuse in their state and assist accordingly consideration within their rules and protocol.

ii. Abuse

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The support worker must follow risk assessment The ethical consideration for handling the risks
procedures in respect to the legal guidelines of
the area must be considered prior to the assistance.

iii. Dignity of risk

the disability support worker must be The managers and supervisors are held in
committed in developing and maintaining an response to ensure the clients are assisted in the
environment that is free of discrimination and boundaries of ethics of the workplace.
iv. Discrimination harassment as stated in the legal framework.

The disability support worker must owe a duty The support worker ensures that they deliver the
of care towards the client for ensuring that they highest quality of care to clients in line with
do not suffer from any unreasonable harm or their professional conduct.
v. Duty of care loss.

The disability support worker must work and The support worker ensures that an ethical
viewpoint is met while delivering their services
assist in manner to abide the human rights to the clients.
policies for the disabled and ensuring that they
vi. Human rights
are not subjected to any discrimination based on
the rights they owe

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The disability support worker must follow the The support worker ensures that they deliver the
restrictive practices towards the client for highest quality of care to clients in line with
ensuring that they do not suffer from any their professional conduct and ensure to
vii. Constraint/ unreasonable harm or loss. maintain the restrictive practices for their safety.
Restrictive Practices

The disability support worker must follow the The support worker ensures that they deliver the
laws and regulations guiding the policies of highest quality of care and follow the ethics
imprisonment towards the client. while dealing with such cases.
viii. Imprisonment

The disability support worker must be aware to The support worker ensures that they deliver the
follow the laws governing the informed consent
and towards the client and ensure their highest quality of care and ethically are
boundaries of personal space are met. consensual about their actions.
ix. Informed consent

The disability support worker must look forward The support worker ensures that they deliver the
to report mandatorily to the management about
all the activities of their clients for ensuring their best assistance while reporting mandatorily in
progress record. accordance with the ethics.
x. Mandatory reporting

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Guidance: Refer to at least one (1) practice standard and specify its legal and ethical considerations.
The disability support worker follows the The support worker ensures that they deliver the
practice standards such as maintaining the highest quality of care to clients in line with
clinical policy statements and standard their professional conduct and ensuring the
xi. Practice standards
operating procedures. practice standards are met.

The support worker ensures that they deliver the

The disability support worker must ensure the
highest quality of care to clients which are
privacy, confidentiality and disclosure by ethically in accordance with the organisation’s
xii. Privacy, managing the record of each client a private norms.
confidentiality and space and reporting it to the management.

The disability support worker must ensure work The support worker ensures that they deliver the
health and safety towards the client for ensuring highest quality of care to clients to ensure that
that they do not suffer from issues related to they their health and safety is maintained.
xiii. Work health and their health while their treatment processes.

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The disability support worker must keep in mind The support worker ensures that they deliver the
the work role boundaries as well as the
xiv. Work role responsibilities and limitations they owe highest quality of care to clients in line with
boundaries – towards the client. their professional conduct while abiding to their
responsibilities and work role and boundaries.

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14. Listed below are the six (6) National Standards that apply to disability service
providers. In your own words, briefly explain what each standard about.

Standard What is it about

The service promotes individual rights to freedom of
expression, self-determination and decision-making and
i. Rights actively prevents abuse, harm, neglect and violence.

The service works with individuals and families, friends

and carers to promote opportunities for meaningful
ii. Participation and participation and active inclusion in society.

Services and supports are assessed, planned, delivered and

reviewed to build on individual strengths and enable
iii. Individual individuals to reach their goals

Regular feedback is sought and used to inform individual and

organisation-wide service reviews and improvement.
iv. Feedback and

The service manages access, commencement and leaving a

service in a transparent, fair, equal and responsive way.
v. Service Access

The service has effective and accountable service

management and leadership to maximise outcomes for
vi. Service individuals

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15. Identify one (1) behaviour management policy that applies in your
State/Territory which relates to the following:
a. Responses for critical incidents
b. Accident and incident reporting
c. Restrictions on use of aversive procedures, including least restrictive
alternative support
Outline the corresponding procedures for each.
Guidance: Provide at least two (2) examples of critical incidents and
restrictive procedures as outlined by the policies.

