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Logan Eng

Mr. Rudebusch

Mark Larson, Insurance Adjuster



For my senior project, I spent 21.5 hour with Mark and about 4 hours on my own

time going over old insurance claim files. As the main part of the project, the shadowing

was the most time consuming. The time I spent shadowing was around 25.5 hours. The

next most time-consuming part of the senior project would be researching and writing

my essay. I would say that I had spent around 15 hours researching and writing my

essay. It took this amount of time because I had to find information about my topic with

factual sources. My product took me around 5 hours to put together and complete. I had

decided right away what I had wanted to do for my product, but putting together a

document took the most time. After the document was created I then printed out copies

for my panel members. The next step was to create my presentation. By the time I was

finished, I estimated that I spent 6-7 hours creating it.

I would say my project had gone pretty smooth, yet there were some things I had

to overcome. The main problem was trying to find time to meet up with Mark. The

reason for that was because either he was busy when I wasn’t or I was busy when he

wasn’t. Another issue was I couldn’t find a whole lot of information for part of my

research question. I was able to overcome this by spending countless hours researching

this particular topic but in a different way.

The senior project is a huge part of your senior year. There are more

consequences than just your grade for this project, so you best use your time wisely,

because you won’t regret spending extra hours on this project. From the beginning of

the year the project seemed like it wouldn’t take that long once you job shadowed. Now

while writing this (4-4-2022) it has seemed as if I were in a dream as fast as the school

year had went. As going through different deadlines of this project throughout the year,

I had worked multiple hours outside of this class on this project to get it done before the

due dates. Shadowing was one of the first steps of this project yet it was my favorite part

of this project. I had all my shadowing done before the recommended due date. When it

came to the presentation and product, I felt like I was rushed. I had not really expected

the final due date to be as early as it was. When I felt like I was rushed, I would work on

the presentation outside of school. I also spent many study halls working on the things I

needed in order to completely wrap up the senior project. I was able to finish my

presentation and product before the due date in which gave me time to practice before


I would say that the senior project was one of the most beneficial projects I have

done in my highschool career. The project gave me the opportunity to study and work

with my future career and helped me decide on what I officially want to pursue in the

future. The end of this project really made me realize that your senior year goes by fast

and have fun while being in school because you can’t get these days back. There are also

many other things I have gained from this project. From spending the 21.5 hours

shadowing, it has shown me how to do various types of things and filled me with a lot of

useful information for the future. Not only did I learn about what happens daily as an

insurance adjuster but also how to write a proper letter of intent or how to make a
website from Weebly. The final thing I learned was whether or not insurance adjusting

was a job for me. After spending several hours shadowing and researching it has made

me realize that this is a job I would truly enjoy and something I can see myself pursuing

in the future.

The information I have learned from shadowing Mark who is an insurance

adjuster will help me get a headstart for the future. This experience will be very useful

on what to expect and how to do things. I have learned everything from hands on,

pictures, computer stuff, and much more that will be put into my future job as an

insurance adjuster. I also want to thank Mark Larson for letting me shadow him and all

the useful information he had taught me so I can use that for the future. I want to take

the time to thank Mr. Rudebusch for making us do this project and helping me along the


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