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Wr ye 3 USN 18EC32 CGS Sonalils ty Time be tested as malpractice so Eg ‘draw diagonal crass answers, compu: 2. Any revealing of ide Important Note: 1. On complet Third Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Jan./Feb. 2021 Network Theory 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100 Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from each module. Module-1 Using source transformation and source shifting techniques, find voltage across 20 resistor as shown in Fig.Q.1(a). (07 Marks) Fig. Q.1(@) | b. For the network shown in Fig.Q.1(b), find the equivalent resistance between A and B using Star-Delta transformation. (0S Marks) Fig.Q.1(b) a & Determine the node voltages Vi and ’ by nodal analysis for the network in Fig.Q.1(c). (08 Marks) Fig.Q.1) OR 2 a, Find the potential difference between M and N using source transformation, for the network shown in Fig.Q.2(a). (05 Marks) (08 Marks) 18EC32 ©. Determine Vo using mesh analysis for the network shown in Fig.Q.2(c) (07 Maris) Die Fig.Q.2(c) te Sey, yet O 0 Module-2 3. a. State and prove Millman’s theorem. (06 Marks) b. Find the current through Z; using superposition theorem for the network shown in Fig.Q3(b). (10 Marks) Fig.Q.3b) + ind the value of Z;, for which maximum power transfer occurs in the network shown in Q3(0). (04 Marks) etSY i —)— Fig.Q.3(c) Sook v pl) ie ee al . Zion T ye | OR 4 a, Obtain Thevenin’s and Norton’s equivalent circuit at terminals AB for the network shown in Fig.Q.4(a); Hence, find the current through 109 resistor across AB. (12 Marks) Fig.Q4@) b, Find the value of Ry for which maximum power is delivered. Also find the maximum power that is delivered to the load Ri. Refer Fig.Q.4(b). (08 Marks) an OF Nat wa | et he Fig.Q.4(b) <—}— Ry 18EC32 Module-3 5 a. In the given network Fig.Q.5(a), K is closed at t= 0, with zero current in the inductor. Find the values of , {Y and a att=0" (05 Marks) # Fig.Q.5(a) 1av In the network Fig.Q.5(b), the switch is moved from position | to position 2 at t= 0. The steady-state has been reached before switching. Calculate i, “ and a at t=O". (07 Marks) Fig.Q.5(b) In the network Fig.Q.5(¢), the switch K is opened at (=0. Att =0", solve for v, &* and dy do —— oe Fig.Q.5(c) eae € yy feo | oR 6 a For the circuit shown in Fig.Q.6(a), steady state is reached with switch K open. The switch is closed at = 0. Find iis, “4 and 22 at t= 0°. dt at (08 Marks) (10 Marks) = vex Fig. Q.6a) pe b, For the circuit in Fig.Q.6(b). Find: i) v(0") and i") ity dv(0"), and di(0") dt dt iii) v() and i(~). (10 Marks) an Fig.Q.60) pout one" ro Pom 10 s ¢ 18EC32 Module-4 Determine the current i,(t) for t 2 0 for the circuit in Fig.Q. (10 Marks) ers Fig..7(a) 4 a i o! LE Fe fr Find the Laplace transtorm of the function ft) shown in Fig.Q. (10 Marks) Vp Fig.0.700) fv 7 oR Determine the voltage v.