Democracy & Progress: Story of WHO Scandal: Mistake After Mistake by KMT Administration

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MAY 2011


Story of WHO scandal: mistake after mistake by
KMT administration

pate as
For many years, Taiwan tried to was not willing to accept any con- Taiwan’s Health Department in
enter the World Health Organiza- cession on Taiwan’s sovereignty selected meetings, but was unable
tion (WHO) as an observer mem- despite China’s continuous at- to receive formal invitations dur-
ber. In fact, this became a policy tempt to suppress Taiwan’s inter- ing the annual WHA meetings for
of the government since 1997, and national space. government representatives.
it was intensified after the SARS China vigorously blocked Tai- Under the DPP administration,
outbreak in 2003 when Taiwan wan’s attempt to enter the WHO policy documents issued by
was unable to gain important in- as an observer, and in 2005, MOFA at that time specifically
formation pertaining to the dis- signed an MOU between Beijing directed government officials
ease. and the WHO Secretariat that posted abroad to protest at all
The DPP administration from placed Taiwan as a province under times any designation of Taiwan
2000 to 2008 enacted a policy of China, which blocked any direct as a province of China. Under-
“meaningful participation” for contact between WHO and Tai- standing that Taiwan would have
entry into WHO, meaning that it wan. Taiwan could only partici- a hard battle ahead, the DPP ac-
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MAY 2011

...WHO scandal
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tively engaged the collaboration of the U.S., EU, THE INTERNATIONAL HEALTH REGULA-
Japan and its diplomatic allies to speak on behalf of TIONS (2005) WITH RESPECT TO THE TAI-

Easy as that 1. Following the entry into force of the International

Health Regulations (2005) (“IHR (2005)”), the
It came to everyone’s surprise that just one year Permanent Mission of China has communicated
after President Ma Ying-jeou took office, Taiwan to the Director-General an arrangement to facili-
was able to participate in an UN-affiliated organiza- tate the implementation of the IHR (2005) with
tion meeting for the first time in 38 years at the respect to the Taiwan Province of China. This
World Health Assembly (WHA). IHR agreement (hereinafter “the Arrangement”)
The DPP, then at that time in opposition, raised allows certain interactions and communications
doubts whether there was an agreement between between the WHO Secretariat may undertake
President Ma Ying-jeou and Beijing, questioning if pursuant to the IHR (2005) with regard to the
Taiwan was sacrificing its own sovereignty for too Taiwan Province of China.
much a price.
Taiwan’s health minister at that time, Yeh Ching- The memo was written on September 8, 2010,
chuan, who attended the 2009 WHA, denied that and sent out by Anne Marie Worning, Executive
there was an agreement between Taiwan and China, Director, Office of the Director General, WHO on
and that Taiwan’s participation was a direct agree- September 14, 2010.
ment between Taiwan and WHO. The dates highlighted the controversy when the
However, in the Taipei Times article “WHO was DPP uncovered the memo because the reaction by
‘not involved’ in bid” (May 2, 2009), reports from President Ma Ying-jeou himself and the administra-
the Central News Agency quoted WHO Spokesman tion afterward uncovered their lies to the public.
Thomas Abraham, saying that the WHO had zero President Ma first denied knowledge of the
involvement in WHA. He also said that WHO memo, but Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Shen
Director-General Margaret Chan sent an invitation Lyushun said that MOFA had knowledge of the
to Minister Yeh after they were “notified” of the re- memo for some time.
sults of cross-strait negotiations. DPP Spokesperson Chen Chi-mai, in a press con-
ference at the DPP Headquarters on May 9, said, “If
WHO’s internal memo shows KMT’s true side President Ma Ying-jeou’s administration had
knowledge of the memo’s existence, they have been
In May of this year, DPP Legislator Kuan Bi-ling lying all this time to the people of Taiwan. If they
uncovered an internal memo that Taiwan, as a didn’t know about the memo until now, then this
“province of China” was not party to the WHO’s administration is simply incompetent.”
International Health Regulations (IHR). Although the Ma administration’s first response
was denying that Taiwan had sacrificed its sover-
Part of the memo says: eignty to participate in WHA, and that Taiwan was
participating on an “equal footing” with China, the
PROCEDURES CONCERNING AN ARRANGE- titles given for Taiwan’s health ministers on their

