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Quarter 2

Self Learning Module (SLM) 7

Protecting and Conserving Our

Intertidal Zone and Estuaries
This Learning activity sheet was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
to learned about Protecting and Conserving Our Intertidal zone and estuaries. If you follow
the instructions and do the activities in this module, you will surely improve your science
skills to a new level. Moreover, this module provides more examples to work on to
supplement your knowledge gained from reading the textbooks. The lessons are arranged to
follow the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) released by the Department of
Education (DepEd) for this School Year 2020-2021. The module contains the lesson about:

The SLM contain:

Lesson 21: Protecting and Conserving Our Intertidal Zone

After going through this SLM, you are expected to:

1. identify ways on how to protect and conserve estuaries and intertidal zone
2. determine the importance of protecting and conserving estuaries and intertidal
3. show awareness about the importance of protecting and conserving estuaries
and intertidal zones.
4. cite ways in community efforts in protecting and conserving estuaries and
intertidal zones.


Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter of your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. These are bodies of water that are formed when freshwater from rivers flows and mixes
with saltwater from the sea or ocean.
A. estuaries B. ocean C. sea D. water

2. If you have toxic waste in your house, like batteries, pesticide, and other harmful
materials. What should you do?
A. Keep it B. sell it C. dispose Properly D. dump it to the sea

3. When you are on the beach. What is the best possible thing you can do to protect and
conserve estuaries?
A. littering C. swim happily
B. sunbathing D. pick up and dispose trash properly

4. Estuaries are important because they_______ before the freshwater enters the seas or
A. filter dirt B. absorbed dirt C. never filter dirt D. evaporates
5. Excessive use of household chemicals that are improperly disposed can harm our______
A. chemical supply B. water supply C. food supply D. medical supply

6. Planting more trees can help save the _______________________.

A. Land C. Estuarine environment
B. Ocean D. Sea Environment

7. How do we protect the estuaries?

A. cut more trees. C. use chemical-based household products.
B. throws garbage anywhere. D. disposes of household chemicals properly

8. Why is the estuary important to our livelihood? It____________

A. provides jobs for the fishermen. C. provides recreation like fishing and boating
B. provides habitat for the organisms. D. All the above.

9. How does dynamite fishing in the estuaries and intertidal zone affects our estuarine and
intertidal zone environment? It____________.
A. cleans the environment. C. damages the environment.
B. beautifies the environment D. improves the environment.

10. All of the following are ways in protecting and conserving estuaries and intertidal zone
A. using synthetic fertilizer C. dumb toxic waste in river and seas
B. grow native plants in garden D. using natural fertilizer

Protecting and Conserving Our Intertidal Zone
Estuaries are bodies of water that are formed when freshwater from rivers flows and mixes
with saltwater from the sea or ocean. Some habitats found in intertidal zone and estuaries
are salt marshes, mangrove forest mud and flat, rocky shores and coral reefs. Human lives
depend on the abundant resources of estuaries. We need to live in harmony with every
component of an ecosystem like estuary and intertidal zone

Everyone has its duty to use wisely and preserve the resources we have at hand. Do not
wait for tomorrow to do some action to protect and restore the estuary and intertidal
zone.Take part in the implementation and program in your community to identify and
address water quality, pollution and habitat problem within estuaries. Examine our everyday
activities and think how we can contribute to resolve issues and concern with our
is not the responsibility of one but of all.

Here some suggestions on how the people, including you, can make a difference in the
protection of the habitat of organisms.

¤ Be informed and get involved

• The people should be aware that estuaries are sensitive habitat areas
• They should get involved in dealing with habitat issues that affect the community in
which they live or work
• For pupils they can join tree – planting programs, clean – up drive in school and

¤ Take full responsibility for one’s own backyard

• Minimize the application of fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides in your yard
• Conserve water in your daily life to reduce runoff that may find its way into the
• Preserve existing trees and plant new trees and shrubs to help prevent erosion
• Dispose yard wastes and chemicals properly

¤ Practice good housekeeping at all times
• In every household, each person is encouraged to keep all forms of garbage out of
street gutters and storm drains
• Install water-saving devices in shower heads and toilet bowls
• Replace any dripping faucets of leaky pipes
• Don’t dispose toxic wastes and chemicals down
• your toilet bowl
• Buy and use non-toxic household products
• Always follow label instructions for the use and disposal of household

¤ Give due respect and great concern to estuary

• When you enter an estuary riding a hired boat, be careful not to touch or hurt the
organisms there. Better still, avoid entering sensitive habitat areas such as
• Make sure you keep all waste produced during picnics in a safe bag and disposed
properly when you’re back on land

• Avoid dumping any chemicals like gasoline and oil products, or heavy metal into
the waters of the estuary

General Directions: Read and analyze the instruction carefully. Write the letter your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Directions: Identify the picture below whether it shows ways on how to protect and
conserve estuaries and intertidal zone. Choose the letters of your answer.

A. using synthetic fertilizer B. using natural fertilizer C. using cut grass


dumping of waste in river E. growing native plants F. pumping of septic tank

H. using nontoxic chemicals I. using alternative chemical J. clean pet waste

DIRECTION: Write True if the statement is correct and False if it is wrong.

____1. Estuaries are important because they filter dirt before the fresh water enters the sea
or oceans.

____2. Caring and protecting our estuaries is showing love for our country.

____3. Estuaries serves as an exit point for flood.

____4. Healthy estuaries attract different sea water animals to live in.

____5. More tourist will visit if we have beautiful and clean beaches.

____6. Dynamite fishing does not affect our estuaries and intertidal zone.

____7. Cutting of trees are beneficial to people in the community.

____8. Dirt’s from river water can damage our estuaries.

_____9. Fish and other sea water animals need to have healthy estuaries and intertidal

____10. Household chemicals that are thrown in the canals will not affect our estuaries.

____11. It is good to use organic fertilizer on plants and minimize the of used of chemical
fertilizer and pesticides on your garden.

