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1 INTRODUCTION: ................................................................................................................. 3
2 SMOG: .................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Types of Smog: ................................................................................................................ 4
2.1.1 Industrial Smog: ........................................................................................................ 4
2.1.2 Photochemical Smog: ............................................................................................... 5
2.2 Causes of Smog: ............................................................................................................... 6
2.2.1 Using Coal as a Fuel: ................................................................................................ 6
2.2.2 Vehicular and Industrial Emissions .......................................................................... 7
2.2.3 Overpopulation & Excessive Consumption: ............................................................. 7
2.2.4 Excessive Waste Production: .................................................................................... 8
2.2.5 Fireworks: ................................................................................................................. 8
2.2.6 Burning of Agricultural Material: ............................................................................. 8
2.2.7 Construction Activities: ............................................................................................ 9
2.2.8 Natural Causes: ......................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Terrible Effects of Smog on Humans, Plants and Animals: .......................................... 10
2.3.1 Effects on Human Health ........................................................................................ 10
2.3.2 Implications for Plants and Animals: ...................................................................... 11
2.4 How Can You Recognize or Detect Smog Where You Live? ....................................... 12
2.5 Smog in Pakistan: ........................................................................................................... 13
2.5.1 Great Smog of Lahore-2017 ................................................................................... 13
2.5.2 Sources of SMOG in Lahore: ................................................................................. 14
2.6 Remarkable Solutions to Smog Pollution: ..................................................................... 14
2.6.1 Opting for Renewable Energy: ............................................................................... 14
2.6.2 Reducing and Managing Vehicular and Industrial Emissions: ............................... 15
2.6.3 Increasing Energy Efficiency and Conserving Energy: .......................................... 16
2.6.4 Use of Environmentally Friendly Consumer Products: .......................................... 17
2.6.5 3Rs- Reduce, Reuse and Recycle: .......................................................................... 17
2.6.6 Smog Detection and Monitoring Systems: ............................................................. 18
2.6.7 Personal Protection: ................................................................................................ 18
3 Conclusion: ........................................................................................................................... 19
4 References/ Bibliography: .................................................................................................... 19
Air pollution refers to any physical, chemical or biological change in the air. It is the contamination
of air by harmful gases, dust and smoke which affects plants, animals and humans drastically.
Smog is type of air pollution (secondary pollutant) which is derived from two words smoke and
fog. It is a kind of intense air pollution. The term "smog" was first used in London during the early
1900s to describe the combination of smoke and fog that often blanketed the city. According to
several sources, the term was first coined by Dr. Henry Antoine des Voeux in his paper, “Fog and
Smoke,” which he presented at a meeting of the Public Health Congress in July 1905. The word
smog was coined in the 20th century. This article lucidly explains all the important information
about smog; ranging from how it is created, harmful effects, different types, and measures that can
be adapted to control Smog.
Smog is air pollution that reduces visibility. The word “smog” was coined in the early 20th century,
and is a contraction (portmanteau) of the words smoke and fog to refer to smoky fog due to its
opacity, and odor. The word was then intended to refer to what was sometimes known as pea soup
fog, a familiar and serious problem in London from the 19th century to the mid-20th century. This
kind of visible air pollution is composed of nitrogen oxides, Sulphur oxides, ozone, smoke and
other particulates. Man-made smog is derived from coal combustion emissions, vehicular
emissions, industrial emissions, forest and agricultural fires and photochemical reactions of these
emissions. Smog is the result of the reaction of emissions from automobiles, factories, and
industries with the sunlight and atmosphere.[1]
The causes behind the formation of the smog are different. Hence they are classified into 2 different
types: Photochemical Smog (Also called Los Angeles Smog) and Sulfurous smog (Also called
London Smog). The explanation of term smog, its causes and formation, effects on human and
plants health, strategies to reduce smog as well as statistical data about smog in Pakistan and in
other countries is given below.
The type of smog described by Dr. des Voeux was a combination of smoke and sulfur dioxide,
which resulted from the heavy use of coal to heat homes and businesses and to run factories in
Victorian England. When we talk about smog today, we’re referring to a more complex mixture
of various air pollutants—nitrogen oxides and other chemical compounds—that interact with
sunlight to form ground-level ozone that hangs like a heavy haze over many cities in industrialized
Smog is a serious problem in most big urban areas. The emissions from vehicles and industries, as
well as the combustion of wood and coal together with the buildup of certain weather conditions,
are the main causal agents of smog.
The terminology refers to a mixture of liquid and solid fog and smoke particles. It is usually seen
as yellowish or blackish fog, which remains suspended in the atmosphere or forms a ceiling in the
air. It happens when fume, emissions, and particulates (nitrogen and sulfur oxides and volatile
organic compounds) react in the presence of sunlight to form ground-level ozone.
2.1 Types of Smog:
There are two main types of smog given below.
2.1.1 Industrial Smog:
It is also called sulfurous or London Smog. It results from a high concentration of sulfur oxides in
the air. It is caused by the use of sulfur-bearing fossil fuels, particularly coal. Under right
conditions smoke and sulfur dioxide can combine with fog to produce industrial smog. In high
conc. it is extremely toxic to humans and other living organisms.[2]
• Classic smog forms in areas with high water vapor and high levels of sulfur emissions,
usually from burning coal.
• Sulfur particles dissolve into water droplets to form sulfuric acid in the atmosphere, while
coal soot darkens the skies.
• This type of smog is most commonly associated with London and is also referred as
“London Smog” or Sulphur us smog and causes dark brownish color of atmosphere.
• The main constituent of London-type smog is soot and it also contain large quantities of
fly ash, sulfur dioxide, sodium chloride, and calcium sulfate particles.
• Industrial smog is big problem of developing countries like Pakistan and India
• Industrial smog can be reduced by awaking people and aware them the harms of this type
of smog Industrial smog reactions:

