Assignment Managing A Successful Business Project Assignment

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Managing a Successful Business Project Assignment

Table of content
Task 1.........................................................................................................................................4

LO 1 Establish project aims, objectives and timeframes based on the chosen theme...............4

P1- Devise project aims and objectives for a chosen scenario addressing the chosen tile as
specified above

P2 – Produce a project management plan that covers aspects of cost, scope, time, quality,
communication, risk and resources for the chosen project

Communication plan..................................................................................................................7

P3 Produce a work breakdown structure and a Gantt chart to provide timeframes and stages
for completion with reference to the chosen project

Implementation Plan:...............................................................................................................11

Work Breakdown Structure......................................................................................................11

Project schedule.......................................................................................................................12

Task 2.......................................................................................................................................15

LO2 Conduct small- scale research, information gathering and data collection, generating
knowledge to support the project as specified above

P4- Carry out small-scale research by applying qualitative and quantitative research methods
appropriate for meeting project aims and objectives for the chosen scenario.

Task 3.......................................................................................................................................22

LO3 Present the project and communicate appropriate recommendations based on
meaningful conclusions drawn from the evidence findings and /or analysis

P5 – Analyse research and data using appropriate tools and techniques for the chosen project.

P6 – Communicate appropriate recommendations as a result of research and data analysis to

draw valid and meaningful conclusions for the chosen project

Task 4.......................................................................................................................................25

LO4 Reflect on the value gained from conducting the project and its usefulness to support
sustainable organisational performance for the chosen project
P7 Reflect on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated objectives and own
learning and performance



Task 1

LO 1 Establish project aims, objectives and timeframes based on the chosen theme.

P1- Devise project aims and objectives for a chosen scenario addressing the chosen tile
as specified above.
Ryder Architecture is one of the leading architectural designing companies in UK. The
mission of this company is improving the quality and architecture and improves people’s
lives. To fulfil the company’s dream the organization needs a functional management and
operating system that could help them to improve their service quality and to managing their
increasing employees and customers. The technological advancement can be beneficial in
this requirement. Cloud technology can improve the storage system and speed up file sharing
process. Social media and mobile technology based communication helps to connect and
communicate with their employees and consumers easily (Fleisher and Bensoussan, 2015).
The storage distribution and wok distribution could be more efficient by using local area
networking and virtual networking. In case of data analysis and way determination artificial
intelligent could help a lot. These technological improvements allow Ryder Architecture to
manage and process their information and data in fast and synchronized way. The goal of this
research and report is to identify the effect of this technical implementation and to analyze
post execution outcomes. . It will also help them to explore both the challenges and
opportunities of this advancement for their business.
Social media: Social media could be a website or a particular secured network in which the
company can communicate both employees and customers when needed. It also allows
employee to involve in decision making and working management system development. The
administration of any company will have more quick and efficient way to introduce any new
project or objective to the employee or to monitor the effectiveness of current employee
relation scheme. On other hand, customer can connect with the company any time they want
without any lengthy process of appointment. Customer can expose their opinions and
complain through this network space that will help the organization to enhance their
performance quality. Therefore for maintaining customer relation social media has big
Cloud computing: Cloud computing is a file handling process where multiple user can access
a file and edit it as needed simultaneously without interfering other user. Cloud computing
also allows storing data and information in an online virtual drive which could be accessed by
any authorised user anywhere. It makes multiple access points that help the company when
company decides to change their brunch location (Copeland, 2015). They don’t need to worry
about physical storage re assembling or physical file handling. It gives the opportunity to
check company status or achievement to a potential customer. It also prevent many data base
related anomaly; such as data loss, data inconsistency, data redundancy etc.
Storage Distribution: ‘Internet of things’ referrer a technological facilities where all the
system of one or more than one branch of the organization are connected to a secured
server. This method is also called “Intranet”. To implement this Ryder Architecture has to
make a privet secure server and a interacting user interface by which the users can interact

