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District 7, Dar-ul-Aman Road, Kabul, Afghanistan. Cell No. 0789793183, 0702375322 Email: Mzubair.ghaznavi@gmail.


Zubair Ghaznavi
Objective To become a member of a well-disciplined, dynamic and competent group, where I could prove
myself as an enthusiastic, creative, career oriented, energetic, and self- motivated person with
strong communication, interpersonal and analytical skills.

Experience 6th Feb 2022 till Now Quality Control Directorate of Water Sector Projects, Ministry of
Energy and Water, Dar-ul-Aman Road, Kabul, Afghanistan.

Senior Financial Specialist

Duties and Responsibilities:

 Establishing sound financial management procedures for the Quality Control Directorate of
Water Sector Projects – in accordance to regulations of Ministry of Finance (MOF) and the
respective donors’ agencies,
 Ensuring the installation of the agreed accounting system for projects in accordance with
regulations of MOF and the respective donors’ agencies;
 Working with the finance team on the preparation and revisions of the Project
Implementation Plan (PIP), Procurement Plans, and Financial Management Manual (FMM)
and systems, in consultation with the project technical teams, and the Managers and
Technical Team of the respected donors, ensuring that the project financial delivery is
according to the implementation and the approved procurement plans;
 Coordinate, along with Finance and Administrative staff, with the Procurement and project
technical teams involved in implementation of the Quality Control Directorate of Water
Sector Projects and other projects;
 Contributing to preparations of weekly, monthly, quarterly financial reports of the project
budget delivery, financial expenditures based on the approved procurement plan and
effectively coordinate with the other team members, sectional managers and ensure the
project implementation runs according to the implementation plan;
 Establishing a comprehensive budgeting system including preparation of annual/ quarterly
budgets for the project in collaboration with the Senior Budget officer;
 Participating in the preparation of the project’s annual work plan, from where the budgets
will be derived;
 Liaising with the central MOF staff regarding all financial issues of the projects;
 Checking the accuracy of B27, M16 and other budgetary forms required to be submitted to
the Ministry of Finance;
 Ensuring timely expenditure reconciliation with the MOF;
 Establishing all financial reporting procedures for the project conform with the Government
and World Bank/ project regulations, and make timely submissions of financial progress
reports and Quarterly Financial Monitoring Reports (FMRs) to the MOF and the World Bank.
 Developing audit/ internal control procedures for the project accounts and liaise with the
International Audit Specialist and the Control and Audit Office/ MOF for the auditing of the
 Any other tasks and responsibilities as required for the implementation of the project and
requested by the Quality Control Directorate of Water Sector Projects Director, Finance and
Accounts Director, etc.

1st December 2020 till 21 December 2021 National Water Affairs Regulation and Authority
(NWARA), Dar-ul-Aman Road, Kabul, Afghanistan.