If concentrations are high, sulfur dioxide can react with atmospheric hydroxide to produce sulfuric
acid that will precipitate as acid rain.
2.1.2 Photochemical Smog:
It is also known as “Los Angeles smog”. It develops when primary pollutants (oxides of nitrogen
and other organic compounds) interact under influence of sunlight (photochemical reaction). This
interaction produces mixture of hazardous chemicals called secondary pollutants e.g. LA smog.
Burning of fossil fuels like gasoline can also create photochemical smog.
• It is the haze created when sunlight reacts with primary pollutants like nitrogen oxides and
volatile organic compounds that can be found in fossil fuel emissions from automobiles,
factories, and power plants.
• These reactions create secondary pollutants and are characterized by high concentrations
of a large variety of pollutants, such as nitrogen oxides, O3, CO, hydrocarbons, aldehydes
(and other materials that are eye irritants), and sometimes sulfuric acid as well.
• Photochemical smog is a problem in large cities around the world and is best exemplified
by cities like Los Angeles, Mexico city etc. Reactions of Photochemical Smog:

Following reactions can take place in photochemical smog.[3]
2.2 Causes of Smog:
Smog-forming pollutants from numerous sources such as factories, consumer products or vehicles
are the typical causative factors of smog. In most urban areas, more than 50% of smog is formed
as a consequence of vehicular emissions.
Mostly, the occurrences of smog are associated with the relationship between weather patterns and
heavy motor vehicle traffic, industrial and other consumer product emissions. Consumer products
include solvents, paints, plastic packaging and sprays.[4]
Smog is of two types: photochemical smog – commonly formed in urban areas and originates from
elevated levels of hydrocarbon vapors and nitrogen oxides in the presence of sunlight, and sulfur
smog – formed when there is an increased level of sulfur oxides in the atmosphere. Below are the
main causes of smog.
2.2.1 Using Coal as a Fuel:
The use of coal as fuel in heating or power-producing plants discharges high concentrations of
sulfur oxides in the atmosphere. The effects are worsened by high levels of suspended particulate
matter in the air and dampness. Burning coal also generates significant amounts of smoke, which
leads to smoggy environments.
For instance, coal induced smog has been widely experienced in London up to the middle ages of
the 20th century. In China, Harbin, coal-induced smog contributed to the closure of roads, schools,
and airports in the autumn of 2013.
2.2.2 Vehicular and Industrial Emissions
Emissions from the transportation sector resulting from fossil fuel combustion in cars, trucks,
buses, motorbikes, and boats are the chief contributors of smog formation. Most of the smog
formed in large cities is a result of traffic emissions.
The industrial processes employ a large amount of fossil fuels and resources that need to be
extracted for the production of materials and goods. Therefore, industries equally cause harmful
gaseous emissions and fumes released into the atmosphere, which leads to the formation of smog.
The primary precursors are oxides of nitrogen, volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide,
fumes, sulfur oxides and hydrocarbons. These substances react with moisture, heat, sunlight, and
ammonia, among other compounds to form the toxic vapors, particulates, and ground-level ozone
that make up smog.[5]

2.2.3 Overpopulation & Excessive Consumption:

The world population has been significantly growing over the past decades. This also implies a
huge increase in consumption and also in emissions.
We can’t solely blame industries for the smog problem; it is our overpopulation and consumption
behavior that is responsible for excessive smog in our atmosphere. Industries only try to meet our
Since the industrial revolution, the production with the help of machines significantly dropped the
unit prices for material goods and our consumption levels also vastly increased with that.
Therefore, people can now afford plenty of material things. Since all these goods have to be
produced in industrial processes, this also implies the emission of harmful gases into our
atmosphere. Thus, our consumption behavior plays a big role in the formation of smog.

