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February 16, 2022 wie need your belpc An you probably know, we have four ablerast (One from each wart) OP for re-election in ‘22 through March 1® and voting will take place cn Mary May, ‘The time for caredidates 10 register is Febeuary ma, Irie more lenportace now dan ever thal we Suppor candidates who support Our enayor arte 28 > of Go Forward Pine Bluff (OFPB). A " RRrcently, ad one ooenskn last year the couse atempiod to use some of BM maNeY ‘designated for GFPI for cther purposes. To date, this effoet has falbed due eo four of the ‘council members having voted the clestly SKercsued wabes of out cltizens, while our mayor cam ihe te bevsklng ose recognizing. reroll of ot “ate in each word who bas laid ele nie to move Fins Oi OT direction. We seed powiive leadership 00 out counell and these four individuals tave shown that they san provide that leadership. They need our suppor’. Rleceitly, we learned that Councliwoman Alewander woukt 5% dyes been very supportive of GFPB. Tt is citial tha we retaia that seat. We understand that there ane s¢ ‘candidates that willbe on the bellot fr that pesition. As we understand it, there are some good candi Wards 2, 3 and 4 os well. We are attaching a Tist of cach ward and their eandidates, bath incumbent asd challenger, ‘staal for recabection. which in problematic since re are going to peed some mioney to donate 19 each of the for Wa bebeve we desperately necd to. replace those negative members 0 the council and replace them individuals thal are business oriented and eare desporsely for our city Ifthe council continues to be combat will hurt the Image of our community ard chances for progressive ‘candidates in other elections. We Bave forse’ a commince to identify, eeerut, and proveie finding fot individuals that are willing fo seeept the challenge of running for city council, ‘Currently election Laws allaw cach PAC to contribute $2,900 bo a single ‘candidate thus by sing two PACS a contribution of $5.800 could tbe made toa single candidate. Individuals can ‘Gocaribute $5,000 per person to each PAC. Corporations 642 ‘gif $5,000 to each PAC; tm, a single business ‘can contribute up to $10,000, A committee will er established to determine the Kcvel of support to canna. | Obviously, each individual contributor may Ghoose to make other personal contributions. Lf we are 10 mays O% cy forward icbegins with oot mayor. who we Telieveis one of the best in Arkaraas, along with a prosctive ans » phogressive city council, We say all of this to exxphasize that = Vv ze Por zi — ‘Treasurer ‘Secretary Fg fy Luesmmwinla (win Sop Mary Spbebads tuphoigs GM SeouMeGeorge © LaTesha

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