with the

data and information through internet. It also minimise the probability of data loss during
transmission and also reduce the data transmission time by avoiding package traffic. This
process will help Ryder Architecture to perform a task very quickly by distributing the tusk
among more employees. The administration of the Ryder Architecture could monitor the real
time work process of the company.
Artificial Intelligence: Artificial Intelligent is a group of interconnected software that can
solve complex problems and can analyse a system or procedure easily in less time. Many
companies are using this to reduce required time for any process or model analysis and to
have efficient complex calculation solver. Ryder Architecture can use this to assist
designers that decrease required time for any architectural designing. This AI system also
supports the management to diagnose the expected outcomes of a conceptual work model.
Problem Statement:
Along with advancing the technology, Ryder Architecture has to be prepared for various
problematic issues. These could be network and server failure that leads to data loss; System
hacking etc. System hacking is a very common problem faced by many organizations (Van
Dijck, 2013). By hacking any anonymous individual could access all data and information
including confidential files and contracts. To prevent this type of breakdown Ryder
Architecture should develop secured and multilayered protected networking system and
secured operational software.
Project Strategy:
The main objective of the project managers is to improve the quality of service and enhance
the efficiency of working process by utilizing many technological advancement and e\by
eliminate encountered problems (Johnston et al., 2015).

Project Objectives:
Objective Table:

Specific The strategies of Ryder Architecture have to be specific and

precise. In order to handle the technological advancements into
existing work module, Riders Architecture has to improve the
experience of the customers and to satisfy them.
Achievable The technological developments that are planed are totally
achievable by utilizing proper operational structure. Those are,
Cloud computing that prevents the data loss, Artificial
intelligence that helps in checking and recognising problems etc.
All of these systems requires some hardware and operational
software that is quite available in IT market.
Computable The pre discussed objectives are computable according to their
technical advantages and disadvantages. The detail
measurement of possible outcomes helps to implement the
technical facilities that would help to meet the demands and
requirements of customers.
Practical In every aspect this planning is executable and effective. There
are many companies that are using these technologies for long

time. Therefore by these objectives Ryder Architecture can
improve their service quality.
Time Consumption There are few modifications in data processing and
communication module that have to be changed along with
some hardware and software incorporation. This process will
take approximately 10 months.

P2 – Produce a project management plan that covers aspects of cost, scope, time,
quality, communication, risk and resources for the chosen project.
Performance, Cost and Time Estimation:
Activities Cost Hours Cost per Hours Total cost (£)
Documentation of the 48 8 384
collected data
Analysis of the 24 12 288
collected data
Contacting the 48 20 960
company that offers
the resolutions to the
digital shortcomings
Discussing the costing 24 5 120
of the project
Report Writing 24 5 120
Total 1872

Project Scope:
The technical advancement of Ryder Architecture will change the work module and customer
service to some positive extend. This change provides huge opportunity to improve the
productivity of the company. After fulfilling these objectives the company will have a huge
space for taking new work load more than before. Ryder Architecture will have more
opportunity to attract new customer and to maintain healthy relationship with existing
customers. It will also helps in monitoring employee’s performance management and skill
• To connect more easily with the customers.
• To increase the efficiency of the employees and their management team along
with other associated departments.
• To provide better security of the confidential data and information of the
company and clients.
• To prevent misconduct in internal and external environment of company.

Communication plan
To Incorporate these advance technology in the work environment efficiently and effectively,
the Ryder Architecture should be more aware of maintaining departmental coordination that
could be possible by strong interpreted communication within organization premises (Picard,
2011). This effective communication would enhance the learning and prediction accuracy
that helps to prevent negative outcomes. During this development process company should
maintain a regular communication with each department and employee without any kind of

Risk Assessment Plan
Live Risk:

N Date of Responsible Risk Pro Imp Effect on Reduci Triggers

o. risk person babi act the project ng the and
identificat lity risks actions,
ion involve in case
dd/mm/yy d of
1 20.12.17 Project Staffs medi High If the All the Trigger:
Supervisor are not um employees employ the
efficien are ees administ
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2 10.01.18 Department Deviati Med High It will not The Trigger
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1 20.01.18 Project Impro Proper High Identif Detailed Triggers:
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P3 Produce a work breakdown structure and a Gantt chart to provide timeframes and
stages for completion with reference to the chosen project.

Implementation Plan:
There are numerous strategies that have to be adopted for the technological advancements of
the systems in the Ryder Architecture.