Deputy Program Director, Central Program Management Office (C-PMO)/ADB,

Key Functions:
 Oversee the day-to-day operations of the CPMO
 Provide oversight on the activities and operation of the ADB funded projects at NWARA .
 Oversee the execution of rehabilitation and development projects
 Assist the CPMO Director and senior management on financial planning, budgeting, cash
flow, Procurement, Human Resource Management, project’s priorities, and policy matters.
 Liaise with donors and relevant line ministries
 Serve as the focal point of and facilitate resolution of issues and/or approval of all matters
pertaining to the projects.
 Provide overall project management oversight, control, and reporting as required by
NWARA as Implementing Agency and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) as a donor.
Team Development:
 Oversee, direct, and organize the work of the CPMO Program
 Promote a culture of high performance and continuous improvement that values learning
and a commitment to quality.
 Promote accountability, communicate expectations and provide constructive feedback via
regular performance reviews.
 Upgrade and implement an appropriate system of policies, internal financial controls,
accounting standards and procedures, adequate Procurement and M&E Standards and
Procedures etc.
 Oversee overall program implementation, reporting and controls.
Specific Tasks:
Specific tasks to be undertaken by the CPMO Deputy Director include, but shall not be limited to:
 Manage the CPMO human resources to ensure effective and efficient operations of the
CPMO, Ensuring and monitoring the process of recruitment of employees based on
competence and competence without discrimination and transparently through free
 Oversee/ supervise capacity building plans, Monitoring and ensuring the realization of
needs assessment and conducting training programs in order to improve the capacity of the
CPMO staff,
 Oversee/ supervise performance evaluation report for each staff annually.
 Oversee/ supervise in developing TORs of any additional consultants/resource persons
needed to achieve the project objectives,
 Oversee/ supervise the procurement of consultancy services and civil works to ensure that
(i) the process is transparent, and (ii) all the activities are performed as per the
Government’s regulations and ADB procurement guidelines and completed within the
procurement plan’s timelines.
 Provide assistance for the Snr. Procurement Manager to prepare construction management
and civil engineering contracts for the implementation of water resource development
investment projects.
 Oversee/ supervise management of logistics in accordance with the needs of the
administration and financial resources.
 Provide oversight on the preparation of the budgetary requirements of the CPMO operation
 Ensuring the good financial execution of the program: supervising the collation preparation
and interpretation of reports budgets accounts commentaries and financial statements.
 Take active part in meetings and conferences related to the Program, maintain regular
communication with ADB, top management of N Identify challenges and providing
recommendations to manage risk of the project and ensure the smooth implementation.
 Provide assistance for the Monitoring and Evaluation team and ADB, to establish practical
monitoring and evaluation procedures capable of tracking and reporting progress.
 Identification and synthesis of best practices and lessons learned directly linked to the
program with a view to future projects.
 Serve as the focal point of and facilitate resolution of issues and/or approval of all matters
pertaining to the program.
 Responsible for the overall activities and official correspondence related to the program
activities in the absence of CPMO Director or as advise
 Other functions and activities as required by CPMO Director and NWARA top management.
 WARA, Ministry of Finance, and other Ministries to support implementation of the projects.
 Supervising the preparation of progress reports and financial reports on the project.
 Working closely with the project director to ensure the overall quality of project planning
management reporting monitoring and evaluation.

8th March 2020 till 27th November 2020 National Water Affairs Regulation and
Authority (NWARA), Dar-ul-Aman Road, Kabul, Afghanistan.

Acting General Director of Finance and Admin

Duties and Responsibilities:

Specialized Tasks:
 Designing and arranging the proposal in accordance with the strategic objectives of the
administration, organizational policies and sharing it with the relevant authorities.
 Ensuring and monitoring the process of recruitment of employees based on competence
and competence without discrimination and transparently through free competition.
 Management and supervision in order to arrangement of proposals for recruitments of new
employees, conversion, resignation, resignation, separation and step of employees for the
purpose of making a decision of the administrative authority.
 Monitoring and ensuring the realization of needs assessment and conducting training
programs in order to improve the capacity of the employees of the office.
 Ensure that employees' system information (HRMIS) is up-to-date (UPDATE) to access
accurate and timely information.
 Monitoring the annual performance appraisal evaluation process and the examination period
of the office employees for better performance.
 Supervise the development and improvement of employee communication and ensure the
provision of a safe and secure work environment in the office.
 Controlling the arrangement of the ordinary budget, development and monitoring of its
realization in cooperation with the relevant branches in order to provide expenses.
 Defending the annual budget plan in the Ministry of Finance in order to provide expenses, in
accordance with the goals and programs of the administration.
 Supervise the execution of employees' salaries on time and at a certain time according to
the electronic system (information system of salaries) in accordance with the instructions of
the Ministry of Finance.
 Supervising the implementation of remittances for normal and developmental purposes of
the relevant fertilizers in accordance with the laws and procedures.
 Control of the order of allocation forms, Modifications in the allocation and delivery of
ordinary budgets to the provinces on a quarterly basis.
 Preparing and arranging the annual financial statement (final) at the end of each financial
year in order to ensure transparency and accountability.
 Manage, monitor and provide transportation facilities for employees in order to perform
official duties.
 Control of registration and registration of real estate, goods and office supplies in the center
and provinces for their effective use.
 Ensuring the maintenance and administration of office buildings and existing systems (repair
and maintenance of water supply, electricity, telephone, heating center, carpentry, painting
and cleaning).
 Management and supervision of logistics in accordance with the needs of the administration
and financial resources.
 Ensuring the procurement affairs in accordance with the applicable legal documents of the
 Supervision, control and management of technical activities related to information and
communication technology (hardware, software, telecommunication system).
 Monitoring and controlling the Network Security system and better regulating matters related
to information and communication technology services.
 Management and supervision of the implementation of gender policies in coordination with
the Human Resources Unit and other departments of the Office.
Management Tasks:
 Preparation and arrangement of monthly, quarterly and annual work plans in accordance
with the goals and strategic plan of the Ministry.
 Identifying and proposing budget requirements based on the President's annual work plan.
 Achieving the goals and programs of the Afghan National Peace and Development Strategy
and the National Strategy for Combating Administrative Corruption in the relevant field.
 Leading and providing timely information within government offices, civil society, media and
citizens of the country, taking into account the objectives of the law on access to information
and policy of the relevant department.
 Observing and ensuring the implementation of the law on administrative enforcement, the
law prohibiting the harassment of women and children, and the regulation of conduct in the
relevant field of work.
 Ensuring transparency and accountability of the work performance of the relevant
department to achieve the required goals.
 Leading and managing employees under the influence to ensure effective and timely
 Evaluate the performance of employees under the influence in order to motivate them to
improve performance, increase efficiency and productivity, determine training needs and
increase capacity building.
 Development and transfer of professional skills by conducting workshops, seminars,
consulting and workflow training for affected employees.
 Submitting quarterly, annual and necessary work reports on activities and achievements in
order to inform the management of the department about the progress of activities and
achievements of the relevant departments.
 Performing other duties assigned by the competent authorities in accordance with the laws,
regulations and objectives of the Office.
Coordination Tasks:
 Provide communication and coordination with procurement companies and timely implementation
of corporate and contractual provisions.
 Coordinating with government and non-government agencies, concluding contracts with private
companies, in order to improve the quality of work of the office and control contracts.
 Provide communication and coordination with various departments of the department in order to
address technical needs and problems.
 Provide communication and coordination with various government departments to solve the
problems of resources and administration of the Energy Services Regulatory Authority.