2.2.4 Excessive Waste Production:

Our excessive consumption is the root cause of the generation of huge amounts of waste. In order
to get rid of this waste, a significant fraction of it is burned, which leads to the emission of harmful
gases into our atmosphere and transforms into the formation of smog.
2.2.5 Fireworks:
Although the occasions for the use of fireworks are rather rare, still a single night of fireworks can
lead to enormous air and particle pollution leading to significant smog. This is particularly true in
Diwali or New Year’s Eve when a large amount of fireworks are used, and big cities get covered
with a dense layer of smog.
2.2.6 Burning of Agricultural Material:
In some countries, the burning of the agriculture field can also contribute to the smog problem.
For instance, to get rid of old crops and waste material generated from farming practices, farmers
often burn it since it is a convenient way to do so.
Smog in Delhi, the capital of India, is solely attributed to Crop Fires. Around tens of thousands of
farmers in northern Indian states of Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh used to blaze their fields
of old rice crop stubble to grow wheat. The practice was banned as it contributed to the mounting
pollution crisis in nearby Delhi and across northern India. The combustion of agricultural materials
containing ammonia, pesticides and fertilizers usually implies the emission of gases into our
atmosphere, which turns into smog in later stages.[6]
2.2.7 Construction Activities:
Smog can also occur due to construction activities. A large amount of dirt and dust particles enter
the air, especially in areas with a high construction density. This, in turn, can lead to the formation
of smog and related adverse effects.

2.2.8 Natural Causes:

Smog can as well occur due to natural causes like a volcanic eruption and some specific plant life
effects. Volcanic eruption discharges high concentrations of sulfur dioxide and particulate matter
in the air, the two primary constituents for smog formation.
Radiocarbon amounts of some specific plant life are believed to cause smog in some locations. For
instance, the Los Angeles creosote bush is linked to smog occurrences in the area.
2.3 Terrible Effects of Smog on Humans, Plants and Animals:
2.3.1 Effects on Human Health
Smog is composed of a mixture of air pollutants that can endanger human health. Various human
health problems such as emphysema, asthma, chronic bronchitis, lung infections, and cancers are
caused or exacerbated by the effects of smog. The effects include:[7]
▪ Coughing, allergies and irritation of the eyes, chest, nose and throat: High ozone
levels can irritate the respiratory system leading to coughing and wheezing. These effects
generally last for only a few days after exposure, but the particles in the smog can continue
to damage the lungs even after the irritations disappear. Similarly, allergy is hard to prove,
but a significant level of air pollution and smog may also increase the probability of
allergies. Researchers found cases of allergies present more in regions with high
concentrations of smog.

▪ Aggravation of asthma: Asthma conditions are severely worsened by smog and can
trigger asthma attacks.

▪ Breathing difficulties and lung damage: Bronchitis, pneumonia and emphysema are
some of the lung conditions linked to the effects of smog as it damages the lining of the
lungs. Smog also makes it difficult for people to breathe properly.
▪ Premature deaths because of respiratory and cancer diseases: An old WHO report
indicated that cumulative exposure to smog heightens the chances of premature death from
cancers and respiratory diseases. Thousands of premature deaths in the United States,
Europe, and Asian countries are linked to the inhalation of smog particles. Such chemical
particles include benzene, formaldehyde, and butadiene, which are all comprised of
cancer-causing carcinogens causing lung cancer.

▪ Birth defects and low birth weights: Smog is highly linked to birth defects and low birth
weight. Pregnant women who have been exposed to smog have had babies with birth
defects. Spina bifida – a condition depicting malformations of the spinal column, and
anencephaly – underdevelopment or absence of only part of the brain are birth defects
associated with smog exposure. Furthermore, studies suggest that even as low as 5 μg
exposure to smog particulate matter can result in risks of very low birth weights at delivery.