____12. When estuaries and intertidal zones are not properly taken cared of, wild animals
will no longer have shelter.

____13. We have the responsibility to examine our everyday activities and think how we can
help lessen the pollution problem.

____14. Using glass in brushing our teeth does not help in conserving water.

____15. Let us preserve existing trees and plant more new trees and shrubs to help prevent

Direction: Study the following pictures and answer the questions with Yes or No.

1. Is planting of trees shows awareness

in protecting and conserving estuaries
and intertidal zone_______?

2.Does it show awareness in protecting

and conserving estuaries and
intertidal zone? ______________?

3.Is dumping of wastes in the rivers and

streams a good habit?

4.Does posting a slogan about

conserving and protecting our estuaries
and intertidal zone help in influencing

5. Is it helpful to read books about

awareness in protecting and conserving
estuaries and intertidal zone?

Activity No. 4
Below are ways on how to conserve and protect estuaries and intertidal
zone in the community. Draw if you agree and if you disagree.

___________1. Plant more native trees, sea grass, or restore invasive vegetation.
___________2. Do not dump your waste overboard, dispose it properly and
___________3. Connect with your local watershed group. And help in the
implementation of conservation program.
___________4. Participate in a shoreline clean up and educate others to be more
cautious in preserving our beaches.
___________5. Report any threats to estuaries that you see, to help protect our
estuaries and intertidal zone.
___________6. Conserve water in our daily life by replacing dripping faucets and
leaking pipes.
__________7. Follow disposal direction on labels of household chemicals.
__________ 8. Do the 3’ Rs always reduce, re-use and recycle to minimize
__________ 9. Make sure to throw all your waste during picnic in a nearby shore.
__________10. Do not participate in any local environmental organizations for it does not
help at all.

Directions: Complete the 3-2-1 Chart about your thoughts in protecting
and conserving our estuaries and intertidal zone. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.


Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of
1. Planting more trees can help save the _______________________.
A. Land B. Ocean C. Estuaries environment D. Sea Environment
2. How do we protect the estuaries?
A. cut more trees. C. use chemical base household products.
B. throws garbage anywhere. D. disposes of household chemicals properly
3. Why is the estuary important to our livelihood?
A. It provides jobs for the fishermen.
B. It provides habitat for the organisms.
C. It is important for recreation like fishing, boating, and swimming.
D. All the above.
4. How does dynamite fishing in the estuaries and intertidal zone affects our estuarine and
intertidal zone environment? It________________.
A. cleans the environment. C. damages the environment.
B. beautifies the environment D. improves the environment.
5. All of the following are ways, in protecting and conserving estuaries and intertidal zone
A. using natural fertilizer C. growing native plants in garden
B. using synthetic fertilizer D. dumb toxic waste in river and seas
6.These are bodies of water that are formed when freshwater from rivers flows and mixes with
saltwater from the sea or ocean.
A. estuaries B. ocean C. sea D. water
7. If you have toxic wastes in your house, like batteries, pesticide, and other harmful materials.
What should you do?
A. keep it B. sell it C. dispose properly D. dump it to the sea
8. When you are on the beach. What is the best possible thing you can do to protect and
conserve estuaries?
A. littering C. swim happily
B. sunbathing D. pick up and dispose trash properly
9. Estuaries are important because it_______ before the freshwater enters the seas or oceans?

A. filter dirt B. absorbed dirt C. never filter dirt D. evaporates

10. Excessive used of household chemicals that are improperly dispose can harm our______
A. chemical supply B. water supply C. food supply D. medical supply

Activity 1 Activity 2
Pretest A. A.
1. A
1. A 2. B 1. TRUE 11,TRUE
2. C 3. C 2. TRUE 12.TRUE
3. D 4. E 3. TRUE 13.TRUE
4. A 5. F 4. TRUE 14.FALSE
5. B 6.G 5. TRUE 15.TRUE
6. C 7.H 6. FALSE
7. D 8.I 7. FALSE
8. D 8. TRUE
9. C 9. TRUE
10. C 10. FALSE
Activity 4 Activity 3
3. 1. YES
4. 3. NO
Reflection Posttest
Learners answers may 1. C
Vary 2. D
3. D
4. C
5. D
6. A
7. C
8. D
9. A
10. B
Answer Key
Sarte, Evelyn T., Garcis, Ednaliza R., Lopez, Eliza A., dela Cruz, Mary Jean G.,
Arradaza, Harold A., Science 5 Beyond Boarders. Pasig City: Department
Of Education, 2016, Pages 60 – 71
lip+arts%2Fpinoy localized&tbm

Icons credit:
Ivin Mae N. Ambos, Division of Surigao del Sur

Published by the Department of Education, Caraga Region

Schools Division Office of Surigao City
Schools Division Superintendent : Karen L. Galanida
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent: Florence E. Almaden
Self-Learning Module (SLM) Development Team

Writer : Ramer C. Gonzales

Editor : Yvonne B. Choco
Evaluators : Grace D. Nahial,
Aicel K. Ibarra
Roxanne P. Ceniza
Illustrator : Ria B. Ricafort
Lay-out Artist : Alwin G. Ga
Management Team : Karen L. Galanida
Florence E. Almaden
Carlo P. Tantoy
Noemi D. Lim

Printed in the Philippines by the Schools Division Office of Surigao City

Office Address : M. Ortiz Street, Barangay Washington
: Surigao City, Surigao del Norte, Philippine
Telephone : (086) 826-1268; (086) 826-3075; (086) 826-8931
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