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Cervical dystocia is a condition dystocia are analysed which were

where the external os fails to dilate seen among 28,690 deliveries at
in spite of the normal behaviour of the Cama and Albless Hospitals
the uterine contractions and where in six years, 1963-1968, giving
all other causes of dystocia are ex- an incidence of 0.18 per cent. •
cluded. There is a diversity of Sackett mentions an incidence of
opinion as regards the definition of 1.04 per cent (86 cases of cervical
cervical dystocia; some authors in- dystocia in 8,213 deliveries). Arthur
clude under this heading cases of quotes an incidence of 1.5 per cent
inco-ordinate uterine action or failure ( 26 cases in 1, 784 deliveries in eleven
of the internal os or obstetric sphinc- months), and McCall and Hara re-
ter to relax. According to J effcoate, port an incidence of 2.6 per cent.
three constant factors, - presenting
Out of the 53 cases presented, in 31
part deeply engaged, normal pelvis
cases the dystocia was of the idio-
and strong regular contractions,
pathic type, and in the remaining 22
should be present in the diagnosis of cases, where organic causes were en- , , _
primary cervical dystocia. The countered in the cervix, it was of the
thinned out cervix with a rigid ex-
secondary type. Congenital absence
ternal os fails to dilate and a car- of portio vaginalis of cervix is a per-
tilaginous ring is felt at the external manent org·a nic cause of cervical
os. The labour is prolonged, second- dystocia; as seen in the table below,
ary uterine inertia sets in and the one was a primigravida and three
patient becomes exhausted. Macrae were multiparous patients who also
called this type of dystocia "achalasia had cervical dystocia during their
of the cervix" and Lewis called it previous deliveries for the same rea-
"rigid cervix". son. The previous operations were
Dystocia is also due to certain or- Fothergill's operation in 4 cases, and
ganic diseases at the site of the cervix in the other two the operation was
and this is known as secondary cervi- cervicopexy and tightening of inter-
~al dystocia.
nal os. Prolapse of the 3rd degree
Material was the cause of the dystocia in 7
In this paper 53 cases of cervical cases, 4 of these being primigravidae.
The high incidence of prolapse in
'''Honorary Obstetrician and Gynaeco- patients in our country is due to con-
logist, Cama and Albless Hospitals, genital weakness of the pelvic floor,
Bombay. and elongation of the cervix may be
Received for publication on 20-3-1969. considered as an · aetiological factcn----.-

.~ .. .

Shows the causes of cervical dystocia in cases of secondary dystocia
Causes Primipara Causes M.ultipara

1. Pinpoint-os 1 1. Cervical atresia 2

2. Congenital absence of portio 2. Congenital absence of
vaginalis of cervix 1 portio vaginalis of cervix 3
3. Prolapse 3rd degree 4 3 . Prolapse 3rd degree 3
4. Previous operations 6
5 . Carcinoma of cervix 1
6. Saculation of posterior
wall of uterus and cervix 1

Total 6 Total 16
- -------

besides other factors in the aetiology sentations along with cervical

of prolapse. dystocia.
Age and parity Diagnosis
Out of 53 cases, 22 were primigra- In the idiopathic variety of cervical
vidae and 31 were multiparae. Of dystocia the labour begins normally,
the 22 primigravidae, three patients and if in spite of the presenting part
were below the age of 20, the being well engaged and good uterine
youngest was 18 years old and the contractions, the cervix fails to dilate,
_ ~dest was 36 year old. The idio- a diagnosis of cervical dystocia may
- pathic variety of dystocia was present be entertained. Because of the cervi-
in 16 primiparae and 15 multiparae. cal resistance, the contractions be-
This is of no statistical ~ignificance come irregular and colicky and the
as such, but the incidence of multi- patient complains of intense back-
gravidae delivering in Cama and ache. On vaginal examination, the
Albless Hospitals is two and half bony pelvis is adequate and a thinned
times the incidence of primigravidae out cervix well applied to the deeply
during this period, This denotes a engaged presenting part is felt. The
definitely higher incidence of the external os is dilated only 2 to 4 ems
idiopathic type of cervical dystocia in and a repeat examination .after 2 to
primigravida. Secondary cervical 4 hours 9f irregular pains reveals no ~
dystocia is naturally more common in change in the dilatation of the exter-
multiparae, as shown in Table I. nal os. The labour gets prolonged
and ·signs of maternal and foetal dis-
Presentations tress appear indicating the need for
The presentation was occipita- hastening and terminating the labour.
anterior in 42 cases, occipita-posterior In some cases a tight cartilagenous
in 7 cases and occipita-transverse in ring is felt. In other cases the exter-
4 cases. Burnhill, however, mentions nal os is pin-point, the dimple of the
a higher incidence of occipito;. external os may or may not be identi-
•..._ ~ posterior and occipita-transverse pre- fied, the cervix is extremely thinned