▪ The risk of developing rickets: Heavy smog that lasts for prolonged periods blocks UV
rays from reaching the earth’s surface. This results in low production of Vitamin D leading
to rickets due to impaired metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the bone marrow.

▪ Risks of road accidents or even plane crash: Smog interferes with natural visibility and
irritates the eyes. On this basis, it may prevent the driver or flight controller from reading
important signs or signals, thereby increasing the probability of road accidents or even
plane crash.

2.3.2 Implications for Plants and Animals:

Smog inhibits the growth of plants and can lead to extensive damage to crops, trees, and vegetation.
When crops and vegetables such as wheat, soybeans, tomatoes, peanuts, cotton and kales are
exposed to smog, it interferes with their ability to fight infections, thus increasing susceptibility to
The smog’s impact of altering the natural environment makes it difficult for animals to adapt or
survive in such toxic conditions, which can kill countless animal species or make them susceptible
to illness. Photochemical smog caused when nitrogen oxides react in the presence of sunlight is
established to destroy plant life and irritate sensitive tissues of both plants and animals.

2.4 How Can You Recognize or Detect Smog Where You Live?
Generally speaking, you will know smog when you see it. Smog is a visible form of air pollution
that often appears as a thick haze. Look toward the horizon during daylight hours, and you can see
how much smog is in the air. High concentrations of nitrogen oxides will often give the air a
brownish tint.
In addition, most cities now measure the concentration of pollutants in the air and provide public
reports—often published in newspapers and broadcast on local radio and television stations—
when smog reaches potentially unsafe levels.
The EPA has developed the Air Quality Index (AQI) (formerly known as the Pollutant Standards
Index) for reporting concentrations of ground-level ozone and other common air pollutants.
Air quality is measured by a nationwide monitoring system that records concentrations of ground-
level ozone and several other air pollutants at more than a thousand locations across the United
States. The EPA then interprets that data according to the standard AQI index, which ranges from
zero to 500. The higher the AQI value for a specific pollutant, the greater the danger to public
health and the environment.
2.5 Smog in Pakistan:
➢ In recent years, smog has become a problem for some cities in Pakistan due to industrial
and transport pollution.
➢ The recent smog was observed on 6th November in Lahore as AQI is recorded as 600.
➢ Punjab Minister for Industries, Commerce and Investment Mian Aslam Iqbal in November,
2018 said the government was adopting adequate measures to combat pollution and smog
across the province.
➢ He maintained that a campaign would be launched on social media to raise awareness about
the damages caused to the environment by burning of solid waste.
➢ In winter 2017 Lahore remained densely berried in smog for 3 weeks
2.5.1 Great Smog of Lahore-2017
• The Lahore air contains 200ug/m3 concentration of PM2.5 which is much higher than
permissible limits of international standards
• It contains high concentration of Carbon monoxide, Sulphur and Nitrogen compounds
• Oxygen concentration is very low up to 300 feet height in Lahore’s atmosphere
• According to environmental experts, spending 1 day in Lahore’s environment is equal to
smoking 50 cigarettes for lungs[8]
• In winter 2017 Lahore remained densely berried in smog for 3 weeks
• Around 0.4 million people’s health is severely affected because of that smog
2.5.2 Sources of SMOG in Lahore:
• Increase in vegetation of rice crop in Haryana-India
• Indian farmers burned 350 million tons of rice crop residues this year
• Industrialization inside the city, and nearby cities of India
• Installations of 12 fossil fuel electricity generation plants around city
• Automobiles (around 2 million private cars are present in Lahore city)
• Lower standard of gasoline fuels
• Wire recovery industry by burning the tires
• High rate of rise in population
• It is need to develop the policy following the guidelines of London clean air act to tackle
this issue

2.6 Remarkable Solutions to Smog Pollution:

Following are some important strategies to control smog

2.6.1 Opting for Renewable Energy:

By choosing renewable energy, it helps in the reduction of emissions from power generating plants
that heavily depend on fossil fuel. In other words, the use of renewable energy not only reduces
environmental impacts but also trims down the presence of smog, causing pollutants in the air.
It is crucial that we accomplish the transition from conventional to renewable energies at the
earliest to save our climate, improve air quality and also to get rid of smog.

2.6.2 Reducing and Managing Vehicular and Industrial Emissions:

Vehicles and industries constitute the largest contributors to smog-forming pollutants. The best
way to reduce smog is, therefore, to take the lead in managing gaseous emissions from cars and
For industries, the use of renewable energy sources and the manufacturing of environmentally
friendly consumer products are fundamental. For cars, aspects such as combining errands in one
trip, use of public transport, proper maintenance of the car and walking or biking instead of driving
can significantly reduce smog pollution.