Policy Procedures

Positive behaviour support policy The policy aims at establishing

a clear statement of
understanding and intent with
relation to positive behaviour
support within a human rights
framework that focuses on

a) Responses
for critical
incidents Two (2) examples of critical

 Treatment delay for a client

 Wrong dose of a medicine

Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and RIDDOR puts duties on

Dangerous Occurrences employers, the self-
Regulations (RIDDOR) 2013 employed and people in
control of work premises
b) Accident and (the Responsible Person) to
incident report certain serious
workplace accidents,
occupational diseases and
specified dangerous
occurrences (near misses).

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Restrictive practices policy and This policy operates on
procedures the basis of legislative,
contractual or
organisational specific
monitoring and reporting
c) Restrictions
on use of
procedures Two (2) examples of restricted
aversive procedures.
 Sign of physical pains
experienced by the client
 Potential or actual physical
side effects, including tissue

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Part 2: Empowering People with Disability

1. The following statements refer to the medical and social model of service in
disability support.

In the spaces provided, write:

M – if the statement refers to the medical model of service; or
S – if the statement refers to the social model of service.

S i. According to this model, a person's ‘disability’ is an effect of how

society views them.

S ii. It seeks ways to remove barriers that restrict life choices for people
living with disability.

M iii. This model assumes that the doctor is the only person who will have
a say on what the person needs in life.

S iv. This model seeks to change society in order to accommodate people

with disability.

M v. In this model, people with disability are viewed as individuals who

need to be cured.

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2. The following statements refer to the institutionalised and person-centred
model of support in disability support.

In the spaces provided, write:

I – if the statement refers to the institutionalised model of support; or
P – if the statement refers to the person-centred model of support.

P i. It provides clients more control over their lives by allowing them to

decide on options for their own care and support.

I ii. The care facility primarily directs the care provided to the clients.

iii. It considers the individualised needs of clients – it considers that

P each person has different needs, and the support to be provided must
address these needs.

iv. The client, together with their family and carers, and the support
P worker work together in providing the care and support needed by
the client.

I v. In this model of support, people with disabilities are housed in a

facility where they are treated for medical needs only.

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3. Select the three (3) statements below that illustrate social constructs about
people with disability.

i. People with disability always need the assistance of other people to

do their tasks.

ii. People with disability have limited capacities.

iii. People with disability have the capacity to enhance their own quality
of life.

iv. People with disability require special arrangements when attending

social events.

v. People with disability are able to contribute to the community.

4. The following are different tasks and duties that are involved in providing
disability support.

Select the three (3) tasks and duties which are not within the scope of your role
as a support worker, and would require the help of other personnel.

i. Administering clinical procedures

ii. Assisting the client in shopping for groceries

iii. Delivering psychological therapies and counselling

iv. Prescribing medication to the client

v. Supporting the client to clean and tidy their room

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5. Match each of the following types of disabilities to the statement that
accurately describes them.

a) acquired brain injury g) physical disability

b) autism spectrum disorder h) hearing impairment
c) cognitive disability i) vision impairment
d) developmental delay j) speech disability
e) intellectual disability k) language disability
f) neurological impairment

Write the letters of your answers in the spaces provided.

b i. It is a lifelong developmental condition characterised by difficulties

in social interaction, communication, and restricted and repetitive
The term for this disorder is used to include other disorders with
varying symptoms and severity.

e ii. It is a developmental disorder characterised by intelligence

limitations, and significant difficulty with daily living skills.