(t) and the current ic(t) for t 2 0 for the circuit shown in Fig.Q.8(a) (10 Marks), eo Fig.Q.8(@) b ae an i: be ( Find the Laplace transform oft HE in in Fig, Q8(b), (10 Marks) Fig.Q.8(b) Module-5 Express Y parameters in terms of h-parameters (06 Marks) ind Z-parameters for the network shown in Fig.Q.9(b). (06 Marks) a, ion (5h Ty. ae win 22, FigQ9b) —y Zs The Z-parameters of a two port network are 21; = 200, 222 = 30, 212= za) = 100. Find Y and ABCD parameters of the network. (08 Marks) OR Prove that the resonant frequency is the geometric mean of the two half power frequencies (06 Marks) A series RLC circuit has R = 100, L = 0.01H and C = 0.01pF and it is connected across 1Omy supply. Calculate: i) {) ii)Qo iii) bandwidth iv) frand fv) lo. (06 Marks) Find the value of R; such that the circuit shown in Fig.Q.10(c) is resonant. (08 Marks) i - ot | Fig.Q.10(0) ink —t Re: Sir, regarding Modification of scheme and solutions (18EC32) *> Apr 22, 2021 3:28 PM “mvlatteBOEVTU" Dear sir, ‘The scheme of 18€C32 is verified and its inline with the question paper Regards PROF, MRITYUNJAYA V, LATTE Principal, USS Academy of Technical Education, Uttarahall-Kengeri Main Road,Bangalore Karnataka 560 060 From: Sent: Thu, 08 Apr 2021 17:12:35 To: mvlatte@rediimallcom, mvlatte25@omailcom Subject: Sir, regarding Modification of scheme and solutions (18€C32) PROVED” Rone re Registrar juation) vera Uebeent BELAGRA- 5900S Le | eo Visvesvaraya Technological University - w Belagavi, Karnataka ~ 590 018. i_-Ne Subject Code : ene ss ~ 025 Vy= ; jos) Yy 2 Cows Js s%=3 “as = 025Yy 4 i a [22s of | nts 3 Noda Subject Code: 1GECS2~ Wy- UB, = 100 suport Wy B= 1804 ) Kei ot IS @) ea QO ml gc 658 oe jan do MAAS sina) ____4.2¥160 Bs 7° js =: ama 0 y= ane, 30a)| Mill mans Theorerns oR Mt Vol pedanta ZB having intionall ery thyeourt may be oeplans Voltage Vi having 2 5 vee = 2m 2%, as (a) Seon (a ) a ange vole tus eves Wy “ Zq — pry & =e 5A Coniideving only 10 oe, (om) oLHv, current thre =m) vob. (hosy Subject Code: 'BEC3% — Solution AMocated B(S 7,0" se = 147 jel ) Gir =e 21> 4 2 Thre Lp 4! Theverias Ean KE : Theve a Ery > lls |, ) Fmt ign | Za ep BX Ent (tard 50) VA, = av. R= nee Fen) Prog = Very = 2-383 0” RL e ; iC) ios 0, Ri rtd a + cenfecde 605 Sdi ¢oadt =0 it? —2400A fy Syo ah lect pm de de - te eee iD=0 0, eS 0 aol ~ Fohhvec (3nd) hen. 0 soa & ) c de —em) Subject Tine: Ndwork Subject Code: (GECZ2 Solution - dco +L de® ~5 de Lode pd ei » iol o~ (-33P i lo = 0.676 ¥, (d= 18-3 . Noe ) loi, te fieddr=d st di,(o® 5 . ~lO = - 047 A + we A Lac [big tdb -go , dbl? _ dé “dé l= 5A, work a5v 4eincdu +e id joi 40 Lae dé 5 dé -8 122.4, + UST O~'t st 49 = SH, + lee =| Coe" i= fe" Fosat +3 te teint] uct) A Lek pe) = xb) 4b) act » lt ("9 31 sos ¢u-0 dite) - —l6oAf+e é de- i(d=-2.5P , V0) = 75V -@m) L(st)- 18 wlod-8v -2% 27, =0 (em) -(3™) (204) xt) iA Qn) Loe ——e lo (a) prof, & Wn = Jw, ws os vey wired Gon) lob) f= 169/5-5H2 | @p = 100 Bw = 159./55#z f, = 'D83S.92HZ [ix6 - (6m )] fo 15,995IHZ =, ty = tmA i Io ee SoS ™ f= Rprse Z lo-jt ary a Tor Hee Crurt te be raonant, Y= Yithe » the imaginary pare 4 f meat (4m) be Zero Tk” RRr36 freeman © mlb) = fae, 0FET KD~ Apo s\™ (am) fea. jetca eel © ) x= x9 ~ 2lt- @)* FQ = xd tvd je aa -c*5) om) AS-alt-e)? , = ~ (am) S*Ci-e Ces)” i ae) (0-4, Wood=4v -Q™) i) Y= Q#2 Yd =& xe ts YO -2+2 k £ a w(t) = [e-2e8" Jaco y. -@m) TO=-V0) 2 - 2 . 2 StQ (am) a2le FeF ues b<2 Yo (em , a — uct 33] Be ewe ee ole) =o + Big = a 72 ae » Yay ~ Oh Ve mg) hy = IOS

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