2.6.3 Increasing Energy Efficiency and Conserving Energy:

Increasing energy efficiency and, at the same time, conserving energy leads to reduced gaseous
emissions into the atmosphere that often results in the formation of smog. A capable and productive
energy management system can go a long way in reducing smog, causing pollutants in the air, such
as nitrogen and sulfur oxides.
2.6.4 Use of Environmentally Friendly Consumer Products:
The use of household products that have high levels of volatile organic compounds should be
completely avoided. These products not only release hazardous materials into the atmosphere but
also emit particulate matter that reacts in the presence of sunlight to form ground-level ozone.
• The use of environmentally friendly consumer products such as eco-friendly paints, paper,
sprays, solvents and plastics, therefore, provides a basis for addressing smog pollution.
• Buy energy-efficient devices instead of energy-intensive ones to lower energy demand and
thus also reduce the smog problem.
• Buy unpackaged food directly from local farmers or organic food stores instead of
conventional stores to further improve your ecological footprint since the transportation of
goods implies the use of fossil fuels. The disposal of packaging also exacerbates significant
air pollution and smog problem.

2.6.5 3Rs- Reduce, Reuse and Recycle:

Reduction in consumption means less production of our
material things, and reduced use of resources and fossil fuels
that lead to less air and smog pollution.
Similarly reuse and recycle will also show you a different
perspective of life apart from wasteful material consumption
and excessive waste generation so that you can contribute your
part for a reduction in smog.
2.6.6 Smog Detection and Monitoring Systems:
As much as smog is easily visible when it’s present in the atmosphere, the use of appropriate smog
detectors and monitoring systems can act as early warning systems.

• Respective meteorological departments can help with this by installing monitoring

equipment that consistently records the amount of emission and particulate matter in the

• One such strategy is the Air Quality Index (AQI) or the Clean Air Act, which is used for
reporting and monitoring the relative concentrations of common air pollutants and ground-
level ozone.

• Nonetheless, this measure only monitors the levels of the smog-causing pollutants in the
air and subsequently helps in putting in place strategies that can cut back emissions and air
pollution. Preventive measures are the best in the very first place.

2.6.7 Personal Protection:

The best way to deal with high levels of smog from the personal level is to wear proper protection.
This means wearing masks when you go outside or to use other devices that protect you from the
contamination with harmful particles. You may fight the causes by doing so, but avoid the effects
of smog.
3 Conclusion:
Smog is a serious problem in most big urban areas. The emissions from vehicles and industries, as
well as the combustion of wood and coal together with the buildup of certain weather conditions,
are the main causal agents of smog. The terminology refers to a mixture of liquid and solid fog
and smoke particles. It is usually seen as yellowish or blackish fog, which remains suspended in
the atmosphere or forms a ceiling in the air. It happens when fume, emissions, and particulates
(nitrogen and sulfur oxides and volatile organic compounds) react in the presence of sunlight to
form ground-level ozone. The gaseous emissions are the main elements that form smog when acted
upon by the sun’s ultraviolet light together with particulate matter and volatile organic compounds.
Dense urban areas suffer more from smog because of huge numbers of traffic, industries and
combustion of different types of fuel. Smog has serious negative effects on people, plants, and
animals. We should control smog by adapting a suitable environmental friendly lifestyle and
should reduce activities which cause smog in Pakistan.

4 References/ Bibliography:
1. Rani, B., Singh, U., Chuhan, A. K., Sharma, D. & Maheshwari, R. Photochemical Smog
Pollution and Its Mitigation Measures. J. Adv. Sci. Res. 2, (2011).
2. Chris Deziel, D. M. The effects of industrial smog. Assessed on October 2016. (2016).
3. Manahan, S. Environmental chemistry. (CRC press, 2017).
4. De Anil, K. Environmental chemistry. (New Age International, 2003).
5. Manahan, S. E. Fundamentals of environmental chemistry. (CRC press, 2011).
7. Gheorghe, I. F. & Ion, B. The effects of air pollutants on vegetation and the role of
vegetation in reducing atmospheric pollution. impact air Pollut. Heal. Econ. Environ. Agric.
sources 29, 241–280 (2011).
8. Riaz, R. & Hamid, K. Existing smog in Lahore, Pakistan: an alarming public health concern.
Cureus 10, (2018).

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