k iii. This condition can either be acquired or developmental. A person

with this condition has a difficulty understanding what other people
are saying to them. They have also have difficulty in expressing their
thoughts. This is characterised by a limited vocabulary, incorrect
grammar, and difficulty in using correct words in a sentence when
using spoken language.

f iv. It occurs when there is damage to the nervous system, which includes
the brain and spinal cord. This affects a person’s ability to process
information, move physically, and communicate.

h v. This condition causes the person to be partially or completely unable

to hear sounds in an environment. This can occur at birth or can be

d vi. It describes when a child takes longer to reach developmental

milestones than other children.

g vii. These are disabilities that may affect, either temporarily or

permanently, a person's physical capacity and/or mobility.

i viii. It is a limitation to a person’s sense of sight which may be genetic or


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a ix. This condition is damage to the brain caused by a blow to the head,
an infection, disease, stroke, and alcohol or drug abuse. It causes a
temporary or permanent damage and changes the way a person acts,
thinks, communicates and behaves.

c x. These are conditions affect the ability to perform one or more mental
tasks. This includes but is not limited to problems with reading text,
memory, problem-solving, keeping focused (attention span), etc.

j xi. It is characterised by an inability to produce speech sounds correctly

or fluently, difficulty in pronouncing sounds, and articulation.

6. Specify one (1) way on how you can provide care and support to the clients with
the conditions listed below.
Guidance: Ensure the practices you provide are within the scope of the role of
a disability support worker.

Condition Ways to Provide Care and Support

A relation of empathy and trust must be built with the


Anxiety disorder

Providing support thorough personal care which is person

centred and favourable for the client.

Acquired brain injury

Physical therapy can be adopted to help the client build

motor skills, improve posture and balance and increase
the muscle strength.
Down syndrome

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Client must be encouraged to practice increased physical
activities participate in a weight loss program for at least
six months.

The client must be provided with a therapist who would

help the client to strengthen the muscle function,
redevelop fine motor skills and learn adaptive techniques.
Spinal Cord Injury

The client must be facilitated with physical therapy,

speech therapy, occupational therapy, group activities and
family education.

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7. Consider the work role boundaries for disability support workers.

In the spaces provided, write:

R – if it is a support worker’s responsibility; or
L – if it is a support worker’s limitation or not within the scope of their

R i. Assist clients with their activities of daily living.

R ii. Provide advice to help the client with their personal problems.

L iii. Provide companionship while maintaining professional boundaries.

R iv. Lend the client money in times of financial troubles.

R v. Assist the client in preparing and serving their meals and drink

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8. Below are approaches and practices in disability support. List two (2) principles
for each.

Approach/Practice Principles

 Getting the proper information

 Getting clients affirmation
Active listening

 Supporting meaningful activities

 Helping out the client to become valued member
of the community.
Active support

 Development is lifelong
 Client development involves resource allocation
Lifespan development

 Avoiding the scope of risk wherever possible

 Deciding who may be at harm
Risk assessment

 Risk identification
 Risk control
Risk mitigation

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 The client must be knowing and understand
his/her rights
 Knowing what resources are available and using

 Access
 Equity
Social justice

 Each individual possesses a unique identity

 The client is the story teller of their own story

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9. Mauricio is a twenty-two year old with a congenital intellectual disability. His
mother, Margaret, is his primary carer. You have been assigned as Mauricio’s
support worker.

From the options below, select the three (3) strategies which can be used to
help him exercise his rights while receiving support service.

i. Assist Margaret and Mauricio in accessing the services and

complaints mechanisms of the service provider.

ii. Discuss with Margaret in private about matters regarding Mauricio’s

support plan – mothers always know best.

iii. Involve Mauricio in the decision-making processes relevant to his


iv. Provide Mauricio and Margaret sufficient information about the

support services that the organisation can provide to ensure that they
make informed decisions.

v. Since Mauricio’s has an intellectual disability, let Margaret make the


vi. Suggest to Margaret that Mauricio be placed in a mental health

facility as this is the best treatment for his condition.