out and sutures and fontanelles of the causes of dystocia, such as contracted
foetal head may be distinctly felt pelvis, cephalo-pelvic disproportion,
through the cervical wall. The exter- malpresentation or abnormalities of
nal os sometimes gets displaced up- the foetal skull should · be carefully
wards and behind the presenting part ruled out.
to form what is called a "Sacral os."
Occasionally, the displacement oc- Prognosis
curs forwards and this condition is Arthur divides cases of idiopathic
known as sacculation of the cervix. dystocia according to the type of
The anterior lip stretches more easily cervix, such as thick, tense and hang-
than the posterior, gets thinned out ing cervix. In the first group the cer-
and is mistaken for the bag of mem- vix is thick, pains are weak, foetal
branes. distress and intrapartum infection "
Out of 31 cases of the idiopathic occur and, due to failure of further
variety of cervical dystocia, thirteen dilatation, caesarean section is the
were admitted with leaking, in eleven treatment of choice. In the second
patients the membranes ruptured group the cervix is thin and tense
when the cervix was two fingers dilat- and pains are very strong; the dilata-
ed, in five cases the membranes rup- tion may progress if oedema does not
tured when the cervix was three supervene. In the third group of
fingers dilated and in two cases arti- hanging cervix, the diagnosis be-
ficial rupture of the membranes was tween a loosely applied cervix to the
performed for hydramnios and toxae- foetal skull in cases of cervical
mia respectively. dystocia and lack of application of ~
In cases of secondary cervical cervix to the foetal skull in cases of
dystocia, organic rigidity of the cer- cephalo-pelvic disproportion is diffi-
vix may be suspected when the · cult, but with experience the two can
patient gives a history of previous be disting'Uished from each other.
vaginal operations, cervical tears and In 31 cases of the idiopathic variety
lacerations following difficult labours, the cervical dilatation was one fourth
either normal or instrumental. On in seventeen cases, more than one
inspecting the cervix, pathological fourth and less than half in eight
conditions like cervical polyp or cases, half dilatation in two cases,
malignancy may be diagnosed. three-fourth dilatation in three cases
and a rim was felt in one case. In 22
Differential diagnosis cases of organic rigidity, the dilata- "
Cervical dystocia has to be dif- tion of the cervix varied from total
. ferentiated from cases of spurious absence of dilatation in seven cases
labour, prolonged labour due to a to one to 3 fingers in the other fifteen
hypertonic lower segment as a result cases.
of inefficient uterine action in a nerv-
ous hypersentitive patient, and f~mlty Treatment
conduct of labour where the patient As cervical dystocia, specially of 1
is allowed to bear down before full the idiopathic type, is diagnosed
dilatation of the cervix. All other during the first stage of labour, the ~ -