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MAY 2011

...WHO scandal
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President Ma explained that our representative in stration. Ms. Fan said that Taiwan’s admission to
the WHA received the title of “minister”. However, international organizations was given to Taiwan
Minister Yeh Ching-chuan was given the title of compatriots as “goodwill from the mainland”. Just
“doctor” at the WHA in 2009 and Minister Chiu recall, in 2009, Health Minister Yeh Ching-chuan
Wen-tah was called a “professor” in this year’s denied any dealings with China when it concerned
WHA. Furthermore, not only nations participate in WHO.
WHO meetings, where also NGOs and other non- From the DPP side, the DPP showed MOFA
sovereign states can attend meetings where minis- documents during the DPP administration that ad-
ters can also be titles of county health officials. dressed strategy specifically for Taiwan’s entry into
WHO. The documents stated that under no condi-
President Ma Ying-jeou’s blaming game tions, Taiwan would accept entry as Taiwan, China
or Taiwan, Province of China. For these very rea-
Not many days following the WHO scandal, sons, Taiwan during the 8 years of the DPP in
concerned about the media attention and their own power was unable to gain access to WHO, and
chances of re-election, President Ma held a press heavily spent its energy in engaging the support of
conference on May 10, where he blamed two parties Taiwan’s friendly countries like the U.S., EU and
for the WHO scandal. Japan.
First, he condemned China for isolating Taiwan
in the international arena, and called for Beijing Lodge a protest, what protest?
authorities to refrain from denigrating Taiwan in
order to move forward with cross-strait relations. In the May 10 press conference, President Ma
Naturally, he blamed the DPP and Chair Tsai Ing- said he would order MOFA to protest against the
wen, lying to the public that the DPP had already internal memo. Many asked what kind and how the
accepted the terminology of Taiwan, Province of protests would be “lodged” by the KMT since for
China, by having participated 18 times in meetings more than a year, the KMT would not have acted if
at WHA from 2005. He did not leave out attacking the DPP had not exposed the memo.
DPP Chair Tsai Ing-wen personally, saying that she Just before WHA was about to start in latter May,
as a government official under the DPP administra- the Ministry of Health issued a letter of protest that
tion, had been part of accepting this label for Tai- they said they would give to the WHO Secretariat
wan. when Minister Chiu Wen-ta traveled to Geneva. The
President Ma Ying-jeou’s press conference in- Mandarin text, released to local media, emphasized
cited two strong reactions, which only made him “our country”, yet the English translation simply
appear even more foolish. The May 11 reaction stated, “I” or “me”.
from China’s Taiwan Affairs Office, through At the same time, Wu Po-hsiung, KMT honorary
Spokesperson Fan Liqing, was perhaps too much to chairman, was meeting with Chinese President Hu
swallow for President Ma Ying-jeou. Jintao without lodging any protest, carrying on a
Like speaking to children, Ms. Fan called on “good commaderie” as if no harm has been done.
Taiwan to “calm down”, which some political ana- If the KMT were to issue any protest, DPP
lysts have deciphered as a direct message to Presi- Spokesperson Chen Chi-mai said, in a press confer-
dent Ma. Then came a statement that seemed to ence on May 14 that, “There is no green or blue
provide an ultimate stab at President Ma’s admini- when it comes to foreign affairs. The DPP has ex-