Work Breakdown Structure:

Mission Activities
1 Assessing the major requirement of the company to adopt the cloud
computing technology, in order to upgrade all the existing systems of
1.1 Identifying the importance of the implementation of the cloud computing
technology within the management and administration of Ryder
1.2 Meeting all the requirements for the proper implementation of the cloud-
computing technologies
1.3 Managing and coordinating all members who would be involved with
advocating the usage of this technology in Barclay’s Bank Plc.
2 Assessing the needs of the company, which would allow the
implementation of integrated social media solutions across the
2.1 Determining the importance of the social media for the survival of the
companies in modern days.
2.2 Enquiring of the organizational values, that would allow for the
implementation of the stated systems in the business
2.3 Investigating the realisation of the business objectives by associating with
the customers through the popular social media and pool the resources
3 Increasing the usage of Local Network and Intranet through business
3.1 Identifying applicable module for the Local Network and Intranet to
improve the existing infrastructure
3.2 Evaluation of the major organizational objectives, which would help to
stabilize the business in the market.
4 Identifying the current operational goals to adopt artificial
intelligence for production and innovative growth
4.1 The management of the organization requires to delineate proper policies,
depending on the integration of the artificial intelligence
4.2 The management requires to train the employees accordingly, as per the
requirements of the organization
4.3 The management can implement efficient techniques of production within
the Barclay’s Bank, after proper scrutiny of the results of adopting the
artificial Intelligence systems by the other banks
5 The plans and strategies should be developed based on established

goals of the company
5.1 The management needs to adopt strategies for effective operational
processes for unhindered incorporation of the technological advancements
5.2 Formulation of proper rules to meet the executive and regulatory goals of
the Barclay’s Bank
6 Final variation of the developed project plan must be developed

Project schedule
Missio Activities Start date Duration End Date
n (days)
Adopting the strategies for 10/12/2017 94 14/03/2018
improvisation and improvement by
the Ryder Architecture
1 Assessing the major needs 10/12/2017 15 25/1/2017
of the company to adopt the
cloud computing
technology, in order to
upgrade all the existing
systems of operation
A The importance of the 10/12/2017 7 17/12/2017
implementation of the cloud
computing technology within
the management and
administration of Barclay’s
Bank Plc must be identified
B Meet all the requirements for 17/1/2018 4 21/1/2018
the proper implementation of
the cloud-computing
C Bring around all the members 21/1/2018 4 25/01/2018
who would be involved with
advocating the usage of this
technology in Barclay’s Bank
2 Assessing the needs of the 26/01/2018 15 10/02/2018
company, which would
allow the implementation of
integrated social media
solutions across the
A Gauging the importance of 26/01/2018 7 2/ 2/2018
the social media for the
survival of the companies in
modern days.
B Scrutiny of the organizational 2/2/2018 4 6/2/2018
values, that would allow for
the implementation of the
stated systems in the business
3 To instigate the realisation of 6/2/2018 4 10/2/2018

the business objectives by
associating with the
customers through the
popular social media and pool
the resources effectively.
A Increasing the usage of 11/02/2018 15 26/02/2018
‘Internet of Things’ through
business structures
B Paying attention to the ways 11/2/2018 8 19/2/2018
in which the ‘internet of
things’ is utilized for the
improvement of its existing
C Evaluation of the major 19/2/2018 7 26/2/2018
organizational objectives,
which would help to stabilize
the business in the market.
4 Identifying the current 27/2/2018 15 13/03/2018
operational goals to adopt
artificial intelligence for
production and innovative
A The management of the 27/2/2018 7 3/3/2018
organization requires to
delineate proper policies,
depending on the integration
of the artificial intelligence
B The management requires to 3/3/2018 4 7/3/2018
train the employees
accordingly, as per the
requirements of the
C The management can 7/3/2018 4 11/3/2018
implement efficient
techniques of production
within the Barclay’s Bank,
after proper scrutiny of the
results of adopting the
artificial Intelligence systems
by the other banks
5 The plans and strategies 14/03/2018 15 29/03/2018
should be developed based
on established goals of the
A The management needs to 14/03/2018 8 22/03/2018
adopt strategies for effective
operational processes for
unhindered incorporation of
the technological

B Formulation of proper rules 22/3/2018 7 29/3/2018
to meet the executive and
regulatory goals of the
Barclay’s Bank
6 Final variation of the 30/03/2018 15 14/04/2018
developed project plan
be developed