21st August 2011 till 7th March 2020 Irrigation Restoration and Development Program,
Project Coordination Unit-Development Budget Department, Finance Directorate,
Ministry of Energy and Water, Dar-ul-Aman Road, Kabul, Afghanistan.

Finance & Admin Specialist

Duties and Responsibilities:

 Designing, establishing and maintaining an appropriate project financial management system
including internal controls, budgeting, accounting, reporting and auditing;
 Maintaining up-to-date project accounting books and records for all project activities;
 Preparation of the project financial statements and related project reports including IUFRs on a
regular basis;
 Preparing Financial Management manual;
 Consolidating project financial statements and related project reports when required;
 Submitting project financial statements and related project reports to Donors for review in a
timely manner;
Monitoring and reporting the disbursement status and progress to the project directors and
Donors as required;
 Ensuring that disbursement procedures are in accordance with Donor’s requirements;
 Managing and maintaining the Projects Designated Account (DA);
 Preparing withdrawal applications and monthly bank reconciliation statement in a timely manner;
 Assisting and working with external auditors to complete the annual audit for the project in a
timely manner;
 Submitting the annual project audit report to donors in accordance with the requirement;
 Keeping and filing all accounting vouchers, records, forms, supporting documents and other
relevant financial documents in a systematic manner;
 Follow up with concerned government departments and the donors on financial management
and disbursement issues when required.
 Coordinating with, providing necessary training or assistance to other F&A Staff on project
financial management and disbursement.
 Training staff from the Finance Directorate on financial management of projects.

1st September 2010 till 20thAugust 2011 Independent Directorate for Local Governance
- General Directorate of Municipality Affairs Kabul Afghanistan (IDLG/GDMA), Kabul,

Human Resources Management Analyst

Duties and Responsibilities:

