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MORE PROBLEMS WITH ADJECTIVES The previ ; both adjectives and adver Previous section dealt ¥ related to <1 s This section deals with a a ith ha ee only to adjectives: (1) yadject *) predicate adjectives, and (8) edand Ingadiectves: SKILL 49: RECOGNIZE -LY ADJECTIVES Generally when a word ends in in English, it is an adverb. However, ie are af words ending h 8 > jecti se confusion in Words ending in -ly that are adjectives, and these 4) adjectives can cau ‘ Written Expression section of the TOEFL test. The manager turned in his weekly report. Any NOUN This example is correct, but it appears to be incorrect; it appears that there is an -ly adve} in fronc of the noun report. However, weekiy is an adjective that describes the noun The following chart lists common -fy adjectives that can appear in English: EXERCISE 49: Each of the following sentences contains at least one adjective or adve ending in -b. Circle the -fy words, and label them as either adjectives or adverbs. Draw rows to the words they describe. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or ine rect (I). —£_ 1. Federal taxes Gomes which must be paid every April, A ! 2. At the fashion show, the aie ES will be shown, Do you want to go to the early movie or the lately movie? . 4. She offered me some friendly advice about how to deal wi The quarterly reports need to 6. He did not have a y 7. The likely outcome of his monthly bills. WRITTEN EXPRESSION THe days «, SME SPeNE aL the © beach house were lonely and solitaril sraet 9: She tabs 5 - a Age Mer daily medic ‘Ni0n On a regularly schedule, Peet he kindly neigh hoor paid hourly Visits to her unhealthily friend SKILL 50: Certain adjectiy S Miki vere nee ShIy In the predicate of the sentence; thauis, they appear after a scribe, and they cannot appear directly in front of the nouns that they de- The shake on the rock was alive. ‘The alivet snake was lying on the rock, In the first example, the predicate adjective ative is used correctly after the linking verb ses {0 describe the subject snake, tn the secoun example, the predicate adjective alive is used incorrectly in front of the noun snake. In this position, the adjective live should be used, The following chart lists some common predicate adjectives and the corresponding forms that can be used in front of the noun: 4 PREDICATE ADJECTIVES - as be. It cannot V/RITTENY EXPRESSION an © completed our two projects i HE aioe II of the crash ‘icins aise ae without waking them —— & She ied wo wa quiey by these SO { the noise? Bes Were you feeling afraid when you heard the we man shot by an alone gun According to the report, the president W959 :CTLY SmiLL SI: USE -ED AND -ING ADJECTIVES CORRE i le, the verbal adjec- Verb forms ending in -ed and -ingcan be used as adjectives. For examP: ‘ves cleaned and cleaning come from the verb to clean. The woman cleans the car. VERB ray ‘The cleaning woman worked on the car. soca ‘The woman put the cleaned car back in the garage. In the first example, cleans is the serb af thesgapene: In the second example, cleaning is a verbal adjective describing woman. In the third example, cleaned is a verba) adjective de- scribing car Verbal adjectives ending in -edand sean be eemne in the Written pe trcscion sec: Gon of the TOEFL test. ‘The difference between an -ed the active and the passive (see Skills that the noun it describes is doing the mot correct because a car cannot: itself. An -ed adjective (like the passi tion from the verb. The above this example a woman cannot re mean that someone cleaned th PR Outlin Nes the key Ne key information that you sh sould remember also; ef Bree £D AND ING ADJECTIVES EXERCISE 5, 1: , jective. Circle hee vale olowing sentences conta ins either an -ed or an ing verbal ad- ee ee verbal adjectives, Draw arrows to the words they describe. Then indi Fi “sentences are correct (C) of incorrect (1), et 1, The teacher gave a quiz on the Just Completing) lesson. —— 2 There isa (Gascinating) movie at the theater tonight. —— 5 They thought that ithad been a very satisfied dinner. The empty bottles are to the left, and the filling botiles are to the right. —— 5. Forlunchat the restaurant she ordered a mixed salad. —— © The students thought that icwas an interesting assignment. —— 7. The shoppers were impressed by the reducing prices. sah : 8. He can't afford to take long vacations to exotic places because he is. —— 9 Trecently received several annoying phone calls from the insurance Today the bookkeeper is working on the unpaying bills. EXER‘ i jectives in each CISE (Skills 49-51): Circle the adj : ce arrows to the nouns or iproncund they oatehie Then (C) or incorrect (I). A TRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION Bi he ee ; ~~ The thesis of your essay was not very Wall amare : der. sound of the crashing thu — The asleep children were wakened bythe loud and fascinating debate. ——— During the nightly news show there was a lively’ His car was struck by an uninsured motorist |. frightened house. —— 10. The girl was all alone and feeting lonely in the darkened, fri word of TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 49-51): Choose the letter of the underlined ef EUEP: words that is not correct. . irection, the Ohio was the As the only major American river that flowed in a west di a Seenly maj fogse nae preferred route for settlers Se During the annually salmon migration from the sea to fresh water, Alaska’s McNeil ie Ee River becomes a gathering place for brown bears waiting saerly to catch their fil —— >. Edelman stresses the mounting evidence showing that ently variation on a microscopic scale is likely. 3 _— 4 Pethaps the most welcoming and friendly of the park’s wild places nthe live oak forest that surrounds the district's alone visitors center in Gulf Breeze, WRITTEN EXPRESSION Signing at the out, cee s OUISet Of a business i : sm * siness deal, a contract offers ee SeEree of legs! protection from Sostly mistakes. soy 10. The story present the SMSC bY Fcher ix headlong ie told 20 ef Beeecty thet t f Sg its ~momentlum carries the reader right ron ee Fee REVIEW EXERCISE cuits 1-51)! Chace tetioaes oF Tn words that best completes the sentence. 1. During the earl; inet oe nats red nierin Chica et aren of to be an integral part of the economy and to abandon tribal caer white be Productive capacity of the region, recat See (A) proved 5 ®) they proved es oan (©) they proved it os (D) proved it 2, Still other hurdles remain before ___ suitable for private cars. 4 (A) fuel cells (B) become (C) fuel cells become (A) was (D) that fuel cells become (B) were (© itwas (D) so ‘Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not.

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