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MAY 2011

...WHO scandal
... continued "om the previous page

posed the WHO memo for the very reasons of Future Model?
asking our government to issue an effective policy
that could prevent this type of denigration. Presi- President Ma has emphasized that his admini-
dent Ma, as person responsible for foreign and stration will adopt a “WHA model” for future par-
military affairs, besides requesting our ministry ticipation at international organizations.
officials to issue protests against WHO and China, Professor of Law at National Taiwan Univer-
must follow the policy of the DPP administration sity Chiang Huang-chih, in various papers submit-
in engaging American, European and Japanese ted to the media, stressed that the Ma Administra-
support.” tion is wrong “over and over again”.
Strong protest did come, but not from the KMT Professor Chiang underlined that any inroads
administration. The U.S., through its Secretary of made by Taiwan at international participation
Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius would be “all contingent on prior agreement by
said in Geneva that, “We have made it very clear China”.
to the WHO and I think the United States’ posi- From WHO’s Intranet, it has been uncovered
tion is that no organization of the UN has a right that Taiwan is called “Chinese, Taipei” only dur-
to unilaterally determine the position of Taiwan. ing the five days of the WHA annual assembly.
“It needs to be a resolution,” continued Ms. The rest of the time, Taiwan is referred as China,
Sebelius, “that includes China and Taiwan in a Taiwan.
discussion and we would very much welcome that The WHO Intranet’s section that deals with
road forward.” Member States and Associate Members of WHO
No reflection expected “China, Taiwan: do not use ‘Taiwan’. This area
is considered, within the United Nations system,
In reality, there is no one to blame except the as a province of China, similar documents of
KMT itself for their non-transparent deals with World Health Assemblies to which that entity is
China, denigrating Taiwan’s status and trying to invited as an observer. If data for this area are to
cover it up with lies to the Taiwanese public. be presented separately from those concerning
The 2005 MOU between the WHO and the China in a list or table, they should be given im-
PRC was a result of an agreement between mediately following the data for China...”
KMT’s Lian Chan and President Hu Jintao in Is this really the model that the Ma Administra-
2005. tion should follow?
DPP Spokesperson Cheng Wen-tsang, at a
press conference on May 12, said that although
the so-called 92 consensus created “One China,
each with its own interpretation”, WHO’s internal
memo showed that there is no room for any inter-
DPP Spokesperson Cheng said that under the
so-called 92 consensus and any agreements be-
tween the KMT and the CCP, there is “simply
One China Principle under a One China Frame- Special thanks to Former EPA Minister Dr. Win-
work.” ston Dang for his contributions to the article.

MAY 2011

DPP Chair Tsai Ing-wen visits Former Premier Su

DPP Chair Tsai Ing-wen visited Former Premier Former Premier Su said that the DPP, as the
Su Tseng-chang on May 19 accompanied by largest opposition party, was able to fulfill the
Secretary-General Su Chia-chuan and Legislative expectations of the people especially during this
Convener Ker Chien-ming, expressing her appre- time when the public is dissatisfied with the bad
ciation to Former Premier Su during the primary performance of the Ma administration. He noted
process. that when a political party is not performing well
Chair Tsai presented to Former Premier Su in office, it is time for another one to take over.
and his entire team her highest respects, and she He said that if the DPP wins the elections but is
said that she hoped her visit will open the start of unable to resolve the problems facing Taiwan,
a close cooperation for the 2012 elections. replacing a political party is meaningless for
“The 2012 election will not only decide the Taiwan overall. He said that therefore, the DPP
DPP’s future role, but it will also determine the has a heavy responsibility not only in doing a
future direction of Taiwan,” said Chair Tsai. “I good job, but also in meeting the expectations of
strongly believe in Former Premier Su, as a par- the people.
ticipant in Taiwan’s democracy movement and Chair Tsai responded that the battle ahead, as
with such a vast experience, he has wide expecta- Former Premier Su has said, is going to be a very
tions for the DPP. I hope that with this visit, we important and difficult one for the DPP. She said
have even greater opportunities to work together that in particular, facing the wealth of the KMT’s
and rely on his advice and expertise.” party assets and the executive resources of the
Chair Tsai said that the whole country saw the ruling party, the DPP will need to count on even
true democratic style of the DPP during the pri- more support from the people of Taiwan to march
mary process, and that she especially received ahead. She lastly said that she hoped that people
many good advices from her predecessors during may come together in this crucial moment for
the televised presentations. Taiwan’s democracy, in which Former Premier
Su will play an important role.

