Sample#3 Tutorial#3 FOR302 Brochure

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Before Ecosystem Services

Why do we need them?

Ecosystem services are benefits the human

population obtains from ecosystems (Bolund and
Hunhammar, 1999). They generally fall under one
of four categories: provisioning, regulating,
cultural or supporting. Ecosystems in urban areas
can include parks, wetlands, urban forests, rivers
and cultivated land (Bolund and Hunhammar,
1999).. Humans rely on urban ecosystem services
because they enhance our mental and physical
wellbeing, they add cultural value and stimulate
the economy.

How will our project enhance them?

-provisioning: food

-regulating: air filtration, micro-climate’s-‘urban-forest’-worth-142-
regulation, noise reduction, pollination billion-report-says

Urban Forest
-cultural: recreation, aesthetic,
spirituality, education

-supporting: soil formation, nutrient Restoration

cycling, biodiversity enhancement

Huron Street
Urban Forest Restoration
Mini-Project: Huron Street
Michaela Fink & Avery A brief synopsis on implementation
Schwarz strategies and benefits
1. Expansion of park
2. Plant trees to create urban forest
3. Create buffer zone around urban forest
4. Community garden expansion

Location “Urban Forests & City Trees =

More Livable Healthy Cities” Forests are a collective of living organisms and
Huron Street Garden abiotic elements (Avendaño, 2020). By
The Huron Street Garden is located on the implementing this restoration project we would
corner of College Street and Huron Street. The create autopoietic living system that would
Garden itself occupies a small portion of a Expansion of Park benefit the community in numerous ways. The
green space behind the Lillian H. Smith Public four-step action plan is relatively simple to
The parking lot surrounding the park would
Library owned by the Toronto Parks execute and would provide numerous benefits
serve as additional green space allowing for
Department (Public Commons, 2011). The Park for nature and the citizens of Toronto.
revitalization of the pre-existing park. Asphalt
is bordered on two cornering sides by a parking
would be removed and native grasses would be
planted. Literature Cited
Bolund, P., Hunhammar, S. 1999. Ecosystem
services in urban areas. Ecological Economics, 29(2). Pp.
Urban Forests
Native trees would be planted in the green
space to bring more biodiversity into the city Public Commons: Document: Community Advisory
Stakeholders H-L. (2011, September 20). Public
and help with air quality.
Buffer Zones
Green Cities: Good Health (2018. August 16).
The buffer zone around the urban forest would University of Washington.
serve as an area where more foot traffic could
occur so to leave growing trees undisturbed.
Avendaño, Carlos. “Lecture No. 2: View of the Forest”
(2020, January 13). University of Toronto.
Garden Expansion
Google Maps “Huron Community Garden”
A larger community garden would help (Accessed: 2020, March 7).
provision vegetables and greens to the
community in addition to supporting more

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