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10. Select from the options below the three (3) strategies which can be used to
support the independent action and thinking of a person with disability.

i. Ask the person what activity they would like to do.

ii. Assist the person in developing step-by-step processes to achieve

their goals.

iii. If the person is unable to progress in goals, tell them that it’s a
difficult task.

iv. Provide full mobility support to the person in all of their ADLs.

v. Seek opportunities for the person to participate in community groups

or networks which are relevant to their personal interests.

11. Briefly explain how the following technological devices can help people with
disability in making choices. Support your response by citing an example of
software for each device and describing how it is used.

Guidance: Each response must be between 50 – 100 words in length.

How can this help people with disability make


The use of laptops can be beneficial for tasks such as

reading and writing documents, communicating with
other and searching for information over the net. Screen
reader software, JAWS can be used by the blind.

The use of tablets plays a significant role in the

improvement of lives of people with disabilities. Both the
android and iOS devices are helpful for people to
communicate, see and learn.

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12. In your own words, briefly explain two (2) ways on how people with disability
can access and use the following in disability services:
a. Advocacy services
b. Complaints mechanisms
Guidance: Each response must be between 20 – 100 words in length.

a. Advocacy services
i. By promoting and encouraging the clients by making representations on
the behalf of the disabled people.
ii. The client must be made aware of the practices and policies for the
promotion of their fair treatment.

b. Complaints mechanisms
i. The clients have the opportunity to directly approach the disability
service provider and discuss the concerns.
ii. The clients can seek assistance from or make a formal complaint through
a regulatory body or authority.

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13. Identify three (3) indicators of abuse and three (3) indicators of neglect
observed in people with disability.

a. Indicators of abuse
i. Bruises
ii. Eye injuries
iii. Sprains

b. Indicators of neglect
i. Poor skin condition
ii. Poor or improper hygiene
iii. Poor Grooming

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14. From the following scenarios, select the three (3) that illustrate how society
affects the level of impairment experienced by a person with disability.

i. Clark, who works in an RTO, has been diagnosed with high

functioning autism. He likes to talk a lot with other people. His
supervisor asks him if he would like to be assigned as a student
support assistant.

ii. Dylan, a 30-year old man, has hypertension. He boards a train during
peak hours and sits in the priority seats set aside for elderly and less
mobile passengers. A few minutes later, a man calls him out and tells
him that his seat must be given to another person as Dylan doesn’t
look ‘disabled’.

iii. Ethan has dwarfism. He tries to get a document from the top drawer
of a filing cabinet with the help of step ladder. One of his colleagues
sees him and says, ‘Let me get that for you.’

iv. Jorja, a teenager, has been diagnosed with early onset of type 2
diabetes. As part of her diet, she avoids foods which are high in sugar
content. Her friends feel sympathetic for her as she cannot eat as
much food as they do.

v. Sara is a stutterer. She wants to improve her way of speaking so her

mum asked if she would like to see a speech therapist on weekends.

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15. Answer the following self-reflective questions.

a. List two (2) of your personal values towards disability.

i. Empathy
ii. Support

b. Describe two (2) of your attitudes on working with people with disabilities.
i. Teamwork: helps in socializing the client.
ii. Encouragement: this would help the client to believe in himself and be
self sufficient

c. Explain how each of the attitudes you’ve described can affect how your role as a
disability support worker.
i. The attitude of teamwork would benefit the clients to socialize and
expand their perceptive. The role includes support and encouragement.
ii. Effective communication for encouragement would help to gain better
understanding of client needs.