Gann Chart:

10/12/17 26/03/18 11/02/18 27/02/18 14/03/18 30/03/18

To To To To To To
25/02/18 10/02/18 26/02/18 13/03/18 29/03/18 14/04/18

Assessing the major

needs of the
company to adopt
the cloud computing
technology, in order
to upgrade all the
existing systems of
Assessing the needs
of the company,
which would allow
the implementation
of integrated social
media solutions
across the
Increasing the usage
of ‘Internet of
Things’ through
business structures

Identifying the
current operational
goals to adopt
artificial intelligence
for production
and innovative

The plans and
strategies should be
developed based on
established goals of
the company
Final variation of
the developed
project plan must
be developed

Task 2

LO2 Conduct small- scale research, information gathering and data collection,
generating knowledge to support the project as specified above:

P4- Carry out small-scale research by applying qualitative and quantitative research
methods appropriate for meeting project aims and objectives for the chosen scenario.
Quantitative Research:

1. The time span for which the employee has been associated with Ryder Architecture

Time Span Number of Total number of Percentage of

employees employees employees
Less than 1 year 15 150 10%
1 to 3 years 30 150 20%
3 to 5 years 42 150 28%
5 to 7 years 33 150 22%
Above 7 years 15 150 10%





Num,berof Em ployees



Less than 1 year 1 to 3 years 3 to 5 years 5 to 7 years Above 7 years

2. Cloud computing technology is essential for the expansion and proper execution of
the businesses functioning globally

Criteria Number of Total no. of Percentage of the

employees employees employees
Strongly agree 42 150 28%
Agree 33 150 22%
Neutral 30 150 20%
Disagree 15 150 10%
Strongly disagree 15 150 10%





20 Num,ber of Employees



Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disa

3. The essentiality of the different technological improvisations for enhancing the
efficiency of the organizational activities

Improvisations Number of Total no. of Percentage of

employees employees employees
Artificial 30 150 20%
Cloud Computing 66 150 44%
Social Media 36 150 24%
Internet of Things 18 150 12%





Num,b er of Employees



Artifitial Intelligence Cloud Computing Social Media Internet of Things

4 The prospect of artificial intelligence in improving the improvisation quotient and
expansion of Ryder Architecture

Characteristics No. of employees Total No. of Percentage of

employees employees
Saving the cost 36 150 24%
Reduction in the 18 150 12%
time required for
providing the
Reduction in the 66 150 44%
error percentage
Mechanization of 30 150 20%
the processes






Num,b er of Emplo
10 yees

5. The contribution of social media in reaching out to the customers and
communicating effectively

Characteristics Number of Total No. of Percentage of

employees employees employees
Advertising about 36 150 24%
the services
Collecting 66 150 44%
feedback from the
Addressing the 30 150 20%
queries of the
Reaching out to 18 150 12%
new customers





Num,b er of Employees



Advertising Collective feedback Customer queries New customer

6. How the ‘Internet of things’ helps the Ryder Architecture to achieve amalgamation of
services in different branches and within different departments

Characteristics No. of employees Total no. of Percentage of

employees employees
Increasing the 30 150 20%
Connecting the 66 150 44%
branches and the
Computation of 36 150 24%
the marketing
Reaching out to all 18 150 12%
functional zones






20 Num,b
er of Employees

Qualitative Research
1 What will be the benefits of implementing Artificial Intelligence in the
operational processes of Ryder Architecture?

Manager 1: The scientifically improved procedure in Artificial intelligence would reduce the
risks of duplicity and other problematic processes, which affect both employees as well as
the customers, stated the 1st manager
Manager 2: The 2nd manager said that that the artificial intelligence method will help the
organization in cutting down unnecessary utilization of workforce and helps in securing the
funds for future use
2 What are the probable benefits that the cloud computing technology will render to
the executive department of Ryder Architecture?

Manager 1: 1st manager assured that the execution of the tasks would become more
simplified since the staffs would have access to similar kind of jobs.
Manager 2: He commented that often, the staffs tend to leave the jobs suddenly. In this case,
retrieving the files and the assignments s/he was working on becomes a hectic task due to
the presence of passwords in the systems and various other security concerns.
3 What, according to you, can be the contributions of social media, to the
Ryder Architecture?

