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University of Toronto

John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design

Tutorial No. 3:
Individual Ecological Restoration Proposal
FOR302H1: Societal Values and Forest Management
Winter 2021

Students will submit an individual brochure describing an Ecological Restoration Proposal taking place
where they are currently living. The expectation is that students will apply the knowledge gathered in the
course by proposing the ecological enhancement of a specific location that they feel connected to in
their city or town.

Learning Objectives:
-To apply knowledge and skills gathered in FOR302H1 and other courses towards an Ecological
Restoration Proposal. Your field experience counts as well.
-To link the restoration proposal with specific Ecosystem Services.
-To include, whenever appropriate, topics such as Functional Diversity, Autopoiesis, Ethnoscape,
Relativism, Co-production and Polycentrism.
-To prepare a brochure showing the location where you propose specific restoration actions by
showing the before and after.

Your Tasks
1) Choose a location that you are familiar within the city or town where you live, for example:
a) The path from the subway station or the parking lot to your house, department or college.
b) A specific location on the Campus where you study (e.g., the intersection of Wilcocks St and
Huron St).
c) The immediate surrounding of a building where you study, do homework, go shopping, etc. (i.e.,
your residence, a library).
The basis of your selection has to connect with a location that needs ecological restoration. These
locations could refer to places you regularly visited in the past (e.g., Robarts Library).

2) Prepare a brochure using any design format that you prefer, and that matches better the idea that
you are proposing, which needs to follow these general aspects (total of 8 marks):
a) Present your location using maps (i.e., from Google Maps ©), draft drawings, figures, photographs.
Make it explicit, but at the same time simple, so it is clear to understand and visualize your proposal
(1.5 marks).
b) Justify your action based on information from the course or relevant literature, mainly by indicating
how your proposal could restore Ecosystem Services: Supporting, Regulating, Provisional and
Cultural. Depending on your proposal's context, you could also use any other source of information
in the course ranging from lectures, tutorials, documentaries, etc. (4 marks).
c) You can show the before and after of your intervention/restoration idea. You can sketch on top of a
photograph how you would make your location look, function and feel better (1 mark).
d) Make use of at least six bibliography sources (primary or secondary). I suggest you use the
Vancouver Citing (in-text) and Referencing Style (Literature Cited) because it takes less space and does
not obstruct the content visually in your brochure (1.5 marks).

3) The format of your brochure is up to you, meaning you choose the font, style, amount of words, etc.
You can make use of any software that will facilitate making the brochure, ranging from PowerPoint
©, Adobe Creator © to free websites like The text in the brochure does not have to be
extensive but has to summarize the intention and justification of your proposal. Make it fun, creative,
exciting and attractive!

4) You will upload your brochure to Quercus. You never know, maybe your proposal will come
true one day.

All the best!

Check these links where you can get inspired to develop your idea:

New York Restoration Project

Global Forest and Forest Bathing trees just-

Flying Rivers

CEAM 2021

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