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16. Describe the changes in the following frameworks within disability support

a. Legal Framework
Guidance: Describe the changes in laws and/or policies for people with
disability in terms of opportunities to exercise their rights.
The policies and legislative framework under the National Disability Insurance
Scheme (NDIS) were deployed in 2013 and aims in supporting the people with
permanent or significant disability.

b. Political Framework
Guidance: Describe the changes in the State/Territory government’s funding
provision for disability support. You may refer to the funding framework
applying in your State/Territory.
There have been significant and positive changes in the political framework in
concern with the disability support services under the Rudd government. The
changes were in particular related to the advocacy and consultation.

c. Social Framework
Guidance: Describe the changes on how the society addresses disability issues.
With the introduction of NDIS in 2013 there has been a change in the existing
perspective and the use of a person centric approach to provide social support
to the individuals. Also a cultural change in the society is promoted.

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17. Describe two (2) ways on how you can assist clients with disabilities in making
their own choices and decisions.
Guidance: Relate examples of how each can be demonstrated as part of your
job role.

i. The carer can support the client for increasing their independence of
enjoying social and community activities.
ii. The client must be made aware of the positive and negative consequences of
their possible choices.

18. Explain the importance of knowing and respecting a person’s individuality

when delivering services to clients.

It is of utmost importance for the support service provider to know and respect the
client’s individuality to appropriately understand their needs and accordingly
assisting them. This enables the client to have control over their own lives and

19. Describe how you will seek support from a more experienced and qualified staff
in the service.

I would seek their guidance based on their previous experiences and try and adapt
to the techniques and methodologies they have applied to assist the clients with

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Part 3: Community Participation and Social Inclusion

1. From the options below, select the three (3) elements of best practice for social
inclusion in the disability sector.

i. Conflict of interest

ii. Nurture relationships

iii. Open choices and opportunities

iv. Person-centred support

v. Stereotypes and prejudices

2. From the options below, select the three (3) elements of best practice for
community participation in the disability sector.

i. Consultation and participation

ii. Involvement of relevant stakeholders from the community

iii. Low financial support

iv. Shared benefits between the client and the community

v. Social marginalisation

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3. Select the two (2) legislation which applies to the provision of funding for
disability service providers.

Note: This refers to the funding framework prior to the rollout of the National
Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

i. Aged Care Act

ii. Community Services Act

iii. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

iv. Disability Discrimination Act

v. Disability Services Act

4. Briefly describe the changes in funding arrangements for disability service

providers during the NDIS transition.
Note: Refer to the funding arrangements in your State/Territory.


After the NDIS transition in respect to the funding arrangements a phased

introduction of a direct funding model based on consumer choice is devised in
which people with disabilities will be given their own funds and would be able to
make their own choices regarding the services they receive.

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5. Select the two (2) benefits of disability funding frameworks to community

i. It can reduce the long-term costs of care and support for people with

ii. It can improve the financial status of people with disability.

iii. It can improve the quality of life of people with disability and their

iv. It can promote community engagement to reflect the diversity of the

broader community.

v. It can increase the workforce of the service provider.

6. Calvin, aged 6, has been diagnosed with a high functioning spectrum disorder.
His mum seeks the assistance of a disability support provider to identify better
and address the needs of her son.
Select the three (3) best strategies that can be used to identify Calvin’s needs
and interests.

i. Advocate for Calvin.

ii. Create networks with people related to Calvin and his family.

iii. Determine Calvin’s social and cultural background.

iv. Interview Calvin and his mum. Ask them what Calvin enjoys doing,
and what he would like to do.

v. Obtain permission from Calvin and his mum to review Calvin’s

health records from his school and their family physician.

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7. Refer to the scenario from Question 6.
Select the three (3) best strategies that can be used to identify what Calvin can
and cannot do.

i. Engage Calvin in relaxation activities.

ii. Interview Calvin and his mum. Ask them what Calvin does well.

iii. Narrate short stories to Calvin and ask him what he would do if he
were the main character in the story.

iv. Observe Calvin’s activities within a specified timeframe

v. Use a checklist to assess Calvin’s developmental milestones.