Manager 1: The 1st manager replied that the social media would definitely help in
spreading the news of the services offered by the bank among maximum number of clients.
Manager 2: He said that the social media would help in collecting the valuable feedbacks of
the customers and would assist Ryder Architecture in addressing their grievances
4 How would the ‘Internet of Things’ help in integrating the processes?

Manager 1: Interdepartmental connectivity inside the organization and the different

branches of the company would help in increasing the efficiency of the workers and the
Manager 2: The second manager was of the view that the T technologies would help in
mechanization of the marketing processes involved in the Organisation and reaching out of
all the functional zones.

Task 3

LO3 Present the project and communicate appropriate recommendations based on

meaningful conclusions drawn from the evidence findings and /or analysis

P5 – Analyse research and data using appropriate tools and techniques for the chosen
Quantitative Analysis:

1. The time span for which the employees has been associated with Ryder Architecture
As per the research conducted it was seen that 10% of employees were associated with the
Ryder Architecture for a time span of less than 1 year. 48% employees were associated for 3
to 5 years. 22% were associated for 5-7 years and 10% were associated for more than 7years.
2. as per the research conducted about 50% of the employees strongly agreed out of which
22% agreed for incorporating cloud computing technology for expansion and execution of
the business to function globally. 10% employees disagreed from idea of incorporating the
cloud computing system and 10% strongly disagree to the ideas.
3. As per the research conducted about 20% employee was in favour of incorporating
Artificial Intelligence. About 44% wanted to incorporate cloud computing. The idea of
incorporating social media was supported by 24% employees and internet of things was
supported by 12% employees.
4. The prospect of artificial intelligence in improving the quotient and expansion of Ryder
Architecture was supported by 24% employee as it helps in saving the cost incurred. About
12% employee supported the decision as it helped in reduction in the time required for
providing the services. 44% employees were in favour of the decision as it helped in
reduction in the error percentage and 20% employee supported the decision as it helped in
mechanization of the process.
5. the idea of using social media in order to communicate with the customers were supported
by 24% employee as it helped in advertising about the services offered. 44% employees
supported the ideas as it helped in collecting feedback from the customers. 20% employee
agrred to the idea as it helps in addressing the quarries of the customers and 12% employee
supported the idea as it helps in reaching out to new customers.
6. the idea of achieving amalgamation of services in different branches and within different
department was supported by 20% employee as it increased the efficiency of the company.
44% employees supported the idea as it helps in connecting the various branches and
department. 24% agreed as it helps in computation of the marketing processes. 12% agreed as
it helps in reaching out to all functional zones.
Qualitative Analysis
1 the managers are in favour of incorporating the artificial intelligence system as it will help
in reducing the risk of duplicity and reduce various problematic situations of the employees.

But the 2nd manager was of the opinion that it will help in cost cutting and saving funds for
the future.
2. the manager1 of ryder Architecture wanted to utilize the method of cloud computing
system as it will simplify the execution of tasks for the employees. But manager2 was
concerned with the fact that if the employee leaves the jobit will be difficult to access files
due to password security of the cloud computing system.
3. both the managers of the Ryder architecture agreed to the use of social media as it will
help in speeding the message of various offers about their services and will help the
organization in getting feedbacks that could be helpful for improvising procedure.
4. the managers of Ryder architecture were interested in the internet of a thing as it will help
in connecting all the department of the organization and help in mechanization of the
marketing process involved in the organisation.

P6 – Communicate appropriate recommendations as a result of research and data
analysis to draw valid and meaningful conclusions for the chosen project.
The survey helped in understanding about the opinions of the employees of the Ryde
Architecture. The employees of the Ryde Architecture were in favour of incorporating the
new technological advancement in the operation of Ryde Architecture in order to enhance the
business of the organization. The employees wanted to incorporate the cloud computing
system as they believed it would help in enhancing the services that are offered to their
customers. This system also helps in keeping the information of their customers confidential.
Both the managers and the employees agreed that the technological advancement would
improve the operation of the organization and help them in reaching out to their customers in
a more efficient manner. The managers and the employees have certain fears with the
loopholes of the technology as the cloud computing system could get affected by viruses.
The organization will be required to maintain a very strong cyber security in order to protect
the system. The employees must be trained, so that they are able to use the new technologies
without any difficulties

Task 4

LO4 Reflect on the value gained from conducting the project and its usefulness to
support sustainable organisational performance for the chosen project.

