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Memory Test on Article & Correction

1. Which of the following sentences is correct?

a. He is very good with mathematics b. He is very good for mathematics
c. He is very good at mathematics d. He is very good in mathematics
2. Correct sentence is ----?
a. Masud knows swimming b. Masud is expert in swiming
c. Masud knows the art of swimming d. Masud knows how to swim
3. Correct the sentence.
a. He is working hardly to stand first. b. He is working hard to stand first.
c. He was working hard to stood first. d. He is worked hardly to stand first.
4. নিচের কোন বাক্যটি শুদ্ধ?
a. The cart was laden fully b. Your information is false
c. Listen to my advice d. Who brought these news?
5. কোন বাক্যটি শুদ্ধ?
a. He copied the answer word by word b. He copied the answer word for word
c. He copied the answer word with word d. He copied the answer word in word
6. Choose the correct sentence?
a. He has the entire monopoly of the trade b. He has a monopoly of the trade
c. He has a total monopoly of the trade d. He has wide monopoly of the trade
7. Choose the correct sentence?
a. He refrained to attend his office b. He refrained to attending his office
c. He refrained from attending his office d. He refrained from attend his office
8. Put the correct article in the gap. The Meghna falls into ----- Bay of Bengal.
ক. The খ. A গ. An ঘ. no article
9. ----- earth moves round the sun.
a. A b. An c. The d. None of these
10. --------Bangladesh are a brave nation.
a. A b. An c. The d. No article
11. Find out the correct sentence?
a. Guard the children against bad company b. The train is running in time
c. He is suffering from fever for a weak d. He succeed to get a job
12. Select the correct sentence.
a. He was dressed in a nice suite b. She stayed in an expensive suit of the hotel
c. He wrote a black suit for the occasion d. I won the law suite in court
13. Which one of the following is a correct sentence?
a. The old sailor saw the people walking past him
b. The old sailor saw walking past him the people
c. The old sailor saw the people to walk past him
d. The old sailor saw the people past walking him
14. Choose the appropriate article : He is ---- FRCS.
a. an b. a c. the d. no article
15. Select correct article : I am not ---- know of the things.
a. a b. an c. none d. the

16. Which one is correct sentence?

Memory Test on Article & Correction

a. Iqbal was the poet and philosopher. b. Iqbal was a poet and philosopher.
c. Iqbal was both the poet and philosopher. d. Iqbal was a poet and a philosopher.
17. I paid --- one taka note for ---- old paper.
a. no article , the b. a , the c. a , no article d. None of these
18. Which of the following is the correct sentence?
a. I earned nearly a hundred dollars last week b. I earned a nearly hundred dollars last week
c. I earned a hundred dollars nearly last week d. None of these
19. He went to --- and --- .
a. the Canada , USA b. Canada , the USA
c. the Canada , the USA d. Canada , USA e.None of these
20. He is ---- heir to his father's property. Fill in the gap -
a. a b. an c. the d. no article
21. Which one is the incorrect sentence?
a. The thief robbed me of my money b. He behaved in a cowardly manner
c. He resembles to his father d. Look up the word in the dictionary
22. Which one of the following sentence is correct?
a. Let us go out for a walk. b. Let us go out for walk.
c. Let us go out for a walking. d. Let us go out for walking
23. Find out the correct sentence:
a. Bangalees are a brave nation b. The Bangalees are a brave nation
c. The Bangalee is a brave nation d. The Bangaless are brave nation
24. Industry is ---- mother of good luck. Fill in the gap with --
a. a b. an c. the d. No article
25. None but --- brave deserves --- fair.
a. a , the b. the , the c. the , no article d. None of these
26. Choose the correct sentences?
a. He speaks English like English b. He speaks the English like English
c. He speaks English like the English d. He speaks the English like the English
27. I saw ---- one-eyed man begging for alms.
a. lonely b. a c. an d. only
28. Choose the right use of the article in the following sentence :
a. Alim received good educations in some private institutions
b. Alim received a good education in some private institutions
c. Alim received good education in an private institutions
d. Alim received an good education in the private institutions
29. Which of the following sentences is correct?
a. Aziz and Fahim are know it. b. Aziz as well as Fahim are knows it.
c. Aziz and Fahim are know it. d. Aziz as well as Fahim are know it.
30. Which of the following sentences is correct?
a. I forbade him from going b. I forbade him to go.
c. I forbade him going d. I forbade him not to go

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