8. Select the three (3) best communication strategies that can encourage
community participation for a client with disability.

i. Offer the client help every time they make mistakes.

ii. When talking with them, avoid using words that make them feel ‘too
exceptional’ based on their ability.

iii. Compliment everything they do, especially if they become adept in

their ADLs.

iv. Interact with the person that makes them feel welcome in the

v. Talk with the person to establish a partnership.

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Part 4: Ongoing Skills Development Using a Person-Centred Approach

1. Consider the assessment processes for developing and maintaining the skills of
a person with disability.
From the options below, select the six (6) considerations for these assessment

i. Cultural values and expectations

ii. Financial capacity of the person to pay for support services

iii. Holistic health needs (physical, social, emotional, psychological)

iv. The person’s dreams and aspirations

v. The person’s learning style

vi. The person’s preferred communication method

vii. The person’s strengths and capabilities

viii. The person’s weaknesses

2. The following statements refer to the assessment processes for developing and
maintaining the skills of the person with disability.
Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false in the spaces provided.

F i. Assessment processes are standardised and have the same processes

used for all persons with disabilities.

T ii. Assessment processes use a person-centred approach when

developing and maintaining the skills of the person with disability.

T iii. Information about the person with disability may be gathered from
family, friends, and/or carers.

T iv. Plans and the implementation of plans are continually evaluated and
modified to meet the person’s changing needs.

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3. From the following options, select the three (3) resources which can be used by
people with learning needs.

i. Augmentative and alternative communication devices (AAC)

ii. Guide dog

iii. Hoist

iv. Visual schedule

v. Word prediction software

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4. List two (2) support services available for people with learning needs.
Briefly describe what type of learning need/s each service supports.
Guidance: Refer to support services available in your State/Territory.


Support Service Description

Administration on Development This service ensures participation of clients and their
Disabilities families with development disabilities. This helps in
the promotion of self-determination and independence

Behaviour support services This service aims in providing an improved lifestyle to

an intellectually disabled person and help them to
participate in their community.

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5. The Social Role Valorisation Theory states that devalued people can achieve a
sense of ‘normalisation’ in the society through:
a) Image enhancement
b) Competency enhancement
Briefly explain how each is applied in the context of disability.

a) Image enhancement
It seeks to improve the chances of other people responding positively to
persons with disability.

b) Competency enhancement
This strategy aims to improve the skills of people with a disability so that they
come to be seen as good at certain things and thus able to assume responsible
and positive roles in society.

6. Briefly describe a rightful place in the community for people with disability.
Guidance: Each response must be between 20 – 50 words in length.

Clients with disabilities enjoy the same aspirations and dreams as all other
individuals. The importance of providing them with the basic human rights and
making the wider world to better support disabled people ensures their rightful
place in the community.

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7. List and describe the three (3) basic needs that must be fulfilled in a person to
enable their motivation, based on the Self-Determination Theory.
Guidance: Each response must be between 20 – 50 words in length.

Basic Needs Description

The need of competence It is the ability to control the outcome of

an activity and experience mastery of
that task. This helps to learn different

The need of relatedness It specifies the universal need to be

connected to and experience caring for
others. Individuals must experience a
sense of belonging and attachment to
other people.

The need of autonomy It specifies the desire to be an

independent agent in your own life. An
individual must feel in control of their
own goals and behaviours.

8. From the following options, select the two (2) statements which show self-
determination for a person with disability.

i. “I want to learn how to do this.”

ii. “I will do it because the reward suits me.”

iii. “I will do it because the support worker asks me to it.”

iv. “It can’t be done. I will fail anyway.”

v. “This is my goal, and I want to accomplish it.”