MAY 2011

DPP poll on Ma’s performance: 53.5% dissatisfaction


The DPP conducted a poll from May 16 to 18 that said to believe their residual income for lux-
questioning the public’s views on the perform- ury and investment or saving purposes have de-
ance of President Ma Ying-jeou and his admini- creased while 19.9% said to have increased.
stration. The poll used the last year as a compari- Concerning the government’s control on
son in asking questions related to wealth dispar- prices of housing and consumer goods, there
ity, government efficiency and Taiwan’s interna- were 68.7% that said to be dissatisfied while
tional status. 23.5% said to be satisfied.
When asked about president Ma Ying-jeou’s Responding to figures from the Executive
performance rate, those expressing to be satisfied Yuan which has calculated Taiwan’s economic
with his performance resulted in only 39.3% growth to have increased by 10%, there were
while 53.5% expressed dissatisfaction with his 89% of the respondents that said only a small
performance. minority of people and corporations benefited
Second, the poll asked the people on their from this growth while only 4% said to believe
evaluation of the governing performance. There the common public has benefitted.
were 43.5% of the public that said to believe that When asked their opinion concerning the
government efficiency has decreased while “633” campaign promise unfulfilled by President
31.7% responded that they believed it has im- Ma, there were 61.9% of the respondents that
proved. said to believe President Ma will be unable to
In the wealth disparity issue, also using the fulfill these promises even if he is re-elected,
previous year as a comparison, there were 72.9% while 23.4% of the respondents said to believe
of the public that said the problem of wealth dis- that he will be able to achieve these objectives if
parity in Taiwan was critical while 12.8% said given four more years.
that there has been an improvement. Overall, when asked about the public’s views
In regards to Taiwan’s international status, on the three-year performance by the govern-
there were 42% of the public that said to believe ment, there were 51.3% of the public that said
that Taiwan’s international status has worsened to believe that the Ma administration has
while 36.6% of the public said to believe it has failed, while 43.8% that said to believe his per-
improved. formance has been on track.
Regarding personal income, there were 45%
that said their personal income has decreased
from last year while 26.5% said that it has in-
creased, and 25.6% of the respondents said that
their personal income has remained about the
In their personal expenses, there were 78.9%
that responded their personal expenses have in-
creased from last year while 10.4% responded
that they have decreased.
From deduction of personal expenses and re-
sidual income, there were 67.6% of the public

MAY 2011

President Ma’s video conference with

CSIS a reflection of failed US-Taiwan
Concerning President Ma Ying-jeou’s video conference with the
Center for Strategic Studies (CSIS) on May 12, DPP Spokesperson Department of International
Cheng Wen-tsang critiqued President Ma’s “three lines of defense”, Affairs Democratic
saying that his presentation was more a reflection of his three failed Progressive Party
tests to secure Taiwan.
Spokesperson Cheng said that the KMT has used the 92 consen- 9F, No. 30, Pei-Ping East
sus to create a One China Framework where Taiwan’s sovereignty Road, Taipei, Taiwan
has entered into a crisis point. He said that when faced with China’s
denigration, President Ma has failed to insist on the sovereignty of Tel: 886-2-2392-9989 ext. 306
R.O.C. Taiwan.
In response to President Ma’s second line of defense that con-
cerns foreign affairs, Cheng said that even though the Ma admini- Fax: 886-2-2393-0342
stration has adopted a diplomatic truce policy with China, the recent
incident involving Panama where Taiwan spent 1.3 billion NT in Email:
securing this relationship, showed that China has not stopped
squeezing Taiwan’s international space. Website:
Regarding the third line of defense related to US-Taiwan rela-
tions and arms sales, Cheng said that President Ma has shown no
resolution to defend Taiwan or strengthen our military capabilities.
“From 2000 to 2008, the KMT has boycotted the arms sales
budget,” Cheng said. “Now in office, the KMT takes its sweet time DIRECTOR:
on budget execution. If they would adopt a more active attitude to- Bikhim Hsiao
wards arms sales, there would have been a clearer request and reso-
lution towards Taiwan’s defense and military equipment needs.” DEPUTY DIRECTOR:
Cheng said that the real purpose of President Ma’s CSIS video Hsieh Huai-hui
conference is to repair the current state of US-Taiwan relations and
to explain his pro-China line. However, Cheng said that this is al-
ready the third year of his administration, and President Ma is sim-
ply trying to repair his image before the election for his light treat- Michael J. Fonte
ment and neglect of US-Taiwan relations and for placing Beijing’s
relationship above that of the U.S. EDITOR:
Ping-Ya Hsu


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