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Clubs of School

Benjamin, a teenager with a particular problem, can't decide which club he wants
to belong to at school. The available clubs are the Photography Club, the Anime
Club and the Art Club.

Benjamin : hello my name is benjamin and I would like to belong to a club but
I haven't decided which one so I would like you to give me suggestions which one I
should belong to

Kevin: hello good morning benjamin my name is kevin and I am the

guide of the school clubs nice to meet you now we will see the clubs to
see which one you decide to go to

Kevin: this is the photography club formed by cristofer and


Cris: hey i'm cris and as my friend claudio told you i'm the leader of
the photography club together with my assistant alejandro an expert
in black and white photography with an artistic approach, the meetings
start at 2 and end at 3:30

Alejandro: Hi, I'm Alejandro and if I'm an expert in black and

white photography, although don't worry, there are other branches
within these, there are those in color, animal photography, street
photography and mastering the technique and putting it into practice
with a course. in adobe light room the days we meet are monday and
Benjamin: wow this club looks promising i love the design but i'm
not very good at holding a camera as they slip easily also i don't like
the idea of standing still for only 5 takes and in the end only take 1 or
2 of them

Kevin:ok the photography club is not for everyone and you are the
exception but don't worry there are two more left and you can say
there is no rush

Kevin: the next club is Anime, one of the most famous within the
school you may find some toxic fandom within it but then you get used
to it

Kevin: the next club is Anime, one of the most famous within the
school you may find some toxic fandom within it but then you get used
to it

michael: hi my name is michael and I am the leader of the anime

club, the meetings of our club we participate in karaoke, read manga,
anime projection and several times cosplay the duration is from 3 to
4:30 on Wednesday and Friday

Benjamin:wao I really liked this one since one of my favorite

hobbits to watch anime, read manga less cosplay XD and true about the
toxic fandom but that's the least of i
Kevin : I hope you liked the other clubs now let's go to the arts
club where the leader and his assistant will tell you all about it

Claudio: hey good morning it's good to see you Kevin he is a

vacancy for the different clubs of the school nice to meet you hello my
name is claudio

Benjamin: thank you very much it's also nice to meet you I'm

Claudio: now benjamin welcome to my club one of the most

prestigious full of amazement and beauty the art club where we
encourage creativity our meetings consist of practical and theoretical
to Naked Model Notes, to Theoretical Classes audiovisual the days we
meet are Tuesdays from 2:30 to 4 the days we meet are Tuesdays
from 2:30 to 4
Laudry: the days we meet are Tuesdays from 2:30 to 4 the days we
meet are Tuesdays , You will love this club, it is very well set to various
eras and styles of arts, giving free expression to anyone who wants to
let their imagination fly.

Benjamin: that sounds interesting and as you said prestigious but

I don't have a very good critical sense I don't draw very well and that
nude art sounds weird to me but I liked it just the same

Laudry: ok thanks for your honest opinion is important when

choosing your ideal club that fits your preferences and tastes
Kevin: have you decided which one to go for?

Benjamin: Of course I have finally decided which club I want to

belong to and I want the anime club. I identify with many things within
it, it is striking and I love reading manga and watching anime

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