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9. List two (2) examples of education opportunities for people with disability
available in your local community. Briefly describe each.
Guidance: Specify the name of the program and/or organisation and describe
what they do.

i. Education learning program


10. List two (2) benefits of local education opportunities to capacity building in the
disability context.


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Instructions to Student
These case studies are hypothetical situations which will not require you to have
access to a workplace, although, your past and present workplace experiences may
help with the responses you provide. You will be expected to encounter similar
situations to these in the future as you work in
These case studies are hypothetical situations which will not require you to have
access to a workplace, although your past and present workplace experiences may
help with the responses you provide. You will be expected to encounter similar
situations to these in the future as you work in the residential care and home and
community care settings.
In real life, disability support workers will be required to contribute to ongoing skills
development of clients, follow established person-centred behaviour supports,
support community participation and social inclusion, and facilitate the
empowerment of people with disability. This assessment will help you demonstrate
skill requirements in such situations.

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Introduction to Case Studies

For this part of the assessment, you will be taking the role of a disability
support worker who is just starting at Lotus Compassionate Care.
Lotus Compassionate Care is an organisation that provides services in
disability support, home and community support, and residential care. You
can find out more about the organisation by visiting their website. Click on
the link below to access the site:

Lotus Compassionate Care

(Username: learner Password: studyhard)

As a disability support worker, you directly report to Greg Deans, the

manager for Disability Support.
This assessment contains a number of tasks that you need to complete based
on the given scenarios. You are required to complete ALL tasks included in
this case study.
The policies and procedures of Lotus Compassionate Care can be accessed
and read through this link:

Lotus Compassionate Care Handbook

(Username: learner Password: studyhard)

Other documents you need are provided within each case study scenario.

For the purpose of this assessment, Lotus Compassionate Care is

based in your State/Territory.
Carefully read through the instructions provided in each case
study before proceeding.

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Case Study 1: Mason

Mason Gellatly is a client at Lotus Compassionate Care. He has hearing loss and
is unable to communicate through speech. He communicates primarily through
Auslan* and sometimes through a communication book. Mason shares a group
home with two other clients, Aaron and Elmer. Arron is able to speak Auslan,
and would sometimes interpret for Mason and Elmer.
You and Isabelle have been assigned as Mason’s support workers. You will be
working together to support Mason in his day-to-day activities at home.
Mason tends to show behaviours of concern in some specific situations. So far,
these behaviours have been manageable, and he is not required to take any
medication or therapy.
Refer to Mason’s Positive Behaviour Support Plan to assist you in completing
the succeeding tasks. Access and read it from this link:

Mason’s Positive Behaviour Support Plan

*Australian sign language

Read through the rest of the scenario on the next page.

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13 November 20xx, 10:45 AM
924 Rainbow Bridge Homes

You arrive at the group home with Isabelle and had a hand over.

The support worker from last night’s shift advises you that Mason woke up
early today, so he was assisted to shower and had breakfast. Observing Mason,
you see that he seems to be fit and in good condition.

You approach Mason, considering his personal space, and talk to him in
Auslan. You inform him that you and Isabelle will be working with him and his
friends for the rest of the day. You ask him if he’s okay. He does not say
anything but walks away from you, into the lounge room.

You proceed with your daily support routines in the group home, assisting the
clients from time to time according to their personal care plan.

Mason and Aaron, meanwhile, are watching a movie in the lounge room when
suddenly the power goes out. You and Isabelle went out to make calls. Isabelle
phones the local council and receives advice that power is expected to be
restored in half an hour. You call your supervisor to notify him of the incident.

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Mason and Aaron stay by themselves in the lounge room. Aaron tries to
manage his boredom by gazing out the window to watch the kids playing ball.
Mason gets anxious. It’s almost 11:00 AM, and his favourite TV show is about
to start, but there is still no power. He pokes Arron and asks him irritably, in

“Do you know when the power is coming back?”

Aaron turns to Mason and moves his hand to sign “No.” Aaron turns to the
window again to watch the kids. Aaron chuckles, amused with the kids.

Mason gets bored and impatient, sees Aaron’s expression, and feels annoyed
at this amusement. All of a sudden, he pushes Aaron, causing the latter to fall
off his seat. In response, Aaron tries to hit Mason back but misses.