 Assist the Human Resource Management Officer in the performance of his / her duties and
 Organize interview process, ensuring selection and preparation of interview committee, receiving
of interviewees, follow-up with interviewees, required documentation.
 Implement hiring process: Help, conduct, document and verify references in consultation with
hiring manager ensure job contract and all HR/administrative documentation for personnel file is
complete; prepare payroll and submit to Finance on due date.
 Initiate recruitment processes, ensure of approved documentation, advertise new posts on
ACBAR webpage, and organize short-listing process.
 Ensure timesheets are received on time, Maintain and update employee information database,
Leave records (annual and special leave), and benefits such as transport allowances, medical
coverage, Eid bonuses, annual pay raises, special performance awards and central HR files.
 HR policies implementation
 Overall responsible for the Personnel and Capacity building program. Ensure these are
constantly updated and improved
 Coordinate with central office the recruitment selection placement, Training and other personal
actions on GDMA personal that need central office and action/approval.
 Assist in preparation of TORs for the newly recruited positions;
 Assess the tashkeel of each office.
 Advise and assist Department to conduct training at Province/District level as necessary and
appropriate for Municipalities staff.
 Build the capacity of provincial and district municipalities in terms of revenue generation service
delivery, Engineering, Management and social services as mandate by IDLG policy.
 Encode communication / documents of the sub-directorate;
 Draft replies to routine office communications;
 Log and route all incoming and outgoing communications;
 Daily monitoring and supervision of all staff in the Department. Ensure that Job Descriptions are
 Provide quarterly reports and other reports required to the Director
 Perform such other functions as may be assigned from time to time.

1st October 2006 till 31stMarch 2010 Qasr-e-Shireen Sweets Manufacturing Company,
Karachi, Pakistan.
Finance/Admin Officer
Major Duties & Responsibilities:
 Providing and interpreting financial information;
 Monitoring and interpreting cash flows and predicting future trends;
 Analyzing change and advising accordingly;
 Formulating strategic and long-term business plans;
 Researching and reporting on factors influencing business performance;
 Analyzing competitors and market trends;
 Developing financial management mechanisms that minimize financial risk;
 Conducting reviews and evaluations for cost-reduction opportunities;
 Managing a company's financial accounting, monitoring and reporting systems;
 Developing external relationships with appropriate contacts e.g., auditors and bankers;
 Producing accurate financial reports to specific deadlines;
 Managing budgets, arranging new sources of finance for a company's debt facilities;
 Supervising staff, Manage office supplies stock and place orders
 Prepare regular reports on expenses and office budgets
 Maintain and update company databases
 Organize a filing system for important and confidential company documents
 Answer queries by employees and clients
 Update office policies as needed
 Maintain a company calendar and schedule appointments
 Distribute and store correspondence (e.g., letters, emails and packages)
 Schedule in-house and external events
 Perform such other functions as may be assigned from time to time.

2020 – 2022 Dunya University, Kabul, Afghanistan.