patient should be well sedated, and and oedematous, and one patient
/ acidosis should be prevented by developed signs of threatened rup-
giving glucose infusion, thus main- ture. Though cervical dystocia is a
taining the proper electrolyte balance. non-recurrent indication,· in two
In these 31 cases of the idiopathic cases the indication for previous sec-
variety, pethidine was given repeated- tion was cervical dystocia and this
ly in doses of 50-100 mg. in 16 cases. time also foetal distress developed.
Intravenous pitocin therapy may be An additional indication for classi-
used to improve uterine contractions cal caesarean in one case was conceal-
in those cases with weak pains. Out ed accidental haemarrhage, and steri-
of 31 cases of the idiopathic type pito- lisation was done at the same time.
cin therapy was used in 15 patients, The second patient was. a case of car-
but it failed to dilate the cervix and cinoma cervix and classical section
other lines of therapy were required. had to be performed. Cervicotomy
Efos.iil, a drug which brings about has a very limited place as a method
dilatation of the smooth muscles of of treatment and may only be under-
the cervix, was used in only four taken when the cervix is thinned out
cases without any beneficial effect. and the greater diameter of the head
has passed the cervico-vag'inal junc-
Shows the mode of delivery
tion. Out of five cases where cervico-
tomy was done, four were cases of
prolapsed cervix and one was of the
dystocia idiopathic type.
Nature of delivery
of In the idiopathic group Malm-
organic strom's vacuum extractor was used
type successfully in 3 cases where the
- - - -' - - - - - - - · · - - - - - cervix was three-fourths dilated. No
Lower segment C.S. 26 17
Classical C.S. 1 1
laceration of the cervix was noted
Cervicotomy and nor- after delivery (Table II).
mal delivery or for- Regional anaesthesia, like caudal,
ceps 4 is sometimes used, as blocking- of the
Malmstrom's vacuum nerves helps to relieve the spasm.
extractor 3
------- ----· Paracervical block is also reported to
Total 31 22 be useful and effective in the idio-
pathic type of dystocia and was tried ,
The indications for lower segment in two cases in this series, but with-
caesarean section in 26 cases of idio- out any beneficial effect.
pathic type were as follows.: maternal
distress in six cases, foetal distress in CompLications
ten cases, occipita-posterior position If not recognised and treated in
in four cases, large foetus in two and time spontaneous rupture of the ute-
,elderly primipara in one. In two rus, traumatic post-partum haemor-
·cases the pains were weak and there rhage and annular detachment of the
was no progress in spite of pitocin cervix may occur in cases of cervical
therapy, the cervix becoming thick dystocia. No such complications

were encountered in the patients in g-ood time to avoid major maternal

this series. In one case signs of and foetal complications; none were ~
threatened rupture had developed. encountered in the cas«::s reported.
4. An expectant line of treatment
Mate1'nal and Perinatal Mortality should always be attempted and ade-
There was one death due to sudden quate time be allowed for natural
cardiac arrest in a patient who was dilatation of the cervix. Operative
undergoing a caesarean section. interference is indicated only in the
There were two stillbirths, one in presence of maternal or foetal dis-
the above mentioned case and the tress.
second in the case of carcinoma cer-
vix. Acknowledgements
Aetiology and Pathology I thank Drs. M. Pathak M.D. and
S. Loynmoon, M.B.B.S., D.G.O. for
Secondary or organic dystocia may their help in collecting the data and
be due to fibrosis following· previous Dr. Mrs. Vaidya, M.D., D.G.O. the
operations, cauterisation of cervix Superintendent, Cama & Albless
conisation, radium burns and benign Hospitals, for allowing me to make
or malignant neoplasms of the cervix. use of hospital records for publish-
In the idiopathic type of dystocia ing this paper.
various points of views are postulated
without any uniform conclusions. References
Cervical spasm (Bourne and Bell), 1. Arthur, H. R.: J. Obst. and Gynec.
abnormal amount of fibrous tissue Brit. Emp. 56: 983, 1949.
and disorder of function (Kreiss) 2. Bourne, A. and Bell, A. C.: J. Obst.
were considered responsible factors and Gynec. Brit. Emp. 40: 423,
preventing normal dilatation of cer- 1933.
vix. Danforth and Buckingham 3. Burnhill, M. S.: Am. J. Obst. and
(1964) reported changes in the fibril- Gynec. 83: 5, 1962.
lar elements of the cervix, like col- 4. Danforth, D. N. and Buckingham,
lagen and ground substance, during .T. C.: Obst. & Gynec. Surv. 19:
labour. 715, 1964.
5. Jeffcoate, T. N. A.: J. Obst. and
Conclusions Gynec. Brit. Emp. 59: 327, 1952.
1. Fifty-three cases of cervical 6. Kreis, J.: J. Obst. and Gyn~c. 41:
dystocia were analysed; in 31 cases 956, 1934.
the nature of the dystocia was of the 7. Lewis, T. L. T.: Progress in Clinical
idiopathic type and in 22 cases or- Obstetrics & Gynaecology ed. 2.
ganic or secondary causes were 8. MacRae, D. J.: J. Obst. and Gynec.
noted. Brit. Emp. 56: 785, 1949.
2. The diagnosis of cervical dysto- 9. McCall, J. Oppie and Hara George:
ci.a should only be made when dysto- Am. J. Obst. and Gynec. 82: 296,
cia due to other factors is carefully 1960.
ruled out. 10. Sackett, N. D.: Am. J. Obst. &
3. Th~ diagnosis should be made in ·a ynec. 42: 248, 1941.

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