Aaron is too close to Mason now and Mason panics – he doesn’t like people
coming near him. He pushes Aaron again and starts throwing things at him,
hitting and missing Aaron while doing so. Aaron bruises his arm from the
paper weight thrown at him.

You and Isabelle hear the commotion, and you both rush to the lounge room.
Isabelle rushes to Mason and tries to restrain him so he’d stop throwing
things. Mason feels threatened by Isabelle’s action and becomes more

You run towards Aaron to check his bruise. You assist him in getting up and
immediately lead him out of the room. You call on Isabelle, signalling her to
maintain a safe distance from Mason.

From a safe distance as well, you speak to Mason in Auslan and reassure him
that everything will be okay. You ask him if he’s okay. He looks at you and
starts to calm down.

You call your supervisor to inform him of Mason’s behaviour and of Aaron’s
injury resulting from the incident.

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Task 1: Written Questions

1. Refer to Mason’s Behaviour Support Plan and to the scenario to answer the
following questions.

a) List the two (2) behaviours of concern demonstrated by Mason in the

scenario which are outlined in his support plan.
Guidance: Refer to the actions done by Mason which shows behaviours of
i. Hurting others
ii. Breaking things

a) Specify the types of behaviours of concern demonstrated.

i. Breaking things
ii. Not sitting still

b) Specify the frequency of the behaviours of concern based on the scenario.

i. Behaviour 1: most likely
ii. Behaviour 2: most likely

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2. Answer the following questions based on the scenario.

a) Describe the events prior to the behaviours of concern.

As the lights went out I and Isabelle went out to make calls, meanwhile Mason
got impatient and suddenly pushes Aron out of his chair which made Aron fall.

b) Describe the events that led to Mason’s behaviours of concern in the scenario.
Guidance: Refer only to the events that triggered the behaviour, in line with
his support plan.
As soon as the lights went out Mason and Aron were left alone in the lounge.
Aron started to gaze out of the window to watch his children play but this made
Mason bored and impatient which led to the behaviour of concerns.

c) Describe the events that occurred as Mason demonstrated the behaviours.

Guidance: Refer only to the events before the intervention was done.
As Mason became impatient he suddenly pushed Aron out of chair which made
him fall to the ground. As Aaron rose to hit back, Mason again pushed him and
started throwing things at him which gave Aaron a bruise on his arm. Hearing
all the noise, I and Isabelle headed back to the lounge to control the situation.

d) Refer to both the scenario and Mason’s support plan. List the two (2) triggers
that led to Mason’s behaviour of concern.

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3. Describe the context of Mason’s behaviours of concern by answering the
following questions.

a) List two (2) environmental factors that contributed to the behaviour of concern
Very few people around
It’s too quiet around

b) Describe Mason’s emotional wellbeing:

i. Before the behaviour: impatient
ii. When the behaviour occurred: aggressive

c) Describe Mason’s health status when the behaviour occurred.

Mason showed sign of Mentally illness as he undergone the behaviour of

d) Describe the effect of Mason’s medication when the behaviour occurred.

As soon as I started to speak to him in Auslan from a distance, Mason calmed
down which are effects of his medication.

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4. Consider the interventions used in the scenario to address Mason’s behaviour
of concern. Identify:
a) two (2) appropriate interventions used in the scenario
b) one (1) inappropriate intervention used in the scenario
Briefly explain why these interventions were appropriate or not in addressing
Mason’s behaviour.

Appropriate interventions used Why was it appropriate?

i. I ran to Aaron to check if he’s To aid him accordingly.

ii. From a safe distance I assured
safety to Mason Mason became calm after this assurance

Inappropriate intervention used Why was it inappropriate?

i. Isabelle running towards Mason Mason does not like anyone too close
and getting too close to prevent upto him and has a large personal space.
him from throwing things

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