 Master of Business Administration (Public Administration), Two Years Program
2006 – 2010 Preston University, Karachi, Pakistan.
Education  Bachelor of Business Administration (Marketing & Finance), Four Years Program
2002 – 2005 Bala Sara Nai Qala, Ghazni, Afghanistan.
 Secondary Education 12Grade
Other 2020 SOE (Statement of Expenditure) Reporting System
Courses  Attended two days training on SOE (Statement of Expenditure) Reporting System
conducted by World bank from 26th and 27th January 2020 at Sky Hall, Main World bank
Office, Kabul, Afghanistan.
2019 Public Investment Management System
 Attended Six days training on Public Investment Management System conducted by World
bank from 23rd.till 28thMarch 2019 at Study Hall, World bank Office, Kabul, Afghanistan.
2018 Financial Cost Benefit Analysis
 Attended Four days training on Financial Cost Benefit Analysis conducted by World bank from
21sttill 24thJuly 2018 at Study Hall, World bank Office, Kabul, Afghanistan.
2018 Public Project Preparation, Costing and Selection
 Attended Six days training on Public Project Preparation, Costing and Selection conducted by
World bank from 6thtill 11thApril 2018 at Study Hall, World bank Office, Kabul, Afghanistan.
2017 ARTF Eligibility Workshop
 Attended two days training on ARTF Eligibility Workshop by World bank from 9th and 10th April
2017 at Serena Hotel, Kabul, Afghanistan.
2017 Financial Management for Development Projects
 Attended Fourteen days training on Financial Management for Development Projects conducted
by UN-FAO from 7thtill 18thFebruary 2017 at Accman Institute of Management, New Delhi,
2015 Financial Management and Disbursement Workshop
 Attended three days training on Financial Management and Disbursement Workshop conducted
by World bank, India from 25thtill 27thOctober 2015 at World bank Office, New Delhi, India.
2015 Anticorruption Seminar
 Attended two days training on Anticorruption Seminar conducted by ADB from 29th and 30th
August 2016 at Safi landmark Hotel, Kabul, Afghanistan.
2015 Disbursement Procedures and Audit Arrangements
 Attended Four days training on ADB Disbursement Procedures and Audit Arrangements
conducted by ADB, India from 25thtill 28thMay 2015 at Metropolitan Hotel, New Delhi, India.
2015 Financial Management Workshop
 Attended three days training on Financial Management Workshop conducted by ADB, from
2ndtill 4th November 2015 at Star Hotel, Kabul, Afghanistan.
2015 ADB Disbursement Procedures and Audit Arrangements
 Attended a Four days training on ADB Disbursement Procedures and Audit Arrangements
conducted by ADB, India from 25th till 27th May 2015 at Metropolitan Hotel, New Delhi, India.
2014 SBPS- State Budget Planning System
 Attended a Four days training on SBPS- State Budget Planning System conducted by Ministry
of Finance, Afghanistan from 25th till 27th June 2014 at Budget Directorate, Ministry of Finance,
2013 Financial Management, Disbursement and Reporting Training
 Attended three-day trainings on Financial Management, Disbursement and Reporting training
conducted by World Bank, Afghanistan from 15th June till 17th 2013 at Serena Hotel, Kabul,
2011 Financial Management and Disbursement Training
 Attended a One-day training on Financial Management and Disbursement training conducted by
World Bank, Afghanistan 7th September 2011 at Serena Hotel, Kabul, Afghanistan.
2010 Public Service Excellence Program
 Attended a three days training on Public Service Excellence Program conducted by UNDP-
ASGP for GDMA-IDLG staff on 28th till 30th November 2010 at inter- continental Hotel, Kabul-
2010 Capacity Assessment & Development
 Attended one day training on Capacity Assessment & Development conducted by the UNDP-
ASGP for GDMA/IDLG on 25th November 2010 at inter-continental Hotel, Kabul- Afghanistan.
2009 Youth Diploma Course
 Attended fifteen days Youth Diploma Course based on five modules workshops on Youth
Capacities for Rule of Law and Good Governance from Higher Education Commission, Karachi,
Pakistan. Names of modules are listed as below.
o Communication skills, art of negotiation and conflict resolution
o Civic Activism for the Rule of Law and Good Governance
o Understanding violence/extremism and its impact on youth
o lslam in the contemporary world
o Citizenship in the age of globalization
Computer Operating systems:
Knowledge  Windows 11, Windows 10 etc.
 MS Office 2019, MS Office2016,
 Ms. Dos 6.22
 Internet
Financial Software:
 Advanced Excel Professional Courses
 Tally ERP9
 Intuit QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions 21
Graphic Software & Applications
 Adobe Photoshop 7.0
 Microsoft Publisher 2019- Microsoft Publisher 2016
 Capable to Provide IT support to the office, including desktop computers, laptops, printers etc.
 Practical work experience in Hardware troubleshooting and Software Installations,
Computer & laptop Maintenance and upgrading, Setup configuration of different main
boards, installation of different devices and replacement of several internal devices.
 Installation of LAN cards and Ethernet cards.
 Capable to Support and Train personal in Computer hardware and software, Microsoft
office, internet, and database usages.
Languages Language Reading Writing Speaking
 English Excellent Excellent Excellent
 Urdu Excellent Excellent Excellent
 Pashto Excellent Good Excellent
 Dari Excellent Good Excellent

Interests Current affairs, Information Technology, Teaching, long drives, photography and travelling

Personal Father Name: Naik Mohammad

Date of Birth: 17th September,1987
Data Nationality: Afghani
NIC No: 768682
Marital Status: Married
Blood Group: AB (Positive)
References Said Moqeem Sadat
Program Director, Central Program Management Office (C-PMO)/ADB, National Water Affairs
Regulation Authority, Dar-ul-Aman Road, Kabul, Afghanistan.
Mobile: +93 786538477, +93 703692554

Sayed Daud Fazli

Human Resource Director
National Water Affairs Regulation Authority, Dar-ul-Aman Road, Kabul, Afghanistan.
Mobile: +93 (0) 700 081 020, 020 252 2428
Najeeb Ahmad Sherzad
Acting Project Co-ordination Director,
Project Co-ordination Directorate, National Water Affairs Regulation and Authority (NWARA),
Dar-ul-Aman Road, Kabul, Afghanistan.
Mobile: +93 (0) 711 066 528

Note: All Original documents will be attached only If/when required.

Thank you very much for reviewed Cover letter and C.V.

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