P7 Reflect on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated objectives and own
learning and performance.

Performance Review Template with the information by the learner

1. What was the Project supposed to accomplish?

The main objective of conducting research in this project was to analyze the importa
and how these technologies improve the performance of the organization. This projec
about the changes that takes place within an organization on incorporation of digital

2. Did the project succeed in its aims/ how do you know? Specifically, please outlin
assessment undertaken.
Yes the project was successful as the employees and the managers agreed to th
3. What things do you think worked well and why? Evaluate all aspects of the proj
project activities and project outcomes) from a range of perspectives.
The initial inception ware gathering knowledge in technological advancement
implemented the possible implementation techniques; Most of the goals have been
4. What problems emerged during the project and how were they tackled? Was th
of issues and resolution during the project process?
The problem that i faced during this project was lack of funds and difficulty in gett
the managers of the company. Yes the problems were identified on time resolved.
5. What did you learn from undertaking the project?
The undertaken project helps in identifying the importance of digital technology
Ryder Architecture.
6. How would you rate your performance as a management consultant leading the
7. I am fully satisfied with my performance. My behaviour helped in
communicatin the organization for completing this project.

8. What strengths and weakness of your performance did you identify?

My communication skills assisted me during the project. My decision making sk

completion of this project.
9. How will this inform and support your continuous professional development?
This information will help me in developing knowledge about the latest technolo

me in developing a strong career in this field.

Borgia, E., 2014. The Internet of Things vision: Key features, applications and open
issues. Computer Communications, 54, pp.1-31.
Copeland, J., 2015. Artificial intelligence: A philosophical introduction. John Wiley & Sons.
Fleisher, C.S. and Bensoussan, B.E., 2015. Business and competitive analysis: effective
application of new and classic methods. FT Press.
Johnston, D.A., Wade, M. and McClean, R., 2015. Does e‐business matter to SMEs? A
comparison of the financial impacts of internet business solutions on European and North
American SMEs.Journal of Small Business Management, 45(3), pp.354-361.
Picard, R.G., 2011. Digitization and media business models.Mapping digital media.
Storbacka, K., 2011. A solution business model: Capabilities and management practices for
integrated solutions.Industrial Marketing Management, 40(5), pp.699-711.
Treem, J.W. and Leonardi, P.M., 2013. Social media use in organizations: Exploring the
affordances of visibility, editability, persistence, and association. Annals of the International
Communication Association, 36(1), pp.143-189.
Trompenaars, F. and Hampden-Turner, C., 2011.Riding the waves of culture: Understanding
diversity in global business. Nicholas Brealey Publishing.
Van Dijck, J., 2013. The culture of connectivity: A critical history of social media.Oxford
University Press.


Template for evidence collection to

be attached with the report by the
Project Logbook for the chosen organisation:
Name of the learner: Name of the Supervisor:
Project Title: Date:
Update of weekly research/ tasks achieved (Account for a minimum of six Comments
weeks with dates) The impact of digital t
➢ What have you completed? business growth and innova
All Task have been fulfilled
➢ Did you fulfil Task requirements? Yes I am submitting this
pr I don’t need any change
➢ Are you on track and within deadlines set?

➢ Did you need to make any changes to your project management


Any risks and / or issues identified? I suffered for lack of knowl

➢ Did you identify risks/issues with a lack of skills required for improve
undertaking research tasks?

➢ Did you identify any additional risks/issues that have an impact

on the project management plan?
There was no additional ris

Problems encountered
➢ What barriers did you face? Managers are too busy

➢ How did you overcome them? Explaining The porous of th

New Ideas and change of project direction

What Have I learnt about myself this week?

➢ How did I feel when I had to deal with tasks/problems?

➢ Did I find it useful to complete the tasks?
➢ How well have I performed? What did I contribute?
➢ What can I improve on next week?
➢ How might this learning apply in the future?

Tasks planned for next week

➢ Which tasks are priority?
➢ Have you set aside sufficient time for completion?
Project plan status to date (on, ahead, behind)
Supervisor comments to address

Signature of the Supervisor and date:


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