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Jingwei (Mavis) Jiang * (217) 898-8266 * Apt 4, 1029 Washington St, Hoboken, NJ,

University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign May 2009-June 2010
MS in Finance, Specialize in Corporate Finance and Asset Management
* "Academic Excellence" Award (highest honor for academic ability)
* CFA Level III Candidate
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) Sep. 2004-June 2008
Bachelor of Business Administration, Concentration in Finance and Economics
Ceram Business School, France (Exchange Program) Aug. 2007-Dec. 2007
NeoPower, Inc. Associate Project Manager, Part-time, Los Angeles, CA/Hoboken, NJ
Aug. 2009 - Present
* Conducted business plan including industry, competition, valuation and managem
ent analysis, and possible funding and marketing strategy of the California Gree
n Regional Center (CGRC) project. *
* Managed portfolio of more than $500 million investing and operating through al
l phases of the real estate cycle, utilized creative thinking and research skill
s to mitigate risks and maximize returns.
Busey Wealth Management. Financial Analyst, Champaign, IL Dec. 2009- Feb. 2010
* Led a team of 6 people to develop standardized screening methods for both broa
d market view and sub-asset class valuation.
* Constructed SAS regression model to explore equity valuation metrics for diffe
rent sectors, styles and market cap.
* Identified key mis-valuation in investment markets and the overall health of t
he markets and the underlying economy to make sure accurate and efficient intern
al decision-making surroundings asset mix determination.
Bank of China. Credit Risk Analyst, Beijing
June 2008 - May 2009
* Interviewed and evaluated more than 20 complex commercial-loan applicants base
d on 6C credit standards.
* Developed due diligence, including firm's business activities, industry charac
teristics, market conditions and debt structure.
* Performed in-depth credit analysis, including cash flow, ratio and trend analy
* Prepared detailed, timely and accurate credit risk reports, directly exposed t
o senior credit management to make loan decisions.
* Monitored $10M existing corporate loan to ensure credit control; kept bad debt
s to less than 10%, exceeded management goals for A/R aging and maintained activ
e collections role.
* Maintained satisfactory relations with corporate borrowers and expanded custom
er base.
XinLeiXin Industry and Trade LLC. Financial Analyst, Part-time, Beijing Sep 2004
- May 2009
* Managed all areas of finance, budgeting and investment; provided support to Su
pply Chain, R&D and Marketing department.
* Prepared internal and external financial reports to support the organization's
strategic and operating decision-making.
* Maintained internal control; eliminated annual inventory costs exceeding $10,0
00 by improving the accounting system.
* Constructed comprehensive valuation models to examine the past performance of
10 branch stores, and to recommend and project profitability of store expansion;
achieved more than 200% ROI in one year.
Harvest Fund Management LLC. (Deutsche Bank Affiliate) Investment Consultant, Be
ijing Dec 2006 - Feb 2007
* Analyzed various mutual fund products, and worked on formulating clients' inve
stment strategies.
* Properly recommended investment opportunities to investors with more than $500
,000 total fund.
* Maintained relationships with banks and security firms, expanded customer base
through attentive customer services.
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Portfolio Manager, Champaign, IL M
ar. 2010 - May 2010
* Developed multi-factor model based on SAS and Excel program to perform initial
screen and stock selection.
* Actively managed the equity portfolio of $1 million following beta-neutral str
ategy and hedged with ETFs and futures.
* Performed fundamental analysis to identify mis-valued stocks to invest followi
ng event-driven strategy.
HKUST Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program. Research Assistant, Hong Kon
g May 2007 - Sep. 2007
* Analyzed 10-years of SEC filings on 200 companies to identify structural chang
es and interpret stock price fluctuation. *
* Contributed both exceptional quantitative and qualitative skills to merge the
data and perform statistic and financial analysis.
* Microsoft Office, VBA, Crystal Ball, SAS, MATLAB, Bloomberg, Capital IQ and Re
* Fluent in Chinese and English (GMAT 750, top 2%), Basic in French.

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